SOCY351 - Exam 1

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Which of the following has/have been discovered in research on health protective behaviors?

-Individual health protective behaviors are often not related. -Smoking and alcohol consumption are positively related to each other.

ch4: Distinguish between "fundamental causes," proximate risk factors," and "genetic factors" as causes of disease.

1. Fundamental Cause [social conditions, SES, inequality, neighborhood characteristics) 2. Proximate risk [RISKY BUSINESS - BEHAVIORS -smoking, drinking, diet, exercise) 3. genetic factors - mutations, certain genes can present a disease

Identify and explain the five key types of chronic strains.

1. Role overload - role demand exceeds ability to meet them 2. Interpersonal conflicts with role sets - (e.g., parent-child,between marital partners, employer-employee) 3. Interrole conflict - 2 or more role demands are incompatible 4. Role captivity - individual in an unwanted role (e.g, caregiving) 5. Role restructuring - established roles undergo significant change(e.g., blended family)

7 medical socy descriptions/theories

1. THE DISTRIBUTION OF DISEASE among various population groups 2. THE BEHAVIORS OR ACTIONS taken by individuals to maintain,enhance, or restore HEALTH or to COPE with ILLNESS, DISEASE,DISABILITY. 3. People's ATTITUDES and BELIEFS about HEALTH, DISEASE, and DISABILITY and about medical care and providers. 4. MEDICAL OCCUPATIONS or PROFESSIONS and the organization,financing, and delivery of medical care services. 5. MEDICINE AS A SOCIAL INSTITUTION and its relationships to othersocial institutions. 6. CULTURAL VALUES and RESPONSES with respect to health, illness, and disability. 7. ROLE OF SOCIAL FACTORS in the ETIOLOGY of diseases, especially functional and emotion-related.

What percentage of the population is estimated to experience at least one mental illness during the lifetime?

50 percent of the population

In the Manning 2023 Blackboard article on racism discrimination the target health behavior is:

Colorectal cancer screening tests

The "Hispanic Epidemiological Paradox" describes what current pattern?

Despite having lower-than-average incomes, Hispanics have a life expectancy that exceeds the national average.

Which of the following statements accurately identify findings of the studies on binge drinking?

Despite many new programs, the percentage of college students who binge drink has remained about the same.

Which of the following is NOT true about the epidemiological transition?

During the period of Delayed Degenerative Diseases, all segments of the older adult population are expected to decrease dramatically.


Health-protective behaviors (HPBs) - Preventive actions taken to minimize risk of disease, injury, & disability (e.g., regular exercise); May be: • prescriptive - doing the right thing • proscriptive - avoid doing the wrong thing -Engaging in one HPB does not lead to engaging in other HP

Which of the following statements is true regarding identification of the causes of disease?

Identifying the causes of chronic degenerative diseases is more difficult than identifying the causes of acute infectious diseases

Which of the following statements about incidence and prevalence of disease is correct?

Incidence refers to the number of new cases added to the population within a given period of time Prevalence refers to the total number of a condition present in a population at a given point in time. Together incidence and prevalence help to identify disease patterns. *All of the above*

In trying to explain health behavior, Americans often give much more attention to micro-level rather than macro-level factors. Which of the following factors is cited in the text as a reason for this pattern?

It is consistent with the value placed on individualism in American culture.

Which of the following is/are true regarding the etiology of cancer?

It is estimated that up to 90 percent of all cancers are environmentally induced or related.

Apply the concept "social construction of reality" to the appraisal process.

It is the perception of these events and their interpretation—what an individual believes the implications of the events/strains to be—that isstressful.

The germ theory of disease is primarily credited to one man, now referred to as the "father of modern medicine." Who is this French chemist?

Louis Pasteur

Which of the following is/are true regarding infant deaths in the United States?

Low birth weight is the single most hazardous condition for infants.

medical sociology

Medical sociology is the subfield which applies the perspectives, conceptualizations, theories, and methodologies of sociology to phenomena having to do with human health and disease As a specialization, medical sociology encompasses a body of knowledge which places health and disease in a social, cultural, and behavioral context.

The leading health surveillance organization in the world; it is located in Geneva, Switzerland.

The World Health Organization

Which of the following approaches defines health as "complete physical, social, and mental well-being."

