social media marketing test 1

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"Clarity, clarity, clarity. When you become hopelessly mired in a sentence, it is best to start fresh; do not try to fight your way through against the terrible odds of syntax." (p. 74) How to do it: Read from the POV of the reader Set the piece aside Let others see your work

An Approach to Style

"There is no satisfactory explanation of style, no infallible guide to good writing, no assurance that a person who thinks clearly will be able to write clearly, no key that unlocks the door, no inflexible rule by which writers may shape their course. " (pg 64.)

Location targeting

- based on the location provided in the user's profile

Connection targeting

- based on the type of connection to your brand page

Selecting tools

- plethora of tools to assist with every activity in the planning cycle.

Successful social media marketers

-good writing skills -Requires a combination of personal and technical characteristics Stay on top of social media trends. Be prepared to think and act quickly. Be comfortable with analytics. Learn to write for social media. Establish and maintain your social media presence. Post relevant and engaging content.

facebook at a glance

1.7 billion monthly active users Mobile Reach ► 1.57 billion monthly active users Time Spent ► Users spend on average 18 minutes per day in Facebook - more than any other social media site 400 million mobile only users Daily Habit ► 1.13 billion people use Facebook on a daily basis Ad Revenue Breakdown ► 62% of ad revenue is from mobile ads

facebook Demographics

29.7% of active users are 25 to 34 years old (the most common age group). Five new profiles are created every second.


37% of Twitter users are between ages of 18 and 29 25% users are 30-49 years old. 54% of Twitter users earn more than $50,000 a year. The top three countries by user count outside the U.S. are: Brazil (27.7 million users), Japan (25.9 million), and Mexico (23.5 million).

LinkedIn Statistics

40% of members login everyday 44% female user base, 56% male ¼ of users are 18-29 years old 61% of users are 30-64 years old 44% of users have incomes over $75,000 >75% users have incomes over $50,000 70% of users are located outside the U.S.

twitter SMM

65.8% of US companies with 100+ employees use Twitter for marketing. 92% of companies Tweet more than once a day. The average Twitter user follows five businesses. 80% of Twitter users have mentioned a brand in a Tweet. The last two years have seen a 2.5x increase in customer service conversations on Twitter. 60% of consumers expect brands to respond to their query within the hour, but the average is 1 hour 24 minutes. Tweets with images receive 18% more click throughs, 89% more likes, and 150% more retweets.

Snapchat Demographics

71% of Snapchat users are under 34 years old. Approximately 70% of Snapchat users are female. 30% of US Millennial Internet Users use Snapchat regularly. Ireland is the top country for Snapchat Usage based on percentage of usage by adults in each market. 45% of Snapchat users are aged between 18-24. Snapchat reaches 11% of Total US Digital population.

Instagram Carousel Ads

: These ads look identical to photo ads, but feature multiple photos that users can swipe through.

Snapchat for Business Statistics

A Geofilter delivered to a national audience will typically be seen by 40% to 60% of daily Snapchatters. Snapchat's Sponsored Lenses are forecasted to reach 16 million viewers daily. 58 % of college students would be likely to purchase a brand's product or service if they were sent a coupon on Snapchat. Brands are charged an average of $750,000 per day to advertise on Snapchat

Build Brand Awareness with Snap Ads

A Snap Ad is a 10-second, full screen vertical video ad that appears between Stories. Swipe up: view more in-depth content like a long form video, article, app install ad, etc. Swipe-up rate for Snap Ads is five times higher than the average click-through rate. For example, Spotify earned 26 million total views and a 30 percent increase on subscriber intent.

Elementary Principles of Composition

Active voice The subject is performing the action. "Kevin Durant hit a three point shot." "Apple released the iPhone 7." "Michael Scott needs to do a better job teaching new employees at Dunder Mifflin."

ads on social media

Ads on social media are paid media (PPC - pay per click)

Active Voice example

Alex wrote an essay about his grandfather's Alzheimer's

Passive Voice example

An essay about Alzheimer's was written by Alex

Use definite, specific, concrete language

Apple might be in trouble with their new business plan. Apple has reported less than 2% sales growth over the last three quarters. Lebron James has upped his game and the team is responding. Since James started averaging more than 40 minutes a game, the team has increased its scoring output by an average of eight points per game.

Target your "existing customers"

Appreciate your customers by sharing their cool photos with you "Facebook Fans", or "Twitter Followers." Increase engagement targeting your "existing customers" Post images with your customers in mind, in turn they may just share it with their "Followers."

Why do Marketers Use Snapchat?

