Soc Final

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Although doctors are very intimate and personal with their patients, it is also important for them to:

. remain objective.

. Which federal government program for children matches the state funding while still allowing states to set their own criteria for eligibility and control the disbursement of funds?

. the State Children's Health Insurance Plan

Which of the following would NOT be an example of social capital?

A high percentage of students at St. Mary's Academy individually take music lessons and are taking college preparatory classes.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Affirmative action mostly benefits white male students.

Why was the traditional family depicted in The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet never a reality for African American families?

African American women have always had to combine work and family.

Hypertension is directly related to stress, which can be attributed to being poor. However, poor African Americans in the United States have rates of hypertension that are similar to middle- and upper-class African Americans. How would the "tokenism theory" explain this?

All African Americans may still experience discrimination

Which of the following is most likely to be a conflict perspective argument about why education levels have continually risen in the United States over the course of the last century?

As education became more common for all people, social elites needed to obtain more education in order to set themselves apart from others.

Why aren't antibiotics as successful in treating illnesses as they were several years ago?

Bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics.

Taking into account students' family backgrounds, ____________ schools tend to outperform ____________ schools in preparing children academically.

Catholic; non-Catholic private

Which of the following is NOT a finding of research examining the effects of class size on educational achievement?

Class size in elementary school does not predict educational achievement as long as the classroom is composed of students of the same intelligence levels

Which of the following characterized the preindustrial family?

Husbands and wives were partners, not only in making a home but also in making a living.

With regard to race and high school graduation rates, which of the following is correct?

In 2010, about 84 percent of blacks age 25 and older had graduated from high school, as compared to about 87 percent of whites in the same age range.

Which of the following statements is true with regard to preferential admissions to colleges and universities?

In the last 15 years, admissions preference for athletes has risen steadily, surpassing that of minority students.

Which of the following was the result of medical licensing that began in the mid-1800s?

It gave physicians more economic clout.

Which of the following is true with regard to bottled water?

It is more expensive than gasoline by volume.

Structural changes brought on by the Industrial Revolution had major consequences for families. What was one of the primary mechanisms that explains these consequences?

It separated work and home and created new roles for men and women.

Which of the following is a functionalist explanation for the increased number of Americans with college degrees throughout the course of the twentieth century?

Jobs have become more skilled and technologically advanced, and a more educated workforce is necessary to fill these jobs.

In much of the Western world, the choice of a marriage partner tends to be influenced by age, education, class, race, and religion. Which of the following explains this tendency?

Marrying someone who diverges a great deal from our age, race, social class, and religion is often met with overt or subtle disapproval from others.

After mental illness became "medicalized," what was one major change that occurred?

Medication replaced counseling.

Physician prestige has been on the decline since the 1980s. Which of the following might be a reason?

More people in the medical community are being allowed to prescribe

Which of the following contributes to increasing rates of heart disease and hypertension in women?

More women are entering high-level jobs.

Which of the following trends in current educational achievement is NOT supported by research evidence?

Only girls whose parents are college-educated achieve as much as boys.

What is a social benefit of adopting the sick role?

People who do so are not looked down on or morally judged if they do not work.

As more people obtain college degrees and it becomes unreasonable for students to stay in school for most of their young adulthood, what is one consequence?

People will seek to differentiate themselves not only by having a degree but also by earning degrees from the most selective and prestigious colleges and universities.

Which of the following is NOT an argument that would be made by a conflict theorist?

Schools are the one place where all children, despite their family background, can move up in the world.

Which of the following is NOT a criticism that a Marxist theorist of education would make regarding how schools have socialized children to dominant cultural values?

Schools make students class conscious.

As your text points out, single mothers and poverty often go hand in hand. What is the primary reason their employment opportunities typically limit them to low-wage work?

Single mothers are often unskilled and have less education than the average American.

According to Ruth Schwartz Cowan's 1983 research, time-saving devices like the vacuum cleaner and washing machine have actually increased the amount of time women spend on housework. What explanation is given for her finding?

Standards of cleanliness have also risen, so even more cleaning is expected.

Which of the following is NOT an argument in support of the sorting function served by schools?

Students are sorted in ways that reproduce existing social inequalities.

Which of the following is NOT an argument in support of tracking in schools?

Systems of tracking socialize students to the inequalities they will encounter in American society.

What was the nature of the scandal surrounding the SAT Reasoning Test in the spring of 2006?

