Speech Test

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9. To inform, to persuade, and to mark a special occasion are the three types of A) general purposes. B) specific purposes. C) thesis statements. D) speech occasions.

A = general purposes

5. The modes of persuasion used to appeal to an audience are called A) rhetorical proofs: B) logic. C) public speaking. D) writing skills.

A = rhetorical proofs

18. involves evaluating evidence, analyzing assumptions and biases, assessingthe logic of an argument, and resisting false assumptions. A) Critical thinking B) Bridging the message-perception gap C) Minimizing distractions D) Eliminating cultural barriers

A Critical Thinking

87. A claim is also called A) a proposition. B) a policy. C) a value. D) all of the above.

A a proposition

3. All communication events include A) a source and a message. B) only a message. C) a transmittal device. D) none of the above.

A a source and a message

93. A three-part argument consisting of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion is called A) a syllogism. B) an enthymeme. C) an elaboration. D) central processing.

A a syllogism

47. A speech introduction is designed to A) arouse the audience's attention and motivate the audience to accept the speaker's goals. B) provide an in-depth discussion of the topic. C) review and discuss all the main points of a speech. D) do all of the above.

A arouse the audiences attention and motivate the audience to accept the speakers goals

48. The first challenge faced by the speaker in the introduction of the speech is to win the audience's A) attention. B) approval. C) admiration. D) acceptance.

A attention

98. Which type of example offers a single illustration of a point? A) brief B) extended C) factual D) hypothetical

A brief

12. Outlines are based on the principle of A) coordination and subordination. B) general and specific purpose. C) primacy and recency. D) topic selection.

A coordination and subordination

96. Defining one term by comparing it to another term that has an equivalent meaning is called A) definition by synonym. B) operational definition. C) definition by etymology. D) none of the above.

A definition by synonym

62. One key to achieving effective vocal variety is A) enthusiasm. B) visual aids. C) pronunciation. D) monotony.

A enthusiasm

20. The study of moral conduct, or how people should act toward one another, is termed A) ethics. B) ethnology. C) ethnography. D) ethnicity.

A ethics

60. The method of speech deliverythat is most flexible for the speaker and preferred by listeners is A) extemporaneous speaking. B) speaking from memory. C) impromptu speaking. D) speaking from manuscript.

A extemporaneous speaking

22. The Amendment assures protection to both honest and dishonest speakers. A) First B) Third C) Second D) Fourth

A first

8. Audience analysis involves the study of an audience through techniques such as A) interviews and questionnaires. B) observation and tape-recording. C) surveys and assumptions. D) interviews and conjecture.

A interviews and questionnaires

76. Whereas persuasive. speeches seek to modify attitudes or ask the audience to adopt a specific position, the goal of an informative speech is to provide the audience with A) knowledge. B) entertainment. C) vivid imagery. D) all of the above.

A knowledge

53. Effective speech conclusions often employ A) many of the same techniques used in introductions. B) techniques that are not used in introductions. C) expert opinions and advice. D) all of the above.

A many of the same techniques used in introductions

29. Interview questions that invite elaboration are questions. A) open-ended B) closed-ended C) confidential D) scale

A open-ended

39. The Declaration of Independence is an example of a document. A) pnmary B) secondary C) tertiary D) chronicle

A primary

70. When designing a presentation aid, the speaker should strive for A) simplicity. B) abstraction. C) complexity. D) diversity.

A simplicity

100. When citing testimony in a speech, the speaker should always A) supply the name and qualifications of the source. B) .supply the inferential statistics related to the source. C) provide information about when, but not where, the testimony was offered. D) do none of the above.

A supply the name and qualifications of the source

50. Previewing the speech in the introduction A) tells the audience the order in which the main points will be addressed. B) addresses the tone rather than the organization of the speech. C) often "gives away" the entire content of the speech. D) does all of the above.

A tells the audience the order in which the main points will be addressed

86. An argument consists of A) a claim, opinions, and a conclusion. B) a claim, evidence, and warrants. C) a claim, fallacies, and opinions. D) a claim, warrants, and a conclusion.

B a claim, evidence, and warrants

15. Active listening is A) a vague, abstract multistep process. B) a focused, purposeful multistep process. C) a time-consuming one-step process. D) an active and engaging one-step system.

