Social Media for Strategic Communication (Ngondo)

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Engagement - Comments, Reactions, Shares, Clicks

-Comments - The number of comments made on your posts -Reactions - Includes likes, loves or other reaction buttons clicked on your posts -Shares - The number of times people have shared your post with others -Clicks - The number of times someone has clicked on your post

identify what strategies you will be taking

-Content strategy -Audience strategy -Customized strategy

Sales - Conversions, Purchases, Revenue

-Conversions - The number of times a customer completes a desired action on your site -Purchase - The number of times a customer gives you money for your product -Revenue - The amount of money that you receive for your products or services, not including sales tax

Awareness - Followers, Impressions, Mentions

-Followers - The number of people who have liked your page, subscribed to your channel, or otherwise chosen to get updates from you -Impressions - The number of views your content has received -Mentions - The number of comments and posts made by other people that mention your business


-Pinterest will get plenty of organic reach. Unlike Twitter, when you post on Pinterest it can still be discovered by users for a long time because other users will share your post on "boards" where more users can find it. The downfall to Pinterest is that it is expensive to promote content on the platform. YouTube and Instagram make it relatively inexpensive to promote content and still have great organic reach. -Pinterest is a great platform for clicks, shares, and most importantly, sales


-a personal brand begins with personality, or individual features that are unique and memorable which can help initiate a strong view toward the person's personal brand -personality consists of the ways an individual behaves, responds, and communicates with people and their respective communities


-aligned with community -etiquette, feelings, significant issues, and historical approaches characterize interactions and relationships

Types of personality brands

-altruist -careerist -hipster -boomerang -connector -selective

main components of a strategic plan

-background -situational analysis -social media communication audit -competitive analysis -SWOT -goals -objectives -strategies -tactics -evaluation -calendar -budget -future steps and recommendations

why social media

-brands are expected to listen and respond to stakeholder concerns in new ways -influence social media provides professionals with opportunities to use social media strategically -social media platforms serve as gateways -essentially, social media provides 1st impression management tool

fake influencer

-buys follows, verification, audiences -focus on vanity metrics -focus on follow/unfollow technique

There are many benefits of listening and monitoring, such as ______

-calculating overall growth amongst audience -identifying influencers -formulating items to evaluate -analyzing key trends


-certain areas of specialization -independent or consulting agencies and firms

engaging with influencers

-cite them in research -give shout-outs in twitter chats -initiate conversations -offer them feedback from a new perspective


-community is part of the mix -must consider overall dynamics of group -use monitoring and listening to determine content

how to establish a personal brand

-conduct an audit of yourself -keep brand image and voice consistent with each other -determine your personal brand associations -identify what strategy you will be taking -think about what makes you uniquely different -determine what you want to be known for -once established, invest in your personal community

content creators

-content is king -comes in various formats -multimedia -well versed in creating work that resonates with audiences -know what people want even if they don't know it yet


-create, produce, and record content to tell stories -background in storyboarding and writing scripts -most jobs have multimedia component -interest in equipment to focus on multimedia

social media as a practice

-creativity 1. ability to create 2. anyone can create and share content, but not everyone can produce it -storytelling 1. unique stories 2. if execution is not there, it is a waste of time 3. best person to share your story is you

who "owns" social media

-everyone who wants to claim ownership to the discipline and profession of social media -each profession may know how to use social media specifically for their industry or discipline


-evolving -fragile -made up by personal brand and community -constantly maintained and invested in -formed from personal interactions -influenced by word of mouth

key components of audience segmentation

-exclusiveness -tone -consistency -sustainability

community manager

-face of the company -focused on all types of communication -keep track of audience

micro influencers

-have a specific focus, community, and purpose that help brand messages resonate with audiences -they have a specific specialty, particular focus, niche, or interest -specialized because: 1. focus on specific industries 2. focus on specific platforms 3. focus on specific communities 4. focus on specific brands


-have to be ones with stats -make sure systematic process is used to analyze data

common writing mistakes

-jumping on bandwagon when not appropriate -lack of research before posting -not checking spelling/grammar -not evaluating possible reactions

mission and vision

-mission describes the key elements -vision is the overall guiding principles

social media communication audit

-most important -where are you, who are you, etc.


