State Final Review (excluding high liability)

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Who sets guidelines and limits on interviewing child abuse or sexual abuse victims who are less than 16 years of age?

the chief judge in your judicial district

What is a sign that a child may be experiencing malnutrition and hunger?

the child's size is inconsistent with his or her age

What is lividity?

the color change due to settling of blood according to gravity

Define substance dependence

the compulsive abuse of substances

Define substance abuse

the continued use of a mind or physically altering substance that adversely affects an individual's social or occupational life and psychological or physical health

What do you tell dispatch before initiating a transport?

the current location, destination, and beginning vehicle mileage

What is a voluntary examination?

the decision by an individual to willingly seek a psychiatric evaluation for symptoms that may be due to mental illness

Who is responsible for representing the defendant's case?

the defense attorney

What is a key indicator of exposure to biological agents?

the delayed onset of symptoms

What is general DUI deterrence based upon?

the driving public's fear of being arrested

What is Law enforcement is responsible for?

the enforcement of and maintaining civil order

What is a trial?

the examination of facts and related law presided over by a judge or other magistrate who has the authority or jurisdiction to hear the matter

Define Communication

the exchange of messages, verbally and nonverbally, through signals or writing

What is a simulated act?

the explicit depiction of sexual conduct, which creates the appearance of such conduct, and exhibits any uncovered portion of the breasts, genitals, or buttocks

What is coercion?

the exploitation of authority or the use of bribes, threats of force, or intimidation to gain cooperation or compliance

What is substantive due process

the fair and consistent enforcement of the law

What are some common sources that officers can rely on to develop standards of justification?

the fellow officer rule, a citizen informant, corroborated (verified) anonymous tips, reliable and credible confidential information, line-ups, show- ups, third-party information

What do you tell dispatch when completing a transport?

the final location and ending vehicle mileage

What is an outcry witness?

the first person a child notifies of abuse

What is notification (CBRNE or WMD)

the first responder informs the next level of responder as defined in the agency's Emergency Response Plan

Define Constitutional Law

the form of government Americans have established which consist of standards set forth in the Constitution and the courts decisions or interpretations of the Constitution handed down by U.S. District and Supreme Courts

Define prostitution

the giving or receiving of the body for sexual activity for hire, but excludes sexual activity between spouses

Define delegation of authority

the granting of power by the person with authority to another person

What is the burden of proof required in a civil case to prove guilt?

the greater weight (preponderance) of the evidence

Define a stand?

the halting of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily, for the purpose of, and while actually engaged in, receiving or discharging passengers

When responding to allegations of child or elder abuse or neglect, who's identity must you always protect?

the identity of the person who made the report

Define Perception

the impression in a person's mind of an individual, a group of people, or events based on experiences, biases, beliefs, assumptions, and observations

What must a person have to be able to consent to a voluntary examination?

the individual must be competent, able to make the decision, and be at least 18 years of age

What invention has multiplied the opportunities that people have to victimize a child while remaining anonymous?

the internet

What is the court system is responsible for?

the interpretation of law

What might happen if you fail to store a long and protruding piece of equipment across the width of the trunk?

the item may protrude into the passenger compartments or the gas tank during a collision

Define Instrumentalities of a Crime

the items used by the defendant to commit the crime

Who should you face during a trial?

the judge while responding to questions and face the jury when responding to the prosecutor or the defense counsel

Define self-defense

the justifiable use of force that is necessary to protect oneself, or the defense of others

What is a traffic stop?

the lawful, temporary detention of an individual in a vehicle by a law enforcement officer for an investigative purpose

Define Civil Law

the legal action that a person can take to resolve a private party dispute with another person

What has to be established before searching a location?

the legal basis for entry

Define Proximate Cause

the legal phrase for the link between the breach of duty and the harm caused

Define Admissibility of Evidence

the legal requirements that must be met before a jury is allowed to see or hear about the evidence

Define substance use

the legal, or illegal, therapeutic, or recreational intake of a substance

Prior to a foot pursuit, what must officers evaluate?

the legality of the pursuit

Define standard of care

the level of competency expected or required during the performance of their duty to act

At which level is the largest segment of American law enforcement found?

the local level (over 75%)

If a juvenile is arrested for a felony offense, who must the agency notify?

the local school district

This part of a report is a legal requirement and provides legal jurisdiction?

the location (where)

What is the largest and most important part of a report?

the narrative

Define Discrimination

the negative behavior toward a person or group that is based on color, race, sex, age, religion, ethnic and national origin, handicap, and/or marital status

Define discrimination

the negative behavior toward a person or group that is based on color, race, sex, age, religion, ethnic and national origin, handicap, and/or marital status

Define Fruits of a Crime

the objects obtained by the defendant as a result of committing the crime

What are some signs that can help identify victims of economic security?

the offender took only keys or credit cards, or destroyed any property needed for security

Give some examples of third person writing

the officer saw, the officer spoke, the officer arrived

Define Chain of Command

the order of authority within an organization

To falsely imprison or kidnap a child under 13, who's will must the victim be restrained against?

the parent or guardian

What is the primary tool for controlling traffic?

the patrol vehicle

What lights should be used during a night stop?

the patrol vehicle's takedown lights, high beams, and spotlight

What is sexual intercourse?

the penetration of the female sex organ by the male sex organ

Define community

the people and locations that make up the neighborhoods, institutions, and businesses in the area where you work

Define suspect

the person believed to have committed a crime

Who is the suspect?

the person believed to have committed a crime or offense

Who is the victim?

the person harmed by a crime

Who is the complainant?