B a focused, purposeful multistep process

90. The first step of Monroe's motivated sequence pattern is A) action. B) attention. C) need. D) satisfaction.

B attention

45. To describe a series of developments in time or a set of actions that occur sequentially, a speaker should use which pattern of arrangement? A) topical B) chronological C) spatial D) causal

B chronological

69. Presentation aids A) tend to distract audiences. B) concisely convey information. C) make the speaker seem amateurish. D) do all of the above.

B concisely convey information

81. The audience's perceptions of and attitudes toward a speaker make up the speaker's A) expertise. B) credibility. C) ethos. D) persuasiveness.

B credibility

28. The statistical characteristics of a given population or group of people are known as A) psychographies, . B) demographics. C) profiles. D) beliefs.

B demographics

79. Inhis persuasive speech about why people should buy used instead of new autos, Maverick provided the audience with convincing information because of his knowledge and experience as a used-car salesperson. Maverick employed which type of appeal? A) logos B) ethos C) pathos D) credos

B ethos

Which of the following is a Greek word meaning "Character"? A)logos B)ethos C)pathos D)mythos

B ethos

4. The fear of public speaking A) is rare. B) . is widespread. C) is an inherited trait. D) cannot be overcome.

B is widespread

14. The conscious act of recognizing, understanding, and accurately interpreting messages communicated by others is called A) hearing. B) listening. C) circular response. D) the message-perception gap.

B listening

43. The body of a speech consists of A) thesis statements and introductions. B) main points, supporting points, and transitions C) specific purpose statements and internal summaries. D) all of the above.

B main points, supporting points, and transitions

83. A speaker is more likely to persuade audience members whose position differs --- from the speaker's. A) totally B) moderately C) drastically D) ethically

B moderately

40. Newsweek and Time are examples of A) government publications. B) periodicals. C) almanacs. D) biographical resources.

B periodicals

80. Buck gave a persuasive speech about why people should assist the homeless in his city in order to prevent crime. According to Maslow, this speech appealed to which basic need? A) physiological B) safety C) social D) self-esteem

B safety

10. Supporting material illustrates main points by the speaker's main ideas. A) substituting B) disproving C) verifying D) all of the above

C = verifying

25. Feeling is one reason many people are uncomfortable about public speaking. A) attractive B) superior to the audience C) different D) depersonalized

C Different

1. Benefits of public speaking do not include A) exploring and sharing values. B) honing thinking and listening skills. C) improving intrapersonal skills. D) accomplishing professional and personal goals.

C Improving intrapersonal skills

16. Distractions to listening can originate A) only outside of us. B) within our thoughts and feelings. C) both A and B. D) neither A nor B.

C both A and B

23. Which of the following types of speech are legally protected in the United States? A) racist and sexist speech B) pornographic speech C) both A and B D) neither A nor B

C both A and B

36. The credibility of testimony can be evaluated by checking A) the reliability of the source. B) the timeliness of the information. C) both A and B. D) neither A nor B.

C both A and B

91. Which pattern arrangespoints to demonstrate how a particular set of circumstances leads to a specific result? A) problem-solution B) refutation C) cause-effect D) comparative advantage

C cause-effect

66. The first thing an audience notices about a speaker approaching the speaking position is his or her A) eye contact B) smile. C) clothing. D) hairstyle.

C clothing

11. Which part of a speech represents the speaker's last opportunity to motivate listeners and memorably state the theme of the speech? A) introduction B) body C) conclusion D) outline

C conclusion

57. The literal, dictionary definition of a word is its A) hyperbolic meaning. B) analogous meaning. C) denotative meaning. D) connotative meaning.

C denotative meaning

71. The skillful use of color in presentation aids can be used to A) draw attention to key points. B) set the mood of a speech. C) do both A and B. D) do neither A nor "B.

C do both A and B

35. If a medical doctor gives cutting-edge information on the threat of high cholesterol, she is providing which type of supporting material? . A) . narrative material B) lay testimony C) expert testimony D) all of the above

C expert testimony

59. Which type of delivery falls somewhere between impromptu and memorized? A) unpracticed B) manuscript C) extemporaneous D) all of the above

C extemporaneous

64. Nonverbal communication A) diminishes the meaning of verbal messages. B) .complicates feedback. C) helps establish speaker credibility and a relationship with the audience. D) increases the ultimate pitch of a speech.

