Social Psychology Final

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Emotions typically occur on the order of seconds, whereas moods may last for days, and traits are tendencies to respond a certain way across various situations.

"Feelings" is a general term used to describe a wide range of states that include emotions, moods, and traits. These states are similar in the fact that they involve changes in subjective experience, physiological responding, and behavior in response to a meaningful event. What are the differences between these states of emotions, moods, and traits?

cost-benefit analysis

A decision-making process that compares how much time and effort would be invested in providing assistance to the perceived rewards or outcomes of that action is called a(n) _________.


A typical, or average, member of a category is called a(n) ________. In attractiveness studies, it has been found that averageness actually increases attractiveness.

Put a note on the bed indicating that most of their guests reuse linens, and asking this guest to do the same.

Alice's Hotel has noticed that they spend a lot of money on water and electricity devoted to washing linens (towels, sheets, and pillowcases). In order to reduce this expense, the owner wants to encourage guests to reuse linens for more than one day. What would be the best way to accomplish this task?

1 to 3 years

At what age do people appear to be the most aggressive?


Chukwudi believes that atheists cannot be trusted. As a result, he refuses to hire anyone who does not regularly attend church. Chukwudi's action is an example of __________


Conformity that results from a concern about what others think of us is called __________ influence.


Denita is a very ardent, right-wing conservative and always votes for Republican candidates. She recently met Troy, who she thinks is interesting and very attractive. Once she finds out that he is a very liberal individual who prefers Democratic candidates, she may no longer want to date him. This change in her opinion demonstrates the ________ hypothesis.


Having conscious beliefs, feelings, and behaviors of hostility toward outgroup members that you are perfectly willing to admit reflects what type of bias?

we compare new experiences to previously stored schemas

How is it that schemas help people save time as they have new experiences or encounter new people or objects on a daily basis?

independent self

In order to get a coworker to start contributing to a group project, you express feelings of annoyance, anger, and dislike. You hope that by expressing such emotions, your coworker will change their behavior. Using your emotions to impact the behavior of your worker is an example of:


Intentionally harming another person's social relationships, feelings of acceptance, or inclusion within a group is called ________ aggression.


Javari is teaching a psychology class and tells his students, "Kenna is 31, single, outspoken, and bright. She majored in philosophy in college. As a student, Kenna was deeply concerned with discrimination and other social issues." When Javari asked his class if it was more likely that Kenna was A) a bank teller or B) a bank teller AND a feminist, most people in his class chose option B. Javari explained that their answer was incorrect because their _____________ heuristic led them astray.

negative state relief

Jeremiah knows that his roommate Hank has a financial problem, but he really does not want to pay Hank's rent this month. He does so, however, so that he won't feel guilty and sad for declining to offer help. Jeremiah's decision to pay Hank's rent is based on the ________ model.

error management theory

Lonnie needs to make a long business trip back from Minnesota but is uncertain of when to leave. According to the weather report, there is a big storm starting that he may encounter. The cost of deciding to leave later will make him late for his meeting but the cost to leave too early might put him in a car accident on slippery roads. Which theory would predict that because of evolution, Lonnie would choose the less costly or dangerous option and leave later in the day to avoid the storm

Functional distance: There is a high amount of interaction between the individuals involved.

Many people find that online relationships, including friendships and romances, are easier to establish and maintain than they would have predicted. From a social psychology perspective, what makes these relationships so 'real'?


Marco and Kenny are welcoming an exchange student into their home. They live in the United States and she is from Spain. They notice that she does not do laundry very often and wears the same clothes two or three times before she washes them. They try to understand these actions from her cultural background. These men are displaying a high level of cultural ________.

Dunning- Kruger

Mike is a pretty poor bowler, but he always brags that he can beat anyone in his league. Chis, however, is the ;vague champion but he always thinks his opponents will beat him. Mike's overestimation and Chris's underestimation or their abilities demonstrates the ________ effect.

social dominance

Mordechai lives in a neighborhood where nearly every home is owned by other orthodox Jewish families. He is very upset when he finds out that a house on his block has been purchased by a family who is Catholic. He feels that Jewish families are better than others, and does not want this family to live on his block. Mordechai is demonstrating a ________ orientation.

informational influence

Nora has decided to visit the new community recreation center for a swim. As she enters the change room she notices both of the two other people present put their shoes into a locker. Before she walks out to the pool she does the same. What concept helps explain her actions?

passive- destructive

On a popular TV show, when one character named Amy tells her boyfriend Sheldon about her recent publication in a major science journal, Sheldon ignores her big news and talks more about himself. Sheldon's is an example of


One external factor that can lead to aggressive behaviors is ________, which occurs when goal-directed behaviors are blocked. A good example of this would be getting stuck in traffic on your way to a class or an important meeting.


One proposed aspect of the self is that you reflect on and try to change your own self. This describes the self as

motivated skepticism

People are usually motivated in some way when making social judgements and decisions. what often occurs as a result of having directional goals


People are usually motivated in some way when making social judgments and decisions. What often occurs as a result of having directional goals?

Hierarchies are natural, some groups are simply better than others.

People who have a high social dominance orientation (SDO) are likely to agree with which of the following statements?


