sociology test chp. 11

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10. Despite the wide variety of reasons people have for getting married, the choice of who they will marry is fairly predictable.​ a. True b. False


7. Kissing is not a culturally universal demonstration of intimacy and affection.​ a. True b. False


8. Research suggests that those people in sustained relationships such as marriage and cohabitation find sexual activity to be the most satisfying emotionally and physically.​ a. True b. False


53. __________ descent is used in the United States for the purpose of determining kinship and inheritance rights; however, children typically take the father's last name.​ a. ​Bilateral b. ​Duo-lateral c. ​Matrilineal d. ​Neolateral


65. The cultural practice of marrying outside of one's own group is termed __________.​ a. ​exogamy b. ​homogamy c. ​heterogamy d. ​endogamy


40. In the United States, the only legally sanctioned form of marriage is __________, which refers to a marriage between two partners, usually a woman and a man.​ a. ​homogamy b. ​polygamy c. ​monogamy d. ​polyandry


80. ​Symbolic interactionists Berger and Kellner highlight the importance of __________ for a arital relationship. a. ​joint finances b. ​children c. ​constructing a shared reality d. ​roles of power and authority


72. Which of these is not considered a function of the family in advanced industrial societies?​ a. ​sexual regulation b. ​economic and psychological support c. ​provision of social status d. ​guaranteed reproduction


100. Adoption is a legal process through which the rights and duties of parenting are transferred from a child's biological parents and/or legal parents to new legal parents. According to the text's discussion of adoption, __________.​ a. ​a new birth certificate is issued in most adoptions b. ​matching adoptable children with prospective adoptive parents is a straightforward process c. ​more infants are available for adoption today than in the past d. ​today very few U.S. parents seek to adopt children from developing nations


30. Today, most sociologists would consider two gay men and their adopted children, sharing the same household, to be a __________ family.​ a. ​nuclear b. ​extended c. ​patrilineal d. ​blended


35. __________ refers to family units composed of one or two parents and their dependent children, all of whom live apart from other relatives.​ a. ​Nuclear family b. ​Conventional family c. ​Extended family d. ​Blended family


39. ​__________ is a legally recognized and/or socially approved arrangement between two or more individuals that carries certain rights and obligations and usually involves sexual activity. a. ​Marriage b. ​Cohabitation c. ​Trial separation d. ​Monogamous experimentation


54. ​A(n) __________ family is a family structure in which authority is held by the eldest male (usually the father). a. ​patriarchal b. ​matriarchal c. ​egalitarian d. ​homogamous


62. ​In industrialized nations such as the United States, most couples hope to live in a/an __________, which is the custom of a married couple living in their own residence apart from both the husband's and the wife's parents. a. ​neolocal residence b. ​multilocal residence c. ​patrilocal residence d. ​matrilocal residence


71. The __________ perspective places important emphasis on the role of parents and other relatives of teaching children the necessary knowledge and skills to survive in society.​ a. ​functionalist b. ​symbolic interactionist c. ​conflict d. ​postmodern


95. Sociologist Arlie Hochschild coined the term __________ to refer to the work that many employed women perform after they complete their workday on the job.​ a. ​second shift b. ​maintenance shift c. ​household shift d. ​domestic shift


96. The Census Bureau defines the term __________ as two people who live together, and think of themselves as a couple, without being legally married.​ a. ​cohabitation b. ​assimilation c. ​accommodation d. ​matrimony


29. Rachael lives with her mother and her mother's parents, all in the same household. Sociologists would say that Rachael lives in a(n) __________ family.​ a. ​nuclear b. ​extended c. ​patrilineal d. ​blended


32. __________ often include grandparents, uncles, aunts, or other relatives who live close to the parents and children, making it possible for family members to share resources.​ a. ​Blended families b. ​Extended families c. ​Conventional families d. ​Nuclear families


34. With the advent of industrialization and urbanization, maintaining the __________ family pattern becomes more difficult. Increasingly, young people move from rural to urban areas in search of employment in the industrializing sector of the economy. At that time, the __________ family typically becomes the predominant family pattern in the society.​ a. ​blended; extended b. ​extended; nuclear c. ​nuclear; conventional d. ​nuclear; extended


