Spring Study Guide (World History)

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What is a genocide?

A genocide is a deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a large ethnic group or nation.

What conditions and situations helped Fascists come to power in Germany and Italy in the 1920's?

A lot of economies were also struggling which let many fascists and others come to power leading to the fall of these democracies.

What political and social factors led to the fall of several European democracies in the 1920's and 1930's?

A lot of the European democracies were weak and not very solid in their structure and decisions. A lot of economies were also struggling which let many fascists and others come to power leading to the fall of these democracies.

How many more troops did the Allied Powers have then the Central Powers?

A). 19 million

Which of the following was the leader of the Third Reich?

A). Adolf Hitler

Which of the following was true of Germany, Italy and Japan during the early 1930's?

A). All three successfully invaded other nations.

What action on November 11, 1918, brought World War I to an end?

A). An armistice was signed.

Which statement summarizes the Schlieffen Plan that Germany created to prepare for a two-front war?

A). Attack France first, then Russia.

From which country did Czechoslovakia, Poland and Yugoslavia gain independence?

A). Austria-Hungary

Which of the following events turned the tide of the war in the Pacific against Japan and allowed the Allies to begin taking the offensive?

A). Battle of Midway

Which of the following battles marked the final German offensive?

A). Battle of the Bulge

Who was forced to assume sole responsibility for the war under the Treat of Versailles?

A). Germany

How did the United Kingdom change after World War I?

A). Ireland gained self-rule.

What was significant about the Battle of Midway?

A). It turned the war in the Pacific against the Japanese

What happened to the rest of Czechoslovakia?

A). It was annexed to Germany in 1939.

Which of the following countries had the lowest direct war costs?

A). Japan

Which of the following officers did NOT command D-Day forces?

A). Patton

Great Britain and France entered World War II because of the invasion of whom?

A). Poland

Which country did Germany conquer in September 1939?

A). Poland

During Spain's civil war, Francisco Franco was the leader of?

A). Spanish rebel troops

The Atlantic Charter was a declaration of the right to freedom of?

A). Trade

The armistice signed near Paris in November 1918 brought an end to?

A). World War I

All of the following were common to both fascism and communism EXCEPT?

A). a classless society

What event occurred on the day described as "a day which will live in infamy"?

A). attack on Pear Harbor

Nazism was the German form of?

A). fascism

All of the following increased during the Great Depression EXCEPT?

A). imports and exports

What was the main target of the kamikazes?

A). ships

Why were thousands of Japanese Americans interned in relocation camps?

A). their ancestry

What groups opposed the Treaty of Versailles and why?

As the Paris Peace Conference opened, Britain and France showed little sign or agreement. They were concerned with national security and also wanted to strip Germany of its war-making power.

Which nation annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908?


Which nation was the first to declare war in what would come to be called the Great War?


Which nation's heir to the throne was assassinated in 1912 by a Serbian Nationalist?


Whose theory of relativity replaced Newton's comforting belief in a world run by absolute laws of motion and gravity?

B). Albert Einstein

Who went on the Bataan Death March, and why?

B). Allied prisoners of war, because the Japanese forced them to

Which countries each lost more than a million troops from battlefield deaths?

B). Austria-Hungary, France, Russia, Germany

The Popular Front helped preserve democracy?

B). France

What prompted Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany?

B). German invasion of Poland

After the war which country had a province separated from it by states that had gained independence?

B). Germany

During the global depression, war debts caused great suffering in?

B). Germany

Which of the following countries signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union in 1939?

B). Germany

What happened to the Sudetenland?

B). Germany annexed it.

Which of the countries listed in the chart had the second lowest number of killed or missing military personnel?

B). Great Britain

What country invaded Manchuria in 1931?

B). Japan

Which German political party sought to overturn the Treaty of Versailles and combat communism?

B). Nazi

The Germans first successfully used the blitzkrieg in an attack on who?

B). Poland

In 1920, a dictatorship ruled?

B). Russia

In which of the following countries were the most civilians killed during World War II?


What were the Fourteen Points?

B). a plan for the postwar world to keep peace

During which year was unemployment at its peak, and what percentage of the workforce was out of work?

B). about 25 percent

Hitler's main method for achieving lebensraum was to?

B). conquer other countries

The Zimmermann note, which pushed the United States to enter the war, exposed the German plan to?

B). help Mexico regain U.S. territory

Which of the following did Stalin repeatedly urge Churchill and Roosevelt to do in order to relieve German pressure on Soviet armies?

