Social Emotional Learning and Moral Development
What are Illinois Social Emotional Learning Standards, 3 Main Goals?
#1) Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success. #2) Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships #3) Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community environments
What is SELs 2nd Learning Standards? and what are the components involved?
#2) Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships - Recognize the feelings and perspectives of others. - Recognize individual and group similarities and differences. - Use communication and social skills to interact effectively with others. - Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts in constructive ways
What is SELs 3rd Learning Standards? and what are the components involved?
#3) Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community - Consider ethical, safety, and societal factors in making decisions - Apply decision-making skills to deal responsibly with daily academic and social situations. - Contribute to the well-being of one's school and community
What are the characteristics pertaining emotional development for toodlerhood?
(1-3 years old) - more reflective of theirs & others emotions although they still egocentric
What is SELs 1st Learning Standards? and what are the components involved?
*Develop self-awareness and selfmanagement skills to achieve school and life success. -Identify and manage one's emotions and behavior. - Recognize personal qualities and external supports. - Demonstrate skills related to achieving personal and academic goals.
What are Conduct Disorders? and what are 2 factors?
*Emotional condition characterized by lack of concern for the rights of others that is unusual for their age - Low percentage of youth 2-6% - Gender
How do you promote emotional development?
- Being responsive - Create a warm, accepting, & trusting classroom environment - Encourage and support children's emotional expressions *Provide an outlet for emotional expression (Dramatic play, Writing - journals, stories) - Use academic content to discuss emotions (Literature, Historical figures - Encourage perspective taking and practice ("How would you feel if you were...") - Model appropriate emotion behavior
What emotional problems fall under depression?
- Bipolar Disorder - Major Depression
What is included within the Preschool (3-5 years old) stage for emotional development?
- Emotional labeling -Talking to themselves, changing their goals, and reducing sensory input (e.g., covering their eyes and/or ears) to regulate their emotions - Emotional Masking
What are the Components of Gilligan's Theory of Morality?
- Ethic of Care - connections between people - Ethic of Justice
What are the emotional differences between genders?
- Girls more likely to report sadness - Boys more likely to report anger
What is included within the Adolescence (11-12+ years old) stage for emotional development?
- Increased self-reflection - Think in more complex ways - Puberty increases emotional volatility
What are emotional differences with socioeconomic status?
- Low-income children's exposure to compromised environments may lead to increased fear or worry - Middle-income children's exposure may lead to increased stress or anxiety
What is included within the Middle childhood (6 - 11 years old) stage for emotional development?
- More advanced emotional masking (understanding social display rules) - Understand multiple emotions for a particular situation/event
What is included within Kohlberg Post-conventional moral development theory?
- Social-contract - Universal Ethical Principle Ex] -Morality is internal, not based on external standards - Maintain social order and protect human rights
What are some Classroom support tactics to have a successful classroom?
-Be aware of your reaction to different temperament & personality types - Adjust to temperament &/or personality of your students - Consider the personality of your students when making groups - Communicate expectations about appropriate behavior - Create routines (Prepare & support students when routines change)
In order to benefit Children's Prosocial Behavior, Classroom teacher need to do what?
-Emphasize consideration of others' needs - Model prosocial behavior - Identify and encourage positive classroom behavior - Facilitate perspective-taking - Foster altruism in classroom projects
What is included within Kohlberg conventional moral development theory?
-Good girl, Nice Boy -Law & Order Ex] - Internal standards are imposed by others - Rigidly obeys rules
What is Gilligan's Theory of Morality?
-Morality of care based on the connectedness of people (Care Orientation) - Moral rules are based on interpersonal relationships & responsibility for others' wellbeing
What is included within Kohlberg Preconventional moral development theory?
-Obedience punishment -Instrumental & Relativist Ex] Moral reasoning is controlled by consequences (i.e., external rewards and punishments)
What does a Hidden Curriculum include?
-School personnel serve as models of ethical behavior. -Classroom rules and peer relationships transmit positive attitudes to students.
What does a Character Education include?
-Schools take a direct approach to teaching moral literacy (i.e., moral values & virtues) and design an environment that rewards proper behavior.
What is empathy? and during what stage of emotional development does this occur?
-ability to feel the emotion of others -Toddler stage * This is a social emotion
What are Self-Conscious Emotions? and during what stage of emotional development does this occur?
-development of guilt, shame and pride -Toddler stage
What are the 3 branches of Temperament Typology?
1) Easy Child 2) Difficult Child 3) Slow to Warm
What are the 5 personality dimensions? and what do they entail?
1) Extraversion - socially outgoing 2) Ageeableness - warm & sympathetic 3) Conscientiousness - persistent & organized 4) Neuroticism - anxious & fearful 5) Openness - curious & imaginative
What are the 5 aspects of Moral Education?
1) Hidden Curriculum 2) Character Education 3) Values Clarification 4) Cognitive Moral Education 5) Service Learning
What are Kohlberg's Levels of Moral Development?
1) Preconventional 2) Conventional 3) Post-conventional
What are the characteristics pertaining emotional development for infancy?
4 basic emotions (Happy, Sad, Angry, & Afraid) by 9 months
What are emotional differences within culture?
Different cultural groups encourage or discourage the expression of certain emotions
What does Temperament include?
Includes observable behaviors, like activity level, regularity, mood, adaptability, responsiveness, distractibility and attention span
What does a Cognitive Moral Education include?
School-base programs on the belief that students should learn to value things like democracy and justice as moral reasoning develops
What does a Values Clarification include?
Schools design programs that allow students to clarify their own values and understand the values of others.
What does Service Learning include?
Schools encourage students to be involved in the community by integrating academic standards; both the student & community benefits -Ex] being a tutor, helping the elderly, volunteering in hospitals or day care, etc.
What emotional problems fall under Anxiety?
Separation Anxiety - Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Phobias - including school phobia (Didaskaleinophobia) (Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words)
What are Emotional problems?
To be diagnosed with a disorder, symptoms MUST impair a child's (adult) ability to function successfully in school, family and/or the community
What is Emotional Expressiveness?
ability to convey emotional messages in a socially appropriate manner
What is Emotional Regulation?
ability to manage one's emotions in an age appropriate manner
What are Emotions?
affective and physiological responses to interacting with the environment and cognitive representations of the meaning of the events that are subjective
What is Temperament?
characteristic way of responding to emotional events, new situations and personal impulse
What does Curriculum help, in terms of social-emotions?
children recognize & manage their emotions, develop caring and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, & handle challenging situations constructively and ethically
What is a personality?
distinctive ways of thinking, feeling and thinking based on biologically based emotional tendencies and personal experiences
What is Emotional Competence?
identifying and responding to emotions and then using info to inform & guide your social interaction as well as using it to regulate your own emotions
What is Emotional Contagion?
infants hear or see other infants cry and in turn they cry
What is Social Referencing?
infants/toddlers begins to utilize others facial cues to guide their behavior
What is a difficult child within Temperament Typology?
irregular routines and difficulty with new situations; intense negative response (More difficulty in later childhood)
What is Emotional Knowledge/Understanding?
recognition of emotions from facial expressions & causes
What is an easy child within Temperament Typology?
regular biological routines (eating, sleeping, toileting), adapts easily to change and generally has a positive mood
What is a slow to warm child within Temperament Typology?
regular routines with low to mild reactions to change, but adapts with repeated exposure
What is Social Conventions?
rules that help to maintain social systems or organization Example: Schools
What is a Moral Dilemma?
situations where 2 or more people's rights or needs may be in conflict and there is not one clear cut right or wrong solution
What is Moral Judgement?
understanding of fairness, justice and the rights and welfare of others