sociology exam

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a young shopper goes to the mall looking for "cool" clothes. what would a symbolic interactionist say about this situation?

- "coolness" is a construction rather than an objective fact


- "teenagers are more susceptible to internet advertising than young adults."

place each study of deviance in order, from first to last

- David Matza called for social scientists to understand deviant phenomena in a perspective he called "naturalism" - Alexander Liazos suggested that the sociology of deviance mostly focuses on "nuts and sluts" - Jack Katz noted that many studies of deviance focus on background rather than foreground factors - Leila Rupp and Verta Tayler spent three years studying drag queens

who coined the phrase "value-free sociology"?

- Max Weber

What, in broad terms, is the definition of deviance?

- a behavior, trait, belief, or other characteristic that violates a norm and causes a negative reaction

a primary group

- a group of close friends and family members who get together to watch saturday night live on television each week

Primary group

- a married couple - a close-knit group of adult friends who have been together since middle school

examples of socialization

- a parent teaches a child not to burp at the dinner table - a child shows a parent how to check email using a smartphone - someone acts visibly uncomfortable when a coworker tells a sexist joke


- a position in a social hierarchy that carries a particular set of expectations

secondary group

- a professional football team - a tailoring shop that makes bespoke (fully custom) suits for men

expressions given off

- a raise of an eyebrow - a shrug of the shoulders - thumbs up

which of the following are examples of the experimental method?

- a researcher deliberately drops a wallet in a public place and observes the reactions of passersby - a researcher compares the attitudes of two focus groups after each group watches a corporate training video. one video has sexist content and the other does not


- accept institutionalized means - accept cultural goals


- accept institutionalized means - reject cultural goals


- accepts society's approved goals but rejects the means to achieve those goals

Structural functionalism

- affiliation groups like fraternities help create social cohesion in the context of a larger, possibly alienating, university system by bringing young men with shared values together


- age

someone who believes that humans do not have much free will and are deeply constrained by the social circumstances and system they are born into is not a big believer in which sociological concept?

- agency

technical competence

- all members are expressly trained and qualified for their specific roles within the organization


- all members of a bureaucracy are assigned specific roles and tasks

a category

- all of the people watching Saturday Night Live on television last saturday

true statements about social media sites according to the statistics in the textbook

- almost 70% of all adults use a social networking site - every month, 1.1 billion people use instagram

True statements about social media engagement and our social connections

- americans are no more or less lonely or detached from one another than they have ever been - users of social media are more connected than nonusers

Robert Putnam

- americans have drastically reduced their levels of civic engagement over time

what is an example of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

- an indigenous people have no equivalent words for planet, earth or world. they do not view a macro picture of multiple planets

structural strain theory

- an individuals position in society determines whether she has the means to achieve goals or much otherwise turn to deviance - "a students attitude about plagiarizing depends on whether she has the means to write the paper"

Howard Becker

- applied labeling theory to the question of how deviance begins

Erving Goffman

- applied social interactionist theory to the dynamics of stigma


- at the age of 12 months, both boys and girls prefer dolls over cars - facing a competitive challenge causes testosterone levels to rise

a sociologist wants to study a global community of online gamers who all play the same multiplayer game. identify the activities that could realistically be part of the research

- becoming a player and observing interactions in real time - analyzing player statistics, such as time played and level achieved


- breast augmentation


- bureaucracies always feature the supervision of subordinates by higher-ranking managers and bosses

Property crime

- burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, arson - crimes that did not involve violence


- butt augmentation

Jen's soccer league is quite large. it includes 12 teams, and each team has approximately 15 members. Jen is very popular and has the most ties with individuals throughout the league. which social network concept best describes jen's situation?

- certrality


- children learn that arts of impression management and may present a different self to their parents than to other children or to teachers


- classy - laid back

A sociologist want to study how educational credential requirements for employment have changed in the last fifty years in the US, Sweden and Germany by using newspaper classified ads. What research concept best describes this study?

- comparative historical

Which of the following areas may present ethical concerns for individuals conducting social science research?

- confidentiality and deception

religion serves to control the masses by creating rules for behavior; sanctions against violators may not be equally or fairly applied. Culture wars reflect tensions among groups over which values and norms will dominate

- conflict theory

Hate crime

- crime that deliberately targets victims because of their demographic characteristics

White collar crime

- crime that does not involve force - crime that is policed and typically punished less strenuously than other types of crime

identify the true statements about culture

- culture includes both symbolic and material elements - culture acts as a lens through which individuals view the world - culture is handed down from generation to generation

the controversy surrounding Colin Kaepernick's choice to kneel during the national anthem in protest of racial oppression and inequality is an example of what?

