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- (n) One of the five natural powers (touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing) through which you receive information about the world around you - (v) To perceive by a ~ or ~s - (v) To be aware that something is the case without being able to define exactly how one knows. Ex: He could ~ that he wasn't liked


- (v) To give up (something that you want to keep) especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone - (n) the act of giving up something that you want to keep, especially in order to do something else or to help someone


- (v) To have an idea or impression of the existence, presence or truth (of something) without certain proof - (adj) Not able to be trusted or relied on - (n) A person who is believed to be possibly guilty of committing a crime


- (v) To show or express strong disagreement with or disapproval of something - (n) A strong complaint expressing disagreement, disapproval or opposition (phản đối, kháng nghị, biểu tình)


- (v) to cause something to start or happen - (n) something that causes something else to happen Ex: Some kinds of food and drink can also ~ migraines. A very first major step in managing migraines is managing the ~s.


- (v) to cut into very small pieces - (n) small chopped bits (as of food), especially ~ meat


- A competition in which all the competitors try to be the fastest and to win or finish first Ex: Do you know who won/lost the ~? Let's have a swimming ~. Kieran and Andrew are in a ~ for promotion. - A group, especially of people, with particular similar physical characteristics, who are considered as belonging to the same type, or the fact of belonging to such a group Ex: People of many different ~s were living side by side. The company does not discriminate on grounds of ~, age, sex, or religion.


- A controlled, polite, and pleasant way of behaving + She handles her problems with ~ and dignity. + He has shown remarkable ~ during this crisis. + At least he had the good ~ to admit that he was wrong. + She has the ~ to listen to everyone's complaints. + She is quite lovable despite her lack of social ~s.


- The action or process of settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area. + the European invasion and ~ of the Americas - The action of appropriating a place or domain for one's own use. + the complete ~ of television entertainment by reality shows


- The angle or direction in which a person looks at an object [= point of view] Ex: At school, he learned history and stories from a British ~. - The ability to understand what is important and what isn't Ex: I know you're disappointed, but keep your ~.


- The belief that something or someone is good or acceptable - Permission to do something/Acceptance of an idea, action, plan, etc.


- The fact of continuing or A thing that continues or follows from something else Ex: This book is a ~ of her first novel. The class is a ~ of the introductory class taught last semester. It's just a ~ of the bigger river, but with a different name. The ~ of the strike caused a lot of hardship.


- The group of people who operate a ship, airplane, or train Ex: The flight's passengers and ~ - A group of people who do a specified kind of work together Ex: A construction ~ will begin work on the house next week.


- The killing of millions of Jews and other people by the Nazis during World War II Ex: The museum is devoted to the ~. Her parents were survivors of the ~. - An event or situation in which many people are killed and many things are destroyed especially by fire Ex: A nuclear ~ (= destruction caused by nuclear weapons) would leave few survivors.


- The process of infecting or the state of being infected. Ex: If the ~ is not checked it will probably spread to the upper body. - A disease caused by germs or bacteria. Ex: Exactly which bacteria cause the ~ is still unknown.


- The state of being poor Ex: He came from ~. He was born in/into ~. - A lack of something Ex: There is a ~ of information about the disease.


- The state of feeling very unhappy and without hope for the future + I was overwhelmed by feelings of ~. + Every day she sinks further and further into ~. + Don't let feelings of ~ swamp you. - A serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way + She has been undergoing treatment for severe ~. Many people suffer from clinical ~ for years before being diagnosed. + Tiredness, loss of appetite, and sleeping problems are all classic symptoms of ~. + If you suffer from ~, it's best to get professional help.


- The way someone thinks, feels, and behaves/ Someone's personality + He rarely shows his true ~ —that of a kind and sensitive person. + This is a side of her ~ that few people have seen. - A set of qualities that are shared by many people in a group, country, etc + the ~of the American people + the French/Japanese/Mexican national ~ - A set of qualities that make a place or thing different from other places or things + the wine's distinctive ~ + the unique ~ of the town/city/region


- To feel or show great sadness because someone has died Ex: She is still ~ing her husband, who died last year. Thousands of people ~ed his death/passing. - To feel or show great sadness or unhappiness about (something) Ex: She ~ed the loss of her youth. He still ~s the fact that he never went to college.


- To get (things) from different places and bring them together Ex:He ~ed stories from all over the world. - To get control of (your thoughts, emotions, etc.) Ex: I took a minute to ~ my thoughts. - To come together in a large amount as time passes Ex: Snow was ~ing on the driveway. A large crowd of reporters ~ed outside the prime minister's house.


- To give reasons for or against something/ To cause (someone) to decide to do or not do something by giving reasons Ex: The senator ~ed for/in favor of/against making cuts in military spending. They tried to ~ their parents into getting a new car. No one can ~ me out of doing this. - To disagree or fight by using angry words Ex: Their neighbors ~ed (with each other) all the time. The children are always ~ing. Kids, will you stop ~ing with each other?


- To hit something hard enough to cause serious damage or destruction Ex: Investigators are still trying to determine why the airplane ~ed. The car ~ed into the fence. - To damage (a vehicle) by causing it to hit something Ex: He has ~ed two cars, a truck, and a motorcycle.


- To look at (something) closely and carefully in order to learn more about it, to find problems, etc. Ex: The police ~ed the evidence carefully. - To test or look carefully at (something or someone) for signs of illness or injury Ex: You should have your eyes ~ed. He was ~ed by several doctors, who found nothing wrong with him.


- To make (someone or something) healthy or well again - To recover from an illness or injury, return to health


- To make (someone) a slave Ex: The early settlers ~ed or killed much of the native population. - To control someone's actions, thoughts, emotions, or life completely: Ex: She felt like she was ~ed in a loveless marriage. We are increasingly ~ed by technology.


- To make (something) more active Ex: Caffeine ~s the heart. The government plans to cut taxes in order to ~ the economy. - To make (a person) excited or interested in something Ex: Their discussion ~ed him to research the subject more. He was ~ed by their discussion. Good teachers should ask questions that ~ students to think.


- To prove (something) by showing/being examples of it Ex: The latest test results clearly ~ that the vaccine works. The group's failed efforts ~ how difficult it is to convince people to change their habits. - To show (a quality, feeling, etc.) clearly to other people Ex: They have ~ed a willingness to negotiate.


- To rest on top of a liquid Ex: Will this material sink or ~? - To be carried along by moving water or air Ex: Dust ~ing through the air


A country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country. + Japanese forces overran the French ~ of Indo-China + In France's former North African ~es, anti-French feeling is growing. + At that time, people from Britain traveled around the world. They began ~s in many countries.


A hard, typically green stone used for ornaments and implements and consisting of the minerals jadeite or nerphrite (Cẩm thạch)


A heavy weight


A long passage under or through the ground, especially one made by people Ex: + The ~ was dug with the aid of heavy machinery. + A ~ entrance was found within the precincts of the prison camp. + The road goes over the mountains, not through a ~. + The train goes through a ~ in the mountain.


A long stick with material at one end that burns brightly


A long, hollow tube for carrying water, steam, gas, etc.


A machine that is used to carry people or goods from one place to another Ex: Cars, trucks, and other ~s


A man who is member of a religious order and live in a monastery


A part of the body (such as the heart or liver) that has a particular function Ex: The male ~ - a polite way of saying penis


A party or other special event that you have for an important occasion, holiday, etc.


A person or company that supplies goods to stores or other businesses that sell to consumers.


A person or event involved in collecting money for a particular purpose, especially a charity or a political party, school, etc.


A person or group that invades a country, region or other place


A person or thing that can be used to replace or support another person or thing


A person who believes in communism or is a member of a political party that supports communism


A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country


A person who does not eat meat, and sometimes other animal products


A person who does not eat or use animal products


A person who goes to live in a new place where usually there are few or no people


A person who has escaped from their own country for political, religious, or economic reasons or because of a war Ex: Thousands of ~es fled across the border. We have been tasked with setting up camps for ~s.


A person who practices acupuncture


A person who purchases goods and services for personal use. Ex: Many ~s are still not comfortable making purchases on the Internet


A person who walks for long distances, especially across country


A person who wants things to be done perfectly or who tries to do things perfectly + I'm a bit of a ~, which makes it difficult for me to finish things sometimes.


A person's bodily shape, especially that of a woman and when considered to be attractive

Belly button

A person's navel


A physiological or psychological dependence on a drug/ A strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble) Ex: He has a drug ~. His life has been ruined by heroin ~.


A piece of jewelry that is worn around your neck


A piece of jewelry that is worn on the ear and especially on the earlobe


A piece of jewelry worn on the wrist


A place giving temporary protection from bed weather or danger


A place of land that shaped like a triangle that is formed when a river splits into smaller rivers before it flows into an ocean

Tourist attraction

A place people like to visit or travel to


A place where someone or something is protected or given shelter


A plant or part of a plant that is used as medicine or to give flavor to food


A plant or plant product that is grown by famers - cây trồng Ex: This is also makes bananas an important ~ for farmers


A plant that is grown in warm regions and that produces small flat seeds that are used in cooking and as a source of oil


A polar region located at the northernmost part of Earth


A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs

Crunch and Sip

A primary school program that let children eat vegetables and fruit and drink water in the classroom. It encourages children to choose vegetables and fruit as a snack and water as a drink


A recurrent throbbing headache that typically affect one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision


A religion based on the teachings of the Buddha.


A round usually wooden container with curved sides and flat ends Ex: Oak ~s are used for aging the wine.


A sauce for salads, typically one consisting of oil and vinegar mixed together with herbs or other flavorings.


A science that deals with past human life and activities by studying the bones, tools, etc., of ancient people Ex: + Daniel is very interested in history and ~, and often visits historic sites. + She is an expert on the ~of ancient Egypt. + We both studied ~at university before coming to work at the museum. + Excavating human remains is one of the most exciting parts of ~.


A science that deals with the atmosphere and with weather


A scientist who specializes in the study and treatment of the mind and behavior


A section in a hospital for patients needing a particular kind of care Ex: She works in the cancer/maternity/psychiatric ~. The nurse took me to the women's medical ~.


A selfish desire to have more of something (especially money) Ex: He made no effort to conceal his ~ for money and power.

Blood clot

A thick and sticky clump of dried blood that stops blood from flowing through a blood vessel in a person or an animal


A thick liquid that is produced in some parts of the body (such as the nose and throat)


A tightly stretched rope or wire high above the ground that a performer walks on, does tricks on, etc., especially in a circus -> often used figuratively to describe a dangerous or uncertain situation in which you have to be very careful not to make mistakes Ex: A man named Jean Francois Gravelet walked over the waterfall on a high ~. As soldiers during the war, we walked a ~ between life and death every day. The writer manages to walk a ~ between good humor and poor taste.