41. ​Bubba married his high school sweetheart, and they have been faithful to each other for 30 years. Their marriage is considered to be __________. a. ​polygamous b. ​monogamous c. ​homogamous d. ​polyandrous


42. ​Through a pattern of marriage, divorce, and remarriage, some people practice __________—a succession of marriages in which a person has several spouses over a lifetime but is legally married to only one person at a time. a. ​sequential coupling b. ​serial monogamy c. ​marriage seriation d. ​polygamy


46. __________ is the concurrent marriage of one woman with two or more men.​ a. ​Endogamy b. ​Polyandry c. ​Homogamy d. ​Polygyny


48. In preindustrial societies, kinship is usually traced through one parent (unilineally). The most common pattern of unilineal descent is __________, which is a system of tracing descent through the father's side of the family.​ a. ​patriarchal descent b. ​patrilineal descent c. ​patrilocal descent d. ​patricentric descent


52. Kinship in industrial societies is usually traced through both parents (bilineally). The most common form is __________, which is a system of tracing descent through both the mother's and father's sides of the family.​ a. ​lateral descent b. ​bilateral descent c. ​matrilocal descent d. ​neolocal descent


56. A(n) __________ family is a family structure in which authority is held by the eldest female (usually the mother).​ a. ​patriarchal b. ​matriarchal c. ​egalitarian d. ​homogamous


59. Residential patterns are interrelated with the authority structure and method of tracing descent in families. __________ residence refers to the custom of a married couple living in the same household (or community) as the husband's family.​ a. ​Matrilocal b. ​Patrilocal c. ​Multilocal d. ​Neolocall


61. Few societies have residential patterns known as __________ residence, which refers to the custom of a married couple living in the same household (or community) as the wife's parents.​ a. ​neolocal b. ​matrilocal c. ​patrilocal d. ​multilocal


69. In a stereotypically conventional family, the wife/mother runs the household, cares for children, and meets the emotional needs of family members. Talcott Parsons termed this the __________.​ a. ​authoritarian role b. ​expressive role c. ​instrumental role d. ​egalitarian role


86. ​Sociologists note that women and men in the United States may have very different ideas about and perceptions of love. One of the differences is that men, more than women,______________. a. ​express their feelings verbally b. ​tend to express their love through nonverbal actions c. ​fall in love very quickly d. ​are very nurturing and emotionally supportive of loved ones


104. According to some marriage and family analysts, individuals who prefer to remain single typically_________________________.​ a. ​value work and professional growth b. ​hold less individualistic values c. ​are less family oriented d. ​do not like children


23. To more accurately reflect the changes in family life, the text provides a more encompassing definition of what constitutes a family. This definition is:__________________________.​ a. ​a social network of people into which a person is born, composed of relatives, parents, and children who live in the same household b. ​a group of people that consists of a husband and wife, children from previous marriages, and children (if any) from the new marriage c. ​a relationship in which people live together with commitment, form an economic unit and care for any young, and consider their identity to be significantly attached to the group d. ​a social network of people based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption


24. In preindustrial societies, __________ provides the primary basis for social organization.​ a. ​subsistence b. ​lineage c. ​kinship d. ​heritage


25. ​The term __________ refers to a network of people based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption. a. ​subsistence b. ​lineage c. ​kinship d. ​heritage


28. According to sociologist Judy Root Aulette, "families we choose" include blood ties and legal ties, but they also include __________, persons who are not actually related by blood but who are accepted as family members.​ a. ​informal kin b. ​secondary kin c. ​fictive kin d. ​generalized kin


31. The __________ refers to family units that are composed of various relatives, in addition to parents and children, who live in the same household.​ a. ​blended family b. ​conventional family c. ​extended family d. ​nuclear family


36. ​A comparison of Census Bureau data from 1970 to 2012 shows that there has been __________ in the percentage of U.S. households comprised of a married couple with their own children under eighteen years of age. a. ​a significant increase b. ​a very minor increase c. ​a significant decline d. ​basically no change