- culture wars

a postmodernist writes an essay arguing that the "factual" history of the Native American tribe in a textbook is no more accurate than a collection of short oral stories about the tribe. The postmodernist is engaging in what type of critical analysis?

- deconstruction

control theory

- definitions and rules of deviance are applied unequally based on power - "students with fewer resources are punished more harshly and have fewer options afterward; students with more money or connections can either transfer to another school or rely on parents for help

conflict theory

- definitions and rules of deviance are applied unequally based on power - "students with fewer resources are punished more harshly and have fewer options afterward; students with more money or connections can either transfer to another school or rely on parents for help

Robert Merton

- developed strain theory as a functionalist account of social deviance

Structural funcationalism

- deviance clarifies moral boundaries and promotes social cohesion - "punishing those who plagiarize separated those who should be in college from those who arent responsible enough"

labeling theory

- deviance is determined by the reactions of others; applying deviant labels to an individual may lead them to future deviance - "a student who is caught plagiarizing may come to believe she is unable to write without cheating"

differential association theory

- deviance is learned through interactions with others who break rules - "students learn to cheat because they hang out with other students who plagarize"

formal written communication

- documents such as memos (or emails) are the heart of the organization and the most effective way to communicate


- ed has the opportunity to cheat on his wife but chooses not to because he knows it will hurt her and possibly destroy their marriage

thinkers who are prominent figures in functionalist tradition

- emile durkheim - talcott parsons - robert merton

role strain

- experienced when there are contradictory expectations within one role

role conflict

- experienced when we occupy two or more roles with contradictory expectations

T or F although american culture is highly visible worldwide via the media, the moral and political values of the country are not highly visible

- false

T or F: someone who admits that he has a problem, such as alcoholism, but wants to shake the stigma associated with it and change his life for the better, is experiencing tertiary deviance

- false


- feature the filtered version of who you are and how you want to be seem - viewable to close friends, acquaintances, and even people the user has never met

examples of existing sources research

- finding newspaper stories about community leaders - using data collected during the administration of the SAT

which of the following are examples of existing sources research?

- finding newspaper stories about community leaders - using data collected during the administration of the SAT

Herbert Blumer

- gave Mead's theory the name it now goes by: symbolic interactionism - played football while he was a graduate and a professor - appealed for researchers to get "down and dirty" with the dynamics of social life


- gives up on achieving society's approved goals but accepts the means to achieve those goals

Emile Durkheim

- group membership prevents a state of normlessness

classical sociology scientists

- harriet martineau - herbert spencer


- high levels of testosterone contribute to stereotypically masculine traits such as aggressiveness and competitiveness - by adulthood, the IQs of adopted siblings are no more similar to one another than to those of strangers

examples of postmodernism in popular culture

- hiphop - the grey album by DJ Danger Mouse, which using tracks from the Beatles' White Album and Jay-Z's Black Album

which of the following elements could be considered culture?

- historical artifacts - films - style of dress


- how does a family conversation escalate into a shouting match? - how do two drivers decide who goes first at a four-way stop? - what types of language and gestures do students use when interacting with teachers? - how does giving children different types of toys to play with affect their performance of gender roles?

aspects of group dynamics

- how groups achieve goals - how groups disintegrate - how groups change - how groups form

what cultural concept correctly classifies the idea of equality in the US?

- ideal culture


- in a bureaucracy, rules come before people; no individual receives special treatment

conflict theory

- in group and out group dynamics can contribute to stereotyping and conflict as fraternity brothers develop an "us vs. them" perspective regarding other frats and non-greeks

The National Association of Advance Fat Acceptable (NAAFA) is an example of what stigma-relate concept

- in group orientation

A citizen group sends letters to the governor of a southern state and asks her to reconsider stopping the execution of a man on death row convicted of murdering a police officer. the governor declines, stating that the purpose of the criminal justice system is to remove this convicted murderer from society so that everyone else can be protected. what type of justification for punishment is used by the governor?

- incapacitation

the Suri

- inserting plates to enlarge the lower lip

An employee at the local Department of Motor Vehicles puts in an eight-hour shift and then goes to a local bar and grill to celebrate a co-worker's birthday. What aspect of bureaucracy does this situation highlight?

