Sociology 1

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persists over generations

Children inherit their parents physical characteristics but also status (why wealthy families remain wealthy)

earth day

an annual event conceived of by environmental activist and former senator Gaylord Nelson to encourage support for and increase awareness of environmental concerns; first celebrated April 2, 1970


an institutional system of shared beliefs and rituals that identify a relationship between the scared and the profane


an urban area with a large population, usually 50,000 to 1 million people

Most to least prestige

architect, veterinarian, firefighter, social worker, auto-body repairperson

just-world hypothesis

argument that people have a deep need to see the world as orderly, predictable, and fair, which creates a tendency to view victims of social injustice as deserving of their fates

everyday class consciousness

awareness of one's own social status and that of others

Modern environmental movement

beginning in the 1960s, the second major stage of the environmental movement; focused on the environmental consequences of new technologies, oil exploration, chemical production, and nuclear power plants


belief in the superiority of cisgender persons and identities


belief in the superiority of heterosexuality and heterosexuals

Feminist Theory

dedicated to securing the same rights and freedoms for both women and men in society; developed into a way of looking at the world that focuses on enhancing scholarly understanding of gender inequality to society


fear of or discrimination toward gay, lesbian, and bisexual


people who live in cities


relating to cities; typically described densely populated areas

Environmental justice

§ - a movement that aims to remedy environmental inequities such as threats to public health and the unequal treatment of certain communities with regard to ecological concerns


-unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership in a social group; usually motivated by prejudice · consistently refusing to rent an apartment to Arab Americans who are financially qualified · May suffer from this if turned down from a job because of their race · Usually comes with prejudice but not always (rare)

All societies stratify their member but different societies use different criteria for ranking them

Industrialized nations it is social class but in hunter gatherer societies (Kohsian bushmen of southern Africa) it is gender

conflict theory approach to natural environmental

Not all groups or individuals benefit equally from society's use of the natural environment

Utopia vs. Dystopia

Utopia - literally "no place"; an ideal society in which all social ills have been overcome Dystopia - opposite of a utopia; a world where social problems are magnified and the quality of life is extremely low


W.E.B DuBois's term or the divided identify experiences by blacks in the United States


a concept that acknowledges that multiple dimensions of status and inequality intersect to shape who we are and how we live


a cultural pattern of intergroup relations that encourages racial and ethnic variation and acceptance within a society

urban sprawl

a derogatory term for the expansion of urban or suburban boundaries, associated with irresponsible or poorly planned development


a group of densely populated metropolises that grow dependent on each other and eventually combine to form a huge urban complex

hegemonic masculinity

a masculine ideal that promotes characteristics such as independence, aggression and toughness, and rejects any alternate qualities in men

Socioeconomic status (SES)

a measure of an individual's place within a social class system; often used as interchangeably with "class"

pluralistic ignorance

a process in which members of a group individually conclude that there is no need to take action because they see that other group members have not done so

Relative deprivation

a relative measure of poverty based on the standard of living in a particular society

The environmental movement

a social movement organized around concerns about the relationship between humans and the environment

social atomization

a social situation that emphasizes individualism over collective or group identities

credential society

a society that emphasizes the attainment of degrees and certifications as necessary requirements for the job market and social mobility

Unchurched Spirituality

a term describing those who consider themselves spiritual but not religious and who often adopt aspects of various religious tradition


a term that characterizes industrialized societies, including the decline of tradition, an increase in individualism, and a belief in progress, technology, and science


a term that characterizes postindustrial societies, including a focus on the production and management of information and skepticism of science and technology

technological determinism

a theory of social change that assumes changes in technology drive changes in society, rather than vice versa (William Ogburn)


a variety of species of plats and animals existing at any given time

New Ecological Paradigm (NEP)

a way of understanding human life as just one part of an ecosystem that includes many species' interactions with the environment; suggests that there should be ecological limits on human activity

absolute deprivation

an objective measure of poverty, defined by the inability to meet minimal standard for foods, shelters, clothing, or health care

Urban density

concentration of people in a city, measure by the total number of people per square mile

Collective behavior takes 3 forms

crowd behavior, mass behavior, and social movments

Sweden systems of stratification

- Craft a system that lessens social inequality by the country's relative homogeneity of race, ethnicity, and religion -Sweden provides Sweden with social services -Problem of high taxation rate -They demonstrate benefits, like increased life expectancy and literacy, and decreased mortality, homelessness, poverty, and crime

race consciousness

-an ideology that acknowledges race as a powerful social construct that shapes our individual and social experiences · Despite the civil rights gains of the last hundred years, race is still power factor in shaping our everyday lives and the world we live in


-an individual's membership in one of two categories (male or female) based on biological factors -Biological factors include chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs

gender expression

-an individuals behavioral manifestations of gender -Masculine or feminine clothing, grooming, behavior, body language, gestures, and even names


-an ingrained prejudice against women; dislike, contempt, or hatred of women


-those who believe that notions of gender are socially determined, such that binary system is just one possibility among many; understand that the meaning of masculinity and femineity may differ drastically in different societies and historical periods -Sociologist perspective

Community College

-two-year institution that provides students with general education and facilitates transfer to a four-year university § Provide vocational and technical training for people planning practical careerism retain 'down-sized" workers seeking new career paths, and offer enrichment classes for retirees

Wealth gap

-unequal distribution of assets across a population -Uber-wealthy are a threat to the entire planet through their disproportionate contribution to global warming -Inequality mean that some individuals and groups suffer from more than others in our society -Hotter days will have more negative effects in the poorer than average south

Discrimination of gender

-unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership in a social group; usually motivated by prejudice § Women may suffer discrimination because she is charged more than her male counterpart when buy her new car or applying for a home loan


decreasing importance of social ties and community and the corresponding increase in impersonal associations and instrumental logic

institutional discrimination

discrimination carried out systematically by institution that affects all members of a group who come into contact with it


fear of or discrimination toward transgender or other gender-nonconforming people

Nonrenewable resources

finite resources that can become exhausted; include those that take so long to replenish as to be effectively finite

Sarah kristian

found that the way young people spoke correlated with their ambitions for social mobility


in sociology, the natural world, the human-made environment, and the interaction between the two

o he movement of people among social classes can happen in three ways...

intergenerational mobility, intragenerational mobility, and structural mobility


literally "human centered"; the idea that needs and desires of human beings should take priority over concerns about other species or the natural environment

intergenerational mobility

movement between social classes that occurs from one generation to another

Internal migration

movement of a population within a country


movement of increasing number of people from rural areas to cities


nonreligious; a secular society separates church and state and does not endorse any religion

Conflict theory approach to social institutions

o - social institutions such as politics, education, and religion represent the interests of those in power and thus create and maintain inequalities in society -Jonathan Kozol's savage Inequalities study suggests that many parents think that inequality is a thing of the past -He described underfunded schools with no teachers, not enough classes rooms, etc. -Urban schools were lacking some of the most basic resources necessary for student success -This also disproportionately hurts low-income and minority students

Another obstacle is voters and registration

o 17 states do same-day registration o Most state registration must be done in advance or even up to 30 days o Elections are also held on a Tuesday not a weekend or national holiday o 34 states have passed voter identification in order to vote in federal, state, and local elections

instrumental role vs expressive role

o Instrumental role - the position of the family member who provides material support; often an authority figure o Expressive role - the position of the family member who provides emotional support and nurturing

The media and political process

o Media plays a key role in the political process and they can make momentous events a part of the national dialogue and involve voters, citizens, and even global attention influencing public opinion and promoting political activism and change -Media has been referred to as a "Fourth Estates" or fourth branch of government because it checks and balances on power by informing and educating populace and serving as a watchdog on government -Contemporary lawmakers must try to balance the rights of a free press while protecting the country from abuses of power by the media or by the individuals who own the media · Also need to consider the media's tremendous potential to saw and manipulate our thoughts and feelings and to influence the political process -Media has always been a key role in American politics but increased dramatically with the spread of TV in the 1950s-1960s and the internet in the 1990s and 2000s -Facebook and twitters have added to the immediacy and shared nature of the conversation -Politics also shapes our perspective on the media -By 2018 82% of democrats and 38% of republicans supported the idea of the media as a political watchdog

structural-functionalism appraoch to the natural environment

o The natural world exists in order to keep the social world running smoothly. The environment provides raw materials and space for development in order to meet society's needs.

