speech final exam

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Appeal to emotion

explain the communication model (components and example)

Communication models are systematic representations of the process which helps in understanding how communication works can be done. example- television, radio, newspapers and magazines speaker- the person who is presenting an oral message to a listener. message is a whatever a speaker communicates to someone else. channel- the means by which a message is communicated. listener the person who receives the speaker's message. feedback- the massages, usually nonverbal, sent from a lister to a speaker. interference- anything that impedes the communication of a message. situation- the time and place i which speech communication occurs.

define ethics and be able to explain ethical decision making

Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in humans affairs. Ethical decision making is sound ethical decision involve weighting a potential course of action against a set of ethical standard of guidelines.

Types of Reasoning

Reasoning from specific instances- reasoning that moves from particular facts to a general conclusion. reasoning from principle- reasoning that moves from a general principle to a specific conclusion. causal reasoning- reasoning that seeks to establish the relationship between causes and effects. analogical reasoning- reasoning in which a speaker compare two similar cases and infer that what is true for the first case is also true for the second.

Define nonverbal communication

a communication based on a person's use of voice and body, rather than on the use of words.


an appeal based on logic or reason



steps of the reflective-thinking method in small groups

define the problem, analyze the problem, establish criteria for solution, generate potential solution, select the best solution

describe the guidelines for ethical listing and active listening

ethical listening guidelines are be courteous, attentive, avoid prejudging speaker, maintain free expression of ideas. active listening guidelines are resisting distractions, not allowing yourself to be diverted by a speaker's appearance or delivery, suspending judgment until you have heard the speaker out, focusing your listening, and developing note-taking skills.

know ethnocentrism, egocentrism, stereotyping (definition and differences)

ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own group or culture is Superior to all other groups or culture. egocentrism is the tendency of people to be concerned above all with her own values, beliefs, and well-being. stereotyping is creating an oversimplified image of a particular group of people, usually by assuming that all members of the group are alike.

identity the different logical fallacies

hasty generalize- a fallacy in which a speaker jumps to a general conclusion on the basis of insufficient evidence. false cause- a fallacy in which a speaker mistakenly assumes that because one event follows another, the first event is the cause of the second. invalid analogy- an analogy in which the two cases being compared are not essentially alike.

know how listening differ from hearing; describe connection between listing and critical thinking

hearing is the vibration of sound waves on the eardrums and the firing of electrochemical impulses in the brain and listening is paying close attention to, and making sense of what we hear. they are connected because ranked as the most crucial skill for professional success, we spend more time listening than any other communicative activity, most of our information is obtained through listening, and listening enhance our skills as critical thinkers.

describe the different types of language enhancements (imagery, simile, metaphor, alliteration, etc.)

imagery is creating mental images of objects, actions, ideas. abstract words is references to general concepts, qualities, attributes. concrete words is reference to a word that refer to tangible object. simile is a compression introduced with like or as. metaphor is compassion not introduced with like or as. rhythm is pattern of sound created by choice, arrangements of words. repetition is reiterating some word or set of words. alliteration is repeating initial consonant. antithesis is a juxtaposition of ideas, usually in parallel structure

know the different types of speeches on questions for policy (passive agreement vs immediate action) and be able to provide example of each.

immediate action is motivation, policy is needed. action encouraged act in support. passive agreement is policy is desirable and avoids encouragement action.

know what inclusive language is and why we should use it during speeches; describe the common language mistake we should avoid (using the genetic "he," etc).

inclusive language is a language that does not stereotype, demean, or patronize people on the basis of gender, race, region, disability, sexual orientation, or other factors. the audiences expect public speaker to use inclusive language that is respectful of the different groups that make up american society.

types of credibility

initial credibility-the credibility of a speaker before she or he starts to speak. derived credibility- of a speaker produced by everything she or he says and does during the speech. terminal credibility- the credibility of a speaker at the end of the speech

give an example of the three basic issues of policy speeches (need, plan, practicality).

need- is there a need for more students parking on campus? plan- what can we do to get more student parking on campus? practicality- building a multilevel parking garage on campus would provide more student parking, but the cost would require a sharp increase in tuition.