- interpersonal interactions help humanize bureaucracies

A sociologist thinks he has discovered a very unique finding. His data show a correlation between children's shoe sizes and their reading test scores. He thinks that children with bigger feet must be smarter. When he tells a colleague about this finding, the colleague suggests that both shoe size and reading test score are correlated with a child's age. in this case, what is the correct classification for the child's age?

- intervening variable Feedback: an intervening variable is a third variable that explains a relationship between two other variables, in this case, shoe size and reading test score

what is one of the main points of Horace Miner's article "Body Ritual among the Nacirema"?

- it is east to take one's own culture for granted


- like sociology, this discipline compares the past and present in order to understand both


- like sociology, this discipline considers the relationship of people to places


- likely include inside jokes and unflattering selfies - may represent a more genuine depiction of your true self


- mark eats a a whole pink of chocolate double fudge ice cream because he wants it

Which of the following does your textbook suggest to be the most common of all non-academic uses of sociological methods?

- market research

which of the following does your textbook suggest to be the most common of all non-academic uses of sociological methods?

- market research

what provides an arena for playing out culture wars?

- media

Violent crime

- murder, rape, aggravated assault, robbery - crimes in which violence is either the objective or the means to an end

examples of dominant culture in the US

- music played on most radio stations

the Padaung

- neck stretching

false statements about social media engagement and our social connections

- no quantitative research has been conducted to examine how social media engagement influences social connections - facebook users have fewer close relationships and higher levels of social support than users of other social media and nonusers

identify each statement as value, norm or neither - race based job discrimination is illegal - all people should have the chance to advance by "pulling themselves up by their bootstraps" - families in the working class are likely to have health insurance than those in the middle class

- norm - value - neither

Emile Durkheim

- offered a functionalist theory of deviance

identify the true statements about interet-based surveys

- one disadvantage of online surveys is representativeness - one advantage of online surveys is cost

what captures a major point Sherry Turkle makes about communication in her latest book, Reclaiming Conversation

- online communication reduces our ability to conduct meaningful face-to-face communication

looking-glass self

- parents and significant others serve as a reflection to children, who develop a sense of self based on their appraisals, real or imagined


- parents instill a conscience (superego) in children through rules that govern their instinctual behavior (id) until children mature and are self-governing (ego)

Examples of social control

- parents often reminding their young children not to pick their noses - compulsory schooling laws for high-school aged students

elements associated with Emile Durkheim's funcationalist theoretical perspective

- positivist sociology - social bonds in society

C. Wright Mills was critical of social science and worked to connect the academic side of sociology to more tangible social debates of the time. Mills was convinced that sociology had something to offer everyone, not just academics

- public intellectual

A sociologist is worried that her presence is affecting interactions between the people he is studying. identify the concepts from research methodology she would first review and then strive to practice during her study

- reactivity - reflexivity


- reject institutionalized means - accept cultural goals


- renounces society's approved goals and means entirely and instead works toward his or her own goals using new means


- renounces society's approved goals and means entirely and lives outside the conventional norms altogether

A sociologist begins participant observation of a group of community college students in the hopes that she can learn more about how young people form new relationships. This group of students is diverse in terms of race, gender and age. When the sociologist is asked to teach an ethnography class, she hangs out with the students and teaches them more about ethnography in a small group setting. She quickly begins to see many of the group members as her friends, and participants in social events with them. Identify the concepts from research methodology that might be problematic for this study

- replicability - representativeness - reflexivity incorrect: - bias

the story of Sister Pauline Quinn and the prisoners who train dogs is an example of which of the following sociological concepts?

- resocialization - total institutions - achieved status

a simple random sample is also which of the following?

- sample - probability sample

expressions given

- saying "good job" to a teammate

most important major agents of socialization to adolescents now than they were in the late 1800s

- schools - peers - the mass media

predominant agents of socializatoin

- schools - the media - peers - the family

In labeling theory, what is the difference between primary deviance and secondary deviance?