B). invade France

Why is Isoroku Yamamoto famous?

B). leading the Japanese government during World War II

What is the policy of glorifying power and keeping an army prepared for war?

B). militarism

What crucial lesson was learned in the Battle of Britain?

B). that Hitler's advances could be blocked

What was the goal of U.S. isolationists after World War I?

B). that political ties to other countries should be avoided

Which of the following occurred on D-Day?

B). the Allied invasion of France

How were the effects of America's isolationism and Britain's policy of appeasement similar?

Both in short did not work. In the end they were dragged into the war and both did not stop Germany from rising to a world power.

Why did a stalemate develop on the Western Front during World War I?

Both sides were playing a defensive war so little to no ground was really every captured resulting in a stalemate between both sides.

What was the direct war cost for the United States during World War II?

C). $288 billion

How many troops did Russia lose, even though it pulled out of the war early?

C). 1,700,000

Who developed the theory that the measurements of time and space can vary?

C). Albert Einstein

Which of the following was the location of a Nazi extermination camp?

C). Auschwitz

What term was used to identify the alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan?

C). Axis Powers

Which general led the victorious troops in the Battle of El Alamein?

C). Bernard Montgomery

Which of these towns were British troops most likely to reach first?

C). Courseulles

Who was the supreme commander of the Western Allied forces of Europe?

C). General Bernard Montgomery

The Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact in 1939 with whom?

C). Germany

Which nation's actions caused the United States to fight in World War I?

C). Germany

Where were atomic bombs dropped?

C). Hiroshima and Nagasaki

How did the unemployment rate change between 1929 and 1930?

C). It increased by about 5 percent.

Who led Germany during the last decade of the 1800's and most of World War I?

C). Kaiser Wilhelm II

What was one part of Roosevelt's New Deal program to fight the Depression?

C). Large public works projects helped provide jobs.

Which of the following was NOT a departure point in Great Britain?

C). London

The title of Hitler's book Mein Kampf in English is?

C). My Struggle.

The caudillo _________ came to power in Mexico in the mid - 1870's and ruled until he was forced from office in 1920 by the Mexican Revolution. The order and progress that he brought Mexico was not enough for those who cared more about liberal reforms.

C). Porfirio Díaz

All of the following countries took control of other countries' territory during the 1930's EXCEPT?

C). Spain

What did Germany do to the Rhineland?

C). The Rhineland was remilitarized by Germany.

What was the change in the workforce between 1933 and 1934?

C). The percent of unemployed decreased.

In what key way were all of the shaded countries and regions related?

C). They were taken over by Nazi Germany.

Why were the Pacific islands attacked and seized during the Allied 'island hopping' chosen?

C). They were the least heavily defended by Japan.

Which country lost the smallest number of troops from battlefield deaths?


In 1917, Germany returned to its policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, hoping to?

C). keep cargo ships from reaching Great Britain

What were Franz Kafka, James Joyce, and F. Scott Fitzgerald all known for being?

C). novelists

The system of rationing was designed to limit?

C). purchases of consumer goods.

The German Blitzkrieg was a military strategy that depended on what advantage?

C). surprise and overwhelming force

What event marked the beginning of the Great Depression?

C). the stock market crash of 1929

What did the war become once the participation countries began devoting all of their resources to the war effort?

C). total war

After the peak of unemployment, during which year did it reach its LOWEST rate again?

D). 1937

During World War II, how many German military personnel were killed or reported missing?

D). 3,300,00

Around which body of water did the greatest number of new countries emerge after World War I?

D). Baltic Sea

In the 1840's and 1850's, _________ worked for acceptance of La Reforma. Although he served as president of Mexico several times, it was only his last presidency that he was able to institute La reform during the period of relative peace and prosperity.

D). Benito Juárez

Il Duce was the title of which of the following leaders?

D). Benito Mussolini

By 1935, which of the following European countries were still a democracy?

D). Czechoslovakia

The Munich Conference was held to address the problems of a German threat to the nation of?

D). Czechoslovakia

After World War I, most European nations had what type of government, if only temporarily?

D). Democratic

Who was the mastermind of the 'island hopping' strategy?

D). Douglas MacArthur

How many beaches were targeted landing sites for forces coming from the water?

D). Five

Who was Charles De Gaulle?

D). Leader of the French government-in-exile and the Free French.

