SHRM Exam 2021

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Ledbetter Act

Statute of limitations resets as the employer issues each allegedly discriminatory paycheck

When creating a benefits program, which key legal factor does the HR benefits leader need to keep in mind?

What government-regulated programs are provided

principled negotiation

a procedure that helps group members negotiate consensus by collaboration through the expression of each differing need and a search for alternatives to meet those needs


a set of beliefs, attitudes, values, and perspectives on how the world works

Cost Leadership

a strategy that aims to provide a product or service at as low a price as possible to a broad audience

Six Sigma

a strategy that identifies and removes the causes of defects and errors in manufacturing and business processes

Particularist Culture

a strong handshake agreement may be sufficient, and requiring a written agreement may be perceived as an insult.

diversity council

a task force created to define the D&I initiative and guide the process

Implied contract exemptions

are difficult to prove but can be created through certain employer actions, promises, or statements made by individuals or the organization as a whole

Hewitt- strive

are movtivated and exert effort toward success in their job for the company

Senge's- Mental models

are our deeply ingrained assumptions that influence how we understand the world and how we take action.

Works councils

are permanent bodies composed of workforce members that represent employees, generally on a local or organizational level

Leniency error

are the result of appraisers who do not want to give low scores. All employees in this case are given high scores.

Benevolent bureaucrats

are willing to partner but have their own agendas. An HR leader must assess the impact these other agendas are likely to have on an HR initiative

Wind surfers

are willing to partner but only to share in any successes. They add little value to the initiative and to the process of gaining support. They simply want to attach themselves to it

needs analysis

assesses and identifies developmental needs at three levels: organizational, task, and individual.

Single loss expectancy (SLE)

asset value * an exposure factor

Theory X managers

assume that employees are basically lazy and extrinsically motivated.

Barriers to risk management: Cultural

barriers ultimately involve what types of mindsets are sought, instilled, and rewarded. Organizations must clearly communicate to their members just what the organization's position and appetite are regarding risk.

Mind mapping and affinity diagramming

begins the discussion with core ideas. The group members add related ideas and indicate logical connections, eventually grouping similar ideas. a way of sorting a large amount of data that has already been collected. The group categorizes and subcategorizes data until relationships are clearly drawn.

Which HR tasks can be effectively outsourced to allow HR to focus on strategic activities?

benefits and payroll administration

design phase

broad goals and objectives are developed and broad plans for the treatment of the content and the strategy for implementation are made

scenario/what-if analysis

can be used to test the possible effects of altering the details of a situation to see how the outcomes will vary under different conditions.

70-20-10 ratio

challenging assignments (70%), developmental relationships (20%), and coursework and training (10%)

Broadbanding (salary bands)

combines two or more salary grades to create larger ranges and give people wide latitude to move within their job without outgrowing the pay scale.

Ratio analysis

compares the relative size of two variables and yields a percentage

safety self-audit

conducted by an employer to assure the organization that employees are following safety-related policies and procedures

An office manager is tasked with contracting with a third party to clean the office building at night. The manager hires his family-owned cleaning business without undergoing a request-for-proposal process. What risk factor does this illustrate?

conflict of interest

effectiveness phase

consists of comparing the program results to the established objectives to determine whether the original needs were met

Quantitative data

consists of objective measurements that can be verified and used in statistical analysis

logic tier

contains the applications that use information in the data tier (databases, stored data) to perform operations

Gary waits until the 2nd interview to begin ranking candidates because he uses a comparison scale to rank all candidates against one single candidate. Gary is subjecting these candidates to what type of bias?


Uniformed Guidelines on Employee Section Procedures

cover all aspects of the selection process, including recruiting, testing, interviewing, and performance appraisals (to the extent that they are used to make employment decisions)

Sustainability sweet spots

create a win-win situation in which the changed products, procedures, or processes have a positive impact on society and/or the environment but also on the organization's bottom line

dilemma reconciliation: recognize

create awareness of cultural differences

Legitimate power

created formally—through a title or position in the hierarchy that is associated with the rights of leadership


cultures are more pragmatic and see the positive potential of change


cultures focus on traditions and tend to resist change

Implicit culture

deals with attitudes and beliefs, not tangible things like language, dress, rituals, life styles, and food

Which describes the environment where adults learn best?

debating ideas is encouraged

Natalie has a voicemail from another employer asking for a reference on a former employee. She is hesitant to return the call because she would not be able to give the employee a positive reference and fears this would prompt an accusation of:



defined as factors that initiate, direct, and sustain human behavior over time

Henri Fayol

defined the functions of management as: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling

Process Analysis

defines a base line and can identify sources of problems

What guidance from HR is useful to an organization that has decided to pursue a greenfield operation?

demographic characteristics of the new location

HR is interviewing candidates who will have to think on their feet and keep calm in high-pressure, high-stakes, and emotionally charged situations. Which leadership development method is best suited to develop this skill?

hardship testing

Which would be an accurate statement about the forces that are shaping organizations' corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies?

has increased individuals' rights to privacy.

Hewitt- stay

have an intense sense of belonging and a desire to be a part of the organization

Tugboat pilots

have good political instincts. They usually have a deep history with the organization and can predict reactions. They can point out other potential allies who may have a related interest and can benefit from an HR initiative

Job enrichment

increases the depth of a job by adding related responsibilities such as planning, organizing, tracking, and completing reports

A company with a dedicated HR structure has locations on several continents. A new labor law in one of these locations impacts the company's overtime rules. What should HR in that location do first to address this change?

inform corporate HR of the new law

How can HR minimize the risk of failure of an organization's diversity initiative?

integrating diversity into the business culture

Qualitative data

involves a subjective evaluation of actions, feelings, or behaviors. It may be assessments of value or significance.


involves both the relationships between nations and the treatment of individuals within national boundaries

External equity

involves comparing an organization's compensation levels and benefits to those of other organizations that are in the same labor market and that compete for the same employees.

Senge's- Systems thinking

is a conceptual framework that makes patterns clearer and helps one see how things interrelate and how to change them.

Senge's - shared vision

is a look into the future that fosters genuine commitment and is shared by all who need to possess it.

What is a business case?

is a request for the allocation of resources to implement a solution to a problem or a plan to take advantage of an opportunity.

Civil law

is a system based on written codes approved by legislative bodies

unfair labor practice (ULP)

is a violation of employee rights as defined in a country's labor statutes

Senge's - Team learning

is aligning and developing the capacity of a team to create the results its members desire.

realistic job preview (RJP)

is any part of the selection process that provides an applicant with honest and complete information about a job and the work environment

Common law

is based on legal precedent: Each case is considered in terms of how it relates to judicial decisions that have already been made

Religious law

is based on religious beliefs and conventions: a mixture of written codes and interpretations by religious scholars


is changing the way an audience sees or feels.

Referent power

is created by the force of the leader's personality—the ability to attract admiration, affection, and/or loyalty

Expert power

is created when a leader is recognized as possessing great intelligence, insight, or experience

Reward power

is created when the leader can offer followers something they value in exchange for their commitment

Which component in an information system enables operations?

logic tier

Country club managers

low task, high relationship) create a secure atmosphere and trust individuals to accomplish goals, avoiding punitive actions so as not to jeopardize relationships

Halo effect

may occur when an employee is extremely competent in one area and is therefore rated high in all categories

horn effect

may occur when one weakness results in an overall low rating.

What does OSHA's General Duty Clause mandate?

mployers must provide a work environment free of recognized hazards to safety.

Bureaucratic black belts

now the organization's systems well and know how to make things happen. They know decision-making processes and requirements

Strategic drift

occurs when an organization fails to recognize and respond to changes in its environment that necessitate strategic change.

Internal equity

occurs when employees feel that performance or job differences result in corresponding differences in rewards that are fair.

Job enlargement

occurs when the employee is given additional, different tasks within the same job

To capitalize on innovation and collaboration, HR must balance certain issues. Which are the most challenging?

openness and security

Watson- Physical

overall health, stamina, energy

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935

passed with the purpose of protecting and encouraging the growth of the union movement. The act established workers' rights to organize and bargain collectively with employers

Red-circle rates

payment rates above the maximum of the pay range

Towers Watson - Well-Being for employee health

physical, psychological, and social

Situation judgment tests (SJTs)

present prospective leaders with sample situations and problems they might encounter in a work environment, along with possible answers

non-compete agreement (NCA)

prevents an employee from leaving to work for one of the employer's competitors

responsibility of marketing 4 Ps

price (how much to charge), product (what to offer), promotion (how to reach potential customers), and place (where or how to sell)

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008

prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of their genetic information in both employment and health insurance

Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986

prohibits discrimination against job applicants on the basis of national origin or citizenship and, at the same time, establishes penalties for hiring undocumented workers, with certain exceptions

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

provided the first expansion of FMLA leave for employees with family members who are covered members of the military

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985

provides individuals and their dependents who otherwise would lose their coverage due to a COBRA qualifying event with an opportunity to continue receiving health-care coverage under the employer's group health plan at the individual's expense

Coercive power

s created when the leader has the power to punish those who do not follow.

total organization compensation expense

salaries+ overtime+ benefits+ and bonuses / total operating costs

Hewitt engagement model

say, stay, and strive

Human capital value added

shows the productivity of retained employees, due perhaps to HR processes such as training for employees and supervisors and compensation strategies.

focus strategy

the positioning strategy of using cost leadership or differentiation to produce a specialized product or service for a limited, specially targeted group of customers in a particular geographic region or market segment

job-content-based job evaluation

the relative worth and the pay structure of different jobs are based on an assessment of their content (e.g., responsibilities and requirements) and their relationship to other jobs within the organization

Threat of Entry

the risk that potential competitors will enter an industry


the selective selling off of parts of the organization that are underperforming or that are no longer in line with the organization's strategy

Cultural ethnocentrism

the tendency to view one's own cultural norms as better than the norms of other cultures in interpreting and responding to decisions or events

Bargaining power of buyers

the threat that buyers may force down prices, bargain for higher quality or more services, and play competitors against each other

Bargaining power of suppliers

the threat that suppliers may raise prices or reduce the quality of purchased goods and services

Blue Ocean Strategy

the unknown market space, untainted by competition. Businesses have competitive advantage because there are no other competitors

benefit costs as a percentage of total payroll costs

total benefit costs/total payroll costs

Health-Care Expense per Employee

total health-care expenses/#of employees enrolled in health-care plan

"push" model training

training is still generally used for required training such as compliance-related subjects

A HR manager observes that team members are refusing to collaborate with a particular team member. When asked for a reason, they reply that they cannot rely on this individual. She is inconsistent and unpredictable. What has this individual failed to establish with other team members?


Which is the best example of direct compensation?

Cash achievement award

Which feedback message will be most useful to the feedback receiver?

"That was a good call. Don't forget the last step in customer service though. Follow up with our HR customers to explain the status of an issue."

What is the correct formula to calculate the monthly voluntary turnover rate?

(Number of voluntary separations during the month/Average number of employees during the month) x 100

Team leaders

(high task, high relationship) lead by positive example, foster a team environment, and encourage individual and team development.

Authoritarian managers

(high task, low relationship) expect people to do what they are told without question and tend not to foster collaboration.

Impoverished managers

(low task, low relationship) use a "delegate-and-disappear" management style. They detach themselves, often creating power struggles.

Middle-of-the-road managers

(midpoint on both task and relationship) get the work done but are not considered leaders.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to all employers, excluding the federal government, with at least how many employees?


Although the founder of an organization is very competent, she has alienated nearly everyone in the organization. Colleagues have tried to share their concerns; however, she does not believe there to be an issue. Rather she believes she merely has a direct approach. Which assessment tool is best suited to display how her directness is impacting others?

360-degree ass

According to OWBPA, when a group of employees is involved, employees age 40 or older must be given how many days to decide if they want to waive their rights to make claims under the act?

45 days

How long after filing with the Department of Labor are ERISA records required to be maintained?

6 years

Which best demonstrates job enlargement?

A bank teller handles deposits and disbursements and also sells certificates of deposit

Greenfield operation

A company builds a new location from the ground up. This represents a major task and a commitment to completely staff and equip the new location.

Brownfield operation

A company repurposes, through expansion or redevelopment, an abandoned, closed, or underutilized industrial or commercial property.