A tropical forest where plants and trees grow very thickly


A type of plant that grows in the sea


A type of tall bird that has a long neck and long legs and lives near water

Root vegetable

A vegetable (such as carrot or potato) that grows under the ground


A vein or artery that carries blood through the body


A very bad event that causes great sadness and often involve someone's death


A very high, large wave in the ocean that is usually caused by an earthquake under the sea and that can cause great destruction when it reaches land


A very large city, typically one with a population of over ten million people

Cystic fibrosis

A very serious disease that usually appears in young children and that makes it hard to breathe and to digest food properly


A very strong feeling of dislike [=hate] Ex: She makes no attempt to conceal her ~ for her opponents. This troubled city is filled with ~, prejudice, crime, and fear.


A violent and destructive storm in which powerful winds move around a central point


A wetland that is forested (Land that is always wet and often partly covered with water)


A wild and natural area of land where very few people live


A yellow metal that is made by combining copper and zinc


A yellow or brown sticky substance that comes from some trees or other plants (notably fir and pine)


An extremely dry area with little water and few plants, especially one covered with sand


An extremely large, powerful, and destructive storm with very high winds that turn around an area of low pressure


An extremely large, powerful, and destructive storm with very strong winds that occurs especially in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean


An illness that causes you to pass waste from your body very frequently and in liquid rather than solid form


An increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scale/ Building up in little steps Ex: Employees receive an annual ~ in salary of three percent. You will receive annual salary/pay ~s every September.


An interesting or important part, quality, ability, etc. (đặc tính)


Any of several species of antelopes native to arid regions of Africa and Asia, having dark markings on face and long, pointed horns


Any one of the light growths that make up the outer covering of the body of a bird


Any one of the lines that go from the North Pole to the South Pole on maps of the world + places on a ~ have the same longitude.


Any one of the tubes that carry blood from parts of the body back to the heart - tĩnh mạch


Any one of the tubes that carry blood from the heart to all parts if the body - động mạch


Having or providing as much as is needed/ Enough for a particular purpose Ex: A 15 percent tip is ~. There must be ~t funds in your bank account to cover the check. Did you have ~ time to do the work? I hope we have ~ people to do the job. If I buy two pounds of fish that should be ~ for four people.


Having or showing a selfish desire to have more of something (such as money or food) Ex: He was a ruthless and ~ businessman. There's no need to get ~—there's plenty for everyone.


Having or showing ability to make new thing or think new ideas


Having or showing severe mental illness/ Unable to think in a clear or sensible way [= crazy] Ex: An ~ person She was ~ with jealousy/anger. He had this ~ idea that he could get rich by selling old computers. She went ~ and started thinking that everyone was trying to kill her.


Having qualities that give a person or a group of people the means to take more control of their lives and become stronger and more independent


Having the distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing; showing all the characteristics that you would usually expect from a particular group of things Ex: We had a ~ New England winter. I must look like the ~ tourist with my shorts and my camera. This kind of hot and spicy food is very ~ of the food in the south of the country. It's just ~ of Dan to spend all that money on the equipment and then lose interest two months later. "He called at the last minute to say he wasn't coming." "~!"


Having the form of powder, like powder


Having the training, knowledge, and experience that is needed to do something Ex: ~ workers A very ~ and talented writer He is ~ at cooking.


Having the training, knowledge, and experience that is needed to do something well Ex: He is ~ at diplomacy. An artist ~ in the use of color


Feeling of pains


Feeling or showing strong excitement about something, filled with or marked by enthusiasm Ex: I'm not wildly ~ about your latest idea. Her proposals met with an ~ response.


Of or relating to a colony + Today, most of the countries that were colonized are now independent nations. But many of them still use ~ language such as French and English as their main language. + ~ education created a generation surrounded by the literature of the colonizers.


Of or relating to a form of government in which power is shared between a central government and individual states, provinces, etc. and the different states or provinces of the country have important powers to make their own laws and decisions. Ex: a ~ government/system


Of or relating to art or beauty Ex: There are practical as well as ~ reasons for planting trees.


Of or relating to surgery


Of or relating to the nerves/neurons


Of or relation to education


Of, relating to or characteristic of Jew


Of, relating to or characteristic of nomads


Of, relating to, or in the part of a country that is away from the coast or boundaries


In a direct and honest way Ex: He ~ acknowledged/admitted his mistake. She spoke ~ about her failed marriage. Please feel free to express your opinions ~. We discussed our reservations about the contract quite ~. Many parents feel reluctant to talk ~ with their children.


In a gradual way, slowly, by degrees


In a small amount or degree [=slightly, a little] + He felt ~ awkward in his suit. + The instructions were ~ confusing. + Our work has progressed ~. + The course is ~ more difficult than I was told it would be.


To make (something) known in a public or formal way Ex: The government ~ed a cut in taxes. The company president has ~ed her retirement. Their engagement was formally ~ed in the newspaper. The first few leaves in the gutter ~ed the beginning of autumn. It gives us great pleasure to ~ the engagement of our daughter Maria. British Airways regret to ~ the cancellation of flight BA205 to Madrid. The minister has ~ed that there will be no change in government policy. My sister surprised everyone by ~ing she was leaving her job.


To make (something) wider or longer by pulling it

To vote on (someone or something)

To make a decision about someone or something by ballot


To make something (such as a sculpture or design) by cutting off pieces of the material it is made of Ex: He ~ed her name on a tree. Some of the tunnels in the cliff are natural, some were ~ed out by soldiers for defensive purposes. There were three large figures ~ed out of the rock. He ~ed the wood to resemble a small bird.

Bump into

To meet (someone) by chance Ex: I ~ed a friend at the store. I ~ed somebody I knew in the cafe and stopped for a chat. He ~ed her accidentally on purpose.


To not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage, or destroy (someone or something) Ex: + We are prepared to ~ our country. + They have every right to ~ themselves from those who would hurt them. + All the police officers were equipped with shields to ~ themselves against the rioters. + Stop ~ing him. What he did was wrong.

Sentence (someone) to

To officially state the punishment given to (someone) by a court of law Ex: The judge ~ed him to prison


To press something very hard to break it into a powder or very small pieces - nghiền vụn

Keep someone from doing something

To prevent someone from doing something Ex: It would be better if we could ~ the baby from falling asleep until we get home. Jack is doing everything he can to ~ the business from failing.


To produce to a soft pulpy state by beating or pressure - nghiền nhuyễn Ex: They ~ bananas into a thick mixture


To provide what is needed for (something or someone) to exist, continue, etc. Ex: There is not enough oxygen to s~ life at very high altitudes. Hope ~ed us during that difficult time.


To raise animals or plants, often to produce new or improved types - gây giống


To remove (something) from a list


To save (someone or something) from danger or harm Ex: The survivors were ~ed by the Coast Guard.


To say (something) very loudly, especially because you are angry, surprised, or are trying to get someone's attention


To send people to live in and govern another country + England ~ed Australia. + The area was ~ed in the 18th century. + Other nations, such as France and Spain, also ~ed foreign countries in a similar way.


To show respect and love for God or for a god especially by praying, having religious services, etc

Sit still

To sit without moving around Ex: You can't expect young children to ~ for that long.

Interfere with

To stop or slow (something)/To make (something) slower or more difficult + The drug might ~ with a child's physical development. + All of the noise was ~ing with my concentration.


To surprise and sometimes confuse (someone) very much


To take, keep, or use (something) in a way that prevents other people or things from having or using it Ex: He's been ~ing the remote control all night. Stop ~ing the road. I hate when she ~s the bathroom.


To treat a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour, sex, sexuality, etc. Ex: She felt she had been ~ed against because of her age.


Strange, unknown, or difficult to understand


To try to get or win something (such as a prize or reward) that someone else is also trying to win Ex: Thousands of applicants are ~ing for the same job. She ~ed against students from around the country. The radio and the television were both on, ~ing for our attention.


To use the power of the law to take and keep (someone, such as a criminal) Ex: The police ~ed him on drug charges. The police officer said, "I'm ~ing you in the name of the law."

Be tempted

To want something or to want to do something Ex: "Did you apply for that job?" "Well, I was very ~, but I decided not to." I was sorely ~ to resign after my boss screamed at me for the second time.


To win a victory over (someone or something) in a war, contest, game, etc. Ex: Napoleon was ~ed by the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo. They ~ed the Italian team and reached the final. The four-times champion was unexpectedly ~ed in the second round of the competition.


Treatment with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease


Systematic treatment of illness, injury or disability + Joining a club can be a ~ for loneliness. + Have you had any ~ for your depression? + The center has developed a form of ~ for autistic children. + You could have some ~ to improve mobility in that leg.

Arctic Ocean

The ocean around the North Pole. It is the smallest and shallowest of the world's five major oceans

Pacific Ocean

The ocean between Asia and Australia in the west, the Americas in the east, the Southern Ocean to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north. It is the largest and deepest of the Earth's oceanic divisions

Indian Ocean

The ocean surrounded by Asia to the north, Australia and the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Southern Ocean to the south and Africa and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. It is the third-largest of the world's oceanic divisions

Atlantic Ocean

The ocean that separates the continents of Europe and Africa to the east from those of North and South America to the west. It is the second-largest if the world's oceanic divisions


The opinion that people in general have about someone or something, or how much respect or admiration someone or something receives, based on past behavior or character Ex: The company has a worldwide ~ for quality. She has the ~ of being a good doctor. His ~ was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money. The hotel has a bad/good ~.


The part of a building that is entirely or partly below the ground Ex: Our kitchenware department is in the ~.


The part of a plant that grows underground, gets water from the ground, and holds the plant in place


The part of the Earth in which life can exist (Sinh quyển)


The part of the mind that tells your certain actions are right or wrong Ex: a bad/guilty ~, a clear ~ (Lương tâm)


The part of your body where your hand joins your arm


The period of time that exists now


The physical or mental state of a person or animal


The pleasant feeling among people who are together as friends, family members, etc. Ex: War had given to the community a greater sense of ~.

Tipping point

The point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change. Ex: The earth has already passed the ~ in terms of global warming. We have reached a ~ in the culture where Americans are now trained to look to the rules instead of their own judgment.


The possibility that something bad or unpleasant (such as an injury or a loss) will happen Ex: at ~


The possibility that you will be hurt and killed Ex: in ~

Ethnic cleansing

The practice of removing or killing people who belong to an ethnic group that is different from the ruling group in a country or region


The practice of treating a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour, sex, sexuality, etc. Ex: Until 1986 most companies would not even allow women to take the exams, but such blatant ~ is now disappearing. The law prohibits ~ in hiring. He sued the company for age ~.