The World Health Organization approach

Which of the following is/are assumptions of the biomedical model for defining health?

The presence of disease, its diagnosis, and its treatment are completely objective. Only the medical professional is capable of defining health and illness. Health and illness can be accurately defined solely in terms of physiological malfunctioning. *All of the above are correct.*

Which of the following statements about maternal mortality is/are true?

The vast majority of maternal deaths in the world occur in developing countries. Most of the maternal deaths which occur in the world are easily preventable with proper prenatal care. The maternal mortality rate in the United States has increased in the past few years *All of the statements are correct.*

Which of the following statements accurately describes physicians in early America?

There were few physicians and many of these were not formally trained in medicine.

What has been the dominant epidemiological trend in the United States in the last 100 years?

a dramatic reduction in rates of acute, infectious disease


actions at the societal level to make the environment as healthy as possible (e.g., environmental regulations regarding automobile emissions)


actions to encourage individuals to lead a healthy lifestyle (e.g., public service announcements to discourage cigarette smoking)

Internal health locus of control:

asserts that individuals who believe they can control their own health are more likely to behave in a healthy manner.

In the world's developing countries today,

chronic diseases and acute infectious diseases are at high rates.

One of the four key dimensions of health behavior; it involves activities to identify disease, injury, or disability before symptoms appear.


Morbidity is an expanded epidemiological focus that gives attention to such factors as socioeconomic status, race, gender, lifestyle, and exposure to toxic substances in investigating disease and illness


Research has discovered that females and males use the same basic criteria in defining their personal health.


Socrates is a Greek physician of the fourth and fifth centuries B.C. who sought natural rather than supernatural explanations of disease and who wrote extensively on ethical issues in medicine; the "father of medicine."


macro approach

focus on important influence of social structure & social policy Four macro-level factors that have direct impact on individual behaviors: 1) The availability of protective or harmful consumer products (e.g.,tobacco) 2) Physical structures/physical characteristics of products (e.g., seatbelts) 3) Social structures and policies (e.g., community day care services) 4) Media and cultural messages (e.g., advertisements for alcohol)

micro approach

focus on individual decision making regarding whether or not to engage in specific health behaviors Health Belief Model (HBM) Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA

Most people use coping strategies to deal with stress in their lives. Which of the following is a coping "psychological resource"?

having a sense of hardiness

Distinguish between the health belief model and the theory of reasoned action in terms of the factors emphasized as being important influences on participation in health behavior.

health belief model: likelihood of individual engaging in certain health behavior influenced by certain beliefs (perception) Theory of Reasoned Action Intention influenced by:1. attitude 2. social norms3. messages conveyed by significant others4. importance of complying with social norms and wishes of others

According to the classic biomedical approach:

health is the absence of symptoms and signs.

Explain the traditional under-representation of women and racial and ethnic minorities in medical research. Discuss the harm created by this under-representation.

health research/trials were done on white men // this makes it difficult to properly diagnose any other person since the issue may present differently

Which of the following is the number one cause of death in the United States?

heart disease

Which of the following is the type of role strain that occurs most often in in reaction to competing demands between family responsibilities and work responsibilities?

inter-role conflict

Explain the difference between a "macro" and a "micro" approach to understand participation in health behaviors. Discuss these factors as they relate to engaging in adequate physical exercise or smoking cigarettes.

macro - focusing upstream micro - model + theory

According to the Health Belief Model, which of the following influences whether or not an individual will engage in a certain health action?

perceived susceptibility or vulnerability to a certain disease or condition perceived seriousness of the disease, should it occur perceived barriers to engaging in the action *all of the above*

Identify and distinguish between the four dimensions of health behavior

prevention, detection, promotion, and protection

The relationship between gender, employment outside the home, and stress can be viewed from several perspectives. One perspective asserts that outside employment is neither inherently positive nor negative but depends upon situational factors such as the desire to work outside the home. What is this perspective called?

role context

What were the major contributions of ancient Rome to medicine?

sanitation and public health

Identify and give specifc examples of the four major categories of focus within medical sociology.

social epidemiology, social psychology of health and illness, sociology of medicine, and sociology in medicine.

