SJA APUSH Period 7 (Part 1)

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The doors were locked at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company on the day of the fire because the manager forgot to unlock them when he arrived in the morning.


Upton Sinclair wrote a piercing two-volume history of the Standard Oil Company.


Before 1915, suffrage for women had been granted in the western states more than the eastern states.


Drawing on the reform programs of the Gilded Age and the example of European legislation, Progressives sought to reinvigorate the idea of an activist, socially conscious government.


During the Progressive era, the working woman became a symbol of female emancipation.


In some ways, W. E. B. Du Bois was a typical Progressive who believed that investigation, exposure, and education would lead to solutions for social problems.


Marcus Garvey launched a separatist movement, encouraging blacks to embrace their African heritage.


Patriotism during World War I meant support for the government, the war, and the American economic system.


Progressive intellectuals, social scientists, labor reformers, and suffrage advocates displayed a remarkable indifference to the black condition in the early twentieth century.


Progressive-era immigration formed part of a larger process of worldwide migration set in motion by industrial expansion and the decline of traditional agriculture.


Some Progressives viewed the war as an opportunity to disseminate Progressive values around the globe.


The election of 1912 evolved into a national debate over the relationship between political and economic freedom in the age of big business.


Theodore Roosevelt was more active in international diplomacy than most of his predecessors.


When Theodore Roosevelt failed to win the Republican nomination for president in 1912, he formed his own political party.


Woodrow Wilson issued the Fourteen Points in January 1918, which established the agenda for the peace conference that followed World War I.


World War I opened thousands of industrial jobs to black laborers for the first time, inspiring a large-scale migration from South to North called the Great Migration.


The Red Scare: a. was caused by the fear of a Russian invasion b. was an intense period of political intolerance c. strengthened the Industrial Workers of the World d. advanced the cause of labor e. refers to widespread fears of influenza in 1918

b. was an intense period of political intolerance

Nickelodeons: a. were patronized by the wealthy b. were attended mostly by urban working class people c. never caught on with American consumers d. were banned in most cities e. appealed only to children

b. were attended mostly by urban working class people

The Nineteenth Amendment: a. prohibited states from denying any immigrants the right to vote b. was never ratified c. barred states from using sex as a qualification for voting d. prohibited states from denying Chinese immigrants the right to vote e. barred states from using race as a qualification for voting

c. barred states from using sex as a qualification for voting

The Eighteenth Amendment: a. protected the beer industry b. barred states from passing laws prohibiting alcohol manufacture or sale c. prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages d. prohibited the manufacture and sale of any German products e. was never ratified

c. prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages

To create national parks, the federal government: a. dismantled the Northern Pacific Railroad b. removed animals from the land c. set aside millions of acres from economic development d. set aside lands that had never been inhabited by humans e. barred logging and timber companies west of the Mississippi River

c. set aside millions of acres from economic development

Most Progressives saw World War I as a golden opportunity because: a. it enabled blacks a chance for economic improvement through defense jobs b. they saw an opportunity to completely restrict immigration c. they hoped to disseminate Progressive values around the globe d. they believed that the United States would profit from the war e. they supported the socialist ideas of Vladimir Lenin

c. they hoped to disseminate Progressive values around the globe

All of the following statements about urban Progressives are true EXCEPT that: a. they sought to improve public transportation b. they sought to establish public control of gas and water works c. they worked with political machines d. they raised taxes to increase spending on schools and parks e. they worked to reform the structure of government

c. they worked with political machines

During the Progressive era: a. most African-American women worked in factories b. the number of married women working declined c. growing numbers of native-born white women worked as domestics d. growing numbers of native-born white women worked in offices e. most eastern European immigrant women worked as telephone operators

d. growing numbers of native-born white women worked in offices

The Treaty of Versailles: a. was a fair and reasonable document given the circumstances b. required Germany to pay more than $33 billion in reparations c. rejected Wilson's idea for a League of Nations d. allowed Germany equal participation in the negotiation process e. declared Ireland's independence

b. required Germany to pay more than $33 billion in reparations

During the Progressive era: a. social reformers concentrated their efforts on rural areas b. urban development highlighted social inequalities c. cities competed with rural areas for government projects d. cities declined in importance e. cities attracted only the wealthy

b. urban development highlighted social inequalities

Louis Brandeis was an enemy of the labor movement and led the Supreme Court in its pro-business decisions.