37. Comparing 1970 data with 2012 data, the Census Bureau identified a noticeable decline in the number of married-couple households with their own children living with them. This type of household decreased from about 40 percent in 1970 to about __________ in 2011.​ a. ​5 percent b. ​10 percent c. ​20 percent d. ​35 percent


44. The most prevalent form of polygamy is __________.​ a. ​polyandry b. ​homogamy c. ​polygyny d. ​endogamy


51. In __________ systems, inheritance of property and position is usually traced from the maternal uncle (mother's brother) to his nephew (mother's son). In some cases, mothers may pass on their property to daughters. a. ​matricentric b. ​matrilocal c. ​matrilineal d. ​matriarchal


55. In a(n) __________, the male authority figure acts as head of the household and holds power and authority over the women and children, as well as over other males.​ a. ​matriarchal family b. ​homogamous family c. ​patriarchal family d. ​egalitarian family


57. Although there has been a great deal of discussion about __________, scholars have found no historical evidence to indicate that true types of this familial power and authority ever existed.​ a. ​patriarchal families b. ​egalitarian families c. ​matriarchal families d. ​homogamous families


63. ​The cultural practice of marrying within one's own group is called __________. a. ​exogamy b. ​homogamy c. ​endogamy d. ​heterogamy


66. __________ theorists emphasize the importance of the family in maintaining the stability of society and the well-being of individuals.​ a. ​Symbolic interactionist b. ​Conflict c. ​Functionalist d. ​Postmodern


67. Emile Durkheim saw the family as a microcosm of society. He argued that, much like in society generally,____________________________.​ a. ​marriage life is a shared reality created through the interaction of marital partners b. ​females are socialized to be passive and males are socialized to be aggressive c. ​a division of labor contributes to greater efficiency in marriages and families d. ​men's domination over women existed long before private ownership of property and capitalism


70. ​Families are expected to regulate the sexual activity of their members and thus ensure that reproduction takes place within specific boundaries. Incest taboos are an example of this type of regulation that takes place at the __________. a. ​mesolevel b. ​microlevel c. ​macrolevel d. ​metalevel


75. A significant difference between conflict and feminist perspectives on the family and functionalist perspectives on the family is that___________________. a. ​functionalists do not recognize the role that the family plays in regulating reproduction b. ​functionalists are much more realistic than the others about the potential for problems in the family c. ​conflict and feminist theorists view the functionalist perspective as unrealistic in its emphasis on support and harmony within the family d. ​conflict and feminist theory does not address the family and functionalism does


82. Elkind argues that the postmodern family illustrates the postmodern assumptions of difference and irregularity. He supports his perspective with the example that_______________.​ a. ​people are returning to embrace the idea of romantic and forever love b. ​concern about the future of marriage is resulting in stronger commitments c. ​men and women have sexual relations with others whom they have no intention of marrying d. ​single motherhood has strengthened the belief in maternal love


85. ​The idea of the home as a place of love and emotional support, separate from the stresses of work, emerged __________. a. ​in the Middle Ages b. ​during the Enlightenment in Europe c. ​with industrialization d. ​in the twentieth century


89. ​Most people in the United States tend to choose marriage partners who are similar to themselves. __________ refers to the pattern of individuals marrying those who have similar characteristics, such as race/ethnicity, religious background, age, education, or social class. a. ​Monogamy b. ​Exogamy c. ​Homogamy d. ​Polygamy


97. In regard to housework, Hochschild (2003) reports that_____________________.​ a. ​domestic work is now shared equally by both husbands and wives b. ​the different tasks men and women do in the home have the same deadlines c. ​when husbands share some household responsibilities, they typically spend much less time in these activities than do their wives d. ​women's income and education level have no impact on the amount of help they get with household tasks


98. Couples with more ________ ideas about women's and men's roles tend to share more equally in food preparation, housework, and child care.​ a. ​individualistic b. ​patriarchal c. ​egalitarian d. ​traditional


99. The difference in the terms "childfree" and "childless" indicate_________________.​ a. ​whether or not couples are infertile b. ​whether infertility was due to problems with the man or the woman c. ​whether or not a child was desired in the first place d. ​regional differences in language


21. __________ are responsible primarily for regulating sexual activity, socializing children, and providing affection and companionship for members.​ a. ​Preindustrial families b. ​Agricultural families c. ​Hunting and gathering families d. ​Contemporary families