Which of the following was an area targeted by the U.S. First Army?

D). Omaha Beach

Which of the following countries completely changed its name after World War I?

D). Ottoman Empire

All of the following embraced fascism EXCEPT?

D). Paul von Hindenburg

All of the following contributed to the weakness of the Weimar Republic EXCEPT

D). The implementation of the Dawes Plan.

What percentage were out of work during the peak unemployment year?

D). about 25 percent

Why were Germany and Austria-Hungary known as Central Powers?

D). because of their location in the heart of Europe

The New Deal involved attempts to stimulate the American economy by?

D). increasing government spending

The purpose of propaganda during World War I was to?

D). influence public opinion

World War I was a 'total war' in the sense that?

D). nations involved devoted all their resources to it

All of the following were advantages for the British in fighting the Battle of Britain EXCEPT?

D). superior numbers of aircraft

What region was referred to as the 'powder keg' of Europe?

D). the Balkan Peninsula

All of the following joined the Axis Powers EXCEPT?

D). the Soviet Union

Who developed theories about the power of the part of the mind called the unconscious?

E). Sigmund Freud

Why did the United States enter World War I, and what effect did its entry have on the war?

Entered the war because of the attack on Pearl Harbor and this had a negative effect on Japan.

_________ was a popular leader who raised a powerful army to fight the Mexican Revolution. 'Tierra y Libertad' (Land and Liberty) was his battle cry. He helped overthrow Díaz and Huerta and, in 1919, was himself lured into a trap and murdered by forces loyal to Carranza.

F). Emiliano Zapata

Whos is the "Lost Generation" writer who wrote the novel, "The Great Gatsby"?

F). F. Scott Fitzgerald

Under the Schlieffen Plan, Germany was to focus first on defeating "Great Britain"?

False - France

Although "Japan" had been part of the Triple Alliance, it refused to join the Central Powers.

False - Italy

Trench warefare was the primary form of warfare used on the "Eastern Front".

False - Western Front

"Great Britain" was represented at the Paris Peace Conference by Georges Clemenceau.


Which nation did Otto von Bismarck believe was the greatest threat to peace in Europe?


Which nation greatly regretted its loss of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany in 1870?


Who was the first person to successfully complete a solo, trans-Atlantic flight?

G). Charles Lindbergh

Identify two tools or tactics that were used to implement the "Final Solution".

Gas Chambers & Mass Shootings

Identify two groups other than Jews who were singles out for the "Final Solution".

Gays & Gypsies

Agreement at the Paris Peace Conference was hindered primarily by strong differences of opinion between Woodrow Wilson and "David Lloyd George".

Georges Clemenceau

Which nation lost the most troops?


Which nation was unified by Otto von Bismarck and later ruled by Kaiser Wilhelm II?


Which of the Great Powers did not have a large army by 1914?

Great Britain

Born into one of Mexico's ten richest families, _________ was a strong supporter of democracy. When his attempt to run for Mexico's presidency forced him into exile, he called for revolution. In 1911, he became president but resigned soon after.

H). Francisco Madero

Who urged the idea of returning to the heroic values of pride, assertiveness and strength?

H). Friedrich Nietzsche

What do you think President D. Roosevelt meant when he said that the only thing in the United States had to fear was fear itself?

He said this because we were a big world power in our military power so in short the only thing we had to fear was doubt. We should believe in our power.

Why do you think that an event as horrifying as the Holocaust was able to occur?

I think an event this horrifying was able to occur because of mass brainwashing and manipulation. If you are taught something from birth then why doubt said idea. Was also maybe allowed because of the fear that Hitler led with.

In your opinion, which was the most important influence in setting the stage for World War I - nationalism, imperialism, militarism, or the alliance system? Explain.

I think the most influential thing that set the stage for World War I was the alliance system. While the other three things led to the war alliances are what dragged everyone into the War actually making it a 'world war'.

What was Auschwitz?

It was a Nazi extermination camp in Poland and the largest center of mass murder during the Holocaust. There was close to a million Jews, Gypsies, Communists and other killed there.

Which THREE nations belonged to the Triple Alliance?

Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary

What is the musical style that captures a sense of new freedom of the postwar years?

J). jazz

Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? What were some of the most important consequences of the attack?

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because it housed a large portion of the U.S. navy in the Pacific. Some of the consequences were the U.S. entering the war against Japan and then overall Japans ultimate fall later in the war.