- secondary deviance is an eventual effect of primary deviance, which is the initial deviant behavior

relative to american culture today, what could be considered a subculture

- skateboarders - crossfit (group exercise) participants


- snobbish - lazy

Jeff Bezos, founder of amazon, has a rule that if a team cannot be fed by 2 pizzas, the team is too large. the "two pizza" rule exemplifies the concept of

- social loafing

identify the advantages of social network analysis

- social network analysis contributes to the production of "big data". Big data is extremely useful to both corporations and social scientists - social network analysis is very useful for a variety of researchers

fill in blank

- social network analysis is a tool for measuring and visualizing the structure of social relationships between (two) or more people

Sherry Turkle

- societies value technology over relationships

fill in blank

- sociobiology is a branch of science that uses biology and evolution to explain (social behavior). The basic nature vs. nurture debate has been tweaked by sociolbiologist who suggest that genes and environment (interact) to influence behavior. The latest work in this area suggests that (social and environmental context) can significantly alter the way a gene expresses itself.

what, according to C. Wright Mills, is the function of the sociological imagination?

- sociological imagination enables us to connect our personal experience with the larger force of history

true statements about how sociologists study culture

- sociologists often focus on culture within their own society - sociologists may engage in the process of "othering" by studying the unusual, extraordinary or deviant in cultural groups

religion is an important social institution that functions as the basis for the morals and ethics that followers enbrace and that are applied to both society and the individual, thus promoting social order

- structural functionalism

Match the theoretical perspective to its approach to culture - values and norms are widely shared and agreed upon; they contribute to social stability bu reinforcing common bonds and constraining individual behavior - values and norms are often contested by various groups in society. dominant culture tends to represent and protect the values, norms, and interests of the most powerful groups in society - values and norms are social constructions that may vary over time and in different contexts; meaning is created, maintained and changed through ongoing social interaction

- structural functionalism - conflict theory - symbolic interaction

advantages of survey research

- survey research is usually quick and economical - survey research is less concerned with interviewer or observer bias

Religion consists of beliefs and rituals that are part of the interaction among followers. reciting the Lord's Prayer, bowing towards Mecca, the keeping a kosher home are meaningful displays of different religious values and norms. leaders may pla ya role in creating social change

- symbolic interactionism

what is the definition of sociology?

- systemic or scientific study of human society and social behavior

expressive leadership

- the CEO of starbucks considers requiring all stores to being opening at 4:30am but after considering the undue stress it may add to employees, decided not to implement the change

Identify the red flags that hundreds of researchers noted about the 2012 New Family Structures Survey (NFSS) conducted by sociologist Mark Regnerus

- the article was reviewed by unqualified reviewers with obvious ties to the author - the researchers grouped all types of same-sex relations together - both long - term partnerships and brief or one-time affairs - the research was funded by conservative and religious foundations - the researchers used analytic categories that did not distinguish between family structure and stability

an aggregate

- the audience at a taping of saturday night live

scientific knowledge examples

- the average education level of individuals whose parents graduated from college - how much water you need to intake on a daily basis to survive - how does a traffic light help to regulate traffic? - what classes are most likely to provide me with the knowledge that employers are looking for?

a secondary group

- the cast members of saturday night live

based on scientific evidence about social isolation about lack of socialization, which of the following are likely outcomes for a child who is deprived of contact with agents of socialization?

- the child will be unable to relate to other humans - the child will not learn how to communicate through language with other

symbolic interactionism

- the definition of deviance is relative and depends on the culture, time, period, and situation - "plagarism may be labeled as deviant in US courses but not in Russia or India courses"

Fill in blank

- the difference between role strain and role conflict is that role strain is about the competing demands imposed by (a single status), while role conflict is about competing demands imposed by (different statuses). A worker struggling to decide what task to get done first is experiencing role (stain). A working having to leave work early to care for a sick child is experiencing role (conflict).

what are examples for cultural leveling?

- the existance of walmart, starbucks, mcdonalds and other chain stores in the vast majority of american towns - the worldwide dominance of american music, movies, and other media in many countries throughout europe and asia

a sociologist wants to study radical discrimination in hiring, and decides to either distribute a survey asking employers about their hiring methods, or conduct a experiment that involves sending fake resumes to employers to see who gets an interview. Which method would best examine racial discrimination in hiring and why?

- the experiment because the researcher can isolate the effect of race by creating otherwise identical resumes

practical knowledge examples

- the locations of your favorite restaurants - the information needed to pay your bills online - how do i register for classes? - how do i cross the street safely?

What can modern ethical guidelines or codes of ethics adopted by professional associations for different academic disciplines trace their origins back to?