One of the most important insights that shaped Emile Durkheim's work on suicide is:

that behaviors as seemingly individual as suicide are shaped by social forces

Which of the following events was extremely important in the AMA developing into a strong professional association?

the knowledge created by the germ theory of disease the successful battle to require medical licensure the drive to improve medical education in America *all of the above were important factors*

Charles Horton Cooley described the development of self-image as a process whereby people come to view themselves the way that they perceive others view them. What term did he use to describe this process?

the looking-glass self

Which of the following models defines health as "the state of optimum capacity of an individual for the effective performance of the roles and tasks for which he/she has been socialized?"

the sociological approach

A biomedical definition of health is s state of well-being of an organism or part of one, characterized by normal function and unattended by disease.


Acute, infectious diseases are diseases typically caused by bacteria or viruses that can occur suddenly and can be communicated to other people. Examples are influenza, tuberculosis, and Ebola


Chronic strains are the relatively enduring problems, conflicts, and threats that many people face in their daily lives


Fundamental Causes of disease and illness include basic social conditions, such as social inequality, race, gender, socioeconomic status and neighborhood, that impact health.


Role captivity is a situation in which an individual is in an unwanted role and feeling an obligation to do one thing while preferring to do something else (e.g., a student who is attending college only because of parental pressure).


The Flexner report is the study published in 1910 that provided an analysis (and much criticism) of medical schools in the United States and Canada; it was the impetus for significant change in medical education.


The Thomas Theorem is: It is the perceived world, rather than the actual world, to which people respond.


The sociological definition of health emphasizes the social and cultural aspects of health and illness such as determining the capacity to perform roles and tasks. Health is considered to be a social norm, varying by culture and subculture.


According to the Manning 2023 Bb article the effects of racism and discrimination on health outcomes has been:


Which of the following groups have traditionally been underrepresented in medical research

women & racial and ethnic minorities


• Actions to detect disease, injury, or disability before symptoms appear(e.g., medical checkups) • Procedures designed to identify & monitor health problems have demonstrated health & cost benefits (people may not use them due to lack of education or cost + lack of access)

Health Belief Model (HBM)

• In making health decisions, individuals consider both health-related &non-health-related consequences of behavior • Conditions that must exist for people to take preventive health action: 1. Individual feels vulnerable or susceptible to disease or condition 2. Individual thinks contracting the disease would have serious consequences 3. Individual believes taking preventive action would reduce susceptibility to the disease & that action would not involve serious barriers (inconvenience, expense, etc.) 4. One or more cues/triggers for action (advice from others, media attention, etc.) occurs

Distinguish between life events and chronic strains as they affect social stress.

• Life events - important specific events that interrupt an individual's usual activities and require some adjustment • Chronic strains (more powerful influences than life events)

macro approach + smoking cigs

• Long-term efforts in U.S. to curtail smoking concentrated on encouraging individual smokers to quit • But social policies continued to subsidize tobacco industry, prevented measures to discourage tobacco use, and allowed dishonest marketing campaigns Important strides in creating macro social policies to reduce smoking &its social & health costs include: 1. Ending agricultural subsidies to tobacco farmers 2. Higher taxes on tobacco products 3. More creative anti-tobacco campaigns 4. Stricter regulations regarding smoking 5. Holding tobacco industry financially responsible for health costs 6. Closely regulating tobacco industry

Identify and define the key dimensions of "health."

• Physical functioning • Mental health • Social well-being • Role functioning • General health perceptions • Symptoms

TRA + smoking

• TRA generally not as successful as HBM in predicting preventive actions, but TRA more successful in predicting cessation of smoking • Behavioral intention is critical in smoking cessation • Significant others are large influence

Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)

• The intention or motivation to perform a behavior precedes the actual performance of the behavior • Intention is influenced by: -attitude -social norms -messages conveyed by significant others -importance to the individual of complying with social norms & the wishes of others

ch5: Explain the process of social stress as presented in the stress model, including reference to social stressors, appraisal, mediators, and stress outcomes.

• the perception or appraisal of stressors affects how they are handled • the appraisal of stressors affects the enactment of social roles (and the strain created in these roles) • social resources influence likelihood of stressful circumstances • the ability of individuals to cope & the coping mechanisms used • how stressful circumstances result in negative stress outcomes

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