Sociology exam #2 content

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William Julius Wilson

turned the focus from welfare to factors such as deindustrialization, globalization, suburbanization, and discrimination as causes of urban poverty

Susan Mayer

wrote that she found very little evidence to support the widely held belief that parental income has a significant effect on children's outcomes

Biomedical Culture

Medical professions hold a lot of power now, but wasn't always like this. IN ancient Rome, medicine was a low level occupation due to technology and knowledge advancements

Oscar Lewis studied who


Third gender according to Navajo Tribes?



Overlapping of social categories such as race, class, gender as they apply to a given individual or group. Creates interdependent systems of discrimination/disadvantage

Tristan Bridges and C.J Pascoe

"Hybrid masculinities" young white men may try to distance themselves from hegemonic masculinity

Herbert Spencer

"Survival of the fittest"; Social Darwinism between societies and cultures -> nature to dominate inferior races

Kristen Barber

"The Well-Coiffed Man" -> metrosexual male who is typically white and wealthy and spends a large amount on grooming activities


"well born"; a pseudoscience that postulates that controlling the fertility of populations could influence inheritable traits passed on from generation to generation

CVS minute clinics

-remote locations where you get to see a practitioner -less expensive than the emergency room -less expensive way to be seen for both those with and without health care

Oscar Lewis: Culture of Poverty

-Worried about poverty and crime from folks from South -1914-1970: Five Families -Easy to think certain people are culturally predisposed to crime. "That's first, how they grew up" -Close connection between race and class in US -Why do some families escape poverty, while others stay in it? -Culture of poverty that all people share → outlook -Poverty perpetuating value system -Exists across different cultures (Mexico, US) 70 characteristics -Disinterest in future and related lack of investment (not caring about college) -Favor immediate gratification over delayed gratification (obesity) -Disconnection from other poor communities -Resignation and fatalism- Do not feel like they can change -Female headed households

Barbara Reskin and Patricia Roos argue that changes in a job's _______, pay, and ________ level lead to changes in the __________ composition.

-autonomy -skill -gender

Comte de Buffon

-ethnocentrism -anyone different from Europeans es a deviation from the norm

African Americans

2nd largest minority group


A federal and state assistance program that pays for health care services for people who cannot afford them.


A female movement for gender equality.


A form of social organization in which males dominate females


A group of human beings distinguished by physical traits, blood types, genetic code patterns or genetically inherited characteristics.

homeopathic medicine

Administering doses of substances (remedies) that would produce manifestations of the disease state in a well person to ill clients to bring about healing -> "poison is medicine"


Affordable Care Act

Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique

An American feminist, activist and writer, best known for starting what is commonly known as the "Second Wave" of feminism through the writing of a book.

Don Kulick

An anthropologist who studied the lives of a group of transgendered prostitues in Brazil.

Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

An economic legislation that created many social programs to help provide funds for youth programs antipoverty measures, small-business loans, and job training; part of the Great Society.

Erving Goffman describes the masculine of mid-twentieth-century America as a young man who is

Married, white, urban, northern, heterosexual, protestant...


Children's Health Insurance Program

Patricia Hill Collins claims

Claims gender intersects with race, class, nationality, religion, and so for the


Clifford Geertz's term to explain the strength of ethnic ties because they are fixed in deeply felt or primordial ties to one's homeland culture

Eduardo Bonilla-Silva

Color blind racism > racism without color. "I'm not racist but"

Anthony Marx

Concern over segregation grew during World War II as Amelia was caught in the embrassing contradiction of espousing anti racist rhetoric against its Nazi foes while upholding a racist doctrine at home

Herrstein and Murray

Determined parents having good genes make for good parenting -> IQ

Kevin Lewis

Determined people more open to interracial interactions than we might think

Lisa Wade- "American Hookup"

Determined there are not "so many" hook-ups


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Matthew Desmond, the author of Evicted, reported that millions of families are evicted from their homes each year. According to Desmond's findings, identify the factors that contributed to this high rate of eviction.

Factor(s) landlords force out tenants they don't want the high cost of housing


Formation of a new racial identity by drawing ideological boundaries of difference around a formerly unnoticed group of people

Micheal Kimmel credited for what?

Hegemonic masculinity

Serena Nanda and Gayatri Reddy studied what

Hijra a group in India

Economist Heidi Hartmann and Legal Theorist Catharine MacKinnion determined:

How capitalism combines with patriarchy to make women economically dependent on a man's income

Asian Americans

In the 1980s, this group became the fastest growing minority population.

Symbolic enthnicity:

Is largely a matter of choice on how you want to identify your nationality

Christina Hoff Sommers

Manne has also imbibed the lessons of intersectionality: "Patriarchy and hence misogyny in the United States cannot be understood apart from white supremacy. Neither can misogyny be understood in isolation from anti-trans bigotry." So would that mean that we could not understand misogyny in the United States ten or fifteen years ago, when few people knew about transgender identity?