C helps establish speaker credibility and a relationship with the audience

92. When audience members strongly disagree with the speaker's claims, they are a(n) audience.--- A) counter B) apathetic C) hostile D) uninformed

C hostile

58. Which type of delivery worries speakers because they have little time to gather their thoughts and achieve composure? A) memorized B) manuscript C) impromptu D) extemporaneous

C impromptu

31. The purpose of a(n) speech is to increase the audience's understanding and awareness of a topic. A) commemorative B) persuasive e) informative D) challenge

C informative

74. Defining, describing, demonstrating, and explaining are all related to A) persuasive speaking. B) entertaining speaking. C) informative speaking. D) demonstrative speaking.

C informative speaking

55. A speaker who uses vivid imagery A) diminishes meaning. B) distracts listeners from the main point of the speech. C) invites listeners to use their imaginations. D) does none of the above.

C invites listeners to use their imagination

78. The appeal to audience emotion is termed A) logos. B) ethos. C) pathos. D) credos.

C pathos

24. Hate speech is offensive communication that is most directed against A) political ideas. B) people's values. C) people's racial, ethnic, religious, gender, or other characteristics. D) people's psychological characteristics.

C peoples racial, ethnic, religious, gender, or other characteristics

27. Which of the following would not be considered a demographic characteristic? A) gender B) ethnic or cultural background C) self-esteem D) religion

C self esteem

99. Plot, characters, setting, and a time line are all essential to A) contextual examples. B) extended examples. C) storytelling. D) credibility.

C story telling

44. Facts, statistics, testimonies, and narratives are all examples of A) main points. B) transitions. C) supporting material. D) none of the above.

C supporting material

89. Which of these factors is important when considering organizational pattern? A)I deleted this fcking answer ohps... B) the nature of the speech setting C) the nature of the specific speech purpose D) all of the above

C the nature of the specific speech purpose

94. The goal of informative speaking is A) to decrease audience frustration and boredom. B) to influence attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors. C) to increase audience understanding and awareness. D) to do all of the above.

C to increase audience understanding and awareness

6. The first step in the speech process is A) research. B) stating the purpose. C) developing points. D) selecting a topic.

D = selecting topic

17. Laziness and overconfidence in listening are manifested by A) expecting too little from the speaker. B) displaying an arrogant attitude. C) . ignoring important information. D) all of the above.

D All of the above

2. Factors that distinguish public speaking from other forms of communication include A) opportunities for feedback. B) level of preparation. C) degree of formality. D) all of the above.

D All of the above

38. When making an inventory of research needs, speakers should assess A) their own personal knowledge of the topic. B) the thesis statement's requirements. C) support material for the speech. D) all of the above.

D All of the above

26. The study of audience members' attitudes, beliefs, values, and personality traits is known as audience . A) sociology. B) demographics. C) apprehension. D) psychology.

D Psychology

30. Characteristics of the speech setting include A) the size of the audience and the length of the speech. B) lighting and sound. C) seating capacity and arrangement. D) all of the above.

D all of the above

32. When narrowing a topic; the speaker should consider the A) time limit for speaking. B) speech purpose. e) amount of time available for research. D) all of the above.

D all of the above

41. The keyto a productive search in cyberspace depends on A) a well-prepared research strategy B) an understanding of information available on the Internet. C) a basic grasp of how to use Internet search tools. D) all of the above.

D all of the above

49. Speech humor should always match A) the audience. B) the topic. C) the occasion. D) all of the above.

D all of the above

51. Conclusions provide A) the speaker the opportunity to drive home the speech purpose. B) the speaker a final chance to make an impression that accomplishes the speech goals. C) the audience with a sense of logical and emotional closure. D) all of the above.

D all of the above

52. Speech conclusions fulfill which of the following functions? A) alerting the audience that the speech is coming to an end B) summarizing the keypoints of the speech C) challenging the audience to respond D) all of the above

D all of the above

56. Effective speakers are careful to use language that is appropriate to A) the audience. B) the occasion. C) the subject matter D) all of the above.