McKinsey: Strategy

A customer-centric culture is a necessary part of HR's attempt to create value for the organization. The strategy provides a plan for creating this value, and it should incorporate input from members throughout the HR organization

How will using a revenue-per-employee metric allow HR to demonstrate the impact of turnover on employee engagement?

A decrease in revenue per employee may correlate with lower employee engagement.

Theory Y manager

A manager who believes that under the right conditions people not only will work hard but will seek increased responsibility and challenge

Theory X and Theory Y

A motivation theory that suggests that management attitudes toward workers fall into two opposing categories based on management assumptions about worker capabilities and values.

Which best defines the concept of moral hazard?

A person engages in risky behavior knowing that someone else will absorb any losses.

Conflict of laws

A situation in which the laws of two or more jurisdictions differ and may exert a different result on a legal case depending on which system is deemed to have jurisdiction.

High-context culture

A statement's meaning includes the verbal message and the nonverbals and social and historic content attached to the statement.

Low-context culture

A statement's meaning is encoded in its words only.

Force Field Analysis

A technique for determining which forces drive a proposed change and which forces restrain it.

A manager overhears two team members accusing each other of being rude and endangering getting the necessary work done on time. Rather than step into the middle of this, the manager asks each person separately about the status of the activity. What method of conflict resolution is the manager using?


What form of equity is an HR function assuring when it conducts annual surveys of compensation practices in its labor markets?


Which organization is least likely to succeed in its strategic planning and management?

An organization that shares strategic plans with top management only to preserve its competitive edge

What is a key employer responsibility under the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act?

Display the OSHA poster in a conspicuous place where it can be seen by all employees.

How can HR provide the most value in the strategic planning process?

By identifying the HR implications of the company's strategy

For some supervisory and managerial openings, recruiters use work samples of job situations that include individual and group activities, in-basket exercises, and work-related performance tests to evaluate a candidate's abilities. The results are reviewed by a panel of trained assessors. What is this assessment method called?

Assessment center

How often should an organization review the components of its enterprise risk management framework?

At an agreed-upon and regular interval

What is the first step in an HRIS implementation?

Assessing organizational needs

A.D.D.I.E. Model of Training

Assessment Design Development Implementation Evaluation

How does an Internet recruiting approach provide the greatest benefit to a global organization?

By increasing the volume of applicants for positions under tight time frames

McKinsey: Staff

Ability to deliver customer service is a criterion for selecting HR professionals. HR professionals are rewarded and recognized for exceptional acts of customer service.

Which statement is correct under the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Accommodation is not required if it results in undue hardship for the organization.

What is a good way to signal acknowledgment but not necessarily comprehension or agreement in a face-to-face conversation?

Eye contact

A competency-based pay approach works best in an environment that fosters which of the following?

Acquiring knowledge and skill that enhances employee performance and satisfaction

Which action would be most important in building trust with a colleague?

Acting consistently in line with shared values

What budgeting method is based on how much it costs to perform different enterprise activities and allocates funding according to the strategic significance of the activities?

Activity-based budgeting

What does an HR audit measure?

Adequacy of policies, practices, procedures, and strategies to support HR's goals

Which best describes how adult learners differ from younger learners?

Adults refer to past experiences and want opportunities to share them

Several employees were hurt in an accident in the manufacturing department. To evaluate the effectiveness of the organization's risk controls, HR conducted a meeting with the department supervisor. Which document would provide the best information for this meeting?

After-action debrief

Which is a core labor standard of the International Labour Organization?

Age limits for hazardous work

An HR team has mined the ERP database for data related to implementation of the performance management system. What step must they complete before proceeding to analysis of the data?


A manager of a new restaurant is having difficulty with her chef's interaction with servers as well as the quality of food he is preparing. After consulting with her HR partner, they plan to develop a performance management system. What is most critical to the effectiveness of the performance management system?

Aligned individual contributions that drive organizational results

Equitable compensation

Aligns compensation with external market value and internal strategic value; ensures equity internally (with employees performing the same job)

A small publishing firm believes that it is too small to benefit from strategic planning. Which short-term benefit is the best choice for HR to use in influencing leaders to begin the strategic planning process?

Allocating resources more effectively

Portal-to-portal Act

Amended FLSA and defined additional rules for hours worked.

An HR director is tasked with the fiduciary duty for the organization's retirement plan. What action best describes this obligation?

An HR director is tasked with the fiduciary duty for the organization's retirement plan. What action best describes this obligation?

New business

An employee may leave an organization but come back as a client.


An order which legally prevents something - legally binding

PESTLE analysis

Analysis of the external political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors affecting a business

The staffing plan turns analysis data and organizational objectives into reality. What type of analysis is most likely to be considered in the development of a global staffing plan?

Analysis to determine gaps between current and future staffing requirements

Levels of law

Analyzing laws by their areas of control: national, subnational, supranational, international

Which best describes the concept of a stakeholder?

Anyone who shares in the value of an organization and its activities

Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)

Approach to determining the financial impact of an organization's activities and programs on profitability, through a process of data or calculation comparing value created against the cost of creating that value.

The HR director and union representatives are unable to resolve a formal grievance at either the local or national level. What is the next step in the formal grievance process?


How is a written code of conduct used in today's work environment?

As a decision-making tool to guide employees and their actions

The HR team has recently revised the company code of conduct in order to connect the code with the organization's values more clearly. Before posting the finished code of conduct to the organization's intranet, what additional step should the HR team perform?

Ask leaders to adopt the code formally and communicate its rationale to employees.

During the year-end performance appraisal, an HR team member expresses surprise at her "does not meet expectations" rating. The HR manager had rated her as "exceeding expectations" in each of the last three years. How should the HR manager respond?

Ask the employee if and how she disagrees with specific performance criteria assessments.

For much of a meeting, one team member is unofficially leading the discussion while several others are quietly listening. What should the manager leading the meeting do?

Ask the quiet participants for their reactions.

A technical recruiter receives a job description from a hiring manager. One of the requirements listed by the manager states that the position is not ideal for single parents. Which risk management strategy should the technical recruiter use to avoid similar situations in the future?

Avoid the risk by training hiring managers and reviewing all job descriptions before use.

How do the International Labour Organization's legally binding conventions impact the practice of HR?

By influencing standards that create employment legislation in member states

Which is a key provision of the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) of 1990?

Benefits offered to older workers must be equal to those offered to younger workers.

An HR organization is concerned that its current approach to onboarding is not supporting the organization's diversity and inclusion goals. What type of audit could help the organization set specific targets for improvement?

Best practices

How should an HR professional make a strong business case for incorporating a diversity and inclusion strategy in an organization?

By linking it directly to the organization's mission, vision, and business objectives

workforce analysis

gathers data about the current workforce and forecasts future workforce needs

An HR professional is compiling the questions for an upcoming institutional engagement survey. How best can she determine the most effective survey questions?

By linking the questions to business objectives

Which recommendation would you make to a new HR practitioner concerning investigating workplace complaints?

Become familiar with the requirements of labor contracts and local laws.


Behavior is driven by intrinsic factors (innate desires) and extrinsic factors (workplace hygiene). Intrinsic factors: challenging work, meaningful impact of work, recognition Extrinsic factors: job security, pay, conditions

As part of screening interviews, recruiters use an interview style that focuses on how applicants handled real life situations in the past as a way to qualify them for their openings. What type of interview technique is being used?


Which best describes the impact of having senior leaders directly involved in a diversity council?

Being a catalyst for change that aligns functions and responsibilities and creates greater commitment, efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity

A large and growing health-care insurer is reluctant to increase staff size because of volatility in its market. The HR department, however, is so busy that staff finds it difficult to accomplish more than basic administrative tasks. Which task should HR consider for outsourcing?

Benefits management and administration

An employee complains about a colleague working remotely two days a week when policy allows for only one remote day. The manager reveals that the colleague has an autistic child at home and goes to therapy on those days. What ethical violation has the manager committed in this situation?

Breach of confidentiality

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

Brings about equality in hiring, transfers, promotions, compensation, access to training, and other employment-related decisions.

The recent departure of two leaders has delayed implementation of the organization's strategic plan. HR wants to assure that this never happens again and has requested all functional leaders to identify potential successors for their position. The responses identify individuals who are positioned directly below or closest to the job grade within the same function. HR schedules a meeting to discuss the submissions. What should be the key agenda topic of this meeting?

Broadening the identification of potential successors

Activity-based budgeting

Budget system based on expected activities.

An economic comparison of options for a new applicant tracking system shows that the cost of the system best suited to meet the organization's long-term goals exceeds the amount management has budgeted. What should the HR manager present to management to support the purchase of the more expensive system?

Business case

In a growth-share analysis which business would be considered a question mark?

Business line with steady growth in new market segment

How must HR strategy account for political factors?

By adjusting organizational policies to comply with varying environmental regulations in different locations

During the employee selection process, how can HR identify an employee who is more likely to become engaged in the organization?

By assessing how well the candidate will fit with the organization's culture

How would an organization best defend against a claim of adverse impact?

By demonstrating work-related requirements

How can technology advance HR's role in supporting a culture of compliance?

By enabling secure and scalable databases to store employment documents

How should an HR leader best address the perception of HR as a cost center?

By ensuring that HR services are aligned to the organizational strategy

An employee is faced with an ethical dilemma dealing with a supplier. How should the code of ethics support the employee?

By guiding decision making and behavior

How do the three spheres of sustainability support an effective corporate social responsibility (CSR) program?

By offering an all-encompassing view of how an organization should function

How do robust orientation and onboarding activities contribute to a new hire's engagement?

By providing employees with tools and strategies to be successful

Leadership has requested HR to design a program to allow employees to telecommute. How will this advance the organization's sustainability?

By reducing organization's carbon footprint

An organization is sending salespeople into a new territory where bribery is common. How can HR support the code of ethics in this environment?

By reviewing current ethical guidelines and creating specific guidelines on bribery if necessary

How can HR help prevent its organization from committing an unfair labor practice?

By training management on allowed speech

Some managers in an organization rate their employees' performance as uniformly high. An HR audit reveals that business outcomes do not support these higher employee assessments. Recommendations include changing the appraisal method to the behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS). Which method's shortfalls are mitigated by using BARS?

Category rating

The 70-20-10 model created by the Center for Creative Leadership identifies three clusters of experiences to develop people. Which type of experience does the 70 in the model represent?

Challenging assignments

Which factor has the greatest impact on maintaining peak performance?

Challenging assignments

An organization is projecting future employee flow based on past transition rates. Which potential outcome is most likely from this approach?

Change can diminish the accuracy of the flow projection.

Which best illustrates the principle of sustainability in the workplace?

Changes to a headquarters location are weighed against the effects on stakeholders.

Which motivation theory appeals to an employee's need for achievement?


Which is the most appropriate use of online analytical processing?

Calculating a company's use of leave to determine the effective value of its leave policy over the past five years

An employee recently filed a grievance against an employer with his union. When the employee came in for his shift the following day, the supervisor sent him home. Which should HR advise the employer to do?

Call the employee back to work immediately

What is the best way to implement an organizational policy on the use of social media?

Clarify prohibitions for social media behavior in the handbook or code of conduct.

What has become a popular solution to the problem of the volume of data created by big data strategies?

Cloud computing

HR is in the process of recruiting a senior-level position for a global organization. Which benefit might distinguish the organization from the competition?

Club membership

What document is a formal statement describing a company's principles and the business practices that support those principles?

Code of conduct

A strategic project meets the defined objectives but is unsuccessful in its impact to the strategy. Which action in the project planning process has the project manager overlooked?

Collaboration and agreement on how the project purpose supports the overall strategy


Collaborative decision making and group problem solving are embraced. Employees actively participate in the decision-making or goal-setting processes.

Which action can be taken by HR to help prevent industrial actions?

Communicating the perspective of employees to management

When conducting a benefits needs assessment, what is the next step HR should take after analyzing the design and utilization data for all benefit plans?

Compare organizational needs, employee needs, and current benefit offerings

Which is one of the negative social effects of global technological forces?

Complexity of privacy issues

The term "cultural relativism" is best demonstrated by which of the following?

Concept that holds that there are no absolutes and everything is based on the situation

Which is the best approach to use during a training needs analysis in a workforce with low power distance?

