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Approximately ________ percent of the nation's population 16 years and older is functionally illiterate.


Approximately what percentage of the nation's population age 16 years and older is innumerate?

30 percent

What percentage of Americans claim a religious affiliation ?

76 percent

What is the significance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s statement regarding religion and racial segregation in the United States?

Among major U.S. institutions, the church is the most segregated by race.

What was the name of the landmark court ruling that mandated desegregation of American schools?

Brown v Board of Education

The largest Christian group in the world are the


Very few scientists disagree with

Darwin's natural selection theory

How does genetic testing relate to race?

Definitive genetic markers for race do not exist.

The belief in several Gods is formally known as polytheism, which characterize the religion of


Which of the following of a criticism of resource mobilization theory

Involvement of the elites often results in the demist of a social movement

Which of the following is a characteristic of a bureaucracy ?

It has positions that are highly specialized

________ authority is based on standard, regular procedures, and it is the type of authority supposedly most pervasive in modern society


_________ is a key characteristic of dictatorship

Limited suffrage

In 1942, the research project that focused on developing atomic weapons for the United States was code named for _________ Project.


Often, non scientists-such as politician- make decisions that affect the course of science. Which of the following is an example of this?

President George W. Bush and stem cell research

___________ social movement advocate the radical reorganization of society


Which item describes the Hindu principle of Karma?

The net value of people's thoughts and deeds stays with them and shapes their fate in the future.

What is the best definition of politics ?

a set of power relationships among people or other social factors

Ethicalism is the ______; examples of it are

adherence to ethical principles in order to live a moral life; Taoism and Buddhism

What does a mass protest organization do?

advocate for social change through protest

Adam Smith argued that money is inherently social because

any and all economic exchange requires two partners

Sociologist who study scientist in the laboratory do so typically because they

are interested in how scientific facts are socially constructed

Due to the rise of large-scale production, the influx of peasants to urban areas to find work, and the development of system of wage labor, the ________ system became obsolete in favor of a new system of legal currency.


Animism is the _______; examples of it are _________

belief that spirits are present in the natural world; totemism and shamanism

New technologies like the internet and social media are major contributors to rapid


If one individual behaves in a socially inappropriate manner, he or she is considered deviant, but if several individuals behave this way together, it is referred to as a

collective action

Group behavior has to violate social norms in order to classified as "collective action" because

collective action seeks to highlight the reasons social norms should be changed

In a capitalist economic system, the price and distribution of goods and services are determined by what?


A theory of collective action claiming that collective action arises because of people's tendency to conform to the behavior of others is called __________ theory


Researchers in the biological sciences have stared to replace the term "race" with what seem to be a more accurate term,

continental ancestry

Which term refers to a legally recognized person who shares many of the rights of a human individual as well as the ability to act as a legal entity by entering into contracts or owning property?


A system of government where citizens are allowed to vote in elections, speak freely, and participate as legal equals in social life is known as


Thomas Kuhn referred to normal science as science conducted within an existing paradigm. Which of the following is an example of normal science?

discovering an effective treatment for AIDS using the biomedical view of disease

When a corporation controls an industry because it has a monopoly, this is called domination by

economic power

An example of collective action would be

everyone walking out on an exam

Because sociologists study people, they tend to study data out in the field using real-world settings. Natural scientists more often

extract data from the natural world and bring it into the laboratory fro study

William, a 17 year old high school student, chooses products in the grocery store by looking at the pictures on the labels of the goods on the shelves because he cannot read many of the words. William would be considered

functionally illiterate

A honorarium is similar to a

gift for something you have agreed to do for someone, like giving a speech

A form of tracking in higher education is foudn more and more often in two year community colleges, in which students are encouraged to choose a major early on. This strategy is called

guided pathways

Because the monetary system is increasingly depersonalized, George Simmel argues that we can now

have true and meaningful relationships

The agricultural revoltion in Europe had an influence on transition to capitalism. More specifically, the agriculture revolution

helped capitalism develop

Jackson's parents pay for him to take private violin lessons and send him to language lessons after school. In the summer, he attends science camp. His parents try to take him on one vacation to a foreign country every year. Jackson's parents hope that these activities will build his skills and better position him to get into a competitive university. Jackson's parents are investing in his

human capital

knowledge and skills that make someone more productive and bankable are known as

human capital

One of the ways that sociologists study religion is to

identify the purposes religion serves for individuals and societies

Which of the following is a potential problem with high-yield crops

increased water usage that is typical of these type of crops

Though she graduated from highschool, Jenny doesn't possess the skills necessary to balance her checkbook or make change for a customer without the aid of a cash register. Jenny is


The decision to develop atomic weapons during World War II was influenced by

international geopolitical circumstances

Normal science

is conducted within an existing paradigm

John is a nineteenth-century peasant who moved to a city to find work. Back in his village, most of John's transactions were bartered, such as swapping an animal for cloth or potatoes for a tool. However, in the city, monetization governs wage labor. This means that

legal currencies are used in financial exchanges

For American corporations, identify one of the major benefits of offshoring parts of their operations

lowered labor cost

Risk that result from human activity are referred to as _______ risks.