-must be relevant to target audience -jab jab jab right hook -free of errors -useful content -respect each channel


-must clearly state what you plan to accomplish -must fulfill certain criteria to be effective -referred to as the SMART criteria (measurable) 1. Specific 2. Manageable 3. Achievable 4. Realistic 5. Time-specific ex. lay at the pool 30 mins a day (if completed, measurable)


-not just responding to posts -engaging in meaningful conversations -understanding your brand voice and writing style is important -thinking on your feet is key


-once you identify the main areas, you are prepared to offer a broad statement for your social media initiative -goal statement should be in the form of a single sentence -ex. I wanna have fun during spring break

the lessons from the social media posts examples, in the lecture teach that

-others may perceive posts differently than you, and may not consider it to be humorous -be aware of what you post on social media since it's public -you can get fired for what you post on social media

brand voice

-overall tone, personality, and entity -one of the most impt. elements to consider

personal brand

-people have a voice on social media. the voice ranges from person to person -a unique personalized way in showcasing your personality through your overall tone across communication channels

factors that contribute to this view

-political factors -legal factors -economic factors -community factors -technology factors -social and consumer factors


-popular audience -focus on certain projects and particular areas in social media

specifics professionals want to see

-portfolio of work -colleagues and what they have done -understand their culture -organizational structure for social media

create and implement ambassador program

-research -have exclusivity -offer perks and access to brad directly -give power to create content -start small and focus on growing -focus on building lifestyle, not product

what are ethics?

-set of moral guidelines and principles -these guidelines help us tell the difference between what is wrong and right

content creation vs content curation

-social media plans need to have a mixture of content that is originally created (content creation) and content that was published from a different source (content curation)

current state of social media

-social media platforms are in constant state of flux and evolution -keeping up with fast-paced change can be your job (social media platforms are divided by function and overall purpose)

social media coordinator

-strategic planning and execution of social media content -focuses on posts and content going live on schedule -content goes on appropriate channel -strategy and message relevancy are two parts of the equation to reinforce and advocate for a part of the team

importance of research in social media

-systematic gathering of information in a systematic and objective manner to answer questions -research can provide more direction in understanding our key audiences

creativity and connection

-the CREATIVITY involved with how conversations take place can help build memorable CONNECTIONS -strong writers on social media should have skills to address each type of communication

social media strategist

-ties goals and objectives, and figures out how to get it accomplished -in charge of understanding tactical elements and understand comprehensive pictures of the campaign

what can be monitored?

-track information over a period of time -determining best times and places to post and engage with content -note what competitors are doing online and compare -exploring receptiveness and behavioral intentions -evaluate response time for the social care team

social media evolution

-very young profession, industry, and matured over life span -features have been added to meet increasing expectations -when new features are added by one platform, others follow suit, and incorporate it in their own space

writers and editors

-write and edit content consistent brand voice -story tellers, visionaries, and editors= best fit -working with content creators and coordinators -publishing on a consistent basis

2 parts of the equation that scientists need to look at

1. actual information and data are collected 2. social media strategists have to organize info

best storytelling practices

1. allow them to be a part of your experience 2. listen and create relevant content 3. showcase your values 4. share your point of view

why is audience segmentation important?

1. being more effective in your paid ads on social media 2. clear idea of who you're reaching and what is impt. to them 3. understand range of different touch points to have for each user

more deadly sins

1. bullying 2. not giving credit where credit is due 3. sharing too much 4. flame wars 5. automation 6. going rogue

key areas of effective writing for social media

1. content 2. community 3. culture 4. conversation 5. creativity 6. connection

deadly sins of social media

1. misappropriation 2. abandonment 3. manipulation 4. ignorance 5. narcissism 6. uniformity and monotony

types of writing styles

1. professional (general motors) 2. snarky (wendy's) 3. product focused (under armour) 4. audience focused (ESPN- budweiser) 5. inspirational (adidas- mahomes) 6. conversational (dunkin' donuts) 7. witty (taco bell) 8. educational (sephora) 9. personality focused (Charmin)

social media definitions

1. social media provides a personalized , online networked hub of information, dialogue, and relationship management 2. these new communication technology tools allow individual users and organizations to engage with, reach, persuade, and target key audiences across multiple platforms 3. some emphasize the role of social media as a toolkit that allows users to create and share content

the facebook live button was born in


new head of instagram

Adam Mosseri

Sheryl Sandberg

COO at Facebook

celebrity influencers, such as Kelly Rowland and and Angela Simmons have been a key focus of the ___ when it comes to endorsements


disclosure of content

Facebook problems (Cambridge scandal)


Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are all good platforms for getting sales through promoted posts


Instagram is great for getting engagements such as likes and comments, but it is much less impressive when it comes to clicks and shares.

