Sport Psych Final

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Which of the following is the best definition of team cohesion?

A dynamic process that is reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in pursuit of instrumental objectives and/or for the satisfaction of member affective needs.

Which of the following is an example of a professional practice knowledge to study whether the use of imagery is associated with better performance in golf?

A group of golf pros is asked whether they feel that imagery helps their performance.

You are a researcher studying the association between sports participation and ethical development in Boulder Valley School District students across their high school career. Which of the following would be best suited to your needs?

A longitudinal or prospective study

Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following statements is true regarding the definition of competition? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

All sports are competitive but not all competitive endeavors are sports.

You are a tennis player in the middle of an important match. Which of the following is NOT an example of an internal distractor that might interfere with your performance?

Arguing with the line judge about a bad call

Fitness level, sex, and age are all which type of variable influencing sports injury risk?


Which of the following is true regarding children's participation in sports? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Girls drop out of organized sports at a higher rate than boys.

When an athlete changes a goal if it proves to be unrealistic or if other factors change is the definition of which of the following?

Goal adjustment

You are a coach working with an elite swimming team and suspect that one of your swimmers is experiencing overtraining syndrome. You administer this swimmer the POMS Mood Scale; which of the following would you NOT expect to see if this swimmer is indeed experiencing overtraining syndrome?

Lower tension

You are a sport psychologist working with overtrained or stale athletes. Based on what you have learned about the neuroendocrinology of overtraining syndrome in this course, which of the following would you NOT expect to see in this athlete?

Lower parasympathetic activity during exercise

High trait anxiety and perfectionism and low self-esteem are examples of which of the following in the Cognitive-Affective Stess Model of burnout?

Personality and motivation factors

You are a coach working with a girl's 18 and under recreational field hockey team. You are having a team meeting to discuss external factors that contribute to sports injury risk. Which of the following is true regarding external factors and injury rates that you can tell your players? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Playing in hot and dry conditions seems to have higher injury risk than wet and cold conditions.

Kinesics is a form of nonverbal communication that involves which of the following?

Posture, gestures, body positioning, and touching

Select the answer below that best fills in the blanks of the following sentence: The fact that much more precised adjustments can be made to these goals is a ____________ of ____________ goals.

Pro or advantage; performance

Which of the following statements is true regarding competitive orientation and athletes?

Professional athletes are higher in all three orientations than non-professional athletes.

Based on the research discussed in lecture, which of the following is FALSE regarding goal setting and performance? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

Goal setting interventions have demonstrated improvements in performance but only for a small number of sports.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the home advantage in sports?

Home advantage is about the same for postseason and regular season games.

Which of the following statements is true regarding leadership in sports? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Informal leaders are as important or more important as formal ones.

The relationship between somatic anxiety and performance is U-shaped, but cognitive anxiety is inversely related to performance.

multidimensional anxiety theory

People are motivated by their desire to seek success or avoid failure and by their probability of success.

need achievement theory

Allow kids to relax and goof off occasionally.

need for fun

Physical training stresses the athlete physically and psychologically and can have both positive and negative effects on body and mind.

negative training stress response model

Hostility is replaced by solidarity and cooperation, conflicts are resolved, work toward common goal(s)


Team members band together and channel their energies into team problem solving, resolving issues, stabilizing interpersonal relationships, defining roles in order to successfully accomplish the team goal(s)


Providing tangible services or aid to a person

personal assistance

A former NFL player is asked whether he thinks there is a relationship between on-the-field aggressiveness and off-the-field legal problems in football players.

professional practice knowledge

Which of the following is a pro or advantage of using questionnaires to assess aggression in sports?

They provide information on how athletes see themselves.

Select the answer below that best fills in the blanks of the following sentence: ________ refers the positivity or negativity of a particular mood state while _______ refers to a continuum of physiological and psychological activation.

Valence; arousal

How we explain our success and failures is what is important for determining future motivation.

attribution theory

xWhen people think or feel that their body reality is worse than their body ideal

body image disturbance or dissatisfaction

Our actual physical characteristics—height, weight, body fat, bone structure, fitness, disease, etc.

body reality

An eating disorder characterized by excessive eating followed by inappropriate methods of weight control.


A physical, emotional, and social withdrawal from a formerly enjoyable physical activity.


Burnout is caused when the situational demands placed on an athlete are perceived by that athlete to outweigh their resources, causing stress.

cognitive-affective stress model

An interactional model in which an athlete's response depends upon the characteristics of the leader, situational variables, and the team perceptions of the leader's behavior.

cognitive-mediational model of leadership

Burnout occurs because athletes do not want to participate in a sport but feel they must

commitment-entrapment model

Not wanting an opponent to get injured.


