SLS 1501 Midterm Review

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Earning a bachelor's degree increases your salary by _________ per year.


Characteristics of a transformational leader

1. Charismatic 2. Inspirational and motivating 3. Intellectually stimulating 4. Respectful of individuals differences

What is the memory process?

1. Encoding 2. Storage 3. Retrieval

Strategies to improve emotional intelligence

1. Increase awareness of emotional reactions 2.Practive good stress management 3. Notice emotional reactions of others 4.Engage in positive impactful behaviors 5.Meet with counselor or psychologist if seeking help to manage emotions

3 primary types of career decision-making difficulties:

1. Lack of readiness 2.Lack of information 3.Inconsistent information

Developing Cultural Competence

1. Learning about various cultures and populations 2. Becoming more aware of your own beliefs and attitudes and how these beliefs impact you and others 3. Developing skills to effectively work with others who may be very different from you

Types of Intelligence:

1. Linguistic intelligence- ability to use language 2. Logical-mathematical intelligence- ability to use logic and solve mathematical problems 3. Spatial intelligence- ability to perceive spatial relationships 4.Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence- ability to use your body to perform tasks 5.Musical intelligence- ability to comprehend and create music 6.Intrapersonal intelligence- ability to engage in self-reflection 7. Interpersonal intelligence- ability to engage in social behavior 8.Naturalistic intelligence- ability to identify patterns in nature 9.Existential/Philosophical intelligence- ability to think deeply about philosophical questions such as the meaning of life

10 essential communication skills

1. Listening- actively listening to someone. 2. Nonverbal communication- body language, facial expressions, and tone. 3. Clarity and concision-plan what you want to say before you say it. Brief and concise messages are more likely to be heard. 4. Friendliness- Being positive and friendly. Simple actions like smiling can go a long way. 5.Confidence- Believing in your ideas 6.Empathy- Seeing the world from other perspectives 7.Open-mindedness- Being open to other perspectives and ideas 8.Respect- remove distractions, giving the other person your undivided attention, and thanking the person for sharing their thoughts and ideas 9. Feedback- Being able to receive and give feedback is important for growth and improvement. 10. Picking the right medium- ways of communicating: face-to-face, email, online virtual meetings, phone, text, etc.

How to achieve work-school-life balance

1. Make a to-do list of all tasks that need to be completed, documenting deadlines and determining the importance to each task 2. Organize all content related to each task or project 3. Develop a schedule to complete tasks 4. Stay focused on one task at a time to maximize the use of your time

What is the order in which you should read a research article?

1. Read the abstract many times 2.Read the introduction 3.Read the discussion 4.Read the entire article

Bloom's Taxonomy levels

1. Remembering: Describe, Relate, Tell, Find 2. Understanding: Discuss, Outline, Explain, Predict 3. Applying: Use, Illustrate, Complete, Solve 4. Analyzing: Identify, Compare, Explain, Categorize 5. Evaluating: Decide, Prioritize, Rate, Justify 6. Creating: Create, Imagine, Design Plan

Single-task it strategies

1. Remove distractions- turn off notifications for email, phone, or social media 2.Give your full attention to the current task 3. Write down other tasks you are thinking about so that you can relieve yourself of the pressure of remembering them

5 approaches to effective decision making

1. Use a multisensory approach 2.Organize 3.Review 4.Test 5.Teach

How do you avoid time traps?

1.Become aware of personal time traps 2. Self-imposed time limits 3. Use fun activities as a reward for must-do activities

5 different styles of handling conflict

1.Integrating style 2.Obliging style 3.Dominating style 4.Avioding style 5.Compromising style

Students shouldn't work more than ______ hours a week


Cornell Method

A method of note-taking that include writing question and key concepts on one side of the paper and marginal notes and summaries on the opposite side.

What is a peer-reviewed journal article?

A theoretical or research-written work that has been deemed worthy of publication by experts in that field.

What are the ABC's of effective goal setting?

A: Aim High- Challenging goals are best! The higher you aim, the higher you will achieve. "I will aim to set goals that require high performance and dedication" B: Believe in Yourself- Self-efficacy is important. If you believe in your ability, you will be more likely to put forth the effort needed. "I will believe that I have the skills and abilities to achieve my goal" C: Care and Commit- Being motivated matters! Believing your goal is important and being committed to achieving it leads to more success. "I will put in the time and effort needed to achieve my goals" S: Specify and Self-Reflect- Having a specific goal is connected to successful outcomes. This allows for easier monitoring and reflection, important parts of the process. "I will assess my progress in reaching my goal and from there make changes on possible mistakes or inconsistencies/challenges I may have been faced with, and continue with any healthy decision-making or study habits I may have successfully executed.

