Speech Ch. 9
Which one of the following techniques is advisable for a speaker who wants to distribute a five-page handout of text material?
Distribute the handout after the question-and-answer period.
True or False: A pie graph in a speech may have as many as 13 pieces.
True or False: A simple visual aid does not need to be explained to the audience.
True or False: Boards (such as chalkboards and whiteboards) should never be used for visual aids.
True or False: A lengthy handout should not be distributed during your speech.
Which one of the following rules is rejected by the text?
Every speech should have three or four PowerPoint slides.
True or False: For a classroom speech, it is illegal to use graphics from the Internet without securing permission.
True or False: It is never acceptable to wait until the conclusion of a speech to show a visual aid.
Which one of the following is NOT listed as an acceptable way for a friend to assist you during a presentation?
Say "Time's up!" when you have reached your time limit.
One presenter likes to create overhead transparencies during a presentation. This technique is not advisable in which one of the following locales?
Tokyo, Japan
True or False: Progressive revelation creates suspense.
In electronic presentations, what is the name of the technique in which a visual is displayed in stages from a small piece to the finished graphic?
The text says that two sensory channels—taste and smell are known as the ____________ senses.
Lists of key ideas are also known as
information charts.
Piece-by-piece unveiling of a visual is known as
progressive revelation.