start Exam 4: caffeine/water&electrolytes

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Which organ can sense this increase in blood pressure?


In the study described in the previous question why is the salt held constant in the study?

salt consumption is linked to increase of blood pressure but this shows there are ways to reduce bp without salt reduction.

what helps these types of people to monitor their fluid intake?

scheduled fluid intake reminders to drink water

Tom's wife brings over coconut water after his run for him and his friend saying its the best sports drink ever! what wrong with this statement?

-It is good and it is also over priced in the last question I gave two examples of easy sports drinks to make. -coconut water is expensive and contains extra electrolytes that we don't even need and are not relevant. making it seam much better than it is.

-CVD risk is effected by higher BP. How high is this? -When is CVD risk lowered?

-This can be below the hypertensive BP Hypertension BP: 140/90. So even if you don't have hypertension higher blood pressures can increase CVD risk. - When your bp at or below 120/80 = normal Risk of cardiovascular complication increases at a bp of 115/75 :the lower the better

Does how much caffeine you consume daily effect you? In what ways? What if i am A. an avid caffeine consume always need my daily coffee. B. don't have coffee often but i have an exam today so i buy a cup.

-Yes the amount of caffeine you consume daily effects you. low doses are not harmful and can be ok. However your body adapts to caffeine intake. A. your body is more adapted to caffeine. Caffeine will not work as a diuretic if you just drink your morning coffee. B. You body is less adapted to caffeine so when you do drink the caffeine it will act as a diuretic.

what are the other electrolyte minerals?

-calcium -magnesium -phosperous

How does sodium intake effect blood pressure? Explain the steps

-high sodium intake -na+ in blood rises and is recognized by the hypothalamus -the hypothalamus secretes ADH( signaling to the kidneys to hold on to the extra water & stimulates thirst) -thirst leads to drinking more water and lowering the na+ levels back down to normal. -excess thirst and increased water consumption leads to rising blood pressure to compensate for the sodium you ate.

Should we recommend coconut water?

-i could have a baked potato for half the price trendy does not = worthwhile healthful doe not = useful -don't need miracle worker just need myplate.

When thinking about hypertension most cases are _________ and only _______ % of population=salt sensitive

-idiopathic (no identifiable cause) -25%

NaCl fluid replacement should be considered under what conditions?

-inadequate access to meals or did not eat meal -physical activity exceeding 4 hours in duration ( or earlier in hot weather)

Are most Americans deficient in sodium? what is the average intake?

-no many get much more than the adequate intake levels -3,500 mg/d Na+

What are the principal electrolyte minerals that regulate water balance?

-sodium -potassium -chloride

What happens to your body if you don't eat or drink anything but you run a marathon over 4 hours long and you only drink water?

-you will loose a majority of your Na+ in your sweat/ this further dilutes your blood concentration of Na+. -You keep running and keep consuming water because you feel dehydrated/ your hypothalamus is all freaking out because its actually over hydrated. -This increases ADH : you are never putting back into your body what it needs to hold on to the water (Na+) instead of just peeing it out

What has a better Na:K ratio? 1 fresh veggies + table salt 2 processed bag of potato chips

1 because when you eat just processed foods your K+ is lower and your Na+ will take over.

What is the average potassium intake in the USA?

2.2-3.3 g/d : This is well below the AI

What common dietary supplement provides caffeine. Would you suggests someone to try a dietary supplement of any kind? Why?

5 hour energy -It depends there are risks involved. -many have suggestive names -make people vulnerable by sending messages of greatness on their labels -the companies don't have to prove anything -the products are not tested or regulated -they are not approved or regulated by the FDA

Why is alcohol consumption different? What does alcohol do to the release of ADH?

Alcohol is dose dependent, but if you have enough alcohol to impair the CNS functioning then you will impair the release of the ADH hormone form the hypothalamus. (makes you pee like crazy) no ADH released!

What kind of drink is the most hydrating and why? do the conditions matter?

CONDITIONS MATTER!!! -if you are working hard and sweating hard without ingesting of any food or beverage it is best to have a sports drink with electrolytes and carbs -if need a drink at work and your mouth is dry and you think you need "hydration" you do not need the extra calories of a sports drink and a water could be just fine or a coke.

What are the exceptions to the following question? Who may need to monitor their fluid intake and why?

Heavy exercisers: they have high degrees of water loss Elderly: They may have a delay in the feeling of thirst so they are already very dehydrated by the time they actually feel thirst.

