SOCI- "Inquizitive Ch: 4"

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Emotional labor is the process of helping to manage the emotions of others in order to neutralize emotionally charged situations.


The story of Christopher Knight is an example of which sociological concept?

Social isolation

Diamond believes that humans have free will and not deeply constrained by their social circumstances. Diamond is a big believer in which sociological concept?


Which of the following are examples of role-taking emotions?

Examples: You feel sadness for your friend who has just lost her mother to cancer. You feel embarrassed that you forgot your brother's birthday. Not Examples: You feel hurt that your friend did not invite you to a party tonight. You feel excited about the semester coming to an end.

Social media has the potential to increase the number of points of view we are exposed to and socialize us in ways never conceived of before. Someone who has been influenced and "pieced together" through whatever sources available, is an example of which sociological concept?

Saturated self

Fill i8n the blanks to complete the passage.

MASTER STATUSES carry with them expectations that may blind people to other facets of our personalities. People quickly make assumptions about what women, Asians, doctors, or alcoholics are like and may judge them according to those expectations rather than their actual ATTRIBUTES. This kind of judgement, often referred to as STEREOTYPING, is looked upon as negative or destructive.

Place the following items related to the development of and controversies related to sociology in chronological order.

1: Edward O. Wilson's Sociology: The New Synthetic is published. 2: Richard Bernstein and Charles Murray's The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life is published. 3: The Human Genome Project maps all of the genes constituting human DNA. 4: Molly Martin shows the link between parents' and children's weight is due not only to shared genes but also to shared lifestyle.

Match each sociological concept to the corresponding example of racial socialization within Black families.

Appeals to respectability politics: A mother forbids hoodies and low-hanging jeans, saying, "People will think you're a thug!" Environment management: A Black family moves to a predominantly white neighborhood. Experience management: A Black child enrolls in violin lessons, hockey, and a French immersion school.

Genie, the child who was deprived of practically all social interaction, eventually recovered to live a normal life complete with language and social awareness of her surroundings.


Identify the statements as supporting either the nature or nurture side of the debate.

Nature: High levels of testosterone contribute to stereotypically masculine traits such as aggressiveness and competitiveness. The Human Genome Project promises to reveal important answers to questions of human behavior. Nurture: Social isolation has profound consequences on people's lives. Socialization teaches people necessary skills for satisfying basic needs and to defend themselves against danger.

Which statement captures a major point Sherry Turkle makes about communication in her latest book, Reclaiming Conversation?

Online communication reduces our ability to conduct meaningful face-to-face communication.

Choose the term that best completes the passage. Works of fiction such as The Jungle Book are retellings of myths about feral children. These stories highlight the sociological concept of _______, but some real-worldexamples of kidnapping and abuse are no myth.

Social isolation

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about sociobiology ad the nature vs. nurture debate.

Sociobiology is a branch of science that uses biology and evolution to explain SOCIAL. BEHAVIOR. The basic nature vs. nurture debate has been tweaked by sociobiologists who suggest that genes and environment INTERACT to influence behavior. The latest work in this area suggests that SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT can significantly alter the way a gene expresses itself.

Match each agent of socialization to the corresponding scenario.

The Family: Mia values equality between spouses because that is what she observed between her two parents. Peers: Aidan insists on wearing certain brands and styles because he wants to fit in with his friends. Schools: Boipelo can read and write because a teacher instructed her in these skills; although, her parents cannot read or write. Media: Amalia sees herself as overweight because she compares her body to bodies she sees on social media.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

The difference between role strain and role conflict is that role strain is about the competing demands imposed by A SINGLE ROLE, while role conflict is about competing demands imposed by DIFFERENT ROLES. A worker struggling to decide what task to get done first is experiencing role STRAIN. A worker having to leave work early to care for a sick child is experiencing role CONFLICT.

Select the bold text that represents role exit.