Conduct needs analyses in a participative manner

A manufacturer assembles commercial equipment in its host country, using components purchased from small manufacturers in other countries. Pursuing a new corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy, the manufacturer has reviewed its own processes for potential environmental improvements related to energy and waste. HR has been directed to survey employees' workplace impressions, implement engagement practices, and initiate volunteer programs with local community groups. What else is HR in a good position to do to advance the CSR program?

Conduct workplace compliance audits for supply chain partners.

Which evaluation method is best for an emergency response plan?

Conducting a crisis drill

New leadership is in place at a large retailer, resulting in a business unit undergoing a detailed review of its support of the organizational strategy. It has been identified that the benefit offerings are not reflective of the organization's total rewards philosophy and that many benefits overlap, creating inefficiencies. Which action should be taken first by HR to remedy the situation?

Conducting a utilization review of all benefits

Which record-keeping practice ensures record retention compliance?

Conducting annual audits

An organization recognizes the benefit of long-tenured employees-they provide valuable experience that is key to its success. What practice can HR use to help ensure that employees remain with the organization for a longer period of time?

Conducting realistic job previews

Which best describes the ethical and/or compliance problem raised by a company employee having a separate consulting contract with one of the company's clients?

Conflict of interest

A line manager approaches HR to explore ways to increase cross-training among her employees. How can HR meet the manager's need while increasing employee engagement?

Consult with the manager to understand which duties of the specific role incorporate higher levels of decision making.

Lag market competition

Controls labor costs by setting pay rates below those of other organizations May be used because of economic necessity May enable an organization to offset other higher costs such as purchasing, distribution, or sales expenses Typically will offer other benefits such as learning and development, attractive roles via career paths, etc.

Effective global organizations recognize the value of travel in developing cultural awareness and appreciation. Why might short-term travel assignments be less effective in achieving these goals?

Coping with cultural differences and overcoming culture shock takes time and multiple exposures.

Which factors provide the best basis for determining future global staffing requirements?

Corporate and HR strategic plans

Which three generic strategies for success are identified in Michael Porter's model?

Cost leadership, differentiation, focus

A manager uses his skill with people to smooth over problems and to make his employees feel secure in their positions. According to the Blake-Mouton theory, what leadership style is the manager using?

Country club manager

Employment practices liability insurance

Covers legal costs regardless of the outcome.

What is the best way to deliver negative feedback to a subordinate?

Create a work environment in which employees feel valued even when negative feedback is necessary.

What is the primary driver of aligning the HR business unit and functional area strategies to the organizational strategy?

Creating a line of sight between individual work and organizational results

An HR director recognizes the need to work with a preferred staffing vendor to address the organization's short- and long-term staffing needs and to help streamline recruiting for specialized positions in several departments. This approach falls into which category of the organization's talent acquisition strategy?

Creating a talent pipeline

Due diligence calls for an intensive investigation of an organization being considered for a merger or acquisition in order to understand the risks that could be associated with the deal. Which is an example of a cultural factor that poses potential risk?

Creation of a workforce with a large number of workers who speak different languages

What challenge to effective cross-cultural communication is faced by an organization that believes that its way is the best way and that lacks interest in other ways of reaching a goal?

Cultural ethnocentrism

What is the term for a set of beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors shared by members of a large group and passed down from one generation to the next?


Cultural determinism

Culture defines behavior and therefore excuses some actions and makes changes impossible.

Which two tendencies are critical to acquiring a global mindset?

Curiosity and change acceptance

Which sections of the balanced scorecard include two types of measures that directly impact financial results?

Customer and operations

Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)

Decision-making tool in which a team determines critical characteristics of a successful decision; a matrix is used to score each alternative and compare results.

What advice would you give an HR colleague facing an employee grievance in a unionized environment?

Document all grievance meetings and take notes.

How should an HR director advise a supervisor to engage a typically high-performing employee whose performance has declined the past two quarters?

Discuss with the employee his overall goals and objectives as they relate to the particular role the employee occupies.

How can the HR generalist effectively assess whether to update the policy?

Determine when the last update was, and, if over a year ago, partner with the HR manager to begin the process of updating.

An HR manager discovers a discrepancy between the organization's current compensation policy and the laws of the location the organization operates in. Which is the best first step the HR manager should take to address this?

Determine which regulation most benefits the employee.

What are the key components of a business intelligence system?

Data gathering, data warehousing, query, and reporting


Degree to which a culture follows traditional gender characterizations


Degree to which individuals perceive themselves as members of a group.

Which approach describes the form of data gathering in which experts take turns presenting their assumptions and refining a composite answer but never meet face to face?

Delphi technique

Which stage in the workforce analysis process considers the business challenges an organization faces when creating a forecast of the organization's future workforce composition?

Demand analysis

An employee has a small online business selling a sauce made from the employer's copyrighted recipe. The company handbook forbids any employee from disclosing the employer's proprietary information. What can the employer do?

Demand the employee cease the activity and terminate employment.

Which managerial competency would best support the relationship between the well-being and engagement of employees?

Demonstrating interest in employees as individuals and contributors

An HR team member was recently promoted to a team leader position. He is anxious about making the transition. What should the employee focus on in this new role?

Developing and coaching team members

Which best describes the type of activities aimed at preparing for long-term, future job responsibilities as well as increasing skills for performing the current job?


Which best identifies the difference between training and developmental activities?

Developmental activities have a long-term focus; training activities mitigate current skill gaps.

Which is a potential challenge in trying to build a strong global employment brand?

Different value that countries and cultures may place on different things

Which does not count toward the regular rate of pay for overtime calculations?

Discretionary bonuses

Disparate treatment

Discrimination occurs when an applicant or employee is treated differently because of his or her membership in a protected class

Which evidence provides the best defense if a candidate challenges the organization's selection decision based on a preemployment assessment?

Documentation of the test's validity

In a downsizing environment, which question would be most appropriate to include in an employee opinion survey?

Does your supervisor elicit your opinions about work processes?

An employer with a unionized workplace wants to offer employees gift cards for reporting on a recent union meeting. How should HR advise the employer?

Don't. This would be an unfair labor practice.

Which program gives technical workers the ability to earn as much as they would in a management position?

Dual career ladder

Which legal process requires proof of employment law violation before the government can impose a fine?

Due process

What must be updated in order to guarantee that a job description is a true illustration of the work being performed at any given point in time?

Duties and responsibilities

What would make for the most effective presentation to senior management to ask for the purchase of HRIS technology?

Dynamic presentation that focuses only on key points

Which best describes the benefit of using an employee resource group (ERG) for an organization looking to expand global market share?

ERGs provide valuable insights into the needs of the organization's diverse markets

Which of the following is the best reason to maintain employment records electronically?

Easier storage and access for records that span many years

Which option best defines risk?

Effect of uncertainty on the ability to meet organizational objectives


Effective organizations recognize the value of travel in developing cultural awareness and appreciation

A new HR leader would like to assess the level of employee engagement in the organization. His focus will be on behavioral engagement. Which of the following characteristics should the HR leader look for?

Effort employees put into their jobs

Expectancy Theory

Effort increases in relation to one's confidence that the behavior will result in a positive outcome and reward

Which best describes the impact of manager self-service technologies on internal HR?

Eliminating time-consuming duties for HR managers

A group has formed to organize the annual company picnic. Because one member has experience planning a church fall festival, he volunteers to take the helm. The other employees choose to follow him. Which kind of leadership does this exemplify?


Executives at a company have identified the need to promote diversity and develop a global mindset within the organization. According to Goleman, what leadership ability would best complement this initiative?

Emotional intelligence

Which reward might actually create job dissatisfaction rather than job satisfaction?

Employee A can go to a training event, but only if Employee B succeeds in getting all of her people certified.

Which is an example of an internal factor that is considered in an environmental scan?

Employee skills

The turnover rate among recent hires has increased. Exit interview feedback shows that employees' expectations of the company's culture, vision, and mission have not been fulfilled. What should the company reassess based on these trends?

Employee value proposition

An organization is moving from employees working in silos to a team environment. Which corporate social responsibility activity best supports this initiative?

Employee volunteerism

A high-performing employee has been recommended for an international assignment. Based on the employee's knowledge, skill, and understanding, managers in the home and host countries both support the transfer. What will be the most critical ingredient for the employee to develop a global mindset?

Employee's desire and motivation to learn a new culture

compensation ratio

Employee's pay rate/ Pay range midpoint

Which is a provision of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?

Employees are entitled to return to a similar job with the same pay and status.


Employees are fully concentrated on and completely engrossed in their work.


Employees are involved in their work and have a sense of pride and enthusiasm about it.

Public policy exemptions

Employees may not be fired without cause if this would violate state or federal laws


Employees show high levels of energy and invest effort into their work.

employee value proposition (EVP)

Employees' perceived value of the total rewards and tangible and intangible benefits they receive from the organization as part of employment, which drives unique and compelling organizational strategies for talent acquisition, retention and engagement.

How does the concept of civil law apply to the practice of HR?

Employers are compelled to document and follow legal practices related to employment.

Employment contracts are seen as an exception to what employment principle?

Employment at-will


Employment practices liability insurance

Which managerial behavior would most effectively increase employee engagement?

Encouraging employees to have a proposed solution when they come for assistance with a problem

Which practice should HR recommend to reduce security concerns associated with increased Internet use?

Encrypting employee computers and network communications

What does the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) do?

Enforces penalties for undocumented workers

Which is the best first step when conducting a preemployment background check?

Ensuring that there is a signed release from the candidate

What are the three spheres of sustainability?

Environmental, economic, and social

For an organization to be considered sustainable, what areas of practice are examined?

Environmental, economic, social

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938

Establishes minimum wages, overtime pay, youth employment, and record-keeping standards affecting full-and part-time workers in the private sector and in federal, state, and local governments.

What is the role of HR when it comes to whistleblowing?

Establishing a communication process that allows direct access to upper-level decision makers and protecting whistleblowers from retaliation

Why is ethics an intrinsic part of a corporate social responsibility program?

Ethics dictates behavioral guidelines for an organization

The director of a company's main office reported a colleague from the company's overseas office to HR for dressing inappropriately during the company's annual conference. The colleague, who was hosting the international delegation at the conference, had dressed in her country's traditional attire. What trait did the director display?


Which development approach is best suited for senior leaders?

Executive coaching

Which factor is essential for the success of a diversity and inclusion initiative?

Executive commitment

It is estimated that one-third of Fortune 500 CEOs have remained in their positions fewer than three years. Which does this indicate about executive development?

Executives have the knowledge and intellect to succeed but lack the people skills to build teams or maintain productive relationships.

A key manager is retiring, and the company wants her to keep working in a part-time capacity. She will work 20 hours a week and continue to perform a portion of her old duties. What Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) classification should the HR manager recommend for the manager?

Exempt employee

Which situation best indicates that training is the preferred solution?

Salespeople lack the product knowledge to answer customer questions.

What type of analytical task would be best served by online analytical processing (OLAP)?

Exploring the types of variables that may be affecting attendance rates


Expression of emotion

Marketing and IT are collaborating on a new system that will allow customer service representatives to access and change customer accounts directly (for example, to create sales credits). Which action should HR take to create value for this effort?

Facilitating process training for all users

Also know as Wage and Hour Law

Fair Labor Standards Act

Also know as Wagner-Connery Wages and Hours Act

Fair Labor Standards Act

An engineering company aspires to have a culture that supports a family-friendly environment. What work/life program would support such a culture?

Family assistance program

Which activity is critical to ensure that strategy is implemented effectively?

Feedback on strategic initiatives is obtained on a regular basis from all parts of the organization.

ADDIE model

Five-step instructional design process that governs the development of learning programs. Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and evaluation


Flexibility versus rules.

To better meet the growing need for new parents to balance work with family, which program should HR include as part of the organization's employee benefits?

Flexible work schedules

Pay for performance

Focuses employees' attention on incentivized behaviors; depending on how performance is defined, can have unintended consequences.

For which position and in which situation would a stress interview be most appropriate?

For emergency room nurses, where behaviors can have life or death consequences

HR meets with team leaders to analyze the pros and cons of a suggested change. As a group, they brainstorm on factors that could influence the outcome of the change in both positive and negative ways. The factors are assigned weights in order to quantify the pros and cons and assist the leaders in their decision making. What type of analysis is the group using in this situation?