33. ​In horticultural and agricultural societies, __________ are extremely important. Having alarge number of family members participate in food production may be essential for survival. a. ​nuclear families b. ​blended families c. ​conventional families d. ​extended families


38. In the United States, the only legally sanctioned form of marriage is __________.​ a. ​secular b. ​heterosexual c. ​polygamous d. ​monogamous


43. ​__________ is the term for concurrent marriage of a person of one sex with two or more members of the opposite sex. a. ​Monogamy b. ​Homogamy c. ​Endogamy d. ​Polygamy


45. __________ is the concurrent marriage of one man with two or more women.​ a. ​Endogamy b. ​Polyandry c. ​Homogamy d. ​Polygyny


50. Even with the less common pattern of __________, which is a system of tracing descent through the mother's side of the family, women may not control property.​ a. ​matriarchal descent b. ​matricentric descent c. ​matrilocal descent d. ​matrilineal descent


58. The most prevalent pattern of power and authority in families is __________. Across cultures, men are the primary decision makers regarding domestic, economic, and social concerns facing the family.​ a. ​oligarchy b. ​matriarchy c. ​egalitarianism d. ​patriarchy


60. Across cultures, __________ is the most common residential pattern.​ a. ​matrilocal residence b. multilocal residence c. ​neolocal residence d. ​patrilocal residence


64. In the United States, most people practice __________; they marry people who come from the same social class, racial/ethnic group, religious affiliation, and other categories considered important within their own social group.​ a. ​exogamy b. ​polygamy c. ​heterogamy d. ​endogamy


68. In a stereotypically conventional marriage, the husband/father meets the family's economic needs, makes important decisions, and provides leadership. Talcott Parsons termed this the __________.​ a. ​egalitarian role b. ​expressive role c. ​authoritarian role d. ​instrumental role


88. ​__________ refers to household arrangements in which an unmarried couple lives together in a committed, sexually intimate relationship and is granted the same rights and benefits as those accorded to married heterosexual couples. a. ​Secular marriage b. ​Permanent cohabitation c. ​Legal cohabitation d. ​Domestic partnership


92. The changing attitudes about same-sex marriage are being driven by __________.​ a. ​baby boomers b. ​the elderly c. ​generation X d. ​millennials


94. In 2014, approximately __________ of employed mothers with children under age 6 worked full-time.​ a. ​10 percent b. ​one-fourth c. ​half d. ​two-thirds


3. Most U.S. family households are made up of a married couple with one or more children under the age of 18.​ a. True b. False

false: According to U.S. Census data, this type of household has been declining, whereas single-woman and single-man heads of households are increasing.

18. Periods of national financial recession are always periods of increased rates of divorce.​ a. True b. False

false: Some couples remain together during financial hard times for reasons of economic survival, to wait to sell a house, and the like. Sometimes couples remain together because they have gained a deeper commitment through weathering adversity together.

17. The divorce rate in the United States has been steadily increasing since the early twentieth century.​ a. True b. False

false: The U.S. divorce rate increased from 0.7 per 1,000 population in 1900 to 5.3 in 1981. However, since then it has declined to a rate of 3.6 per 1,000 population in 2009.

1. ​Sexual expression and parent-child relationships are not necessarily part of all family relationships. a. True b. False


11. As increasing percentages of women work full time, even those with children under age 6, men have taken on relatively equal amounts of domestic chores.​ a. True b. False

False: Even when married women work full time, they are still largely responsible for household chores and child care. When men do help, they spend much less time than do their wives working at the same tasks.

6. Sociologists find that men and women are equally likely to express their feelings of love verbally.​ a. True b. False

False: Men tend to express their feelings through nonverbal actions, such as running an errand for someone or fixing something.

