SPCH 1311 Final

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Which of the following is an example of metacommunication?

"I hate it when you yell at me."

Which of the following statements would researchers classify as being the most powerfully expressed?

"I have a question."

What is the most common type of communication?


"You asked me to tell you what I really thought about your idea, and then when I gave you my opinion, you told me I was too critical." This is an example of which step of an assertive message?

A behavioral description

"Nurses are just as important as doctors in the healthcare system" would be best identified as which of the following?

A proposition of value

Which individual has the greatest repertoire of behaviors in a relationship?


Writing a firm letter to a harasser insisting that the behavior stop is an example of which of the following styles of conflict?


Which of the following is the act of paying attention to a signal?


Ben and Marianne have been dating for over a year now, but things have changed in the last few months. They don't talk very often anymore. Marianne asks Ben if he'd like to go to dinner and he replies "I would, but I have a lot to do around the house." In truth, he doesn't really have all that much to do. What stage of Knapp's developmental model are they most likely in?


Mia is listening to her field hockey coach, who has been talking for over an hour. Each time he pauses, she says, "Wow, that's really cool. I'd love to hear more." If Mia has been using the contradicting function of nonverbal communication, how does she feel about this conversation with her field hockey coach?


Which of the following is true about how women and men use language?

Both men and women talk frequently about work, movies, and television.

According to research on names, which of the following women is most likely to become a judge?


Carl has just graduated from college. He's come to Chicago from his home state of Georgia for an interview with a major corporation. He is up against three other equally qualified candidates. One is an African American man from New Jersey while the other is a Hispanic woman from Iowa. Carl is of European descent. All candidates interviewed fairly well. In the end, the candidate from Iowa was hired by the corporation. What reason may best explain why Carl did not get the job?

Carl is from Georgia and has a Southern accent.

Alexis is talking to Ryan about the horrible day she had. Ryan responds: "Don't worry. The worst part is over. It will probably get easier from here." What type of supportive response is Ryan using?


____________ is an approach to conflict resolution in which both parties attain at least part of what they seek by giving something up.


____________ evidence is supporting material that evokes fear, anger, pride, sympathy, or reverence in the audience.


Which of the following is the last step when discussing ways to meet your common goals?

Decide on the best solution.

"You think I'm lazy. You never lift a finger to help with housework." This statement is an example of what kind of communication?


A motivational speaker who asks the audience "If you want to improve your life today" is doing which of the following?

Developing a "yes" response

____________ responses are messages that deny the value of others.


Which is the strongest confirming response?


In the developmental model, which stage of conversation development is the one in which people get acquainted by making "small talk"?

Experimenting stage

The speaker is accepting the greatest responsibility for the message in which of the following statements?

I couldn't get it done on time.

Telling someone you have no interest in dating that you're busy in order to spare their feelings is an example of which of the following styles of conflict?

Indirect communication

In which stage of Knapp's developmental model do parties begin to take on an identity as a social unit?


Asif is flirting, hinting around, and asking hypothetical questions to test his partner's receptiveness. In which of Knapp's developmental stages is he in this relationship?


Which of the following is an advantage of using mediated communication for identity management?

It allows the sender to choose the ambiguity level of the message.

Which of the following would be best described as a passive-aggressive response?

Jane promises her mother that she will clean her room, then repeatedly fails to fulfill this promise.

What does research reveal about LGBTQ individuals?

Most of the developed world has become more receptive to this community.

Which cultural group is mentioned in this chapter as an example of monochronic use of time?

North American

Which of the following conclusions may be suggested by media depictions of older people?

Older people lack enjoyment in their lives.

How do online support groups differ from face-to-face supportive encounters?

Online support groups allow anonymous self-disclosure.

Melania asks a woman who is actually just overweight when the baby is due. What language rule did Melania break?

Pragmatic rules

Withholders, pseudoaccommodators, and guiltmakers are all demonstrating what type of nonassertive behavior?

Passive aggression

Which of the following methods will help you interpret the behavior of others more accurately?

Perception checking

____________ govern how words sound when pronounced.

Phonological rules

Which of the following involves the use of silence and statements of encouragement to elicit a response from another person?


Which type of listener only pays attention to the parts of conversation that interest him or her?

Selective listener

We often seek out people who can give us rewards that are greater than or equal to the costs we encounter in dealing with them. This describes ____________.

Social Exchange Theory

Which of the following is valued in a high-context culture?

Social harmony

Which of the following is an accurate statement about culture?

Sometimes greater differences exist within cultures than between cultures.

Silent treatment that conveys the message "you aren't even worth my attention" is what kind of disconfirming message?