Force-field analysis

Which is the difference between the formal and informal characteristics of an organization?

Formal characteristics are documented and change less frequently than informal characteristics.


Former employees may return to a company at some point with more diverse experience as well as insider knowledge that allows them to hit the ground running. The level of engagement the employee feels at separation will influence the chances of a valued employee's eventual return.

Industry intelligence

Former staffers can provide industry insight if they maintain friendly relationships with former employers

Which onboarding activity would be the best way to help a management new hire understand and navigate the cultural and political landscape of the organization during the first 90 days on the job?

Fostering organizational relationships and providing frequent opportunities for open discussions

Competency-based pay

Fosters acquisition of knowledge and skills and enhances employees' performance, satisfaction, and self-efficacy.

International Labour Organization (ILO)'s eight core labor standards

Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize,Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining,Forced Labor,Abolition of Forced Labor,Minimum Age,Worst Forms of Child Labor,Equal Remuneration,Discrimination,

What is the correct term for the right of an individual worker to unite with other workers to promote desired employment conditions as a group?

Freedom of association

Which is a critical component of maintaining electronic employee records as opposed to paper-based records?

Frequent backups of all data

How has the role of the HR professional evolved?

From operational to strategic

Which is a trait of an effective leader?

Fulfilling promises and commitments

A supervisor overhears an employee talking on the phone about a test for a hereditary form of breast cancer, and the supervisor subsequently denies the colleague a promotion based on this information. Which legislation does this action violate?


An organization is researching labor costs for similar operations and projections by a government labor agency on the availability of certain types of skilled employees. What stage of the workforce analysis process is the organization completing?


Which best describes the process of sourcing?

Generating a pool of qualified applicants

What U.S. employer action does the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) require?

Give plan participants a summary of benefits and coverage prior to an enrollment change.

Which of the following actions is most likely to reduce job burnout?

Giving employees control over their work

A cosmetics company that denounces animal testing as a primary part of its branding was recently reported to be working with suppliers that routinely test on animals. Which aspect of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy is misaligned?


What type of system does HR help develop that puts rules and processes in place for the organization to go by?


Which term describes a system of rules and processes put in place to ensure adherence to laws, rules, norms, and social codes of conduct?



Gratification of individual desires

What is the implication to the HR function of the increased use of applicant tracking systems (ATS)?

Greater ease in measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the recruitment process

What term refers to a company building a new global location from the ground up?

Greenfield operation

gross profit margin

Gross Profit/Net Sales

A business partner is leading an employee committee tasked with developing a program of employee appreciation events. Two of the committee members are embroiled in what has become personal antagonism. They interrupt each other during meetings and are rude in front of the others. How could the business partner have best avoided this situation?

Ground rules for behavior in meetings should have been established at the first meeting.

A new employee is experiencing performance problems. What should HR do as a first step in determining the root cause of the employee's performance challenges?

Guide the supervisor to discuss the performance issues with the employee.

How do HR analytics differ from HR metrics?

HR analytics provide context to data.

An organizational crisis is rapidly unfolding as several key employees have been killed in a car accident. How can HR best contribute to rapid recovery of operations?

HR can fill in or supplement workforce gaps with the best qualified employees.

McKinsey: Shared values

HR leaders communicate to function members a commitment to quality performance and customer service. The message must be explicit; it must be communicated through various media and at meaningful times, such as during onboarding and at regular meetings and individual performance meetings.

McKinsey: Structure

HR leaders must take steps to change HR's structure if it slows or prevents HR professionals from delivering quality work to their customers. This can involve empowering HR professionals to make changes to meet customer needs and to correct mistakes quickly. It may involve creating a position or group to continually assess customers' perceptions of HR service.

McKinsey: Skills

HR leaders undertake to assess the competencies among HR staff to deliver quality customer service and to address gaps through training and development (e.g., training in communication, conflict resolution)

What undergoes a systematic and comprehensive evaluation during an HR audit?

HR policies, practices, procedures, and strategies

HR has been approved to expend financial and staffing resources for the upcoming fiscal year on a staffing plan. Who would likely be chosen to participate in the plan development and implementation?

HR staff member with 17 years' experience who has participated in job analyses for many of the jobs

Which can best be used in the evaluation of the outcomes of a compliance program?

How willing the participants are to report issues of noncompliance

Which reason best describes why an organization may decide to keep records for longer than the mandatory record retention requirements specify?

Longer statutes of limitations for certain common-law claims

Which is an example of a job specification for a line supervisor?

Has five years of experience

A benefits manager notices that several senior-level employees in her department are disengaged. The manager meets with the employees and discovers that they feel confined to the office and have actually become bored with their jobs. Which activity should best assist with this low-level trait engagement?

Have the employees create and present a new wellness series.

What does HIPPA stand for?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

What is the value to HR in implementing a pre-employment assessment in the hiring process?

Helps HR gain insight on job-related candidate information

In which way do Herzberg's motivational hygiene theory and Maslow's basic needs theory differ?

Herzberg's theory focuses on only job-related needs, while Maslow's theory includes basic survival needs.

Engagement drivers differ from country to country, making it important to understand cultural differences that may influence survey results. In a multinational organization, in which type of culture may employee surveys be less acceptable?


HR issues a great deal of communications during the year. A new HR manager wants to assess whether these messages have been effective. What metric would be useful?

High levels of engagement throughout the organization

Which feature should HR incorporate into a pre-employment test for a position that requires a high degree of accuracy, with any mistakes by the incumbent being dangerous?

High validity

Rivalry among existing competitors

High when competition is fierce in a market and low when competitors are more complacent

A manager has lost several staff members to a competitor in the last quarter but continues to meet her team targets. Which type of report can HR share to ease this manager's dismay over losing staff?

Human capital value added

An organization has hired a new HR director. Which action should the director take first after meeting and getting to know the HR staff?

Identifying and understanding internal and external stakeholders

An organization needs to prioritize spending for its risk management initiatives. Which is the first step the HR leader should take?

Identifying processes and individuals critical to the organization's delivery of value

The vice president of operations has asked the chief human resources officer (CHRO) to determine the risk levels across the organization's three offices. With the help of the HR team, the CHRO conducts surveys, interviews, and focus groups to collect data. During which phase of the risk management process are these activities occurring?

Identifying risks

Threat of substitution

If the threat is high, an organization may be forced into competing on price, and HR will need to develop a strategy that promotes cost efficiency. If the threat is low, the organization will have more capital to invest. HR may focus on developing an entrepreneurial culture.


Individuals are motivated by innate needs, such as competence and relatedness but also needs for: Autonomy, or the need to feel that one has control over one's life. Purpose, or the sense that one's actions have effects beyond the individual or the workplace.

During which stage of strategic planning do managers develop action plans and assign staff members to projects?


An organization has implemented a recruitment and hiring program to increase the diversity of its workforce, but the retention rate for new hires is low. What step would offer the most help in correcting this problem?

Implementation of employee resource groups

Big data brings with it three requirements: volume (the ability to store massive amounts of data), velocity (the ability to refresh data rapidly), and variety. What does variety refer to?

Importing, storing, and integrating data in different formats

A company that receives federal contracts learns that an employee has recently been convicted of a drug-related offense. The employee has a signed acknowledgment form in their personnel file. Under the Drug-Free Workplace Act, what action must the employer take?

Impose a sanction on the convicted employee or require satisfactory participation in a rehabilitation program

What type of business problem is solved most appropriately by using Six Sigma tools?

Improving quality


Individuals are motivated by three basic desires: Achievement (accomplishment) Affiliation (feeling part of a group) Power (influence or control over others)

A firm has just announced a major reorganization to its employees. Which is most likely to happen first after the initial shock of the news?

Individuals may deny the reality of the change.

The HR director learns that an employee who has already met the sales goal for the month is keeping extra sales secret. She is moving the extra sales to the next month in order to ensure that future goals are met. Which should the HR director do first? Answers

Inform the employee's manager and coach him on how to address the issue with the employee.

Which statement best describes the relationship between diversity and inclusion?

Inclusion enables an organization to leverage the strategic value of diversity.

What financial document lists the revenues, expenses, and profits of an organization for a designated period of time?

Income statement

Which best identifies the outcome of requiring all employees to be trained in business continuity and disaster recovery plans?

Increased confidence among organization stakeholders

What form of budgeting uses the prior year's budget as the basis for the next budget?

Incremental budgeting

Not covered under FLSA

Independent contractor


Individual control over one's destiny

What is the most accurate statement about motivating employees?

Individual motivators can vary among individuals.

Needs Theory

Individuals are motivated by a desire to satisfy certain needs

A employee learns that a coworker earns a higher hourly rate for the same job and asks the supervisor for a pay increase. As a result, the supervisor prohibits employees from discussing their pay. The supervisor is participating in which unfair labor practice?

Interfering with employees' engagement in concerted activity

Which technology has the biggest impact on benefits administration?

Internet access

HR is in the process of creating clearly defined, consistent job descriptions for a global environment. Which common challenge should HR anticipate?

Interpretations of job functions may vary.

A manufacturing organization's office employees are arriving late to work on a consistent basis. A focus group is conducted, and it is discovered that the employees' morning commute has changed significantly due to highway construction. Which of the following should HR recommend the organization implement to support the temporary needs of employees?

Introduce a flextime policy with bandwidth hours

An HR professional receives an anonymous tip alleging unethical practices on the part of a top-performing sales professional. The organization takes ethical issues very seriously. Which action should the HR professional take with regard to the allegations?

Investigate and establish any available factual information related to the allegation.

A company designs and manufactures sophisticated and unique components for satellites. Its product development process can take a decade. It forecasts steady growth and demand for designers and technicians. What strategy is the company most likely to use to meet its workforce needs?

Investing in developing and retaining knowledgeable and skilled employees

A department employee submits a complaint to the HR manager stating that a lack of trust prevents the employee from approaching the department manager when problems arise. How should the HR manager respond?

Invite the employee to a meeting to discuss the complaint in greater detail.

How does the Weingarten case apply to an investigatory meeting to obtain information that is the basis for disciplinary action?

It allows a union representative to be present during the meeting.

How does the use of benchmarking improve the creation of an organizational strategy?

It allows for an understanding of best practices.

Why is it important that employees understand how day-to-day activities support the strategic goals of the organization?

It drives employee behavior, as the connection to how they are able to contribute is evident.

Which best describes how an organization's focus on diversity is a benefit to its recruitment efforts?

It enhances the employment brand to attract talent.

In global staffing, why is it important to use a common approach for analyzing and describing jobs?

It facilitates communication and decision making about jobs.

What approach is most characteristic of succession planning?

It focuses on long-term global issues.

Employee engagement

It is an outcome-driven concept—certain employee and employer/workforce characteristics can lead to employee behaviors that positively influence individual- and business-level performance

When jurisdiction shopping, where is a plaintiff more likely to file a legal suit?

Locale that historically provides the desired results

What is the implication of an organization using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards to create an enhanced and comprehensive sustainability strategy?

It is easier to evaluate performance and progress against industry and global benchmarks.

What characterizes a learning organization?

It manages change and adapts to its environment.

Which characteristic is associated with the Six Sigma project management approach?

It measures value and uses evidence-based analysis.

Which of the following is a primary advantage of the balanced scorecard?

It relates the performance of business functions to the organization's mission.

Which generally describes governments' involvement in unions?

It varies from country to country.

An organization is in the process of updating its compensation system and has started the task of evaluating jobs and grouping those with similar duties together. Which documents would be most useful for this purpose?

Job descriptions

Factory workers from the assembly department are assigned to the shipping department every other week. Which type of career development program are these workers participating in?

Job rotation

Which alternative staffing arrangement meets the needs of an organization that is experiencing turnover in professional service positions due to employees desiring to work fewer hours?

Job sharing

A recruiter recently posted an opening for a mid-level manager. After reviewing the candidate applicant pool, it is determined that the candidates do not have the desired experience. What should the recruiter focus on in order to attract candidates who have the desired experience?

Job specifications

Job classification method

Jobs are categorized into classes or grades.

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are quantifiable measures of performance used to gauge progress toward strategic objectives or agreed standards of

Which technology has the primary mission of sharing information in meaningful ways to augment employee performance?

