Slavery and Empire Chapter 4

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How long would the slaves tend to spend on the ships?

3 weeks to 3 months

Before the 19th century who were the largest group of people that came to America ?


Who captured men and women for slavery then exchanged those captured slaves for European commodities


In the Early 18th century there were about 2 dozen trading forts along 220 miles of West Africa also known as the __________ coast


In the 1670s we see that France is also going to be taking a part of _____________ (from spanish)


Explain how the middle passage worked

Slaves being shipped from Africa to the Carribean Exchanging slaves for sugar and molasses Bring sugar and molasses to 13 colonies to be turned into rum Take that back to Africa African traders at the ports really liked rum and wanted it Manufactured goods coming from Britain to go to 13 colonies Trade for grain and livestock which is then brought to the carribean for sugar and molasses Sugar and molasses goes back to Great Britain

Of 10.5 million African who arrived in the Americas, 90% went where?

Sugar colonies In the carribean Whole ships were unloaded here and then restocked with goods to be brought back to Africa A whole cycle

Why did African slaves come to the Americas ? Explain

The introduction of the sugar production The expansion of sugar production increased demand for slaves When sugar plantations are developed in the Americas we see a huge demand for slaves in these areas

Sales of slaves were usually made by the auction of the "________________"

"The scramble"

What ratio of slaves went to North America

1 in 20

Between the 16th and 19th centuries how many Africans were transported to the Americas ?

10-12 million Roughly ½ of that 10-12 million were transported to Dutch, English, or French plantations in the Caribbean Most of these slave trading ships, regardless of their origins, would first deliver to the Caribbean Then from the Caribbean you would have smaller ships delivering the rest to around the world

West Africa had well established societies and local communities. It is believed that the slave trade incorporated over ________ societies all over Africa but all the ports were on the west coast so they had to walk hundreds of miles to get to the ports


What year did the first African slaves arrive in Lisbon, Portugal (even before connection between Europe and Africa)


What year did the first Africans arrive/traded in Virginia/Africa


It takes a while for the slave system to expand in North America It takes nearly 200 years for slavery to become a really important piece in the labor systems What were the %'s of the number of slaves within the population of the years 1700 and 1770.

1700: 11% slaves of the colonial population (of North American Colonies) As a whole (not in a particular colony) 1770: more than 20% slaves of the colonial population (of North American Colonies) (a little bit less than 500,000) As a whole (not in a particular colony)

Number of enslaved Africans coming to the America compared to Europeans ...


How were the Africans enslaved (two ways)

A community is taken over probably due to war Or slave invaders would come in and just take as many slaves as they could

From about 1701 to 1800 about 75% of all enslaved Africans arrived in America . What does this show ?

A lot more manufacturing took place in the Americas The need for labor was more and more demanded

Movement of Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas (or another location) was the largest forced migration in world history

African Slave Trade

How would Africans get enslaved through warfare?

African raiders or armies often violently attacked other villages to take captives People in the defeated villages would often be taken as slaves Also people would sneak into villages at night and take people Slaves were coming from all over the continent Captives were marched to the coast, many dying along the way Some accounts of journey talked about it take 2 months Very little food and water Shackled the whole way

In polygamy practices you take more than one wife and have very large complex family relationships Because of this practice there were restrictions on sexual relations Therefore we see that ...

African tended to have fewer children of European women at the same time period This tells us that African women have a lot more social and economic independence then European women at the same time

Why was Africas access to European goods taking a toll on their economy

As Africans are coming back to shore they are bringing European goods Bulk goods are being sold at a cheaper price than an African slave trade can Because the Europeans are making things in bulk and in Africa those goods are becoming less and less money People are choosing the cheaper products and aren't choosing African goods

What was it like for the slaves when getting close to the new world?

As ship approached destination, enslaved Africans were finally able to wash and move about the ship It wasn't until land was in sight that the crew did not prepare them for sale Washed, clothed, and oiled (to make their skin look better) People would beat drum and play music and have the slaves march to the music off the ships

As the slave trade gets more and more involved we see Europeans getting more personally involved meaning ...

Before they relied on the slave traders But after they trade with that person a few times they grow a relationship with that slave trader Slave trader would start working privately for that person Trader would often just provide for that one country The traders knew which country was offering what because they could see the flags on the ships coming into the country Extremely profitable As more time goes one more and more people want to get involved in one way or another

What was the core of the European colonial system ?

Caribbean sugar and slaves As we move through the 1600s these tiny carribean islands are going to make European countries a ton of money

Who brought sugar cane to Hispaniola ? Why is this significant ?

Columbus We are going to see that sugar plantation will be operating there When you start having sugar plantations in Hispaniola at first the Spanish were using the indeginous population as workers however that population is dying off because of disease, starvation, and violence no so the Spanish have to import African slaves

During the mid-1600s colonial laws that supported dormant enslavement were put in place . What does this mean ?

