Social Studies Composite 7-12

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What is the 26th amendment?

18 years old vote

What is the 13th amendment? FREE

Abolished slavery

What do the 18th and 21st amendment have in relation?


Which of the following groups comprised the majority of the slave population in ancient Greece?

foreigners who had been captured by Greek city-states in war

Which of the following has been a major economic consequence of the information revolution of the late 20th century?

increased interdependence among world financial markets

Which of the following was usually cited by President Truman as his primary motivation for using the atomic bomb against Japan during World War II?

to avoid the heavy casualties likely to result from the land invasion of Japan

Which of the following best explains why the Texas State Constitution of 1876 mandated a state balanced budget, ordered the election of judges, and required that the legislative meet for 140 days every other year?

to limit the powers of state government

Which of the following best illustrates the role of competitive markets in the U.S. free enterprise system?

An electronics company lowers the price of one of its leading products in order to increase sales

Which of the following statements about the nature of cultural change is most accurate?

Changes in one aspect of a culture are usually accompanied by changes in other aspects of the culture

Passage Summary: Geography of song in North America. Chantey's (songs sailor's sing) move ALL OVER the United States. Passage Question: The passage above best illustrates which of the following concepts?

Cultural diffusion (spreading out of culture)

A social scientist has identified a societal problem to investigate. Which of the following steps would be most appropriate and helpful for the researcher to take before moving ahead to formulate a specific research question?

Develop a research design to investigate the problem

Which of the following most influenced Portuguese and Spanish plans for maritime (seafaring commercial) expansion during the 15th century?

Muslim control of eastern land routes to Asian markets

Amendments 13, 14, & 15 are called what?

Reconstruction amendments

Which of the following best describes a major economic development in the South during Reconstruction?

Sharecropping (landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on the land.) replaced the plantation system (slaves worked land for free) as the main form of agricultural organization

In which of the following ways were the Korean War and Vietnam War most similar?

U.S. intervention in both wars was based on the doctrine of containment (prevent spread of communism)

Which of the following is the most likely consequence of a decline in the international exchange rate of the U.S. dollar?

U.S. manufacturers will increase sales in foreign market

Which of the following cases best illustrates how knowledge generated by the social science disciplines strongly influenced an important decision of the U.S. Supreme Court?

United States vs Nixon (limited executive privileges)

The American Federation of Labor responded to the late 19th century developments in U.S. industry by attempting to what?

increase worker autonomy (freedom) through the creation of producers' cooperatives (UNIONS)

The lawmaking process in the U.S. Congress can best be characterized as a system in which what?

members with similar interests and aims cooperate with each other to achieve their goals

Passage Summary: 18th century, which began around 1730. Europe's estimated population jumped from about 120 million to about 180-190 million. Passage Question: Which of the following best describes the main cause of the demographic change described in the passage above?

rising birth rates resulting from advances in sewage treatment and water purification

Graph Summary: U.S. Gross National Product 1946-1970. Money increases. Graph question: Which of the following was a major cause and effect of the economic pattern shown in the graph above?

substantial increases in productivity and purchasing power

Excerpt Summary: National Labor Relations Act. Excerpt Question: The position stated in the excerpt above is based on the assumption that economic stability can best be preserved by what?

supporting right - to - work policies

Which of the following developments in post-World War II Japan was most influenced by the United States?

the creation of a democratic (power is vested in the people) form of government

Which of the following considerations most influenced Thomas Jefferson's decision to purchase the Louisiana Territory from France?

the importance western farmers attached to preserving secure access to the mouth of the Mississippi River (used Mississippi River to irrigate farms)

All of the following were critical reasons for Germany's defeat in World War II except what?

the inability of Germany to control the Maginot Line (French forts made of concrete)

The primary gods of ancient Maya religious culture represented what?

the natural forces that most directly influenced the material welfare of the people

What is the 19th amendment?

women's suffrage

In 1919, largely as a result of the organizational efforts of W.E.B. Du Bois, the Second Pan-African Congress met in Paris. Discussion at the Congress focused on which of the following stated aims of the U.S. delegation to the peace talks that concluded World War I?

