Sociology Final (2)

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17.When people attend high school class reunions, they often compare their own personal and professional successes and failures to those of their former classmates. This means that classmates are a(n):

a. reference group

54.When a parent has to decide between being on time for work and helping his child with a homework assignment, he is experiencing:

a. role conflict.

8.What term did the sociologist George Ritzer use to describe the spread of rationalization and bureaucratic ways of operating into everyday life?

e. McDonaldization

49.Which of the following sources of socialization forms the foundation for all other socializing agents?

a. Family

15.According to Robert Putnam, what does the decline in bowling leagues indicate?

a. increasing anomie and a decline in collective bonds

4.Which of the following are characterized by long-term, intimate, face-to-face relationships?

a. primary groups

38.Socialization refers to the:

a. process by which people learn the norms, values, and beliefs of their culture.

2.How do sociologists distinguish a group from a crowd?

b. A crowd doesn't necessarily feel a shared identity.

55.How is a role different from a status?

b. A role involves behaviors.

39.Which of the following is true of socialization?

a. It never stops. b. The process is reciprocal: society shapes the individual and the individual shapes society. c. It changes over time and from place to place. d. It teaches the skills needed to stay alive.

52.Young army recruits arriving at boot camp are about to enter which of the following?

a. a total institution

22.Traditionally most of the sociological literature on deviance focuses on:

a. crime.

32.The parents of a deviant child often want to find some way to excuse their offspring's behavior, and it's common to hear them say, "He just fell in with a bad crowd." Which symbolic interactionist theory of deviance does this explanation most closely resemble?

a. differential association

10.The definition of what constitutes a group is being transformed as a result of new technology and the Information Revolution. Which of the following is evidence of this?

a. electronic communities b. chat rooms c. online interaction d. "virtual" relationships

37.Children raised without human interaction or with a minimum of human contact are called ____________ children.

a. feral

6.Which of the following is a characteristic of a bureaucracy?

a. formal organization b. a division of labor c. written rules

53.Which of the following is an example of an altered life circumstance that will require some degree of resocialization?

a. getting a divorce b. starting a family c. getting a new job d. retiring

47.Erving Goffman theorized social life as a kind of con game, in which each individual works to control the impressions that others have of her. What did Goffman call this process?

a. impression management

25.Many people, especially young women, worry about maintaining a tan. Sometimes, if they don't have the time to tan naturally, they go to a tanning salon or use chemicals to simulate a tan. In some cultures, this might seem bizarre, which can help us to realize that:

a. the line between beauty and deviance is fluid and changes across time and place.

5.Which of the following statements is NOT true about in-groups?

b. In-group membership is often temporary.

7.Which of the following is NOT true regarding the nature of bureaucracies?

b. They are organized in a way that breaks down hierarchies of management so that all members feel a sense of equality with one another.

3.Which of the following would NOT be considered an aggregate?

b. a primary group

27.Because laws represent the interests of those in power, crimes committed by the upper classes are typically treated more leniently than crimes committed by the lower classes. This argument is consistent with:

b. conflict theory.

1.Members of which of the following think of themselves as belonging together while also interacting with each other?

b. group

56.Many people are afraid of hitchhikers. Imagine that, to get a ride, a hitchhiker makes a suitcase out of a gasoline can, so that it looks like he's a stranded motorist, rather than a hitchhiker. A sociologist would say that he was working on:

b. impression management.

46.Susie isn't old enough to go to school yet, but she loves to play house. She has a toy stove and pretends to be a mother. Sometimes, when that gets boring, she goes outside, takes a garden hose, and pretends to be a firefighter. George Herbert Mead would say that she is:

b. in the play stage.

12.Expecting Rain is a website devoted to the life and work of Bob Dylan, and it includes a bulletin board where fans can have conversations with one another about their favorite albums. The website has rules prohibiting illegally copied materials and pornographic or provocative content. What are these rules called?

b. netiquette

51.As children get older, which agent of socialization tends to replace parents as their most intense and immediate influence?

b. peers

50.What sorts of things do students learn from the hidden curriculum?

b. punctuality, neatness, and discipline

42.Here is a quote from Freud, describing a part of the mind as he theorized it: It is the dark, inaccessible part of our personality, what little we know of it we have learnt from our study of the dream-work and of the construction of neurotic symptoms. . . . We all approach [it] with analogies: we call it a chaos, a cauldron full of seething excitations. Which part of the mind was he talking about?

b. the id

21.Which of the following would sociologists consider the best definition of deviance?

b. violations of social norms

23.Although branding is no longer used as a form of punishment in the United States, some subcultures have adopted it as a form of body art. This demonstrates that:

b. what is considered deviant changes over time.