Julio asked Dolores how her day at work was. She answered him by shrugging her shoulders. Which nonverbal function is Dolores using?


____________ credibility is acquired after a speaker has finished a speech.


Why do we manage our identities?

To satisfy social rules and meet our personal goals

Due to their ____________, during disagreements males tend to experience greater physical arousal than women in the form of increased heart rate and blood pressure.


The ability to construct multiple identities is one element of __________.

communication competence

"When I lend you money and you don't pay me back, it makes my blood boil" is a statement that asserts ____________.


Cultural background, personal goals, expressive style, and cognitive complexity interact with ____________ to shape social support.


Using the term firefighter rather than fireman is an example of ____________ language.


Silence is most valued in __________.

high context cultures

____________ contributes to the value of qualitatively interpersonal relationships.


A salesperson lying about the effectiveness of his product would be an example of which of the following?

Unethical persuasion

Research indicates that the notion that men and women communicate in dramatically different ways is ____________.


Linguistic relativism means that ____________.

the worldview of a culture is shaped and reflected by the language its members speak

If Marco says to Darma, "I'm angry because you didn't tell me about the annual report deadline. Now my boss is irritated with me for turning it in late." Which part of Marco's statement illustrates the consequence statement?

"Now my boss is irritated with me . . . "

Which of the following is an example of a complete perception check?

"You didn't call me back after we had that argument. I wasn't sure if you were busy or if you were upset with me. Why didn't you call?"

Chris once used his Twitter and Facebook accounts to post photos of him engaging in illegal drug use. He is now having trouble getting a job after prospective employers view his accounts. This is an example of social media's ____________.


Competent communication requires that individuals ____________.


James is great at talking to his peers but is not so skillful when communicating with authority figures. This illustrates how communication competence is...


Julia told Kacie that Taylor was "loaded." Kacie took this to mean that Taylor had had too much to drink, whereas Julia had meant that he was very wealthy. This is an example of the concept that ____________.


Steve received an e-mail from his friend, Lindsay, about a party she is throwing later this month. In the e-mail, Lindsay writes, "YOU BETTER BE THERE!" Steve is unsure if Lindsay is mad at him or if she's just trying to be funny. Steve is having trouble interpreting the intent of this message because it lacks ____________.


Which method of communication provides the greatest level of control over how the message is composed?


Which of the following statements about communication competence is true?


Which statement best represents the connection between communication, understanding, and relationships?


While you were in Greece for a study-abroad experience, you kept a blog to share your adventures with friends back home. The capacity of everyday citizens to upload content in this way is best described as...


_____________ describes situations in which participants interact smoothly and with a high degree of satisfaction but without necessarily understanding one another well.


is the transmission of messages without considering consequences, while ____________ is the impulsive transmission of angry and hostile messages.


Researchers estimate that we inherit what percentage of our personality traits?


Most people will accurately identify lying what percentage of the time?


Which of the following best explains the difference between a competent speaker and a speaker without competence?

A competent speaker demonstrates an extensive knowledge about his subject, while a speaker without competence demonstrates a lack of knowledge about his subject.

Your company is requesting your attendance at an important conference. There will be many lectures and group workshops about current trends and practices at this conference as well as dozens of networking opportunities. Furthermore, your boss has requested that, upon your return, you generate a list that identifies new trends and practices that would benefit the company and the ways these could be incorporated into company policies, practices, and procedures. What types of listening styles might benefit you the most while attending this conference?

Analytical and critical

You see a person in a wheelchair crossing the street with a heavy bag of groceries. It looks like she might need some help. What would be the most appropriate action to take?

Ask if she needs assistance, and then help her if she needs it.

Betty is a 65-year-old retired mechanical engineer who now lives with her daughter. Before, Betty was relatively independent and did everything for herself. Now, her daughter insists on doing everything for Betty, including paying her bills and doing the grocery shopping. This week, Betty's daughter is on vacation, and Betty's bills are due. Instead of paying the bills herself, Betty asks her son to help her. Which of the following reasons best explains why Betty did not take care of the bills herself?

Betty doesn't perceive herself as capable of taking care of the bills.

Carlos usually spends a lot of time surfing. He values the time he has in the ocean alone with his thoughts and the waves. It's something he really feels like he needs. He recently met a very exciting woman named Amy. He is thrilled by the time they spend together, but he feels surfing, a significant part of his identity, is now being neglected. What type of tension is he most likely feeling?

Connection vs. Autonomy

When we say identity management is collaborative, what does that mean?

Each person will modify his or her identity in response to the other's behavior.

Which of the following best summarizes the difference between ethical and unethical persuasion?

Ethical persuasion is communication guided by the best interests of the audience that does not intentionally mislead or lie, while unethical persuasion misleads or lies to the audience for personal gain.