People are motivated to engage in behaviors that improve their sense of self-worth.

competence motivation theory

Imagery facilitates motor learning by activating the motor pathways associated with movement.

psychoneuromuscular theory

Challenging a person to evaluate their attitudes, feelings, etc.

emotional challenge support

Providing comfort, caring, encouragement

emotional support

Which of the following is an example of an informal team role?


Teach proper stretching, warm-up, hydration, and cool-down techniques.

fitness and health

Team members familiarize themselves with one another, compare strengths & weaknesses


Validating another's perspective or approach

reality confirmation support

Which of the following is an example of hostile aggression? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Tackling your opponent in basketball.

Which of the following is an example of using past performance accomplishments to improve athlete self-confidence using the self-efficacy model?

Talk with an athlete and get them to see that they have been successful in the past

The degree to which members of a group work together to achieve common goals is the definition of which of the following terms related to team cohesion?

Task cohesion

Which of the following is true regarding the consequences of different leadership styles? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Team performance is highest when the coach's leadership style is autocratic, rewarding, and instructional.

Which of the following statements is true regarding hostile and instrumental aggression?

Teams from higher competitive levels engage in more instrumental aggression and less hostile aggression.

An experiment is best defined as which of the following?

The determination of the causal relationship between two variables by manipulating one variable and measuring the effect on another variable.

Feeling that while it is not okay to hurt someone in the real world, it IS okay to do so in a tough and close football game.

game reasoning

Which of the following best describes failure avoiders, according to Need Achievement Theory?

They are low in success approach, high in failure avoidance

Which of the following is a con or drawback to using athletic statistics to measure aggression in sports?

They can't distinguish the context or intent of aggressive acts.

You are a coach working with an soccer player on the national team. This player is not currently a starter but had as their main athletic goal to become an offensive starter and start every game. However it is looking like this goal is not attainable. You are helping this athlete use goal re-engagement. Which of the following is a mechanism of goal re-engagement that this athlete can use? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

They could form a new goal--for example, to become the best substitute on the team.

You are a basketball coach and one of your athletes is having trouble with shifting attentional style. Which of the following best describes the trouble they are having?

They have problems selecting the right type of attention for the situation

Leadership is more dependent on the circumstances.

situational approach

Emphasize what a child does correctly rather than focus on what they did wrong.

skill development

A personality trait defined as the degree to which people become anxious when others observe their physiques

social physique anxiety

Encourage children to get to know other teammates by mixing them up in drills.


The effects of arousal on performance depend on an athlete's interpretation of their arousal, and athletes often make quick shifts in their interpretations of arousal.

reversal theory

Resistance to the leader or to the group, interpersonal conflict, infighting, etc.


Help children define success not only as beating others but as achieving one's own goals.


Imagery help athletes develop a mental "blueprint" for motor patterns that increases familiarity and automaticity of actions

symbolic learning theory

Acknowledging the value of a person's efforts

task appreciation support

How we feel about our body image—pride, disgust, shame

the affective dimension of body image

The things we do that reflect our feelings and perceptions of our bodies—the clothes we wear, the activities we participate in

the behavioral dimension of body image

Which of the following is an example of an positional formal team role? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

the catcher on a baseball team

How we think about and evaluate our bodies.

the cognitive dimension of body image

The impact of an image depends on the image (I), the somatic response to it (S), and the meaning of the image to a person (M)

triple code model

Which of the following is an example of a process goal? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-I want to time my passes so that my teammates don't have to break stride to get them. -I want to bend my knees while I toss the ball to serve.

Which of the following psychological skills interventions is associated with improved adherence to rehabilitation programs during injury rehabilitation? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Imagery -Self-talk -Goal setting

The definition of a team is, two or more people that have which of the following? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-A collective sense of identity and shared goals and norms. -Distinctive yet interdependent roles

Which of the following is a FALSE regarding the trait approach to understanding leadership? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

-A causal association has been established between certain personality traits and leadership ability. -The traits that supposedly make one a good or successful leader are almost never found in bad or less successful leaders.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding disordered eating, eating disorders, and sports? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

-A majority of eating disorder patients report being competitive athletes, but that their sport participation came after their eating disorder. -Female athletes are more likely to binge and more likely to purge than male athletes.

