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adversity may intensify feelings

"romeo and juliet" the fact that their parents did want them together, made them want each other more.

kinsey continuum



(not talking about narcissism). showing positive emotion. response to other people.


=mere exposure effect: mere repeated exposure of a person to a stimulus is sufficient condition for the enhancement of their attitude toward it. =limitations: a neutral or positive attitude to start to enhance your liking. ----doesnt work if you put a racist with a median they already have attitude towards one another


ATTRACTION and or EROTIC DESIRE for the same sex

prevalence of sex change

M-->F is more prevalent

facts about sex change

M-->F is more prevalent F-->M are more well adjusted, stable relationships, more invisible. they are less detected by society. 1966 was first sex reassignment surgery in the states at john hopkins.

male vs. female differences in masterbation (orgasm)

Men tend to slow down or stop stimulation during orgasm Women ten to prefer continued stimulation during orgasm via clitoris

psychological androgyny

a state characterized by possession of both stereotypical masculine traits and stereotypical feminine traits.


a state of intense absorption in or focus on another person, which is usually accompanied by sexual desire, elation, and general physiological arousal or excitement; passion.

Oedipus complex

according to psychoanalytic theory, a conflict of the phallic stage in which the boy wishes to possess his mother sexually and perceives his father as a rival in love




an experience with another person such as a friendship in which intimacy is present, but passion and commitment are lacking.(types of love) *sternbergs triangular model*

homosexual male sexual acts

anal sex, fallatio, mutual masterbation, interfemoral intercouse (rubbing of the penis in-between the legs of their partner)


another word for homosexual. gays prefer this because it represents friendship.

lack of reciprocation

anxiety, preoccupation, inability to think or work if that person does give you the same feedback or doesn't notice you.


attraction; especially in attitudes and values. acid conflicts and makes you feel good. reassurance. Background Factors-religion, education, peace, gender, drinking habits, height, weight, views.. homogamy-like marrying like (marriage most stable)

families who communicated sex

children tend to delay initial sexual intercourse, more likely to use contraception the being sexually active.

when learning about sex....

children would prefer sex education from parents, but many parent do not provide sufficient details. pleasure is left out. most information from peers which have tons of inaccuracy and from media.


closeness, characterized by deep knowledge and understanding of another person

gender roles

complex clusters of behavioral expectations for males and females


concept: way of interpreting experience or processing information.

licking female genital


homosexual female sexual acts

cunnilingus, mutual masterbation, tribadism (sitting onto of the either and moving (grinding) in rhythmic movement)

ATTRACTION and or EROTIC DESIRE for the same sex

define homosexuality


descriptive of transgendered men who are sexually stimulated by fantasies that their own bodies are female


dihydrotestosterone (DHT): insufficient responsible for the genitalia of male. Urethral opening located somewhere other than at the tip of the penis: doesn't interfere with function. it might be slightly uncentered or it might be located on the shaft or want. surgery will reroute the urethra.

homosexual orientation

erotic attraction to, preference for and developing romantic relationships with members of the same gender.

heterosexual orientation

erotic attraction to, preference for, and developing romantic relationships with members of the other gender.


everything is wonderful because that person is giving you the same feedback

male fantasy content

explicit (vulgar), body parts, sexual activity, interchangeable partners, and graphic.

gender roles: traditional feminine roles

expressive relationship orientation submissive/passive innocent dependent


extreme comfort with sexuality


extreme negative feelings toward sexuality. phobics report more parental strictness about sex. phobic parent report having given children less sex info. more women are phobic.

homosexual transgendered men

extremely feminine gay male who seek gender reassignment

3 important purposes masterbation fulfills

feels good, sexual release, and self-knowledge (of ones own body)

sucking male genital



friendship love, which is based on liking and respect rather than sexual desire.

help us rehearse ways of approaching another person, entertainment, permit us to think about things we would never think of doing in reality, imagine having partners who are unavailable to us, re-live memories of pervious experiences (enjoy it again), enhance or intensify arousal (fantasize during sex to reach orgasm).