Danielle has been asked to create an environmental scan for the current landscape related to Buffalo Trace Distillery. She wants to make sure she explores all of the factors that could impact the brand externally. What are the main areas she needs to address here?

She needs to address the political, legal, economic, technology, community, and social factors here

current YouTube CEO

Susan Wojcicki

world's least-used social media platfrom



Twitter is great for getting clicks and shares, and Pinterest is great for shares and engagements.

The question many people have with social media and personal branding is: Can you integrate your personal brand with your professional one?

Yes, and it is up to you on what approach you feel works best.

______ is where a social media professional analyzes all of the communication efforts for the client and organization before a campaign is launched

a social media communication audit

Starbucks has a statement that states they are focusing on creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome. What is this an example of?

a vision statement

Landon is analyzing the reports for her latest project with The Breeder's Cup, she is looking into the attitudes, behaviors, and opinions of their audience members. What type of metrics is she looking for?


using social media strategically

balance & personal and professional reasons


be aware of jargon of social media, violation on purpose, know FTC guidelines and guidelines for platform, failing to respond to customers

"it takes many good deeds o build a good reputation, but only one bad one to lose it"'

benjamin frankin

_____ specialize in a particular industry or function with social media

boutique industries

______, which is the overall tone, personality, and entity that is what is presented on social media is part of the ______ section of the plan

brand voice; background section

social care (under conversation)

brands are able to have conversations in real time with audiences to answer questions bounce around ideas, etc. (in the moment)

PR professionals

build on relationships and keep track of the conversations (monitor, listen, and engage)

The most complicated form of ______metrics focuses on exploring the actions audiences members take on social media


Twitter Analytics are accessible to everyone, and there are some metrics that are specific to each platform (e.g., RTs, etc.). What type of metrics are these?


what to consider when choosing platforms

choose the platform that meets your goals 1. audience 2. purpose 3. relationship 4. personality 5. content 6. innovativeness 7. analytics 8. actions

social media

combines a "wide range of online, word-of-mouth forums including, blogs, company sponsored discussion boards, chatroom, consumer to consumer email, consumer products, service ratings and products, forums, internet discussion boards/forums, and microblogs."

______ is a group of individuals who come together based on common interests, values, and characteristics


Maggie is working in social media for buffer. she is in charge of listening and overseeing the campaign for Buffer, but also focuses on addressing customer messages and inquiries on all the platforms they are on. what social media role is Maggie in?

community manager

A social media professional not only has to have a strong writing style, but they have to be able to create good ______


content curation

content shared from a different source

Matt is working with the NY Mets as part of a summer internship program. He is in charge of responding to informal conversations on social media with fans and other key audiences. What type of social media writing does this capture?


The type of writing that brands, like Dunkin Donuts, use to strike up conversations and embrace the notion that social media is "social" is ______


rule of thumb for creating content

create content you're passionate about, the audience is passionate about, understand your audience and persona summary, and helps with branding and position/reputation in the industry as a thought leader

As discussed in the textbook, there are six C's for effective writing for social media EXCEPT ______


Peter Parker is working with Stark Enterprises for his internship in social media. He has been tasked by Mr. Stark to collect and strategically select content to share from various sources that may be relevant for Stark Enterprise's audiences on social media, particularly articles and topics focusing on Iron Man. What is Peter trying to do?

curate content for audiences

Tasty has a strong following due to teaching their audiences through videos about various recipes they can make at any occasion. What style are they using?