43.Which one of the following is NOT an element of the looking-glass self?

c. We determine whether or not other people's evaluations of us are accurate.

34.What did Robert Merton call a prediction that came true only because the prediction was made?

c. a self-fulfilling prophecy

30.If you decided that you could never get into a good school and so could never get a good job, you might decide to sell crack cocaine instead as a way to make a living. According to Robert Merton, what sort of deviant would you be?

c. an innovator

31.In the 1960s Timothy Leary famously advised everyone to "turn on, tune in, and drop out," and, although he insisted that it meant more, most people assumed he was telling them to "get stoned and abandon all constructive activity." How would Robert Merton's structural strain theory classify someone who took this advice?

c. as a retreatist

18.The sense of solidarity, or team spirit, that an individual feels toward their group is called:

c. group cohesion.

16.What do sociologists call patterns of interaction between groups and individuals?

c. group dynamics

36.The nature vs. nurture debate helps us to understand:

c. the complex interaction between hereditary traits and social learning.

40.How does Chapter 4 define the self?

c. the experience of a real identity, distinct from other people

20.Unlike either traditional authority or legal-rational authority, charismatic authority is rooted in:

c. the personal qualities of the leader.

26.Which of the following describes how deviance can be explained from the functionalist perspective?

d. Deviance clarifies moral boundaries and affirms norms.

48.Which of the following statements is true?

d. Mass Media as an agent of socialization has recently risen to the role of the most significant source of socialization.

28.If an upper-middle-class white college student is sentenced to rehab for the same drug crime that a lower-class black man is sentenced to jail for committing, what might a conflict theorist conclude about deviance?

d. The rules are applied unequally, and those with power or influence are punished much less harshly.

14.Emile Durkheim worried that, in an increasingly fragmented modern world, individuals would feel less and less connected to groups, which would lead to:

d. anomie, or normlessness.

9.Activists sometimes advocate living "off the grid," which, in its simplest form, means living without buying electricity and water from utility companies. However they also admit that living off the grid is harder and harder, as there simply isn't enough affordable land in places where it would be feasible to do so, which means that most of America has to:

d. deal with bureaucracies.

33."The Saints and the Roughnecks" by William Chambliss followed two groups of boys over the course of several years. Both groups did many deviant things. The Saints, eight young men from "white upper-middle-class families" potentially presented the greater danger to their community by driving drunk and vandalizing stop signs. However it was the Roughnecks, six "lower-class white boys" who were "constantly in trouble with the police." Very different backgrounds and very similar actions produced very different expectations. Those expectations, or prophecies, had real consequences. All but one of the Saints went on to college and then to professional positions. Only two of the Roughnecks went on to college, both on athletic scholarships, while several of the rest adopted deviant lifestyles and careers, also known as:

d. secondary deviance.

45.According to the symbolic interactionist George Herbert Mead, why is playing organized games an important part of an older child's development of the self?

e. Game playing involves taking on multiple roles and learning to anticipate and coordinate with other players' actions.

29.According to the structural strain theory of deviance as articulated by Robert Merton, what is one of the principal reasons that people turn to deviant behavior in the United States?

e. The goal of success is shared by a majority of people, but not everyone has equal means to achieve that goal.

24.Imagine that a powerful and influential person decided to heavily tattoo her own face with symbols and images that told parts of her life story. Would she be treated as a deviant?

e. Yes, it would be in the United States, although there are other cultures that would consider it normal or desirable.

35.Which kinds of departures from the norm can have a stigmatizing effect on an individual's identity?

e. all of the above

44.Because impression management relies so much on strategies of performance, scholars have called Erving Goffman's ideas:

e. dramaturgy.

19.Before the Second Gulf War, many in the U.S. government believed that Iraq possessed significant stores of weapons of mass destruction. In part, this belief was supported by CIA intelligence reports that later turned out to be wrong. Some have blamed the intense need for group cohesion and loyalty for driving out anyone who disagreed with the analysis. What is this called?

e. groupthink

13.Robert Putnam's research can be exemplified by his description in a decline in bowling leagues. Which of the following might serve as evidence that Putnam's concerns are overblown?

e. the growth of online support groups to help people with rare diseases share information and emotional support

41.What are the parts of the mind according to Sigmund Freud's system?

e. the id, the ego, and the superego

11.If group members share information and advice, provide support to one another, and have common interests, but never meet in person, what kind of group are they a part of?

e. virtual community

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