Life expectancy

o average age to which people in a particular population are expected to live § 78.6 years

Infant Mortality

o average number of infants deaths per 1,000 live births in a particular population § About 6


o entering one country from another to take up permanent residence § People coming into a country or region to which they are not native


o leaving one country to live permanently in another § Departing from a country or region with the intention of settling permanently elsewhere


practice based on religious beliefs


relating to sparsely settles areas; in US any county with a population density between 10 and 59.9 people per square mile

cultural appropriation

the adaption of cultural elements belonging to an oppressed group by members of the dominant group, without permission and often for the dominant group's gain

human exceptionalism

the attitude that humans are exempt from natural ecological limits


the physical and legal separation of groups by race or ethnicity

cultural leveling

the process by which cultures that were once unique and distinct become increasingly similar

Rational assimilation

the process by which racial minority groups are absorbed into the dominant group through intermarriage

cultural assimilation

the process by which racial or ethnic groups are absorbed into the dominate group by adopting the dominant group's culture


the shift of large segments of population away from the urban core and toward the edges of cities

enviromental sociology

the study of the interaction between society and the natural environment, including the social causes and consequences of environmental problems

social reproduction

the tendency of social classes to remain relatively stable as class status is passed down from one generation to the next

embodied identity

those elements of identity that are generated through others' perceptions of our physical trails


those whose gender identity does not align with their sex assigned at birth


unearned advantages accorded to members of dominant social groups (males, whites, retrosexuals, etc)


unselfish concern for the well-being of others and helping behaviors performed without self-interested nation

Social classes in the US

upper class, upper- middle class, middle class, working class (lower middle) class, working poor, and the underclass

Affirmative Action

were established to help create opportunities for underrepresented minorities in housing, education, and employment; some goals are to promote diversity and inclusion, provide equal access, and reduce the effects of historical discrimination

Demographic transition

§ - a theory about change over time from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rate, resulting in a stabilized population (this doesn't happen at the same time for each country) · Stage 1 - fertility and mortality rate are high while production is low meaning population growth is low as well due to births and death canceling each other out · Stage 2 - country is developing economically there are improvement in sanitation and food supplies mean that death rate decreases drastically; birth rates stay high at this stage leading to rapid population growth · Stage 3 - industrialized countries see birth rates fall in response to the decrease in mortality as well as to improvements to technology; fewer people are needed to keep things running smoothly · Stage 4 - economic development is achieved, countries see low birth and death rates, and low rates of population growth o Between 4 and 5 the total population hits a peak and then begins to decrease. · Stage 5 - population of highly developed countries begin to decline, as has happened in places like Japan and Hungary (the natural decrease in population is due to a decreasing birth rate)


§ - transformation of physical, social, economic, and cultural life of formerly working-class or poor inner-city neighborhoods into more affluent middle-class communities · Evident in the largest cities (Chicago, NY,etc.) · Distinct class connotation and often racial one as well

stages in social movements (armand mauss)

§ 1st stage: Incipient stage - when the public takes notice of a situation and defines it a problem; people see a discrepancy, either real or perceived, between what they are getting and what they believe they should be getting and decide to take actions · Labor frustrated with long hours, low wage, and unsafe conditions § 2nd stage: coalesce -People begin to organize or coalesce and their movement gains momentum · Got together and came up with ways to start the movement like pushing for legislation that would improve working conditions and tactics like striking § 3rd stage: bureaucratize · Working conditions have greatly improved and blue collar works, and union once considered marginal or radical are now seen as part of the establishment § 4th stage: decline - The movement will eventually decline · No need for movement bc there is minimum wage, and more rules like that

Education: The micro-marco link

§ Digital technology is a big part of students' lives today § Macro level (development of technology) affect your everyday life through your participation in the social institution of education

Early college high schools

§ Early college high school - institutions in which students earn high school diploma and two years of credit toward a bachelor's degree § Goal is to serve students who might face greater obstacles making the transition from high school to higher education § Aim to serve low-income students and minorities

Religious Trends

§ Fundamentalism - the practice of emphasizing literal interpretation of texts and a "return" to a time of greater religious purity; represented by the most conservative group within any religion § Evangelical - a term describing conservative Christians who emphasize converting others to their faith

urban renewal

§ efforts to rejuvenate decaying inner cities, including renovation, selective demolition, commercial development, and tax incentives · It did revitalize many areas but often came at a high cost to existing communities · Resulted in the destruction of vibrant, if run-down, neighborhoods

white flight

§ movement of upper- and middle-class whites who could afford to leave the cities for the suburbs, especially in the 1950s and 1960s · Abandoned by businesses and financial institutions, leading to broken-down and boarded-up shops and streets and creating ghettos that further exacerbated the problems associated with inner cities

gender indentity

-an individual's self-definition or sense of gender -May or may not correspond with the sex we were born with


-sexual attraction toward members of both genders § 3% of men and 4% of women

least to likely to believe the American dream

College graduates, hispanics, high school graduate, and blacks

Characteristic of society rather than a reflection of individual differences

If men are higher than women it doesn't mean an female actress couldn't attain a higher status it just means as a whole men rank higher

Religion: The micro-marco link

Religion another social institution that helps see the link between social structure and everyday experience

symbolic interaction to social change

Social change involves changes in the meaning of things as well as changes in laws, culture, and social behavior.

conflict theory to social change

Social change is the inevitable result of social inequality and conflict between groups over power and resources


· any environmental contaminant that harms living

Prejudice of gender

-an idea about the characteristics of a group that is applied to all members of that group and is unlikely to change regardless of the evidence against it § Often rooted in stereotypes and generalizations; dumb blond or promiscuous gay man

Three basic demopgraphis variable

- Fertility rate : a measure of population growth through reproduction; often expressed as the number of births per 1,000 people in a particular population or the average number of children a woman would bear over a lifetime o America has about 1.8 fertility rate - Morality Rate: · a measure of decrease in population due to deaths; often expressed as the number of death per 1,000 people in a particular location § About 9 for America § Infant Mortality §Life Expectancy §Life span or Longevity - Migration: · movement of people from one geographic area to another for the purpose of resettling § Neither adds or subtracts from the total number of people on the planet; simply refers to their relocation from place to lace § Immigration § Emigration § Internal Migration § Net Migration

contagion theory

- Gustave Le Bon -one of earliest theories of collective action; suggest that individuals who join a crowd can become "infected" by a mob mentality and lose the ability to reason

Style over substance

- In 1960, the first broadcast live on television with Kennedy and Nixon many people who watched thought Kennedy would win and radio listeners thought Nixon would win · Kennedy learned to look fresh with hairstyle, clothes, and appropriate demeanor from media handles -Sound bites - those short audio or visual snippets taken from press releases, press conferences, photo opportunities, etc. -Others like Ronald Reagan knew how to use speak in front of the camera and hit his marks/deliver his lines to his audience to let him have an advantage -Simulacrum - an image or media representation that does not reflect reality in any meaningful way but is treated as real

Theories of population change

- Malthusian Theorem - new Malthusians - Anti Malthusians

Men's movements

- Mid 1970s the notions of men's liberation - a movement to discuss the challenges of masculinity § Showed that men suffered from greater stress, poorer health, and a shorter life came from pressures to achieve success combined with men's inability to express themselves and their emotions § They were facing new discomfort and anxiety about their masculinity -Men's rights movement - an offshoot of male liberation whose members believe that feminism promotes discrimination against men § Suggest that feminism has created a new kind of sexism by privileging women - Pro-feminist men's movement -an offshoot of male liberation whose members support feminism and believe that sexism harms both men and women

SES and life change of criminal justice

- People with lower SES are more likely to encounter the criminal justice system -People in lower classes are often more visible, less powerful and thus more likely to apprehend and labeled as criminals than those from higher social classes -White collar crimes are arrested less often then "ordinary crimes" - 90% of inmates on death row could not afford to hire a lawyer when they were tired and that the quality of representation (not the facts) determines whether someone is sentences to death -Studies have shown that race and SES influence whether the death penalty is sought (more likely to sentence black defendants) -The interaction of race and SES can dramatically affect the outcome of criminal sentencing -Poor people are more likely to get convicted of a crime because of unaddressed trauma and historical discrimination in poor neighborhood and rural areas - also at high risk for harassment by the police

education and gender, sexuality, and life chances

- Since 1990 women have increasingly outnumbered men in college; especially in the 18 to 24 year age gap -2017 women earned 57% of bachelor's degrees -2002 more women than men were earning master's degrees -Men ear more than women at every level of education form completing high school to those obtaining advanced degrees -Queer youth their most difficult time is their adolescent youth -85% were verbally harassed, 35% were physically harassed, and 16% were physically assaulted -6% of heterosexuals attempt suicide compared to 29% of LGBTQ attempt suicide

Race, ethnicity, and life changes in family

- Those three thing shape family lives in many ways -African Americans are more likely to never marry (51% of whites and 48% of Hispanics included married couples; 28% of black households

Emergent norm theory

- Turner and Killian -§ a theory of collective behavior that assumes individual members of a crowd make their own decisions about behavior and that norms are created through others' acceptance or rejection of these behaviors (all agree on something but with varying reasons) · ASL ice bucket challenge many participated some bc they had a personal connection other to look good on social media

Voting in the US

- Voter participation rates are much lowers in the US than in some comparable democratic nations because of social factors, age, the weather, etc. -Older adults are much more likely to vote than younger adults - Disenfranchised

· Environmental protection agency (EPA)

- a U.S. government agency established in 1969 to protect public health and the environment through policies and enforcement

Green Party

- a U.S. political party established in 1984 to bring political attention to environmentalism, social justice, diversity, and related principles


- a homeschooling alternative that rejects the standard curriculum in favor of student-driven types of learning · Learn through their own freely chosen activities, interests, and life-experiences · Lessons are more meaningful to students and honors their particular aptitudes and learning styles · Adults who were unschooled report high levels of satisfaction in their later career


- a political system in which citizens have the right to participate o The idea that educated citizens should participate in the election of officials who then represent their interests in lawmaking, law enforcement, resource allocation, and international affairs o Is associated with basic human rights, civil liberties, and freedom, and equality


