sppech class sg

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Explain why good delivery (including NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION) is important to successful speaking.

. Nonverbal communication is based on a person's use of voice and body, rather than on the use of words. 2. Effective delivery conveys the speaker's ideas clearly, engagingly, and without distracting then audience.

Be able to accurately identify the main points, subpoints, and sub subpoints in an outline

1 Main point A. Subpoint B. Subpoint 1. Sub-subpoint 2. Sub-supoint a. sub sub b. sub sub

Explain the five-step method presented in the chapter for practicing extemporaneous speech delivery

1) go through preparation outline aloud to check how what you have written translates into spoken discourse 2) prepare your speaking outline 3) practice the speech aloud several times using only the speaking outline 4) now begin to polish and refine your delivery 5) give speech a dress rehearsal under conditions as close as possible to those you will face in class

Identify the four methods of delivering a speech

1) reading verbatim from a manuscript 2) reciting a memorized text 3) speaking impromptu 4) speaking extemporaneously

Explain the major characteristics of effective speech delivery

1) speaking intelligibly 2) avoiding distracting mannerisms 3) establishing eye contact with your listeners

Identify the five steps in Monroe's motivated sequence

1. Attention 2. Need 3. Satisfaction 4. Visualization 5. Action

Discuss three ways a speaker can enhance her or his credibility during a persuasive speech.

1. Explain your competence 2. Establish common ground with your audience 3. Deliver your speech fluently, expressively, and with conviction

Identify three methods public speakers can use to help ensure that their language will be clear to listeners

1. Use familiar words 2. Choose concrete words 3. Eliminate clutter

Discuss 4 tips presented in the chapter for using evidence in persuasive speeches

1. Use specific evidence 2. Use novel evidence (new evidence) 3. Use evidence from credible sources 4. Make clear the point of your evidence

Define a question of fact and give an example of a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of fact

A question about the truth or falsity of an assertion. Example: How far is it from Chicago to DeKalb?

Define a question of value and give an example of a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of value

A question about the worth, rightness, morality, and so forth of an idea or action. Example: Is cloning morally justifiable? A question about whether a specific course of action should or should not be taken. Example: What should we do during spring vacation?

Clarify the differences between an informative speech and a persuasive speech and explain why speaking to persuade is especially challenging

An informative speech is telling an audience about a subject they may not be familiar with. You do the same thing with a persuasive speech, but the goal of the persuasive speech is to get your audience to agree with you. That can be challenging if you have a stubborn audience or you aren't very good with supporting your claims with evidence.

Explain what it means to say that audiences engage in a mental dialogue with the speaker as they listen to a persuasive speech.

Because the speaker is challenging the audience's beliefs, they need to process what the speaker is saying and mentally compare between what the speaker believes and what they believe

Explain the differences between denotative and connotative meaning

Denotative Meaning: is the exact, literal dictionary definition. Connotative Meaning: an association that comes to mind when people hear or read the word example: dog- a specific type of canine (denotative) dog- a poor investment opportunity (connotative)

Apply the six guidelines for informative speaking discussed in this chapter

Don't overestimate what the audience knows Relate the subject directly to the audience Don't be too technical Avoid Abstractions Personalize your ideas Be creative

Explain the role of the emotional appeal in persuasive speaking and discuss when it is ethical for a speaker to employ emotional appeal

Emotional appeal is the greatest way to sway your audience to agree with you. It is acceptable when using it to support an unethical cause and when it is appropriate to the speech topic.

Define ethos, pathos, and logos

Ethos - Credibility, (Trustworthiness + Competence) Logos- logic, Presenting evidence and reasoning in your message Pathos- Emotion, Evoking the audience's emotions

Explain why it is important for persuasive speakers to use evidence in their speeches

If you don't have any evidence to support your claims, there is no reason for your audience to believe what you are saying

Explain how public speakers can use imagery and rhythm to help bring language to life

Imagery is the use of vivid language to create mental images of objects, actions, or ideas. Rhythm is the pattern of sound in a speech created by the choice and arrangement of words.

Identify and explain the three general criteria for judging informative speeches

Is the information communicated accurately -Is the information communicated clearly -Is the information made meaningful and interesting to the audience.

Explain each of the three basic issues of need, plan, and practicality and their importance in persuasive speeches on questions of policy

Need: There is no point in arguing for a policy unless you can show a need for it Plan: Once you have shown that a problem exists, you must explain your plan for solving it. Practicality: Once you have presented a plan, you must show that it will work.

Define persuasion and explain why it is an important subject

Persuasion is the process of creating, reinforcing, or changing people's beliefs or actions. Learning to speak persuasively will benefit you in every part of your life, from personal relations to community activities to career aspirations.

Define reasoning from principle and explain the guidelines a speaker should follow when employing reasoning from principle

Reasoning that moves from a general principle to a specific conclusion. Pay special attention to your general principle and support it.

Explain the differences between a preparation outline and a speaking outline

The difference between a preparation outline and a speaking outline is that a preparation outline helps you (speaker) prepare the speech and a speaking outline helps you remember what you (speaker) want to say

identify the kinds of visual aids available for use in speeches

The different kinds of visual aids you can use in a speech are objects, models, photographs, drawings, graphs, charts, transparencies, video, multimedia presentations, and even yoursel

Apply the guidelines given in the chapter for preparing and presenting visual aids.

The guidelines for preparing visual aids are to prepare visual aids in advance, to keep visual aids simple, to make sure visual aids are large enough, to use fonts that are easy to read, to use a limited number of fonts, and to use color effectively.

Explain the major advantages of using visual aids in a speech

The major advantages of using visual aids in your speeches are that they heighten audience interest, shift attention away from the speaker, and give the speaker greater confidence in the presentation as a whole

Explain why meeting ethical obligations can be especially challenging in persuasive speaking and identify the ethical responsibilities of persuasive speakers

This can be challenging because you want to persuade them to agree with you even if what you believe doesn't have sufficient evidence to be believed by others. They are responsible for making sure everything they say is true so that they don't mislead their audience and trick them.

Explain why public speakers need to use inclusive language and identify four ways they can do so

USA is a very diverse place, so our speech should be respectful to the different groups. 1) Avoid the generic "He" 2) Avoid the use of "man" when referring to both men and women 3) Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender 4) Use names that groups use to identity themselves

identify 3 methods a speaker can use to generate emotional appeal when speaking to persuade.

Use emotional language, develop vivid examples, and speak with sincerity and convictions.

Explain the role of speaker credibility in persuasive speaking

f you don't establish your credibility, your audience will not believe a word you are saying and your speech would be pointless

Define the differences among initial credibility, derived credibility, and terminal credibility

initial: The credibility before the speaker starts to speak Derived: the credibility produced by everything the speaker says and does during the speech Terminal: The credibility at the end of the speech

Explain the importance of using language accurately in public speeches

lose credibility

Define reasoning from specific instances and explain the guidelines given in the chapter for using the method of reasoning

reasoning that moves from particular facts to a general conclusion. Avoid generalizing too hastily, be careful with your wording, and reinforce your argument with statistics or testimony

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