As a platform, Snapchat has the attention of 15 to 25-year-olds in America. Scroll through rate? Snapchat users "can't" look back. Marketers have ~100% of their audience's attention for the length of the content's life.

LinkedIn for Businesses

Attracting top talent Grow your network - and potential supplier and consumer base Advanced search capabilities Connect with a different, more businesslike, audience. Showcase products, services, events, and brands. Showcase expertise (e.g., long-form content) on the platform.

facebook Usage

Average time spent per Facebook visit: 20 minutes Every 60 seconds on Facebook: 510 comments are posted 293,000 statuses are updated 136,000 photos are uploaded One in five page views in the U.S. occurs on Facebook. 42% of marketers report that Facebook is critical or important to their business.

Creating a Brand Logo

Be Mobile-Minded Agility in crucial in the digital era (e.g., Twitter's Logo Change and Facebook's Typeface) Socialize with Relevance - connect logo and content (e.g., Nike pairs Swoosh with relevant content) Tell a story Take a Risk "Iconic logos challenge the status quo and push the boundaries of any industry, and the ability for the client to be somewhat outside of their comfort zone takes courage and conviction," Diane DePaolis (Creative Director, FCB AD Agency)

brand posts

Brand posts are owned media with no advertising costs.

why do businesses struggle with social media?

Businesses struggle with social media because they lack a definite plan. They start with an end in mind... instead of creating a strategy.

Embrace Visual Branding

Choose a color palette Use the same logo/avatar Filter carefully - BE consistent Create TEmplates

costs of social media marketing

Cost in terms of personnel time and technology resources. Similar to other media and advertising, there are also costs to producing and creating content.

LinkedIn Activity

Create account Evaluate profile - photo, background, title, bio, etc. What about your profile stands out to job recruiters? Evaluate your followers - Who is following you? Why are they following you? Do you communicate with them? Why or Why Not? Evaluate who you follow - Who do you follow? Why do you follow them? Do you communicate with them? Why or Why not? What can you do to help your career via LinkedIn?

Twitter Chats

Create brand awareness. Get people talking about you. Help others learn about your community. Allow a conversation of like-minded people. Grow your follower base. Provide valuable networking opportunities.

history of SMM

Currently, social media reached critical mass with 73% of adults in the United States having a profile on a social network. SMM became viable with the development of the Internet - late 1960s.

Varying Uses of Microblogging

Depending on the industry, audience, and objectives, a different mix of Twitter post components might be appropriate. Selecting the proper ratio between types of message is key!

twitter history

Founded in 2006 by: Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams Went public in 2013 *First public report showed a net loss of $511 million in Q3 of 2013 First reported profit was in 2015 Approximately 320 million monthly active users

Setting Goals and Objectives

Goals must be flexible in the light of new developments. Unintended benefits from social media engagement are often discovered.

Permission vs. Interruption Marketing

How is it possible to gain attention and build a brand in the current sea of marketing? Permission marketing evens the playing field and allows new talent to compete more effectively against large, entrenched brands

Building a Twitter Following

If a profile has no followers, then functionally no one will see what is being posted! Mass follow strategy Stefan Tanase, one researcher studying this issue, "found that simply following almost 50,000 people [gave] him nearly 8,000 followers in return, a follow-back rate of about 17 percent." Twitter block users from following more than 2,000 profiles unless they are also being followed by a similar number. Most who follow back automatically are mass marketers and spammers.

Welcome to LinkedIn

If used correctly and on a regular basis, LinkedIn can be a formidable part of a marketing plan - not just in finding work, but in making important connections. Use LinkedIn to connect, share, and promote

Facebook After Hours - The Late Night Infomercial Effect

If you post your updates when few others are posting (non-peak), your updates stand a better chance of making it through the News Feed, which is FREE. In their study of 5,800 pages and over 1.5 million posts, Track Maven came up with advice for brands: post on Saturdays and Sundays and post after regular work hours.

Not every social interaction is worthwhile or effective

Impact on participants (weak vs. strong) and barriers to activation (low vs. high).

how many people use social media?

In 2016, ~2.13 billion social media worldwide. Represents over 63% of all Internet users.

Anatomy of a "Perfect Facebook Post"

Includes a link. Is brief - 40 characters or fewer. Follows other posts on a regular schedule. Is timely, newsworthy and ignites sharing. Includes an image or video vs. YouTube link. Includes people, pets, kids in image or video. Includes Hash tags and exclamation enthusiasm. Includes a Call-to-Action (drives engagement). Is optimized with a paid Boost to increase reach.