103. Children in single-parent households are at greater risk of lower standards of living primarily due to_________________________.​ a. ​lack of attention from a single parent b. ​lower moral standards that are held by single parents c. ​lack of role models and a positive reference group d. ​having fewer economic resources than two-parent households


13. Over the last fifty years in the United States, the number of households comprised of single men and single women living alone has been increasing.​ a. True b. False


16. The majority of elder abuse occurs in the home, not in institutions.​ a. True b. False


19. There is no evidence to support the assumption that children are better off living with a same-sex parent after a divorce.​ a. True b. False


20. Most people who get divorced also get remarried.​ a. True b. False


12. Not all people without children consider themselves childfree.​ a. True b. False


49. __________ systems are set up in such a manner that a legitimate son inherits his father's property and sometimes his position upon the father's death.​ a. ​Patrilineal b. ​Patrilocal c. ​Patricentric d. ​Patriarchal


9. ​Studies over the past decade have supported the proposition that couples who cohabit before marriage have a more stable relationship following marriage. a. True b. False

False: In fact, couples who cohabit before marriage are less likely to stay married than couples that do not cohabit before marriage. However, if a couple is engaged before cohabiting, chances for a successful marriage increase, probably due to the greater commitment to marriage among these couples.

5. ​Researchers find that married couples construct a shared reality that reflects the perspective of both partners. a. True b. False

False: Research supports Bernard's concept of "his" and "her" marriages. Husbands and wives give very different accounts of the same events, and their perspectives on their shared reality often do not coincide.

4. The most prevalent pattern of power and authority in families is egalitarian—which is a family structure where partners share power and authority ​ a. True b. False

False: The most prevalent pattern of power and authority in families is patriarchy—a family structure where authority is held by the eldest male (usually the father). The male authority figure acts as head of the household and holds power and authority over the women and children, as well as over other males. Across cultures, men are the primary (and often sole) decision makers regarding domestic, economic, and social concerns facing the family.

47. __________ is very rare. When it does occur, it is typically found in societies where men greatly outnumber women because of high rates of female infanticide.​ a. ​Polyandry b. ​Homogamy c. ​Endogamy d. Polygyny


102. ​Research suggests that __________ of American children live in a single-parent household at any given time. a. ​one-fourth b. ​almost one-third c. ​more than half d. ​only a very few


105. __________ have the highest rate of people who have never married.​ a. ​African Americans b. ​Hispanic/Latino/a c. ​Asian American d. ​white non-Hispanic


26. The __________ is the family into which a person is born and in which early socialization usually takes place.​ a. ​family of orientation b. ​nuclear family c. ​family of procreation d. ​extended family


73. Functionalist theorists recognize that the function of the family is sometimes different in preindustrial and industrial societies. In preindustrial societies, families are units for__________; in industrial societies, families provide economic security through the workplace and the larger economic system.​ a. ​economic production b. ​emotional support c. ​financial security d. ​dysfunctions


76. Conflict theory explains family problems, such as divorce and overall family instability, by pointing out_____________________________.​ a. ​how exploitation of the lower classes by the upper classes contributes tofamily problems b. ​the relationship between family troubles and changes in other social institutions, such as the economy, religion, and law c. ​that definitions of the family are socially constructed and impact family life d. ​the diversity and fragmentation of families


81. ​David Elkind describes the postmodern family as __________, meaning capable of being diffused or invaded in such a manner that its original purpose is modified or changed. a. ​permeable b. ​disappearing c. ​becoming weaker d. ​becoming less autonomous


91. General support for same-sex marriage in the United States is __________​ a. ​increasing overall b. ​decreasing overall c. ​increasing on the East Coast d. ​decreasing in the South


106. The term __________ refers to any intentional act or actions by one or both partners in an intimate relationship that causes injury to either person.​ a. ​child abuse b. ​domestic violence c. ​wife abuse d. ​family violence


108. ​One of the factors that increases the risk of divorce is________________________. a. ​earning less than $50,000 annually b. ​graduating from college c. ​having a baby prior to marriage d. ​getting married young (before 25)


22. What constitutes a "family" has been widely debated. For many years, the standard sociological definition of family was __________.​ a. ​a social network of people based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption b. ​a group of people who are related to one another by bonds of blood, marriage, or adoption and who live together, form an economic unit, and bear and raise children c. ​a group of people that consists of a husband and wife, children from previous marriages, and children (if any) from the new marriage d. ​a social network of people into which a person is born, composed of relatives, parents, and children who live in the same household