"A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to be determined"

Which of the following most distinguished the "new immigrants" of the late 19th century from pre-Civil War immigration to the United States?

A large proportion of the new immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe and Asia

Which of the following best describes a constitutionally sanctioned procedure for amending the U.S. Constitution?

A proposed amendment is approved by a 2/3's vote of both houses of Congress and sent to the states for ratification (approval)

Passage Summary: Writings of Montisquieu. If the legislative and executive powers are combined in the same person or in the same body of magistrates (a civil officer or lay judge who administers the law) there can be no liberty, because of apprehensions that the monarch or senate might enact tyrannical laws and execute them in a tyrannical manner. Separation of Judicial, Executive, and Legislative powers. Passage Question: Which of the following best embodies the principles described in the excerpt above?

Articles I, II, and III of the U.S. Constitution

Passage Summary: 1929 Constitution of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). Develop loyal members to citizenship of U.S. To eradicate (to put an end to) body among citizens on account of discrimination. To be equal just like other Americans. Acquisition (to learn) English Language. Respect for American principles. Responsibility for American education. Passage Question: Which of the following best describes a key similarity between LULAC and the NAACP during the first half of the 20th century?

Both organizations emphasized the use of civil disobedience to promote racial justice.

A planning board is seeking to devise an alternative means of community waste disposal following the closure of a local landfill. After gathering information on how other communities in the state have dealt with similar problems, board members have identified five possible options for managing local waste. Which of the following would be the most appropriate step for the board to take next?

Develop objective measures for evaluating the five plans

Passage Summary: U.S. Culture during the 1920's. Tension and hostility causing leading literary figures (Ernest Hemingway) moved to Europe. Some stayed but assailed (criticized) what was happening. Jazz was created. 1920's were the most creative years the nation had yet experienced. Passage Question: Which of the following assumptions most influenced the author's argument in this passage?

Discontent can be an important spur to creativity

As part of a broader study of campaign finance reform, a political scientist is preparing a survey to assess public opinion on the topic. The questions on the survey should be clear and objective and should elicit responses that can be easily tabulated. Which of the following questions best meets those criteria?

Do you think Congress should enact new legislation to regulate campaign finance spending?

Jerusalem Ganges River Mecca Lourdes What common characteristic is shared by each of the places listed above?

Each is a traditional site of religious pilgrimage (people who journey to sacred places for religious reasons)

Passage Summary: Plymouth Plantation. In 1623, a famine (shortage of food) was at hand, worse than the previous year. Food was sedulously (preserved) during the summer. Corn crop was the great reliance for the succeeding (following) winter and spring. A new plan was drawn up before planting-time. A lot was assigned for one year to each household, at the rate of an acre for every member. Lots needed to be cultivated according the the pleasure of the holders, who were to own the crop, after giving a small portion to the public treasury. Passage Question: The situation described in this passage best illustrates the importance of which of the following features of a free enterprise?

Economic Incentives (offered to influence our behaviors)

Which of the following best describes a central concept of a Keynesian economic (Government interaction) theory?

Economic stability can best be maintained through government management of aggregate demand

Passage Summary: Imperial government weakens (Emperor led). Landowners create own army to protect their land from governmental agencies, tax collectors. Government granted some landowners immunity from authority. Where immunity from the king's authority was not freely granted, it was often usurped (taken by force). Passage Question: The developments described in the passage above are most closely related to what?

Emergence of feudalism as a system of political organization

Which of the following is a central assumption of type and trait theories of personality?

Environment is the main determinant of behavior

Which of the following was the most important reason why the feminist political movement of recent decades emerged more slowly in Western Europe than in the United States?

European women had fewer social and political obstacles to overcome than women in the United States

An 8th grade teacher is helping students better understand the foundations of representative government in the United States. Which of the following would be an appropriate learning goal for the teacher to use in assessing student understanding of this topic?

Explain the importance of the Mayflower Compact, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut , and the Virginia House of Burgesses

Which of the following best characterizes Theodore Roosevelt's concept of the U.S. role in world affairs?