____ the set of model guidelines and principles that influence our behaviors and interactions


_____ is what many professionals are hiring for today in the social media industry


For the budget portion of the strategic plan, you do not need to be able to account for all of the resources that you need for a social media plan to take place


Strategies are the tools and applications within social media that you will be using to accomplish your objectives and fulfill your strategies


The key players and organizational structure of a company is not important to note for the client overview for a campaign plan


When a trending topic or hashtag is trending, it is key to make sure to jump on the bandwagon and be part of the conversation regardless of the situation


social media is an established field that has not seen any growth or changes in the hiring roles?


writers do not have to be prepared to write in all social media channels, but they have to be a master in one?


_____ popular trend in striking a heated discussion with someone else on social media

flame wars

issues of free speech

free speech does not mean no consequences

Sabrina wants to have the flexibility and independence of which clients she works with in the social media industry. So far, she has experience working on projects with BBC, Star Wars, City of Dublin Tourism Department, and Starbucks all focused on social media strategy. what does Sabrina work in?


when accounts like altnationalparkservices are created, they are not necessarily the real voice of the organization they represent and do not have permission to do so. what trend is this referring to?

going rogue


groups of people that come together for a common cause

situational analysis

help organize data collected so far, setting up an overall picture for a brand, organization, or person on social media

Amanda is working on her bachelor's degree on public relations at Ohio University and her ultimate goal after graduation is to work for Diana Prince Enterprises. She wants to showcase what she has done in her other internships with Aquaman Agency. What does Amanda need to bring to her interview?

her online portfolio of work


individuals who advocate and promote your work based on their own personal interest and investment with the brand, agency, org, or person in question -individuals who leverage their own loyalty as a currency are ambassadors -creating a successful ambassadors program or initiative takes dedication and investment -strong culture internally is helpful

social media writing

is the key to every discipline


learning, exploring, and uncovering emerging trends, opportunities, activities and issues

livestreaming apps are one popular from of social media, and examples that fall into this category include all EXCEPT


______ focuses on observing people's feedback and evaluating the sentiment and patterns for a social media manager


when applying for jobs, applications need to be aware of the following EXCEPT _______

look at the influence scores for their colleagues


making a false view of who you are, build trust and credibility, don't lie

marketing professionals

manage marketing campaigns

data collected by social media professionals are called


jumping onto a trend , similar to creating a popular meme like crying lebron or running man, is an example of what type of deadly social media sin


provides metrics like mentions and trends along with using data insights to tie into strategic plans


public shaming

most negative experience on social media

Emily is working for BuzzFeed and is an effective storyteller. she has experience writing scripts, production, and assists in creating various content to go across all social media channels for Buzzfeed. What role is Emily is?

multimedia producer

creating a writing guide

needs to be a written and digital copy of social media writing style guide

is research is black and white?



not being a part of the conversation, build and maintain social media and brand, leaving site before letting it fully grow

2 influencer groups

one group focuses on promoting themselves and the other focuses on contributing to their communities and real business

____ focuses on allowing users to share and create information, disseminate ideas in various forms, share content, and respond to these pieces of content to create a consistent image across the different platforms

online persona

content creation

original content


pay attention to growing trends and the ever-changing consumer focused environment

unfiltered voices

person says whatever comes to mind immediately and posts it directly for their friends, their communities, and the world to see

filtered voices

presenting crystal, pristine image across multiple platforms

2 types of audiences

primary audiences: want to target directly secondary audiences: influenced by primary audiences

What is an example of a basic metric for Facebook?


audience segmentation

refers to the process of categorizing people into certain groups based on specific criteria (broad or specific)


release breaking news

skills to showcase

research ---> writing and visual content ---> data analytics and strategic application ---> customer service specialist ---> lifelong learner

Wendy's got their fame on social media by interjecting their attitude with messages on social media to provide entertainment and value. What writing style are they using?


