Social Studies The First Muslims Chapter 9 Lesson 1

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Arabic for "God"


monotheistic religion

Like Christianity and Judaism, Islam is a _______

Semitic-speaking people

Like the Israelites and the Assyrians, the Arabs were a ______

Tribal Gods

The Arabs believed in Allah but they also believed in other

Silk Road

Towns developed along the routes as the Arabs became major carriers of goods between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean, where the ______ ended

the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean

Towns developed along the routes as the Arabs became major carriers of goods between the _______ , where the Silk Road ended

first preacher

Unlike Christianity, Islam does not believe that its ______ was divine


shari'ah is based on scholars' interpretations of the ______ and the example set by Muhammad in his life

set of laws

shari'ah provides believers with a ______ to regulate their daily lives

family life, business practice, government, and moral conduct

shari'ah regulates all aspects of Muslim life, including _____

Muslim Life

shari'ah regulates all aspects of _______, including family life, business practice, government, and moral conduct


the rival city of Yathrib, later renamed ________


According to Islam, there is only one God, Allah, and Muhammad is his _______


According to Islam, there is only one God, ______, and Muhammad is his prophet


After Muhammad's death, Muslim scholars developed a law code known as the _____


After the _______ was domesticated in the first millennium B.C., the Arabs populated more of the desert


All Muslims are strongly encouraged to make a pilgrimage to Makkah, known as the _____

black meteorite

All tribes, however, worshiped a massive ________, the Black Stone, which had been placed in a central shrine called the Kaaba (KAW • buh)

universe and everything in it

Allah is the all-powerful being who created the ______

sacred stone

Allah was symbolized by a ______, and each tribe had its own

connected to one another

Although each Arab tribe was independent, all the tribes were loosely ______

a desert land sorely lacking in rivers and lakes

Arabian Peninsula,


At the heart of Islam is the _____

The black stone

Black Meteorite is also known as

food and drink

During Ramadan, Muslims who are physically able refrain from ________ from dawn to sunset (fasting)


During Ramadan, Muslims who are physically able refrain from food and drink from dawn to sunset (fasting)

dawn to sunset (fasting)

During _______, Muslims who are physically able refrain from food and drink from _______

Shrine of Islam

During a visit to the Kaaba, Muhammad declared it a sacred ______


During one of Muhammad's visits to the hills to meditate, Muslims believe, Muhammad received _____ from God. According to Islamic teachings, the messages were given by the angel Gabriel. Gabriel told Muhammad to recite what he heard


During one of Muhammad's visits to the hills to meditate, Muslims believe, Muhammad received revelations from God. According to Islamic teachings, the messages were given by the angel _______. Gabriel told Muhammad to recite what he heard


Each Arab tribe was ruled by a ________ who was chosen from one of the leading families by a council of elders


Early Arabs were ______—they believed in many gods


Family life is based on _______

belief, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage

Five Pillars of Islam:


From these groups in Madinah and Bedouin, he formed the first community of practicing _____


Gabriel told Muhammad to recite what he _____

defend himself and his followers

His political and military skills enabled him to put together a reliable military force to _______

the rival city of Yathrib

In 622 he and some of his closest supporters left Makkah and moved north to _________, later renamed Madinah (Medina; "city of the prophet")


In 630 Muhammad returned to Makkah with 10,000 men. The city quickly _______, and most of the townspeople converted to Islam


In 630 Muhammad returned to Makkah with ______ men. The city quickly surrendered, and most of the townspeople converted to Islam


In _____ he and some of his closest supporters left Makkah and moved north to the rival city of Yathrib, later renamed Madinah (Medina; "city of the prophet")


In ______ Muhammad returned to Makkah with 10,000 men. The city quickly surrendered, and most of the townspeople converted to Islam

The Arabs

In the seventh century, another force arose in the Arabian Peninsula and spread their influence throughout Western Asia and beyond

seventh century

In what century did the Arabs arise in the Arabian Peninsula and spread their influence


Islam is not just a set of religious beliefs but a way of _____ as well


Islamic teaching emphasizes _____ and offers the hope of an afterlife


Islamic teaching emphasizes salvation and offers the hope of an _______

City of the Prophet



Many were surprised at Muhammad's claims to be a _____

final revelations of Allah

Muhammad believed that the ______ were now being given to him


Muhammad belonged to a ____ family

caravan manager

Muhammad grew up to become a _____

Jewish and Christian

Muhammad had a knowledge of the Jewish and Christian thought and came to believe that Allah had already revealed himself through Moses and Jesus—and thus through the _______ teachings

Moses and Jesus

Muhammad had a knowledge of the Jewish and Christian thought and came to believe that Allah had already revealed himself through ______—and thus through the Jewish and Christian teachings