-an idea about the characteristics of a group that is applied to all members of that group is unlikely to change regardless of the evidence against it · "all Asians are good at math" and "all Mexicans are lazy" · The belief that all jewish people are cheap · Not always about minority group; minority group can have prejudices about majority group

power elite

- a relatively small group of people in the top ranks of economic, political, and military institutions, who make many of the important decisions in American society · This insular and self-perpetuating group controls many of the key-decision-making processes in the United States · Allows them to collaborate in ways that best serve their particular interests, which may not coincide with those of the people which makes them have tremendous implication for the rest of the population o Military leaders could persuade president to declare war or senators may pass legislation that cuts billions of dollars from social welfare programs · Power elites could recognize each other personally and professionally but also through their "member only" club · They could live in same neighborhood, ivy league college, prep school, etc. they are overwhelmingly white males


- a set of beliefs about the claimed superiority of one racial or ethnic group; used to justify inequality and often rooted in the assumption that differences among groups are genetic (one group is better than the other) -The belief that all Asians are inheritably better than whites

gender binary

- a system of classification with only 2 distinct and opposite gender categories; chromosomes, hormones, and genitals determine your identity- the way you see yourself, the way you interact with others, and the activities you engage in every day

pluralist model

- a system of political power in which a wide variety of individuals and groups have equal access to resources and the mechanisms of power · American political system is organized so that individuals, groups, and organizations can contribute to candidates' campaigns

Global cities

- a term for megacities that emphasizes their global impact as centers of economic, political, and social power

Citizen United v. Federal Election Commission

- allowed unlimited spending by corporations, unions and other noncampaign entities, calling it a First Amendment right -Opened up for super "PAC" which can accept these unlimited contributions and use the monies to do things like produce and air issue-based ads - usually founded by small ultrawealthy contributors

Color-blind racism

- an ideology that removes race as an explanation for any form of unequal treatment (mostly whites but not limited to think that society does not have social injustice and discrimination) · It is problematic because it implies that race should be both invisible and inconsequential · Examples of it include the high concentration of corner liquor stores in predominantly black urban areas (where bigger supermarkets will not go) and the high concentration of Latino immigrants in low-wage jobs (the native-born Americans will presumably not take

collective behavior

- behavior that follows from the formation of a group or crowd of people who take action together toward a shared goal with organization and order - Contagion theory - Emergent norm thoery

Theories of social class: structural functionalism

- emphasizes social order and solidarity based on commonly shared values about what is good and worthwhile -Social inequality is a necessary part of society. Different reward structures are necessary as an incentive for the best qualified people to occupy the most important positions. Even poverty has functions help maintains social order -The assumption is that some roles are more desirable than others and may require greater talent or training -Certain roles may be more critical than others to the functioning of society, as well as difficult to fill, so there must be mechanism for attracting and securing the best individuals to those positions -Helps explain the existing system of social stratification and its persistence -Functionalist perspective helps explain the existing system of social stratification and its persistence

Net Migration

- net effect of immigration and emigration on a particular population; expressed as an increase or decrease

Treadmill of production

- term describing the operation of modern economic systems that require constant growth, which causes increased exploitation of resources and environmental degradation


- term used when our sex and gender match up -"cis"- means same

Cultural diffusion

- the dissemination of material and symbolic culture (tools and technology, beliefs and behavior) from one group to another

First wave

- the earliest period of feminist activism, from the mid-nineteenth century until American women won the right to vote in 1920 § Seneca Falls, NY, in 1848, organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott § 300 people issues a Declaration for Sentiments stating generally that "all men and women are created equally" and women be given the right to vote § Suffrage movement- the movement organized around gaining voting rights for women

gender role socialization

- the lifelong process of learning to be masculine or feminine; primarily through agents of socialization


- the most extreme and modern version of authoritarianism o Government seeks to control every aspect, public and private, of citizens' life o Can utilize all the contrivances of surveillance technology, systems of mass communication, and modern weapons to control its citizens o Usually headed by a dictator, whether a ruler or a single political party Through propaganda, totalitarian regimes can further control the population by disseminating ideology aimed at shaping their thoughts values, and attitudes

thrid wave

- the most recent period of feminist activism, focusing on issues of diversity, globalization, and the variety of identities women can possess § More focused on intersectionality § Most college students

SES and life changes of work/income

-Last couple of decades we have seen a widening income gap between those at the top, middle, and bottom of the scale · Past few years those at the top of the income scale have seen much greater recovery from the great recession than those in the middle or at the bottom · Comparing 2007 income and 2017 income those in the middle have barely recovered to their pre-recession income while ppl at the bottom still have yet to do so -Lower class usually have periods of unemployment or underemployment · Holds jobs in service occupations such as food service, housekeeping, and maintenance - receiving various forms of government aid -Lower-middle class work for wages in a variety of blue-collar jobs

second waves

- the period of feminist activism during the 1960s and 1970s, often associated with the issues of women's equal access to employment and education § Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique in 1963 established the National Organization for Women (NOW) · Friedan was discovering that countless women were unhappy with the traditional roles they have been assigned · Women were restricted from pursuing activities outside these traditional roles, whether by cultural norms or by actual laws that barred them from schools, workplaces, and professional organizations § The emergence of women's consciousness-raising groups were key events in second-wave feminism § Young activists felt that the women's movement had lost its momentum after the vote was won and that other issues needed to be addressed § This wave pushed for and achieved such reforms as equal opportunity laws, legislation against sexual harassment and marital rape, and a general increase in public awareness about gender discrimination in our society § Continued to be a certain amount of backlash against feminist causes as a result


- the removal of rights of citizenship through economic, political, and legal means

bystander effect or diffusion of responsibility

- the social dynamic wherein the more people who are present in a moment of crisis, the less likely any one of them is to take action

Social Ineqaulity

- the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and prestige results § Being wealthy, white, heterosexual, or male typically confers a higher status on a person than does being poor, nonwhite, queer, or female

Race, ethnicity, and life changes in intersectionality

--Race and ethnicity are frequently enmeshing with social class gender, sexuality, and more -In the study of white women who have families with black men, the women lose a form of their "whiteness" through the eyes of their peers which is kind of a way of punishment · This does not happen with white men who marry black men -White mothers of interracial children may not possess the racial literacy to raise those children in a world that will almost certainly see and treat them as black (cooking to hair treatment) -In Twine's work, race, class, gender, and parenthood combine to shape the lived experiences of individuals and families

LGBTQ movement

-2 distinct cohorts among members: § People who lived before the gay liberation movement of the 1960s and 1970s and felt discredited if their sexual orientation had become public knowledge § Those who lived after it and believed that making their identity public was celebrating an essential aspect of the self that should not be denied -In 2015 the supreme court made a landmark decisions that legalized same-sex marriage across the united state -In 2001 57% of Americans opposed same sex marriage and 35% were in favor compared to in 2017 62% were in favor and 32 % were opposed

Race, ethnicity, and life changes in criminal justice

-33% of prisoners are African Americans, 30% were white, and 23% are Hispanic -Hispanics are 127% more likely than whites to be stopped and 43% more likely to be frisked -Black and Hispanic drivers and pedestrians are more likely to be places into contact with the criminal justice system and experience unequal treatment in application to laws

Caste System

-A form of social stratification in which status is determined by one's family history and background and cannot be changed -Little or no chance of person changing their position within the hierarchy -Members must marry within their group and ranking is pasted down to their children -Caste is usually spiritual rather than material status -Caste system ranks people into five categories · Brahman (scholars and priests) · Ksatriya or chhetri (rulers and warriors) · Vaisya (merchants and traders) · Sudra (farmers, artisans, and laborers) · The untouchables (social outcasts -Karma the complex moral law of cause and effect that governs the universe

The present and future of education

-America's failing public education system points toward a connection between poverty and academic underachievement · More than half of the schools live in poverty and high-minority students attend these schools

school with sex, gender, and sexuality

-At an early age boys and girls are split into two groups from playing on the playground to playing in the classroom with dolls or trucks -By 5th grade gender norms are firmly established -Boy are favored in class they usually get the hard questions, receive more attention and instructional time, and get called on more; however boys make teachers more angry which reinforces punishment - Girls in elementary schools receive higher grade and are often rewarded with hard work not intellectual intelligence; by middle school and high school girls begin to slip behind due to lose of sense of academic self-esteem; they begin to feel threatened and embarrassed by their own success and feel uneasy competing with boys -Textbooks ever undermine women and minorities -Women tend to be concentrated at lower levels like teachers and aids while men tend to occupy upper-management and administrative positions -LGBTQ students learn to hide their identity due to the emphasis of heterosexual dating, binary division of bathrooms and the overall heteronormativity pervade of school life

problematic categories

-Because SES is based on collection of complex variables, it is difficult to say exactly where the middle class ends, and upper class begins -Also variety of characteristics that make precise SES classification difficult because someone could be highly educated but poor -Status inconsistency: a situation in which an individual hold differing and contradictory levels of status in terms of wealth, power, prestige, or other elements of socioeconomic status

The new Jim Crow

-Many African Americans still being discriminated and being denied their rights because a big population of black people are in jail and when they get out they are denied to vote -Discrimination criminal laws and an unfair justice system enforce racial inequality in the US today

Get a job minimum wage or living wage?