74. Although their perspectives are very different, functionalists and conflict theorists would likely agree that___________________________.​ a. ​the family is the source of emotional support b. ​a person's social status, particularly ascribed status, is determined by the family c. ​families socialize children to be productive members of society d. ​most families are extremely dysfunctional


78. Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead provided insight into the family roles, and these are modified or adapted to the expectations of others—especially significant others such as parents, grandparents, and siblings. This is the foundation of the​__________ perspective on the family. a. ​postmodern b. ​symbolic interactionist c. ​conflict theory d. ​functionalist


83. ​In the postmodern family, the boundaries between the public and private spheres are fairly open and flexible. In fact, family life may be negatively affected by the decreasing distinction between what is work time and what is family time. This characteristic of the family is termed __________. a. ​homogamy b. ​urbanity c. ​endogamy d. ​polyandry


84. In the United States, there is a strong cultural belief that __________ should be the basis of an intimate relationship.​ a. ​tradition b. ​romantic love c. ​economic security d. ​convenience


90. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is __________.​ a. ​constitutional b. ​unconstitutional c. ​to be phased out within 10 years d. ​inconsistent with the First Amendment


101. Which of these would not be considered a microlevel reason for high rates of teenage pregnancy?​ a. ​Many sexually active teenagers do not use contraceptives. b. ​Some teenage males (due to a double standard) believe that females should be responsible for contraception. c. ​Lack of education and employment opportunities in urban and rural areas discourage aspirations in teenagers. d. ​Many teenagers do not receive accurate information about contraception use.


109. ​A(n) __________ family has a family structure in which both partners share power and authority equally. a. ​matriarchal b. ​homogeneous c. ​egalitarian d. ​patriarchal


87. The National Health and Social Life Survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago has replaced the Kinsey Report as the respected source of information on American sexual behavior. Which of these is not a finding of the survey reported in the text?​ a. ​Nine percent of the men said they had at least one homosexual encounter resulting in orgasm. b. ​Only 2.8 percent of the men and 1.4 percent of the women in this investigation identified themselves as gay or lesbian. c. ​Overall Americans seem to be challenging what were previously considered significant dominant sexual ideologies. d. ​Persons in sustained relationships such as marriage or cohabitation found sexual activity to be the most satisfying emotionally and physically.


93. __________ of all marriages with children in the United States are dual-earner marriages, in which both spouses are in the labor force.​ a. ​Less than 10 percent b. ​About one-fourth c. ​Just over half d. ​Nearly 75 percent


107. What percentage of new marriages in the United States ends in divorce?​ a. ​between 5 and 10 percent b. ​between 15 and 20 percent c. ​between 25 and 33 percent d. ​between 40 and 50 percent


77. Feminist explanations of family problems, such as high rates of divorce and overall family instability, focus on __________.​ a. ​how exploitation of the lower classes by the upper classes contributes to family problems b. ​the relationship between family troubles and changes in other social institutions, such as the economy, religion, and law c. ​the way that definitions of the family are socially constructed and impact family life d. ​patriarchy and how men's domination over women contributes to inequalities in families


79. __________ analyze family influence on an individual's self-concept and identity. From this perspective, what people think, as well as what they say and do, is very important in understanding family dynamics.​ a. ​Functionalists b. ​Postmodern theorists c. ​Conflict theorists d. ​Symbolic interactionists


2. Although the family of orientation is based exclusively on blood ties, the family of procreation may be based on both blood and legal ties​ a. True b. False

false: Both family of procreation and family of orientation may involve both blood and legal relationships. Adopted children are legally part of a family of orientation; a married couple may be a legal relationship within a family of procreation.

14. When computing statistics on the composition of U.S. households, foster parents and children are considered relatives.​ a. True b. False

false: Foster parents are considered nonrelatives.

15. Today, most domestic violence is reported to the police, so we have more accurate statistics about violence in the home.​ a. True b. False

false: Much domestic violence is not reported to the police. For example, it is estimated that only about half of intimate partner violence against women is reported.

27. The __________ is the family that a person forms by having or adopting children of his or her own.​ a. ​blended family b. ​family of orientation c. ​extended family d. ​family of procreation


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