Which of the following statements is true regarding other factors influencing sport aggression? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Aggression increases in games with closer scores. -Both men and women self-identify as athletes more than as jocks, but men are more likely to identify as jocks than women. -Athletes who self-identify as "jocks" engage in greater amounts of off-field violence than athletes who self-identify as "athletes". -Crowd size has an inverted U-shaped relationship with sport aggression.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the relationship between arousal and performance? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Arousal and anxiety don't necessarily have a negative effect on performance, depending on how they are interpreted -The optimal level of arousal probably differs for different athletes or even the same athlete in different conditions -Decreases in performance with higher arousal are probably not gradual but are likely to be catastrophic

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding Attribution Theory and sports? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

-Athletes differ dramatically from non-athletes with respect to their attributional profile -Individual sport athletes make more external and unstable attributions than team sport athletes

Which of the following is true regarding personality and different types of sport? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Athletes in high-risk sports tend to be higher in extraversion and lower in conscientiousness than low risk sport athletes -Team sport athletes tend to be higher in extraversion and lower in conscientiousness than individual sport athletes

You are a middle school principal putting together a piece for your school's web page on why parents should encourage their children to participate in sports. Which of the following statements is true regarding children's sports participation that you can put on your web page? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Athletes, especially female and non-collision sport athletes, are less likely to have conduct issues than non-athletes. -Athletes tend to earn higher grades and do better on standardized exams than non-athletes.

You are a sport psychologist studying cooperative behavior in basketball. You want a measure that requires no effort on the part of the athletes. Which of the following would be the best suited to your study? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Athletic statistics -Observation

You are the captain of a soccer team, and you are unhappy with a teammate because he made an error that might cost you the game. Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following would be good things to keep in mind during your confrontation with this player? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Avoid confronting them when you're angry, and do not use insults or personal attacks. -When delivering constructive criticism, you should use the "sandwich approach"--give a positive statement about the effort, followed by future-oriented instruction, and then end with a compliment. -Try to understand the other person's position, and listen carefully to what they have to say.

You are a trainer working with a multi-ethnic basketball team. You are holding a team meeting about body image. Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following statements is true regarding body image, sports, and ethnicity that you can tell your players? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Black women demonstrate less concern about their weight than white women. -Differences between black and white women regarding weight are decreasing as black women experience greater pressure toward thinness. -Black female athletes espouse more positive attitudes about their body than white female athletes.

Which of the following statements is true regarding endorphins, endocannabinoids, and exercise? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Both endocannabinoids and endorphins work by decreasing GABA inhibition. -Endocannabinoids increase dopamine release, endorphins increase responsiveness of nucleus accumbens neurons.

You are a sports psychologist working with distance runners to help them use imagery to improve their performance. You wish to focus on affective uses of imagery. Which of the following is an affective use of imagery you can help them with? Please select all of the answers that are affective uses of imagery below.

-Building confidence -Enhancing motivation -Preparing for competitive stress

Your friend often struggles with negative mood and wants to know what type of activity to do. Which of the following is associated with improvements in mood that you can recommend to your friend? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Bursts of non-exercise physical activity throughout the day -Participation in a single competitive sports event, but only if the participant wins.

According to Achievement Goal Theory, athletes with an outcome or ego goal orientation focus on which of the following? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-How they look or compare to others -Demonstration of ability relative to others

Which of the following is improved according to the indirect thought process view of goal-setting? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Confidence -Anxiety is decreased

Which of the following personality traits tend to be higher in athletes vs. non-athletes? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Conscientiousness -Extraversion

You are discussing competitiveness and sports performance with your son. Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following statements regarding competitiveness and performance is true that you can tell him? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Despite some early studies suggesting otherwise, people do not always perform better on simple motor tasks when competing against another. -The effect size for competitiveness on performance, while still small, is bigger in sports than in school or workplace performance. -Neither state nor trait competitiveness is associated with better performance. -People do not always perform better on simple motor tasks when competing against another.

You are a basketball coach and you call a timeout with 20 seconds remaining and your team down by two. Based on the research discussed in lecture, which of the following would you want to do to minimize the chances of choking? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Don't mention that if they win this game, the team will receive a huge monetary bonus -De-emphasize the importance of winning this game -Get your star player to pass to an open player to take the shot

Which of the following is FALSE regarding self-confidence and sports? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

-Elite athletes are higher in trait self-confidence, and research suggests that this is entirely due to the fact that more self-confident individuals are more likely to become elite athletes -Pre-competition self-confidence is associated with performance independent of differences in ability

You are a coach of a children's soccer team and you are putting together a web site for parents about the causes of and contributors to athletic burnout in child athletes. Which of the following statements is true regarding the causes of and contributors to burnout that you can put on your web site? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Focusing on one sport too early is the strongest predictor of burnout in young athletes. -Maladaptive perfectionism increases while adaptive perfectionism decreases rates of burnout. -there is no strong association between training volume and burnout.

You are a sport psychologist using the POMS to try to identify successful from unsuccessful athletes. For which of the following is the effect size for the POMS and therefore more likely to allow you to successfully distinguish successful from unsuccessful athletes ? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-For individual sports -For shorter duration sports -For self-referenced performance criteria.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the media and body image? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Greater exposure to media is associated with greater body image dissatisfaction in women and in female athletes. -Media images of "idealized" women are increasingly different from women's actual bodies. -Female athletes may differ even more than non-athletes from media depictions of idealized female body shapes.