define plagiarism, know the main types, and provide example of each

plagiarism is a presenting another person's language or ideas as one's own. Global plagiarism is stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as one's own. patchwork plagiarism is stealing ideas or language from two or three source and passing them off as one's own. Incremental plagiarism is a failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people. the last type is plagiarism and the internet. example of a global plagiarism: "Mrs. Mallard has "heart trouble" should be taken as more meaningful than just the idea that she has problems with her heart. The late nineteenth-century this condition is described, as 's unhealthy. Of all the potential illnesses she could have, she "heart trouble," only reinforces its symbolic meaning. It also reinforces the "trouble" Mrs. Mallard is having with her "heart" within her marriage. Having "heart trouble" makes it easier for her to dismiss the concept of love with the statement, "What did it matter!"(15). Even if Mrs. Mallard wasn't sick, she'd still have "heart trouble" of the emotional kind". example of a patchwork plagiarism: "Colonialism had a destabilizing effect on what had been a number of ethnic groups that is still being felt in African politics. In the 1870s European nations were bickering over themselves about the spoils of Africa. Between 1870 and World War I alone, the European scramble for Africa resulted in the adding of around one-fifth of the land area of the globe to its overseas colonial possessions. Prior to European influence, national borders were not much of a concern, with Africans generally following the practice of other areas of the world, such as the Arabian peninsula, where a group's territory was congruent with its military or trade influence". example of a Incremental plagiarism: "To add insult to injury, Sotto delivered another speech the following month against the bill in the vernacular. Unfortunately for him, it took a vigilant netizen only two hours to expose his plagiarism: the last part of his speech was lifted from the Day of Affirmation Speech by Robert Kennedy made in 1966 in South Africa and translated it, again putting it out of context for his purposes. He tried to justify his theft by saying that it was a good idea and it sounded better in Filipino. Naturally, the Robert Kennedy estate was offended by Sotto's blatant lack of ethics and demanded an apology. Sotto apologized but denied he committed plagiarism. Check out the following links: Sotto does it again, channels Robert F. Kennedy in Filipino and Kennedy to Sotto: 'This is a clear case of plagiarism." example of plagiarism and the internet: "The legal system is comprised of criminal and civil courts and specialty courts like bankruptcy and family law courts. Every one of the courts is vested with its own jurisdiction. Jurisdiction means the types of cases each court is permitted to rule on. Sometimes, only one type of court can hear a particular case. For instance, bankruptcy cases an be ruled on only in bankruptcy court. In other situations, it is possible for more than one court to have jurisdiction. For instance, both a state and federal criminal court could have authority over a criminal case that is illegal under federal and state drug laws"

define conversational quality

presenting a speech so it sounds spontaneous no matter how many times it has been rehearsed.

list and describe the type of persuasive speeches (question of fact, value, and policy).

question of fact- question about the truth or falsity of an assertion. the types are what are questions of fact, analyzing question of fact, organizing speeches on question of fact. question of value- a question about the worth rightness, morality, and so forth of an idea or cation. the type are what are question of value, analyzing question of value, organizing speeches on question of value. question of policy is a question about weather a specific course of action should or should not be taken. the type are what are question of policy, types of speeches on question of policy, analyzing question of policy,organizing speeches on question of policy, and problem-cause solution order.

list and define the types of delivery methods(manuscript, memorized, impromptu, extemporaneous).

reading from a manuscript-a speech that is written out word for word and read to the audience. reciting from memory- if you are giving a speech of this kind and want to memorize it, by all means do so. impromptu speech- a speech delivered with little or no immediate preparation. speaking extemporaneously- a carefully prepared and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes.

explain the different between denotative vs connotative meaning; abstract vs concrete words.

the difference is that denotative meaning is the literal or dictionary meaning of a word or phase and connotative meaning is he meaning or emotions triggered by a word or phrase. also the difference of abstract vs concrete words is that abstract is a word that refer to ideas or concept and concrete word is a word that refer to tangible objects.

explain the different listing types, tips for being a better listener, and causes of poor listing.

the four types of listing is: Appreciative listing-listing for pleasure or enjoyment empathic listing- listing to provide emotional support for a speaker comprehensive listing- listing to understand the message of a speaker critical listing-listing to evaluate a message for purposes of accepting or rejecting it. the four causes of poor listening are not concentrating, listening too hard, jumping to conclusions, focusing on delivery and personal appearance. how to become a better listener are take listening seriously, be an active listener, resist distractions, don't be diverted by appearance or delivery, suspend judgment, focus your listening, and develop note-taking skills.

know and understand the guidelines for effective language use

the guidelines of using language are use language accurately, use language clearly, use language vividly, and use language appropriately.

Define communication

the process of sending and receiving messages

explain delivery (rate, pitch, volume, pauses, vocal variety, use of gestures, kinesics, etc).

volume is the loudness or softness of the speaker voice. pitch is the highness or lowness of the speaker's voice. rate is the speed st which a person speaks. pauses is a momentary break in the vocal delivery of a speech. vocal variety is a changes in a speaker's rate, pitch, and volume that give the voice variety and expressiveness. pronunciation is the accepted standard of sound and rhythm for words in a given language. articulation is the physical production of particular speech sounds. dialect is a variety of a language distinguished by variations of accent, grammar, or vocabulary.

describe the guidelines for ethical speech making (especially for persuasive speech).

(1) Make sure your goals are ethically sound, (2) Be fully prepared for each speech, (3) Be honest in what you say, (4) Avoid name-calling and other forms of abusive language and (5) Put ethical principles into practice.

understand how to avoid plagiarism when researching sources on the internet.

1: the title of the internet document. 2: the author or organization responsible for the document. 3: the date on which the document was last updated. 4: the date on which you acceded the site.

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