Knowledge management systems

Bloom's taxonomy

Knowledge, or remembering facts. Recognition of learning content when content is presented differently. Application of learning to an example in order to draw a conclusion or to identify a principle at work. Using learning content to analyze the causes or possible outcomes in an example. Using learning content to create new solutions to a problem. Making judgments about the value of materials and methods for given purposes

What type of communication helps ensure an employer's compliance with federal, state, and local law?

Labor Posters

Due process

Laws are enforced only through accepted, codified procedures, thus avoiding arbitrary treatment and abuse of power.

Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership

Leaders adapt their behaviors to meet the evolving needs of team members. Like Blake-Mouton, the behaviors involve tasks and relationships. As team members grow in skill and experience, leaders supply the appropriate behavior

Emergent Theory

Leaders are not appointed but emerge from the group, which chooses the leader based on interactions.

Fiedler's Contingency Theory

Leaders change the situation to make it more "favorable," more likely to produce good outcomes. Unfavorable situations must be changed to improve group (and leader) effectiveness

Behavioral Theories

Leaders influence group members through certain behaviors.

McKinsey: Style of Leadership

Leaders must model in all their actions the values they have identified for the HR organization—for example, supporting customer focus even when it may require additional resources. They must be willing to invite HR employees to participate in problem solving and decision making

Trait Theory

Leaders possess certain innate characteristics that followers do not possess (and probably cannot acquire)

Which should be included in manager training for an organization's diversity and inclusion strategic initiative?

Leading diverse teams effectively and fostering an inclusive work environment

What type of organization embraces change, tolerates risk, and views failures as an opportunity to learn?

Learning organization


Level of effort depends on: Expectancy. (With reasonable effort, the employee can succeed.) Instrumentality. (Success will result in a reward.) Valence. (The reward is meaningful to the employee.) All three factors must be addressed to create motivated employees.

Uncertainty avoidance

Level of tolerance of ambiguous, new, or changed situations

HR works with IT to develop policies and procedures for Internet use and social media posts on the organization's network. Which best describes the impact of this policy?

Limiting legal liability and ensuring data security

Which is an example of an external factor that is considered in a SWOT analysis?

Local legal policies

What demonstrates the use of artificial intelligence in an organization?

Machine learning chatbot that answers benefit questions and gets smarter as it collects more information

A company decides to lower payroll costs by hiring an organization to assume full responsibility for its IT department. What is this process called?

Managed services

A sales organization's leadership team has just announced a very aggressive five-year sales plan. Which performance management method should HR suggest to support the plan's achievement?

Management by objectives method to measure goals and objectives

Which best describes how management differs from leadership?

Management maintains order, while leadership produces and manages change

A hospital director wants to identify the best candidate for head nurse among currently employed nurses. Which type of assessment would be most effective in evaluating candidates?

Manager assessment

Which employee must be paid overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?

Manager who earns $450 per week

Which work relationships are most closely tied to creating and sustaining employee engagement?

Manager-employee relationships

An elder care service organization is challenged with retention of staff. Recently the service director left the organization with little notice. HR wants to prepare for future unplanned vacancies to avoid any disruption in client services. What is the best way for HR to mitigate this risk?

Managers can cross-train a subordinate.

Which core business function is primarily concerned with understanding customers and competitive threats and producing revenue?

Marketing and sales

Which best identifies the impact of cognitive barriers on risk management?

Managers perceive risks in an outdated manner.

A company has developed a new performance evaluation tool that it plans to roll out within the next couple of months. Which stakeholder group should HR recommend to explain the detailed change to the employees?

Managers, since they will be implementing and sustaining the changes

Barriers to risk management: Cognitive

Managing risk effectively also requires imagination and openness to change. One of the reasons why compliance has traditionally consumed so much attention in risk management may be the attraction of its relative clarity: Risks have been clearly identified and responses fully defined.

Which of the following is true regarding marijuana laws?

Marijuana remains illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act.

Which is the best method for an HR compensation manager to use to evaluate the jobs and salary ranges of the organization's key positions compared to those of its competitors?

Market-based evaluation to establish the worth of positions

Which is a disadvantage of a time-based pay system?

Pay levels may be raised over time regardless of performance

An HR business partner (BP) knows that HR is struggling to improve its relationship with the operations function. The BP receives an e-mail from an operations supervisor who refuses to implement a disciplinary action that the BP has recommended. What should the BP do?

Meet with the supervisor and explain the rationale for taking disciplinary action.

Management has requested that HR conduct a focus group to better understand the results of a recent compensation survey. Which is the most important factor HR will want to consider when forming the focus groups?

Members should be a representative sample of the employee population.

Which corporate activity requires an HR strategy of organizational growth?

Mergers and acquisitions

After an acquisition, the HR director at the acquiring company is tasked with aligning the total rewards systems of both organizations. Which should the HR director review first?

Mission and strategy

Before designing and implementing a reward system, what organizational factors should the HR manager review?

Mission and strategy

An organization is experiencing low morale and decreased performance due to recent budget cuts and staff shortages. Which offering should HR recommend to most notably boost morale and performance among employees?

More communication and feedback

Goal-Setting Theory

Motivation can be increased by providing employees with goals against which they can assess their achievement.Effective goals are: Specific and clear. Important to the individual. This enables greater commitment. Realistic but challenging. Goals that are unrealistically high can harm motivation.

During a lawful picket, a supervisor threatened a new union member with termination for refusing to cross the picket line. Which law provides the employee protection from termination?


An employee believes his union rights have been violated. Who should the employee contact first to file a charge?


Risk level

Probability of occurrence x Magnitude of impact

also known as the Wagner Act or the Wagner-Connery Act

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) prohibits discrimination against job applicants on the basis of what?

National origin or citizenship

A recruiter made an offer to a candidate of an annual salary that was below the candidate's minimum desired compensation. After discussing additional benefits (for example, an extra week of paid vacation), both parties came to an agreement. What is this process called?


net profit margin

Net income/Net sales

Rule of law

No individual is beyond the reach of the law; authority is exercised in accordance with written and publicly disclosed laws

Sam is 42 years old and is just beginning to save for retirement. Under EGTRRA, is he allowed to make catch-up contributions

No, catch-up contributions are only allowed for employees 50 years or older

A graphic designer is leaving a technology consulting firm after five years. Can the designer use copyrighted materials to launch a start-up company?

No, the work is the property of the employer.

What data-gathering method requires a face-to-face meeting?

Nominal group technique

What best describes the population of the employee workforce that is protected under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)?


Which best demonstrates an attorney work product?

Notes from interviews done at the attorney's request

A company extends an offer to a candidate. As a part of the background check process, a credit check is included. Based on the negative report, the hiring manager wants to rescind the offer. How should HR advise the hiring manager?

Notify the candidate of the negative credit report and give the candidate sufficient time to respond.

In the past, a customer service training program received low participant satisfaction scores. What recommendation should HR propose in order to enhance the effectiveness of the program?

Obtain feedback from members of the target audience

Pay compression

Occurs when there is only a small difference in pay between employees regardless of their experience, skills, level, or seniority; also known as salary compression.

Lead market competition

Offers higher wages and/or better benefits in an attempt to attract and keep the best talent Rationalizes that higher-quality employees are more productive, which makes up for the higher salaries

Match market competition

Offers wage rates and benefits packages similar to that of the competition Often referred to as being externally competitive Most common approach

A company has established an internal procedure to improve communication between workers and management. According to company policy, managers are available to meet with any employee who wishes to discuss an issue. What form of dispute resolution is being used?

Open-door policy

Which part of the organization is responsible for assembling products?


In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, how are the needs of self-actualization exemplified?

Opportunities for development, problem solving, and creativity

Management decides that training supervisors to identify and prevent bullying is not necessary, and they do not fund a program budget. What does this illustrate?

Organization's risk tolerance


Organizational conventions, values, practices, and processes encourage individuals—and the organization as a whole—to increase knowledge, competence, and performance.

Which best describes the process where training or educational activities occur at multiple levels?

Organizational learning

Barriers to risk management: Structural

Organizations that are structured in a silo fashion tend to respond to risk in an operational rather than strategic manner. They overlook dependencies within the organization that can create risks and/or interfere with proactive risk management.

Which process initially helps an employee become familiar with a new job, department, and coworkers?


How does the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) amend the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)?

PPACA requires coverage of an employee's adult children up to age 26.

In addition to salary, health benefits, and welfare benefits, which item should be included in an individualized total compensation statement?

Paid time off

An exit interview assessment finds that the primary reason employees leave is for better total rewards offered at other organizations. Which is the best action HR should take to gather information on competitive total rewards packages to potentially offer its employees?

Participate in an external remuneration survey to assess the competitiveness of the organization's current offerings.

Which best demonstrates HR's role in managing organizational risk?

Participating in the identification and management of threats and opportunities across the organization

An organization's restructuring caused numerous positions to be eliminated. The HR team met with senior leaders and devised a plan where all impacted employees interview for existing openings. An e-mail communication went out to department managers, and everyone agreed with the plan. How would this organization's culture be defined?


Which culture is more likely to prefer a verbal agreement or handshake to a detailed contract?


Power distance

Pattern of distribution of power to culture's members.

An organization has been forced to hire new employees at higher pay rates than usual due to a tight labor supply. Employees who have been with the organization for one to three years are earning the same or only slightly more than the new hires they have to train. What is the organization experiencing?

Pay compression

What are the common processes folded into shared service centers to make business functions more efficient?

Payroll, procurement, accounts payable/receivable, travel expenses, health benefits enrollment, and pension administration

Which is the most important reason for training professionals to understand their own learning style?

People tend to teach the way they prefer to learn

What is a valuable insight that can be gained from studying the sender-receiver communication model (the basic communication model)?

People's perspectives have a strong impact on how messages are understood.

What is the primary distinguishing characteristic of an enterprise risk management framework?

Perception of risk as an integrated organizational issue

Cultural stereotypes

Perceptions of a culture are applied to all of the culture's members, often in a negative manner.

An hourly employee is at the maximum level of a pay range. There are no job openings in the next pay range. Which is the best approach to reward the employee for exceptional performance without adjusting the base wage rate?

Performance Bonus

Staff have been reluctant to share on-the-job experiences with coworkers. HR wants to update all job descriptions to reflect the expectation that this should take place. How can HR assess that this change has been successfully implemented?

Performance evaluations

Which should be the first step in solving an organization's problems with a sharp increase in back orders of shipments?

Performing a process analysis

Which U.S. Supreme Court case found the practice of hiring a male with preschool-aged children over a woman with preschool-aged children to be in violation of Title VII?

Phillips v. Martin Marietta Corporation

What is the first step in evidence-based decision making (EBDM)?

Phrasing the problem in the form of a question to be answered

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Physiological (basic needs related to survival) Safety and security Belonging and love (the need to belong, to be accepted) Esteem (both self-esteem and admiration of others) Self-actualization (the need to fill one's potential) A lower-level need must be met first.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Piece of U.S. legislation was the nation's first comprehensive federal law making it unlawful to discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Which of the following Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) components shows percentages of minorities and women in each job category?

Placement of incumbents in job groups


Power resides with top-level management. Employees have no involvement in the decision-making or goal-setting processes

Which situation that leads to workplace violence can be controlled by an organization?

Pressure for increased productivity

Marketing is responsible for positioning (marketing) and selling (sales) to customers. What are the 4Ps of marketing?

Price, product, promotion, and place

A candidate rejects a job offer due to the salary, but the company does not want to go higher. The recruiter adds relocation and education reimbursement funds to the offer and asks the candidate to reconsider. Which negotiation tactic is the recruiter using?


The HR department wants to implement an employee engagement survey. The management team responds that new projects cannot be funded now. HR presents the benefits of a survey to the organization. Interested, the management team tells HR that if HR can find a portion of the funding in its budget, management will find the rest. What negotiation style is this?


What are three key reasons why diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives require full-fledged, organization-wide efforts?

Priority, complexity, resistance

When an organization has a strong corporate social responsibility (CSR) orientation, which is it likely to see as a primary outcome?

Proactive and ongoing interaction with all stakeholders

What factors does the risk equation use to determine level of risk?

Probability of occurrence and magnitude of impact

Which of the following is an advantage of external recruiting?