-Many fail to realize that working full time at forty or more hours per week may not be enough to lift workers and their families out of poverty -Minimum-wage workers is 36 year old , female, working full-time -89% of minimum -wage workers are at least 20 and 37% are over 40

Reverse Racism

-the claim by whites that they suffer from discrimination based upon their race, and therefore, experience social disadvantages -49% of people said that this is a problem -Affirmative action

Global perspective: difference societies, different genders

-Berdaches or "Two-spirit" people - third gender not female nor male o Biologically males who dressed as women and took on types of work we think as feminine, such as cooking and domestic labor o Biological females who took on traditionally male pursuits, such as hunting, trapping, and warfare o Researches believe that many were assigned at a young age (if not from earth but then for domestic necessity) o Some could even decide If they had all girls their next kid would be raised as a boy o Took part of the religious life of their people -Hijras- in south Asia it was a third gender individual o Usually biological males who have all or part of their genitals removed, and most become hijras voluntarily in their teen or twenties o They dress and lives as females and are referred to as daughter, sister, grandmother, or aunt o Take part in religious life and are specifically mentioned in the epic Hindu texts as having been recognized by the deity Rama o Hijras attended weddings and births of males o 2012 the third-gender option was officially added to Pakistan's national identity card -Bacha Posh - a girl who dresses up and disguised as a boy in Afghanistan o Common practice that has been kept secret for centuries o Males have all the power and when women can't produce a male it brings shame to the family and undermines the family's ability to gain respect and their position in society o When a family have 2,3,4 or 5 girls and not boys, they may choose to turn one of the girls into a bacha post o She dresses like one, acts like one, and is viewed and accepted as one to society o They are allowed to leave the house without an escort, go to school, drive a car, and even get a job helping out the family financially o When many hit puberty they usually turn back to being girls but some remain a bacha posh into adulthood o They are always referred to as Bacha Posh never he/she or son/daughter

SES and life changes of health

-Bottom of social class ladder are less likely to have good nutrition/healthy/etc. -Can't afford to see a doctor, full prescriptions, etc. -For men Richest 1 percent live on average 50 years longer than the poorest 1 percent -For women the gap in life expectancy was just over ten years -Income increase so does the likelihood of a person engage in some physical activity -Only 14 percent of respondents living below the poverty level meet federal guidelines for physical activity, compared with 31 percent of those living at the higher income level

Peers with sex, gender, and inequality

-By the age of three same sex playmates are enforced until puberty hits and the pattern changes -Same-sex groups instead help create gendered behavior because girls tend to play with different toys than boys -Children, usually boys are mocked by their peers of crossing over these gendered borders -Boys police each other's performance of masculinity by criticizing nonnormative behavior, dress, and other practices but they also lay claim to masculine identities by lobbing homophobic epithets at one another -Calling someone a "fag" inflates the offender's own sense of masculinity while demonstrating to others the consequences of deviating from masculine norms -Bullying in the form of homophobic labeling helps reinforce traditional gender and sexuality norms in young women -Increase in teen years boy tend to gain prestige through athletic ability, sense of humor or taking risks/defying norms while girls gain prestige through social positions and attractiveness


-Dictator gains power by being elected or through family succession, while in other cases a dictator seizes power through a military coup

What is education

-Education - the process by which a society transmits its knowledge, values, and expectations to its members so they can function effectively -Transmission of information, principles, and values -Can be formal or informal

Women's movements

-Feminism- belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes; also, the social movements organized around that belief -Not always static but are always focused on bringing about greater gender equality in a particular time and place - The first wave, the second wave, and the third wave

work and income and gender, sexuality, and life chances

-Gender inequality is highly visible -2017 69% of men compared to 57% of women were in the labor force -Women are more likely than men to be found outside the labor force altogether -47 mothers participated in labor force in 1975 compared to 71% in 2017 -Never married women are more likely to work than married women -Married men are more likely to work than singe men because of the discrepancy that men are head of household -Many jobs are gendered an have been and continue to be performed by women or men § Retires, paralegals, and housekeepers are female dominated § Piolets, auto mechanisms, firefighters, carpenters are men dominated -98% of all teachers of young children and 94% of secretaries are women -Men are vastly outnumbered in certain professions, especially those with high salaries and prestige -Women earn 81 cents for every dollar a man earns -Education and health services are highly undervalues and underpaid compared to men's jobs -Gender age gap reflects ongoing discrimination against women and inequalities in the job market and the equalities compounded by the effects of race -Feminization of poverty- the economic trend showing that women are more likely than men to live in poverty, caused in part by the gendered gap in wages, the higher proportion of single mothers compared to single fathers, and the increasing costs of childcare -LGBTQ persons reported losing promotion between 11 to 28% of the time o 27% of transgender workers reported being fired, not hired, or denied promotion

The us population by race

-In 2018... whites made up about 60% of the population, Hispanics/Latinos 18%, blacks 13%, Asians 6%, and native Americans about1%

A brief history of modern education

-In the middle ages the church was the main educator until about 1200 C.E. where they trained students to be persists · Three subjects offered; law, theology, and medicine they were only available to most privileged members of society (royals, aristocrats, and families with ties to monarchy/church) -The roots of what we recognize as modern mass education can be tracked back to the idealism of the European Enlightenment of the 18th and 19th centuries -The US believed that the government was responsible to provide education to all citizens helped create the US school system · It became a necessity not a luxury · Large proportion starts to attend school and curricula become both academic and vocational education to prepare students for a diversifying set of future occupations · 1929 there was elementary, junior high, and high school · In 1990 only 2% of Americans finished high school and even fewer went to college · 2017 has a high school graduation rate of 85% and dropouts are usually Hispanic and black students

The common core

-It is a state-led rather than deferral initiative and state adoption of standard is voluntary, for states that adopt the standards (45 states have adopted Common Core in order to standardize and improve test scores while preparing students for college) · Downsides was measuring both the student and teacher by standardized tests · It is a federal mandate and it has always been voluntary

families and gender, sexuality, and life chances

-Men are more likely than women to report never having been married (35% men and 29% women) -Women more likely to get widowed due to women's longer life spans (9% women and 3% men) -Women suffer more form divorce because they have to be the primary caregiver but also need of find a job suffering financially - 4 out of 5 custodial parents (parents who like with their children while the other parent lives elsewhere) are mothers -Less than half (44%) of custodial parents receive the full amount of child support due and nearly a third don't receive anything -27% custodial parents live below the poverty line compared to 16 percent of all families with child -Women who are caregivers and workers struggle to balance the two equally and are often take "nonproductive time" to take care of sick kids -Second shift- the unpaid housework and children care often expected of women after they complete their day's paid labor -LGBTQ young have negative consequences for their mental health and physical health § They are often associated with high levels of depression along with substance abuse and illegal sex when there is parental rejection -Youth with supportive families have better self-esteem and are generally healthier -10% of all LGBTQ adults are currently married to same-sex spouse

criminal justice and gender, sexuality, and life chances

-Men are more likely to die violent deaths and to be victims of assault -Women are slightly more likely to be victims of personal theft and much more likely to be victims of rape/also more likely to be victimized by there intimate partners / half of female homicide victims are killed by current or former intimate partners -Men are overwhelmingly representing in nearly all categories -Women outnumber men in the prostitution category -Males are perceived to by involved in violent crime and property crime, generally under more scrutiny by police than females -1.5 million people in state and federal prisons are men -LGBTQ persons are distinctive both as victims and offenders -Bias-motivated attacks on basis of sexual orientation are the 3rd highest category of hate crimes -18% of all hate crimes are motivated by sexual-orientation or gender or gender-identity bias -LGBTQ people are most likely targets of hate crimes in America; 1,202 anti-sexual orientation hate crimes and 131 anti-transgender or anti-gender or anit-gender-nonconforming attacks o LQBTQ people are vulnerable to sexual victimization up to 13 times the level of risk for the average inmate

Brazil system of stratification

-New mixture of races and cultures was a unique strength that led to something like a "racial democracy" -Intermarriage may have eliminated clearly defined racial groups, but skin color still largely defined an individual's place in society, with light-skinned Brazilians enjoying privates of wealth and power denied to their dark-skinned counterparts (polite racism)

Campaigns and Elections

-Nowadays media coverage of politics is more likely to emphasize human interest stories, personalities, high-profile spectacles, and planned events which is less likely to explain the background and implications of issues and policy debates -Opinion leaders - high-profile individuals whose interpretation of events influence the public · Allow viewers to be shaped by these opinion leaders instead of getting the issue directly

Weberian Theory

-Owning the means of production was not the only way of achieving upper-class status but a person could also accumulate wealth consisting of income and property -Another important element in social class has to do with prestige ( the social honor granted to people because of their membership in certain groups) · Prestige could be a person's occupation and wealth itself -Weber believed that wealth, power, and prestige are interrelated because they often come together but it is possible to convert one to the other -3 elements that are important to distinguish · Property and wealth can be inherited or earned · Power usually comes from occupying certain roles within organizations · Prestige is based on a person's social identity and is bestowed by other

SES and life change of education

-People with more education make more money -One of the main goals of education is to make sure students get a chance to succeed both in school and in life - main goal is that schools would serve all students equally and they aren't always able to do so -A student's social class background will influence their attitude toward education · Students with higher SES will have higher expectations with education -If trends continue, fewer and fewer jobs will support middle-class lifestyles

Politics : The Micro-Marco Link

-Political institutions and their products shape our everyday lives -FAFSA needs to be submitted if you are going to a private or public university -Political institutions shape our everyday lives as well as we build institutions ourselves

Iran systems of stratification

-Religion became a primary influence on stratification -Those who were not Muslim or who held Western University degrees were forced into exile -Those who stayed were required to attend special classes on Islamic law in order to keep their positions -Islamic law and custom is required to maintaining one's social position