functions of fantasy

transsexual (old) / transgender (new)

gender dysphoria: inconsistency between anatomy and identity. nothing to do with orientation. a female that feels trapped in a mans body. a male that feels trapped in a woman's body.

functions of fantasy

help us rehearse ways of approaching another person, entertainment, permit us to think about things we would never think of doing, imagine having partners who are unavailable, relive memories of previous experience; enjoy it again, imagine playing another role; woman being more dominant, enhance or intensify sexual arousal in long term relationships; women will fantasize during sex with partner to reach orgasm

mullein ducts

internal female structure (later develop into female anatomy)

wolfing ducts

internal male structures (later develop into male organ)

turner syndrome (XO)

missing and X. problems with ovary development. shorter women, broad chest, infertile, loose skin around neck.


mutual exchange. we tend to reciprocate and like them back. if someone likes you, you tend to like them back. if your like someone and want them to like you, make them feel important. this happens in reverse also --if someone doesn't like you, you won't like them

other forms of masterbation

mutual masterbation: stimulate your partners genitals, kissing, and oral-genital sex




negative attitudes and feelings toward bisexual people, including intolerance, hatred, and fear.

triple X syndrome (XXX)

no major abnormalities. may be less fertile


no sexual desire

differences of sexual fantasy and arousal between genders.

not so much. only differences in content


of an erotic nature and involving members of ones own gender


of an erotic nature and involving members of the other gender.


one of the rodlike structures found in the nucleus of every living cell that carries the genetic code in the form of genes.

gender identity

ones belief that one is male or female


oral stimulation of he anus. slang: rimming, rim job


oral stimulation of the female genitals. eating out


oral stimulation of the male genitals. blow then job


overdevelopment of a males breast

primary sex characteristics

physical characteristics that differentiate males and females and are directly involved in reproduction, such as the sex organs

secondary sex characteristics

physical characteristics that differentiate males and females and that usually appear at puberty but are not directly involved in reproduction, such as the bodily distribution of hair and fat, development of the muscle mass, and deepening of the voice.


physical interactions that are sexually stimulating and set the stage for intercourse.

process of sex-reassignment surgery

psychological evaluation live 1-2 years as desired sex with hormones surgery post-operative counseling (family counseling)

what did masters and johnson find in homosexual couples?

reached higher levels of vast congestion. homosexuals seem more wholeheartedly involved, they were softer and smoother in approach. less demanding and less goal oriented and less dependent on couple for orgasm. all they wanted was to enjoy each other.

variations of intercourse

rear vaginal entry: prevalent in non-human species (doggy style) gives men access to all of a woman's body. clit, boobs, neck. spooning missionary anal intercourse: common, 26%men and 27% females. needs to be inserted slow and gradual. penis should never be inserted from anus to vag or mouth

inter femoral intercourse

rubbing of the penis in-between the legs of their partner

behavior vs. orientation

samba: men swallow semen of a man but this doesn't mean they are attracted to a man. it is just a behavior deemed by their society, prisoners have sex with other men not because they are attracted to men but because they are retained to a certain demographic to release tension.


scientific and clinical term. for a long time it was in the DSM and was considered a mental illness. in 1973 it was removed.


selfless love; a kind of loving that is similar to generosity and charity

atypical sexual differentiation

sex chromosome abnormalities


sexual self-stimulation


sexually stimulated or gratified by wearing clothes stereotypic of the other gender. mostly heterosexual men.


shy + not shy = success --but similar in other ways. you make lack in one area that your partner doesn't which make you compatible.


sitting on top of each other and moving (grinding) in rhythmic movement


the biological stage of development during which reproduction first becomes possible. puberty begins with the appearance of secondary sex characteristics and ends when the long bones make no further gains in length.

missionary position

the coital position in which the man is on top. also termed the male-superior position.

gender stability

the concept that people retain their genders for a lifetime

gender consistancy

the concept that peoples genders do not change, even if they alter their dress or behavior.


the condition defined by undescended testes

sexual orientation

the directionality of ones sexual interests--toward members of the same gender, the other gender, or both.