He believed the United States should return to George Washington's policy of avoiding entangling alliances with foreign powers (stay out of alliances business. Keep the alliance)

Which of the following best describes Mohandas Gandhi's greatest contribution to the Indian Independence movement?

He developed the tactic of nonviolent civil disobedience to undermine British rule in India

Excerpt Summary: 1809 letter from Timothy Pickering to Christopher Gore about Thomas Jefferson's Embargo Act (1807). "He would rather the U.S. should sink than change the present system of measures." Excerpt Question: Which of the following facts about Pickering would be most helpful to a historian who is trying to assess the validity of the views expressed in the excerpt above?

He was a Federalist senator from Massachusetts

Which of the following best describes how Alexander Hamilton shaped the development of U.S. society during the early years of the Republic?

His financial policies helped provide the capital needed to develop the young nation's material and human resources.

Sociologists who base their work on functionalist (stability of a society) theory would most likely ask which of the following questions?

How do the various elements in a social system work together to maintain stability?

Which of the following best organizes the major topics addressed in this passage?

I. Social criticism of American writers during the 1920's II. Origins and influence of jazz III. Creative advances in the arts during the 1920's

In a market economy, which of the following best describes the likeliness of an increase in the supply of grain and the price of bread?

If grain becomes more plentiful, the cost to bread manufacturers of purchasing grain will be lower leading manufacturers to reduce the price of bread.

Graph Summary: Annual Mean Global Surface Air Temperature. Temperature changes gradually increase over the years Graph Question: Which of the following best describes a major cause of the trend shown in the graph above?

Increased burning of fossil fuels

Map Summary: Map of Europe, Africa, & Australia. Letters "A & B" are located in northern Africa. Letters "C & D" are located in southern Europe. Map Question: Which of the following best describes a shared cultural characteristic of the four lettered areas on the map above?

Islam is the main religion

Which of the following best describes how the French and Indian War (1754-1763) contributed to the tensions that resulted in the American Revolution?

It created a financial crisis that prompted Great Britain to make the colonists pay a greater share of the costs of the empire

Which of the following best describes major effect of the Neolithic agricultural revolution on human life?

It created the basis for specialized skills and occupations

Which of the following best describes a fundamental feature of the concept of civil-disobedience (professed refusal to obey laws)?

It is a reasoned act expressing a moral judgment reached through serious reflection

Chart Summary: Geographic Techniques, Physical Geography, Human Geography. Chart Question: The chart above best illustrates which of the following characteristics of geography as a field of study?

It is a synthesizing and integrating discipline

Which of the following best describes a major assumption on which the detente (easing of hostility) policy of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger was based?

It is possible for ideologically antagonistic (hostile, unfriendly) nations to work together to achieve certain shared objectives

Which of the following best describes an important economic outcome of the Black Death of the 14th century?

It led to increases in both prices for agricultural goods and wages for workers

Which of the following best describes an important long-term consequence of the Norman Conquest of England in 1066?

It strengthened the English monarch at the expense of feudal barons (held land directly under the king and were granted legal jurisdiction)

Which line on the chart best describes a major advantage of the North and a major advantage of the South at the beginning of the Civil War?

Line 1 North Advantage: greater industrial resources South Advantage: superior military leadership

In 1803, Jefferson bought all of France's land in North America for 15 million dollars. This increased both the size and debt of the United States. What is this?

Louisiana Purchase

In 1620, there was an agreement signed to establish land in America. What was that agreement and how was it signed?

Mayflower Compact. Pilgrims were escaping from King James of England. They were traveling to Virginia but set port in Plymouth Colony which is now Massachusetts. They signed a governing document to establish civilization.

Chart: Native American Population of Central Mexico. Population declines over the years. Chart Question: Which of the following was the primary cause of the demographic change indicated in the graph above?

Native American exposure to European diseases

Diagram Summary: Tree Truck. Rain of dead forest detritus (falling debris, waste) Forest litter (on the ground). Root and Decay Zone. Output into ground water and stream flow. Input from rock weathering. Diagram Question: The diagram above best illustrates which of the following aspects of soil formation?

Nutrient Cycle

Which of the following best describes the major disadvantage of sole proprietorships (type of business entity that is owned and run by one natural person and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business)?