In relationships: rape culture and campus social life

-Sexual assault on campus has become so serious and so widespread that it is now characterized as an epidemic -At least 1 in 5 women in college will be a victim of sexual assault -10% of women reported having been physically forced to have intercourse, 15% said someone tried to force them but failed, and 11% said they have been victimized while passed out, asleep, drugged, or otherwise incapacitated -Rape culture- a set of beliefs, norms, and values that normalize sexual violent against women -Hookup culture that dominates today's college campuses also contributes to rape culture


-those who believe gender or roles have genetic or biological original and therefore cannot be changed (2 category system) - in subfield of sociobology

On the job: gender and sexuality in the military

-Since 2016 on 16% of enlisted personnel and 18% percent of officers are female -Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) signed a law in 1993 stating to release any gay, lesbian, or bisexual military service members -They weren't allowed to be asked about their sexuality and they were supposed to lie or not tell about it -Ban since 1960s that transgenders could not serve in military but was lifted in 2016 -Rape and sexual assault are increasingly acknowledged as a serious problem in the military -In 2004 The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response office was formed to help with the issue of sexual assault -It is good that many more people in the military are reporting sexual assault because in the past it was rarely reported

Theories of social class: conflict theory

-Social inequality created intergroup conflict - poor and rich groups have different interests and may find themselves at odds as they attempt to secure and protect these interests -Feudal system - a system of social stratification based on a hereditary nobility who were responsible for and served by a lower stratum of forced laborers called serfs -What had traditionally determined a person's social standing was not longer relevant - new kind of social inequality that was between the capitalists (bourgeoise) and the workers (proletariats) -Marx believed that the classes would remain divided and social inequality would grow meaning the wealthy would be concentrated among a small group of capitalists and that workers would continue to be exploited

Theories of social class: symbolic interactionism

-Social inequality is part of our presentation of self -We develop everyday class consciousness as a way to distinguish the status of others -Interactionists believe that all social structures are constructed from the building blocks of everyday interaction · Making split arguments about how people are and which social status they occupy based on appearance · We make inferences about the status of others when we encounter them in different social situations · We "read" different aspects of identity by interpreting the behavior of others and that we become accustomed to others "reading" our behavior in the same

Social media and politics

-Social media allows users to interact with one another, form networks, and create their own content -An increasing amount of Americans get their political and campaigns news online · Especially in 2016 when Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump all used Facebook and Twitter extensively in their campaigns · Trump even used it to show sources that supported his claims and praised him -Social media and internet have created filter bubblies which is created by search engine algorithms that deliver customized findings based on a user's online history and social media circles -People who lack certain kinds of news get stuck in a political "echo chamber" where they access only sources they already agree with -fake news - which is increasingly prominent as it has become easier to design websites with the look and feel of legitimate news outlets. -The democratic system stands to suffer if only those with the most money or celebrity can influence public opinion, by buying (or hacking) their way into the hearts and minds of Americans


-Sociological reality in these tales is the portrayal of men's hypogamy -marrying "down" in the social class hierarchy


-Sociological reality in these tales is the portrayal of women's hypergamy - marrying "up" in the social class hierarchy

Symbolic Internationalism study of education

-Teacher's attitudes about their students unintentionally influenced the student's academic performance - Meaning when teachers expected students to succeed, the students indeed tend to improve - changes in classroom interaction could lead to an improvements in academic performance among students from underprivileged backgrounds

Race, ethnicity, and life changes in income/work

-The median income for hispanics is higher than the median income for blacks blacks -Blacks are overrepresented in nursing, psychiatric, and home health aide positions -Some lower-level jobs have shifted from African Americans to Hispanics over time


-The most extreme system of social stratification, based on ownership of people (slaves can be bought or solid) - Don't have any rights common to free members of same society they live in / slaves for life - They aren't payed for their labor and are forced to work - Person could become enslaved in several ways -Debt: someone who can't repay what they owe -Warfare: Groups of vanquished soldiers/ families might become slaves to the victors -Someone caught committing a crime

Health and gender, sexuality, and life chances

-There are more women on earth because they are expected to live long than men (women 81.1 years and men 76.1 years) -Men are more likely to die by accidental death -Men form 20 to 24 are three times more likely to die result of accident, four times more likely to commit suicide, and almost 7 times more likely to be murdered -Women are engage in stress related behavior - working outside of home, smoking, and drinking which is decreasing the gap o Women have increased their risk factor for diseases § Lung cancer is nearly identical to men and has risen § Heart disease and cancer are fairly equal § Women are almost twice as likely to suffer from depression than men -LGTBQ life expectancy is not yet available but suggest that gay people might have implications for health as well -Sexual minorities are more likely to smoke, drink, and use illicit drugs

Defining Race and Ethnicity

-There are no "pure" races, someone may look black or white but have different races in their history -There is greater genetic diversity within population, members differ more from each other -Physical differences we see between groups are due to geographic adaptations -There is not enough "wiggle room" in human genome for race to be a genetic trait (no race chromosome in our DNA) -Display our racial and ethnic group membership through dress, language, food and religious practices; preferences in music, art or literature; through projects we find interesting and the topics we pursue at school

situational ethnic

-an ethnic identity that can be either displayed or concealed depending on its usefulness in a given situation · We need to appraise each situation to determine whether or not it favors our ethnicity · Dr. Ferris's Lebanese ancestry never mattered outside her family so when she lived in Cali she would downplay her ethnicity but when she moved to a small town in Illinois where many important people were Lebanese, she felt like it was an asset that she could use in order to get good social support and new friends

The media with sex, gender, and inequality

-Through the media we learn "how to behavior, how to be accepted, what to value, and what is normal -Girls and boys learned that certain activities and attitudes are more appropriate for one gender than for the other -By kindergarten children will know more fictional characters then real people -Anorexia and bulimia among teenagers come from photos from the media/ teenage girls make try to aspire to be actress or models -In the past decade has seen a number of shows featuring gender-nonconforming actors -LGBTQ persons are included on television but that doesn't mean they have equal status -Trans characters are still often presented as villain, victims, or sex workers than than in more ordinary and more positive roles -The media can compete with and even contradict the other agents of socialization -The media also serve to socialize families, peers, and educators, giving the media an even more overarching power in society

Education and reproduction of soceity

-Tracking - the placement of students in educational "tracks" or programs of study, that determine the types of classes they take -It is true that educational institutions can replicate systems of inequality · People with high school diploma: $32,000 · Associated degree: $38,900 · Bachelor's degree: $51,800 · Master's degree: $65,000 § Unemployment rate · 4.1% for high school diploma · 2.2% people with bachelor's degree · 2% with master's degree -25 years old with Bachelor degrees · 39% of whites · 25% of blacks · 18% of Hispanics · 56% of Asians - Among adults 25 to 29 women are more likely than men to have a bachelor's degree or higher -Teachers tend to pay more attention to boys -White and Asian students may notice that there are more fewer blacks and Hispanic students in the gifted classroom than in remedial classroom may think that whites and Asians are smarter than them -Disabled children aren't in all the activities which may make students think they are less worthy than them

Absolute vs. constitutional

-Usually have complete authority over their subjects like dictators -Royal figures whose powers are defined by a political charter and limited by a parliament or other governing body

Patriotism and Protest

-When people criticize some policy or some action of the government, people may ironically be called unpatriotic by those who support it -Black lives matter protest started when a black teenager was killed by an officer and the officer was found not guilty - #Neveragain was brought when a school shooter killed 17 students and staff at a high school

Race, ethnicity, and life changes in health

-White females live till they are 81 while African American males live till they are 71 -Hispanics have the highest life expectancy - 79 for Hispanic men and 84 for Hispanic women - Black women die from pregnancy 3 times more than women -Least to greatest who need health insurance; white, Asian, black, and then Hispanic -Blacks have higher levels of chronic disease and lower life expactancy


-a government rules by a king or queen, with succession of rulers kept within the family - divided into absolute and constitutional

simplicity movement

-a loosely knit movement that opposes consumerism and encourage people to work less, earn less, and spend less, in accordance with nonmaterialistic value

Toxic Masculinity

-a masculine ideal that espouses extreme and harmful attitudes and behaviors and may lead to various negative effects for women and men o They should be competitive, compete with one another, not show any feminine qualities, suppress emotions, etc. o This narrows their career or hobbies, and constrict their relationships with others

Minority group

-a social group that is systematically denied the same access and power and resources available to society's dominate groups though its members are not necessarily fewer in the number than the dominate group · In Cali about 40% of people are white and 60% are other ethnic groups; it's a majority-minority state because white still have the most power and recourses - the percentage of whites has decreased, black have stayed the same, and latinos/hispanics have groqn

open system

-a social system with ample opportunities to move from one class to another (US)

closed system

-a social system with very little opportunity to move from one class to another (india)


-a socially defined category based on a common language, religion, nationality, history, or some other cultural factor · Jewish people- share religious and cultural backgrounds but are dispersed in many parts of the world


-a socially defined category based on real or perceived biological differences between groups of people (physical differences) · More meaningful on social level not biological level · A social construct


-a system of government by and for a small number of elites that does not include representation of ordinary citizens -Citizens have no say in rules made, what laws are made, or how those laws are enforced - dictatorship is a form of authoritarianism