_____ focuses on the strategic planning and execution of social media content for the organization

social media coordinator

what social media brings to the table

social media provides a range of different opportunities, challenges, and experiences for users: 1. one to one, one to many, many to many format 2. develop content & communities online and offline 3. visual and immersive storytelling through video, live video, photos social media provides a range of different opportunities, challenges, and experiences for users 1. provides awareness of the brand voice, story, and people behind the scenes 2. resource for education, training, and support for community 3. initiate behaviors and call to action statements for audiences

_____ focused on social media but they also primarily look at how to get key businesses, communication, and social media objectives accomplished.

social media strategist

Wade is working on creating a collection of information for his Deadpool movie campaign. He is evaluating the data to see what trends can be tied to the overall efforts of the campaign and how Deadpool is being received online. What is Wade doing?

social monitoring analysis

key characteristics of influencers

someone who has built forth an audience, naturally and over time, that is viewed as an authority figure on a certain subject, area, or perspective


sometimes referred to as the customer journey landscape view

influencer marketing

specialization in researching, engaging, and working with influencers to formulate partnerships

Taking steps to make up a creative and systematic approach for social media purposes is also known as a ______

strategic plan

strategy and tactics

strategy: heart of a strategic plan tactics: tools and applications


strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

Having a standard approach for social media content, policies, and overall approach in writing is called a ______

style guide


systematic process of understanding, analyzing, and reporting insights and conversations on reputation, brand position, community health, and opinion of key audience members virtually

strategic plan

systematic, thorough, and aligned document that outlines the plan from start to finish

the agreement you sign up for when creating a social media account is called a

terms of service agreement


the ability to shift people to take action or listen to what you have to say

personal brand associations

the direct associations you want people to remember and recall about you, are also important.

examples of personal brands

the rock and rosanna pansino

FTC protects privacy

they look at whether or not sites publish how they do when it comes to privacy and collecting info on users


timing and appropriateness of jumping into a conversation that is not entirely necessary or relevant to the brand (trend-jacking) -ex. DiGirono Pizza

Keeping a balanced perspective and mind-set is always important


Key KPIs should be determined before the social media strategic plan is implemented


Research in many ways is one of the most challenging yet demanding functions in social media


Social care is part of the conversation piece of effective writing for social media


Writing for social media is one of the most challenging things social media professionals need to do


Your personal brand is your most valuable asset to protect, invest in, and maintain for your community and professional career


a side-hustle while working in social media is something to consider having if you are the industry?


a social media policy is good to have to set the guidelines and standards for a brand and all employees on social media


abandonment is when brands and individuals build a community and leave it without proper notification or reasoning, which is considered to be one of the deadly sins of social media


actions speak louder than words. as your actions, voice, dialogue, grow within your community, your influence grows


as a practice, social media is about creativity and storytelling


community managers have increased presence within industry


establishing a personal brand on a social media is one of the hardest yet most important tasks to do for a social media professional


experience is the first thing that a lot of employers are going to focus on


have a side hustle


it's not about what you know, but who knows you


key KPI's should be determined BEFORE the social media strategic plan is implemented


since July 2020, 99% of social media users accessed it via mobile devices


social media managers are more specialized and get paid more


the scientific aspect of social media is using research-driven data to understand not only what is happening, but why and how behaviors, actions, and communities happen in any given time


working in social media is demanding and exciting?


being consistent across social media platforms, whether it is look or even content, is important, but sharing exact same piece of content on all platforms it is not appropriate. this is considered which of the deadly sins


uniformity and monotony

uniformity- don't have the same exact content everywhere monotony- don't become boring, content needs to be fresh, relevant and tied to the audience's needs and expectations, needs and expectations grow over time, people wanna be inspired and motivated

______ focuses on the overall goals and dreams of the organization, whereas ______ describes key elements of the overall purpose

vision; mission

legal fundamentals

what is legal is not always right, and what is right is not always legal

is consistency key?


is it important to have a strong presence online and all social media handles are the same across all platforms?



you are what you share, don't spam, don't worry about ratios, do NOT buy followers, quality is better than quantity, no fake accounts or bots

benefits and challenges of personal brand

•Allow you to establish yourself •Define who we are •Evaluating what others are doing in our industry •Look at what other professionals are doing that is working •Through personal branding, a person can embrace unique characteristics and attributes that make us both memorable and impactful

how to detect a "fake" personal brand

•Don't be fake •Stand by your opinions and don't always jump on the bandwagon. •Focus on quantity rather than quality of engagement. •Understand your "virtual" brand is only as good as your offline brand. •Lead all interactions with action first without taking into consideration the implications for the long term.

how do you become an expert?

•You have to be knowledgeable in an area of your profession or industry to make you credible. •Evaluate your role and what you have done. •There are many "gurus" or "change evangelists."

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