The College Board admitted there was a scoring error that tended to incorrectly underestimate the scores on more than 4,000 tests.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the domestic world of Ozzie and Harriet portrayed in the 1950s television program?

The program portrayed an idealized version of American family life in the 1950s.

Which of the following trends is true in the Western world today?

The proportion of women who choose not to have children is on the rise.

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of Project STAR?

The students were in middle school.

In terms of cross-cultural family forms, which of the following statements is true?

The traditional family is not the dominant form anywhere.

What might be a reason that upper-status students score higher on SATs?

Their parents are better able to obtain help for them, as in SAT prep courses and extra tutoring if they are doing poorly in school.

Which of the following is a factor affecting the strong academic performance of Asian Americans?

There is a high degree of social capital in Asian American communities, and the community reinforces norms regarding education and parenting.

According to research in Conley's The Pecking Order, how does the average income of daughters raised by stay-at-home mothers compare to that of daughters of working moms?

They are less likely to earn as much as their brothers.

Which of the following is true regarding single-parent families in the United States and worldwide?

They are on the rise in the United States and worldwide.

Which of the following is NOT an argument against tracking in schools?

Tracking benefits children with less-advantaged backgrounds, but only if their parents can advocate on their behalf to get them into college-preparatory tracks.

With regard to the effects of families on children's educational outcomes, which of the following is true?

When a family goes from two to three children, middle children are significantly more affected by the loss of family resources.

What is one reason men have higher mortality rates than women?

Women are more likely to seek medical care.

Recent trends indicate that weekly hours of housework done by men and women are converging. Which of the following statements indicates how household labor is divided by gender?

Women do the housework and men help out.

According to existing studies, why did the elderly who received more Social Security have higher mortality rates than the elderly who received less Social Security and had to work part-time?

Working had a positive impact on their longevity due to social interaction.

Which of the following is true regarding motherhood in the Zambian culture?

Zambian mothers don't nurture their daughters in the way that Western mothers do.

Society believes that a doctor driving by the scene of an accident has

a moral obligation to stop and try to help.

One concern of using technology such as amniocentesis in countries like China and India is:

aborting female fetuses

Results from the Coleman Report were surprising because findings indicated that:

achievement differences between schools could be explained best by family background and peers with whom children attended school.

In 1980, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) III:

adopted a medical model of mental illness.

All of the following are among the best practices for effective teaching listed by Langlois and Zales EXCEPT:

adopting strategies to encourage students to share compliments and insults.

Which of the following factors contributed to the development of the ideal of the traditional family (male breadwinner and female homemaker) in post-World War II America?

an increase in real wages

When it comes to health care, Western societies:

are reactive; people tend to go to the doctor only when they decide they are sick.

In about the 1990s, physicians' authority began to decline for several reasons, one of which was that more physicians were associated with HMOs. This meant that physicians were:

becoming "workers" rather than heads ("owners") of medical practices.

Poor children can be covered medically by:

both Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Plan.

According to Espenshade and Chung (2005), eliminating affirmative action programs would do which of the following?

decrease black and Hispanic admission acceptance rates by one-half to two-thirds

Marriages that cross racial and ethnic lines have become more common in the United States, although most U.S. marriages are still racially and ethnically endogamous. What factors might discourage exogamy?

facing ostracism from within one's tightly knit community

The "drift explanation" of the relationship between health and socioeconomic status (SES) states that:

genetics and biology affect SES so that people who are healthier have an easier time maintaining a high SES.

Contrary to popular belief:

girls and boys score about the same in national math tests.

. Rosenthal and Jacobson's 1968 study of the Pygmalion effect provided strong evidence that teacher expectations matter. Which of the following actions by a teacher would NOT promote student achievement?

giving less-difficult material to learners they see as "especially promising"

Affirmative action practices refer to policies that:

grant preferential treatment to subgroups within a population.

The main problem of fee-for-service is that doctors have an incentive to:

have patients return for unnecessary visits.

One of the things that may have led Dr. Paul Farmer's (cofounder of Partners in Health) continued commitment to helping the poorest regions of the world with regard to health care is:

his PhD in medical anthropology, which gives him experience as a social scientist.

On most weekends you can find the Smiths, who have one son and two daughters, doing their assigned chores around the house. Typically, the son mows the lawn and helps his dad with automobile maintenance, while the girls help clean the house and prepare the meals. This distribution of chores reflects:

how gender roles are learned at home.