Social class

-a system of stratification practice primarily in capitalist societies, ranks group of people according to their wealth, poverty, power, and prestige -Our life chances are influences by our class and our race and our gender and our religion and our age all together, not one at a time

upper class

-an elite and largely self-sustaining group who possess most of country's wealth (1 percent of the us population) -Some are with "old money" through family fortunes - some are with "new money" through individual achievements -Enormous sums of money and taking advantage of tax deduction helps upper class stay wealthy -Make 1.5 million a year mostly through investments

symbolic ethnicity

-an ethnic identity that is relevant only on specific occasions and does not significantly affect our everyday life · Irish Americans have been so fully assimilated for multiple generation that their Irish ancestry may not matter much to them on a daily basis - but on Saint Patrick's Day displays of Irish identity can be pretty overwhelming

Social movements

-any soical group with leadership, organization, and an ideological commitment to promote or resist social change -§ Social movement are always on the horizon and long-standing ones changer their goals, strategies, and organizational forms over time · Women's movement changes from voting rights to equal opportunity, sexism, international women rights in 2000s, and recently, rights for transwomen · Strategies have changed like using social media and #Metoo movement arose -Social movements can be regressive

Implicit bias

-attitudes or stereotypes that are embedded at an unconscious level and may influence our perceptions, decisions, and actions · Whites may believe in equality but still not act in such a way as to challenge the injustices perpetuated by our systems of stratification · Students of colors are disciplined more often and more harshly than white students · Pediatricians treat the pain of white children versus black children

conflict theory and gender inequalities

-because of the traditional division of labor in families, male shave more access to resources and privileges and have sought to maintain their dominance

primary sex characteristics vs secondary sex characteristics

-biological factors, such as chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs, that distinguish males from females -physical differences between males and females, including facial hair and body hair, musculature, and bone structure, that are unrelated to reproduction

structural mobility

-changes in the social status of large numbers of people as a result of structural changes in society

individual discrimination

-discrimination carried out by one person against another -one person treats others unfairly because of their race or ethnicity = white teacher may give lower grade to Hispanic student

Conflict theory of education

-emphasizes the power and inequality that are part of education as a social institution - upper-class families with decent education systems did not think inequality of education was a thing while poor urban areas were unhappy and lacking in some of the most basic resources necessary fro student success


-encompasses a wider range of gender and sexual diversity than terms like "gay" and "trans" and implies a questioning of society's traditional gender and sexual arrangements


-everyday uses of subtle verbal and nonverbal communication that convey denigrating or dismissive messages to members of certain social groups § Typically occur from dominate group to a member of racial or ethnic minority § Usually subtle casual, and often unintentional but deliver a big message/ could also be body language

Microaggressions in gender

-everyday uses of subtle verbal and nonverbal communications that convey denigrating or dismissive messages to members of certain social groups o Women being interrupted in conversation, being labeled as shrill or bossy, being target of catcall, and or not smiling all the time o Transgender can get microaggressions when people misgender them

Federal poverty line

-federal index that defines "official" poverty in the US based on household income; updated annually · is an absolute measure · the percentage of people living below the federal poverty line has never dipped below 10%

Symbolic Interactionism and gender inequalities

-gender is learned through the process of socialization; gender inequalities are reproduced through interactions with family, peers, schools, and the media


-literally meaning "rule of father" : a male dominated society § Formed in early societies by biological difference when men where stronger and could hunt and be in ware fare while women needed to tend to nursing children and bearing


-methods and tactics intended to influence government policy, policy-related attitudes, and activities -Comes from Greek word "politikos" which means "of or relating to citizens"

SES and life changes of family

-most likely to have long-term relationships with persons whose social and cultural background are similar to their own because they have more access to people like themselves -Many unanticipated conflicts can crop up in cross class marriages like differing approaches to career advancement or child rearing practices - also find each other attractive because of these differences · Partners with higher socioeconomic status - deliberate and organized · Partners with lower socioeconomic status - more likely to open to various possibilities and go with the flow -People with college degrees get married later on average than their less educated peers - people with higher education get divorced more often -The age at which people start a family and the number of children they have are also related to educational attainment · Women with master's degree or more have their first child is thirty (2.2 children) · Average women it high school diploma is just 24 (average of 2.9 children) · Less educated women have higher amount of births

intragenerational mobility

-movement between social classes that occurs during the course of an individual's lifetime -horizontal and vertical social mobility

"coming out"

-openly declaring one's true identity to those who might not be aware of it

Special interest groups

-organizations that raise and spend money to influence elected officials and or public opinion · Can include corporate organizations, lobbies, PAC, and many more · Special interest groups contributions to candidates and causes can reach into the hundreds of millions, and even billions, of dollars -Money wins elections -incumbent (those already occupying the electoral seat) because they are usually the best positions to raise money due to their high-profile position

Political action committee (PAC)

-organizations that raise money to support the interests of a select group or organization -BAMPAC (black American political action committee) represents the special interests of African Americans while AAPAC (Arab American PAC), lobbies for political interests of Arab Americans

working poor

-poorly educated manual and service workers who may work full-time but remain near or below the poverty line -13% of population -Not well educated and not have completed high school and experience lower levels of literacy than the other classes -Lack work skills which makes them get occupations that are unskilled, temporary, and season jobs -They get minimum-wage jobs, housekeeping, day labor, etc. -They average around $25,000 a year -Suffer from higher rate of unemployment and underemployment which means they receive social welfare subsidies

Families with sex, gender, and sexuality

-primary source of socialization - Even before a baby is born it is being sexualized -In research it was proved that once the parents know the gender of their baby they start to buy clothes toys, and even the mother talks to the baby differently depending on its sex - Social learning- the process of learning behaviors and meanings through social interaction § Sometimes conscious effort to instill certain behavior to children § Sometimes it happens in a more subtle way like a baby learns through observation, imitation, and play § By the age of two they are aware of their own and others' gender § By age of three they learn to identify specific traits associated with each gender -Gender pervade every aspect of family life from the chores boys and girls are given to lessons like "that's not lady like" or "big boys don't cry" -Watch our family member and using them as role models four our own beliefs and behaviors also enforces gender


-redrawing the boundary lines of state voting districts in order to advantage one political party over another o Packing your opponent's supporters into as few districts as possible while ensuring your own party's supporters are spread out over many districts o This can effectively saw the direction of elections so that their outcomes no longer represent the actual party makeup of state residents


-redrawing the boundary lines of state voting districts in order to advantage one political party over another · Packing - voting equivalent of segregation: put as many of the opposing party's voters in as few districts as possible; thereby limiting the number of seats they will win · Cracking- accomplishes same goal of packing by spread the opposition votes thinly throughout a larger number of districts: their influence is diluted and the dominate party can win more seats o These two things reduce voting power in democrats

Structural functionalism and gender inequalities

-sex determines which roles men and women are best suited too o It is more appropriate for men to play instrumental roles and for women to paly expressive roles o Instrumental role - the position of the family member who provides material support; often an authority figure o Expressive role - the position of the family member who provides emotional support and nurturing


-sexual attraction toward members of one's own gender § There are a variety or difficulties and disadvantages attached to members of this category


-sexual attraction towards member of the other sex § More privileges attached to membership in this category

mass behavior

-similar behaviors engaged in by large groups of people without their necessarily being in the same place -Fads and Fashion -Social Dilemmas

middle class

-social class composed primarily of white-collar workers with a broad range of education and incomes -30 percent of population -White collar workers :a description characterizing lower-level professional and management workers and some highly skilled laborers in technical jobs - $70,000 per year and have high school education and 2-4 college degrees -Usually homeowners but due to recent recession not al can effort their own home

upper-middle class

-social class consisting of mostly highly education professional and managers who have considerable financial stability -14 percent of the population -Well educated: college or postgraduate degrees/ high skilled -Work in executive, managerial, and professional jobs -Mostly depends on income form work (150,000 a year) -Some finical stability and own their own houses, travel, and higher education

working (lower-middle) class

-social class of mostly blue collar or service industry workers who are less likely to have a college degree -Makes up 30% of population who have high school education and usually work maual labor or blue collar jobs (a description of characterizing skilled and semiskilled workers who perform manual labor or work in service of clerical job) - $40,000 per year and earn above average income for this class -Low net worth and live in rental or modest home they inherited/saved for


-stripped of voting rights, either temporarily or permanently o All states except Maine and Vermont disenfranchise convicted felons while they are incarcerated o 34 states disenfranchise people on parole o 30 for felons on probation o 12 permanently disenfranchise so or all felons even after their sentence o More than 6 million Americans can't vote


-study of size, composition,, distribution, and changed in human population § Macro-level quantitative approach to society § Influenced by biological factors and sociological factors § Three basic demographic variables are crucial to understanding population dynamics

gender-nonconforming behavior

-term used when gender identity and expression differs from societal expectations about gender roles § Nonbinary - they may not identify as a man or women

Cultural capital

-that tastes, habits, expectation, skills, knowledge, and other cultural assets that help us gain advantage in society - shapes the perceptions that others from about a person


-the belief that one sex, usually male, is superior to the other -Used to justify gender inequality and reinforce the status quo

White Nationalism

-the belief that the nation should built around the white identify that is reflected in religion, politics, economics, and culture -Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Aryan Brotherhood, and Neo-Nazis espouse overtly racist and anti-Semitic ideas about white supremacy and racial separation -Trump's anti-immigrant ideas dovetail with white nationalism sentiment, and his administration has sought to bring those ideas into the political mainstream

social stratification

-the division of society into group arranged into a social hierarchy - 4 basic principles: 1.characteristic of society rather than a reflection of individual differences 2. persists over generations 3. all societies stratify their members but different societies use different criteria for rank them 4. maintained through beliefs that are shared by members of society


