SOC 492 quiz 1

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Task Rule- Clarifier

Elaborating or explaining ideas in new words to add meaning. Showing how something might work if adopted. EXAMPLE: "Jim, did you mean we need more involvement, meaning quantity, or better involvement, like quality?"

Tuckmans stage of group development- Norming

Establishes patterns of how work gets done. Schedule a more in-depth team-building activity that includes greater self disclosure. Identify them self as a group with t-shirts,pins, etc. Create a new program to create tradition. Review and possibly establish new goal.

The Social Change Model of Leadership- Common Purpose.

A common purpose develops when people work with others within a shared set of aims and values. Shared aims facilitate group members' engagement in collective analyses of the issues and the task to be undertaken. Common purpose is best achieved when all members of the group build and share in the vision and participate actively in articulating the purpose and goals of the group work.

5 traits of an authentic leader

1. Pursuing their purpose with passion 2. Practicing solid values 3. Leading with their hearts as well as their heads 4. Establishing connected relationships 5. Demonstrating self-discipline

Essential Qualities of Effective Followers- Self management.

1. Self management. The key to being a good follower is to think for oneself and to work well without close supervision. Effective group members see themselves as being as capable as their leaders.

Essential Qualities of Effective Followers-Commitment.

2. Commitment. Effective followers are committed to something beyond themselves, be it a cause, product, department, organization, idea, or value. To a committed group member, the leader facilitates progress toward achieving a goal.

Essential Qualities of Effective Followers-Competence and focus

3. Competence and focus. Effective followers build their competence and focus their efforts for maximum impact. Competence centers on mastering skills that will be useful to the organization. Less effective group members rarely take the initiative to engage in training and development.

Essential Qualities of Effective Followers-Courage

4. Courage. Effective followers establish themselves as independent, critical thinkers and fight for what they believe is right.

The Social Change Model of Leadership- A Societal and Community Value: Citizenship

A commitment to social change connects individuals and their collaborative groups to their communities. The societal and community value of citizenship clarifies the purpose of the leadership. Toward what social ends is the leadership development activity directed? Citizenship names the process whereby the self is responsibly connected to the environment and the community. It acknowledges the interdependence of all involved in the leadership effort. Citizenship thus recognizes that effective democracy requires individual responsibility as well as individual rights. Citizenship, in the context of the Social Change Model, means more than membership; it implies active engagement of the individual and the leadership group in an effort to serve the community. It implies social or civic responsibility. It is, in short, the value of caring about others.

two major components of readiness are ability

Ability is the knowledge, experience, and skill that an individual or group brings to a particular task or activity. When considering the ability level of others, it is very important to be task specific. A person who has a Ph.D. in music and twenty years of professional experience playing the piano may be of little help in the design of a new jet engine. It is essential to focus on the specific outcome desired and to consider the ability of the followers in light of that outcome.

Group-Building Roles- Follower

An active listener who willingly supports the groups actions and decisions EXAMPLE: "I haven't said much, but this has been a great discussion and I feel really informed. I am comfortable with the decision."

Task Rule- Opinion Seeker

Aware that the group needs more insight, ideas, or opinions before proceeding. EXAMPLE: "What do you think Roger? You have had a lot of experience with this topic"


Collaboration is a central value in the model that views leadership as a group process. It increases group effectiveness because it capitalizes on the multiple talents and perspectives of each group member, using the power of that diversity to generate creative solutions and actions. Collaboration underscores the model's relational focus. Collaboration is about human relationships, about achieving common goals by sharing responsibility, authority, and accountability. It is leadership for service.

The Social Change Model of Leadership-Commitment.

Commitment implies intensity and duration in relation to a person, idea, or activity. It requires a significant involvement and investment of self in the object of commitment and in the intended outcomes. It is the energy that drives the collective effort. Commitment is essential to accomplishing change. It is the heart, the profound passion that drives one to action. Commitment originates from within. No one can force a person to commit to something, but organizations and colleagues can create and support an environment that resonates with each individual's heart and passions.

Task Rule- Summarizer

Condensing the nature of the opinions or discussion in a capsule format for clarity. EXAMPLE: "before we go further, is it accurate to say that while some of us think we should not spend much money, we all agree we should do this project"

The Social Change Model of Leadership-Congruence.