The protection of animals, plants, and natural resources Ex: They are trying to raise money for ~.


The public praise, honor, and fame Ex: As a young soldier he dreamed of winning military ~. He now has only a few trophies to remind him of the ~ of his athletic career.


The quality of being clear/easily understood Ex: The essays are edited for ~. There is a lack of ~ in many legal documents. The committee lacked ~ of purpose.


The quality or state of having many different forms, types, idea, etc.


The relationships between a group of living things and their environment


The science or study of the mind and behavior


The scientific study of the nervous system and the diseases that affect it


The seeds of plant (such as wheat, corn and rice) that are used as food


The set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving, etc., that makes a person different from other people + He has a very pleasant/strong ~. + We all have different ~es.


The small, hollow or raised area in the middle of your stomach


The soft part of the ear that hangs down from the bottom


The southernmost continent and site of the South Pole


The wish for everything to be correct or perfect., a disposition to feel that anything less than perfect is unacceptable + ~ is a very complex behaviour. It's part of a person's character or personality.


The work or business of felling and trimming trees and transporting the logs to a mil


To gradually destroy (something) or to be gradually destroyed by natural forces (such as water, wind, or ice) (xói mòn, bào mòn)


To hit (someone or something) in a forceful way


To hit (something, such as part of your body) against an object in a sudden and forceful way Ex: I have a bruise from where I ~ed my leg against the corner of the table. He ~ed his head against the shelf. The car skidded off the road and ~ed into a tree.


To kill (someone) by nailing or typing his or her hands and feet to a cross

Have something down pat

To know something or be able to do something perfectly; be perfect master of something Ex: I have to memorize this speech until I ~ it ~. I heard that if you want to get an A in Mr. Tanaka's Japanese class, you have to ~ the grammar ~. I ~ my routine ~ so there wouldn't be any room for error during the performance.


To limit the amount or range of (something) Ex: Her eye problem ~s her reading. She was told to ~ the amount of salt she uses.


a slow change; a step by step change


able to read and write


happening or appearing again and again


of or relating to your physical senses


of, from, or like God or a god. Ex: The pharaohs of ancient Egypt were considered ~. [=were considered to be gods]


(Adj) Increasing gradually by regular degrees or additions


(Adj) Making you feel pleased by providing what you need or want Ex: You can have a very ~ lunch at that restaurant. It is one of the most ~ jobs I've ever had.


(Adj) Tending to judge people too quickly and critically + He's ~ about everyone except himself. + You should try to avoid being so ~. + Overly demanding and ~ parents put a lot of pressure on children to achieve


(Adj) connected to a god or a religion (linh thiêng)


(Adj) no longer existing


(Adj) of, relating to, or involving genes


(Adj) seriously at risk of extinction


(Adj) used as a place to live


(Adv) with reference to the principles of right and wrong behavior


(N) a physical or mental conditions that is not normal or healthy + Some have a ~ that makes them very afraid around other people

Of service

(To be) ready to help or be useful


(V & N) To walk a long distance especially in the country or wilderness for pleasure or exercise (đi bộ đường dài)


(V + no object) To begin to exist ex: - They found jewelry ~ing back to [=that was made in] the 1700s. - This bowl ~s from the sixth century


(Adj) Concerning or relating to what is right and wrong in human behavior (thuộc đạo đức)


(Adj) Feeling or showing concern about someone who is in a bad situation + She is very ~ to/toward the poor. + He received much help from ~ friends.


(Adj) Having qualities that people like : pleasing or attractive Ex: It is an idea that most people will find ~.


(adj) Awake and able to understand what is happening around you Ex: Is the patient ~ yet? He was fully ~ when we found him. He's still ~ but he's very badly injured. She was very ~ of how late it was. We are ~ of the risks involved in the procedure.


(adj) Based on a form of government in which the people choose leaders by voting


(adj) Continuing or occurring again and again for a long time


(adj) Famous or important in history


(adj) Having a high price


(adj) Having a lot of moisture in the air [=muggy] Ex: A ~ climate/day/season It's very hot and ~ today.


(adj) Highest in rank, authority, degree or quality Ex: The ~ Court is the highest court in the United States. The board has ~ authority over such issues. Beethoven reigns ~ among classical composers.


(adj) Involving or done by two or more people or groups working together to achieve or do something Ex: The presentation was a ~ effort by all the children in the class. They worked ~ly on the project.


(adj) Not real, existing only in the mind Ex: As a child I had an ~ friend. The story is set in an ~ world. The two groups were separated by an ~ line down the middle of the room.


(adj) Of or relating to races or large groups of people who have the same customs, religion, origin, etc. Ex: A question on ~ origin was included in the census. Conflicts between the different ~ groups in the country exploded into civil war. We do not differentiate between our workers on the basis of their background or ~ origin. The U.S. has a wide variety of ~ groups made up of immigrants or their descendants.


(adj) made with or formed in an arch or a series of arches


(adj) of or relating to history


- (n) An outside part or layer of something/The upper layer of an area of land or water - (v) To provide (something) with a ~ or apply a ~ to - (adj) Relating to, on or at a ~ - (adj) Involving only the parts that are easy to see or notice


- (adj) Typical of a person, thing, or group/Showing the special qualities or traits of a person, thing, or group + He responded to their comments with ~ good humor. - A special quality or trait that makes a person, thing, or group different from others + What are some of the ~s of this breed of dog?


- (Adj) Of, containing, or caused by alcohol - (N) A person who frequently drinks too much alcohol and is unable to live a normal and healthy life


- (Adj) willing to be helpful by doing what someone wants or asks for Ex: The witness was very ~. - (Adj) Involving two or more people or groups working together to do something - (N) A business or organization that is owned and operated by the people who work there or the people who use its services Ex: The local farmers' ~


- (Adv) Happening or existing before now and continuing into the present Ex: He ~ lives there. - (Adv) in spite of that — used to say that something happens or is true even though there is something that might prevent it from happening or being true Ex: Careful people can ~ make mistakes. I tried again and ~ I failed. - (Adv) Without moving Ex: Sit ~. It'll just take a minute. She stood very ~. - (Adv) To a greater extent or degree — used to add force to words like more, better, bigger, etc. Ex: A ~ more difficult problem - (Adv) In addition — used for emphasis Ex: He won ~ another tournament. - (Adj) Not moving, lacking motion or activity Ex: A hot, ~ day [=a day without wind] ~ water. ~ photographs


- (N) A feeling of worry usually shared by many people Ex: They have expressed ~ about the cost of the project. There is great ~ among voters over the economy. - (N) Something that is regarded as important Ex: She articulated the major ~s of the administration. Our primary/principal ~ is to assure that these problems do not occur again. - (N) A feeling of being interested in and caring about a person or thing Ex: His ~ for the well-being of his family is obvious. She has always shown genuine ~ for the poor. - (V) To relate to (something or someone) Ex: This study ~s the noise levels in cities. - (V) To affect or involve (someone) Ex: The problem ~s us all. This conversation doesn't ~ you. - (V) To make (someone) worried Ex: Our mother's illness ~s us.


- (N) A flat piece of metal, rubber, etc., that you push with your foot to make a machine move, work, or stop Ex: A bike's ~s A car's gas/brake ~ - (V) To push the pedals of (something, such as a bicycle) Ex: He was ~ing as fast as he could.


- (N) A person who sees something (such as a crime) happen Ex: He was a ~ to a robbery. - (N) A person who is present at an event (such as a wedding) and can say that it happened Ex: They were married a year after they first met, with two friends acting as ~es. He signed the treaty in the presence of two ~es. - (V) To see (something) happen Ex: Several people ~ed the accident. We are ~ing a historic moment. The past decade has ~ed many new advances in medical research. The industry is ~ing a gradual decline in sales.


- (N) A piece of farm equipment that is used to dig into and turn over soil especially to prepare the soil for planting - (V) to dig into or break up (dirt, soil, land, etc.) with a ~ Ex: The soil was freshly ~ed. They used oxen to ~ the field.


- (N) A series of actions that produce something or that lead to a particular result Ex: How does the election ~ work? Learning a foreign language can be a long ~. - (V) To change (something) from one form into another by preparing, handling, or treating it in a special way Ex: Food is often ~ed before it is packaged and sold. - (V) To deal with (something, such as an official document or request) by using a particular method or system Ex: Her job includes ~ing insurance claims. Your application will be ~ed in 5 to 10 business days.


- (N) A serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part Ex: Education is the current focus of public ~. The candidates participated in several ~s before the election was held. The ~ about food safety has engaged the whole nation. - (V) To discuss a subject in a formal way Ex: They had been ~ing for several hours without reaching a conclusion. Scholars have been ~ing the meaning of the text for years. Whether or not the tax cuts benefit the lower classes is still hotly ~ed among economists. - (V) To think about (something) in order to decide what to do [= consider] Ex: I ~ed moving to the city, but eventually decided against it. I am still ~ing (with myself) whether to attend the wedding or not. She is still ~ing what to do.


- (N) A substance (such as a cream, lotion, or powder) that you put on your face or body to improve your appearance - (Adj) Used or done in order to improve a person's appearance [always used before a noun] Ex: She says she's never had/undergone ~ surgery. Almond oil is sometimes used in ~ products.


- (N) A substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure; a gas or (especially) a liquid. Ex: Please check the ~s in the car's engine. We all need several glasses of ~ a day - (Adj) Capable of flowing freely like water Ex: A substance in a ~ state


- (N) A sudden uncontrolled and often painful tightening of a muscle - (V) To experience sudden uncontrolled and often painful tightening of a muscle


- (adj) Used in or done as part of a ceremony Ex: The tribe has different ~ masks for each ceremony. - (adj) Without real power or influence Ex: His new position is largely ~ because all the decisions are actually made by a committee. - (N) A special ceremony Ex: a number of religious ~s


- (N) A very small amount of liquid that falls in a rounded shape Ex: He squeezed the bottle until a few ~s came out. - (N) A small amount of something Ex: I didn't have a ~ of your orange juice. He used to have a drinking problem but he hasn't touched a ~ in years. She doesn't have a single ~ of selfishness in her. - (N) The distance from a higher to a lower level — usually singular Ex: It is a 50-foot ~ from the cliff to the ground below. - (N) A decrease in amount or quality Ex: His income took a sudden ~. The patient experienced a sharp ~ in blood pressure. - (V) To fall or to let (something) fall Ex: The pen rolled to the edge of the table and ~ed to the floor. Be careful not to ~ the chair on your foot. - (V) To go down suddenly and form a steep slope Ex: The road ~s into the valley. The cliff ~s almost vertically. - (V) To change/to cause (something) change to a lower level, amount, position, etc. Ex: The temperature ~ed (to 50 degrees). His voice ~ed [=became quieter] as he told us the secret. He ~ed [=lowered] his voice - (V) To lie down or become unconscious because you are sick or exhausted Ex: She was so tired she felt she would ~. He worked until he ~d. - (V) To stop talking or thinking about (something) Ex: You can ~ that idea right now. Let's just ~ the subject. Just ~ it. I don't want to talk about it any more. Once he starts talking about a subject he just won't let it ~. - (V) To not include (someone or something) [=cut, omit] Ex: You should ~ this sentence from your essay. The newspaper decided to ~ the story. He was ~ed from the team. - (V) To suddenly end a relationship or connection with (someone) Ex: They dated for a while, but then she suddenly ~ed him. She moved away and ~ed her old friends. - (V) To take (someone or something) to a place and then leave Ex: She ~ed him in front of the library. He ~ed the package at the post office this morning. I ~ the kids off at school in the morning.