-the education of children by their parents, at home · Control their academic education but also limit their exposure to the socializing effect of peer culture in public schools · 1.7 million kids are homeschooled in US · Homeschooled students was significantly above that of public school students · Advantage is the flexibility in customizing curriculum and pedagogy to the needs odds of each child

Residential segregation

-the geographic isolation of the impoverished from the rest of the city

"white priviledge"

-the idea that one group (whites) in a society enjoys certain unearned advantages no available to others (nonwhites) and that group members (whites) are largely unaware of the unequal benefits they possess ( whites can assume their interactions with authority will be with whites which limits unjust treatment)


-the lack of sexual attraction of any kind; no interest in or desire for sex - 1% of adults identify with this -Alfred Kinsey and others suggested that we can best understand sexual orientation not through binary categories but rather as a fluid continuum that can change over the course of a person's lifetime

vertical social mobility

-the movement between different class statuses, often called either upward mobility or downward mobility -A retail store cashier gets a job as a manager -A paramedic gets a job as a receptionist

horizontal social mobility

-the movement of individual or groups within a particular social class, most often a result of changing occupations -A registered nurse leaves nursing to become a HS teacher

social mobility

-the movement of individuals or groups within the hierarchical system of social classes (restricted by formal or informal rules) - is about the same in the US now as it was 50 years ago


-the physical, behavioral, and personality traits that a group considers normal for its male and female members -In some societies males are considered more aggressive and competitive while women are seen as nurturing and emotional -We also learn to interpret and enact gender in ways that are specific to the cultural and historical time in which we were raised


-the poorest group, comprising the homeless and chronically unemployed who may depend on public or private assistance -12% of the population and truly disadvantages -Poverty condition and ear $15,000 or less a year -Difficulty getting enough money to meet their needs -May hold a few steady jobs and depend on public benefits or charity to survive -Found in inner cities = substandard housing or are homeless (numbers are increasing in the suburbs)

Heternormativity and social learning

-the process of learning behaviors and meanings through social interaction. - the process of learning behaviors and meanings through social interaction

belief, sacred, profane

-the proposition or idea held on the basis of faith - the holy, divine, or supernatural - the ordinary mundane, or everyday


-the romantic sexual, or marital relationships between people of different races -o Mildred love an African American and Richard love a white man got married but were arrested due to violating "act to preserve racial purity" but charges were withdrawn if they left the state - just cuz legal doesn't mean it's easy... may have to deal with in-group pressures from family and peers


-the system of segregation of racial and ethnic groups that was legal in South Africa between 1984 and 1991 -Made into 4 groups in south African's - all were geographically and socially separated · White (English and Dutch heritage) · Indian (from India) · Colored (mixed race) · Black (60 % of pop) -Separated by color and could not enter other parts of the country without a pass but now they all share the same rights -Still a large income gap - whites are payed three times more than blacks

heterogamy relationships

-the tendency to choose romantic partners who are dissimilar to us in terms of class, race, education, religion, and other social group membership -Marrying someone different in areas of race or religion -Dating apps helps people meet others different from their social class and social circles - has the potential to inhibit our off-line predilection for people who belong to the same social groups as we do

homogamous relationships

-the tendency to choose romantic partners who are similar to us in terms of class, race, education, religion, and other social group membership -that sociological research states that we choose based on similarity -Especially true in upper class families bc they went to pass down wealth to next generation

cultural lag

-the time between changes in material culture or technology and the resulting changes in the broader culture's relevant norms, values, meanings, and laws -disconnect between a changing social condition and cultural adjustment to that change

social change

-the transformation of culture and social institutions over time -is occurring at all times not just in movements § Some social change is intended and other time unintentional · Automobile - easier to travel and get places but increased deaths § Social changes due demographics · to natural disasters (tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes) · Schools and colleges were made, suburbs, retirement facilities and long-term care hospitals/facilities to accommodate the population § Social changes due to discoveries and innovations · Fire and the wheel § Social change can be made through cures of diseases, individuals learning how to accommodate their disability, and the collective action of many such as the civil rights movement, LGBTQ movement, women's rights movement, etc.

digital divide

-the unequal access to computer and internet technology, both globally and within the US


-used to describe a person whose chromosomes or sex characteristics are neither exclusively male nor exclusively females - 17 babies in 1,000 are born intersex - In wester society intersex was known to be threatening and unacceptable so many babies got surgery done and were females because that what was most visible -But now there are more rights for intersex people and they are the only ones that decide what to do

The hidden curriculum of education

-values or behaviors that students learn indirectly over the course of their schooling - "rules, routines, and regulations" actually produce a submissive and obedient workforce that is prepared to take orders and perform repetitive tasks -They learn these rules in school they have a similar mindset at work -Reinforces and reproduces conditions of social inequality by presenting and reinforcing what is considered "normal", "right", or "good" -If teachers are mostly white, heterosexual, and mostly male they may believe the very lessons they try to teach

antiracist allies

-whites and others working toward the goal of ending racial injustice § Working with other whites to help them gain a greater awareness of how racism works and what they can do about it

Symbolic interactionism for religion

-§ Focus on how religious meaning is constructed in interaction and how religion is incorporated into the everyday life of individuals and groups § Focus on interaction, interpretation, and examining religious symbolism

Frank dobbin and alexander kravel'z

2016 analysis of 800 U.S. films used mentoring and college recruitment programs

Maintained through beliefs that are shared by members of society

In US, it is still common to think that people are poor not just because of their existing class structure but because they failed and never got to "pull themselves up"

global village

Marshall McLuhan's term describing the way that new communication technologies override barriers of space and time, joining together people all over the globe

structural functionalism to social change

Sometimes social change is necessary to maintain equilibrium and order in society.

Symbolic-Interactionism approach to natural environment

The meanings assigned to the natural environment will determine how society sees and uses it

male privilege

can include a wide range of advantages experienced in our large social institutions as well as in our small everyday interactions; men don't have to always be smiling, they can take as much space as they want, and less likely to be interrupted while speaking

conservation era

earliest stage of the environmental movement, which focused on the preservation of "wilderness" areas


economic development that aims to reconcile global economic growth with environmental protection

Structural functionalism of education

education performs the following functions: transfer of knowledge, job preparation, occupational sorting, child care, social integration, change and innovation, socialization

Culture of poverty

entrenched attitudes that can develop among poor communities and lead the poor to accept their fate rather than attempt to improve their lot

systematic racism

is found in the policies and practices of social institutions that result in discrimination against an exclusive of members of racial minority groups


lesbian, gay, bisexual. Transgender, queer

school vouchers

o payments from the government to parents whose children attend failing public schools; money helps parents pay private school tuition -Only used for private schools not charter schools -Taxpayers receive a voucher for some of the money that a public school would have received to educate their child, and they apply that money to private school tuitions -79 to 90% of private school cost

Duel enrollment

o programs that allow high school students to simultaneously enroll in college classes, earning credit for both high school and community degree § In order to take higher level classes which can help ease the transition from high school to college § Increase postsecondary academic achievement while also decreasing the amount of time students take to obtain their degree

Charter schools

o public schools run by private entitles to give parents greater control over their children's education -Operate with relative freedom from many of the bureaucratic regulations that apply to traditional public schools -May be special for arts or science, etc. -They struggle to raise funds which can create disparities in public education and exclude certain student populations

Symbolic Interactionism approach to social institutions

o social institutions such a politics, education, and religion are created through individual participation, they give meaning to and are part of the everyday experience of members -Robert Rosenthal and Leonora Jacobson's Pygmalion in the Classroom -The researchers performed a "Pygmalion" experiment. They began by administering a basic IQ test to students in the first through sixth grades, although they told teachers the test was designed to predict which students would "bloom" academically in the next year. They then randomly selected an experimental group of students and falsely told their teachers that these students were predicted to develop rapidly in the coming school year. At the end of the year, the researchers administered the same IQ test and found that students in the experimental group had increased their IQ scores by a significantly greater margin than their peers in the control group. The researchers concluded that the teachers' attitudes about their students unintentionally influenced them

Structural functionalism approach to social institutional

o social institutions such as politics, education, and religion provide critical functions for the needs of society and help maintain order and unity -Randall Collin's The Credential Society -Collins argues that class inequalities are reproduced in educational settings and that there is very little that schools can do to increase learning. Although many people assume that better teachers, better facilities, and better funding can increase test scores, he points out that when class background factors are held constant, none of these other factors seems to have any effect. -Credential society - a society that emphasizes that attainment of degrees and certificates as necessary requirement for the job market and social mobility

Life span or longevity

o the uppermost age to which a person can potentially live § A lot of people around the globe are living up to 100 years of age or higher

understanding race from symbolic interactions

race and ethnicity are a part of our identity

Understanding race from structural functionalism

racial and ethnic differences are a necessary part of society; even racial inequality has functions that help maintain social order

understanding race from conflict theory

racial and ethnic differences create intergroup conflict; minority and majority groups have different interests and may find themselves at odds as they attempt to secure and protect their interests