Parts or elements of a research article:

Abstract and Introduction: Abstract- the summary of the nature of the study and the key findings. Introduction- review of past research and current research question (why current study is being conducted) Method: how the study is conducted; the number of participants and what they were asked to do Results: answers research question; the findings; detailed statistics Discussion: summary of key findings; cautions about interpreting results accurately; the value of the research findings

Study group roles

Agenda Maker, Facilitator, Time Keeper, Quiz Creator

Why is it important to evaluate websites?

Anyone can post information on the Internet, so although finding this information may not take very long, evaluating it can be quite a time-consuming task.

What does professionalism mean?

Behaviors in the work place that communicate you are: Committed to achieving goals Responsible Hardworking Honest Respectful Mindful of boundaries A team player

Ways to combat procrastination

Break big tasks down into more manageable ones Reward yourself for taking action!

Developing Critical Thinking Skills

Clarifying explanations Questioning assumptions Exploring additional evidence Multiple perspectives Real-world implications Self-reflective processes

What are note taking apps?

Electronic version of notes on tablet or other device. Ex: Evernote and Google Notes

5R Approach to Effective Group Work

Establish Rapport- get to know group members Determine Rules- agree upon ground rules for working in the group Determine Roles- assign roles such as group leader, note taker, visual aid leader, finishing touch specialist, and rehearsal director Get Ready to support and work with one another- work individually on tasks before meetings. Come prepared and challenge one another with questions to more deeply explore content Remember to evaluate- monitor progress and address conflict immediately

The process of becoming a critical thinker

Foundational condition 1: Knowledge Foundational condition 2: Self-efficacy Foundational condition 3: Desire and drive Learning condition 1: Challenging learning tasks and opportunities Learning condition 2: Learning strategies and support

Two essential components of professionalism

Honesty and Integrity

What criteria should you use to determine if a website is a credible source?

If the people/organization(s) that provided the information are qualified to do so Ask yourself if the information you found seems consistent with other information Use the CRAAP Test- Currency: the timeliness of the information, Relevance: The importance of the information to your needs, Authority: The source of the information, Accuracy: The reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content, Purpose: The reason the information exists.

person-environment fit

If you can identify with a work environment or career that matches well with your personality and interests, then you will be satisfied with your career choice. Interests, personality types, and work environments can be characterized according to six basic themes: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional. (Hollands Hexagon).

Where is multitasking most prevalent?

In college classrooms

Benefits of goal setting

Increased academic achievement. Increased likelihood of staying in college. More positive emotions. Improved well-being later in life. Increased success overall.

What are the benefits of short-term goals?

Increased motivation and effort Helps monitor our progress toward completing our long-term goals.

What are the most important soft skills in the eyes of employers?

Integrity Communication Interpersonal Confidence Planning Organization Decision-making

Happenstance Learning Theory

Krumboltz, a social psychologist, believes in the idea that our behavior is the product of countless numbers of learning experiences made available by both planned and unplanned situations.

What is information literacy?

Learning to sift through what often seems like an endless amount of information, and find and evaluate information that will assist you with a task.

How long should short term goals take to complete?

Less than 6 months

What are the various styles of note-taking?

Linear notes Traditional outline Digital notes Cornell method Concept maps Matrix notes

How long do long term goals usually take to accomplish?

Long-term goals can take anywhere from several months to many years to accomplish.

Why are long-term goals important?

Long-term goals provide us with a big picture view of where we want to be in our future.

Traditional Outline

Main headings appear on the left and subheadings are indented.

benefits of higher education

More civic engagement Better overall well-being Helps future family/generations Career satisfaction Better salary and benefits

Matrix Notes

Most effective form of note-taking. Table format that visually shows connections. Main topics on top, subheading on left. Works especially well for comparing and contrasting.

Should you highlight everything you see on a page?


Big Five Personality Traits

OCEAN: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

Who influences our career decisions?

Parents Friends Significant others Teachers or counselors Other relatives

Factors that include self-efficacy

Personal accomplishments Vicarious experiences Social persuasion Physiological reactions

Testing Your Knowledge

Pretend you have a test after every class Frequently take practice tests Use flashcards Recall what you learned from class and reading assignments Learn from mistakes while there are no negative consequences

What are soft skills?

Professionalism Time management Planning and organizational skills Work ethic Decision-making Oral and written communication Teamwork and collaboration Leadership Critical thinking Problem-solving

3R Method

Read the material Recite the material- close the book and say what you remember (or better yet, write it down) Review- review or read over the material again


Refers to simultaneously working on two or more activities.

What is one well-know framework for goal setting?

SMART goals S: Specific M: Measurable A: Achievable R: Realistic/Relevant T: Time-based

What are short term goals?

Short-term goals are goals you can complete within, days, weeks, or months. They should be considered steps toward your long-term goal.

social cognitive theory

Situational factors play a huge role in our decision-making. Situational factors can include the people with whom we interact and experiences. Cognitive factors also play a role in career decision-making. Goal setting, expectations, and self-efficacy really matter when it comes to career decision-making.