Concept of permanent enslavement changes in the mid-1600s Not until the mid-1600s that colonies start to make laws that support this idea of permanent servitude When we have this mid-1600 arrival of slave laws this is what's really going to establish the thought that the darker your skin the more inferior you are People of African origin were starting to be seen as inferior to whites Wasn't like this before Many colonies will follow in the footsteps of virginia and make some very similar laws as Virginia does

1699-1845: evidence of 55 slave revolts on British and American ships or within the ports (ships most common) How did they revolt?

Doesn't mean there weren't more There were individual resistances as well Most often in the form of not eating Becoming weaker and less desirable to the person that is buying them as a product Jumping overboard was quite common Would happen mostly in the middle of the ocean

Who expanded European market for sugar ? How ?

Dutch merchants When sugar was first introduced to Europe it was a item that only the wealthy could have But as more and more of it is grown in the Americas its going to be an item that ordinary people need in their lives This shift makes other European countries to cash in on it England & France began constructing plantations and importing slaves to smaller islands in Caribbean (Lesser Antilles)(late start = smaller islands) See success of Dutch and want that also

Loss of population and access to cheap European goods led to ___________________ (means that there is no increase or decrease in the economy) (economics don't improve because the workforce was taken from Africa)

Economic stagnation

In regards to the Dutch and Spanish who come into the sugar and slave trade later but will still do very well with it?

England and France

In the 1640s the islands of Martinique made the ___________ a lot of money and the Barbados made th e_____________ a lot of money

French English

By the year 1600 it is estimated that there were 25,000 enslaved Africans on ___________ or ______________ due to the huge increase in demand for sugar and slaves

Hispaniola (Dominican republic or Haiti) or Brazil

In the 1650s the English seized _______ which made them a lot of money


What did many slaves think they were being taken for while they were at the coast?

Many of the slaves that were being held at the coast really thought that they were going to be shipped to be eaten The slaves that leave never come back so they dońt know the real truth Before they even leave the coast they are faced with so much fear and terror

The middle portion of the triangular trade routes The path of when you were going to west Africa to America with slaves The enslaved Africans were traded as cargo Traded for manufactured goods Forced transport of enslaved Africans from West Africa to the Americas

Middle Passage

When do New England slave traders enter the slave trade ?

New England slave traders don't enter the slave trade until the 18th century

Why did most tobacco farmers use indentured servants instead of slaves at first?

Not until the mid-1600s that we see them using actual slave labor The reason why many of these tobacco plantation owners didn't use slaves is because the life expectancy was much less than that of indentured servants Also African slaves were almost 2x the price than indentured servants Indentured servant were usually poor Europeans who wanted to move to the oldies but couldn't afford the cost of travel So you would have a company sponsor your trip to North America So since someone is paying for you to come over you would have to work for a certain amount of time to pay that off Indentured servants would only work for about 7 years then they would be freed (when they were freed they would be given a plot of land)

In 1667 the slave code was passed stating that Christain baptisms would no longer change your condition of servitude. Why was this significant (think back to 1662 slave code)

Now with the 1662 and 1667 laws the two most famous ways to freedom for African slaves were not longer allowed

He was someone that was captured as a slave when he was young (11 years old) and was shipped to America Obtained his freedom and published a memoir One of the only memoirs we have of someone about his experience in Africa and his experience in America as a slave From the slaves perspective

Olaudah Equiano

We know that the African communities in general would practice ____________ which means having multiple wives


By the mid 15th century ________________ traders as a whole were shipping more than 1,000 enslaved Africans per year to other locations before any European country in involved in it


Who was the first European country to introduce African slaves to European countries


What was the European dominance of the slave trade like ?

Portugal were dominating in the 16th century At the start of the 17th century is was the Dutch that was dominating (Especially when sugar plantations and sugar as an everyday substance come into use) Towards the end of the 17th century its the English that are taking the dominance (They set of companies that are ment to create slave trade monopolies Really expand their role in the slave trade - huge increase of slaves)

Who start the slave trade in the 15th century ?


What was life like on there journey from Africa and through the middle passage ?

Shelves 6 feet long and 2.5 feet high That was an average You cańt sit up at all or turn over You would stay in the whole position the whole time Packed and chained so tightly they couldn't move Hardly any food or sanitation Usually if they are being feed its once a day and right in the morning They would be taken above deck Probably just beans Enough protein to stay alive There would be times when they wouldńt eat anything at all If the crew was scared of the slaves revolting they wouldńt be brought above deck and if they were brought up they would keep them unchanged You would do to the bathroom right where they were Sometimes you would be able to use a sort of bathroom Horrible sanitation During the meal times sometimes they would be thrown buckets of water to sort of wash off Not really effective Very bad smell Dysentery and disease Epidemic on the ships Dysentery is a bacterial infection from bad polluted water

Slave labor is the dominant form of labor system

Slave society

In 1662 Virginia put in place slave codes. One of them being "bond freely only according to the condition of the mother" meaning...