Renewable resources

resources that replenish at a rate comparable to the rate at which they are consumed


short for "not in my back yard"; referred to protests aimed at shifting undesirable activates onto those with less power; now sometimes used without negative connotations to describe local environmental activists

systems of stratification

slavery, caste system, social class

virtual community

social groups whose interactions are mediated through information technologies, particularly the internet

queer theory

social theory about gender and sexual identity; emphasizes the importance of difference and rejects ideas of innate identities or restrictive categories ( gay, lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual, or transgender)


the character or quality of being sexual; described sexual behavior, desires, and fantasies


the cultural and economic changes resulting from dramatically increased international trade and exchange in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries


the deliberate and systematic extermination of racial, ethnic, national, or cultural group

internal colonialism

the economic and political subjugation of the minority group by the dominant group within a nation

population transfer

the forcible removal of a group of people from the territory they have occupied


the forma, organized agency that exercises power and control in modern society, especially through the creatin and enforcement of laws

cultural imperialism

the imposition of one culture's beliefs and practices on another culture through mass media and consumer products rather than by military force

sexual orientation or identity

the inclination to feel sexual desire toward and engage in sexual behavior with persons of a particular sex or gender

climate change

the increase in extreme weather patterns linked to global warming

Theories of social movements

§ Mass society theory - a theory of social movements that assumes people join not because of the movement's ideals but to satisfy a psychological need to belong to something larger than themselves § Relative deprivation theory - a theory of social movements that focuses on the actions of the oppressed groups seeking rights or opportunities already enjoyed by others in the society · It was shown that people who were involved in social movements were not loners but actually engaged individuals seeking to address perceived injustices on several fronts -§ Resource mobilization theory - a theory of social movements that focuses on the practical constraints like recruitment, fundraisings, and social media coverage that help or hinder social movement's actions

Race, ethnicity, and life changes in education

§ Over 25 with bachelor's degree : Hispanics then blacks then whites then Asians

online learning

§ People in remote locations or people who were housebound/physically disabled to benefit from the same educational opportunities available for others § 2016 more than 66 million or 31% of all college students were taking at least one online class § Distance learning may not be a good fit for everyone and attrition rates from online course are notoriously high

religion in america

§ Recent studies have found that 53% of Americans say religion is very important to them § 36% of Americans say they go to religious services at least once a week. Of the total U.S. public § 22.8% are religiously unaffiliated, the highest percentage ever reported. § Religiosity - the regular practice of religious beliefs, often measured in terms of frequency of attendance at worships services and the importance of religious beliefs to an individual § Extrinsic religiosity - a person's public display of commitment to a religious faith § Intrinsic religiosity - a person's inner religious life or personal relationship to the divine

Conflict theory for religion

§ Religion can promote inequality, conflict and change § Monotheistic - a term describing religions that worship a single divine figure · Orthodox- separation of men and women · Catholicism - prohibit women from becoming persists and pastors § Religious organizations have also been agents of social justice and political change § Liberation theology - a movement within the catholic church to understand Christianity from the perspective of the poor and oppressed, with a focus on fighting injustice § Religion is complex- it can be subjugate and oppress at the same time it can liberate

Structural functionalism for religion

§ Religious belief and rituals serve a number of functions for adherents · Religion shapes everyday bx by providing values, rules, and norms · Giving meaning to our life by giving individuals an understanding about everything we encounter · Opportunity to come together with others

Connection between spirituality and college

§ Researchers from UCLA developed 5 qualities of spirituality § Civic engagement has a positive effect on spirituality § The qualities of spirituality has a positive effect on academic performance

Crowd behavior

§ a temporary gathering of people in a public place; members might interact but do not identify with one another and will not remain in contact · Street performer gathers a crowd due to his performance, but the individual people have different reasons for watching; may also have conformity of behavior like stop conversing, not looking at the phone etc. · Riot- continuous disorderly behavior by a group of people that disturbs the peace and is directed toward other people and/or property o Floatopia was social gathering for people that went to UCSB who would bring flotation devices to adjacent beach for the day it became a big party with people from all over cali which turned into massive amount of trash and humas waste all over the shore; university closed beaches and the event was renamed Deltopia which then erupted in violence when partygoers clashed with police that left many injured o Freddie Grey was carried back to a police station in a coma and died a week later; there was a crowd the next day outside the police station for his death which then became a riot and people were injured · Collective behavior can both be organized and chaotic, depending on the shared norms that emerge

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)

§ an area with at least one major city of 50,000 or more inhabitants that is surrounded by adjacent countries that are socially and economically integrated with a city core · US contained 384 · Los Angeles, Dallas, San Antonio, Phoenix, and San Diego

ecological footprint

§ an estimation of the land and water area required to produces all the goods as an individual consumes and to assimilates all the waste an individual generates

enviromental racism

§ any environmental policy or practice that negatively affect individuals, groups, or communities because of their race or ethnicity

mainstream enviromentalism

§ beginning in the 1970s, the third stage of the environmental movement; characterized by enhances organization, improved promotional campaigns, and political tactics, and an increased reliance on economic and scientific expertise

grassroots enviromentalism

§ beginning in the 1980s, the fourth stage of the environmental movement; distinguished by the diversity of its members and belief in citizen participation in environmental decision making · Green New Deal - an ambitious proposal to transform the economy and tackle two brig problems at once: social inequality and climate change · Reduce greenhouse gases and shift from a reliance on nonrenewable energy sources to the use of renewable ones while also creating public works projects in the new green economy and employing workers from underserved communities

Malthusian Theorem

§ came up with Malthusian theorem in his book called An Essay on the Principle of Population · Malthusian Theorem - the theory that exponential growth in population will outpace arithmetic growth in food production and other resources o People would eventually far outnumber the available land and food sources o 2 simple principle: population growth is exponential or geometric and production is additive or arithmetic o Advocated for state assistance for lower class · Malthusian Trap - society was headed for disaster o To avoid this he suggested that humans should limit their reproduction to save themselves and preserve their environment, "moral restraint" in sexual reproduction to curtail overpopulation, and human beings were unable to restraint themselves then nature would exert "positive checks" on population growth through disease, war, and famine

Edge Cities

§ centers of employment and commerce that began as suburban commuter communities · Answer to problem of suburbanization

Social revolutions

§ periods of time during which large-scale social change took place so rapidly that the whole of human society was dramatically redefined · Agricultural revolution made it possible people to settle in one place, surplus food for future use, and sustain large populations with products of their farms, herds, and flocks · Industrial revolution altered the way people worked, produced, and consumed goods · Information revolution (still ongoing now) launched us into cyberspace thanks to digital technology and the Internet

Regressive vs progressive social movements

§ term describing resistance to particular social changes, efforts to maintain the status quo, or attempts to reestablish an earlier form of social order · Resist certain social change and want to keep things the same · Council of Conservative Citizen want to stop ethnic and religious integration of American society and create a homogeneous, all white society · The voluntary simplicity movement urges to downsize in all areas of their lives - consumption, time at work, hours in front of tv, etc. to go back to simpler approach to life will allow personal freedom and benefit society in the long run by conserving resources and reducing stress § Rural rebound was made in 1990s in which urban residents moved to nonmetropolitan areas in unprecedented number to represent a regressive back to basic movement · It occurred and still continues today at least in part of progressive o Progress- term describing efforts to promote forward-thinking social change

smart growth

§ term for economic and urban planning policies that emphasize responsible development and renewal · Town centers, transit- and pedestrian-friendly streets, a great mix of housing, commercial, and retail properties

living room scale

§ which lists items that we may find in someone's living room and attaches point value to them

Greenhouse effect

· - the process in which increased production of greenhouse gases, especially those arising from human activity (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane) causes changed to the earth's atmosphere

Fads and Fashion

· Fads - interests or practices followed enthusiastically for a relatively short period of time o Examples are products, clothing style, hair style, activities, gadgets, food, etc. § Americans doing the low-carb diet, paleo diet, no-white-food diet, etc. o Social networks spread enthusiasm and do not follow social norms which can create a unified identity for those who practice them · Fashion - the widespread custom or style of behavior and appearance at a particular time or in a particular place o Can mark as a certain group like school uniforms and military uniforms o Certain fashions can enjoy huge popularity for a time but it comes and goes and comes back again o Fashion trends can come from popular cities like NY, LA, etc. and even from famous people

Anti- Malthusians

· Julian Simon and William Peterson believe that Malthus reached faulty conclusions and that he couldn't have envisioned the many modern developments that would influence population dynamics · More concerned about population shrinking and the possibility of a demographic fall o US may soon face a similar dilemma as the birth rate falls below replacement levels · Don't anticipate a widespread free fall in population happening just yet

New Malthusians

· Willian Catton, and Paul and Ann Ehrlich, and Garrett Hardin all agree with Malthusian theory and believe that it is getting worse · Reproduction is expanding in the 21st century · People are living much longer due to technology advances · Religion plays a role in many societies, poorer areas more children means more financial support, some government promote the addition of new citizens who can become taxpayers or soldiers, and cultural influences

social dilemma

· a situation in which behavior that is rational for the individual can, when practiced by many people, lead to collective disasters o There is an accident in the right lane but u are in the left lane but there is a traffic jam; the issue is that people are stopping to look at the accident which is producing a traffic jam; rational decision (slow down only few seconds) causes collective disaster (traffic jam) o Two types of SD § Tragedy of the commons - a type of Sd in which individuals' overexploitation of a public resource depletes of degrade that common resource · Me vs them people start to buy a lot of animals for their land eventually there is overpopulation and not enough buyers § Public good dilemma - a type of SD in which individuals incur the cost to contribute to a collective resource, though they may never benefit from that resource · Blood banks - people donating blood regularly in order to keep supplies ready and anyone can receive or give blood but they don't expect anything in return

global warming

· gradual increase in the earth's temperature, driven recently by an increase in greenhouse gases and other human activity

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