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5 Ks. Shorts (readiness)


5 Ks. Sword (defense)


5Ks. Bracelet (strength)


5Ks. Comb (neatness)


5Ks.Uncut hair covered by turban (power)


Disciples who Nanak preaches to


Guru that built the golden temple. Also collected sacred book. Mughal ruler jahngir boiled him to death. The Sikhs reacted and decided that they should resist and they should fight for their beliefs. The Sikhs became well known as fierce fighters. Has the principal of self-defense against persecution.

Three parts of scriptures

Japi, 39 tunes, various works

5 Ks

Kesh, Kirpan, kanga, Kara, Kach


Nanak critiqued both Hindus and Muslims for not doing more to help the poor. He set up these groups to worship and aid others


Part of Sikh scriptures. Long poem by guru Nanak. Talks about one god, how he is immortal and the creator of the universe

Islam and Hinduism

Relationships between Islam and Hinduism still continues to be a problem. There is a basic guide in the terms of understanding god. Hindus are polytheistic and Muslims are monotheistic. They have different practices, rituals, culture, food, imagery, etc. Hinduism is very pluralistic. It tends to absorb much influences easily. Islam is more exclusivistic where they only believe in certain things.


Role as a religious guide in Hinduism and is a shaykh in Islam. (Spiritual master)


Sants are mystical people looking for connection between Hinduism and Islam. People who practiced a mystical kind of spirituality and sought to over come religious divisions.


founder of Sikhism. He grew up in a Hindu family but had friends and discussions with Hindus and Muslims. He was married and had children. Myths say that he disappears and no one really know what happened to him. Said that he experienced god and the divine. His coutenence somehow Chang after he seed god. He traveled to important holy sites. Has a period of teaching as a guru. He developed a large following, line of successors. Some People took him seriously etc.

Adi Granth

The final permanent guru. Reverence to the aid grath. Sikhism was them established as a religion. Sacred book basically


military order for the protection of Sikhs. Khalsa members- "5K's" to promote strength and self identity. Special group that were particulary fierce fighters and loyal Sikhs. For example there was this story or myth where the ppl were willing to die for Arjun. They Dress to show that they were part of this group. There is a special initiation ceremony for joining. There are no caste differences- equality. No class or cast.Sikhs today- can be both in the Khalsa and some are not

Mystical consciousness

What both religions are after. Is an experience, a feeling; some how having the experience of the divine or the sacred. This is closeness or oneness with the sacred. The sacred can be different things for different religions, but they have the same ideals


What both religions have. Feeling of desire for oneness with god. In Hinduism this came through bhakti. Sufi Islam- very emotionally oriented islam that favored mystical notions of oneness with their god.


What the Siks called their temple. Terms for a Sikh temple. Usually all over India


one of the most famous sants.He was one of the most beloved poets. He said if your looking for god, he is inside you. God is beyond the external visions that we have.

Gobind Singh

After Arjun's death, he enlists a bodyguard and wears a sword. The Sikhs became well known as fierce fighters. Has the principal of self-defense against persecution. Founds the Khalsa. Last human guru

Modern world

Many Sikhs relocated during the partition of India. Sikhs separatists in India.Sikh migrated to the US Canada, etc. there are many coverts to Sikhism.


One of the main cities that Sikhism focused its civilization in the center of this city

First stage

One of the stages of development in Sikhism. Not a distinct religion yet but another Indian religious movement seeking to coexist with others. Nanak and his first four successors. The hyms were written, the community itself were organized and the city if Amritsar become one of the focused cities. This religion was gaining momentum

Third stage

One of the stages of development in Sikhism. now it's established religion, it moved beyond India and made coverts elsewhere

Second stage

One of the stages of development in Sikhism.When it rlly begins to define itslef as a religion. Took in more elements of an organized religion(sacred book, sacr city, etc.) as it defended itslef in trying to survive. Where the religion became consolidated.

Punjab India

Sikhism has its roots in the 15th century in the Punjab in India. Represents the intersection of two religions, Hinduism and Islam. Muslims and Hindus kind of mixed and was intermediate in this Provence.


Sikhism to them is entirely new. They don't like to be dependent on other religions. Sikhs believes in the notion of reincarnation and karma, the human is a combination of the material and spirit, and their goal- freedom and unity with the divine. So Sikhism does have some similarities from the Hindu context. They reject some ideas from Hinduism as well; for example the polytheism and the use of images and images of god. What they take on of Islam and other religions is that there is only one god- beyond personhood, does have personal qualities: truth, love compassion,etc. Usually the other religions that we have learned thought god(s) to have personal qualities.God can be found in the heart of each person. Maybe a unique melding of these ideas. Maybe a mixture of these two religions.

Nanak teachings

thinks that there is one god and his name is the truth. There is no hindu and there is no Muslim. We are all the same and we are accessing the same divine reality. God is beyond religion as we know it. There is one god beyond names and conceptions.

Sufi Islam

very emotionally oriented islam that favored mystical notions of oneness with their god

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