- the nuremberg code

symbolic interactionism

- the pressure to conform to group culture (as in the cases of peer pressure and groupthink) can lead individuals to do things they might never do alone, and can have negative consequences, as in the case of frats hazing and binge drinking. it can also lead to positive actions, such as when frat members volunteer or raise money for charity


- the process through which individuals fit into a society and internalize its values, beliefs, and norms, and learn to function as its members

important elements in Weberian theory

- the role of the protestant religion in transforming European economies - verstehen


- the set of behaviors expected of someone because of his or her status

rules and regulations

- these are meant to make all operations as predictable as possible

what are the two basic goals of social scientists when conducting experiements?

- to attempt to control for all possible variables except the one under investigation - to develop precise tools with which to observe, record, and measure their data

operational definition

- total number of advertisements clicked on by an individual each day

Erving Goffman suggests there are 3 main types of stigma: physical, moral, and _____

- tribal

T or F culture is the human equivalent of instinct in animals

- true

T or F: any physical object that has social meaning can be considered a part of material culture

- true

the increased use of facebook, twitter, and other social media by terrorist organizations in other countries to recruit new members is an example of cultural diffusion for which reason?

- twitter and facebook were originally product of the western world that have been adopted by people in other countries

original principles of conflict theory

- understanding the role of conflict at all scales of investigation from the family to the nation - understanding how conflict is essential for social change


- unlike sociology, this discipline generally focuses on traditional or small, indigenous cultures


- unlike sociology, this discipline specializes in internal states of mind

Which statements correctly describe "the strength of weak ties"?

- weak ties provide benefits that strong ties do not - weak ties provide access to valuable information

Peter Stearns (2004) consulted various existing sources of his book Anxious Parents: A History of Modern Childrearing in American. What did he find?

- while children were once viewed and self-sufficient mini adults, beginning in the late 1800s, children were seen as particularly vulnerable

online interactions

- while we may have lots of connections, we experience less depth in our relationships with them - adults use social media - grownups tweet and post to expand their social circles and spread the word about their accomplishments - teens use these kinds of social spaces as gateways from the pressures of parents, teachers, and other adults - these kinds of interactions allow us to contain and reduce risks - not ricks to life and limb, necessarily, but not risk to self


- why do some immigrant groups assimilate faster than others? - why does the officer-enlisted relationship differ between a country's army and its navy? - how do the organization of education system around the world affect the percentage of individuals who go to college? - what types of religious organizations are more effective at lobbying political entities for support?

instrumental leadership

- your boss does not care that forcing employees to work through the weekend may hurt morale. The project must be done by monday - the CEO of McDonald's knows that laying off 500 workers will bring discord among other employees but knows they much do so to meet quarterly goals


-reject institutionalized means - reject cultural goals

places the steps in sequential order according to a research conducting ethnographic research

1) access 2) rapport 3) field notes 4) analysis

scientific method

1) identify question 2) conduct literature review 3) form hypothesis 4) create research method 5) collect data 6) analyze data 7) disseminate findings

which social theorist introduced the idea of the sociological imagination?

C. Wright Mills

Socialization is a twofold process occurring at both the social and individual levels that accomplishes two main goals. First, it teaches members the skills necessary to satisfy basic human needs and to defend themselves against danger, thus ensuring that society itself will continue to exist. Second, socialization teaches individuals the norms, values, and beliefs associated with their culture and provides ways to ensure that members adhere to their shared way of life. Identify the scenarios as accomplishing either the first or second goal of socialization.

First goal of socialization: schools teach students how to gain employment that will allow them to provide for themselves - parents teach children how to eat food Second goal of socialization: - schools teach students that gainful employment is something to be valued and respected - peers teach youth what type of clothing is stylish and desirable

Fill in the blank

Katie, Tara and Shanice are three african american women who just started college. the three of them make up an (triad). Katie and Tara often have friction in their friendship, so Shanice must referee between the two of them and adds (stability) in the group. these 3 friends are also members of a sorority and complete with a neighboring sorority over who throws the best parties. they see the neighboring sorority as an (out-group)

Fill in blank

The differences between a group and a (crowd) is whether the members identify with one another and whether interaction is temporary or permanent. A primary group consists of people such as (family members), whereas a secondary group might consist of people such as (students taking this course)

T or F: the location, time period, and family into which individuals are born affect their set of meanings about how the world works


The Macro-Micro Continuum

bottom to top - self --> interaction --> socialization --> roles --> groups --> social inequality --> social institutions --> culture --> society

A sociologist wants to examine how black men have been portrayed in television shows in the past year. which type of study is most appropriate to examine this research topic and compare the portrayal of black men across different television shows?