You are a coach of a youth soccer team and one of your players has a high win orientation. Which of the following is this player likely to demonstrate? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-He may experience reduced performance, since focusing on winning can distract an athlete from important game variables during competitions. -He is not more likely to engage in doping but is likely to have more favorable attitudes toward doping than athletes higher in goal or competitiveness orientation. -He may have low self-esteem, since higher goal and competitive orientations are associated with higher self-esteem in children but win orientation is not.

You are a sports psychologist consulting with the coach of a competitive hockey team. He wants to know about the role of penalties to performance. Which of the following statements is true regarding the relationship between athletic performance and aggressive penalties that you can tell him to improve his chances of winning? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-He should not encourage his players to commit more penalties overall, because there is no association between number of aggressive penalties and games won. -He should encourage his team to commit more aggressive penalties in the first quarter and not the third quarter. -He should encourage his team to commit more aggressive penalties at home and fewer on the road.

You are a coach helping one of your athletes set up an imagery training procedure to help them learn some fine motor tasks associated with their sport. Which of the following imagery factors is associated with the most improvements in motor skills based on the research discussed in lecture? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Internal imagery -Positive imagery

You are a sport psychologist running a clinic for coaches on overtraining syndrome in athletes. One of the coaches wants to know what athletes are most likely to experience overtraining syndrome. Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following statements is true regarding overtraining syndrome that you can tell them? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-It is more common in elite athletes but is found at all levels of competition. -Individual sport athletes may be at higher risk than team sport athletes.

You are a coach of a women's gymnastics team, and you are having your athletes take a personality test to identify athletes who might be at higher risk for developing an eating disorder. Which of the following personality traits would you expect to see in athletes with higher risk of an eating disorder? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Low self-esteem -High trait anxiety/neuroticism -High perfectionism

According to what we have learned in lecture, which of the following personality traits is associated with greater sports injury risk in the presence of high life stress? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Low self-esteem or hardiness

Which of the following is true regarding who uses imagery? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Male and female athletes use imagery at equal levels. -International and national male athletes use imagery more than college or recreational athletes.

Which of the following goal-setting variables is associated with better performance? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Moderately difficult goals -Combined short and long term goals

According to what we learned in lecture, expert athletes are characterized by which of the following? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-More automatic processing -Less susceptibility to inattentional blindness

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding self-talk and athletic performance? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

-Motivational self-talk is typically more effective than instructional self-talk. -Self-talk is associated with better performance, but has only been demonstrated for a small number of sports.

Which of the following is true regarding verbal and nonverbal communication? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Nonverbal communication is usually responsible for most of the message. -The non-verbal message often conveys both content and relational information

You are a coach trying to establish team norms for your basketball team. Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following is true regarding the establishment and enforcement of team norms? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Norms don't always have to be relevant to team goals -Deviation from norms can be formally enforced or informally enforced -Norms can be formally established as written rules of conduct or can be informally developed by a team

For which of the following types of information that sports participation measures can provide is observation the best way to acquire it? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Number of aggressive, cooperative, ethical, etc., acts in practice or competition -Effort in practice

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding demographic factors and injury risk? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

-Older athletes are more likely to experience an injury, regardless of years of experience. -Women are more likely to be injured than men in comparable sports.

You are a children's sports coach and you are giving a talk to the parents of your players. Which of the following statements is true and is something you can tell them regarding parenting and children's sports? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Once they are sure the coach is qualified, parents should not meddle at practices or games. -Parents should discipline their child when necessary for poor sportsmanship but never for poor performance.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding physical activity? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Physical activity only involves voluntary movement, not involuntary movements like shivering and sneezing

Which of the following is an example of instrumental aggression? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Pinning your opponent in wrestling. -A strong block in football.

Which of the following is an example of a communication sender problem in communication? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Providing too little or too much information -Sending mixed or confusing messages -Not making sure the message was received and understood

You are the coach of a high school swim team and want to use punishment effectively. Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following is a good way to make punishment effective? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Punish stars and non-stars the same -Impose punishment impersonally and not emotionally

You have just been hired as the coach of a children's basketball team, and you want to use reinforcement effectively to help your players improve. Which of the following is true regarding the most effective ways to use reinforcement? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Recognize that the same reinforcer can affect people very differently so you should use different reinforcers for different players. -You should use continuous reinforcement early on and during practice and intermittent reinforcement later on and during games.

