SOC 101 Midterm Exam Ch. 1-6

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Imprisonment was a rare type of punishment before the nineteenth century because earlier societies

Did not have sufficient resources to operate prisons

The spread of material and no material culture from one group to another is known as cultural


An employee who has a special relationship with his boss is promoted instead of a more deserving co-worker. This is an example of the

Distinction between ideal culture and real culture

Only an authoritative body or formal institution can impose negative sanctions. (True or false)


Rites of passage are often used to mark the transition of a person from a dyad to a triad. (True or false)


A person who leaves their job of twenty years to retire is undergoing

Role exit

Why might Karl Marx and Émile Durkheim be placed far apart on sociology's family tree?

The theoretical approaches they founded are very different

Macrosociology and microsociology approach the study of society from different perspectives. Which of the following statements explains how these two approaches are viewed within the discipline of sociology?

The two approaches are on a continuum, and sociologists can adopt the perspective more useful for a problem

What could you determine about a researcher if you didn't know anything about them except that they are studying interactions patterns within middle school classrooms?

They are a microsociologist

Why does Elijah Anderson, in his book Streetwise, argue that young African American men are more likely to be arrested?

They are perceived as more criminal than others.

Which of the following is an example of a feeling rule?

Boys don't cry

Why can sociologists who conduct interviews only gather data from a limited number of people?

interviews are very time consuming

Which of the following statements about crime and gender have been supported by data from the last decade?

As women gain power in the labor market through education and income, crime rates among women rise to match those among men more closely.

In the 1980's, many politicians argued that listening to heavy metal music led teenagers to die by suicide. This is a(n) ____, although you might find this belief silly.


There are several ways in which gays and lesbians in the United States have chosen to manage their stigma. What strategy are gay rights activists using when they chant the slogan, "We're here, we're queer, get used to it"?

In-group orientation

A deviant label transitions from primary to secondary deviance when the deviant label is


According to George Herbert Mead, what are children learning when they begin to take the perspective of a generalized other in their games?

The attitudes and expectations of society as a whole

Which of the following sources of socialization forms the foundation for all other socializing agents?

The family

What is one of the principal reasons people turn to deviant behavior in the United States, according to the structural strain theory of deviance as articulated by Robert Merton?

The goal of success is shared by a majority of people, but not everyone has equal means for achieving that goal

A ____ is an example of a total institution.


The Japanese observed soldiers playing baseball during the American occupation of japan after World War II and later adopted it as one of their pastimes. This is an example of

Cultural diffusion

The controversy surrounding North Carolina's 2016 HB2 law is an example of which of the following concepts?

Culture wars

A dishonest judge must pretend to be an honest judge, but even an honest judge must play the role of "honest judge" for an audience in order to interact and work with others effectively. This performance is an example of what theoretical perspective?


Which theorist gave symbolic interactionism its name?

Herbert Blumer

Which theory discusses rationalization, or the application of economic logic to all human activity?

Weberian theory

Which term describes a policy of honoring diverse racial, ethnic, national, and linguistic backgrounds?


The sociologist Duncan Watts examined the way people may change their minds about whom to vote for based on the opinions of friends and acquaintances. What concept was Watts studying?

Social networks

A key challenge for one nation's campaign to improve public health in rural areas was to convince isolated villagers to boil their drinking water in order to kill parasites. The only families who adopted the practice were not well integrated into the village and had few connections to their neighbors. What does this example demonstrate?

Social ties don't just connect us to others but also influence our behavior.

Symbolic interactionism was established by

The Chicago school of sociology

During the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination requirements and mask mandates have become a point of controversy. Many individuals argue such mandates violate their personal rights, whereas others see them as sound public health measures. Which sociological concept best allows one to see the connection between the personal and the public?


There are multiple types of stigma. The type associated with drug addicts and alcoholics is ____ stigma.


Deviance can be considered relative because whether a behavior is considered deviant depends upon the historical, cultural, and situational context in which it occurs. (True or false)


Ethnography and participant observation are often used interchangeably. (True or false)


Secondary deviance occurs when an individual acquires a deviant identity (True or false)


The vast majority of crimes come to the attention of the police through citizen complaints. Citizens do not usually bother to inform the authorities if they do not think a crime is serious enough or feel that nothing can be done. This means that there might be serious bias in the

Uniform Crime Report

What does an interviewer seek when asking a respondent for their life history?

A chronological account of the respondent's life

Which of the following situations is an example of deviance avowal?

A man decides to quit smoking but asks his friends and family to identify him as a smoker, not an ex-smoker, because he believes the addiction is lifelong.

A student sitting through a boring class glances over at a friend and rolls his eyes. Erving Goffman would identify this as

An expression of behavior

According to the symbolic interactionist George Herbert Mead, the generalized other is

An understanding of the rules that govern a network of different players in related roles.