Congruence is thinking, feeling, and behaving with consistency, genuineness, authenticity, and honesty toward others. Congruent persons are those whose actions are consistent with their most deeply held beliefs and convictions. Developing a clear consciousness of self is a critical element in being congruent. Being clear about one's values, beliefs, strengths, and limitations, who one is as an individual, is essential.

The Social Change Model of Leadership- Consciousness of Self.

Consciousness of self means knowledge of yourself, or simply self-awareness. It is awareness of the values, emotions, attitudes, and beliefs that motivate one to take action. Self-awareness implies mindfulness, an ability and a propensity to be an observer of one's current actions and state of mind. A person with a highly developed capacity for consciousness of self not only has a reasonably accurate self-concept but also is a good observer of his or her own behavior and state of mind at any given time. Consciousness of self is a fundamental value in our model because it constitutes the necessary condition for realizing all the other values in the model.

The Social Change Model of Leadership- Controversy with Civility.

Controversy with civility recognizes two fundamental realties of any group effort: first, that differences in viewpoint are inevitable and valuable and, second, that such differences must be aired openly and with respect and courtesy. Disagreements are inherent in almost any social interaction or group process. They bring valuable perspectives and information to the collaborative group, but eventually, they must be resolved. Such resolution is accomplished through open and honest dialogue backed by the group's commitment to understand the sources of the disagreement and to work cooperatively toward common solutions.

Tuckmans stage of group development- Adjourning

Develop a closure activity to hep members determine what they learned and benefited. Develop transition reports. Create a recognition plan. Banquet with rewards. Encourage members to assist the group for next year in training, orientation, etc.


Followers have been called members, employees, associates, or subordinates . Kouzes and Posner (1993) suggest calling them the constituents. Rost (1991) believes that the traditional meaning of the word follower is too embedded in all of our minds to adequately shift to a new meaning

Tuckmans stage of group development- Performing

Group now cycles into a mature "stage of equilibrium- getting its work done. Ensure organization and membership have a task. Support by giving feedback. Step back and allow the organization to perform.

Tuckmans stage of group development- Storming

Group starts to get in gear and difference of opinion begin to emerge. Provide mediation resources when conflict becomes difficult to manage. Teach communication skills to executive and members. Hold discussion on issues. Conduct group decision. Review mission statement. This is a natural part of the formation of a group.

The Social Change Model of Leadership-Group Values

Group values are expressed and practiced in the group work of leadership activity. Group values are reflected in such questions as, How can the collaboration be developed in order to effect positive social change? What are the elements of group interaction that promote collective leadership?

Group-Building Roles- Mediator

Harmonizing conflict and seeking to straighten out opposing points of view in a clear way. EXAMPLE: You two don't seem as far apart on this issue as it might seem. You both value the same things and have many points of agreement."

4 characteristics of admired leaders- Forward looking

Having a sense or direction and a concern for the future of the organization. Can be called a vision, mission, or personal agenda, but the message should be clear: You must know where you are going if you expect others to willingly join you on the journey.

4 characteristics of admired leaders

Honesty, forward looking, inspiring, competent.

Tuckmans stage of group development- Forming

Initial Stage of coming together. Tasks as member recruitment and affiliation. Ice breaker, retreat, workshop. Provide information to executive and the members on institutional policies and procedures. Have individual meetings with organization president and/or adviser. Provide 'to do' list to assist in beginning their duties.

Group-Building Roles- Gate keeper

Inviting those who have not yet spoken or who have been trying to say something into the conversation. EXAMPLE: Tanya has been trying to say something on this for a white- Id like to hear what that is"

Skills of a follower

Lussier and Achua (2004) suggest that as a follower you should: • Offer support to the leader • Take initiative • Play counseling and coaching roles to the leader, when appropriate • Raise issues and/or concerns when necessary • Seek and encourage honest feedback from the leader • Clarify your role and expectations • Show appreciation • Keep the leader informed • Resist inappropriate influence of the leader

What are the 5 practices of exemplary leadership

Model the way Inspire a shared vision Challenge the process Enable others to act Encourage the heart.

The Social Change Model of Leadership

Personal (Individual) Values Consciousness of Self. Congruence. Commitment. Group Values Collaboration. Common Purpose. Controversy with Civility. A Societal and Community Value: Citizenship

The Social Change Model of Leadership- Personal (Individual) Values

Personal values are those that an individual strives to develop and exhibit at the group activity level. As personal qualities that support group functioning, they are essential in leadership for social change.