content analysis

Fill in blank

cultural (diffusion) usually occurs in the direction from more-developed to less-developed nations, while cultural (leveling) occurs when cultures that were once distinct become increasingly similar to one another. A third type of cultural change is cultural (imperialism), or the imposition of one culture's beliefs and practices on another culture through (media and consumer productS) rather than by (military force)

Fill in blank

cultural (diffusion) usually occurs in the direction from more-developed to less-developed nations, while cultural (leveling) occurs when cultures that were once distinct become increasingly similar to one another. a third type of cultural change is cultural (imperialism), or the imposition of one culture's beliefs and practices on another culture through (media and consumer products) rather than by (military force)

a sociologist conducts an experiment to see how watching a documentary on young men in gay relationships affects towards gay marriage. both men and women are given a survey, but only those in the experimental group watch the video before answering the survey questions

dependent variables: - attitudes towards gay marriage independent variables: - exposure to a video on young men in relationships - gay relationships - answering a survey - sex/gender

identify the disadvantages of existing sources research

disadvantages: - existing sources research can describe the messages inherent in the media, but not illuminate how such messages are interpreted. - existing sources research does not allow researchers to answer all questions not disadvantages: - existing sources research may have low validity because respondents are dishonest

What are the distinguishing features of a symbolic interactions theory of social deviance?

distinguishing features - a focus on individual psychology rather than on the social dynamics of large populations - a recognition of the impact of assigning labels to behaviors and to people non distinguishing features - a search for the functional importance of a person's behavior in relation to the rest of the social group

what is the order of the child development process in chronological order, according to George Herbert Mead's theory of the development of the social self

early: preparatory stage middle: play game later: game stage

T or F: the term "deviant" refers to a moral, not a social judgement


microsociology is like a wide-angle lens perspective on society, whereas macrosociology is like a zoom lens perspective on society


Pablo comes from a low-income family, but worked hard in school and earned a full scholarship to Standford University. Pablo is worried that his peers and professors will recognize his background and treat him differently, so he wears new clothes and attempts to hide his accent on the first day of classes. when pablo goes home for the weekend, he leaves his new clothes behind in his dorm and does not mask his accent. what sociological concept best explains Pablo's behavior and interactions with others?

impression management

Melissa is a student studying biology at the university of michigan. she grew up in michigan, in a nearby town. identify each person as being a member of an in-group or out-group for melissa

in-group - a current community college student with whom Melissa went to high school - a history major at the university of michigan - her sister who is a student at michigan state Out-group - an ohio state student who went to Melissa's rival high school in michigan


justine wants to copy her roommate's homework but is afraid her roommate will catch her

Fill in blanks

power is the ability to (control) the actions of others and if legitimated, provides (authority). power can be (coercive) when it is backed by the threat of force, or (influential) when it is supported by persuasion

In the context of Charles Horton Cooley's theory of groups, classify each attribute as belonging to either primary or secondary groups

primary - end themselves - enduring membership secondary - instrumental in purpose - impersonal - contingent membership

Identify each research method as either qualitative or quantitative

qualitative: - an observer takes notes on nonverbal behavior of members of focus group for car commercials. - each person at a gathering of academics is invited to talk about his or her political views quantitative: - the number of people in a large gathering is recorded - each person in a sample group is recorded as being either a united states citizen or a citizen of another country

a psychology experiment (Rosenhan 1973) applied labeling theory to the diagnosis of schizophrenia in a psychiatric setting. what were the results?

results: - an initial diagnosis of schizophrenia tend to color the medical staff's interpretation of patients' later behaviors - patients initially diagnosed with schizophrenia were kept under observation for several weeks, despite behaving normally all that time not results: - after an initial diagnosis of schizophrenia, a change in behavior led to patients shedding the deviant tag - patients diagnosed with schizophrenia tend to be treated with suspicion and hostility by both medical staff and other patients

social media has the potential to increase the number of points of view we are exposed to and socialize us in ways never conceived of before. Someone who has been influenced and "pieced together" through whatever sources available, is an example of which sociological concept?

saturated self

research shows that, overall, men are more talkative than women, altogether there is significant variation by context. The evidence suggests that conversational differences are influenced more by social rather than biological forces


fill in blank

while (basic research) is most closely associated with value-free sociology, pre-existing values are not the only reason a sociologist might be biased. the notion of (objectivity) can be skewed by the direction and focus of prior research. additionally, the concept of (reactivity) suggests that researchers can also influence those who are being studied

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