Ruby is angry at her little sister for wearing Ruby's favorite shirt without permission and then spilling paint on it. Ruby walks over to her sister and yells at her. Ruby's actions are an example of


Shania notices that all of her high school friends have started wearing glitter eye shadow to school. She doesnt really like the look but she wants to fit in with the crowd, so she starts wearing it too. Shania has engaged in __________.


Sherise sees that the rubber ball in her yard is about to blow into the pool, so she walks over to it, picks it up, and places it in a toy bin. Sherise has acted in a way that would bring about a specific, desired outcome. In other words, she has acted with ________.


Sometimes a person looks to others to determine whether help needs to be offered in an ambiguous situation. When this person incorrectly concludes that no help is necessary, this is called ________ ignorance.

What is the difference between stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination?

Stereotypes are based on beliefs, prejudice is based on emotions, and discrimination is based on behavior.

physiology, subjective experience, and facial expressive behavior

Studies of emotional responding tend to focus on three facets of emotional response. Which of the following includes one example of each of those three facets?


The ______ functions of emotions refers to the roles that emotions play within each of us individually. They can include physical changes in our bodies or psychological changes in our minds


The ________ component of love is comprised of physiological and emotional arousal. It can include physical attraction, emotional responses that promote physiological changes, and sexual arousal.


The ________ functions of emotions refers to the roles that emotions play within each of us individually. They can include physical changes in our bodies or psychological changes in our minds.


The ________ route to persuasion employs direct, relevant, and logical messages to convince a listener to make a specific change.


The belief that personal qualities, such as intelligence, can be developed through effort and practice is indicative of a person who has a(n) ________ mindset


The coordination of multiple partners toward a common goal that will benefit everyone involved is a working definition of _________.


The inability to show______ or to resolve conflict with another person, can block peoples ability to make positive deposits to the relationship bank account


There are many facets of culture. They include all except which of the following?

1. Orlando has to give his choice out loud

Under which of the following circumstances would you expect a person to demonstrate the highest level of conformity in Solomon Asch's research protocol?

when the potential helper is the only one present who can help

Under which situation is diffusion of responsibility least likely to occur?

make more positive relationship deposits.

Using the analogy of a bank account, experts suggest that people who want to increase the positive nature of their relationships should:


Vladamir comes from a culture in which his own accomplishments are very important to him because he feels that they set him apart from others. On his resume he lists the jobs he's had, the awards he's won, and the degrees that he has earned. He feels that this will help him get the new job for which he is applying. The culture in which Vladamir comes appears to value ________.

Relevance and similarity

What are the criteria that are necessary for a person to engage in the process of social comparison?

relevance and similarity

What are the criteria that are necessary for a person to engage in the process of social comparison?

other-oriented empathy and helpfulness

What are the two sets of characteristics that have been identified in a prosocial personality orientation?

A divide between personal and collective interests

What is a primary obstacle that prevents people from engaging in cooperative actions?

aggression may cause harm, but violence is intended to cause extreme physical harm (e.g., injury or death)

What is the difference between aggressive behaviors and violent actions?

social categorization

When Lev is out to lunch at a restaurant he sees a woman with very short hair, facial piercings, and several tattoos. He thinks to himself, "She must be into motorcycles." Lev has engaged in the process


When Vincent attends a job interview dresses in a suit and tie. He is very attractive in appearance. The interviewer has an immediate impression that Vincent is intelligent and competent. This is an example of the attractiveness ________ effect.


When one person shares good news with another, and the second person shows true interest and enthusiasm for the news, they are engaging in ________ responding.

second shift

When she gets home from work as a dental hygienist, Jessica immediately begins straightening the house, doing laundry, and preparing dinner for the family before her husband, Bill, gets home. This additional set of duties that often falls to women who work outside of the home is called ___________


When you judge people from cultures using your own cultural backdrop as the standard of what is "right" or "good," you are employing ________ bias in your judgment.


Which of the Big Five personality dimensions, which is defined by being sympathetic, generous, forgiving, and helpful, has received in-depth research regarding its relationship to prosocial behavior?

there is no such single, universal quality for attractiveness

Which of the following has been found to be the single quality that is a necessary and sufficient condition for high attractiveness across virtually all people?

People who openly hate one group of people also tend to hate others.

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding blatant biases?

target as many aggression triggers as possible and deal with them all simultaneously

Which of the following is one suggestion for increasing the effectiveness of aggression-reducing interventions?


Which trick to persuasion can be loosely summarized by saying, " If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours?"

They know getting small acts of cooperation may lead to larger actions in the same direction.

Why do some salespeople try to start a new interaction by asking for something small from a potential customer (e.g., "Just answer one quick question")?

it reminds you that other people are not as good as you in a given domain

Why does engaging in downward comparison provide a boost to an individual's self-esteem?

social referencing

Young Lilah is taken to a family dinner and she meets an uncle who she has never met before. As he reaches to her for a hug, Lilah looks to her mother in an uncertain look on her face. As she sees her mother nodding and smiling, Lilah loos back to the uncle and gives him a warm hug. Lilah his used _______ to determine how to act in this situation.


_____________ influence refers to conformity that results from a desire to act in a manner that is clearly socially approved such as speaking softly in libraries

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