Owners of sole proprietorships are personally liable for all debts incurred by the enterprise

Cartoon Summary: Picture of a ship with the word "GOVERNMENT" written on the side and the words "YOUR VOTE" written on the side. Cartoon Question: The cartoon above best illustrates the meaning of which of the following basic principles of the U.S. Constitution?

Popular Sovereignty

Passage Summary: Greek political leader, Pericles stated, "Our constitution is called a democracy (power is vested in the people) because power is in the hands of the whole people. Each individual is interested the state. We do not say that a man who takes no interest in politics is a man who minds his own business; we say that he has no business here at all." Passage Question: The statement above best illustrates the ancient Athenian commitment to which of the following political principles?

Popular Sovereignty (Power of the People)

Excerpt Summary: Texas Highways. El Camino Real Route. The Royal Road. Texas's most historically significant highway. Route began at Rio Grande crossings some 35 miles downstream from border cities of Piedras Negras and Eagle Pass and arched across the South Texas chaparral to the brow of the Balcones Escarpment. For the first time in 300 years, the full length of the early routes that made up this royal Road have been mapped. Excerpt Question: Which of the following modern maps would most help the highway department researchers identify the early route of El Camino Real?

Population distribution

Passage Summary: Plymouth Plantation. In 1623, a famine (shortage of food) was at hand, worse than the previous year. Food was sedulously (preserved) during the summer. Corn crop was the great reliance for the succeeding (following) winter and spring. A new plan was drawn up before planting-time. A lot was assigned for one year to each household, at the rate of an acre for every member. Lots needed to be cultivated according the the pleasure of the holders, who were to own the crop, after giving a small portion to the public treasury. Passage Question: This passage best reflects the relationship between who?

Private ownership and economic productivity

Passage Summary: 1929 Constitution of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). Develop loyal members to citizenship of U.S. To eradicate (to put an end to) body among citizens on account of discrimination. To be equal just like other Americans. Acquisition (to learn) English Language. Respect for American principles. Responsibility for American education. Passage Question: Organizations such as La Raza Unida would most likely DISAGREE with which purpose of LULAC presented above?

Purpose 4: Acquiring of the English Langauge

Map Summary: Letter "A" is located in northern United States. Letter "B" is located in FAR Western Europe. Letter "C" is located in Southern South America. Letter "D" is located in Eastern Europe. Map Question: Which of the lettered regions on the map above is more urbanized?

Region B

Which of the following questions caused the greatest amount of disagreement among the states at the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

Should representation in both houses of Congress be proportional to population?

Hinduism has most influenced the general cultural development of which of the following regions of Asia?

Southeast Asia

Compared with command economics (government makes decisions), market economies (resources are owned and controlled by the people. EX: U.S.) are likely to place greater reliance (trust and rely) on what?

Specialization and the division of labor to increase productive efficiency

Efforts to increase the amount of agricultural land in Japan have been most reliant on which of the following practices?

Terracing - make or form (sloping land) into a number of level flat areas resembling a series of steps.

What was a series of religious revolts that swept over the American Colonies about the middle of the 18th century?

The Great Awakening

Which of the following best describes a major international outcome of World War I (1914-1918)

The U.S. enhanced its position as a major economic power while Europe's leading nations declined economically

Passage Summary: U.S. Culture during the 1920's. Tension and hostility causing leading literary figures (Ernest Hemingway) moved to Europe. Some stayed but assailed (criticized) what was happening. Jazz was created. 1920's were the most creative years the nation had yet experienced. Passage Question: What is the main idea of the selection?

The creative contributions of American writers, musicians, and artists during the 1920's made complaints that the nation was culturally deficient difficult to defend

Passage Summary: Main topic, Confucius. His prime concern was to improve society. Confucius did not look to the gods and spirits for assistance. He advised a ruler to "respect the ghosts and spirits, but keep them at a distance" and "devote yourself to the proper demands of the people" Passage Question: Information presented in the passage above suggests that Confucianism is most similar to which of the following?

The rationalism (opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge, rather than religious belief or emotion) of Enlightenment intellectuals

Which of the following best describes how tectonic (structure of earth's crust) processes could gradually lead to major climate changes?