New sexual attitudes during the Progressive age were limited to New York City.


Once in office, Woodrow Wilson was a fierce trustbuster, dismantling more than twenty monopolies.


Progressives wished to completely overthrow industrial capitalism.


The combined efforts of women during the war won them suffrage through the Eighteenth Amendment.


Henry Ford paid his employees five dollars a day because he wished to avoid strikes at his factory.


Angel Island was where most Mexican immigrants entered the United States.


Compared to the American Federation of Labor, the Industrial Workers of the World union was conservative for its day.


All of the following statements about Jane Addams and Hull House are true EXCEPT that: a. Addams opposed government intervention in regards to workplace safety b. Addams established employment bureaus and health clinics c. Addams built kindergartens for immigrant children d. Hull House was modeled on a settlement house in London e. Hull House and other settlement houses provided careers for the "new woman."

a. Addams opposed government intervention in regards to workplace safety

Which of the following regions did people NOT migrate to in large numbers between 1840 and 1914? a. China b. Argentina c. Brazil d. Canada e. The Caribbean

a. China

Eugene V. Debs was: a. a Socialist candidate for president b. an immigrant c. elected vice president in 1912 d. a Social Darwinist e. a railroad tycoon

a. a Socialist candidate for president

"Americanization": a. refers to an economic system b. refers to the process of assimilation c. was supported by all Progressives d. recognized diversity e. was another term for "Fordism"

b. refers to the process of assimilation

Who was NOT a candidate in the 1912 presidential election? a. Woodrow Wilson b. Theodore Roosevelt c. William Jennings Bryan d. William Howard Taft e. Eugene V. Debs

c. William Jennings Bryan

In Muller v. Oregon, the Supreme Court: a. argued that women were too weak to work long hours b. validated the liberty of contract c. outlawed child labor for children under the age of sixteen d. gave labor the right to strike e. refused to limit work hours for male bakers

a. argued that women were too weak to work long hours

The word "Progressivism" came into common use around 1910: a. as a way of describing a loosely defined political movement b. as another term for socialism c. denoting a group that appealed only to women d. and represented those who advocated revolution e. as an antibusiness term

a. as a way of describing a loosely defined political movement

A cause not widely championed by Progressives was: a. civil rights for blacks b. reducing the poverty of the cities c. workmen's compensation laws d. regulating industry e. women's suffrage

a. civil rights for blacks

Founder of the Society of American Indians, Carlos Montezuma: a. demanded that American Indians be left alone in order to be independent b. argued that Federal government paternalism improved the lives of American Indians c. called for the Bureau of Indian Affairs to be run by American Indians d. demanded that all Indians be granted partial citizenship e. called for government-sponsored boarding schools

a. demanded that American Indians be left alone in order to be independent

Which phrase accurately describes the scene in Paris upon Woodrow Wilson's arrival? a. huge, enthusiastic crowds b. empty streets and eerie silence c. a since commitment to rebuilding the city d. normal city activity, apathetic to his arrival e. angry mobs

a. huge, enthusiastic crowds

During World War I, the federal government: a. increased corporate and individual income taxes b. intervened minimally in the economy c. established the minimum wage and the eight-hour day d. pursued a laissez-faire economic policy e. encouraged farmers only to produce for American consumption

a. increased corporate and individual income taxes

All of the following statements about the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) are true EXCEPT: a. it opposed higher education for African-Americans b. it used the court system to push for equality c. it was founded in 1909 d. it launched a long struggle to enforce the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments e. it was an interracial organization