During the Mexican Revolution, the former cowboy _________ was immensely popular in northern Mexico because of his reputation for being a Robin Hood.

K). "Pancho" Villa

What is the term for the relationship between the speed of light and the measurements of time and space?

K). relativity

_________ played leading roles in Mexico's fight for independence from sand, and after independence, Mexico's fight to hold on to Texas. He also served four times as the president of Mexico.

L). Antonio López de Santa Anna

What was the name of the art movement that incorporates the concept of the unconscious mind?

L). surrealism

How did World War II affect civilians around the world?

Many countries went into total war which devoted all their resources to the war cause. Many places also had women beginning to work a lot more things 'only men could do'.

What is the name of the philosophy that rejects the idea of universal values?

N). Existentialism

What happened on Kristallnacht?

Nazi's destroyed and ransacked Jewish houses, businesses and synagogues. Also called 'the night of broken glass' because the streets were littered with shattered windows.

James Joyce used this literary technique to present characters' thoughts and feelings?

O). stream of consciousness

Which TWO non-Balkan nations competed for dominance of the Balkans?

Russia and Austria-Hungary

Why did Russia withdraw from World War I? Why did the United States enter it?

Russia withdrew from World War I because they were beginning a Revolution. The United States entered World War I because the U.S. intercepted the Zimmerman Telegraph which was an idea of alliance to Mexico.

Which THREE nations belonged to the Triple Entente?

Russia, France and Great Britain

How did technology change daily life after World War I?

Technology rose a lot after World War I with new things being invented/improved such as cars for example. This made life easier in a way and let technology do a lot of hard things.

What did Hitler incorrectly call the Germanic people he considered the 'master race'?

The Aryans

In a paragraph, explain why any three of the following battles were particularly significant: the Battle of El Alamein, the Battle of Stalingrad, the invasion of Normandy, the Battle of the Bulge and the Battle of Leyte Gulf.

The Battle of Stalingrad is particularly significant because it is considered the turning point for Europe in World War II. The Germans were defeated and forced out of the Soviet Union. Both sides lost a considerable amount of people in this battle but it was a victory for the Soviet Union and showed their strength to Hitler.

What was the first "solution" to the "Jewish problem," and why wasn't Hitler satisfied?

The first solution was placing the Jewish people in ghettos. In doing this he hoped to kill them from disease and or starvation. He wasn't satisfied because the Jewish people weren't dying as quickly as he intended.

What were the reasons for the extensive loss of life and property damage in World War I?

The reasons for extensive loss of life were the fact of trench and chemical warfare. This caused many people to die. Also lack of technology and proper medical supplies, clothes and food added to this.

What were the military outcomes and important result of the German invasion of France, the Battle of Britain and the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941?

These were all very important because they were starting turning points in the war against Germany. They forced Germany out of places and also showed that they could be defeated.

What effects did World War I have on the writers, painters and musicians who worked in the postwar years?

This was the lost generation and impacted everything that they wrote about and performed. This was also a lot of dark and bad writings because of the horrors of the war.

Why was D-Day such an important historic event?

This was very historic because it was the invasion of the soft underbelly of Europe and was the beginning of the downfall for Germany.

What was the main goal of the "Final Solution"?

To annihilate or get rid of all the Jews in Europe.

"Woodrow Wilson" proposed the 'general association of nations' that would later become the League of Nations.


After Russia began mobilizing troops on its western border, "Serbia" declared war on Russia. Two days later, it also declared war on France.


Article 231, also known as the "war guilt" clause, ordered Germany to pay huge war reparations to Allied nations.


In the first weeks of the war, the "Allied Powers" included Great Britain, France, Russia and Japan.


The battles of the Marne, the Somme and Verdun were fought on "Austria" soil.


The territory between the trenches was known as "no mans land".


Two nations deliberately excluded from the League of Nations were Germany and "Russia".


Identify any two reforms of the Mexican Constitution of 1917. Why did reformers feel that they were needed in Mexico at that time?

Two reformers of the Mexican Constitution were Carranza and Obregón. They felt they were needed because of deputes over land, religion, labor and social issues. Examples would be government controlled resources, state takeover of land owned by the Church, minimum wage and equal pay for equal work.

The right of nations to self-determination was a guided principle of the "Treaty of Versailles".

Wilsons Fourteen Points

All of Germany's territories in Africa and the Pacific were declared "colonies", or territories to be administered by the League of Nations.


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