Thermal vents in the ocean increase water temperature (Day After Tomorrow)

Which of the following best describes a major long term consequence of the Great Depression and World War II for the United States?

They increased the role of the federal government in the social and economic life of the nation.

Scrub & Thorn bushes Grasslands Large herbivores, carnivores, and scavengers drought-resistant trees fluctuating (rise and fall) water table In which of the following climate regions would one most likely find all of the above geographic features listed above?

Tropical Savanna (Africa)

Diagram Summary: Birth Rate, Death Rate, and Population Growth Rate. Diagram Question: Which of the following regions is in Stage IV of the demographic transition as indicated in the model above?

Western Europe

Passage Summary: 19th century Japan. Young Japanese people were sent abroad to receive Western educations, especially in the social and natural sciences. German style army & British style navy were created. Japanese copied industrial and financial methods of the U.S. Japanese copied the Frenchs' administrative system, replacing the old feudal system. Passage Question: The developments described in the passage above were primarily a response to which of the following?

Western Imperialist activities in East Asia

A high school student is using an online news resource to gather information about the 2 main candidates in a political campaign for governor of a large state. The student finds a newspaper story that provides a comprehensive comparison of the 2 candidates. After printing a copy of the story, the student shows it to the teacher. The teacher can best help the student evaluate the story for bias by asking the student which of the following questions?

What kind of language does the journalist use to characterize the candidates and their position?

The belief that certain rights are "natural" of "unalienable" occupies a prominent place in both the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Which of the following statements best defines an important characteristic of "natural" and "unalienable" rights as they are used in these 2 documents?

While a government might limit the expression of these rights, it cannot take away the rights themselves

In response to pressure from the Christian Church, Carolingian rulers of the 9th century made monogamous marriage their official policy. An important consequence of this development was what?

Wives acquired greater dignity and legal security

Excerpt Summary: Roger Manwaring. Proverbs 25.3 Excerpt Question: The statement above best represents which of the following?

a defense of divine-right monarchy

A community has three elementary schools, all of which are operating at about 60% of capacity. The local school board is considering a proposal to close one of the schools. Which of the following would best provide the type of information that the board needs to make an informed decision?

a demographic projection of the community

A geographer is speaking to an audience that has no geographic or scientific background. Which type of tabular or graphic representation is best suited to demonstrate to the audience that the most important lumbering region in the United States is the Pacific Northwest?

a pie chart showing the percentage of the country's total lumber produced in each region of the country

Which of the following is most likely to cause increased competition in an industry with an oligopolistic market (market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers) structure?

a reduction of barriers preventing new firms from entering the industry

Which of the following unit plans for a high school social studies class best integrates content and perspectives from various social studies disciplines?

a unit called "The Organizations of Society," in which lessons on the nature of groups are following by an examination of various types of stratification systems in contemporary societies.

During the first half of the 18th century, the Iroquois Confederacy attempted to strengthen its negotiating position in relations with European powers by doing what?

adopting a policy of neutrality (not supporting or helping either side in a conflict) toward France and Great Britain

Excerpt Summary: Texas Highways. El Camino Real Route. The Royal Road. Texas's most historically significant highway. Route began at Rio Grande crossings some 35 miles downstream from border cities of Piedras Negras and Eagle Pass and arched across the South Texas chaparral to the brow of the Balcones Escarpment. For the first time in 300 years, the full length of the early routes that made up this royal Road have been mapped. Excerpt Question: Which of the following additional sources would the highway department researchers have found most useful in determining the actual route of El Camino Real?

aerial photographs of possible routes

The trent toward greater computerization of industrial activity in the United States has led to what?

an increase in the average educational level of industrial workers

During a course focusing on the Civil War, a teacher divides the class into 4 groups, each of which will represent a major social group of the period: Southern planters, African American slaves, Northern abolitionists, and Iris immigrant workers in northern urban centers. After individual and group research, the students will answer questions about the war's causes and effects on the groups the students represent. This assignment would be most appropriate for helping students what?