Working mothers, in particular, struggled to meet the competing demands of their various roles during Covid-19 pandemic. Some stopped going to the physical workplace, working remotely instead. Others, out of anxiety and stress, juggled household and work in new ways; for example, refusing to do laundry for other household members. More than 2 million women DROPPED OUT ON THE LABOR FORCE entirely.

Identify the items as either "expressions given" or "expressions given off" according to Goffman.

Expressions Given: Saying "good job" to a teammate". Expressions Given Off: A thumbs up. A raise of an eyebrow. A shrug of the shoulders.

The 2017 Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, which centers on a high school student who takes her own life, incited a great deal of concern because of its graphic depiction of teen suicide. Critics feared that it might have a "contagion" effect amongst youth, a phenomenon that had already been well documented in other cases, resulting in a spate of copycat attempts. Identify the findings about the effects of the show in the several months following its debut.

Finding(s): Suicide rates among youth people ages ten to seventeen surged in the month after the series came out. In the nine months after the show's premiere, there were 195 more suicide deaths in the 10-17 age group than would have otherwise been expected. Not Finding(s): Despite fears to the contrary, suicide rates among young people ages ten to seventeen remained stable throughput the year of the show's premiere. Researchers found that by bringing attention to the issue of suicide, at-risk teens were more likely to seek information from fictional narratives than from peers or parents.

Classify the scenarios as either frontstage or backstage in the dramaturgical theory of society.

Frontstage: A manager tells a new employee that he will get the hang of things soon enough. A professor walks into the first day of a new class with a complete syllabus and expresses to the students an enthusiasm about how this semester will go. Backstage: A shift manager expresses worry to his boss that a new employee may never get the hang of the job. A professor tells a colleague that he does not think he has prepared enough for the classes he must teach this semester.

Match each example to one of Sigmund Freud's interrelated systems of the mind.

ID: Mark eats a whole pint of chocolate double fudge ice cream because he wants it. Ego:Justine wants to copy her roommates homework but is afraid her roommate will catch her. Superego: Ed has the opportunity to cheat on his wife but chooses not to because he knows it will hurt her and possibly destroy their marriage.

Based on scientific evidence about social isolation and lack of socialization, which of the following are likely outcomes for a child who is deprived of contact with agents of socialization?

Likely Outcome(s): The child will not learn how to communicate through language with others. The child will be unable to relate to other humans. Unlikely Outcome(s): The child will be unable to perform basic bodily functions. The child will be emotionless.

Sociologists increasingly investigate technologically mediated interaction. Identify the following as describing either online or in-person interactions.

Online Interaction(s): Teens use these kinds of social spaces as getaways from the pressures of parents, teachers, and other adults. Adults tweet and post to expand their social circles and spread the word about their accomplishments. While we may have lots of connections, we experience less depth in our relationships with them. These kinds of interactions allow us to contain and reduce risks- not risk to life and limb, but risk to self. In-Person Interaction(s): NONE

Place each theoretical perspective next to the corresponding case study in the table.

Psychoanalysis: Parents instill a conscience (superego) in children through rules that govern their instinctual behavior (id) until children mature and are self-governing (ego). Mine, Self, and Society: Children gain a sense of self through imitation, play, and games, in which they learn various roles and take on the perspectives of others. LookingGlass Self: Parents and significant others serve as a reflection to children who develop a sense of self based on their appraisals, real or imagined. Dramaturgy: Children learn the art of impression management and may present a different self to their parents than to other children or teachers.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about public schools in the United States.

Public elementary and secondary schools n the United States were first established in the 1800S. At first, attendance was UNEVEN. Beyond the original goals of schooling, such as educating citizens and MAINTAINING DEMOCRACY, schools now have greater roles, which include physical education and discipline.

Match each term to the appropriate role scenario.

Role Conflict: A straight-A student who spent most of her time studying in high school joins a sorority and faces increased pressure to spend less time studying. Role Exit: A straight-A student decides to quit her sorority to focus on her grades. Role: Fraternity and sorority members are required to devote a significant amount of time to social events and community service each semester.

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