When you see the % recovery (retained/lost) for 3 different drinks try to explain why this happens. 1. coca cola: 65% 2. sports drink: 75% 3. water: 53%

If you take sodium in the body along with the water your taking in, it will retain more water in the end. Your body's hypothalamus detects the increase of Na+ in blood and secretes ADH to hold on to the water.

Why is the united states under consuming K+?

Its main sources are in fresh fruits and vegetables ( including legumes), fresh meat, milk and yogurt. <-------- these are low in the US diet. The US diet is high in processed foods though and processing adds na+ and looses K+.

Many people can have troubles with sodium intake because they don't know where its lurking. What can you do to help. Where are its common hiding spots?

Look at food labels the sodium is labeled. -75% is from processed foods -10% naturally occurring -15% table salt added at cooking (NaCl)

Is it necessary to hydrate and drink sports drinks not under the conditions explained before?

No, if you get Na+ through food before a marathon it is OK to drink just water, but if you didn't eat the sports drink will be more beneficial.

Does sodium taste salty? how can this confuse people?

No, it does not taste salty so it can be confusing to some why their sodium levels are high when they don't consume any extra salt. EX corn flakes =high in Na+ but do not taste salty

Potassium what is its RDA and AI?

RDA: does not exist AI: 4.7 g/day for all adults

Its known that in the body there is a water balance. How do the kidneys know hos much water to excrete?

The hypothalamus can sense the concentration of sodium in the blood. -When this level is raised ADH is sent to the kidneys increases. The kidneys are told to hold on to more water. -When this level is decreased ADH is not sent and the kidneys will release more water.

How does the body know when to take in water? -What is the best way if your a normal healthy person?

Thirst!!! This is sufficient enough to meet recommended intake.

What if runners wold tells me not to drink coffee before my big race because it it is diuretic.

This depends on who your talking to. If it is A. regular caffeine consumer: just drink your coffee because u will probably feel shittier if you don't B. non regular caffeine consumer: coffee is not necessary before a race and may act as a diuretic.

What is the UL and RDA for Na+?

UL: 2.3 g (2,300 mg/day) RDA: no RDA but AI for adults less than 50 is 1.5 g/d

Could you make a sports drink from something more healthful?

Yes, -tea + NaCl -Orange juice + NaCl

so why is it bad to constantly eat salty foods?

Your body constantly has to increase water intake to reduce the salt concentration leading to increased blood pressure. If your constantly doing this to your body it can lead to hypertension.

of these three which one doesn't really change?


Na: K ratio: study done and 3 groups are made normal and hypertensive people off their meds. They were all given a different diet all containing the same amount of salt. 1 typical us diet 2 improved us diet (more fruit/veg less processed) 3 DASH WHICH diets lowered BP?

diets 2 and 3 lowered bp. However 3 lowered it more than 3. -The DASH diet consists of eating moderate lean meats, low fat/skim dairy products, few to none processed grains, high fiber, high potassium/magnesium/calcium, low trans/sat fat/ cholesterol.

Na:K ratio and blood pressure: what are the effects of diet on blood pressure?

diets high in Na+ and low in K+ and fresh fruits/veg lead to high blood pressure

What is the difference between saying caffeine is a diuretic and caffeine dehydrates me?

diuretic: increases urine output dehydrates: decreases amount of water in body -caffeine still contains daily necessary O2.

constant stretching of the blood vessels because of high blood pressure can lead to what?

hypertension: chronic high BP This occurs over a continuum and will not happen over night.

Is it worth it to spend the money one pedialite for children?

its pretty over priced but it will help with hydration. YOu could just give them a Gatorade.

what is a mineral. why are they important?

mineral: inorganic compound cannot be made or destroyed -they are "essential" we cannot make them on our own we can only get them from our diets.

is it necessary to monitor fluid intake?

not if your normal and healthy: this is because your thirst should be working properly.

The relationship between sodium intake and blood pressure is _________ and __________ without an apparent threshold.

progressive and continuous

what is an electrolyte?

substance that becomes charged (ion= charged particle) when dissolved in water.

However what if we look at just the dash diet and they all have diff levels of salt intake. which will have the lowest bp?

the lowest na+ content will have the lowest BP.

What is the upper tolerable level? (UL)

there is not one

What do you think happens to your blood pressure after consuming large amounts of water? Why?

your blood pressure will rise this is because your blood volume will rise because of all of the extra fluid you just drank that will be filtered into the blood.

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