analyze conflicting interpretations of the Civil War

The 1995 National Voter Registration Act required the states provide citizens with the opportunity to register to vote when applying for or renewing a drivers license. The main goal of this legislation was to what?

appeal (make serious request to public) to citizens sense of civil responsibility

Winds play a particularly important role the process by which the atmosphere does what?

balances temperature variations between warm and cold air masses

Judaism differed most from other pre-christian religions of the ancient Mediterranean world in its what?

belief that a single god created and controlled the universe

Passage Summary: 1810 decree by Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla. Leader of Mexican Independence Movement. High taxes kept people poor. Ideas to fix problem. Slaveowners shall set slaves free w/in 10 days. No taxes collected from the Indians. No hidden papers in Judicial business, documents, etc. Passage Question: A direct result of Father Hidalgo's decree would most likely have been to what?

broaden the social base of the independence movement

What is the 14th amendment?

citizenship rights

The political ideas of Enlightenment thinkers most influenced the development of which of the following features of modern democratic-republican governments?

constitutional protections of freedom expression

The Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and creation of the NATO were all elements of a post-World War II foreign policy that was designed primarily to do what?

contain Soviet political power and military power

The U.S. Constitution requires the federal government to ensure that all states have a republican form of government. This means that each state must do what?

create a separation of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government

The expansion of the rail network most influenced economic development in the United States during the last half of the 19th century by doing what?

creating the basis for a national market system

Regulatory legislation enacted during the Theodore Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson administration marked a new direction in U.S. politics because it did what?

demonstrated the power of well financed interest groups to shape the national political agenda (Moose Party) ONLY FINANCIAL ANSWER

Which of the following was most responsible for the establishment of communist states during the 20th century?

destabilization (instability) of governments due to World Wars I and II.

Which of the following best describes a major political cause of the American Revolution?

differences between colonial and British definitions of representation and consent (couldn't agree how to run everything)

The internalization (embedding one's own beliefs, attitudes, and values when it comes to moral behavior.) of norms facilitates personal interaction in a society by doing what?

enabling people to anticipate how others are likely to conduct themselves in specific situations

The presidency of Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) marked a major turning point in U.S. history because Roosevelt did what?

established important precedents (pattern) for the federal regulation of national economic affairs ONLY FINANCIAL ANSWER

Passage Summary: Thomas Hobbes. Wants to create a contract that is accepted by people who wish to end the chaos. This contract is not between the ruler and the ruled; it is binding only on the ruled. Passage Question: Which of the elements of Hobbes's thought described in a the passage above did John Locke most firmly reject?

his argument that the social contract is binding only on the ruled

The reputation of Catherine the Great of Russia (1762-1796) as an enlightened despot (one with power) whose reign reflected the spirit of the Enlightenment rests mainly on her efforts to what?

improve the efficiency of government administration in Russia

Graph Summary: U.S. Birth Rate 1940-1970. Births per Thousand Women Aged 16-44. Birth rate was at it's highest in the 1960's at 125,000. Graph Question: Which of the following factors most influenced the changes in the U.S. birth rate that took place in the 1960's, as reflected above in the map?

increased migration from rural areas to urban areas

Which of the following sources would a historian studying the colonial period most likely use to examine the distribution of wealth in an 18th century New England seaport?

merchant account books

Diagram Summary: Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of motives. Diagram Question: The central idea of Maslow's hierarchy is that...?

most human motivations result directly from physical needs

Roger William's main reason for establishing the colony of Rhode Island was to create a what?

multicultural society in which Europeans and Native Americans shared power

Passage Summary: 1810 decree by Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla. Leader of Mexican Independence Movement. High taxes kept people poor. Ideas to fix problem. Slaveowners shall set slaves free w/in 10 days. No taxes collected from the Indians. No hidden papers in Judicial business, documents, etc. Passage Question: The decree best represents an effort to combine which of the following?

nationalism (attachment to one's country) & social justice

A knowledge of which of the following economic concepts would best enable consumers to analyze potential purchases in relation to their family budgets?

opportunity cost

A teacher who is planning a unit on the civil rights movement wishes to develop a lesson that will promote students' use of critical-thinking skills. Which of the following materials would probably be most useful for this lesson?

