socialism and workers' parties

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

Only a minority of Americans agreed with Marx's notion that in a class-free society there would be

no war.

Which of these laws would Eugene Debs have been most likely to support?

restricting child labor to children over 12 years of age

Which of these terms best describes Karl Marx?

revolutionary, economist, and socialist

Which of these beliefs did the majority of Americans hold at the end of the 1800s?

Democracy and capitalism were the best way to reach economic prosperity.

Who was sentenced to jail in 1894 for helping to impede US mail delivery?

Eugene Debs

Which of the following was a primary goal of Eugene Debs' presidential campaigns?

advancing the rights of workers

Who was Eugene V. Debs?

an American Socialist who ran for president

What was a principle of Marxism that American capitalists opposed?

rule by the working class

Eugene Debs became a Socialist in 1897 while

serving time in jail.

Which is an example of a socialist principle?

the importance of having little or no gap between the classes

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