Slavery becomes inheritable If your mother was enslaved you were automatically enslaved After this law comes about there is an increase of (female slaves because they could give birth) owners playing a part in slave reproduction Slave owners see that it is very profitable to buy a female slave and get her pregnant Increased economic gain for the owners Mixed population/ancestry population White slave owners would not see the child as their own Have the possibility of endless free work Nobody has to purchase for you to become a slave

slavery is one form of labor amoung a bunch of other forms of labor Slave labor is not the dominant form of labor

Society with slaves

What was it like for the slaves once they were off the ships

Some ships were intended for a specific wealthy planter or delivered to a merchant who would then sell the enslaved Africans for a commission (a higher price) Regardless on whether the slave was bound for one specific person or a business as a whole buyers would very closely examine the slaves Middle passage voyage was very damaging to a person as a whole - very hard to hide that Stronger you were = higher price When you were paraded off the ship you would be wearing hardly any clothing Being poked and prodded while being naked in front of a group of people Very dehumanizing Also dont know whats going to happen to the still Sales were usually made by auction of "the scramble" Prices were set in advance, enslaved Africans were put in a pen and on cue, buyers would rush into the pen and pick who they wanted

What were the systems of farming and trade networks like in Africa ?

Sophisticated systems of farming and extensive trade networks Africans as farmers understood that you needed to cultivate the land and rotate your crops They were doing really well as traders Very extensive trade networks Across entire continent and Asia Had surplus of food and would trade that surplus

Where did the Portuguese bring the African slaves on Madeira (Madeira off the coast of North Africa)

Sugar plantations

Why did as more European nations get involved in the slave trade African nations grow weaker ?

The people making the money of the slave trade were the European nations Making so much money - paying one price and getting a lifetime of free labor off of that price If you are an African slave trader you make a good amount of money But its only one payment while the Europeans are making a one time payment for a lifetime

Why did the shift from a society with slaves to a slave society occur in North America ?

The reason for the shift is primarily because European immigration has declined at that point (happened in the last 20 years of the 1600s) Because indentured servants were not getting any more good farmland when they were freed they weren't coming over anymore We see that some of these English colonies turn to African enslavement

The vast majority of slaves taken were of what appearance ?

The vast majority of those taken were teenagers or young adults Ideal range was 15-30 year old Men were a lot more prevalent to the slave trade then men were

What was the use of slaves like in Africa?

There were slaves in Africa The big difference here is the slaves were treated more like family member than possessions If you were a household slave in Africa you were able to get married Your children were born free We don't really see lifetime enslavement here either Not racially based Not a superior vs. Inferior aspect

In 1669 a slave code was put in place stating that The death of a slave during punishment "shall not be accounted felony". Meaning....

There's no murder trial No charges filed The death of a slave at the hands of an owners was considered completely justifiable

An average slave ships was meant to carry 450 slaves but most of the time would carry 600 slaves Why did they do this

These journeys were expensive so you wanted to have as much ¨cargö as you could each leg of the trip

Explain slavery in Europe

They were usually taken after defeat and came from Slavic regions or were Muslim or African It wasn't always lifelong slavery Did not begin as a racially based system The word Slave comes from the word Slav (Slavic people) There were Christain slaves Many Europeans felt really uncomfortable about that because they could see themselves as that slave You can identify with that person Creates this public moral concern about enslaving Christians Did not view taking Slavic, Muslim, or African people as a moral problem

At the beginning of slavery why were people taken captive


Who and what did the Royal English Company do?

We also see (1670s) that royal English African company start to directly (English company that would be dominating the slave trade) shipping enslaved Africans from African to the British American colonies We see a rise in the availability of African slaves You were paying a high price for this new form of labor but you could work them for free and for more hours a day No labor laws for slaves

Where were most of the enslaved Africans coming from ?

West Africa

All _________________ nations participated in the African slave trade ?

Western European

10-15% of slaves who were on ships did not survive the Middle Passage In terms of a number that's estimated to be about 2 million enslaved Africans not surviving. How did most die ?

What many slaves would do is once they became unchained they would jump over the side Soon what ships would do is they would hang netting up along the ships sides to keep them from jumping over Horrible conditions on ship (starvation, disease, sanitation)

Slavery enriched a few in Africa, but slave wars ravaged population - spread death and destruction far inland. How?

You have African villages competing with one another It is believed that every African that was taken as a captive you have one more person dying of the build up from the raid 1/1 ratio Villages were being destroyed and depleted of their population Males were being targeted first but then women and children were (children especially because you have a larger time with them)

What was it like at the coast after you were captured as a slave?

You would be held captive along the coast until a ship came to get you Slaves were separated from their families and ethnic groups, kept in dungeons or "barracoons," (and open pen / fenced in area with no roof) branded, and dehumanized You want to ensure the opportunity for rebellion was as low as possible By separating ethnic groups it would keep the slaves from communicating with one another Once it becomes known who the owner is you would be branded with their symbol (symbol would most likely be for the slave owner - ships had flags that would tell which country it was for) That would tell people at the next port were you were intended to go Not everyone had a symbol - depended on how present you were in the slave trade The slaves were dehumanized through this whole process and treated like animals

Since the beginning of time all societies had some sort of __________


When we talk about slavery arriving in North America, North America is originally a _________________

society with slaves (Around 1675 it would switch to a slave society)

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