spy test 3

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Like those of all mammals, human brains have evolved over time as we have evolved. Some regions of our brain have evolved more recently than others as we evolved into humans. Order the following regions of the brain from the most recently evolved to least recently evolved

. 1.Forebrain 2.Midbrain 3.Hindbrain

Order the stage of sleep from the stage where the brain is most close to being awake to the stage where the brain is most deeply asleep.

1.REM 2.NREM-1 3.NREM-2 4.NREM-3

Ken burned his finger on the stove and a reflex triggered him to pull his hand back from the heat very quickly. Order the following types of neurons in the order it which they sent information to trigger the reflex. That is, in order for the reflex to occur at least three neurons had to fire sending messages that caused him to pull his hand back. Which type of neuron fired first, second, and third?

1.Sensory neuron 2.Interneuron 3.Motor neuron

Research supports a number of different theories about why we sleep. mark all of the different empirically supported ideas for why we sleep

1/Sleep helps our brain tissues and immune system to recover and repair. 2/Sleep helps with creative thinking. 3/Sleep strengthens our memories of the days events and thoughts. 4/Sleep helps our bodies to grow and regenerate. 5/Sleep evolved to protect us at night.

Which of the following is true about the endocrine system? Mark all correct answers.

1/the endocrine system includes a number of glands, both in the brain and the rest of the body. 2/The endocrine system transmits messages by using hormones that travel through the bloodstream.

The brain is made up of approximately _________________ neurons and even more glial cells and it uses about __________________ of the oxygen we breath.

86 billion......20%

Night terrors

Abrupt awakenings from NREM-3 sleep accompanied by a state of panic


Active in many emotional processes and the creation of emotional memories

Psychoactive drugs affect brain function usually by doing what?

Affecting the process of communication at specific synapses that use


Affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal(Affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal and is affected by most antidepressant drugs.

______ is ____________________ that transmits information within a neuron down the axon triggering the release of neurotransmitters.

An action potential.......an electrical signal

Which part of a neuron sends information to other neurons?



Balance and coordination

Physiological/Neural Pathways

Brain stimulation during REM sleep helps preserve connections between neurons

corpus callosum

Connects the left and right hemispheres of the cortex

autonomic nervous system

Controls involuntary activity of visceral muscles and internal organs and glands.(Pathways that transmit automatic, involuntary commands that control the functioning of blood vessels, glands, and organs)

reticular formation

Critical for consciousness and arousal

Which part of a neuron receives information from other neurons?



Deteriorates in those with Alzheimers disease


Difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep

somatic nervous system

Division of the PNS that controls the body's skeletal muscles.(like commands to our muscles to move)


Dreams occur because during sleep we are more relaxed allowing unconscious wishes and desires to be released in symbolic, story form.

Neurotransmitters always send a the same message to the postsynaptic cell, a message telling it to fire


The brains of lower mammals such as rats are not sophisticated enough for them to feel emotions.


The more excitatory messages a neuron receives the stronger it will fire.


The process of neurogenesis occurs with increasing frequency over the course of a persons life.


Silvia struggles with difficulty planning, making decisions, and thinking about abstract concepts. She has a history of seizures that have damaged part of her cortex. What part of her cortex is most likely to have been damaged?

Frontal lobes


Helps coordinate movement and control sleep


High levels increase alertness and sometimes mood.


Involved in the creation of new memories


Lessens pain in the same pathways as opiate drugs.


Low levels linked to Parkinson's disease and movement problems.

Doctors suspect that Maricella has a brain tumor pushing on her occipital lobe. In order to determine if they are correct which of the following tools are they likely to use to create a picture of the structure (the anatomy) of her brain?


Neural Static

REM sleep naturally triggers neural activity that evokes random visual memories that are blended together into stories as our brain tried to make sense of the random activity.

hypothalmus gland

Regulates temperature, hunger, thirst, and sexual desire

pituitary gland

Releases many hormones that affect different parts of the body


Structure at the top of the brainstem that directs sensory messages to the cortex.


Sudden sleep attacks during wakefulness

Neurons do not actually touch each other. Instead there is a very small gap between neurons called the __


What does the term parallel processing refer to?

The ability of our mind to engage in different, unconscious activities simultaniously.

If I conducted a study where I used electrodes to stimulate an association area in the cortex of a cat what kind of behavioral response would I see?

The cat would not engage in any predictable movement.

Which of the following parts of the brain are the last to fully mature?

The frontal lobes

The story of Phineas Gage helped researchers understand what about the brain?

The functions of the frontal lobes.

What do neurotransmitters do to carry a message to another neuron?

They fit into receptors on a postsynaptic membrane.

parietal lobe


If excitatory messages are stronger than inhibitory messages the threshold for an action potential may be reached in a neuron


The complex brains of humans allows us to be better than other species at planning ahead.


We have almost all of the neurons we are ever going to have at birth.



When a person arises and engages in activity while still being asleep in NREM-3

sleep apnea

a disorder in which the person stops breathing for brief periods while asleep

parasympathetic nervous system

a set of nerves that helps the body return to a normal resting state(calming down the body and returning it to a less excited state.

sympathetic nervous system

a set of nerves that prepares the body for action in challenging or threatening situations

central nervous system

brain and spinal cord


controls heartbeat and breathing

Information processing

dreams help us sort out the day's events and consolidate our memories(Dreams help us consolidate our memories and sort through the days event)

The term tolerance refers to?

he process whereby the brain changing so that more of a drug is needed to get the same desired effect

Temporal lobe


In a study sleepers were awakened repeatedly throughout the night. Some of the sleepers were awakened only during stage 1 of sleep, some were awakened only during stage 2, some only during stage 3, and some only during REM sleep. Which group of sleepers would you predict would have the worst mental functioning on the following day on average?

sleepers awoken during REM sleep

peripheral nervous system

the sensory and motor neurons that connect the CNS to the rest of the body(connects the brain and spinal cord to the bodies muscles and organs

occipital lobe


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