As discussed in Chapter 12, in which cultures would it be acceptable for a man to marry his 14-year-old cousin?

in Victorian England and in some modern-day Muslim tribes

According to the text's discussion, cohabitation:

increases the rate of divorce because people who cohabitate probably have fewer qualms about divorce.

What did the former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan say was one of the most important factors in defeating infectious diseases?

increasing access to clean water

It is commonly perceived that the divorce rate has skyrocketed since the 1950s, but actually divorce rates in the United States have been:

increasing steadily since 1900.

Research has shown that the ____________ the family, the ____________ the children's achievement on test scores and grades.

larger; lower

Bill Cosby is concerned with black underachievement in the American school system. He suggests that:

more African American parents actually parent.

When studies control for family background characteristics, the SAT:

no longer predicts college grades very well.

It is it difficult to make generalizations about Latino families in the United States because:

of their diverse origins and geography.

One of the problems with credentialism is that more and more students (with their parents' help) are attempting to attend private schools or to be placed in the best tracks in their public school. This may be one of the reasons that:

parents are attempting to have their children accepted at the "right" day care, sometimes even before they are born.

Married people tend to live longer than unmarried people. It could be that they take better care of themselves when they have the responsibility of a family. It could also be that:

people who are healthier are more likely to get married.

Stereotype threat is a:

psychological process of fear that develops when members of a negatively stereotyped group are placed in a situation in which they may confirm the stereotype.

Fee-for-service means physicians are:

reimbursed per office visit or procedure by insurance agencies.

The SAT was developed in order to provide children from public schools with a chance to demonstrate their fitness for college and to show they are as able as students from private high schools. It is therefore ironic that:

researchers now question how meritocratic the SAT is, because the SAT may test knowledge that is biased against certain groups.

Which of the following is a reason for the decline in doctors' authority after 1990?

rising ability of nurse practitioners to treat patients

Cultural capital refers to:

social class-based skills and resources that people inherit and can use to their advantage

With regard to biological or genetic differences between people, sociologists have found that

stigmatized minorities in all countries have lower IQ scores, lower educational attainment, and lower occupational status, indicating that social processes of stratification and stigmatization affect the life chances of these groups.

Boys are more likely to engage in risky behaviors and experience problems at school; boys are also more likely to ____________ than girls.

take math and science AP classes and score higher

One of the major reasons that lower-status parents use more directives and teach their children to be more obedient than inquisitive is that they:

tend to have jobs that require them to be obedient and they want their children to learn this.

Which 1996 legislation led to national welfare reform during the Clinton administration?

the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act

Social capital is:

the collection of relationships that can facilitate the actions and behaviors of others.

What public health risk do we face if more and more people fail to complete prescribed courses of antibiotics?

the development of antimicrobial-resistant antigens

In families where both spouses work for wages, the second shift can best be described as

the domestic tasks that fall disproportionately on women in addition to their paid work

Anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski (1913) examined the family structure of nontraditional cultures and settled a long-standing debate when he concluded that:

the family was indeed a universal human institution.

Broadly defined, education is:

the processes through which academic, social, and cultural ideas and tools—both general and specific—are developed.

Physicians in ancient Rome tended to have lower prestige. This was because:

the surgeons evolved from barbers.

Black and poor women in the United States have come to rely on which of the following in order to manage child care and work responsibilities?

their extrafamilial female networks

Aries wrote that children of preindustrial families were:

thought of as small adults who didn't warrant any special treatment or nurturing.

Which of the following was a motivation of the welfare reforms of 1996?

to promote self-sufficiency and personal responsibility to combat conservative views of "welfare queens"

One of the major reasons Native Americans were placed in boarding schools for 60 years was:

to socialize them to become "civilized" Americans.

Under HMOs, doctors usually don't get more money each time a patient comes in, so the incentive might be to:

undertreat the patient

Sociologists generally concur that the effect of divorce on children:

varies widely, but high levels of parental conflict are bad regardless of marriage or divorce.

If you miss an appointment with your physician:

you will most likely be charged anyway.

In 1986, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) was passed, making it:

a requirement to treat even the uninsured at emergency rooms.

According to functionalist theories of education, which of the following would NOT be a function of the American education system?

indoctrination into anarchist ideology

The research on teacher quality demonstrates that:

it is difficult to identify characteristics that will make effective teachers because these characteristics are hard to quantify.

. Poor diet during adolescence can be detrimental to growth potential because:

it is one of the periods in life in which a growth spurt takes place.

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