Provides cross-industry insights

An executive team in the midst of refining the organization's strategic plan is currently in the implementation phase. Which activity should occur during this phase?

Providing clear communication of objectives to teams and coordinating their efforts

In the balanced scorecard approach to strategic management, which company action does the customer value?

Providing quality goods and services


Public and private boundaries.

An HR manager recommends that, as a way to closely monitor engagement, briefer, more frequent surveys are given to specific segments of the workforce. This describes what type of survey?


Dilemma reconciliation

Recognize, respect, reconcile, realize

An employee's ex-husband waits outside her place of work. When she emerges, he begins yelling. She retreats inside the building. The husband attempts to follow but is prevented by a door that locks automatically behind the employee. An HR staff member observes the incident. What action should the staff member take?

Recommend that those involved debrief the incident.

Which administrative task should an HR manager delegate to an HR assistant?

Reconciling benefits

Which of the following is a notable provision of the Department of Labor's electronic guidelines for data storage?

Records must be convertible into readable paper copy to satisfy obligations under Title I of ERISA.

Which identifies a direct cost of turnover?

Recruitment cost

Which change might a corporation make in the way it does business to create a sustainability sweet spot?

Redesigning products so that components are made locally from recycled materials, thereby reducing production costs

Which action is an ombudsperson empowered to take after hearing both sides of a workplace dispute?

Referring the matter to further alternative dispute resolution (ADR)


Refers to how well a system can adapt to increased demands

The HR department monitors the emergency response plans and updates them as needed, at least annually. Which is the best way to evaluate the plan as part of the annual review?

Rehearsing drills of the plan

Which would be the best way for HR to increase employee willingness to participate in pulse surveys to gauge improvement in comprehensive surveys?

Relate any employment practice changes made and their effectiveness to input provided on the last survey.

Blake-Mouton Theory

Relates a leader's concern for people to a concern for production or task. There are 5 types of managers: Team Leaders, Authoritarian Managers, Country Club Managers, Impoverished Managers, and "Middle of the Road" Managers.

A group of applicants is given the same assessment at the same time across three consecutive days. Which statistical strength of the assessment is being measured with this method?


During a nonwork group lunch, an HR manager overhears an HR staff member discussing a recent new hire's previous job experiences with another staff member. The information is not sensitive, nor was the intention malicious. What should the HR person do?

Remind the colleague later that it is not ethical to divulge confidential information.

Which type of survey should an HR professional use to collect information on base pay, incentive plans, and benefits?


What best describes the difference between replacement planning and succession planning?

Replacement planning focuses on short-term needs; succession planning focuses on long-term needs.

Which is an employee right identified under the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act?

Requesting an OSHA inspection

An advertising firm has experienced significant turnover among its creative writers. During exit interviews, the writers have expressed dissatisfaction with rigid starting times, a lack of recognition for their work, and poor communication between managers and employees. Which actions should HR recommend managers implement to improve employee engagement?

Requesting and valuing employee input on important organizational issues

What is a direct implication of HR's evolving strategic role?

Required competence to develop talent through career development and succession planning

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002

Requires that all publicly held companies establish internal controls and procedures for financial reporting to reduce the possibility of corporate fraud.

Which function probably has the greatest impact on future revenue?

Research and development

What is the first step in developing an HR documentation policy?

Researching what laws apply, the records required, and the retention period

HR is negotiating a contract. The salesperson is difficult to work with and insists that if the contract is not signed today, the favorable terms will change. Many of the terms are in alignment with the company's needs; however, some are not. What should the HR professional do?

Restate the needs of the organization and focus on mutual needs.

Which factor differentiates successful training programs from unsuccessful programs?

Results showing transfer of learning

A consulting company knows that its primary advantage lies in the expertise and commitment of its people. Which practice should HR recommend that leaders focus on?


An organization seeks to evaluate the overall business impact of its employee retention strategies. What engagement metric would provide this insight?

Revenue per employee

A plant manager informs the HR manager that employees are leaving due to limited advancement opportunities. What is the first step the HR manager should take?

Review exit interview data to see if it reflects limited promotional opportunities leading to employees leaving the organization.

How is Porter's "Five Forces" framework used in developing strategies?

To understand competitive factors that influence the strategy

An organization developed a new code of conduct 18 months ago but recently discovered that employees are still not following its guidelines. What should the organization do to ensure that employees are following the guidelines?

Review key points of the code of conduct and ensure that employees understand it, and incorporate code of conduct training into new employee orientation.

what is a best practice as it relates to an organization's employee handbook?

Reviewing the handbook to ensure that expectations are realistic and enforceable

What phase of risk management is represented in the acronym MECE, which stands for "mutually exclusive and comprehensively exhaustive"?

Risk Identification

What is secondary risk?

Risk created by a risk management tactic

What is the appropriate role for an HR manager in an investigatory interview for a dischargeable offense?

Risk manager for the organization

Annualized loss expectancy (ALE)

SLE * annualized rate of occurrence

You are conducting a market salary survey to make sure that your team members are being adequately compensated and won't seek employment elsewhere. You are seeking to meet which level of needs in Maslow's hierarchy?

Safety and security

A new CEO has asked the HR team to complete an engagement survey to assess the organization's culture. The CEO requests that tenured employees must participate. What type of bias does this present?


Which tool would be best for analyzing and presenting data about the relationship between years of education and amount of income?

Scatter diagram

An HR strategic planning team wants to see what the effects on payroll will be if management realigns production capacity in different ways. Which analytical tool should HR use?

Scenario analysis

An assembly operation has completely redesigned its work floor and added new machines. What would be the best way for HR to fulfill its duty of care to the operation's employees?

Schedule a walk-through of the redesigned area during a work shift.

The CEO asks the HR manager to determine the root cause of the competitive culture of the organization. How should the HR manager collect this information?

Schedule individual interviews with each department manager.

The HR manager believes that department managers do not understand the responsibilities of other departments, which isolates them from each other. What should the HR manager do?

Schedule weekly cross-departmental manager meetings to discuss department functions and challenges.

Why are multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) tools particularly useful for teams who are purchasing HR technology?

Scoring can be adjusted to reflect an organization's unique technology needs.

Which is considered a flexible staffing strategy?

Seasonal contracting

What is likely to be of the most concern to the chief information officer or IT director?


Which should be a primary concern for employers regarding the "bring your own device" (BYOD) technology approach?

Security and data integrity threats

Which motivational theory emphasizes the importance of autonomy, competency, and purpose?


Under deadline pressure, a global team leader grows angry with workers from one region, resorting to threats and accusations. Realizing that her behavior is counterproductive, she apologizes and sets up a meeting to determine the source of the delays and how she can best help. Which critical ability has she acquired and applied?

Self-regulation component of emotional intelligence


Sense of time (linear and limited or cyclical and expansive)

Negotiations between an executive at a company and a prospective new international partner have stalled. How can the organization's global HR expert contribute to a better negotiation outcome for this executive?

Share the cultural perspective of the other side with the executive.

Specific units develop areas of expertise and then create HR policies in these areas. The specialized units provide services to all units. Which type of model is this?

Shared services

How is culture generally characterized?

Shared system of values, beliefs, and attitudes

How is a risk control best understood by an organization?

Sharing a risk's occurrence or impact and its likelihood

Which statement best describes a productive knowledge management system?

Sharing of organizational learning and reducing knowledge loss

In an assessment center, a candidate is asked to handle a hypothetical situation dealing with typical job-related challenges. Which selection tool is being used?


Which alternative dispute resolution (ADR) option allows an organization to determine who will resolve disputes?

Single designated officer

Which recruitment method would best support an organization's attempts to attract Generation Y applicants?

Social Media

Which is the best reason to use social media channels for corporate communication?

Social media channels provide instantaneous feedback to leaders about employee responses.


Source of merit (personal accomplishment or connection)

Which is the first activity an HR professional would complete when beginning to recruit for an open position?


The CEO wants to acquire a small competitor and arranges an introductory meeting with the competitor's business owner. The HR director knows that the CEO is busy and has a habit of being overly direct. What advice should the HR director give to the CEO prior to the meeting?

Spend time building rapport with and getting to know the business owner.

Which employee action is most likely to contribute to developing a global mindset?

Spending time in educational programs abroad

A manager believes that the best way to motivate staff is to set goals a bit beyond their reach and let them find their own ways through the tasks. According to the attribution theory, what will be the likely outcome?

Staff members may become helpless and even hostile.

Which action best illustrates the use of evidence-based decision making in HR?

Staff performs a regression analysis to identify likely factors for success in candidate profiles.

An HR team member is working on a critical activity that must be done in a very precise sequence with no room for innovation. Because the task is important, the HR manager monitors the team member's performance very closely. The performance is routinely satisfactory and often exemplary. The manager notes that the team member seems to have low morale and a bad attitude. According to Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory, what can the manager do to reduce job dissatisfaction?

Stop supervising the team member so closely.

Which is the difference between a strategic alliance and a joint venture?

Strategic alliances do not involve equity; joint ventures require that both partners contribute equity.

A new CEO is selected to lead an organization that has grown over time but has not revisited staffing structure or responded to industry changes. What may be hindering the organizational strategy?

Strategic drift

McKinsey 7-S Framework

Strategy, shared values, structure, systems, staff, skills, style of leadership

Which part of the SWOT analysis identifies the core competencies of a global enterprise?

Strengths and weaknesses

What are the primary categories of barriers to effective risk management?

Structural, cognitive, and cultural

Heider, Weiner

Success or failure can be attributed to internal factors (e.g., skills, diligence) or external factors (e.g., available resources, market events). Internal factors may be under the employee's control (e.g., the employee can work harder or be more careful), but external factors are probably beyond the employee's control.

Under the system of codetermination, whose approval is required by management prior to implementing strategic plans?

Supervisory board

Which activity is considered an HR strategic responsibility?

Supporting an organization's core business functions

An employee life cycle describes all of the activities associated with an employee's tenure in the organization. What is the impact of HR's understanding of the employee life cycle on the organization?

Supporting employee performance and engagement

In order to further its diversity and inclusion initiative, an organization wants to help its employee resource groups (ERGs) succeed. Which role should HR take?

Supporting the establishment of ERG-focused programs

What do the final stages of Kurt Lewin's and John Kotter's models of change management primarily focus on?

Sustaining the change in the organization

In an e-learning environment, what type of learning is being used when participants gather for discussion online at a specific time?

Synchronous learning

McKinsey: Systems

Systems support the way people do their jobs. Systems can include a variety of tools, policies, and processes

Which government body requires organizations to electronically submit illness and injury data?

T Occupational Safety and Health Administration


Talent is championed. Innovation, elevated performance, customer-centric strategies, relationships, communication, and other characteristics are driven from the bottom up.

In an effort to enrich jobs, management wants employees working at one of three assembly stations to complete the entire assembly job and put their names on the finished product. About half of the employees are resisting the change. Which is the best course of action that HR should recommend to address the resistance?

Talking with those opposed to the change to understand their concerns

Which term is best described as traditionally higher-level leadership responsibilities being transferred to leaders at lower levels?

Task migration


Tasks and responsibilities are defined clearly to the employees and shaped by formal rules and standard operating procedures. Communication processes follow the direction given by the organization. Accountability is a key factor.

HR has four tools, often referred to as the 4 Ts, that it can use to influence managerial practices and develop new managerial skills. Travel, training, and transfers are three of the tools. What is the fourth, and what is its purpose?

Teams. Working on global teams and international projects helps executives develop cross-cultural management skills.

According to the Hersey-Blanchard theory, which is generally the most suitable situational leadership approach for entry-level employees?


A bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) is a job criterion that employers can use to hire a foreign national. To use the BFOQ defense, what must employers prove?

That local employees cannot perform the key duties required by the job


The _________ experience is an intense immersion into another culture and can have a strong and lasting impact on individuals' relationship development and cross-cultural management skills as well as their acquisition of a global mindset.

differentiation strategy

The business targets much larger markets and aims to achieve competitive advantage through differentiation across the whole of an industry.

An organizational unit manager disagrees with HR's policy promoting the use of a buddy program during new hire onboarding. What can an HR professional use to reinforce the utility of the buddy program when discussing the topic with the unit manager?