masterbation fact:myth

was once viewed as a sin, then an illness which causes you to become insane, die, or have cancer. now it is viewed as normal and healthy.


without ovulation

monozygotic MZ twins

twins who develop form the same fertilized ovum: identical twins

dizygotic DZ twins

twins who develop from different fertilized ova: fraternal twins


usually from people who have stricter gender role ideology. men are more homophobic. women can be more masculine or feminine. men don't have a limit on masculinity, but when they are more feminine, they are afraid they don't follow social script.

sexual fantasy and arousal

very powerful, linked with masterbation. there are not many gender differences. only differences in content. WOMEN: less explicit (vulgar) and more complex (romance, intimacy, and affection). MEN: more explicit (vulgar), body parts, sexual activity, interchangeable partners, and graphic.


virgin, no erotic behavior, wait for marriage. haven't acted in sexual behavior. they do have sexual desire.

sex-reassignment surgery process

1. psychological evaluation 2. live 1-2 years as desired sex -hormonal therapy 3. surgery 4. post-operative counseling (family counseling)

stern bergs triangular theory or love

1.commitment (decision, committed to maintain) 2.intamacy (closeness, consecutiveness, emotional) 3.passion (infatuation, arousal, desire)

three ways limerence attachment can end (puppy love)

1.developing into a deeper relationship (see faults but accept them 2.abandonment because of lack of reciprocation. 3.transfer of attention to another limerent object. abandon the first one for another one.

persons responsible for two-stage model (passionate and companionate love which fuels each other)

Bescheid and walsters

female fantasy content

WOMEN: less explicit (vulgar) and more complex (romance, intimacy, and affection)

normal female genes


normal male genes


gender schema

a cluster of mental representations about male and female physical qualities, behaviors, and personality traits


a cluster of negative attitudes and feelings toward gay people, including intolerance, hatred, and fear.


a condition in which people strongly desire to be of the other anatomic sex and live the gender roles of the other anatomic sex.

inguinal canal

a fetal canal that connects the scrotum and the testes, allowing their descent


a fixed, conventional idea about a group of people

dominican republic syndrome

a form of intersexualism in which a genetic enzyme disorder prevents testosterone from masculinizing the external genitalia.

congenital adrenal hyperplasia

a form of intersexualism in which a genetic female has internal female sexual structures but masculinized external genitals.

androgen-insensitivity syndrome

a form of intersexualism in which a genetic male is prenatally insensitive to androgens such that his genitals are not normally masculinized

turner syndrome

a genetically determined condition associated with the presence of only one complete X chromosome and with characteristics including usually infertile ovaries, absence of menstruation, and short stature.

infatuation (types of love) (stern ergs triangular model)

a kind of "love at first sight", in which one experiences a passionate desire for another person in the absence of intimacy and commitment.(types of love) *sternbergs triangular model*

empty love

a kind of love characterized by commitment (to maintain the relationship) in the absence of either passion or intimacy. stagnant relationships that no longer involve the emotional intimacy or physical attraction that once characterized them are of this type.(types of love) *sternbergs triangular model*

companionate love

a kind of love characterized by intimacy and commitment. it often occurs in long-term relationships in which passionate attraction has faded and has been replaced by a kind of committed friendship.


a lesbian who assumes a traditional feminine gender role


a lesbian who assumes a traditional masculine gender role

romantic love

a loving experience characterized by the combination of passion and intimacy but without commitment.(types of love) *sternbergs triangular model*


a person who possesses both ovarian and testicular tissue


a person who possesses the gonads of one anatomic sex but external genitalia that are ambiguous or typical of the other anatomic sex. also termed pseudohermaphrodite.


a pledge, promise, or decision to maintain a relationship

anorexia nervose

a potentially life-greatening eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight, intense fear of becoming overweight, a distorted body image, and, in females, lack of menstruation (amenorrhea).