Ten thousand people writing the governor, asking him or her not execute an individual, is an example of

mass collective action

Which of the following is something scientist predict will result from a continued rise in global temperatures?

migration from coastal communities

A focus on science,universal truths, and objectivity was a characteristics of which period


Organic products can lead to health stratification by income because

organic products are more expensive

Serfs were the lowest class in the feudal system and were bound to the land they worked, yet they were not slaves . They were different from slaves because they could

own property

According to the normative view of science, what should scientist leave at the laboratory door?

personal values

In general, rulers demonstrate their authority by

persuading subordinates that their claims to power are valid

Because of the green revolution, food production has kept pace with

population growth

Because rap music has a tradition of sampling rather than a reliance on sole authorship, it is an archetypal genre of music from __________ era


A society that relies purely on tradition to choose its leaders would be classified as


One of the major reasons farmers genetically modify their produce is so they

produce higher yields

Under feudalism, lords exchanged lands with the vassals in return for what?


What type of movement has a limited target population yet a broad agenda


The difference between a social movement and a ritual is that

rituals don't aim to change something about society

The trend in industrial nations toward a separation between church and state and the movement from religiosity and spiritual belief is known as


Henry lives in the fifteenth century England. He is bound to the land but does not own it. He works the land but must give portion of his harvest to the landowner. In return protection from bandits and thieves. Henry is a


Sociologically speaking, the BRCA1 gene mutation is a good example of how

social practices can change the effects of genes

According to Emile Durkheim, one of the key functions of religion was that it fosters

social solidarity

Thomas transfers to a new school when his family moves to a new district, and he is placed in a classroom with students who have slightly higher average math grades than he does. Based on the research, what is the most likely outcome? Thomas will

succeed and make academic gains when he is in the classes with other high achievers

Max Weber used the term charisma to describe a person's

superhuman aura

Sacred things can include books, buildings, days, and places. From a sociological standpoint, the sacredness comes from the

symbolic meaning created from the collective investment of community.

Reformative social movements

target almost everyone in a society

A Marxist theorist of education would critique schools for socializing children to accept the status quo because schools

teach skills that make students subordinate

Sociologist George Simmel saw the development of monetary payment systems as part of a historical process leading to

the depersonalization of exchange

According to Max Weber, identify the duties in Protestantism that contributed to the development of capitalism

the duty to fulfill a calling in a vocation and the duty to earn money with one's labor

Authority most explicitly refers to

the justifiable right to exercise power

What, according to sociologist Phillip Jackson, is the "hidden curriculum" taught in schools?

the nonacademic and less overt forms of socialization

Broadly defined, education is

the process through academic, social , and cultural ideas and tools are developed

Social Security in the United States are an example of

the right to contributory programs

During the agricultural revolution, the enclosure movement caused many former serfs to move to cities in search of work, which lead to

the rise of wage labor

If a psychologist and a sociologist are both studying eating disorders and they arrive at different conclusions about what explains this behavior, the role of boundary work is relevant here because

they are both working through different frameworks, which tend to vary by discipline

According to theories proposed by Adam Smith, the most efficient way to produce something is

through division of labor that breaks production into its constituent

One of the major reasons it was common practice for Native Americans to be placed in boarding schools for 60 years was

to socialize them to become "civilized" Americans

A public school uses the approach of ____________ to divide students into classes based on ability or future plans


According to Weber's theory, contemporary monarchies such as the British royal family possess ______ authority


With industrialization, families were able to rely less and less on extended networks to help take care of children, the elderly, and those who were disabled. Because of this, the government intervened to provide access to care. When governments assume responsibility for the basic needs of citizens, this is called a(n)

welfare state

The difference between collective action and deviance is

whether you are acting alone or as part of a group

Some scientist have studied mechanization and automation for centuries. Exploring the limits and opportunities of technological inventions, results from the Turing test reveal that

while computers can outperform humans on certain tasks, human intelligence in all it dimensions cannot, so far, be replicated artificially

Theism is the _________; examples of it include __________

worship of a god or gods; Hinduism and Islam

One of the concerns with the Human Genome Project is that once your genetic structure is known

you may be labeled in such a way that a self-fulfilling takes place

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