Readiness defined

Readiness in Situational Leadership is defined as the extent to which a follower demonstrates the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task. People tend to be at different levels of readiness depending on the task they are being asked to do. Readiness is not a personal characteristic; it is not an evaluation of a person's traits, values, age, and so on. Readiness is how ready a person is to perform a particular task. All persons tend to be more or less ready in relation to a specific task, function, or objective that a leader is attempting to accomplish through their efforts. Thus, a salesperson may be very responsible in securing new sales but very casual about completing the paper work necessary to close on a sale. As a result, it is appropriate for the manager to leave the salesperson alone in terms of closing on sales but to supervise closely in terms of paper work until the salesperson can start to do well in that area too.

4 characteristics of admired leaders- Competent

Refers to your track record and your ability to get things done. People have to believe that you know what you are talking about and that you know what you are doing.

Essential Qualities of Effective Followers

Self management. Commitment. Competence and focus Courage

Task Rule- Opinion Giver

Sharing ones views, feelings, or ideas so the group has the benefit of ones thinking. EXAMPLE " I strongly think we must increase the budget for this project if we intend to serve more students"

4 characteristics of admired leaders- Inspring

Sharing the genuine enthusiasm, excitement, and energey you have about the exciting possibilities ahead. People expect you to be positive, upbeat and optimistic. Your energy signals your personal commitment, and your optimism signals your hope.

Situational Leadership

Situational Leadership® is based on an interplay among (1) the amount of guidance and direction (task behavior) a leader gives, (2) the amount of socioemotional support (relationship behavior) a leader provides, and (3) the readiness level that followers exhibit in performing a specific task, function or objective. This concept was developed to help people attempting leadership, regardless of their role, to be more effective in their daily interactions with others. It provides leaders with some understanding of the relationship between an effective style of leadership and the level of readiness of their followers. According to Situational Leadership, there is no one best way to influence people

4 characteristics of admired leaders- Honesty

Telling the truth and having ethical principles and clear standards by which you live. People need to believe that your character and integrity are solid.

Definition: 5 Practices of exemplary leadership

The model of best practices leadership that emerged from our research.

Authentic Leadership

The only valid test of a leader is his or her ability to bring people together to achieve sustainable results over time. There's no such thing as the "One-Minute Leader" because real leadership requires years of development and hard work. What, then, is the 21stcentury leader all about? It is being authentic, uniquely yourself, the genuine article. Authentic leaders know who they are. They are "good in their skin," so good they don't feel a need to impress or please others.

Group-Building Roles- Encourgager

Welcoming all individuals and diverse ideas. Responding warmly to promote the inclusion and empowerment of others. EXAMPLE: "What the sophomores just said about this issue was really enlightening. I am really glad you took some risks to tell us that. Thanks"

two major components of readiness are willingness

Willingness is the extent to which an individual or group has the confidence, commitment, and motivation to accomplish a specific task. Willingness is only one word that describes the issue. Sometimes, it isn't so much that people are really unwilling, it's just that they've never done a specific task before. Perhaps they don't have any experience with it, so they're insecure or afraid. Generally, if it is an issue of never having done something, the problem is insecurity. The term "unwilling" might be most appropriate when, for one reason or another, the individuals have slipped, or lost some of their commitment and motivation. It might imply that they are regressing.

Task Rule- information seeker

aware that the group needs more facts or data before proceeding. EXAMPLE: "We cannot vote on this yet. we need more information first, so lets ask Sharron to brie us at the next meeting"

Situational Leadership- Task Behavior

is defined as the extent to which the leader engages in spelling out the duties and responsibilities of an individual or group. These behaviors include telling people what to do, how to do it, where to do it, and who is to do it. An example of high amounts of task behavior might be the last time you asked someone for directions. The person was probably very precise and clear about telling you what streets to take and what turns to make. Task behavior is characterized by one-way communication from the leader to the follower.

Situational Leadership- Relationship behavior

is defined as the extent to which the leader engages in two-way or multi-way communication. The behaviors include listening, facilitating, and supportive behaviors. An example of high amounts of relationship behavior might be when you reach an impasse with an assignment. You basically know how to do the assignment but need some encouragement to get you over the hump. The listening, encouraging, and facilitating a leader does in this example is an illustration of relationship behavior.

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