a. it opposed higher education for African-Americans

A Nickelodeon was a: a. motion-picture theater b. place in New York c. kind of drink immigrants liked d. form of live entertainment e. political machine

a. motion-picture theater

Newspaper and magazine writers who exposed the ills of industrial and urban life, fueling the Progressive movement, were known as: a. muckrakers b. trustees c. social reformers d. yellow journalists e. freelancers

a. muckrakers

The Industrial Workers of the World and most of the Socialist Party: a. opposed the war b. worked with the Committee on Public Information c. encouraged their members to join in the war effort d. supported U.S. entry into World War I e. remained neutral

a. opposed the war

African-Americans migrated north during the Great Migration for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: a. the opportunity to help other blacks protest b. escaping the threat of lynching c. the prospect of being able to vote d. the prospect of higher wages e. being able to educate their children

a. the opportunity to help other blacks protest

In 1919: a. there was much unrest and many strikes b. workers continued to honor the no-strike pledge c. labor and business cooperated d. every industry but steel went on strike e. political unrest was confined to Europe

a. there was much unrest and many strikes

World War I: a. was rooted in European contests over colonial possessions b. was known as the Good War c. pitted the British against France d. resulted in limited casualties e. began with the assassination of an American diplomat

a. was rooted in European contests over colonial possessions

Which was the Ellis Island of the West? a. San Francisco b. Angel Island c. San Diego d. Alcatraz e. Liberty Island

b. Angel Island

The painters who were part of the Ashcan School focused their art on: a. the abstract b. city life c. war d. still life e. nudes

b. city life

During his presidency, Woodrow Wilson: a. outlawed discrimination in federal agencies b. dismissed numerous black federal employees c. appointed several black judges d. banned the showing of the movie Birth of a Nation at the White House e. built on his civil rights record as governor of Virginia

b. dismissed numerous black federal employees

"Birds of passage" were: a. immigrants who visited settlement houses for temporary help b. immigrants who planned on returning to their homeland c. stowaways on passenger ships, attempting to immigrate to America d. single women who worked until they got married e. strikerbreakers who were sent in by factory owners

b. immigrants who planned on returning to their homeland

Which statement about the Red Scare is FALSE? a. the government deported hundreds of immigrant radicals b. it resulted in a wave of sympathy for persecuted workers c. it eroded Mitchell Palmer's career as an anti-communist government agent d. officials believed that labor strikes were connected to the Russian Revolution e. it all but destroyed the IWW and the Socialist Party

b. it resulted in a wave of sympathy for persecuted workers

In the early twentieth century, Angel Island in San Francisco Bay became known as the "Ellis Island of the West" and served as the main entry point for immigrants from: a. Brazil b. Mexico c. Japan d. Guam e. China

c. Japan

All of the following statements about African-American participation during World War I are true EXCEPT: a. W. E. B. Du Bois encouraged African-Americans to serve in the military b. the navy barred African-Americans entirely c. President Wilson allowed African-American soldiers to march in a Paris victory parade d. the army was segregated e. the army barred most African-Americans from combat

c. President Wilson allowed African-American soldiers to march in a Paris victory parade

Why did workers experience the introduction of scientific management as a loss of freedom? a. Workers had to work longer hours under scientific mangement b. Scientific management typically lowered wages c. Skilled workers under scientific management had to obey very detailed instructions d. Foremen tended to drive workers with more brute force under scientific management e. Safety conditions worsened when companies introduced scientific management

c. Skilled workers under scientific management had to obey very detailed instructions