Muhammad had a knowledge of the Jewish and Christian thought and came to believe that _____ had already revealed himself through Moses and Jesus—and thus through the Jewish and Christian teachings

Jewish and Christian

Muhammad had a knowledge of the ______ thought and came to believe that Allah had already revealed himself through Moses and Jesus—and thus through the Jewish and Christian teachings

man like other men

Muhammad is considered a prophet, similar to Moses, but he was also a _______


Muhammad is considered a prophet, similar to _____, but he was also a man like other men


Muhammad married a rich widow named _____


Muhammad returned home after receiving the _______ and reflected on his experience

religious and a political leader

Muhammad soon became both a _______


Muhammad then set out to convince the people of ______ of the truth of the revelations


Muhammad was born in ______ to a merchant family, he was orphaned at five


Muhammad was orphaned at what age?


Muhammad's wife urged him to follow _____message, and she became the first convert to Islam

prominent residents

Muhammad, who had been invited to Madinah by a number of _______ , soon began to win support from some of people there as well as from Arabs in the desert, known as Bedouin


Muhammad, who had been invited to Madinah by a number of prominent residents, soon began to win support from some of people there as well as from Arabs in the desert, known as ______

principles for behavior

Muslim Believers are expected to follow sound ________

gamble, eat pork, drink alcoholic beverages, or engage in dishonest behavior

Muslims are forbidden to ______

humans rejected Allah's earlier messengers

Muslims believe that because ________, Allah sent his final revelation through Muhammad


Muslims believe that there is no ____ but the one God, and Muhammad is his messenger (belief)

messenger (belief)

Muslims believe that there is no deity but the one God, and Muhammad is his _______


Muslims give part of their wealth to the____

Five times each day

Muslims perform prescribed prayers ______

political and religious

Muslims saw no separation between ______ and ____ authority

Five Pillars of Islam

Muslims see Islam as a direct and straightforward faith. This means practicing the acts of worship known as the ________: belief, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage


Out of these revelations given to Muhammad, which were eventually written down, came the _______

wealthy elite

Over time, Muhammad became troubled by the growing gap between the generosity of most Makkans and the greediness of the ______ and began to visit the hills to meditate


Over time, Muhammad became troubled by the growing gap between the generosity of most Makkans and the greediness of the wealthy elite and began to visit the hills to _____


Over time, Muhammad became troubled by the growing gap between the generosity of most _______ and the greediness of the wealthy elite and began to visit the hills to meditate

the holy book of Islam


prophet, Muhammad

Submission to the will of Allah meant submission to his ________


Survival in such a harsh environment was not easy, and the Arabs organized into ______ to help one another

farmers and sheepherders

The Arabs lived as _________ on the oases and rain-fed areas of the Arabian Peninsula

oases and rain-fed

The Arabs lived as farmers and sheepherders on the ________ areas of the Arabian Peninsula


The Arabs recognized a supreme god named ____ (Allah is Arabic for "God"), but they also believed in other tribal gods


The Arabs were _____ who, because of their hostile surroundings, moved constantly to find water and food for their animals

moved constantly to find water and food for their animals

The Arabs were nomads who, because of their hostile surroundings, _______

sacred book of Islam

The Quran consists of 114 chapters and is the ______


The Quran consists of ____ chapters and is the sacred book of Islam

ethical guidelines and laws

The Quran contains the _____ by which the followers of Allah are to live.

ethics and a code of law combined

The Quran is also a guidebook for _______

Arabian Peninsula

The black stone shrine is in the city of Makkah (Mecca), which is located in the _________


The black stone shrine is in the city of _______

eternal paradise

The faithful who follow the law are guaranteed a place in an ________


The journey of Muhammad and his followers to Madinah is known as the ______

civil or political law.

The shari'ah does not separate religious matters from _________

social and political order

The wealthy feared that his (Mohammad) attacks on corrupt society would upset the established __________

peace through submission to the will of Allah.

The word Islam means


The year the journey of Muhammad occurred became year ___ in the official calendar of Islam, still in use today

Allah's will

Those who desire to achieve life after death must subject themselves to ______


Those who practice the religion of Islam are called ______

Muhammad died

Two years after his triumphal return to Makkah, just as Islam was spreading through the Arabian Peninsula, _________

Mohamed's wife

Who became the first to convert to Islam

leading families by a council of elders

a sheikh(SHAYK) was chosen from one of the _____


believers who are financially able are expected to make a ______ to Makkah at least once in their lifetime

they believed in many gods



the Black Stone had been placed in a central shrine called the Kaaba (KAW • buh)

honesty and justice

the acts of worship called the Five Pillars, Muslims must practice traditions of ______ in dealing with others

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