SOC Chapter 7

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The very first building blocks of social life involve

face to face interaction

In many instances, college students will develop

more robust multiethnic and multiracial friendship networks.

Dyads consist of _____ members


Triads consist of _____ members


Which of the following statements about dyads are true?

A dyad can only continue to exist if both participants are committed to it. Dyads are the most intense type of social relationship.

Which of the following statements regarding bureaucracy are true?

Bureaucracies can be very impersonal. Authority within bureaucracies is fragmented.

Which sociologist was considered to be the first to think systematically about social structure in terms of social networks?

Georg Simmel

When we take our definitions of reality for granted, what are the consequences?

We view our society in simplistic terms and ignore all of its complexity. We accept the definitions as true and may not question them.

Most of our social support tends to come from ______ our network of strong ties.

a relatively small

Which of the following is a collection of people who interact regularly with one another and who are aware of their status as a group?

a social group

People who identify themselves as teachers are referring to their ______ status.


Which of the following is an example of impression management?

an inexperienced waitress confidently making recommendations to customers and calling them "honey"

Camilla's ______ status is that she is Mexican American.


What type of status is assigned by society without regard to a person's unique talents or abilities?


According to dramaturgy theory, a waiter who complains about customers while in the kitchen is using the kitchen as a ______ stage.


When checking out at a supermarket, customers follow ______ as they interact with the clerk.

basic assumptions

Roles and statuses shape social interaction by connecting individuals to

behavioral patterns social structures one another

A hierarchical administrative system with formal rules and procedures used to manage organizations is known as a


Workers who invest emotional energy into their work can experience ______ after a few years.


The merger of Time Warner and AOL failed, in part, because of cultural


Which of the following are examples of a secondary group?

coworkers volunteers

Having close ties to members of a social network is most critical during times of


Unlike a ______ of people, ______ often share common interests, values, norms, and expectations.

crowd; social groups category; social groups

Which of the following are characteristics of bureaucracies?

division of labor hierarchy of authority

Using the theater as a metaphor to explain social life is called


Which of the following do larger organizations typically develop?

elaborate division of labor a formal process for making decisions

According to sociologist Arlie Hochschild, when people say such things as "you should be happy" or "you shouldn't feel guilty," they are reminding you of ______, social guidelines that dictate how you want to try to feel.

emotion rules

Sociologist Arlie Hochschild referred to the situations when certain interactions require people to project emotions they do not feel, such as projecting anger when one does not feel angry, as

emotion work

True or false: Networks made up of weak ties are not helpful.


True or false: Social standing within a society has no impact on intersubjectivity or shared knowledge.


True or false: The expectations associated with any role are not socially defined.


The large secondary groups that increasingly dominate contemporary society are known as ______ organizations and are formed to accomplish particular tasks.


According to dramaturgy theory, the classroom serves as a teacher's ______ stage.


Without the common ground of shared language and shared meaning, social interaction can become

frustrating and confusing

Which of the following activities rely on shared knowledge?

greeting someone riding public transportation finding a joke funny

According to sociologist Talcott Parsons the social side of the "sick role" means that those with ailments

have less responsibility for caring for themselves. are exempt from other role expectations want to make an effort to recover

According to W. I. Thomas, because stereotypes create a sense of shared reality, they

have serious consequences

Most social networks are more ______ than the population as a whole.


Social contact between people who are similar is called


Sid created a neighborhood community center that grew in size over the decades. Carlos, one of the children helped by the center as he grew up, was motivated to get a degree in social work. Carlos now runs the center, and it has grown to serve the entire county. This is an example of

how people are influenced by the society they create

According to the Thomas theorem, a person's behavior is influenced by

how that person defines reality

When people try to control the images others have of them through their performance, this is known as

impression management

Members of which of the following groups have, by definition, a collective sense of "us"?


The significance of social networks has ______ in modern life.


Different amounts of power within organizations reinforce


Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann argued that people construct reality through

internalization objectivation externalization

According to W. I. Thomas, people must ______ the social situation before they act.


According to the Thomas theorem, the decision to give money to a panhandler depends on an individual's

interpretation of the situation

The common understanding between people about knowledge, reality, or an experience that members of a culture share is called


Betsy Leondar-Wright found that people in low-income neighborhoods were not active in their communities because they

lacked hope

Which of the following do people within a society always share?

language norms historical references

Communicators rely on shared ______ to express meaning.

language and knowledge

According to Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann, social institutions such as the government and schools are

maintained and reproduced through the actions of the participants

What "effect" did Solomon Asch describe in his discovery that people conform to group opinion even when they disagree?

majority effect

A status that overrides all the other statuses is called a(n) ______ status.