Who led a black separatist movement? a. Booker T. Washington b. W. E. B. Du Bois c. Langston Hughes d. Marcus Garvey e. Frederick Douglass

d. Marcus Garvey

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Progressive reformers? a. Progressives were involved in a variety of reforms in the political, economic, and social realms b. Progressives saw the idea of freedom in flux c. Progressives were mainly urban and middle class d. Progressives pursued radical alternatives to capitalism e. Progressives implemented several of the reforms advocated earlier in the Gilded Age

d. Progressives pursued radical alternatives to capitalism

The writer whose work encouraged the passage of the Meat Inspection Act was: a. Lewis Hine b. Gustavus Swift c. Henry George d. Upton Sinclair e. Lincoln Steffens

d. Upton Sinclair

On April 2, 1917, Woodrow Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war: a. against Russia, "to make the world safe for democracy" b. that was passed unanimously c. against Britain, "to make the world safe for democracy" d. against Germany, "to make the world safe for democracy" e. that was turned down

d. against Germany, "to make the world safe for democracy"

The Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire: a. occurred during the Uprising of the 20,000 b. destroyed the business, but there was no casualties c. resulted in laws that banned all manufacturing in New York d. brought in its wake increased union organizing among New York City garment workers and much-needed safety legislation

d. brought in its wake increased union organizing among New York City garment workers and much-needed safety legislation

Asian and Mexican immigrants in the early twentieth century: a. were much more welcome than European immigrants b. clustered in the South as agricultural workers c. were prohibited from entering the United States d. clustered in the West as agricultural workers e. outnumbered southern and eastern European immigrants

d. clustered in the West as agricultural workers

During World War I, most Progressives: a. did not support the war b. were ambivalent c. supported the Germans d. supported U.S. entry into the war e. were pacifists

d. supported U.S. entry into the war

Eugenics is: a. the socialist strategy of infiltrating labor unions in the United States b. the practice of using poison gas by the Germans during World War I c. the movement toward colonization in Africa by blacks from the United States d. the study of the supposed mental characteristics of different races e. the genetic modification of human behavior

d. the study of the supposed mental characteristics of different races

Dollar Diplomacy: a. characterizes the foreign policy of Theodore Roosevelt b. was put in place by Woodrow Wilson regarding Mexico c. was applied only in Asia d. was used by William Howard Taft instead of military intervention e. was seldom used and never successfully

d. was used by William Howard Taft instead of military intervention

The Progressive presidents were: a. Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, and Theodore Roosevelt b. William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, and Warren G. Harding c. Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and Rutherford B. Hayes d. Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland, and William McKinley e. Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson

e. Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson

Jane Addams: a. was a birth-control advocate b. believed in Social Darwinism c. was an economist d. supported anti-immigrant legislation e. advocated for the working poor

e. advocated for the working poor

The National Women's Party: a. was a branch of the Democratic Party b. was part of a new, more conservative generation of college-educated activists c. opposed women's suffrage d. was a branch of the Socialist Party e. was part of a new, more militant generation of college-educated activists

e. was part of a new, more militant generation of college-educated activists

During World War I, federal powers: a. were limited b. stayed the same c. were delegated to the states d. were placed with the Allied comand e. expanded greatly

e. expanded greatly

Between 1901 and 1920, the United States intervened militarily numerous times in Caribbean countries: a. in order to gain territory for the United States b. in order to fight European powers who sought to establish colonies in the area c. because the democratic leaders of the region asked the United States for aid in suppressing rebellions d. in order to spread liberty and freedom in the region e. in order to protect the economic interests of American banks and companies

e. in order to protect the economic interests of American banks and companies

The Progressive movement drew its strength from: a. military leaders b. farmers c. socialists d. big business e. middle-class reformers

e. middle-class reformers

A worker who crossed a picket line during a strike was called a: a. breaker b. dodger c. scum d. socialist e. scab

e. scab

All of the following statements about mass consumption in the early twentieth century are true EXCEPT: a. the new advertising industry often linked goods with the idea of freedom b. urban dwellers purchased goods in department stores and chain stores c. rural people purchased goods through mail-order catalogs d. the promise of mass consumption became the foundation for a new understanding of freedom e. southerners fully participated in the mass-consumption society

e. southerners fully participated in the mass-consumption society

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