David and Chelsea are having an argument. During the course of the argument, Chelsea reveals that she is upset with David because he spends too much time at work and not enough time with her. She says she feels abandoned, lonely, and in need of support. David tries to reassure Chelsea, but nothing he says seems to make a difference. What would be the most appropriate course of action for David to take at this moment?

Express empathy for Chelsea

Which of the following is an example of powerless speech?


Suzanne really likes Claire, but she never shows it outwardly. This is an example of ___________.

High affinity/low immediacy

Aaron gets into a major argument with his girlfriend. As he storms off, he wonders if he should break up with her. Suddenly, Aaron sees a young woman out of the corner of his eye. He looks at her, and she smiles at him. Aaron interprets the woman's smile as a sign of her attraction to him. Which of the following factors probably had the greatest influence on his interpretation of the woman's behavior?

His level of relational satisfaction

Sheila and Jacob don't like each other very much. From the very beginning, Jacob has resented Sheila for stealing his best friend away from him. At the same time, while Sheila didn't have a problem with Jacob initially, she now ignores him every time they all hang out together. Neither party has done anything overtly offensive toward one another. If that's the case, then which of the following best explains how the animosity between Sheila and Jacob began?

Jacob's resentment manifested itself in negative behavior toward Sheila. This triggered Sheila to behave negatively toward Jacob.

Jeff is invited to a party at his best friend's house. Jeff does not like parties and would prefer not to go. However, it's his friend's birthday, and he knows that his friend will be mad if he doesn't show up. Still, he expects that he will have a horrible time. Using your understanding of self-fulfilling prophecy, choose the scenario that best predicts how Jeff will handle this situation.

Jeff will go to the party, sit by himself on the couch all night, and have a miserable time.

Jerry is visiting China for the first time. Jerry only speaks English and feels uncomfortable about the idea of visiting rural areas where they mostly speak Mandarin. Nevertheless, Jerry decides to visit a small village outside of the city. When visiting the village, Jerry avoids interacting with anyone directly unless they speak English. Jerry goes back to the city feeling bored and unfulfilled by the time he spent in the village. What likely prevented Jerry from having a more positive experience?

Jerry could not accept the ambiguity of the situation.

Which of the following nonverbal behaviors is least likely to be misinterpreted cross-culturally?


Laura is talking to her grandma on the phone. She says loudly and slowly in a sing-song voice: "Oh, Grammie, you're so cute. Now, make sure to take out the doggie later. You don't want him to have a poopy on the floor. He'll have to go to the bathroom. Remember, take him out." Which of the following best explains why Laura is speaking to her grandmother in this manner?

Laura assumes Grandma has trouble communicating because of her age.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about listening?

Listening is a skill that needs to be learned.

Which cultures believe in minimizing the differences between social classes?

Low power distance

Which listening style is the best defense against being fooled by "pseudo-profound" assertions


LaDrake has been in a relationship with Mina for over a year. He often discloses very personal information to her, stuff he doesn't tell anyone else. Mina has recently been asking about some problems LaDrake had when he was younger. He values being able to talk with her about almost anything but would rather not discuss this time of his life. He's a much different person now. Although it makes him a bit uncomfortable, he decides to tell Mina a few details about his past. Which best describes how he managed the dialectical tensions?


Susan tells Jill that she played softball when she was young, something Jill didn't know. Bobby accidentally tells Dedrick some highly personal news about his arrest last week, something Dedrick didn't know. What best describes how the two statements compare?

Neither are disclosures because the first is not significant and the second is not deliberate.

Two people engaged in a debate in which both parties are trying to persuade one another to come around to their way of thinking would best exemplify which characteristic of persuasion?

Persuasion is interactive.

Which of the following behaviors is an example of a manipulator?

Picking at your fingernails

If someone's leg begins to ache before it rains, and he assumes that the pain caused the rain, this would be an example of which fallacy?

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

__________ relates to physical appearance, while __________ relates to cultural factors.

Race; ethnicity

Your partner tells you, "You look nice in that outfit." The implication that he or she likes you and is proud of the way you look is the ____________ of the message.

Relational dimension

Which statement is true about the relational dimensions of communication?

Respect is a better predictor of relational satisfaction than liking or loving.

Which of the following is true about the self?

Self is a social product arising out of experiences with people and our perceptions about others' behavior.

Which statement best captures the connection between self-concept and communication?

Self-concept shapes communication and is affected by one's response to communication.

Anita had received some upsetting news just before beginning her shift as a waitress. All evening long, Anita was taking people's orders incorrectly. She was also having trouble listening to her manager's direction. Which reason best explains Anita's poor work performance?