The buddy can help the new hire navigate the organization's culture and answer questions he or she may have.

Which factor is most important to consider when an organization is seeking to globalize its leadership development program?

The culture in each country as it affects how leaders emerge

Which is a trend in career development that an HR team leader must consider before engaging in career planning with team members?

The employee is expected to assume greater individual responsibility for career development.

An employee who has been in the department for only a month asks his supervisor for feedback. The supervisor lists three ways in which the employee's performance is inadequate. How is the employee likely to react?

The employee will be discouraged and ask someone else for an assessment of his performance.

A family-owned business with 100 employees wants to set up a retirement plan. If the organization implements a qualified defined contribution plan, what restrictions does the Employee Retirement Income Security Act impose on the investment of the assets?

The employer has a fiduciary responsibility to invest the pension fund as any prudent person would.

A federal contractor receives an attorney statement claiming discrimination against an employee working in counterintelligence. The employee complains of unlawful termination for refusal to submit a polygraph test following an incident. What exclusion protects the employer under the Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA)?

The federal contractor was involved in national security.


The good that drives decisions (the individual or society as a whole)

Which of the following is considered a criterion for effective employee resource groups (ERGs) as established by DiversityInc.?

The group has a formal charter.

An employee gives birth 10 months after being employed with a company. How much time of FMLA is she allowed to take?

The individual is not covered under FMLA

Many employees in the manufacturing department will be retiring in the next six months. The department supervisor asks the HR manager to identify ways to capture the employees' knowledge. In order to address this request, what should the HR manager identify first?

The knowledge that will be lost when the employees retire

Affiliative approach

The leader creates strong relationships with and inside the team, encouraging feedback. The team members are motivated by loyalty


The leader creates strong relationships with and inside the team, encouraging feedback. The team members are motivated by loyalty.

Coaching approach

The leader focuses on developing team members' skills, believing that success comes from aligning the organization's goals with employees' personal and professional goals.

Coercive Approach

The leader imposes a vision or solution on the team and demands that the team follow this directive.

Democratic approach

The leader invites followers to collaborate and commits to acting by consensus.


The leader proposes a bold vision or solution and invites the team to join this challenge

Authoritative approach

The leader proposes a bold vision or solution and invites the team to join this challenge.

Pacesetting approach

The leader sets a model for high performance standards and challenges followers to meet these expectations.

A manager instructs a staff member how to perform the task. The staff member nods to indicate agreement. The task is performed incorrectly. How could active listening have helped prevent this?

The manager could have made this a real conversation by asking the staff member an open question

What indicates that an organization is using strategic planning and management?

The organization's structure, resources, and policies are aligned to meet agreed-upon goals.

Which is a primary reason that organizations may not excel at performance management?

The organizational systems, strategies, and philosophies are not aligned.

Point Factor Method (Job Evaluation)

The pay grade consists of jobs falling within a range of points

Job ranking method

The pay grade will consist of all jobs that fall within two or three ranks.

Forum or jurisdiction shopping

The practice of taking complaints to jurisdictions sympathetic to the complainants' case.


This is desirable uncertainty that an organization willingly accepts when it commits to a strategy—for example, uncertainty whether loans can be repaid or employees will be fully productive.


The right of a legal body to exert judicial authority over a region, subject matter, or individual.

As the result of a reorganization, an employer is laying off 20% of its sales employees. Which existing practice will help ensure that the company retains the knowledge of the departing employees?

The sales department maintains a customer database.

HR seeks employee volunteers to compare two possible wellness programs. Their responses will be aggregated and analyzed to make a recommendation to senior management. How would you assess this critical analysis?

The sampling approach is flawed.

A technician in a diagnostic lab has filed a complaint with HR accusing a supervisor of selectively enforcing policies. Which action would constitute workplace retaliation?

The supervisor reassigns the technician from bench work to physically difficult duties

Formula-based budgeting

The total amount of a function's budget is apportioned to departments or activities according to defined percentages.

Which would constitute an unfair labor practice (ULP)?

The union fines a member for criticizing union actions.

Ethnocentrism and parochialism

The viewer perceives and judges other cultures according to the norms of the viewer's own culture and rigidly maintains that narrow mindset.

Attribution Theory

The way a person interprets the causes for past success or failure is related to the present level of motivation. A leader can help employees attribute results to the correct causes and create opportunities for success.

Eric thinks that his employees are lazy and require constant direction to complete their work assignments. What type of manager would Eric be described as?

Theory X manager

Cultural relativism

There are no absolutes. Norms and values vary by situation and cultural perspective.

An HR professional is analyzing retention rates across all the functions and divisions in a large organization. There is a high standard deviation (SD) for the dataset. What does this indicate?

There is a considerable spread in the data from high to low rates

Which statement about using social media as a primary recruiting tool is correct?

There is a risk of unintentional discrimination against certain groups.


These are binding agreements among nations of a region

Internal and preventable

These risks come from within the organization and could include violations of ethics and failures in routine processes


These sources of uncertainty are outside the organization and beyond its control. They would include changes in the economy or laws and regulations, disruptive technologies, and availability of trained employees.

What is the advantage of nonqualified deferred compensation plans?

They provide incentives for key executives to stay with the organization

A new HR staff member wants to win support for her idea for a new employee benefit. The HR director has agreed to meet with her to discuss the idea briefly. How should the HR staff member prepare?

Think about what might be motivating the HR director in his job.

Covenant of good faith and fair dealing exemption

This applies in only a few states. It restricts actions that are seen as unjust or malicious

Unforeseeable business circumstances

This exception applies to closings and layoffs that were sudden and were not reasonably foreseeable at the time notice would otherwise have been required (such as the sudden and unpredicted loss of a key business client that severely impacts the organization's financial stability)

Natural disaster

This exception applies where a closing or layoff is the direct result of a natural disaster, such as a flood, earthquake, drought, or storm

Faltering company

This exception covers certain situations where an organization has actively sought new capital or business in order to stay open and where giving notice would ruin the opportunity to get the new capital or business. Only applies to plant closings


This method relies on independent centers and multiple origins of the change within the organization. Points of origin can be at any level. Organic change radiates out unevenly but accelerates when top leadership supports local change and local leaders.

Nominal group technique (NGT)

This technique proceeds through rounds in which participants each suggest ideas. The rounds continue until no further ideas are proposed. Then the group discusses the items, eliminates redundancies and items considered irrelevant, and agrees on the importance of the remaining items.

Delphi Technique

This technique progressively collects information from a group on a preselected issue. The first respondent proposes information, the next respondent adds something different, and so on, until a list can be compiled. The respondents are anonymous. In the second round, the researcher circulates the list and asks each respondent in turn to refine previous ideas, to comment on each idea's strengths and weaknesses for addressing the issue, and to identify new ideas.

How should an HR leader evaluate an organization's return on labor expenses?

Through a well-crafted pay-for-performance program that measures performance compared to goals

What is the ultimate function of executive management?

To be responsible for all core business functions and their effect on the organization's performance

Which is the most important reason for a global organization to have a values-based corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy?

To create a foundation to make ethical decisions

How are local cluster developments used in corporate social responsibility?

To create shared value

Why is it important for an HR director to establish internal partnerships with the managers of each business unit?

To demonstrate how HR can provide business unit value

A small but growing organization is just beginning to build its corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. Which objective would be most appropriate for the organization at this stage?

To develop a CSR program that is aligned with the organization's business strategy

Which is the primary aim of an organization's diversity and inclusion efforts?

To develop diverse perspectives

An HR business partner is conducting a focus group to examine possible causes for recent low engagement survey scores. What is the business partner's role in this meeting?

To encourage full discussion and participation

What is the primary purpose of a safety self-audit?

To ensure employee compliance with the organization's safety programs

What is the purpose of an HR compliance checklist?

To help ensure that the organization fulfills the requirements of HR laws and regulations

What is the primary purpose of the analysis step of the ADDIE process?

To identify gaps between actual and desired performance

Which is a primary goal during supply analysis?

To provide a snapshot of an organization's current pool of talent

The HR director of a hotel learns that union employees in the housekeeping department are planning a strike for the following week. Which strategy might the HR director recommend to the hotel management team in anticipation of the labor action?

Train managers on housekeeping duties so they can perform the work in the housekeepers' absence

Which action can HR take to assist in creating an ethical organization?

Training leaders in ethical practices

A well-funded Asian art museum includes a new traditional tea garden that can accommodate both public and private events. Current staff have little understanding of Japanese tea rituals, and the museum is willing to invest in staff development. Which is the best approach HR should recommend to develop cultural awareness and appreciation for the tea garden experience?

Travel to Tokyo to experience tea culture and tour tea gardens.

The 4 Ts of Global Mindset

Travel, teams, training, and transfers


Treating workers well during employment is a must, and helping them transition to other employment will encourage them to spread positive feedback as "brand ambassadors."

An HR generalist joins an organization and seeks to form relationships with internal stakeholders. What approach should the generalist take to foster and grow connections?

Try to create trust and establish an equal exchange of ideas and expertise.

Synchronous learning

Type of e-learning in which participants interact together in real time.

An organization wants to encourage its employees to improve their health and fitness. How could technology increase employee involvement in this goal?

Wearable technology that gathers and uploads data to the cloud

Kurt Lewin Model of change

Unfreeze the current state, Move toward the new state and then Refreeze the new state.

An employee was denied a cost-of-living increase given to other employees while he served on military duty overseas for two years. Which act has been violated?

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)

Which approach is most effective for promoting diversity and inclusion globally?

Use a wide range of measures of success beyond demographics.

Judgmental forecasts

Use of information from past and present to predict future conditions and staffing needs and to understand opportunities and threats that can affect the staffing plan

An operations manager wants to hire additional full-time employees. The HR business partner knows that the need for additional resources will probably be only temporary, based on historical data. What would be the best way to persuade the operations manager that using temporary workers would be a better tactic?

Use the data. Show the manager the resource trend charts for the past several years.

An HR director is reviewing a company's performance management criteria and questionnaires. He finds that questions to determine an employee's level of accountability do not match with manager impressions of accountability, suggesting that the questionnaire may not be providing accurate data. What statistical principle may be violated during performance reviews?


Which is the most important aspect of a selection test that successfully measures essential job-related skills and abilities?


What is the most accurate characterization of business value?

Value may be different in different organizations.

How have corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies evolved in corporations?

Values and goals have been redefined based on CSR principles.

A new HR manager is eager to win support for her idea for a new employee benefit. Which type of colleague would be a good ally in this situation?

Veteran HR manager familiar with how decisions are made and with connections in other areas

Which attribute would be considered part of implicit culture?

Views toward power

An organization examines the level of probability for all types of losses to which it may be exposed. What aspect of risk is the organization studying?


An HR professional is new to his organization and wants to understand better how to gain credibility in the organization. What activity would help the most?

Watching how people react to other team members in team discussions

A differential piece-rate pay system works best in which type of environment?

When a link between the attainment of goals or achievement and the level of desired pay is needed

Bias error

When an appraiser's values, beliefs, or prejudices distort ratings (either consciously or unconsciously)

During an interview, when is it appropriate to ask a candidate about prior project outcomes that were unsuccessful?

When assessing the candidate's ability to learn from previous experiences

During the hiring process, at which point does an employer have the opportunity to initially engage the individual?

When exploring the company's careers page

When is knowledge management most productive?

When it focuses on sharing organizational learning and reducing knowledge loss

Under which circumstances should ignoring conflict be used as a conflict management strategy?

When the issue will resolve itself without damaging the team processes and relationships

Employee referrals

Who better to recommend a candidate for an open position than someone who has worked at the company and knows the terrain?

An HR professional has just joined an organization and wants to better understand its informal characteristics. What should she pay attention to?

Who people interact with and the nature of their interactions

Which metric should an organization look to when evaluating an employee engagement strategy that is focused on safety?

Workers' compensation incident rate

HR professionals must anticipate future talent needs as well as plan for the future employee talent pool. Which key factor typically contributes to an anticipated shortage in the labor pool?

Workforce skewed toward older employees


Working on culturally diverse and/or international ____ and projects is another highly effective way to help employees develop cross-cultural management skills

Which is a challenge when following a best-of-breed HRIS purchasing strategy?