You are a sports psychologist and you are doing a study on goal conflict in athletes. Which of the following statements is true regarding the sources of goal conflict in athletes that would be relevant to your study? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Role conflict is more common in female athletes than in male athletes. -Intersport conflict is more common in younger children since they are more likely to play more than one sport and less able to handle multiple identities.

Which of the following ways to measure sports participation is subject to recall or social desirability bias? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Self-report questionnaires -Logs or diaries

You best friend plays soccer for CU. She plays soccer because she love to beat others and be the best. She doesn't really compete because she likes testing herself against her opponents, but she does have a strong focus on improving her own personal performance and getting better as an athlete. Which of the following best describe your friend's competitive orientation? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-She is high in win orientation -She is high in goal orientation

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding team cohesion and performance? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

-Social cohesion had a significantly smaller effect size than task cohesion.

Which of the following is true regarding sports?

-Sports can either be objectively measured or qualitatively measured. -Not all competitive or skilled endeavors are sports--what distinguishes sports from other competitive of skilled endeavors is the element of physical activity/exertion.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the variables influencing the efficacy of self-talk on performance? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Subjects trained in self-talk showed much greater improvements in performance than untrained subjects.

Which of the following is true regarding goal orientation and sports? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-Task approach orientation predicts improvements in performance across the season -There is not much data on whether athletes differ from non-athletes in task orientation

Which of the following statements regarding moral reasoning in athletes is correct?

-Team sport athletes tend to have lower levels of moral reasoning than individual sport athletes. -Women have higher levels of moral reasoning than men but women's scores have been decreasing in recent years.

You are a college soccer coach instructing your assistant coaches on the use of the POMS in athletes. Which of the following statements is true regarding the POMS Mood Inventory and sports participation/performance that you can tell them? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-The POMS cannot distinguish between elite and non-elite athletes -The POMS can distinguish between athletes and non-athletes

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding parental support and youth sport? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

-The impact of parents is higher on sport enjoyment than that of friends or coaches. -Parents' perceptions of the amount of pressure they are imposing on their child are about the same as that of children. -Both parental support and parental pressure are associated with greater sport performance in children.

Which of the following is a con or drawback to using medical records to assess injury rates? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

-They may miss some injuries because not every athlete who is injured seeks medical assistance -Certain types of injuries are not recorded or are under-reported. -You need special approval to access them because of privacy laws

Which of the following statements regarding the Instinct Theory of Aggression is FALSE? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

Aggressive act are associated with greater injury risk, but athletes high in trait aggression are not more likely to be injured as they are typically doing the injuring.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding goal setting for athletes?

Achieving our goals is always in our control. -You can't be a successful athlete without setting goals.

You are a counselor working with drug addicts and one of your clients is curious about how exercise and sports influence craving and addiction. Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following statements is true regarding exercise and sports as a treatment for addiction? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Acute physical activity reduces craving, with moderate intensity having an equal or greater effect than vigorous intensity activity.

You are a high school principal and you are concerned about drug use at your school. Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following is true regarding drug use among high school athletes?

Athletes are less likely to use marijuana than non-athletes.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the situational antecedents of leadership?

Athletes often prefer a more democratic style in highly stressful or competitive situations.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding cooperation and sports? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

Athletes with an ego or performance orientation are more cooperative than athletes with a goal or mastery orientation.

You are a softball pitcher and you want to use arousal regulation to decrease your arousal so you are not too stressed before a competition. Which of the following is an example of a technique discussed in lecture to decrease arousal?

Autogenic training

Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following is the definition of compassion?

Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following is the definition of compassion?

Which of the following statements is true regarding personality traits in athletes vs. non-athletes? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Both gravitational and developmental theories appear to contribute to personality trait differences between athletes and non-athletes.`

You are a basketball point guard, and you are scanning the positions of the five opposing players as you bring the ball up on offense. Which of the following best describes what attentional style this is?

Broad external

Which of the following is FALSE regarding staleness/overtraining syndrome, burnout, and quitting? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

Burnout is the main reason athletes quit a sport.

Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the theories on the causes of aggression?

Catharsis is a component of both Instinct Theory and Social Learning Theory.

Which of the following is a legitimate use for personality tests in sport psychology? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Comparing athletes with themselves at different points in their training to identify important changes that may influence performance. -Identifying personality traits in individual athletes that may allow their training or coaching to be better tailored to their needs or abilities.

Which of the following is true regarding competition?

Competition does not always build character. -Competition is not associated with better performance.

Which of the following is true regarding malingering? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Competitive athletes were more likely to return to sports participation following an injury than recreational athletes.

Select the answer below that best fills in the blanks of the following sentence: The adrenal cortex releases the hormone ____________ while neurons of the locus coeruleus release the neurotransmitter ____________.

Cortisol; norepinephrine

The association between injury risk and aggressiveness is examined in a large group of competitive gymnasts.