- (N) An injury appearing as an area of discolored skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact rupturing underlying blood vessels. Ex: He had a bad ~ on his leg after he fell. - (V) Ex: She ~ed her knee when she fell.


- (N) Something that is done to get attention or publicity Ex: Some people say that the announcement of his retirement was just a ~. - (N) A difficult and often dangerous action, especially that is done by actors in a movie Ex: It's a typical action movie with plenty of spectacular ~s. Tom Cruise has performed his own ~s for Mission Impossible 2, defying warnings from professionals.


- (N) The body part at the end of your arm that includes your fingers and thumb _ (v) To give (something) to someone using your ~s


- (V) Accidentally lose or admit contents, especially liquid or gas, through a hole or crack Ex: Water was ~ing from the pipe. Oil ~ed out of the car. The car ~ed oil all over the drive. The kitchen roof is apt to ~ when it rains. - (V) To allow secret information to become generally known Ex: He ~ed the names to the press. News of the pay cuts had somehow ~ed out. - (N) A hole on the container or covering through which contents, especially liquid or gas, may accidentally pass Ex: There's water on the floor - we must have a ~. If you suspect a gas ~, phone the emergency number.


- (V) To ask for something (such as help or support) in serious way + The government ~ed to the people to stay calm. - (V) To be liked by someone/to be attractive to someone + The movie ~s to adults as well as (to) children. - (V) To try to make someone do or accept something as right or proper by saying things that are directed at a person's feelings, attitudes, etc. + We got them to join by ~ing to their sense of duty and honor. - (V) To interest or attract someone + It's a programme designed to ~ mainly to 16 to 25-year-olds. + I think what ~s to me about his painting is his use of colour. - (N) The quality that causes people to like someone or something + I can't understand the ~ of skydiving. [=I can't understand why some people like it]


- (V) To ask people to do or support (something) in a serious way that shows that you believe it is very important Ex: The group is ~ing a ban on the chemical. The WHO ~es national leaders to create plans to help their health systems. I ~ you to reconsider. A hand on her back ~ed her forward. - (N) A strong need or desire to have or do something


- (V) To damage (something) so badly that it is no longer useful, valuable, enjoyable, etc/ To spoil or destroy (something) Ex: Years of computer use ~ed his eyesight. The bad weather ~ed the party. - (N) A state of complete destruction Ex: The car accident meant the ~of all her hopes. They let the palace fall into ~. The incident led to the ~ of their relationship. - (N) The remaining pieces of something that was destroyed Ex: We visited a Roman ~. The castle is now a ~. - (N) A situation in which a person or company has lost all their money or their reputation Ex: Her drug addiction brought her to the brink of ~. The drought brought economic ~ to local farmers. - (N) Something that badly damages someone physically, morally, economically, or socially Ex: Her drug addiction was her ~. Street violence is the ~ of too many young people today.


- (V) To fall in drops Ex: Water ~ed from a leak in the ceiling. Blood~ed down his leg from the cut. - (V) To let drops of (a liquid) fall Ex: The pine trees ~ed sap onto the cars. The kids ~ed water all over the house. - (N) A drop of liquid that falls from something Ex: ~s of water fell from a leak in the ceiling. - (N) The sound of liquid falling in drops [singular] Ex: We heard the ~ of the rain. - (N) A device used in hospitals to pass fluid slowly through a tube into a patient's blood Ex: The doctor put the patient on a morphine ~ to manage the pain.


- (V) To live in a building or on land without the owner's permission and without paying Ex: A family has been ~ing in that house for months. They ~ed (in) an old house in King's Cross when their money ran out. - (N) An empty building that someone live in without the owner's permission and without paying Ex: They're living in a damp ~ with no electricity.


- (V) To move in a steady and continuous way Ex: Rivers ~ing into the sea Traffic has been ~ing smoothly/steadily from east to west. Money has continued to ~ in. - (N) The movement of something that is ~ing Ex: The doctor was trying to stop/staunch the ~ of blood. We want to encourage the free ~ of ideas.


- (adj) able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or when dealing with problems or difficult people - (n) a person who receives medical care or treatment


- (adj) different from each other Ex: We hold very ~ views on the topic. - (adj) Including many different types of people or things Ex: New York is a very culturally/ethnically ~ city.


- (adj) relating to or affected by autism - (n) an autistic person Ex: There are many people who still believe that once a person is ~, they will always be ~


- (n) A device that force liquid, air, or gas into or out of something - (v) To move something (such as water, air, or gas) to or from a particular place with a ~


- (V) To move or become near or nearer to something or someone Ex: We are ~ing our destination. We could just see the train ~ing in the distance. If you look out of the window on the left, you'll see that we're now ~ing the Eiffel Tower. I see it's ~ing lunchtime, so let's take a break. In my opinion, no other composers even begin to ~ Mozart. Slow down as you ~ the corner. Under no circumstances should you ~ the man. The traffic lights turned green as we ~ed the junction. With exams ~ing, it's a good idea to review your class notes. Sports teaching at the college doesn't even ~ the required standard. - (V) To deal with or think about (something) Ex: She ~ed the problem from a different angle. I will ~ the idea with an open mind. I'm not sure how to ~ the problem. - (N) A way of considering or dealing with something Ex: Since our research so far has not produced any answers to this problem, we need to adopt a different ~ to it. I've just read an interesting book which has a new ~ to Shakespeare. I really admire your direct ~ to the problem. - (N) The act of moving or becoming near or nearer to someone or something Ex: The cat made a cautious ~. Many kinds of birds fly south at the ~ of winter.


- (V) To move or do something very quickly or in a way that shows you are in a hurry Ex: Firefighters ~ed to the accident scene. She ~ed into (making) a bad decision. After the divorce, he ~ed into another marriage. - (V) To cause or force (someone) to do something too quickly Ex: Please stop ~ing me! They ~ed her into making a bad decision. - (V) To flow or move very quickly in a particular direction Ex: The ~ing water broke through the barrier. - (N) A quick, strong, or fast movement Ex: When the levees broke, the ~ of water flooded the area. - (N) A situation in which someone is doing something very quickly or hurrying Ex: We are in no ~ [=hurry] to finish. - (N) A situation in which a large number of people move to or toward one place at the same time usually to do a specific thing or to search for something Ex: Shop early to avoid the Christmas/holiday ~


- (V) To move, act, or go quickly Ex: Take your time. There's no need to ~. She ~ed off to her class. - (V) To make (someone) move, act, or go quickly Ex: The teacher ~ed us through the lesson. Somebody needs to ~ them up so we can leave. Could you ~ it up a little please? - (N) a need to do something more quickly than usual [= Rush] Ex: Take your time. There's no great ~.


- (V) To not have enough of (something) Ex: His book ~s any coherent structure. They ~ a good strategy for winning the election. - (N) The state or condition of not having any or enough of something Ex: The problem is a ~ of money. Her problem is ~ of sleep. She has been suffering from a ~ of sleep lately.


- (V) To provide what is useful or necessary [= help] Ex: He jumped into the water to ~ the drowning child. She ~ed the government in the attempt to fight illiteracy. - (N) The act of helping someone Ex: The project was completed with the ~ of several students. - (N) Something (such as money, food, or equipment) that is given by a government or an organization to help the people in a country or area where many people are suffering because of poverty, disease, etc. Ex: The government has given millions of dollars in economic/foreign ~ to these nations.


- (V) To say or do something to someone that is rude or offensive Ex: She felt they had ~ed her by repeatedly ignoring her questions. We were greatly ~ed by his rudeness. You're saying those photos are real? Don't ~ my intelligence. - (N) A rude or offensive act or statement Ex: Their decision to cancel the project was an ~ to all my hard work. They got into a fight over a minor ~. The instructions are so easy they are an ~ to your intelligence


- (V) To say or write good things about (someone or something)/ To express admiration or approval of (someone or something) Ex: He should be ~ed for his honesty. My parents always ~ed me when I did well at school. _ (V) To express thanks to or love and respect for (God) Ex: We ~ God for your safe arrival. ~ Allah that you are safe! - (N) An expression of admiration or approval for someone or something Ex: He deserves ~ for the way he's handled this crisis. He won critical ~ for his performance. - (N) An expression of thanks to or love and respect for God Ex: People gathered in the church to sing ~es to the Lord. As we give ~ to God, let us remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves.


- (V) To try hard to do or achieve something. Ex: The school ~s to teach students to be good citizens. They~ed to create a government that truly serves its people. - (N) An effort or attempt to do something Ex: Writing is a very different ~ than teaching.


- (V) To try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems Ex: He has been ~ing with the problem of how to keep good workers from leaving. She is ~ing with her health. - (N) A long effort to do, achieve or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems Ex: A ~ against injustice The ~ for civil rights/freedom/survival - (N) Something that is difficult to do or achieve Ex: The work is a real ~ for me.


- (V) to supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food or information Ex: The apple/peach trees ~ed an abundant harvest. This soil should ~ good crops. New methods have ~ed promising results in the field. The tax is expected to ~ millions. - (V) To agree to do or accept something that you have been resisting Ex: After several hours of debate, the opposition ~ed. - (V) To give up the control of or responsibility for something, often because you have been forced to Ex: They were forced to ~ (up) their land to the occupying forces. - (N) The amount of something that is produced by a plant, farm, etc. Ex: Our ~ of wheat increased this year. The average ~ per tree is about one bushel. - (N) The profit made from an investment Ex: The ~ on government bonds is currently seven percent.