Working with multiple vendors

An organization is entering the decline phase of its growth, and leaders are uncertain about its future. Still, all departments must continue to fulfill their tasks, now with a steadily decreasing head count. HR would like to purchase new technology that would support required productivity levels without new hiring. Would a software as a service (SaaS) technology meet this organization's needs?

Yes, because the service can be scaled to the organization's changing needs

Which budgeting method is being used by a manager who begins with no allocated budget and must justify allocations based on how the function will contribute to the organization's strategic goals?

Zero-based budgeting


______ in other cultures can broaden employees' awareness and challenge their ethnocentric definitions of cultural norms

Zero-based budgeting

a budgeting approach in which each department starts from zero every year and must justify every item in the budget, rather than simply adjusting the previous year's budget amounts


a form of corporate governance that requires a two-tiered corporate board structure—a typical management board and a supervisory board—that allows management and employees to participate in strategic decision making

A compensation and benefits specialist conducted a salary data survey last year but did not have time to benchmark the results to the organization's pay structure. What action should the specialist take at this point in time?

age the data to make it current

incremental budgeting

allocates increased or decreased funds to a department by using the last budget period as a reference point; only incremental changes in the budget request are reviewed

Nonqualified deferred compensation plans

allow organizations to provide additional benefits to a select group of key executives, which motivates them to stay with the organization.

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

allows the analyst to sort data quickly in different ways, according to different and multiple variables

Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963

amendment to FLSA, prohibits unequal pay for equal or "substantially equal" work performed by men and women.

Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act)

amends the Fair Credit Reporting Act and provides some relief to employers using third parties to conduct workplace investigations

Green-circle rates

an employee's pay is below the minimum of the range


appraisers who believe that standards are too low may inflate the standards in an effort to make the standards meaningful in their eyes

dilemma reconciliation: respect

appreciate the value of difference


are an indicator as to how actual wages match, lead, or lag the target market.

Trait engagement

describes the inherent personality-based elements that make an individual predisposed to being engaged—a natural curiosity, a desire to be involved, an interest in problem solving

Selection interviews

designed to probe areas of interest to the interviewer in order to determine how well the candidate meets the needs of the organization

individual development plan (IDP)

details an employee's intentions and learning outcomes as well as the support necessary to meet the employee's tangible growth goals

What type of virtual training is being used when participants have the ability to communicate with others at various locations?

distance learning

planning: Formulation

during which leaders gather and analyze internal and external information to determine the organization's current position and capabilities, opportunities, and constraints.

development phase

during which materials are created, purchased, or modified to meet the stated objectives

Job rotation

efers to employee movement between different jobs

Path-Goal Theory

emphasizes the leader's role in coaching and developing followers' competencies. The leader performs the behavior needed to help employees stay on track toward their goals. Directive, supportive, achievement, participative

straight piece-rate system

employee receives a base wage rate and is awarded additional compensation for the amount of output produced.

stay interviews

employees discuss why they like (or do not like) their current job

Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)

employment qualifications that employers are allowed to consider while making decisions about hiring and retention of employees. The qualification should relate to an essential job duty and is considered necessary for operation of the particular business. Race can never be a factor

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994

enacted to protect the employment, reemployment, and retention rights of persons who voluntarily or involuntarily serve or have served in the uniformed services

Learning organizations

encourage constant networking both internally and externally. Change is embraced and managed, and learning experiences alter the organization's behavior.

Recency error

error occurs when an appraiser gives more weight to recent occurrences and discounts or minimizes the employee's earlier performance during the appraisal period

Primacy error

error occurs when an appraiser gives more weight to the employee's earlier performance and discounts or minimizes recent occurrences.

Contrast error

error occurs when an employee's rating is based on how his or her performance compares to that of another employee instead of on objective performance standards.

Central tendency error

errors occur when an appraiser rates all employees within a narrow range, regardless of differences in actual performance.

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974

establish uniform minimum standards to ensure that employee retirement plans are set up and maintained in a fair and financially sound manner

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act of 1970

established the first national policy for workplace safety and health. This federal law requires employers to provide safe and healthful working conditions for employees

trend analysis

examines data from different points in time to determine if a variance is an isolated event or if it is part of a longer trend

after-action report

examines what happened, why it happened, what was done at the time, and what could have been done better

Moral hazard

exists when one party engages in risky behavior knowing that it is protected against the risk because another party will incur any resulting loss

Mackenzie works for a non-profit and wants to use an excerpt from a book about org design in a seminar she will be leading. What allows her to use this excerpt without special permission or causing infringement?

fair-use doctrine

Longshore and Harbor Worker's Compensation Act

federal law that provides for the payment of compensation, medical care, and vocational rehabilitation services to employees disabled from on the job injuries

Sustainable workplace policies

focus on long-term effects and the integrated needs of the people, the environment, and the economic needs.


for example, municipalities, states, provinces, or regions within a nation. The relationship between subnational and national laws can be complex

Best practices audits

help an organization maintain or improve a competitive advantage by comparing the organization's practices to those of employers identified as having exceptional practices

Kaplan and Mikes's categories

how it is perceived (to be avoided as a negative or accepted as a potential positive) and the degree to which it can be managed (whether it can be prevented or guaranteed or simply managed to increase or decrease its effect)

Kirkpatrick's Levels of Evaluation - 3 Behavior

how participants changed their behavior on the job

Kirkpatrick's Levels of Evaluation - 1 Reaction

how participants felt about the program

Kirkpatrick's Levels of Evaluation - 2 Learning

how participants increased or otherwise changed their knowledge, skills, and attitudes

Kirkpatrick's Levels of Evaluation - 4 Results

how the program affected the organizational goals

Variance Analysis

identifies the degree of difference between planned and actual performance

dilemma reconciliation: realize

implement solutions and institutionalize them in the organization

Conflict of interest

in which a person or organization has the potential to be influenced by two opposing sets of incentives, is exemplified in both moral hazard and the principal-agent dilemma.


in which data is collected to identify gaps between actual and desired organizational performance

non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

in which the employee agrees not to discuss knowledge gained during employment

Behavioral engagement

is evident in the effort employees put into their jobs, which leads to greater value, creating higher performance than from their less-engaged counterparts. It can occur when both trait and state engagement are present.

State engagement

is influenced by workplace conditions or practices (e.g., task variety, opportunities to participate in work decisions) that can be improved through organizational interventions directly under management's control

tacit knowledge

is personal and experience-based, it is more challenging to quantify.


is the ability of an instrument to measure what it is intended to measure. answers two questions: What does the instrument measure? How well does the instrument measure it?


is the ability to keep talented employees in the organization.

Senge's - Personal mastery

is the high level of proficiency in a subject or skill area.

Intellectual property (IP)

is the ownership of innovation by an individual or business enterprise


is the process of evaluating the most suitable candidates for a position

Which of the following is NOT a type of platform used in social-media recruiting?

job fair

What job evaluation method assesses the responsibilities and requirements of each job and its relationship to other jobs in the organization?


explicit knowledge

knowledge that is easily communicated and available to everyone


laws enacted by the highest or federal legislative bodies of a country, intended to apply across the entire nation


laws that extend the power of a country's laws over its citizens outside that country's sovereign national boundaries

Theory Y

leaders believe that employees dislike rigid controls and inherently want to accomplish something. Therefore leaders apply a more participative style that empowers employees

Theory X

leaders micromanage and coerce team members because they believe people do not like to work and must be strictly controlled and forced to work

According to thought leader Henry Mintzberg, ____ should manager and ______ should lead


"pull" model training

learning and development is a continuous process, easily accessible anywhere and anytime. is usually linked to acquiring skills, abilities, knowledge, and competencies needed to better perform one's job

What is one of the benefits an organization receives from having information systems that are scalable?

less waste and better use of investments

Watson - psychological

levels of stress, optimism, confidence, control

John Kotter model of change

provides insight into the "how" of the change management process by specifying eight contributors to successful implementation of the change: Create a sense of urgency. Assemble a strong guiding team. Provide a clear vision. Over-communicate. Empower action. Ensure short-term successes. Sustain progress and build on achievements. Institutionalize.

Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Evaluation

reaction, learning, behavior, and results

Regression analysis

refers to a statistical method used to determine whether a relationship exists between variables and the strength of the relationship.

inside moonlighting

refers to an employee who holds a second job outside of their normal working hours (takes on a second job in the org - ideal when it is a short-term need with minimal additional work)


reflects the ability of a data-gathering instrument or tool, such as a survey or a rater's observation or a physical measurement, to provide results that are consistent


reflects the process of getting an audience to see communicated facts in a certain way so that they take a certain action


relative worth of different jobs is based on the assessment of their content, and they can then be compared to other jobs within the organization


relies on a top-down sequence with complete change at each level. Change at one level or unit high up in the organization eventually transforms the units and levels beneath it.

Gantt charts

represent the scheduling of tasks visually, showing the length and timing of specific activities. They can help identify problematic conflicts in activities or gaps that can be exploited to condense the schedule

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)of 1993

requires employers to allow employees to take time off for certain caregiving, medical, military, and family needs

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act of 1988

requires some employers to give a minimum of 60 calendar days of advance written notice if a plant is to close or if mass layoffs will occur

dilemma reconciliation: reconcile

resolve differences by finding a common path

Disparate impact (or adverse impact)

results when a policy that appears to be neutral has a discriminatory effect.

planning: Evaluation

results, both continually, to make sure that activities maintain strategic focus and are effective, and at designated intervals, to determine the effectiveness of the strategy itself and the need for change or improvement.

Hewitt- Say

speak positively about the organization to coworkers, potential employees, and customers

Root Cause Analysis

starts with a result and then works backward. Each cause is queried to identify a preceding cause—conditions or actions that might have led to this effect

planning: Development

strategic goals and tactics that will optimize success given the environment, opportunities, and constraints—the strategic plan

4 areas of Workforce Analysis

supply analysis, demand analysis, gap analysis, and solution analysis.

Peter Senge's 5 disciplines

systems thinking, mental models, personal mastery, team learning, and share vision

planning: Implementation

tactics—the process of strategic management. This requires clear communication of objectives to teams, coordination and support of their efforts, and control of resources


the act of replacing employees leaving an organization or the attrition or loss of employees


the belief that one's own culture and practices are more correct than other cultures' expression

Cultural intelligence

the capacity to recognize, interpret, and behaviorally adapt to multicultural situations and contexts


the change originates at the top and is broadcast to the entire organization. Individuals slowly change with added information, and the change becomes uniform across business units.

power distance dimension of culture

the degree to which the hierarchical distribution of power is accepted by all the culture's members

differential piece-rate system

the employee receives one piece rate up to the standard and then a higher rate once the standard has been exceeded

management by objectives (MBO)

the employees help set objectives for themselves, defining what they intend to achieve within a specified time period. The objectives are based on overall goals and objectives for the organization.

Workforce planning

the first step in the workforce management process. It involves all the activities needed to ensure that workforce size and competencies meet current and future organizational and individual needs

Coercive leadership

the leader imposes a vision or solution on the team and demands that the team follow this directive

Critical path analysis

uses information about start or mandatory end dates, the logical relationship of tasks, and the length of each task to find the earliest completion date (or latest start date)

HR is looking for ways to increase the organization's brand while developing the employees. How can this be achieved?


behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)

was designed to overcome the problems of category rating by describing examples of desirable and undesirable behavior

multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) tools

weight specific purchase factors according to their importance to the organization

principal-agent problem (or agency dilemma)

when an agent makes decisions or takes actions on behalf of a principal (an employer or owner) but has personal incentives that may not align with those of the principal.

Hersey-Blanchard: Participating

when competent workers can be included in problem solving and coached on higher skills

cultural noise interview bias

when the candidate tells the interviewer what they think the interviewer wants to hear and the interviewer doesn't pick up on it.

Hersey-Blanchard: Telling

when the employee is not yet motivated or competent

Hersey-Blanchard: Selling

when the increasingly competent employee still needs focus and motivation ("why are we doing this")

Hersey-Blanchard: Delegating

when very competent team members can benefit from greater level of autonomy and self-direction

Implementation phase

where the program is delivered to the target audience

employee life cycle (ELC)

which describes all the activities associated with an employee's tenure in an organization.

universalist culture

which focuses on rules and the existence of one right way

Watson- social

work relationships, work/life balance, equity, respect, connectedness

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