Increasing brand awareness, connecting with customers, providing support, and distributing information... what else? Twitter makes other social media tools more effective by providing a distribution outlet that can reach millions of consumers. Connecting microblogs with marketing objectives requires creativity. Developing SM-based writing talents is crucial.

Instagram Statistics 2017

Instagram has over 500 million active monthly users. Instagram users have shared over 40 billion photos to date and share an average of 95 million photos and videos per day. 80% of Instagram users come from outside of the U.S. Instagram is used by 31% of American women and 24% of men Instagram is used by 48.8%of brands—a number that is expected to rise to 70.7% by the end of 2017. Posts with at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement.

Principles for Success

Interact with the community, answer questions, and thank those who respond. Participating in dialog will eventually bring results.

Social Media Writing

Is the message educational or entertaining? Is the voice correct? Is it too long? Is the URL correct? Should I target a specific audience with this message? Did I use the right keywords and hashtags to maximize exposure? How many times have I already posted something today? Did I spell check? Will I be okay with absolutely anyone seeing this? Is this reactive communication or is it well thought-out? Did I make the most of visual content—images, video, slides? Did I make the most of my update text—headline formulas, polls, quizzes?

Building a Brand via Microblogging

KNOW THE AUDIENCE Optimal arena to study and develop different user personas. E.g., examine list of similar people to follow, provided by Twitter provides. Aggregating together different characteristics of Twitter users interested in a brand allows a picture of the target market to emerge. Important note: The demographics on Twitter do not necessarily reflect those of the general public.

LinkedIn Basics

Largest professional social media network in the world. Connectivity and narrative Professional self-presentation

Improve your ROI "posting at the right time"

Later Research Company - 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. were the best times of day to post. Best day: Wednesday, then Thursday ' TrackMaven found that it did not seem to matter what time the posts showed up on Instagram for fortune 500 companies — users engaged regardless of the time they were posted. Most popular times to post according to Mavrck: Midnight, 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Hubspot: Best time to post is any time on Mon. or Thursday except between 3:00 & 4:00 p.m

Instagram Video ads

Like the photo ads, these look like regular video posts, but with a Sponsored label on top.

Why LinkedIn?

LinkedIn will recommend groups for you to join. Free advertising for your content. If you're producing content, LinkedIn is a great way to share and measure it. LinkedIn is viewed as more reliable than other social media platforms.

Ways to limit the time investment in SMM:

Look for underutilized employees Leverage efficiency tools Use mobile devices to boost efficiency in SMM

How do you interpret big data

Massive amount of data that is available from the digital clickstream... Includes data from audio and video files.

What is Microblogging?

Microblogging "refers to broadcasting brief messages to some or all members of the sender's social network through a specific, Web-based, service." Most essential aspect messages are required to be short.

Continuous process

Monitor the progress of the plan's action elements, modify them to improve results, and test alternative approaches

The Building Blocks of Social Media:

Nodes and Ties Socialize People are connected to other people

Two important caveats:

Not all platforms offer all the types of targeting listed. Advertisers usually receive new targeting options first.

Most Effective Content Style or "Voice"

Openness and Disclosure Access Positive Assurances Networking Team up

Permission vs. Interruption Marketing

Permission marketing is when consumers consent to being marketed. May add value to consumers' lives, causing them to welcome and request certain marketing messages. E.g., opting into a newsletter Permission marketing has been used successfully in launching new brands. Dollar Shave Club

Elementary Principles of Composition

Put statements in positive form What does it mean? "Make definite assertions. Avoid tame, colorless, hesitating, noncommittal language. Use the word not as a means of denial or in antithesis, never as a means of evasion." (pg. 29) - Elements of Style How to do it: Write what is, instead of not is Use words like avoid and others listed in this section Provide counter point Avoid qualifiers when possible (would, should, could, may, might)

Reasons You Should be on LinkedIn

Recruiters and HR professionals are on LinkedIn. LinkedIn has extensive job listings. Receive (and give) endorsements and testimonials. Make important business connections. Reach out to the people who are viewing your profile. Updating an online resume easier than updating a paper resume. Establish your expertise by using the LinkedIn content platform. Research other businesses.

Barriers to Activation

Refer to the ease or difficulty of the social tie being activated.