- (adj + N) Used to refer to the place where a person was born and raised - (adj + to) Produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular region


- (adj) Causing or able to cause death Ex: ~ weapons The world's most ~ snake A more ~ form of the disease - (adj) Very boring Ex: The lecture was pretty ~.


- (adj) Having a flat or even surface


- (adj) Present or existing from the beginning; first or earliest - (N-count) A document, film, painting, etc., which is created by someone and from which a copy or translation is made - (N-singular) A person who is different from other people in an appealing or interesting way


- A device that is used for catching animals Ex: They set ~s to catch the mice. We set a ~ and they walked right into it - A dangerous or unpleasant situation which you have got into and from which it is difficult or impossible to escape Ex: She's too smart to fall into the ~ of working without pay. Don't fall into the ~ of thinking you can learn a foreign language without doing any work Many new businesses fail because they try to expand too quickly, but we have so far managed to avoid that ~. They tended to view marriage as a ~. Don't fall into the ~ of believing that technology can solve all our problems.


- A flat area created on the side of a hill and used especially for growing crops - A flat area next to a building where people can sit and relax


- A government official who is responsible for putting the decisions of a law court into action - A title used for important officers in the armed forces of some countries - Someone who is involved in a public event, especially a famous person chosen to lead a parade - (V) To arrange (a group of people, such as soldiers) in an orderly way Ex: The fighting in the city followed reports of the rebels ~ing their forces in the countryside. They had ~ed an armada of 1,000 boats to help clear up the oil. It is unlikely that the rebels will be able to ~ as much firepower as the government troops.


- A group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose (hội đồng) - The action of gathering together as a group for a common purpose


- A hole or empty space that you can go through Ex: They squeezed through a narrow ~between the fence and an oak tree. - The first part of something Ex: We missed the ~ of her speech. - The first time that something happens Ex: We attended the ~ [=the first performance] of the play. - An event that is held in order to announce that something (such as a new store or public building) is ready to accept customers or visitors Ex: the ~ of a new art exhibit - A job or position that is available Ex: We do have an ~ for someone with your qualifications and experience. We don't currently have any ~s. The center saves half of its ~s for women.


- A long, narrow space that connects one place to another - A narrow space that people or things can move through


- A mark left on the ground by a moving animal, person, or vehicle [usually plural] Ex: Dinosaur ~s were found in the canyon - A path or trail that is made by people or animals walking through a field, forest, etc. Ex: Follow the ~ into the forest. - A pair of metal bars that a train, trolley, or subway car rides along Ex: The train went off the ~. = The train jumped the ~. We were walking beside the train/railroad ~s.


- A material of particular physical characteristics + This ~ is so radioactive that it glows in the dark. + This ~ stretches to any shape you want. + Rubber is a flexible ~. - The quality of being meaningful, useful, important or being true or believable + When has he ever said anything of ~? + The book lacks ~. + This new information gives ~ to the stories we have heard. + These rumors have no ~.


- A number or amount that is less than half of a total Ex: The proposal is opposed by a ~ of voters. - The group that is the smaller part of a larger group Ex: The Republicans/Democrats are now the ~ in the Senate.


- A path through a forest, field, etc - The marks, signs, smells, etc., that are left behind by someone or something and that can often be followed


- A person who is hired to do household or personal duties such as cleaning and cooking - A person who is devoted to or guided by something + She is a ~ of her religion.


- A person who stands in front of people while they sing or play musical instruments and directs their performance - A person who collects fares or tickets from passengers on a train or bus


- A place where people get medical help Ex: The conditions in many hospitals and ~s are very bad - An event at which a doctor is available to talk to people about a particular health matter Ex: The hospital is holding a pain ~ on Tuesday night for anyone interested in learning how to deal with chronic pain. - A meeting during which a group of people learn about a particular thing or work on a particular problem Ex: A local club is giving a reading ~ on Saturday. - A place where professional services are offered to people for a lower cost than is usual Ex: A legal ~ in the city provides poor families with advice on legal matters.


- A process in which a doctor cuts into someone's body in order to repair or remove a damaged or diseased part Ex: She is recovering from a major heart ~. - A usually small business or organization Ex: The family runs a small farming ~. The company is a billion-dollar ~. - The state of functioning or being used — used with in or into Ex: The system is now in ~. The mill has been in ~ for over 100 years.


- A promise to do or give something Ex: We've got ~s from several charities to donate food and clothing. She isn't ready to make a lifelong ~ to another person. He questions the company's ~ to safety. - The attitude of someone who works very hard to do or support something Ex: Some of his teammates said he showed a lack of ~(to the team). The boss noticed her strong ~ to her work. They show a lot of spirit and ~ in almost impossible work situations. No one doubts your ~ to the cause.


- A repeated form or design especially that is used to decorate something + The dishes have a floral ~ around the rim. + The fabric comes in different colors and ~s. + Look, the frost has made a beautiful ~ on the window. - The regular and repeated way in which something happens or is done + They are studying behavior ~s among high-school students. + Analysts are noticing different spending ~s by consumers. + The ~ of family life has been changing over recent years. + Changing ~s of agriculture are threatening the countryside.


- A series of actions that are done in a certain way or order Ex: New employees are taught the proper safety ~s. - A medical treatment or operation Ex: The ~ will take two hours.


- The act or result of failing + He became discouraged by his repeated ~s in business. + He was trying to rescue the business from ~. + The accident was caused by engine ~. - A person or thing that has failed + He felt like a ~ when he wasn't accepted into law school. + The scheme was a complete ~.


- A statement saying that something is not true or real + The city government has been heavily criticized for its ~ of the seriousness of the situation. + The CEO issued a ~ of the report that she is about to resign. + Officials did not believe the runner's ~that he had taken drugs. - The act of not allowing someone to have something + The hardest part of the punishment was the ~ of his right to see his children. - An unwillingness to accept that something unpleasant is true/ A condition in which someone will not admit that something sad, painful, etc., is true or real + I think she's still in a state of ~ about her husband's death. + He's still in ~ about the break-up of his relationship.


- An arched structure of stone or concrete forming a ceiling or roof - A room or compartment for storage or safe keeping


- An area of a city where poor people live and the buildings are in bad condition Ex: He grew up in the ~s of New York. - A very untidy or dirty place Ex: This house would be an absolute ~ if I wasn't here to clean it.


- An idea or story that is believed by many people but that is not true Ex: I don't believe the ~s and legends about/surrounding this forest. - A story that was told in an ancient culture to explain a practice, belief, or natural occurrence Ex: Creation ~s [=stories about how people and the world were first created]


- An object (such as a moon) that moves around a much larger planet - A machine that is sent into space and that moves around the earth, moon, sun, or a planet


- Belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc. - An arrangement in which someone's property or money legally held or managed by someone else or by an organization (such as a bank) for usually a set period of time


- Capable of being passed to someone else by germs that enter the body Ex: An acute ~ illness A highly ~ disease - Suffering from a disease that can be spread to other people by germs Ex: An ~ patient


- Deep sadness caused especially by someone's death + He has been unable to recover from his ~ at/over his son's death. + She was overcome with/by ~. + Newspapers should not intrude on people's private ~. - Trouble or annoyance + I've had enough ~ for one day. + Trying to fix the computer isn't worth the ~.


- Disapproving; tending to find fault Ex: She is very ~ of the way we bring up our children. The report is highly ~ of safety standards at the factory. - Very important Ex: We have reached a ~ phase of the experiment. The president's support is ~ to this project.

In time

- Early enough - Eventually, in the future


- Full of rocks, having many rocks Ex: The soil is very ~. - Full of problems or difficulties Ex: A ~ journey/marriage The team had a ~ start this season. He knew he had a long ~ road ahead of him if he wanted to become a doctor.


- Having a healthy mind, able to think normally Ex: No ~ person could do something so horrible. It's hard to stay/remain ~ when I'm so busy. - Based on reason or good judgment [= rational, sensible] Ex: a ~ policy/decision

In control

- Having control of something Ex: She will still be ~ of the sales department. - Not overly upset or excited Ex: He managed to stay ~ of his emotions. In spite of the pressure to pass the test, he felt calm and ~.


- Having or producing fire - (of food) tasting very hot and spicy - Having or showing a lot of strong and angry emotion


- If something is ~, it encourages new ideas Ex: a ~ discussion - A ~ person makes you feel enthusiastic and full of ideas Ex: a really ~ teacher - If an activity is ~, it causes your body to be active Ex: Aerobics is one of the most ~ forms of exercise.


- Involving few people or things Ex: ~ manufacturing - Covering or involving a small area Ex: A ~ network; a ~ map


- Medical treatment in which a doctor cuts into someone's body in order to repair or remove damaged or diseased parts Ex:He's a specialist in brain ~. The doctor has recommended ~. She is now recovering from her ~. - The area in a hospital where ~ is performed Ex: The patient was taken directly to ~.


- Not afraid of danger or difficult situations + Few politicians have been ~ enough to oppose the plan to cut taxes. - Showing or needing confidence or lack of fear + It's a ~ plan that might fail. + Hiring a novice was a ~ move. - Very confident in a way that may seem rude or foolish + He punished the ~ child for talking back. + He made so ~ as to guarantee a victory


- Not awake especially because of an injury, drug, etc. Ex: + He was knocked ~ by a fall. + She was ~ for three days after the accident. - Not aware of something Ex: + He is ~ of his mistake. + She was ~ of being watched. - Not intended or planned Ex: + an ~ mistake + an ~ bias


- Not having enough of something that is important or necessary [=lacking] Ex: A diet ~ in vitamin D may cause the disease rickets. students who are ~ in their knowledge of history - Not good enough Ex: Several bridges in the city are structurally ~. His theory is ~ in several respects.


- Of or relating to a person's spirit Ex: Doctors must consider the emotional and ~ needs of their patients - Of or relating to religion or religious beliefs Ex: An influential ~ leader


- Refusing to change your ideas or to stop doing something Ex: She's wrong, but she's too ~ to admit it. He's (as) ~ as a mule. - Difficult to deal with, remove, etc. Ex: trying to treat a ~ infection


- Small lines or folds that appears on your skin as you grow older [usually plural] - A small fold in the surface of clothing, paper, etc. Ex: ~-free pants - (V) Ex: Linen clothing ~s easily. His brow ~ed as he thought about the question.


- Someone or something that watches or protects something Ex: The historical society sees itself as the ~ of the town's traditions. - Someone who takes care of another person or of another person's property Ex: After the death of her parents, her uncle was appointed as her legal ~.


- Someone who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for that person without pay - (+ to/of something) A person who is strongly influenced and controlled by something Ex: She's a ~ to fashion.


- Someone who looks for a particular type of person or thing Ex: A trend ~ Plane ~s - A person who watches and helps someone who is exercising in order to help prevent injuries Ex: When you lift weights, you should always have a ~.