She was having a problem with psychological noise.

Which of the following is an example of a directly aggressive message?

Shut up before I shut you up.

Setting up an argument that was not proposed and then attacking it as if it were the original argument is which of the following fallacies?

Straw man

Iris is studying abroad this semester, and she doesn't want to be out of touch with the culture of the country she's visiting. Which of the following observations of nonverbal behavior would suggest to her that the culture there is polychronic?

Students stay in class after lectures have finished

Jay is running late for an important business meeting. As he is boarding a bus to go to work, a man holding a clipboard runs up to him and says, "Wait! Would you like to sign my petition?" Jay frowns angrily at the man and boards the bus without saying a word. Which function of nonverbal communication is Jay using?


For which of the following situations would relational listening be the most effective listening strategy?

Talking with a parent about their health issues

Which of the following statements would best be described as an "attack on the person" or ad hominem fallacy?

The president has blonde hair, and people with blonde hair cannot be trusted.

Kate marries the attractive and quite muscular Tim. They connect on many levels. Based on research, what will most likely happen?

Tim's physical appearance will likely be less important to the relationship over time.

The best way to provide social support is to utilize ____________.

a variety of supportive responses that meet the needs of the occasion

When communicators adapt their speech to fit in with others they are adopting the strategy of ____________.


If one claims membership in a social category, such as LGBTQ, that is part of an encompassing group, he or she is part of a(n) __________.


A parent who threatens his or her child with a spanking to get him to clean his room would be an example of ____________.


Using acronyms online such as ILYSM or OOMP demonstrates ____________.


Changing the way an audience thinks refers to ____________.


Your partner seems bored with the weekend routine you have developed together, but when you ask him about it, he says, "Everything is fine. Don't worry about it." This method of addressing dialectic tension is best described as ____________.


Communicators who want to set themselves apart from others adopt the strategy of ____________.


People who speak using a combination of "powerful" and "powerless" language are typically more ____________ communicators.


Nonverbal sensitivity is a major component of ____________.

emotional intelligence

Mario recently came to the United States through a study abroad program and currently works in the financial aid office at his college. The other day his supervisor asked him for his opinion about the office filing system. Mario felt very uncomfortable with this question and responded by saying, "Whatever way you want it, that's fine by me." It is likely that Mario comes from a __________.

high power distance culture

Dyadic interaction is sometimes considered identical to __________.

interpersonal communication

The complex interplay of multiple identities is called ____________.


When your good friend tells you that you have a tendency to interrupt, you thank him for his constructive criticism. When a new coworker accuses you of monopolizing the conversation, you think silently to yourself, "Haters gonna hate." The tendency to judge people we like more charitably than people we don't know well is known as ____________.

linguistic intergroup bias

When the brain interprets sound and gives meaning to the sound, it is called ____________.


The tendency to reward people with above-average physical appeal is known as ____________.


Barbara desperately wants to be seen as professional by her coworkers. So, every morning before work, she carefully reviews her calendar and prepares her notes. She always arrives at work on time wearing a designer suit. She makes sure to happily greet all of her coworkers but doesn't spend too much time chitchatting as other workers do. She then sits down at her desk and immediately starts working. Barbara's behavior indicates that she is trying to _______.

manage her identity

Fatima, whose favorite channel is MTV, will only text friends as she finds e-mails too long and boring to compose. One of her challenges to effective listening is likely ____________.

media influences

Eddy agrees with something his friend Ronald just said about basketball. To nonverbally communicate his agreement through the function of substituting, Eddy should ____________.

nod his head

Nonverbal communication involves messages expressed through ____________ means.


Jamie was awakened by her roommate at 5:30 a.m. on a day when she had planned to sleep in until 8:00 a.m. Jamie grumbled to her roommate, "Thanks for waking me up!" This is an example of using ____________.


All during class, Shondra was distracted by the construction work going on outside. As a result, she couldn't remember most of the teacher's lecture. Shondra's listening difficulties, in other words, were caused by __________.

physical noise

"Tobacco companies should be abolished" is an example of a proposition of ____________.


Cultures that allow for flexible schedules in which multiple tasks are pursued at the same time are said to be __________.


Zach thinks he should get to eat the last slice of pizza because he paid for the pizza. "It's my pizza," he says to his friends. To nonverbally communicate his message through the function of accenting, Zach should ____________.

put verbal emphasis on the word "my"

A fallacy that unfairly attacks an argument by extending it to ridiculous lengths is ____________.

reductio ad absurdum

When a person's expectations of an outcome, and subsequent behavior, cause the outcome to occur, it is called __________.

self-fulfilling prophecy

Snap judgments become particularly problematic when they are based on __________.


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