Robert Merton on prejudice

Prejudice + discrimination = an active bigot

Moving to Opportunity (MTO)

Randomized social experiment Includes 4,600 low-income families with children living in high poverty public housing projects Key findings: 1. Improved housing satisfaction - adults felt safer and more satisfied with new housing arrangements 2. Improved adults' mental and physical health 3. Had no effect on labor market outcomes 4. Had negative effects on male youth risky behavior

straight-line assimilation

Robert Park's 1920s universal and linear model for how immigrants assimilate: they first arrive, then settle in, and achieve full assimilation in a newly homogenous country

Social Darwinism

The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion. -> positive selection of mutations

Hegmonic masculinity

The condition in which men are dominant and privileged and this dominate and privilege is invisible

Oyrwumi The Invention of Women

The woman question is a product of uniquely western thought and can't be applied to African societies

One-sex way of thinking

There is only one body (a male body) and female body was regarded as its inversion

Gayle Rubin

Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality

Transgender vs. Cisgender

Transgender - people whose gender does not correspond to their birth sex Cisgender - people whose gender corresponds to their birth sex

PRWORA (Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act)

Welfare program running individually in each state that a person can receive aid, and other components

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act

When a patient presents to an emergency department, they must be treated

Peggy McIntosh, "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack"

White people have an "invisible knapsack of privileges."


a demeaning historical term for interracial marriage

Native Americans

a member of any of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

parenting stress hypothesis

a paradigm in which low income, unstable employment, a lack of cultural resources, and a feeling of inferiority from social class comparisons exacerbate household stress levels; this stress, in turn, leads to detrimental parenting practices such as yelling and hitting, which are not conducive to healthy child development

negative income tax

a proposed type of tax that would make cash payments to certain groups below the poverty line

Nancy Chodorow

a psychoanalytic feminist. Chodorow feels the domestic ideal caused oppression in women. -> due to parents unequal involvement in child rearing


a social position; the set of social arrangements that are built around normative sex categories

sick role

a socially recognized set of rights and obligations linked with illness -> talcott parsons


a subordinate, oppressed group of people


an alternative gender role in India conceptualized as neither man nor woman

perverse incentives

an incentive that has an unintended and undesirable result which is contrary to the interests of the incentive makers -> welfare discourages work efforts

glass ceiling

an invisible limit on women's climb up the occupational ladder


arguments explaining social phenomena in terms of natural, biological, or evolutionary inevitabilities

David Grusky

asks whether people would opt out of the labor market if the United States had a very substantial safety net

Judith Lorber believes that gender is a social institution because it is:

c. a major structure organizing our day-to-day experiences.

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach

categorized skulls into five racial types. -> phrenology


desire, sexual preference, and sexual identity and behavior

Mario Luis Small

discusses culture of poverty thesis

Paula England

discusses her research on "hook-up" culture and romantic relationships among college students

Candace West and Don Zimmerman

doing gender

Aspen effect

forces families to move far away from their jobs in order to live in a good neighborhood


gender identification form -> individuals who trace their ancestry back to Latin America

Welcome to Ze College, Ze

gendered options, unisex colleges, roommates, sports, locker room policy


is the belief that your own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures.

Blue Cross/Blue Shield

is the oldest and largest system of privately sponsored insurance.

Naturalization laws

laws made by Congress that people from other countries must follow in order to become legal citizens of the United States

Scientific Racism

nineteenth-century theories of race that characterize a period of feverish investigation into the origins, explanations, and classifications of race


not masculine nor feminine

Ken Auletta and the Underclass

poor are dangerous and deviant (agrees with Banfield)


poverty line formula--estimates food costs

Prejudice vs. Discrimination

prejudice is a negative attitude, discrimination is a negative behavior


prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

diagnostic psychiatry

seeks to identify symptoms of specific underlying diseases

Milton Gordon

seven stages of assimilation: cultural, structural, marital, identificational, attitude receptional, behavior receptional, civic assimilation

Cynthia Fuchs Epstein

sociologist who stresses that differences between the behavior of males and females are solely the result of social factors-specifically, socialization and social control. -> deceptive distinctions

Carol Stack

studied poor, black community called "The Flats," poor people coped by forming kinships and fictive kinship -> carrying was a valued responsibility for both men and women

Talcott Parsons and sex role theory

suggests that the nuclear family is the ideal arrangement in modern societies because it fulfills the function of reproducing workers

sexual harassment

the abuse of one's position of authority to force unwanted sexual demands on someone

glass escalator

the accelerated promotion of men to the top of a work organization, especially in feminized jobs


the belief that heterosexuality is and should be the norm


the belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits

Matrix of Domination (Collins)

the interlocking systems of oppression associated with race, class, and genders


the movement to protect and preserve indigenous land or culture from the allegedly dangerous and polluting effects of new immigrants


the perceived biological differences that society typically uses to distinguish males from females

Doing gender

the performance of tasks based upon the gender assigned to us by society and, in turn, ourselves


the presence and engaged coexistence of numerous distinct groups in one society


the process by which problems or issues not traditionally seen as medical come to be framed as such

sex-gender system

the stratification system that assigns women's and men's roles unequally


the study of environmental influences on gene expression that occur without a DNA change

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