a powerful, compelling emotion

non love

a relationship in which all three components of love are absent. most of our personal relationships are of this type; casual interactions or acquaintances that do not involve any elements of love(types of love) *sternbergs triangular model*

klinefelter syndrome

a sex chromosomal disorder caused by an extra X sex chromosome

facts about women who engage in cunnilingus (have their genitals licked)

higher self-esteem more likely to have masterbated and have had intercourse more emotionally involved with their partner survey said they are more regular church goers


honey moon phase, contrast with loving someone, intense all or nothing state, max is 2-3 years. become hyper sensitive to other persons signals. 1.reciprocation 2.lack of reciprocation 3.adversity may intensify feelings 4.inseparability 5.idealization of that person partner at a time

conflicts between male vs. female differences in masterbation (orgasm)

in movies it shows men and women reaching orgasm at the same time. this makes that a challenge because both prefer different things when approaching orgasm, women will lose it because men slow down during orgasm. 17% say it does happen but very uncommon.

castration anxiety

in psychoanalytic theory, a mans fear that his genitals will be removed. castration anxiety is an element of the Oedipus complex and is implicated in the directionality of erotic interests.


in psychoanalytic theory, the process of incorporating within ourselves our perceptions of the behaviors, thoughts, and feelings of others.


in your space. availability. not casual but intimate. co-workers and roommates.

XXY syndrome

increased height


insensitivity syndrome (testicular feminization). normal amounts of androgen secreted, but normal target cells are unresponsive. they are XY male but a female genital. born with a complete set of male or female structure, no functional uterus, short vagina, normal clit, ovaries do not work, no uterus.

gender roles: traditional masculine roles

instrumentality achievement orientation power/control aggressive knowledgeable/wise independent

nocturnal emission

involuntary ejaculation of seminal fluid while asleep. also referred to as a wet dream, although the individual need not be dreaming about sex, or dreaming at all, at the time.

cultural beliefs of masterbation

it is selfish because it focuses only on ones own pleasure, is wasteful and unproductive since it does not lead to procreation, only has value as a substitute form of sexual gratification when one is without a regular partner.


laws against anal and oral sex that makes those acts illegal because it doesn't result in procreation. gay males have only been sent to jail for it. bias courts.


like marrying like.


loving attachment and nonsexual affection; the type of emotion that binds parents to children.

male vs. female differences in masterbation (techniques)

majority of men move their hands up and down the shaft of the penis using oil, soap, cream, saliva. not much technique variation. women are more varied. clitoral stimulation mostly but technique is different. circular motion on mons, hood, direct clitoris, tugging on lips, rubbing on hard surface, vibrators for clitoris stimulation. (vibrator orgasms are shown to be more intense)

gay males

males who are erotically attracted to and desire to form romantic relationships with other males.

consummate love

the full or complete measure of love involving the combination of passion, intimacy, and commitment. many of us strive for consummate love. (types of love) *sternbergs triangular model*


the kind of love that is closest in meaning to the modern-day concept of passion

sex assignment

the labeling of a newborn as a male or female. also termed gender assignment.


the ones of menstruation; first menstruation

coitus interruptus

the practice of withdrawing the penis prior to ejaculation during sexual intercourse. also called withdrawal method.


the prejudgment that, because of her or his sex, a person will possess negative traits.

sexual differentiation

the process by which males and females develop distinct reproductive anatomy


the process of guiding people into socially acceptable behavior patterns by means of information, rewards, and punishments.


the psychological state of being female or being a male, as influenced by cultural concepts of gender-appropriate behavior. compare and contrast the concept of gender with anatomic sex. which is based on the physical differences between females and males.


the stage of prenatal development that begins with implantation of a fertilized ovum in the uterus and concludes with development of the major organ systems at about two months after conception.


the surgical creation of an artificial penis

fatuous love

the type of love associated with whirlwind romances and "quick marriages" in which passion and commitment are present, but intimacy is not.

attraction-similarity hypothesis

the view that people tend to develop romantic relationships with people who are similar o themselves in factors such as physical attractiveness, cultural background, personality traits, and interests.

Fantasy vs. Reality

there are many people who have fantasies of something but would never act on it or want to do it. 62% of women undergraduates have fantasies of being raped. they may feel like something is wrong with the but its actually normal.

activating effects

those effects of sex hormones that influence the level of the sex drive but not sexual orientation

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