For change to happen in society in order to end oppression, Karl Marx believed that the lower classes must develop

Class consciousness

What do we call norm violations that are codified into law?


Recent research by marine biologists suggests that bottlenose dolphins have names for themselves. Scientists played sounds they had identified as the names of particular dolphins by putting them through a synthesizer so that they did not sound like the voices of particular dolphins. The researchers found that dolphins would respond to the names of other dolphins with which they were related or with which they were associated, but they ignored the names of strangers. This discovery suggests a much greater degree of self-awareness in aquatic mammals than was previously suspected. What does this research suggest about dolphins if it is accurate?

Dolphins have a sense of self similar to that of humans

A nightclub has several types of employees and each has a specialized task. Bartenders make drinks, bouncers check identification, bussers clear away used glasses, and so on. Bouncers can get their friends in for free, unlike the other employees. This club is a bureaucracy in many ways, but there is at least one significant element of bureaucratic organization missing. What is it?

Formal written communication

One strategy that might help solve or at least alleviate the problem of social loafing is

Giving names to teams and T-shirts to their members.

How do interviews give "voice" to people who may never have been heard before and offer privileged access to authentic experiences, private worlds, and true selves?

Interviews allow respondents to speak in their own words, which can reveal their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

Survey research tends to produce quantitative data. One key advantage of this kind of data is that it

Is easy to transmit to the public

What do the several cases of children who grew up in extreme social isolation, such as the case of Genie in 1970, suggest?

Most of our mental capacities, and perhaps even the ability to think, are learned through social interaction.

A researcher is studying pet ownership in the United States. They hypothesize that adults without children are more likely to own pets than those who have children. What are the variables in this study?

Parental status and pet ownership

Which of the following research techniques focuses on gaining an insider's perspective on the everyday lives of participants under investigation, which often dispels stereotypes about the group being investigated?

Participant observation

A woman is hired at a restaurant. She is given strict instructions on her first day to always wear black pants with a white shirt, to never carry a notepad, and to always address customers as "Sir" or "Madam." All of these things are elements of the waitress's

Personal front

Incarceration, a frown, and monetary fines are all examples of


An individual belongs to a ____ if the members are mostly anonymous to one another.

Secondary group

Sociologists who study social networks and employment pay attention to the frequency with which a person has been in contact with each member of their social network to

See if a particular tie is strong or weak.

For Robert Merton, a prediction that came true only because the prediction was made is a

Self-fulfilling prophecy

A(n) ____ is a position in a social hierarchy that comes with a set of expectations.


The term "master status" is defined as a

Status that generally overrides all other statuses a person possesses

Maria is the school chess champion and is invited to compete at a regional tournament. An opponent tells Maria that men are naturally better at chess than women. Upon hearing this, Maria becomes upset and worried about her performance and subsequently loses her first match. What has Maria just experienced?

Stereotype threat

The social analyst must take the perspective of a(n) ____ to verify what the everyday actor might just accept or assume to be true.


Which of the following theories views society as a unit made up of interrelated parts that work together?

Structural functionalism

Why might teenagers shoplift, according to Jack Katz's Seductions of Crime?

They want the thrill of getting away with breaking the rules.

Actual group productivity never equals potential productivity. This is because

Time is lost to coordinating and organizing group members

What are researchers doing when they use a social networking site like facebook to obtain data?

Using existing sources

A professor has been commissioned by a college to do research on its new academic system. The college has moved from a semester system to block scheduling. One of the questions asked is, "How have teachers and students responded to the new intensive block scheduling system?" This is an example of

A double-barreled question

Although she made contributions to sociology, Jane Addams is perhaps best remembered for her embrace of praxis, which means that she

Acted on her intellectual convictions and applied theory to practical action in the hopes of improving society

____ is taboo in American society.

Eating human flesh

Regarding stigma, symbolic interactionists are interested in

How people manage their stigmatized identities on an everyday basis

____ provide most of our emotional support.

Primary groups

The Yale sociologist Kai Erikson wrote a book called Wayward Puritans, in which he drew on court records from colonial Massachusetts. He learned that the rate of out-of-wedlock births was much higher than it is now and that the amount of alcohol consumed per capital was higher as well. What research methodology was Erikson using?

Comparative-historical research

Henrik is addicted to smoking cigarettes and would smoke all day long at work if it were allowed. However, he knows that if he broke the rule against smoking in his office he would get in serious trouble and may even be fired, so he only smokes outside or work. A sociologist would describe this type of conformity as


The famous anthropologist Margaret Mead said that the United States of America is the best place to raise a female child. Her assertion is an example of


Which of the following is an advantage of using ethnography to study social life?