Which of the following statements regarding group size are true?

members of a larger group feel less emotional commitment to one another groups become more stable as they get larger

According to sociologist Arlie Hochschild's research, jobs that require workers to display specific emotions are

often in settings that involve frequent customer contact. most common in service jobs.

Which of the following refers to the values of an organization and the way an organization works?

organizational culture

Factors that exist outside of the organization but potentially affect an organization, such as the strength of the economy and the stability of political rule, form the

organizational environment

More complex and more formal than most groups, ______ are formed to accomplish particular tasks.


In the United States, friendship networks are most typically characterized by ______ homophily.


What do sociologists call a group that individuals use as a standard for evaluating themselves and their own behavior?

reference group

Lee is supervising her best friend at work and feels awkward about disciplining him. What is she experiencing?

role conflict

Which of the following helps people connect and conform to an expected behavioral pattern?


Which of the following is least likely to perpetuate stereotypes?

scientific studies

The sociologists Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead believed that social interactions were crucial in the development of an individual's

sense of self `

Routine interactions rely on a common ground created by

shared elements of culture

Sam meets his new colleague for the first time in their shared office. He looks the colleague in the eyes, smiles, and extends his hand for a handshake. His behavior is influenced by which of the following?

shared knowledge

Sociologist Talcott Parsons argued that physical illness creates a(n) ______ for those who are ill and involves four particular expectations.

sick role

Which of the following refers to an element of language commonly used by subcultures?


______ groups tend to be intense but unstable. ______ groups tend to be more stable but less intense.

small; large

What theory holds, "Society is a human product. Society is an objective reality. Man is a social product"?

social construction of reality

In sociological terms, studying social networks can reveal patterns of

social interaction

The collections of social ties that connect individuals to one another are known as

social networks

Which of the following statements about social networks in modern life are true?

social networks are more diverse and less constraining than before networking has provided more leeway in choosing who we want to be

Sociologists believe our perception of reality is

socially constructed

Having a common perspective and shared knowledge allow which of the following?

society to function smoothly individuals to understand how others see the world

The ranking of social positions according to their prestige is called a(n)

status hierarchy

The tendency in American society to value managers more highly than custodians is an example of

status hierarchy

A student who says she is a volunteer firefighter and also a mother is describing her

status set

Teacher, mother, and husband are all examples of


An exaggerated generalization about a group of people is called a


The idea that all Asian children are studious is a(n)


The Thomas theorem states that ______ interpretations of reality have ______ effects.

subjective; objective

Successful interaction requires each individual to ______ of the other to gain mutual understanding.

take the perspective

Which of the following typically occur when a dyad becomes a triad?

tension can arise the number of possible interactions increases members' attention is divided

Sociologists often classify groups according to which aspects of their interactions.

the intensity the nature

Attempts to maximize efficiency often yield

the opposite effect

Which of the following statements about social roles are true according to the dramaturgical approach?

the person occupying the role must interpret it the person occupying the role must actively "play" the role

According to Betsy Leondar-Wright, people from different backgrounds must overcome ______ to collaborate successfully.

their stereotypes

Randy and Tim grew up in the same town and went to the same schools but did not know one another. Randy met Tim at a computer store where Randy purchased a new computer. He asked Tim how to set up his new computer, and Tim began talking about wireless routers and servers and IP addresses, which confused Randy. Which of the following best explains what happened?

they failed to achieve intersubjectivity

Which of the following best describes why people use social networks?

to gain access to other parts of society

Max Weber noted that a characteristic of the industrial revolution was a shift from

traditional to rational actions

True or false: Individuals can exercise control over their achieved status.


True or false: Race/ethnicity and gender often function as master statuses, affecting an individual's potential to achieve a desired professional or social status.


True or false: Role strain occurs when the expectations associated with a single role compete with each other.


True or false: The approach to the study of social interaction that uses the metaphor of social life as theater is referred to as dramaturgy.


Which of the following statements about reference groups are true?

we consider our reference groups as we make plans just about any primary or secondary group can be a reference group

Sarah is looking for a job, and she mentioned her search to her neighbor and her hairdresser. This social network is made up of ______ that can be helpful.

weak ties

Symbols used during communication include

words handgestures images

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