Speech Final
A neutral definition focuses on __________ meaning.
A situation in which people's understanding can be changed through messages is a ________ situation.
arrangement stage of putting ideas together.
A speaker relies on an outline during the
agenda setting
A speech designed to prompt the audience to think about an issue that they had previously ignored has the purpose of
A visual aid that simplifies complex material by organizing it visually according to some obvious principle is referred to as a(n)
more motivated
A voluntary audience is ________ than a captive audience.
Listeners will understand and be influenced by your message.
A well organized speech leads to which of the following results?
determine what points the speech must cover
An analysis of the issues implied in your thesis statement enables you to:
audience culture
An analysis of your listeners' beliefs, values, interests, and knowledge is an examination of
Roman numerals
An outline indicates the importance of ideas within a speech, signifying the main ideas with
Antithesis and inverted word order are strategies for improving ________ in a speech
inducing a specific action.
As the chair of the United Way campaign, Maggie wanted to convince all her coworkers to sign a pledge card donating money to the United Way. Her purpose was:
omparison and contrast
Bar graphs are useful for showing
motivate listeners to pay attention
Because listeners have a tendency toward selective attention, speakers must be sure to
Make sure that the visual aids can be easily seen
By making visual aids simple, bold, and large, the speaker is following which design principle?
providing new information or perspective
Caleb knew his fellow union members opposed a plan to cut overtime at the plant, but he wanted them to view it more positively. He planned to discuss the likelihood that the plant would close altogether if payroll costs were not reduced. His purpose was
a document
Charlton supported his argument against gun control with the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. This type of supporting material is an example of
Concrete words, maxims, and the active voice help to increase the ________ of your message.
Deliberative, ceremonial, and forensic are three common types of
Description, personification, and alliteration are strategies for creating ________ in a speech.
selecting the means
During the __________ stage of strategic planning, you will decide what reasoning, organizational pattern, and supporting material to use.
Each main idea in an outline should address a separate idea so that the information under the main headings does not overlap. The characteristic is known as
thesis statement
Hanna wrote the following statement while preparing for her persuasive speech: "Lawyers have an undeserved reputation for dishonesty." This statement is a __________ statement.
line graph
Helga wants to show how the rate of traffic accidents changes for drivers as they advance in age. What type of visual aid would best represent this information?
Heterogeneity is an element of audience
introduction and conclusion
In a presentation outline, which two elements should be written out word for word?
opinion testimony
In a speech about local crime rates, Angela stated, "The Chief of Police says that neighborhood watch programs are the best defense against property crimes." What type of support is this?
a maxim
In his discussion of gun control, Evan warned his listeners that we could not adopt the approach used in England because comparing British laws with United States laws was like, "comparing apples and oranges." Evan was using a language device for improving clarity known as
In his speech on the West Nile Virus, Derrick informed the audience that "mosquitoes were the transformers of the disease." This statement contains a
strategic plan
In order to respond appropriately to the rhetorical situation, you need to develop a(n) ________ that identifies the purpose of your speech.
Jared wants to inform his listeners about the nutritional value of Subway food verses McDonald's. Which organizational pattern would best fit his speech?
they can distract the audience from the message.
One major drawback to using visual aids in a speech is
simplifying devices
Outside of the classroom, most speakers conduct audience analysis using
Parallel statements at the same level of importance in the outline are
belittling the source
Phillip gave a persuasive speech about why people should not smoke. His classmate, Morris, refused to accept Phillip's arguments, even though they were well supported, because he thought Phillip was just another liberal do-gooder who wanted to curtail people's freedom. Which act of selective perception did Morris exhibit?
how variables comprise proportions or percentages of a whole.
Pie graphs best illustrate
a specific situation
Public speaking occurs in response to
boomerang effect and polysemy
Selective influence can be prompted by which two conditions?
Sharelle's speech about reducing juvenile delinquency was very convincing. She clearly defined the problem and proved that volunteering at a youth agency can have an impact. One audience member, Harlan, agreed that volunteering was a great solution, but since he figured there would be lots of volunteers, he didn't see the need to donate his own time to the cause. Harlan was resisting persuasion by
Speakers should keep in mind that most audiences are
Statements that listeners regard to be true are
opinion testimony
Supporting material which relies on the judgments of someone, other than the speaker, who has relevant experience and expertise is called
audience composition
The analysis of listeners' perceptions and their selective exposure and attention is an analysis of
listeners are overwhelmed by a compelling argument and feel inadequate to bring about change.
