Spanish: Attaching Pronouns to the End of Verbs

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

They're commands, where you attach the pronoun to the end of the verb.


Example of gerunds: Lo llevaras? [accent over 2nd 'a'] Vas a llevarlo?

Are you bringing it?

Example of affirmative & negative commands: No lo me des!

Don't give it to me!

Example of affirmative & negative commands: No lo pidas para nosotros.

Don't order it for us.

It's like the English "-ing" form of a verb. When another verb comes before it, the pronoun can go before the first verb, but not between it and the "-ing". If alone, normally the pronoun will be attached to it.


Example of affirmative & negative commands: Damelo!

Give it to me!

El [accent over 'e'] me esta [accent over 'a'] haciendo enfadar. El [accent over 'e'] esta [accent over 'a'] enfadanome [accent over 2nd 'a']

He's making me angry.

Example of infinitive phrases: Lo quiero comer. Quiero comerlo.

I want to eat it.

Example of gerunds: Lo estoy haciendo ahora. Estoy haciendolo ahora.

I'm doing it right now.

If used as a noun, you must attach the pronoun to the end


They're commands, where the pronoun goes before the verb.


Example of affirmative & negative commands: Pidelo para nosotros.

Order it for us.

Example of infinitive used as noun: Lee las instrucciones para hornearlo correctamente

Read the instructions to bake it correctly.

Example of infinitive used as noun: Saberlo es ser capaz de ensenarlo [accent over the 'n']

To know it is to be capable of teaching it.

Example of infinitive used as noun: Verte me va a hacer feliz

To see you is going to make me happy.

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