Impact on Participants

Refers to the likelihood that the social interaction will have a strong influence on the receivers

Creating Leverage via Snapchat

Reward Current Customers With Mobile Coupons Gain New Followers With a Giveaway Take People Behind the Scenes Preview a New Product Tell Customers About Holiday Sales and Events

Building a Brand via Microblogging

SEARCH FOR INFORMATION "Global human search engine" Developing good search skills is necessary to become familiar with a target audience/market. Further, search can turn up information about specific topics. Tweets are displayed in reverse-chronological order, why?

start with road map

SMM plan -listen before you start interacting -welcome audience participation -successful social media strategy -be flexible. social media is constantly evolving


Show respect for online participants rather than attempting to herd them with deceptive claims.

Snap, Inc.

Snap Inc. is a camera company. We believe that reinventing the camera represents our greatest opportunity to improve the way people live and communicate. Our products empower people to express themselves, live in the moment, learn about the world, and have fun together. Snapchat is unique in that it erases messages several seconds after they have been sent.


Snapchat now offers the option to work with one of their Creative Partners (advertising agencies) to create a campaign. Adweek has previously reported that Snapchat lenses cost $450,000 and can total $750,000 for big-ticket days like holidays or events. Refused a $3 billion all cash offer from Facebook Valuation: $25 billion? $500 million? Reportedly file publicly for massive IPO next week? *Facebook valuation today = ~350 billion; Purchased Instagram for $1 billion in 2012 (valued around $30b today

Rules of Engagement for SMM

Social media involves discussions between real people about issues or products that they care about. Typically, these conversations are not about the particular brand a social media marketer is hoping to promote. Companies must earn people's attention, and that means playing by generally accepted standards.

Listen and Observe: Five Stages

Stage #1: Listen to Conversations About a Brand or Company -To understand how the company is perceived. -Both positive and negative remarks can show where opportunities may lie. -Anticipate areas to address Stage #2: Listen to What People Say About the Competitors -Helpful to identify most competitive areas of SM landscape. -May provide insights that can be leveraged when later building a strategy. Stage #3: Listening to What People Say About the Industry or Category -Will help gauge what consumers are really interested in. Stage #4: Listening for the Tone of the Community -Observing how consumers naturally interact with each other. -This knowledge will facilitate integration and participation Stage #5: Listening to Different Social Media Platforms and Channels -Each social media channel has a distinctive audience. -Time spent observing will pay off.

Business use of Twitter Examples

Starbucks - Using variety Netflix - Using online real estate Toms - Inspire with images Adidas - Maximizing cover photo Etsy - Showcasing uniqueness Orbitz - Humor Amazon - Crowdsourcing content TIME - Telling a story Apple - Showcasing products

LinkedIn Bottom Line

Strong world-wide reach Business to business sales opportunities Professional audience focus Highly trusted by Google Built to be SEO friendly

Growing Snapchat Following

Tell a great story Offer incentives Exploit platform advantages Snapchat will grow 27 percent in 2016 to nearly 59 million users in the U.S. alone. Research: Instagram adoption is ubiquitous, but Snapchat is still a point of differentiation. Spectacles

An Approach to Style

The beginner should approach style warily, realizing that it is an expression of self, and should turn resolutely away from all devices that are popularly believed to indicate style — all mannerisms, tricks, adornments. The approach to style is by way of plainness, simplicity, orderliness, sincerity." (pg. 66) -Elements of Style

History of Microblogging

The earliest ancestors of microblogs were referred to as "tumblelogs" (2005) and contained links or stream of consciousness posts, all in quick succession. Social networking sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Yahoo Pulse, have a microblogging aspect in the form of status updates. Microblogging has evolved into an important source of news and citizen journalism. Ease of posting and sharing Wide selection of topics hashtags (#) - 10 year anniversary this year!

Place the empathic words of the sentence at the end.

The employees listened as Steve Jobs talked." "The Broncos are the Vegas favorites to win the Super Bowl" "When Warren Buffet talks to investors and associates, you can see the value of his character."

Instagram Photo Ads

These look like regular photo posts, but they have a Sponsored label above the photo. They also have a Learn More button on the bottom right corner, under the photo.

How to Avoid Confusing Your Global Audience

To avoid confusion, it is best to make messages polite, concise, and direct.

Snapchat Statistics

Total Number of Monthly Active Users: 200 - 300 million Total Number of Daily Active Snapchat Users: 100 million Percentage of US Social Media users that Use Snapchat: 18% Number of Snaps Consumed Everyday (Photos & Videos): > 400 million Average Time Spent per User on Daily Basis: 25-30 minutes Number of Snapchat users who upload photos: 65% 54% of Snapchat users log in every day

twitter info

Total Number of Tweets sent per Day: 500 million Percentage of Twitter users on Mobile: 80% Number of Twitter Daily Active Users: 100 million 24% of All Internet male users use Twitter, 21% of All Internet Female users use Twitter. 79% of Twitter accounts are based outside the United States. There are over 67 million Twitter users in US.