- Something or someone that makes something happen or exist (nguyên nhân) Ex: She is the ~ of all their problems. He died of/from natural ~es. The doctor determined the ~ of death. - A reason for doing or feeling something (lý do) Ex: Their marriage was a ~ for celebration. There is some ~ for concern. - Something (such as an organization, belief, idea, or goal) that a group or people support or fight for (mục đích) Ex: I can support a ~ that means something to me. I'm willing to donate money as long as it's for a good/worthy ~. - (V) To make (something) happen or exist Ex: The flood ~ed great hardship. The illness is ~ed by a virus. You ~ed us a lot of extra work.


- Strong belief or trust in someone or something Ex: Our ~ in the government has been badly shaken by the recent scandals. His parents have always had ~ in him. - Belief in the existence of God/strong religious feelings or beliefs Ex: Her Christian ~ was the most important influence on her life. Nothing is more important to her than her ~ in God.


- Strong excitement about something Ex: One of the good things about teaching young children is their ~. After the accident he lost his ~ for the sport. It's strange, but I can't work up any ~ for going on this trip. She has boundless energy and ~. - Something causing a feeling of excitement and active interest, a hobby that someone feels enthusiastic about Ex: One of his greatest ~s was yoga.


- The ability to find things funny, the way in which people see that some things are funny, or the quality of being funny Ex: He's got a great sense of ~. Even a speech on a serious subject should be leavened with a little ~. His ~ is one of his most attractive qualities. - The way someone feels emotionally [= mood] Ex: You seem in a very good ~ today.


- The act of eating or drinking something Ex: This food is not fit for human ~. [=not fit to be eaten by people] The doctor recommended that she reduce her ~ of sugar. - The use of something (such as fuel) Ex: The jet's high fuel ~ makes it expensive to operate. - The act of buying things Ex: Rates of ~ typically rise as income increases.


- The act of giving money, food, or other kinds of help to people who are poor, sick, etc. Ex: The holidays are a time for ~ and good will. She refused to accept ~. - An organization that helps people who are poor, sick, etc. Ex: She runs a local ~ that gives books to children.


- The act of making something more appealing or more likely to happen Ex: We give positive ~t to applications from older candidates. - Something that makes someone more determined, hopeful, or confident Ex: Teachers who give their students a lot of ~ With support and ~ from their parents, the students organized a fundraiser.


- The way that something is done or happens Ex: She has a very forceful ~ of speaking. I objected to the ~ in which the decision was made. In this ~, we were able to save enough money for a new car. - [singular] The way that a person normally behaves especially while with other people Ex: She has a somewhat cold, unfriendly ~. As soon as he realized that we weren't going to buy anything, his whole ~ changed. He listened patiently to his children, as was his ~. It was her energetic and friendly ~ that got her the job. - [plural] Knowledge of how to behave politely while with other people Ex: He needs to be taught some ~s. It's bad ~s to eat with your mouth open. It's considered good ~s in some societies to leave a little food on your plate. Some people have no ~s.


- Things that no longer useful or wanted and that have been thrown out - A container where people put things that are being thrown out


- Thinking about the good qualities of someone or something Ex: You've got to have a ~ attitude/outlook to do well in life. - Certain and without any doubt Ex: There is no ~ proof that life exists on other planets. "Are you sure it's okay for me to use your mother's car?" "~." - (of a medical test) Showing the presence of a particular germ, condition, or substance Ex: The test results were ~. HIV ~ patients.


- To act violently against (someone or something) Ex: He ~ed the guard with a knife. He was ~ed and seriously injured by a gang of youths. - To criticize (someone or something) in a very harsh and severe way Ex: She wrote an article ~ing the judges and their conduct of the trial. The report ~s the idea of exams for seven and eight-year-old.


- To agree to do or allow something/ To give permission for something to happen or be done Ex: He was reluctant at first but finally ~ed. My aunt never married because her father wouldn't ~ to her marriage. The builder ~ed to do the repairs at no additional charge. Her father ~ed to the marriage. She consented to a meeting. - (N) Permission for something to happen or be done Ex: + They can't publish your name without your ~. + You can only come on the trip if your parents give their ~. + He did not give his ~ for the use of his name in the advertisement. + We need written ~ before we can publish the photograph. + A ~ form is a document that you sign in order to officially give your permission for something to happen or be done. + Patients must sign a ~ form before having surgery.


- To become larger than normal Ex:Her broken ankle ~ed badly. The bee sting made my whole arm ~ up. - To increase in size or number Ex: The economy is ~ing at an annual rate of five percent. The population has ~ in recent years. - To make (something, such as a river) larger or more full than normal Ex: Heavy rains ~ed the river.


- To believe that something or someone is good and acceptable - To officially accept (an idea, action, plan, etc) (tán thành, bằng lòng)


- To cause (someone or something) to become sick or affected by disease Ex: If you're sick you should stay home to avoid ~ing other people in the office. The virus has ~ed many people. - To cause (someone) to feel an emotion [+ with] Ex: She has ~ed everyone with her enthusiasm.


- To cause (someone) to be happy or pleased Ex: The movie's ending failed to ~ audiences. - To provide, do, or have what is required by (someone or something) Ex: He ate a little food, but not enough to ~ his hunger. His curiosity was ~ed by their explanation. He has ~ed all of his graduation requirements. [=he has done all the things required for graduation]


- To cause (someone) to do something by asking, arguing, or giving reasons + He ~ed his friend to go back to school. + I am not easily ~ed. - To cause (someone) to believe something + They ~ed us that we were wrong. + He ~ed himself that he had made the right choice.


- To cause someone to feel unhappy and without hope + It ~es me to think that I'll probably still be doing exactly the same job in ten years' time. + The news seemed to ~ him a little. + I don't mean to ~ you, but there's no way we can win. - To reduce the value of something, especially money + A surplus of corn has helped ~ the grain market/grain prices. + The rise in the value of the dollar has ~ed the company's profits this year - To reduce the activity or strength of (something), especially a business operation + High interest rates are continuing to ~ the economy. + This medicine may ~ your appetite - To press (something) down + ~ the "shift" key on your keyboard. + The doctor will ~ your tongue and look at your throat.


- To change (something) + Alcohol can ~ a person's mood. + He ~ed his will to leave everything to his sister. + This one small event ~ed the course of history. + I'll need to get the dress ~ed before the wedding


- To cover someone or something with a piece of material in order to protect them Ex: She ~ed the baby in a blanket. He ~ed a towel around his shoulders. She ~ed her hair in a towel. Could you ~ this box up for me? - To put (your arms, legs, etc.) around someone or something Ex: I ~ed my arms around her. She ~ed her legs around a pillow.


- To eat or drink (something) Ex: The dogs ~ a bag of dog food each week. They ~ed a lot of beer at the party. - To use (fuel, time, resources, etc.) Ex: The new lights ~ less electricity. She's making an effort to live more simply and ~ less. Can we try to make this less time-~ing?


- To explain the meaning of (something) Ex:We need someone to ~ these results for us. - To understand (something) in a specified way Ex: I ~ed his behavior as indicating that he disliked me. - To translate the words that someone is speaking into a different language Ex: I'll need someone to ~ for me when I travel to China.


- To express disapproval of (someone or something)/ To judge (someone or something) with disapproval - To indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way. (Phê bình, chỉ trích) Ex: His boss ~ed him for his sloppy work habits. He asked me to ~ his drawings.


- To feel or express great sadness, especially when someone dies + He is still ~ing for/over his wife. + People need time to ~ after the death of a family member. - To cause (someone) to feel sad or unhappy + It ~s me to see all this food going to waste. + Her decision to live overseas ~ed her mother.


A hard, strong material that is used for building and made of mixing cement, sand and broken rocks with water (Bê tông)


- To set (someone or something) free Ex: The judge ~ed the prisoner. The lion was ~ed from its cage. The hot-air balloon pilot signaled the ground crew to ~ the ropes. The contract was declared null, and we were r~ed from our obligation. I ~ed him from his promise. - To allow (a substance) to enter the air, water, soil, etc. Ex: The factory faced serious fines for ~ing dangerous chemicals into the river. - To make (something) available to the public Ex: The band hopes to ~ their new album by next summer. The police will not ~ the names of the teenagers involved in the robbery. They ~ed a statement this afternoon.


- To suggest (something, such as a plan or theory) to a person or group of people to consider Ex: The scientists ~ed a new theory. The mayor ~ed a plan for a new bridge. I ~ that we wait until the budget has been announced before committing ourselves to any expenditure. - To plan or intend to do (something) Ex: They ~ to buy a new house. How do you ~ solving this problem? - To suggest (someone) for a job, position, office, etc. Ex: The chairman ~ed the young executive as a candidate for promotion. To be nominated for union president you need one person to ~ you and another to second you. - To ask someone to marry you Ex: He ~ed to his girlfriend. I remember the night your father ~ed to me.


- Unable to feel anything in a particular part of your body because of cold, injury, etc. Ex: I was lying in a weird position and my leg went ~. My fingers were ~ with cold. - Not able to feel any emotions or to think clearly, because you are so shocked or frightened, etc. Ex: When she first heard the news, she was ~ with disbelief. Ever since his girlfriend left him he has felt ~.


- Unhappy and without hope + He's been listless and a bit ~ ever since he got his exam results. + He sounded very ~ when we spoke on the phone yesterday. + Pete was so ~ after his girlfriend left him that I actually thought he was suicidal. - Not having enough money, jobs, or business activity + In a ~ market, it's difficult to sell goods unless you lower your prices. + The patient has a somewhat ~ appetite. Prices have remained at a ~ level.


- Using or involving physical force to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. Ex: He yells a lot but I don't think he's ever been physically ~ towards her. The more ~ scenes in the film were cut when it was shown on television. Many football fans are unfairly accused of ~ behavior. - Very powerful and capable of causing damage Ex: ~ storms/winds She became ~ly ill. They are ~ly opposed to the proposal.