What are the 6 steps of Effective Decision-Making?

Step 1. Keep your goals visible- Ask, "what do I want?" Step 2. Gather relevant information- Ask, "what do I need to know?" Step 3. Creatively identify and explore possible options- Ask, "what are my options?" Step 4. Evaluate options- Ask, "what are the pros and cons?" Step 5. Decide and Take action- Ask, "what is my decision?" Step 6. Assess whether your choice supported your goal and was effective- Ask, "was this decision a good one?"

SQ3R method

Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review

What is task switching?

Switching from one task to another

Action steps you can take to discover career options

Talk to others( professors, friends, family, and coworkers) about career options Take a variety of courses in college and talk with professors and classmates about your career aspirations. Participate in clubs and organizations and talk with the club advisors and members about your career goals. Seek out work experiences in a variety of settings and talk to coworkers about career issues. Participate in an internship program to gain experience in a work environment in your field of interest. Engage in a service learning project. Conduct informational interviews with individuals from different careers. Ask others you meet at social events, conferences, and club meetings about their career journey.

Digital Notes

Typed notes using programs like Microsoft word. Can include organizational and visual tools.

Note-taking tips and strategies

Use examples Develop PowerPoint slides Pause to summarize Take notes on all learning activities Emphasize key points Repackage your notes after class Study your notes

Careers and Self-Assessment

Values- What is important to you? What will be important to you in the future? Abilities- What are your overall strengths? What are your soft or transferable skills? What technical skills do you have for various career choices? Personality- How would you describe your personality? What careers might fit best with your personality? Interests- What do you like to do? What is your Holland code? What types of careers might match your interests?

concept map

Visual map of concepts. Large circles or boxes represent the most important concepts, Lines represent connections between concepts.


attaching new meaning to the new content being learned.

obliging style

conflict resolution style showing little concern for self-interest and greater concern for the interests of others.

linear notes

consists of phrases, sentences, or paragraphs that capture the conversation that took place. NOT recommended, least efficient form of note-taking.

Should you read the page first then highlight or highlight then read the page?

first read, then highlight

compromising style

give and take approach with a moderate concern for both self and others

dominating style

have a high concern for self and low concern for others

Why is information literacy important?

information literacy is important for today's learners, it promotes problem solving approaches and thinking skills - asking questions and seeking answers, finding information, forming opinions, evaluating sources and making decisions fostering successful learners, effective contributors, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

integrating style (problem solving)

interested parties confront the issue and cooperatively identify it, generate and weigh alternatives, and select a solution.

avoiding style

involves a low concern for both the self and the other party. avoids conflict all together at all costs.

What are transformational leaders?

leaders who inspire others to engage in creative and collaborative problem-solving aimed at achieving a common goal that is valued by all members of the team.


memory aids, especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices such as acronyms and sentence or acrostic mnemonics. Ex: ROY G BIV to learn colors of the rainbow, SQ3R (survey, question, read, recite, and review), Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally to learn the order of operations.

dual encoding

multisensory(auditory and visual) approaches increase the likelihood that the information gets into your memory system.


organizing items into familiar, manageable units or chunks; often occurs automatically. Ex: GPSPCDVDWIFI--> GPS PC DVD WIFI

Multisensory Learning

refers to the use of visual, auditory, and kinesthesis learning styles.

What is working memory?

refers to the work space of your brain where new information is temporarily held.

memory strategies

rehearsal, elaboration, chunking, mnemonics, retrieval practice

What is critical thinking?

the ability to think in a sophisticated manner-- to ask questions, define terms, examine evidence, analyze assumptions, avoid emotional reasoning, resist oversimplification, consider alternative interpretations, and tolerate uncertainty.

What is self-efficacy?

the belief in one's ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task


the conscious repetition of information, either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage


the process of getting information out of memory storage when you need it


the process of saving information in memory over time


the processing of information into the memory system

What is long term memory?

the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system. seems to last forever, endless amounts of room.

main memory subsystems

working memory and long-term memory

Is ineffective highlighting better or worse than not highlighting at all?


What must you do to benefit from highlighting?

you must bring attention to the important points

How to improve time management

~Evaluate your time and determine if you are spending your time in a way that matches your goals ~Avoid time traps- activities that take up a lot of your time and do not help you achieve your goals.

How can you actively participate in class?

~Read the chapter prior to attending class ~Complete all written or other assignments prior to class ~Write down questions you have about the material you've read or have previously discussed in class ~Ask questions that seek to clarify and expand on what you are learning ~Take notes and jot down examples and questions ~Maintain good eye contact with the professor, tracking him or her as he or she lectures ~Sit up and lean forward to communicate you are interested and engaged

Strategies to minimize impact of stereotype threat on performance

~Surround yourself with positive images and examples of success of others who are similar to you ~Find role models and mentors who are similar to you ~Meet with a counselor or phycologist or attend a workshop focused on attribution training

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