Permission vs. Interruption Marketing

Traditional marketing relies heavily on.... ...interruption marketing. When using interruption marketing, companies purchase the right to interrupt people and demand their attention. E.g., TV advertising, magazine ads, billboards, pop-ups, radio ads, etc.

Differences between traditional marketing and social media marketing

Traditional marketing seeks to control content. SMM emphasizes audience contribution and relinquishes control. Companies must develop trusting relationships with their audience. In traditional marketing, the signal is one-way. However, SMM involves many-to-many communication, with brands being only one participant. Trust is slow to earn but very easy to lose

Brand your Profile/Bio

Treat your bio like an elevator pitch. If you had to describe what your business does in one or two sentences, what would it be?

Twitter Applications

TweetChat Hootsuite Sprout Social TweetCaster Buffer

importance of targeting

What is Targeting in SMM? The right person to get The right content At the right place At the right time In the right format In the right language On the right device


When a customer has a valid complaint, a technical problem arises, or some other crisis looms, there are three steps to take: Acknowledge Apologize Act

Your style will define your personality to your audience.

Your style will attract some, and annoy others. How to find your style: Practice (a lot!) Ask for feedback Replicate what you identify with We all stand on other's shoulders Don't try to do too much at one time Grow into it

Equal ratio strategy

aims to keep the profile's following and follower counts as close to equal as possible. Downside is that this approach is very slow to start growing. For many SMM strategists, that period will be too long to wait. Happy medium? Search for and follow somewhere between 50 and 150 profiles with similar interests and ideas or those that already have members of the target audience following them. The advantage of following relevant accounts with similar topics of interest is granted by Twitter's "Suggested People" feature.

Custom targeting

allows the marketer to upload data, an email list, for example

a person's network

an ego network

Behavioral targeting

based on purchase behavior

Interest targeting

based on self-reported interests and page-related behaviors

Eight C's of strategy development

categorize comprehend converse collaborate contribute connect community convert

Develop a Brand Voice

company culture: What does your brand stand for? Speak in a way that your audience connects with

Common characteristics marketers use

demographics, geographics, and lifestyles or psychographics.

what is SMM plan

details an organization's social media goals and the actions necessary to achieve them. Understanding of corporate and marketing strategies, and the creation of promotional strategies.


different types of ties

List Needs and Situational Triggers

from personas' perspectives, defining concerns, symptoms, and problems.

Look-alike targeting

identifies people like the ones who have been successful targets

Selecting platforms and channels

identifies the paths on the web by which content will be transmitted to the target audience.

Setting goals

involves conducting an analysis (SWOT).

link goals with a call to action

lead generation- -sign up for webinar -call for consultation -complete for consultation

Identify Persona Roles

listing all relevant personas by role.

marketing budgets

marketing- 10% of total company revenue digital marketing- 25% of total marketing budget social media- 9.9% of digital marketing budget -22.4% of budget in next 5 years -76000 social media professionals

Microblogging word of mouth (MWOM)

microblogging has the ability to accelerate word-of-mouth communications through social network, often called the "Twitter effect."

Behavioral data

more valuable in digital marketing.

Defining strategies

must be done on a case-by-case basis, using all available info.

People who use a given social media platform

nodes in a massive network.

Retransmission likelihood

occurs because people want to share information that is novel.




people in networks with high numbers of connections


people who are highly socially active

benefits of Instagram for your business sources

personality creativity effectiveness

Identifying the target audience (market)

pinpointing the location, behavior, tastes, & needs of target audience

What is social media marketing?

refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks.




search engine optimization Process of getting traffic from "free," "organic," "editorial" or "natural" search results on search engines.

Myths of social media

social media is just a fad social media marketing is new social media is too time-consuming social media is free

Create Messaging Objectives

suited to each persona's needs that you have the expertise to address


the constant and continuous process of adjusting and improving the elements of the plan and its implementation to maximize the chances of success.

tie strength

the intensity of ties


the process of tracking, measuring, and evaluating SMM initiatives.


the process whereby the goals, strategies, target market, and platforms are taken into consideration for specific marketing tactics


the way of thinking about systems


to what people are saying enables an org. to determine current social media presence.

brand building

watch videos click on links read content fan/friend/follow brand sign up for newsletters

Marketers have multiple types of social interactions at their disposal.

word of mouth reviews

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