- a large amount of money and possessions - the value of all the property, possessions and money that someone or something has


- a place where two things or parts are jointed - a point where two bones meet in the body


- a small very thing object that is used in sewing and that has a sharp point at one end and a hole for thread - a very thin, pointed steel tube that is pushed through the skin so that something (such as drug) can be put into your body or so that blood or other fluids can be taken from it


- a special quality or feeling that seems to come from a person, place or thing - khí chất, không khí - strange sensations, such as noises in the ears or flashes of light that immediately experienced before an attack or some disorders


- not stable, likely to change - not held in a secure position


- one of the many thin parts that control movement and feeling by carrying messages between brain and other parts of the body - a person's mental state, in particular the extent to which they are agitated or worried Ex: A man with iron ~s/ ~s of steel An amazing journey that tested her ~s to the full


- the act of doing something that is not allowed by law or rule - the act of showing disrespect of something (such as a holy place) usually by damaging it


- the line or part where an object or area begins or ends - the outside limit of an object, area or surface


- the quality or state of being human - all people


- to say or state something in an official or public way - to say something in a strong and confident way


- worthy of religious worship, very holy - highly valued and important (thần thánh, linh thiêng)


A hard, transparent, yellowish-brown substance that was formed in ancient times from resin and is used as jewelry (Hổ phách)


A chemical substance that is used to treat or prevent disease or relieve pain. Ex: She's taking/on ~ for high blood pressure.


A chemical that is found in the air, that has no color, taste, or smell, and that is necessary for life


A choice that you make about something after thinking about it


A cloth case that is filled with material and used as a bed sqaa


A U-shaped band of iron nailed to the bottom of a horse's hoof as a shoe


A barrier constructed to hold back water and raise its level, the resulting reservoir being used in the generation of electricity or as a water supply


A book or film that is very successful Ex: The actor starred in a ~ last year.


A business or organization that is owned and operated by the people who work there or the people who use its services [=cooperative]


A carved object, design or figure


A cow or bull (the strong animals similar to cows that were used to pull carts or wagons)


A device shaped like a hollow cone with a tube extending from the point


A device that detects or senses heat, light, sound, motion, etc., and then reacts to it in a particular way

Highly infectious disease

A disease caused by the entrance into the body of organisms (as bacteria, protozoans, fungi, or viruses) which grow and multiply there


A doctor who performs surgery


A feeling of worry or unhappiness that you have because you have done something wrong, such as causing harm to another person Ex: He suffered such feelings of ~ over leaving his children. She remembered with a pang of ~ that she hadn't called her mother. The jury determines the defendant's ~ or innocence.


A figure usually of a person or animal that is made from stone, mental, etc


A form of government in which people choose leaders by voting


A group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants

Ethnic minority

A group of people of a particular race or nationality living in a country or area where most people are from a different race or nationality


A group of things of the same kind that are held or tied together or that grow together Ex: ~of bananas/grapes/keys/flowers/balloons ...


A group people that includes many families and relatives who have the same language, custom and beliefs


A happy or pleased feeling because of something that you did or something that happened to you Ex: He gets/derives great ~ from volunteering. She finds a certain ~ in helping others. He smiled with ~.


A hard material formed on the bottom of the sea by skeletons of small creatures (San hô)


A hard outer covering of an animal, insect, etc, that protects it


A kind of stone that has straight lines of usually white and black or white and brown and that is used especially in jewelry (Đá thạch anh)


A lack of something that is needed Ex: The disease may be caused by nutritional ~es. The book's major ~ is its poor plot. Pregnant women often suffer from iron ~. ~es in the education system have been much in the news. There are several ~es in his plan. The teacher even implied that he was suffering from some kind of mental ~. The blood tests revealed a ~ in certain key minerals and vitamins.


A land area that is covered with a shallow layer of water during some or all of the year


A large area of ocean that is partly surrounded by land

Scarab beetle

A large beetle with a black shelly


A large bird that has long legs and long bill and neck


A large brownish-yellow cat with black spots that lives in Asia and Africa

Snow leopard

A large cat of upland central Asia with long heavy grayish-white fur irregularly marked with brownish-black spots, rosettes and rings


A large cave Ex: + I continued my way further into the ~, watching the play of light upon the huge stalactites that hung from the roof. + The ~ was as big as two or three rooms bunched together, and Jim could stand up straight in it. + The ~ was imperfectly explored. + You shall go with me into the dark ~s of the earth, and see how rocks and metals are made in nature's forging shop.


A large ocean bird that has a large bag that is part of its lower bill for catching and holding fish


A large tropical bird that has pink or red wings and very long neck and legs


A light, porous rock formed by consolidation of volcanic ash.


A medical condition in which a person has fewer red blood cells than normal and feels very weak and tired Ex: The main symptoms of ~ are tiredness and pallor.

Plastic surgery

A medical operation to bring a damaged area of skin, and sometimes bone, back to its usual appearance, or to improve a person's appearance: Ex: He needed ~ on his face after the car accident.


A medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus Ex: She chose to get an ~. ~ is restricted in some American states. This change in the law would make ~ illegal except for strictly defined medical reasons. Some women choose to have an ~ rather than care for a severely disabled child. We're conducting a poll to find out what people think about ~. Her husband longed for children, and she had an ~ without telling him. Many women die or become infertile as a result of unsafe ~s.


A member of a group of people who move from place to place instead of living in one place all the time


A mental condition, present from early childhood, charecterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abtract concepts


A method of relieving pain or curing illness by placing needles into a person's skin at particular points on the body


A mode of a cross with a figure of Jesus Chris crucified on it


A mood or atmosphere produced by a particular person, place or thing Ex: I didn't like the place - it had bad ~s. Oxford is a city but it has a small-town ~. I got a weird ~ from her.


A mountain with a large, circle hole in the top or side that sometimes sends out rocks, ash, lava (= hot liquid rock), etc., in a sudden explosion (called an eruption) Ex: + The ~ last erupted 25 years ago. + Since the ~ last erupted, many houses have been built in a dangerous position on its slopes. + Lava from the ~ was flowing down the hillside. + The dust from the ~ spread northward.


A movie or television program that tells the facts about actual people and events Ex: We watched a ~ on the early history of jazz. She has produced several award-winning ~ films.


A narrow street or passage between buildings


A notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.


A number or collection of different things or people


A serious disease in which the body cannot properly control the amount of sugar in your blood because it does not have enough insulin


A serious disease that affects the lungs and makes it difficult to breathe


A serious disease that causes chills and fever and that is passed from one person to another by the bite of mosquitoes


A set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about something Ex: There is no longer any ~ to being divorced. Being an unmarried mother no longer carries the social ~ that it used to.


A set of stairs and its supporting structures


A situation in which a large group of people behave in a violent and uncontrolled way (bạo động)


A situation in which many of the people in a country are angry and hold protests or act violently Ex: It is feared that the civil ~ we are now witnessing in this country could lead to full-scale civil war. The country has experienced years of civil/social/political ~.


A situation in which many people do not have enough food to eat

Star of David

A six-pointed figure consisting of two interlaced equilateral triangle, used as a Jewish and Israel symbol


A slum community in a Brazilian city/ A very poor and crowded area of a city in Brazil


A small animal that has six legs and a body formed of three parts and that may have wings


A small, fancy object that is put on something else to make it more attractive or less plain (đồ trang trí)


A small, usually round piece of glass, wood, stone, etc, that has a hole through its center and that is put on a string with other similar pieces and worn as jewelry or that is sewn onto clothing


A soft, green or grey growth that develops on old food or on objects that have been left for too long in warm, wet air Ex: There was ~ on the cheese.


A state in which there is not enough of something that is needed Ex: a ~ of cash/gasoline/teachers/water. In the last 20 years, there has been a serious ~ of nurses in Malawi.


A statement saying you will be harmed if you do not do what someone wants you to do


A statement that makes something clear or easy to understand


A story that is told or written Ex: He is writing a detailed ~ of his life on the island. People have questioned the accuracy of his ~.


A structure like a wall built outdoor usually of wood or metal that separates two areas or prevents people or animals from entering or leaving


A substance that is used in treating disease or relieving pain and that is usually in the form of a pill or a liquid


A substance that is usually injected into a person or animal to protect against a particular disease


Able to live or function (able to provide everything you need, especially food, for yourself ) without help or support from others Ex: His new job allowed him to become more ~. The programme aims to make the country ~ in food production and to cut energy imports.

Southern Ocean

Also known as the Antarctic Ocean or the Austral Ocean. It is the newest named ocean


An accident in which a car, airplane, train, etc., is badly damaged or destroyed


An act of invading


An amount of money that a worker is paid based on the number of hours, days, etc., that are worked Ex: A ~ of $14 an hour = an hourly ~ of $14 The table and chairs cost two weeks' ~s.


An amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand. Ex: The world is now producing large food ~es. We are unlikely to produce any ~ this year. If there is any ~, it will be divided equally.


An amount that is less than the amount that is needed Ex: The government is facing a deficit of $3 billion. There are many priorities, but reducing the budget ~ is of paramount importance.


An animal in Africa and Asia that looks like a deer, has horns pointing up and back, and runs very fast (Linh dương)


An area of land where animals and plants are given special protection


An unexpected or usually unpleasant thing that happend


Any of an order of insects having four wings of which the outer pair are modified into stiff elytra that protect the inner pair when at rest


As much as a mouth will hold Ex: He took a ~ of beer It was a delicious meal. We enjoyed every ~.

Early on

At or during an early point or stage + They discovered ~ that the published data were wrong + The reasons were obvious ~ in the experiment


Causing a very large amount of damage Ex: It was one of the most ~ storms in recent memory.


Causing strong feelings of sadness, usually because someone has died in a way that seems very shocking, unfair, etc. Ex: His friends were deeply shocked and saddened by the ~ news of his death. The bomb explosion resulted in a ~ loss of life. The play closed with the ~ death of both hero and heroine. It is ~ that the theater has had to close. They both died in a ~ car accident. Romeo and Juliet's ~ love affair


Characteristic or resembling a swamp


Come to live permanently in a foreign country


Completely or only + They met ~ by accident. + He wants the job ~ for reasons of vanity and ambition. + I keep a bottle of brandy ~ for medicinal purposes. From a ~ practical point of view, the house is too small.

To the ground

Completely, absolutely Ex: My village had been burned ~.


Continuously over a period of time; always


Difficult or impossible to believe Ex: The movie tells an ~ story of survival. A landscape of ~ beauty The new job is an ~ opportunity.


Distance measured in degrees east or west from an imaginary line (called the prime meridian) that goes from the North Pole to the South Pole and that passes through Greenwich, England + at a ~ of 2° W


Distance north or south of the equator measured in degrees up to 90 degrees + at a ~ of 51° N" + Toronto and Nice are on the same ~.


Easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally Ex: He was very ~ after his divorce. Tourists are more ~ to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid. It is on economic policy that the government is most ~. Alison's story is a reminder of how ~ women can be in what is still essentially a man's world. We provide a place of safety for ~ children.


Existing or happening over a wide area or among many people Ex: The campaign has received ~ support. There is ~ public interest in the election. Trade partners had become more ~.