Cross-sectional or retrospective study

Which of the following is true regarding an iceberg profile on the POMS? Please check all of the answers that are correct below.

Cross-sectional studies on athletes and their POMS profiles show an association between sports participation and having a sharper POMS profile but cannot prove that participating in sports improves mood.

Select the answer below that best fills in the blanks of the following sentence: A major pro or advantage of _________ is that they provide an association between two variables across time, while a major pro or advantage of ___________ is that they provide a causal relationship between two variables

Cross-sectional studies; longitudinal studies Longitudinal studies; experiments

Which of the following statements is true regarding the relationship between arousal and performance?

Decreases in performance with higher arousal are probably not gradual but are likely to be catastrophic.

Which of the following is considered an aesthetic sport and thus is at higher risk for eating disorders? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.


You are a basketball coach and you call a timeout with 20 seconds remaining and your team down by two. Based on the research discussed in lecture, which of the following would you want to do to minimize the chances of choking?

Don't mention that if they win this game, the team will receive a huge monetary bonus

Which of the following statements is true regarding the neuroscience of addiction?

Dopamine release is associated with "wanting" of reward, levels of dopamine response with "liking" of reward.

According to the research discussed in lecture, which of the following is true regarding the use of imagery by elite/successful/experienced athletes? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Elite or more successful athletes are more likely to use internal imagery than external imagery.

Which of the following statements is true regarding higher level athletes and goals? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Enjoyment was rated lower for higher level athletes than for lower level athletes.

You are an athletic trainer working with an athlete to avoid injury. Which of the following is true regarding physical factors and injury risk that you can tell this athlete?

Generally speaking, injury rates are higher in collision sports like football.

You are a sport psychologist publishing a review paper on exercise and sport participation and exercise addiction. Based on what we've learned in lecture, which of the following statements are true regarding exercise and sport participation and exercise addiction that you can put in your paper? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Exercise addiction is higher in elite and professional athletes. -Exercise addiction increases with greater exercise/sport participation.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding exercise? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

Exercise and physical activity really refer to the same thing.

Which of the following statements is true regarding attentional styles and performance? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Expert runners tend to use associative strategies during competitions and dissociative strategies during practice

Your best friend recently joined an intramural softball team because he is really good and your other friend is paying him to play on the team. Which of the following types of motivation are they demonstrating?

External regulation

You are a physical therapist working with athletes who have experienced knee injuries. Which of the following statements is true regarding the psychology of rehabilitation that you can tell your athletes to assist them in their recovery?

Faster healing athletes report higher stress than slower-healing athletes.

You are a counselor working with female athletes on body image issues. Based on what we have learned in lecture, which of the following statements is true regarding the media, sexualization, and female athletes that you can tell your clients to prepare them for these issues?

Female athletes experience far greater sexualization than male athletes.

Which of the following statements is true regarding research on the five aspects of attention in athletes? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

For runners, dissociative strategies are associated with reduced perceived exertion while associative strategies are associated with faster running speeds

The two main forces producing team cohesion are which of the following?

Group attractiveness and means control

Which of the following is specifically part of the definition of a team and not a group? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Have structured modes of communication -two or more people that have a collective sense of identity and shared goals and norms, distinctive yet interdependent roles, and structured modes of communication. -Distinctive yet interdependent roles

You are a sports psychologist working with a school district to increase sports participation in children. Which of the following statements regarding having fun while playing sports is true regarding children that you can tell the school administrators? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Having fun as a reason to participate in sports is equally true for older children as it is for younger children.

You are a sport psychologist, and you suspect one of your male athletes has muscle dysmorphia. Based on what we learned in class, which of the following statements is true regarding this athlete? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

He is more likely to have disordered eating than an athlete without muscle dysmorphia.

You are a coach of a competitive diving team, and one of your athletes is better and more successful than the others. According to Attribution Theory, this athlete is most likely to attribute her successes to which of the following?

Her excellent conditioning

Which of the following is an example of task challenge support?

How do you think you did in the 4th quarter of the game?

Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the use of imagery?

Imagery is as effective for cognitive as for physical or motor tasks.

Which of the following statements regarding testosterone and aggression in humans is true?

In humans, the argument that testosterone causes aggression is not well supported.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding gender and body image? Please select all of the answers that are FALSE below.

In non-athletes, normal weight women have similar levels of body satisfaction as normal weight men.

Based on the definition discussed in class, which of the following statements is true regarding aggression?

It is considered aggression even if actual harm was not caused if the intent was to harm.

Which of the following is a reason why the POMS mood inventory is often used by exercise researchers? Please check all of the answers that are correct below.

It is so simple and easy to use for both researchers and subjects alike

The association between competitiveness and anxiety levels is examined in a group of marathoners across several races.

