Sociology 210

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The fact that the U.S. government has changed the Census categories for race every decade is a good example of how race and ethnicity are

socially constructed

When a neighborhood includes just a few poor families, those families can rely on friends and neighbors for support. Which of the following happened as a result of the deindustrialization of northern cities and the concentration of urban poverty (choose all that apply)?

Local churches lost members and financial support/Funding for schools declined

__________ in northern industrial cities meant that poverty was ________ in communities with a majority of Black residents when good-paying blue collar jobs were eliminated by corporations.

Residential segregation; concentrated

_______ identities and categories reflect perceptions about physical similarities that are assumed to be innate.


Rose is often told she "looks Latina," and in fact, her grandparents came to the United States from Mexico. This is an example of

racial Ethnicity

How would you characterize changes in women's labor force participation over the twentieth century?

steadily increased

When they were instituted in the early twentieth century, programs like Social Security and Aid to Dependent Children promoted marriage by

making women who were never married or who divorced ineligible.

What is the relationship between industrial change and Black family structure in the past 40 years?

manufacturing opportunities declined and marriage rates declined

During the 1960s and after, __________ increased the independence of middle class and more educated women, while __________ increased the independence of poor women.

market forces; state forces

Growing family diversity has come from which type of household becoming less common?

married couple

Under the ideology of separate spheres, what two things were separated?

men at work and women at home

To say that the shift to market work contributed to women's independence within their families as well as from their families is to say that

more women had less work to do within the home, and because they had their own income, they were freer to live outside of a marriage relationship.

From 1638 to the end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade in 1807, the marriages of enslaved Africans were not legally recognized and children were the property of the slave owner. In this context,

most slaves married and most children lived with both parents.

Contemporary American Indians who live on reservations or other tribal lands are often socially isolated and poor, social conditions that may contribute to higher (choose all that apply)

rates of suicide/rates of diabetes and alcoholism

When Irish immigrants arrived in the United States in large numbers in the mid-nineteenth century, they faced discrimination and poverty. By 1960, John F. Kennedy, an Irish American, was elected president. This is an example of assimilation, the process by which

the distinction between immigrants and mainstream society is gradually reduced

Jews share a common cultural identification that includes a combination of language, religion, ancestral origin, and/or traditional practices. According to your textbook, Jews are most accurately described as

an ethnic group

The baby boom refers to births in the United States in which years?


Sarah, a U. S. citizen, was working in Argentina when she met and married Marcos. When Sarah's job was transferred back to the United States, Marcos was able to immigrate because of the

1965 amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act

Across the country, how many unmarried Black women are there for every employed, unmarried Black man?


How much more likely is it that a Black man will be unemployed compared to a White man?

2 times

When did the U.S. Census begin identifying multiple-race identities?


Grandparents play a particularly prominent role in raising children in families of which racial/ethnic background?


Why do you think marriage rates tend to be so low among Black women?

Black women have fewer potential mates due to a number of social factors

Which racial/ethnic group do you think has the lowest marriage rates?


separate spheres

The cultural doctrine under which women were to work at home, to make it a sanctuary from the industrial world in which their husbands worked for pay.

Since the nineteenth century, what has happened to children?

They lost economic value and gained emotional value


Marriage and reproduction outside one's distinct group.

During what period did the baby boom occur in American history?



A family system in which each person has only one spouse.


A family system in which one person has more than one spouse, usually one man and multiple women.


A group of people believed to share common descent, based on perceived innate physical similarities.


A group of people with a common cultural identification, based on a combination of language, religion, ancestral origin, or traditional practices.


A legal doctrine that lasted until the late nineteenth century, under which wives were incorporated into their husbands' citizenship.

nuclear family

A married couple living with their own (usually biological) children and no extended family members.


A personal outlook that puts family obligations first, before individual well-being.

minority group

A racial or ethnic group that occupies a subordinate status in society

companionate marriage

A view of marriage as a companionship, a friendship, and a romance, rather than as a practical platform for cooperation and survival.

racial ethnicity

An ethnic group perceived to share physical characteristics.

companionship family

An ideal type of family characterized by the mutual affection, equality, and comradeship of its members.

Which major city has the greatest disparity between the number of employed, unmarried Black men and the number of unmarried Black women?


Christian traditions that included monogamous marriage and required a women to be faithful to her husband and a man to economically support his wife and children were written in secular laws that enforced "monogamous morality." Which of these are examples? Choose all that apply.

Diverse family arrangements, and not only the nuclear family, were recognized by the villagers.

Ernesto is a Cuban American living near Miami in South Florida. Which of the following statements about Ernesto is correct?

Ernesto's ethnicity is Cuban

In the chapter, the author describes how changes in family life are linked to four overarching historical changes. What is one other reason, in addition to declining fertility, why more women work in the labor force now than in the past?

Fewer functional tasks are completed at home, which moves women's work out of the household.

Sociologists have long been interested in family change. Looking back to prehistory, what conclusions can we draw about the stability of family arrangements?

Flexible and extended family living arrangements have only emerged in the past four decadesNOT CORRECT

Why is intermarriage the "litmus" test of racial and ethnic difference?

Its frequency allows the measurement of the integration of two groups


Marriage and reproduction within a distinct group.


Marriage between members of different racial or ethnic groups


Marriage between two people of the same sex.

Which of the following are reasons that race is socially constructed and not biologically given (choose all that apply)?

Racial categories vary from one culture to another/Racial categories have been fairly consistent over time.