original documents that provide insight into the strategies adopted by movement leaders

A major difference between traditional authoritarian (you do what we say or we make your life a living hell) forms of government and modern totalitarian (you do what we say or you die) states is that totalitarian governments do what?

place the needs of the state before the needs of the people

Excerpt Summary: Dred Scott vs Sanford (1857). A free negro whose ancestors were brought to this country and sold as slaves is NOT a citizen w/in the meaning of the Constitution. They were not regarded in any state as members of the community and were not numbered among its "people or citizens". Excerpt Question: Which of the following overturned this portion of the Supreme Court's ruling in the Dred Scott case?

ratification of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1868 - No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens in the U.S.

Which of the following was a major consequence of the Camp David Accords of 1978?

reduction of tensions between Egypt and Israel

Passage Summary: England's North American colonies in the 17th century. Newcomers underwent "seasoning", a period of illness. Would cause fever and ague (shivers, fever). Once over this threshold, settlers were at risk of contracting malaria (disease spread by mosquitos). Though seldom fatal itself, malaria could so debilitate (cause to be weak) it's victims that they often died of dysentery (inflammation of intestines). Passage Question: The passage above best describes which of the following parts of England's North American colonies?

the Philadelphia backcountry in the 1670's

Which of the following technological innovations had a major influence on both factory location and advances in transportation during the 19th century?

the creation of the efficient steam engine

The scientific work of Thomas Edison most influenced which of the following?

the development of industrial research laboratories

Which of the following was most responsible for the unprecedented (ground breaking, new)unity of China during most of the four centuries that the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. - A.D. 220) ruled the empire?

the governmental activities of scholar-officials educated in Confucian principles

Ocean tides are produced mainly by what?

the gravitational pull exerted on Earth by the mood and the sun

Which of the following least influenced the development of independence movements in western Africa during the first half of the 20th century?

the growing popularity of Islam among peoples of the region

Which of the following developments was most responsible for the declining power of the Catholic Church in western Europe during the late Middle Ages?

the growing spirit of inquiry (questioning) in European urban centers

Excerpt Summary: Speech by Sojourner Truth (former slave). Equal rights for women Excerpt Question: Which of the following developments most likely prompted Sojourner Truth to express the sentiments contained in the excerpt above?

the lack of support for women's suffrage after the Civil War

The debate surrounding Missouri's admission to the Union during the early 1820's focused on which of the following issues?

the political balance of power between free states and slave states

The reforms (to make change) enacted by leaders of the French Revolution of 1789 devoted least attention to which of the following issues?

the political status of women

Which of the following most influenced the emergence of Renaissance culture in northern and central Italy during the 14th century?

the rise of a wealthy and ambitious class of merchants

Which of the following was the most enduring (long lasting) effect of the conquests of Alexander the Great?

the spread of Greek culture eastward from the Mediterranean world

Which of the following most influenced the development of the abolitionist movement (movement to end slavery) during the 1830's in the United States?

the spread of evangelical Christianity associated with the religious revivals of the Second Great Awakening

The Aztec and Inca empires of the 15th century shared which of the following characteristics?

the theocratic system (priests rule) of government in which an absolute ruler (single person w/unlimited power) directed the activities of a ruling class or priests and nobles

In her influental 1963 book "The Feminine Mystique", Betty Friedan contributed to the rise of the feminist movement by arguing that women need what?

to reexamine the belief that they could find fulfillment only in their roles as wives and mothers

Map Summary: Map of South America. Location A (North) to Location B (South) Map Question: Which of the following climates would a traveler encounter when moving from point A to point B on the map above?

tropical rainy to tropical savanna to humid subtropical

Passage Summary: World History: People and Nations. Aristotle believed he could habitability (capable of being lived in) of the earth solely as a function of distance north or south of the equator. Aristotle is trying to give his information on why life is impossible near the equator. Passage Question: Based on the information in this passage, modern geographers differ most from Aristotle in their what?

verification of hypothesis

What is the 15th amendment?

voting rights

In which of the following situations would the U.S. government most likely adopt an expansionary fiscal policy?

when more than 10% of the labor force is unemployed

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