Longitudinal or prospective study

Which of the following is a way of evaluating and praising results in children's sport?

Leading scorer for the season.

You are coaching a children's basketball team and one of your athletes says "Tripping your opponent is okay if they did it to you first." This is an example of which of the following levels of morality?

Level 2

Which of the following is the best evidence in support of the Psychoneuromuscular Theory of imagery?

Numerous studies have shown that both sensory and motor areas of the brain are activated during imagery.

A friend of yours plays soccer and is curious about using psychological skills training to enhance her performance. Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following statements regarding psychological skills training is true that you can tell your friend about PST?

PST is not for problem athletes only -PST can't turn unskilled athletes into winners.

Which of the following statements is true regarding goal commitment and athletic performance? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

People with high goal commitment will improve performance the most at higher levels of goal difficulty.

You are a sport psychologist writing a review paper on the relationship between sports participation and off-field aggression. Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following statements is true regarding sports and off-field aggression and should be included in your review? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Professional football players commit fewer crimes than comparable non-athlete populations of the same age or racial makeup.

According to Hays' Dimensions of Sport Self-Confidence, confidence in one's mindset, mental strength, or motivation, is considered which of the following?

Psychological self-confidence

The fact that it requires effort on the part of the athlete is a con or drawback to which of the following ways to measure cooperation? Please select all of the answers that are correct below


You are an sports psychology researcher and you have just received a grant to study sports participation 20,000 Colorado children. You decide that you need a sports participation measure that is the most inexpensive and easiest for both the researcher and the subject and thus has very high compliance. Which of the following physical activity measures would probably work best?

Self-report questionnaires

You are a sport psychologist assisting a basketball player on the most effective uses of self-talk. Which of the following statements is true regarding the variables influencing the efficacy of self-talk on performance that you can tell this athlete? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Self-talk produces significantly greater improvements to fine motor and novel skills than to gross motor and familiar skills. -No significant difference in the efficacy of self-talk was found between beginners and experts.

According to what we have learned in lecture this week, which of the following is a correct principle of successful goal setting?

Set both short-term and long term goals.

Your younger sister just been chosen as the team captain of her soccer team, and since you were a team captain of your soccer team too you are giving her advice on the functions of leadership and what leaders should and should not do. Which of the following is a piece of advice you would give her based on what we learned in lecture?

She should strive to provide her teammates with motivation to achieve a goal, such as making the playoffs this year.

Which of the following is an example of a contact sport?


Select the answer below that best fills in the blanks of the following sentence: ______ refers to the physiological symptoms of arousal such as increased heart rate while _______ refers to the psychological thoughts and feelings of agitation and anxiety .

Somatic arousal; cognitive arousal

Which of the following is true regarding sports? Please select all of the answers that are true below.

Sports can either be objectively measured or qualitatively measured. -Not all competitive or skilled endeavors are sports--what distinguishes sports from other competitive of skilled endeavors is the element of physical activity/exertion. -Sport is distinguished from exercise and other forms of physical activity by competition and skill

Which of the following is true regarding intrinsic motivation and sports? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Successful athletes score lower on intrinsic motivation than less successful athletes.

You are counseling a skier who has experienced an ACL injury on the best way to return successfully from his injury. Based on the research discussed in class, which of the following statements is true regarding the practices of athletes who successfully returned from their rehabilitation? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Successful rehabilitating athletes were more likely to use goal setting.

Which of the following personality classification schemes is used the most often in sports psychology research?

The Five Factor personality inventory

Which of the following statements is true regarding the POMS Mood Inventory and sports participation/performance? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

The POMS is modestly successful at predicting whether athletes succeed or not

You are the trainer at the Olympic training center and you are concerned that one of your athletes might have anorexia nervosa. Which of the following best describes the symptoms this athlete is most likely to present with if your diagnosis is correct?

The athlete rarely eats, is very underweight for her height, and yet she still perceives herself as "fat".

You are running a youth recreational sports league and want to increase children's enjoyment of sport. Which of the following statements is true and is thus something you should consider for your sports league?

The impact of parents is smaller on children's sport enjoyment than friends or coaches.

According to the Model of the Competitive Process discussed in lecture, a standard for comparison and at least one other person are components of which of the following?

The objective competitive situation.

Which of the following is an example of a within-groups experiment to study whether the use of imagery is associated with better performance in golf?

The performance of a group of golfers that does not use imagery is compared before and after being taught imagery techniques

You are a sport psychologist studying athletic or fitness skills. Which of the following best describes what you are studying?

The set of physical abilities relating to success in a particular sport.

You are the captain of a soccer team and you want to decrease the chances for social loafing on your team. Which of the following conditions is associated with greater social loafing and thus should be something you try to avoid?