The boomerang effect occurs when
communication apprehension
The fears and worries people have about communication with others are known as
The most basic theory of ________ is that people seek to attain pleasure and avoid pain.
the speaker and the message
The speaker's language choice will influence the listeners' perception of
desired outcome of the speech
The specific purpose statement clearly identifies the
performative and conversational
The two types of oral style are
a clear message and positive ethos.
Two important goals for any speech are
photographs, diagrams and maps
Visual aids known as representations include:
Wanda wanted a visual aid to show the series of choices one should make when selecting an investment strategy. What type of visual aid would serve her best?
your audience analysis
What is the most important factor in determining how much supporting material you should include in support of your claims?
What is the term used to refer to the character that is attributed to a speaker by listeners on the basis of what the speaker says and does in the speech?
What organizational pattern is reflected in the following main ideas? I. Crime is on the rise in Midville II. Neighborhood watch programs can dramatically reduce crime.
factual testimony
When a speaker supports a point by offering facts gathered by someone else, this type of supporting material is
direct observation
When a speaker uses supporting material based on what he or she has seen or heard, that type of support is called
When analyzing the four factors of the rhetorical situation, ethos is an important consideration related to the
read your outline word for word
When rehearsing your speech, you should NOT
important to you and interesting to the audience
When selecting a topic for your speech, you should select one that is
above the level of your head
When speaking to a large audience all seated at the same level on the floor, you should display your visual aids
When the speaker attempts to disprove or dispute arguments or appeals made by others, the goal is
When the speaker creates ________ in the speech, the listeners are able to grasp the pattern, anticipate the direction, and become more active participants in the speech situation.
the speaker did not use them properly
When visual aids fail, it is usually because
strengthening commitment
When you know that your audience already agrees with you, you should use the persuasive strategy of
audience demographics
When you tailor your speech to the educational level of your classmates in a public speaking course, you are focusing your audience analysis on
When your audience analysis focuses on the perceptual processes of the audience, including their tendencies toward selective exposure and selective attention, you are assessing audience
stage direction
Which element in a presentation outline is represented by the notation, "Show visual aid #2 now"?
Seek out evidence specifically suited to both your purpose and your audience
Which of the following approaches to research demonstrates strategic planning?
Which of the following characteristics refers to the idea that main points should be stated in single short sentences?
-some problem affects people collectively -cooperative action is needed to address the problem -the decision requires subjective judgment -a decision is required
Which of the following conditions is necessary for creating the public forum?
problem-solution and motivated sequence
Which of the following describe the two most common patterns for persuasive speeches?
It helps the speaker discover which points have insufficient supporting material.
Which of the following is a benefit of a well-constructed preparation outline?
Which of the following is the term for the study of how messages affect people?
strategic planning
Which of the following processes addresses when to speak, what to say, and how to organize one's message?
need and satisfaction
Which of the following steps of the motivated sequence resemble the problem and the solution in a problem-solution speech?
-object to the claim and develop a contrary claim -identify the position to be attacked -explain the significance of the position being attacked -explain the impact of the refutation All of the above
Which of the following strategies is employed by the speaker during refutation?
word economy
Which of the following strategies promotes clarity in a speech?
search engine
Which of the following terms describes a computer program which locates web sites that are likely to have information you are interested in?
Which organizational pattern arranges main ideas according to location or position?
Which organizational pattern focuses on similarities and differences among ideas?
Which organizational pattern is reflected in the following main ideas? I. Fossil fuels are not a renewable II. Nuclear power is a dangerous alternative III. Geothermal energy cannot be used in all parts of the country. IV. Solar Power is the best hope for our future energy needs.
Which reference work would you need to find the origin of a word?
hypothetical example
Which type of example asks listeners to imagine a situation that, although it is not real, provides a realistic depiction of a problem or issue?
preparation outline
Which type of outline is developed in detail while composing the speech?
presentation outline
Which type of outline is made simple and brief to provide a memory aid while delivering the speech?
the speaker
Who is responsible for evaluating the reliability and credibility of supporting materials drawn from internet sources?
key words
Your presentation outline should identify supporting materials by using
Main ideas
_____ are the claims that address the issues in the thesis statement of a speech.