The acquisition of a new culture and language.


The gradual reduction of ethnic distinction between immigrants and the mainstream society.

stem family

The household formed by one grown child remaining in the family home with his or her parents.

social distance

The level of acceptance that members of one group have toward members of another group


The mate selection process in which couples begin a relationship with supervised contact in public, then proceed to additional dates in the woman's home and then to marriage if the parents approve.


The mate selection process in which young adults spend time with a variety of partners before making a long-term commitment.

baby boom

The period of high birth rates in the United States between 1946 and 1964.

Since, the 1980s, what is the pattern of names given to baby girls?

There is increasing diversity, with the most common names becoming less prevalent

Figure 3.3 shows that ___________ are gradually declining as a proportion of the U.S. population, while ___________ are becoming a larger proportion.

Whites; Latinos

According to Chapter 2, what impact did women's entry into the labor market have on their home lives?

Women had the option to leave an unhappy marriage or cohabit with a partner without the security of a marriage contract.

What major social event immediately precipitated (came before) the baby boom?

World War II

In the twentieth century, has increasing labor force participation among women always been associated with decreasing fertility rates?

Yes; when more women work, fewer babies are born.NOT CORRECT

Which of the following demonstrates the increased likelihood that adults will spend more of their lives outside marriage than in the past?

a higher percentage of adults living with no relatives

James and Natasha identify as African American. Reflecting a dominant pattern for African Americans, they have children together and are not married. Sociologists might explain their family structure as reflecting

a response to economic challenges and lack of opportunity

According to the text, what had a significant impact on the emergence of the dating system in the early to mid-twentieth century?


The scholarly view that Black families are resilient and adaptive understands Black family structure as a

cause of persistent poverty...reaction

A falling fertility rate means that children have fewer siblings and that child-parent relationships have become more __________ over several generations.

emotionally close

Lin marries someone from inside his cultural group. Which term best applies to this situation?


In the animation video, the author mentions that Black men are much more likely to marry outside their race than are Black women. Marriage outside one's group is known as


Maria, a Latina immigrant, set aside her dreams of continuing her education in order to work to send money to her family in her country of origin. This is an example of the cultural trait of


According to Daniel Patrick Moynihan's 1965 report, what was the main cause of poverty for the Black population?

family structure

The presence of these appliances __________ the average number of hours per week that nonemployed women spent on household tasks.

had little effect on

Certain factors make men more or less "marriageable." Identify which factors make a man more "marriageable."

having a job/being college-educated/being young

The pattern of high educational achievement and intergenerational living by Asian Americans may be explained by cultural traditions, but also by

highly educated professional parents who provide models and opportunities for their children

Beth and Kathryn were married in Massachusetts. If we wish to distinguish the characteristics of different types of married couples, we could refer to this marriage between two people of the same gender as


In which of the following factors is the disparity between Black men and White men the greatest?

incarceration rate

Lisa has a White mother and a Black father, but when asked to self-identify her race, she chooses Black, not White or mixed. This reflects which of the following (choose all that apply)?

the history of the "one-drop" rule/ the fact that people tend to apply the same identities to themselves as others apply to them.... the social construction of race /the fact that people tend to apply the same identities to themselves as others apply to them....the history of the "one-drop" rule

Which of the following best explains the decline in marriage among African Americans in the last several decades?

the lack of suitable marriage partners available for women

Between the early 1900s and the 1990s, women's labor force participation


According to Cohen's book, family wage refers to the

wage necessary for a male earner to provide for his wife and children

The lower age of marriage in the 1950s and the growing economy pushed employers to change their policy of hiring

women only if they were single.

Today, there are 13 babies born for every 1,000 people in the United States. This compares to __________ babies for every 1,000 people in 1900.


How much more likely is it that a Black man will be incarcerated than a White man?

6 times

One important consequence of the disparity in marriage rates among African Americans compared to other racial/ethnic groups in the United States is that more Black children grow up with a single mother. Nationwide, 35.7 percent of children are born to a single mother compared to __________ among Black children.

67.8 percent

In Europe prior to the formation of the United States, what was the principal role of marriage?

a system of property and labor cooperation

Industrialization and the ideology of separate spheres __________ economic equality between husbands and wives, and __________ advantage grew.

decreased; husbands'

The loss of manufacturing jobs in Northern cities contributed to high rates of urban poverty in Black neighborhoods, leading to a breakdown of support systems. What is the term used to describe this shift from an economy based on manufacturing to one based on service and other forms of labor?


What contributed to the Black "retreat from marriage"?


In colonial America, Christian doctrine supported the legal concept of coverture, and wives

did not have a legal existence, but were incorporated into their husband's citizenship.

José and Maria came to the United States from Mexico with their parents. They quickly learned English, but their parents struggle and also want to continue to speak Spanish at home in order to maintain their culture. This is an example of

dissonant acculturation

We can argue that elevating marriage to the status of a true love relationship, instead of a relationship based on tradition and economic necessity, might contribute to a(n) __________ acceptance of divorce.


Does poverty increase, decrease, or have no effect on individuals' likelihood of getting married?


What contributed to the decline of courtship in the process of mate selection?

increasing freedom for young adults

According to the textbook, the decline of the name Mary in the United States represents the rising trend of what attitude?


Consider the types of relationships you have with people of different racial and ethnic groups (neighbor, work colleague, close friend, spouse or partner). Sociologists use these relationships (and people's attitudes toward them) to measure

social distance.

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