D all of the above

63. Incorrect word pronunciations A) are a matter of habit. B) distract the audience. C) cannot be improved by clear articulation. D) all of the above.

D all of the above

65. Audiences are more readily persuaded by speakers who emphasize A) eye contact. B) nodding at listeners. C) vocal variety. D) all of the above.

D all of the above

68. Presentation aids should be appropriate to A) the audience. B) the speech content. C) the occasion. D) all of the above.

D all of the above

7. The demographic characteristics of an audience include A) the ratio of males to females. B) racial and ethnic representation. C) age variations. D) all of the above.

D all of the above

82. Persuasive speech outcomes are strongly influenced by audience perceptions of A) speaker expertise and trustworthiness. B) speaker attractiveness. C) speaker similarity to listeners. D) all of the above.

D all of the above

95. Listener comprehension is aided by A) _an appropriate organizational pattern. B) the speaker's skillful use of language. C) effective presentation aids. D) all of the above.

D all of the above

· 37. What is a benefit of citing frequencies in speeches? A) They help listeners make comparisons between two or more categories. B) They help listeners understand the magnitude of something described. C) They demonstrate trends. D) All of the above.

D all of the above

· 73. An informative speaker might introduce listeners to A) ideas or events. B) people or processes. C) places. D) all of the above.

D all of the above

13. Presentation aids A) summarize and highlight information. B) help the audience retain ideas and understand difficult concepts. C) provide dramatic emphasis. D) can do all of the above.

D can do all of the above

34. When used as supporting material in a speech, examples can A) illustrate. B) describe. C) clarify . . D) do all of the above.

D do all of the above

42. The speech conclusion brings closure to the speech by A) restating the purpose. B) reiterating why the purpose is relevant to the audience. C) leaving audience members with something to think about. D) doing all of the above.

D do all of the above

67. When rehearsing a speech, the speaker should A) revise the speaking outline. B) practice under realistic conditions. C) time the speech. D) do all of the above.

D do all of the above

85. Inpersuasive speaking, arguments are created to A) change people's opinions. B) influence behavior. C) justify the speaker's beliefs or actions. D) do all of the above.

D do all of the above

54. A culturally sensitive speaker A) avoids language that is biased. B) makes a conscious effort to be considerate of cultural differences. C) adapts language to a diverse audience. D) does all of the above.

D does all of the above

77. A persuasive speech A) attempts to influence audience choices. B) presents listeners with a limited number of alternatives to consider. C) seeks a response from the audience. D) does all of the above.

D does all of the above

84. A speaker can enhance her or his credibility with the audience by A) preparing well. B) demonstrating trustworthiness. C) being well groomed. D) doing all of the above.

D doing all of the above

97. Effective examples for a speech may be all of the following except A) hypothetical. B) extended. C) factual. D) extraneous.

D extraneous

21. Research on speaker credibility reveals that people most trust those speakers who A) have a sound grasp of the subject. B) display sound reasoning. C) are honest and not manipulative. D) have all of the preceding qualities.

D have all of the preceding qualities

33. A speech topic is considered unethical if the topic A) shows an audience how to perform illegal actions. B) provides audience members with information that may physically or psychologically harm them. C) is humiliating or degrading to the audience. D) involves any of the above.

D involves any of the above

46. To demonstrate the nature and significance of a problem and provide justification for a proposed solution, a speaker should use which pattern of arrangement? A) topical B) chronological C) causal D) problem-solution

D problem-solution

75. Speeches about result. A) people B) events C) objects D) processes

D processes

72. Which view in PowerPoint is meant to be used during projection to an audience? A) slide view B) outline view C) slide sorter view D) slide show view

D slide show view

88. A speaker who anticipates counterarguments and then addresses or refutes them uses A) authoritative warrants. B) fallacies. C) speculative claims. D) the inoculation effect.

D the inoculation effect

61. Pitch is A) the relative loudness of a speaker's voice. B) the speed at which a speaker talks. C) the rate at which a speaker stops and starts. D) the range of sounds a speaker's voice produces from high to low.

D the range of sounds a speakers voice produces from high to low

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