The task is perceived to be low in meaningfulness or the individual's personal involvement is low.

You are a scientist and you carry out a meta-analysis on the relationship between success in track athletes and optimistic personality traits. You find an effect size of 0.95. Which of the following best describes what this means?

There is a strong direct relationship between physical activity levels and optimism, i.e., more active subjects show a very high level of optimism compared to less active subjects.

Which of the following statements regarding choking in sports is true? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

There is no evidence that certain athletes or teams are more likely to choke than others

A psychological condition in which a person becomes excessively preoccupied with an imagined defect in physical appearance.

body dysmorphic disorder

You are a coach of a children's coed volleyball team. One of your athletes is a high achiever relative to the other athletes on your team. In summarizing all of the motivation theories, which of the following is true regarding a high achiever that you would expect of this athlete? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

They would be likely to have high motivation to achieve success and low motivation to avoid failure.

Which of the following is an example of a leadership behavior involving consideration?

Treating team members as equals

According to Vealey's Sport Self-Confidence Model, which of the following is the definition of the objective sport situation?

What is happening right now during the competition--the opponent, the conditions, etc.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the factors influencing children's enjoyment of sport?

Winning is rated as very important to the sport enjoyment experience by both boys and girls. -Ability and accomplishment, are strongly correlated with sport enjoyment but effort is not.

The number of injuries is assessed in a professional rugby team before and after they are given self-relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety.

Within-groups experiment

The number of tackles made by a group of football players is compared before and after they are given confidence-building exercises.

Within-groups experiment

Which of the following is true regarding acute vs. chronic injuries? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Women and men experience chronic injuries at comparable levels in comparable sports, but men are more likely to lose playing time because of them.

You are an aggression researcher consulting with the U.S. Women's Olympic Soccer Team about aggression in women. Which of the following statements is true regarding gender and aggression in sport that you can tell the team? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

Women are lower in hostile aggression but equivalent in instrumental aggression as men.

Which of the following statements regarding moral reasoning in athletes is FALSE?

Women have higher levels of moral reasoning than men and women's scores have been increasing in recent years.

You were just selected as team captain of your basketball team. Based on what we have learned in lecture, which of the following is something you should try to do to be a good leader? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

You should not try to do everything yourself--delegate!

You are a coach of a competitive volleyball team and you want to create a positive team climate. Based on what we learned in lecture, which of the following are true regarding creating a positive team climate? Please select all of the answers that are correct below.

You should provide opportunities for proximity, but this oesn't have to be physical proximity though this is often best.

Playing checkers is most considered which of the following?

a game

How we think our body should look and function

body ideal

People are motivated either by the process or by the outcome of a task or behavior.

achievement goal theory

Continued use of a substance or behavior despite negative consequences of it.


A psychiatric disorder characterized by unrealistic fear of weight gain, self-starvation, and conspicuous distortion of body image.

anorexia nervosa

Trying to identify successful leadership strategies by examining the actions of effective leaders.

behavioral approach

The number of penalties of a group of hockey players given classes teaching better sportsmanship is compared to the performance of a group of hockey players not given sportsmanship classes.

between group experiment

Mental images of performance are stored as stimulus propositions linked to response propositions

bioinformational theory

If cognitive arousal is high, increases in physiological arousal result in precipitous decreases in performance.

catastrophe model

xA spectrum of exaggerated eating patterns involving health risks.

disordered eating

The idea that arousal is linearly associated with performance--the "psyching up" theory.

drive theory

A group of clinical conditions defined by abnormal eating habits that may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake to the detriment of an individual's physical and mental health

eating disorder

Giving everyone on the team a chance to play in a children's sports league.

fair play

Avoiding a win at all costs mentality.

good sporting

Respecting the rules, the officials, and the officiating.

goos sporting

The idea that athletes have a range of optimal arousal in which they perform best, and that optimal performance may not always be at the midpoint of arousal.

individualized zones of optimal functioning model

The relationship between arousal and performance is characterized by a U-shaped curve with higher levels of arousal leading to a decrease in performance.

inverted u hypothesis

Listening to someone without giving advice or judgment

listening support

The benefits a member can derive from being associated with the group and/or accomplishing group goals is the definition of which of the following terms related to team cohesion?

means control

An acute/temporary increase in training load to near maximal levels carried out in order to produce additional improvements in performance through supercompensation when combined with adequate rest

overreaching/overload training

Chronically excessive training volumes without sufficient rest or recovery time that produce long-term decrements in performance.

overtraining syndrome/staleness

Burnout occurs when sports participation no longer meets one or more of the three basic needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness, and motivation decreases.

self-determination theory

Successful leaders have certain personality characteristics that make them effective no matter the situation.

trait approach

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