SOCI111 Chapters 11&17 Quiz

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Why aren't antibiotics as successful in treating illnesses as they were several years ago?

Bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics.

Enoch is an 80-year-old man who receives moderate Social Security funds and works part-time bagging groceries. Adolph, an 80-year-old man with more Social Security funds, has no need to work. Sociological research predicts that:

Enoch may live longer because of the social interaction benefits of working.

After studying the story of Foua Yang and her daughter Lia, what might a sociologist say to doctors serving in cross-cultural settings?

Medical conditions can be interpreted in different ways, and these differences are not easily reconciled.

After mental illness became "medicalized," what was one major change that occurred?

Medication replaced counseling.

The ________ study showed how stigmas (e.g., labels) can become self-fulfilling prophecies.


Mika is going to Africa to implement a development project in a poor rural area. She takes Jeffrey Sachs's advice, focusing on malaria reduction. Which outcome is most likely?

There is a resurgence of malaria due to antibiotic-resistant strains of the disease.

Tamara is a medical doctor who is driving to the park. On her way, she passes by the scene of an accident. In U.S. society, the expectation is that Tamara has:

a moral obligation to stop and try to help.

Dr. Raman is a family practice physician with a degree from Sunshine University. He makes potions of sunshine and water in his kitchen and sells them as "Health, Guaranteed!" All the other medical doctors in town say Dr. Raman is no good, but he doesn't care. All he cares about is the happiness of his patients (and his sales). Because he serves clients at the expense of the esteem of his professional peers, Dr. Raman is known to sociologists as:

a quack.

What is one of the risks genetic modification may pose to the environment?

an ecological chain reaction

When it comes to health care, Western societies:

are reactive; people tend to go to the doctor only when they decide they are sick.

James is 6 feet tall. Leroy is 5 feet 2 inches tall. There are surely many individual differences between James and Leroy, but sociological research predicts that based on height alone, James is likely to have:

better health.

Two scientists argue at a conference about human origins. Dr. Leo argues that the journal Nature portrays legitimate science with its article on African origins. Dr. Wertz argues that the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY, portrays the real facts of human history. In response, Dr. Leo says that the Creation Museum "facts" aren't facts at all. This debate portrays scientists engaged in:

boundary work.

Farmers who are thinking about future generations have committed to several issues. Which of the following is one of the issues mentioned in your text?

conservation of soil

Michael is in a sociology class and the teacher poses a debate: Did Ramses II die of tuberculosis? The class studies the phenomenon of "science wars," and in this war, Michael is on the team that will defend Bruno Latour's view. Michael argues that Ramses II:

could not have died of tuberculosis because the disease had not been discovered at the time of death.

It has taken Africa longer to reap the benefits of the green revolution because of Africa's mix of crops and:

dependency on rain-fed crops.

Because sociologists study people, they tend to study data out in the field using real-world settings. Natural scientists more often:

extract data from the natural world and bring it into the laboratory for study.

Across cultures and across time, medical professionals hold varying degrees of power and prestige. If we esteemed doctors today in the way that ancient Romans did, we might ask our ________ to add on a minor surgical procedure.


The main problem with the fee-for-service model is that doctors have an incentive to:

have patients return for unnecessary visits.

One scientist hoped to solve health and nutritional problems for children in developing countries by the genetic modification of rice with:

high levels of vitamin A.

In the Dover, Pennsylvania, school district, what theory was presented as an alternative to Darwin's theory of natural selection?

intelligent design

The decision to develop atomic weapons during World War II was influenced by:

international geopolitical circumstances.

What did Mechanic and Meyer find to be the most important factor for patients in rating their doctor?

interpersonal confidence

Tina is a homeless mentally ill woman. Psychiatrist Sam Tsemberis recommends giving her a ________, because ________ is the most important first step toward well-being.

key; housing

Which of the following is something scientists predict will result from a continued rise in global temperatures?

migration from coastal communities

A hypothetical nation decides to make population policy based on the fictional film Gattaca. After watching this film, policy makers would most likely decide to:

perform genetic testing at birth and select the best for survival.

In opposition to the sociology of science researcher Bruno Latour, many scientists assert that ________ are not made but rather preexist in objective reality waiting to be discovered.

scientific facts

According to Thomas Kuhn, what is the factor responsible for important scientific advancements?

scientific revolutions

Sociologically speaking, the BRCA1 gene mutation is a good example of how:

social practices can change the effects of genes.

Around the 1990s, physicians' authority began to decline for several reasons, one of which was that more physicians were associated with health maintenance organizations (HMOs). This meant that:

there were changes in the way we paid for care.

One of the criticisms of the Whitehall Study is that the researchers did not adequately address the possibility that occupational and health differences were caused by:

underlying personality differences.

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