Ethnography allows the researcher to gather abundant data on a small population.

Jared is conducting a sociological research study on the underground music scene. He has just finished collecting data for the study. What is the next step Jared should take in the scientific method?

Analyze data

Émile Durkheim worried that individuals would feel less connected to groups in an increasingly fragmented modern world, which would lead to

Anomie or normlessness

Individuals who are NOT socialized

Are unable to fully develop without contact with others

Before we can experience role-taking emotions, we must

Be able to see things from another person's point of view

University leaders ignore rumors and complaints about the football coach sexually abusing students in order to uphold the reputation of the university's title-winning football program. This action to preserve public image over protecting the safety of students is a result of


Leaders whose personal styles make them more task-oriented or goal-oriented and less concerned with people's feelings are called ____ leaders.


In her research for The Second Shift, Arlie Hochschild interviewed married couples to find out how they dealt with changing family roles as more women entered the workforce. What advantages came from her decision to use interviews as a research method?

It allowed her to gather direct quotations and construct an intimate portrait of married couples.

Why would using the wrong fork to eat a salad at a dinner party NOT usually qualify as deviance?

It is not a serious enough norm violation to provoke sanctions

Why is it beneficial for us, as sociologists, to experience culture shock?

It makes us realize we lack an understanding of our surroundings so we can perceive what is right in front of us

According to Sigmund Freud, the personality passes through four distinct ____ stages of development.


____ researchers focus on the meaning of the social world from the perspective of those they study.


The phrase "keeping up with the Joneses" is an example of what group concept?

Reference group

When a sociologist argues that their study of a particular group tells us something about a larger group, they are claiming


What was the Asch experiment measuring?

The power of peer pressure

Simon Langlois studied government employment in Quebec. He found that more than 40 percent of the people he surveyed found their jobs through personal contacts, even though the government made efforts to formalize recruitment. The personal contacts were fairly casual acquaintances in the majority of cases, not close friends. What principle is demonstrated here?

The strength of weak ties

How is culture transmitted and internalized?

We learn values and beliefs slowly and incrementally.

Peter Stearns (2004) consulted various existing sources for his book Anxious Parents: A History of Modern Childrearing in America. What did he find?

Whereas children were once viewed as self-sufficient mini-adults, beginning in the late 1800s children came to be seen as particularly vulnerable.

Critical race theory is associated with which of the major theoretical perspectives of sociology?

Conflict theory

Karl Marx thought intellectuals should not just theorize about the social world but also attempt to improve it. What is the term he used to describe this idea?


What did David Rosenhan describe in "On Being Sane in Insane Places"

Researchers posing as "pseudo-patients" in a mental hospital but otherwise acting normally were treated as mentally ill by the hospital staff

When Vivica's child was born, she became a mother, and she found it necessary to stop attending college. Therefore, she was no longer a student. In sociological terms, her leaving college would be described as a

Role exit

A famous social scientist tells you that the most important task in her research was entering the social world of the people she was studying. What can you say about this researcher?

She is a qualitative researcher.

Researchers are often worried that interviewees have not been completely honest or forthcoming, especially when asked about sensitive subjects. How did Arlie Hochschild attempt to deal with this problem?

She observed some respondents as they went about their daily routines to see if their actions matched their answers.

A researcher examines the effects of learning communities on a college campus. In these communities, students live in a small dorm hall together, have one faculty advisor, attend a first-year seminar together, and participate in social activities together. After completing her study, the researcher finds that compared to students living in regular dorms or off-campus, students in these communities are less likely to engage in either academic cheating or underage drinking and have fewer disciplinary actions on their records. Which sociological perspective best explains this finding?

Social control theory

Students often complain when they hear their instructor assign group work. One of the biggest problems associated with group assignments is that one person often ends up doing most of the work while others take it easy. This is called

Social loafing

Which of the following is an example of bureaucratic organization at colleges and universities?

Students being issued ID numbers

Which sociological theory focuses on micro-level interactions?

Symbolic interactionism

Financial collapses, such as those of the 1930s, have occurred when rumors of insolvency, when believed by enough depositors, resulted in real bank failures. What sociological concept describes this phenomenon?

The Thomas theorem

Max Weber believed that society became increasingly rationalized as the industrial revolution progressed. How did he define rationalization?

The application of economic logic to all aspects of life

Some theorists have suggested that all individuals act like mirrors to each other. What do sociologists call this concept?

The looking-glass self

Respondents are often more comfortable addressing sensitive subjects on surveys than in other research contexts because

They can answer in private and are usually assured anonymity

The theory of positivism states that an individual's sense of perception is in the only valid source of reality. What was August Comte's purpose for developing this theory?

To identify laws, such as those in mathematics and physics, that describe the behavior of a particular reality

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