For the present time, during the time before something happens or before a specified period + You should continue to take the medicine for the ~. [=for now] + He can come back to work when he's feeling better, but in the ~ he should be resting as much as possible. + The project is scheduled for completion in three months, and there's a great deal of work to be done in the ~. + The new computers won't arrive until next week, but we can keep using the old ones in the ~. + In the ~, you are good enough for today - perfectly imperfect.


From or forming part of the African regions south of the Sahara desert


Fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used


Happening in a way that is not planned or intended Ex: Reports suggest that eleven soldiers were killed by ~ fire from their own side. The site was located after the ~ discovery of bones in a field. The coroner concluded that his death was ~. She says she didn't mean to break it, but I don't think it was ~. Did it happen ~ly or intentionally? He bumped into her ~ly on purpose.


Having a round or curving shape


Having great natural ability [Talented] Ex: He's an extremely ~ student/athlete. A school for ~ children.


Having nothing inside


In or to a lower position than someone or something, under someone or something + Jaime hid the letter ~ a pile of papers. + We huddled together for warmth ~ the blankets. + After weeks at sea, it was wonderful to feel firm ground ~ our feet once more.


Knowing everything.


Knowing that something (such as a situation, condition or problem) exists (Not used before a noun, often + of/that)


Land cover with grasses and other soft plants but not with bushes and trees


Milk or food made from milk


Morally or legally correct Ex: The property should be returned to its ~ owner. Don't forget that I am the ~ owner of this house. He will be given his ~ place in the history books.

In motion

Moving, proceeding Ex: She's a very busy person who's constantly ~. He likes taking photographs of people ~.


One specializing in neurology


Not existing or done for the purpose of making a profit [= nonprofit]


Not influenced or affected by something [+ to] Ex: Most people are ~ to the disease. She is ~ to the power of advertising. - ~ system: the system that protects your body from diseases and infections


Not proud or not believing that you are important = modest


Not yet ready to eat, no fully grown or developed


Objects (such as bowls, plates, etc.) that are made out of clay usually by hand and then baked at high temperatures so that they become hard


Of or relating religion


Passed or able to be passed from parent to child before birth

Common people

People in general (often used in the plural)


Probable, seeming to be true


Physically comfortable Ex: A big, ~ armchair Is everybody ~?


Pictures or words painted or drawn on a wall, building, etc


Poor treatment of or violence against people because of the belief that some races of people are better than others Ex: The authorities are taking steps to combat/fight/tackle ~ in schools. He fought against ~. I abhor all forms of ~. We are witnessing ~ of a virulence that we haven't seen in Europe since the 1940s.


Produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular region or environment [= native] +There are several ~ groups that still live in the area. + These birds are ~ to South America. + In most places English is not an ~, local language. It is a language that is connected to colonization.


Relating or concerned with the relation of living organizations to one another and to their surroundings


Relating to Peru or its people


Relating to or including a parliament


Relating to or near a coast.


Relating to seeing or to the eyes


Someone who is trained to listen to people and give them advice about their problems + The college now has a ~ to help students with both personal and work problems.


Someone who lives in a building or on land without the permission of the owner and without paying


Someone who studies the buildings, graves, tools, and other objects of people who lived in the past Ex: + A team of ~s are working on a previously undisturbed area of the abbey grounds. + ~s have uncovered the remains of an Anglo-Saxon settlement. + The site of the temple was discovered by a group of amateur ~s. + He is an ~ who recently excavated an extraordinary Olmec site in Mexico.


Someone whose job is to treat a particular type of mental or physical illness or disability without the use of drugs or surgery + He's been seeing a ~ to try to control his anger. + ~s helped her regain the use of her fingers.


Something (such as a drug or medical treatment) that stops a disease and makes someone healthy again - phương thuốc


Something or someone that you think about all the time Ex: She has an ~ about cleanliness. The restaurant's menu is evidence of the chef's lifelong ~ with international cuisines. He's always wanted to find his birth mother but recently it's become an ~.


Something that is not known or that is difficult to understand or explain


Something that is very important or valuable


Sure to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented Ex: Some criticism was inevitable. The factory closure is seemingly ~. When you're working such long hours, it's ~ that your marriage will start to suffer. Unfortunately, violence is the ~ corollary of such a revolutionary change in society. The changes ~ly resulted in criticism.

Cosmetic surgery

Surgery performed to improve a person's appearance, rather than for medical reasons Ex: Today's women are more knowledgeable about ~ and make wiser choices. Lim is one of the millions of people every year worldwide who choose to have ~.


The middle part of your body between the hips and chest or upper back that is usually narrower than the areas above and below it


The moisture in the air


The ability to control your fear in a dangerous or difficult situation Ex: They showed great ~ when they found out about their baby's disability. People should have the ~ to stand up for their beliefs. The troops showed great ~ [=bravery] in battle.


The ability to give your attention or thought to a single object or activity Ex: All that noise is disturbing my ~. The job required her full ~. When you're tired it's easy to lose your ~.


The ability to read and write


The ability to remain calm when dealing with a difficult or annoying situation, task, or person


The act of becoming known or coming into view


The act or process of damaging something so badly that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired (phá hủy)


The act or process of forcing a liquid medicine or drug into someone or something by using a special needle


The act or process of giving birth to children Ex: She died in ~. Many women and children die during ~.


The action of taking something out, especially using effort or force


The activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services.


The annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event


The main long and thin part of a plant that rises above the soil and supports the leaves and flowers


The main woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branches and roots


The belief in and support for the system of one country controlling another


The belief in gods or a group of gods


The belief that it is good for people to spend a lot of money on goods and services


The belief that someone or something is bad or wrong/ The feeling of not liking or agreeing with someone or something (lack of approval - phản đối)


The condition of being unable to do things in the normal way


The cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forests by people:


The deliberate killing of people, especially those who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group


The feeling that you care about and are sorry about someone else's trouble, grief, misfortune, etc. + She went to her best friend for ~. + Letters of ~ were sent to the families of the victims. + There is a lot of ~ for the families of the victims. + I have no ~ for her.


The gradual caving in or sinking of an area of land


The gradual destruction of something by natural forces (such as water, wind or ice)


The group of people who are responsible for making the laws in some kinds of government


The hard, empty shell of a small sea creature (such as a clam)


The holy book of Christians.


The houses, apartments, etc., in which people live Ex: There's a shortage of cheap ~ in the region. The city is building new ~ for the elderly. My main concern about moving to London is the cost of ~. The cost of ~ continued to rise. They opened a shelter to provide temporary ~ for the city's homeless.


The joint where foot joins the leg


The land along or near a sea or ocean


The man who rules an empire


The standards that people use to judge what is right or wrong, good or evil (Đạo đức)


The state of being a slave Ex: She was sold into ~. She was one of about one million Africans in ~ in the United States. The northern states wanted to make ~ illegal.


The state of being liked, enjoyed, accepted, or done by a large number of people + The band has enjoyed an unstoppable rise in ~. + Her ~ has declined since her return from exile two years ago. + The candidate is winning/losing ~ among voters.


The state of being widely known or recognized


The state of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced (Nền văn minh)


The supplies or tools that are used for a particular activity or purpose


The watery fluid that circulates through a plant, carrying food and other substances to the various tissues


To give (a person or an animal) a vaccine to prevent infection by a disease Ex: We ~ all the animals that come to our shelter.


To give all or a large part of one's time or resources to (a person, activity, or cause).


To be better or greater than (someone or something) Ex: She soon ~ed her teacher in skill and proficiency. Attendance is expected to ~ last year's record. The book's success has ~ed everyone's expectations.

Walk a tightrope

To be in a situation where one must be very cautious Ex: Many manufacturers have to ~ between pricing their goods too high and not selling them, and pricing them low and losing money. As soldiers during the war, we ~ed between life and death every day.

To lie in state

To be laid in a public place of honor before burial


To become involved in the activities and concerns of other people when your involvement is not wanted + I tried to offer advice without ~ing. + I'm sick and tired of the way he's always ~ing in my life. + We shouldn't ~ in the affairs of other countries.


To become smaller in amount, size or value


To become thick and partly solid Ex: Substances that help to ~ blood. I take a drug to prevent (blood) ~ing


To cause (someone or something) to be in a danger place or situation

Get rid of

To cause (someone) to be free from something, to relieve


To cause (someone) to do or want to do something even though it may be wrong, bad, or unwise Ex: The smell of the pie ~ed me into having a piece, but I resisted. The saleswoman tried to ~ us to buy a more expensive model. The offer of free credit ~ed her into buying a new car. They ~ed him to join the company by offering him a huge salary and a company car.

Cave in

To cause (something) to fall down or inward


To change (something) so that it functions better or is better suited for a purpose


To choose (someone) to have a particular job, to give (someone) a position or duty [=named, designated] Ex: The President ~ed him (as) Secretary of Education. She was ~ed professor of chemistry at the university.


To cry because you are very sad or are feeling some other strong emotion Ex: He ~(ed) at the news of her death. She sat down and ~(ed).


To describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance.


To end a pregnancy deliberately by causing the death of the fetus Ex: They decided to ~ the pregnancy.


To enter (a place, such as a foreign country) in order to take control by military force


To escape by running away, especially because of danger or fear Ex: They ~ed for their lives. The family ~ed from Nazi Germany to Britain in 1936. He was accused of trying to ~ the scene of the accident. He was forced to ~ the country.


To experience pain, illness or injury


To fight against something Ex: These bananas need to be strong to ~ diseases


To focus one's attention or mental effort on a particular object or activity


To force a liquid medicine or drug into someone or something by using a special needle


To free from pain or trouble

In person

Used to say that a person is actually present at a place Ex: They met ~ after speaking on the phone. You will need to sign for the package ~. Reading hurtful words online is just as bad as hearing them ~.


Usually curved part of a structure that is over an opening and that supports a wall or other weight above the opening


Valuable stones


Very bad, serious


Very great in degree


Very great, having or showing great strength or power Ex: The barbarians faced a ~ army. It took a ~ effort to get everything done on time.


a simple machine that is a grooved wheel with a rope or a cable wrapped around it and is used to change the direction of the pull and thereby lift a load


Warm and humid, muggy


With nothing on the feet Ex: She walked ~ on the tree branches


a formal act or series of acts prescribed by ritual, protocol, or convention, typically one celebrating a particular event or anniversary


a large mass of ice that exists year-round and moves over land


an imaginary line drawn around the earth equally distant from both poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres and constituting the parallel of latitude 0°. + The city of Quito, Ecuador, lies very close to the ~.


create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton


easily broken or damaged


in the end, finally, at an unspecified future time


the state or process that results when something( such as a species, family, or larger group) has died out completely


the threat of or actual use of physical force against oneself or another person


to give power or authority to (someone)

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