the person who alleges that a crime has been committed or can be the person who calls the police

Who is the witness?

the person who sees, knows, or vouches for something and may make a sworn statement about that information

In communication, what is the sender?

the person who transmits a message to a receiver (listener)

What is withdrawal?

the physical and mental symptoms that occur after chronic use of a drug is reduced or stopped

What is algor mortis?

the postmortem cooling of the body

Define live line-up

the presentation of a number of individuals, which may include a known suspect, to a victim or witness in a non-suggestive manner for the purpose of identification

Law enforcement officer's primary responsibility

the prevention and detection of crime or the enforcement of penal, criminal, traffic, or highway laws

In cases involving domestic violence, who do you arrest?

the primary aggressor

Who assumes command of a high risk traffic stop?

the primary officer

Who prepares the offense-incident report and probably cause affidavit?

the primary responding officer

What is detoxification?

the process of allowing the body to rid itself of a drug while managing the symptoms of withdrawal

What is an investigation?

the process of making detailed and systematic inquiries and observations about a criminal complaint

What is domestication?

the process of the local court recognizing and adopting an out-of-state or county court order to be in effect within the local jurisdiction through a petition process

Define manufacture

the production, preparation, packaging, labeling, or relabeling, propagation, compounding, cultivating, growing, conversion, or processing of a controlled substance, either directly or indirectly

Who is responsible for stopping DUI's?

the public and law enforcement

Define acting within the scope of employment

the range of reasonable and foreseeable activities that an employee does while carrying out the employer's business

From what side should you approach an abandoned vehicle?

the rear

Define Jurisdiction

the types of cases in which the court can make decisions

Define self-knowledge

the understanding of one's own nature, character, abilities, motives, and limitations

When may an officer use discretion?

traffic violations and misdemeanor offenses, with some exceptions for misdemeanor offenses

Define Human trafficking

transporting, soliciting, recruiting, harboring, providing, enticing, maintaining, or obtaining another person for the purpose of exploitation of that person

What is a forcible felony?

treason, murder, manslaughter, sexual battery, carjacking, home invasion robbery, robbery, burglary, arson, kidnapping, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, aggravated stalking, aircraft piracy, unlawful throwing, placing or discharging of a destructive device, or any other felony which involves the use or threat of physical force or violence against any individual

If a person is on school property but has no legitimate business there, what crime are they committing?


If you launch a projectile onto someone else's property with the intent to take or kill an animal, what crime have you committed?


What is the most common method of surveying objects within the crime scene


What does the abbreviation "tot" mean?

turned over to

What is the minimum amount of officers needed to establish a perimeter?


Define repeat violence

two incidences f violence or stalking, committed by the suspect, of which one was within the past 6 months and directed towards the victim or immediate family member

Define joint possession

two or more suspects may jointly possess an article, exercising control over it

What are some reasons miscommunication occurs?

unclear expression, communication barriers, or a failure to understand the needs of the listener

When can you force an individual to evacuate a building?

under emergency circumstances

How old is a child when talking about Luring or Enticing a Child?

under the age of 12

What might a narcotics investigation involve?

undercover operations, use of informants, surveillance, and trash pulls

This is a stop in which the potential risk of the situation is not known

unknown risk traffic stop

Where should officers avoid obtaining legal knowledge from?

unofficial sources such as newspapers, television, radio, unofficial websites, and word of mouth

What are the main complaints that citizens have about officers?

unprofessional officer behavior such as disrespect, humiliation, condescension, and rushing to judge situations before gathering all of the facts

What does the Fourth Amendment protect against?

unreasonable search and seizure

What is stalking?

unwanted and repeated attention towards a victim, family members, or individuals closely associated with the victim

Define Sexual harassment

unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature

What punishments can be given for a life felony?

up to life imprisonment in a state correctional facility, a fine of up to $15,000, or both

During a fire, if someone is trapped in a vehicle and you are the only one on scene, what should you do?

use every reasonable effort to put out the fire

When conducting traffic and using audible signals, what do multiple short blasts mean?

used to gain the attention of drivers not responding to your signals

When serving an arrest warrant, for what reasons can you delay telling someone their charges before arresting them?

when that person is likely to become violent or is a flight risk

What is indirect animal abuse?

when the activities or behaviors of an owner allow abuse to take place

Define seizure

when the government affects a person's right to have or control his or her property, usually by physically taking it

Define search

when the government intrudes into a place where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy

What is simultaneous presentation?

when the independent administrator presents a group of photographs to the victim or witness all at once

When is a sexual battery not a sexual battery?

when the offender is a family member or custodian of a child victim it constitutes child abuse

What is direct animal abuse?

when the owner fails to provide necessary sustenance or shelter, physically harms, or works an animal

duress or coercion

when the person committing the act reasonably believes that the only way to avoid death or great bodily harm to self or a third party is to commit the crime

During communication, when does listener most effectively understand the sender?

when the sender speaks clearly, using the proper tone of voice and rate of speech

What is false imprisonment?

when the suspect forcibly, by threat, or secretly confines, abducts, imprisons, or restrains another person without lawful authority and against his or her will with any purpose other than those referred to in kidnapping

If a suspect invokes their right to an attorney, when can an officer begin questioning the suspect again?

when the suspect's attorney is present or after a 14 day break of police custody

When does interference with custody occur?

when the suspect, without lawful authority, knowingly or recklessly takes or entices any child less than 18 years of age from the custody of its parent, guardian, or other lawful custodian; concealing or removing minors from the state with full knowledge of a court order

What is advanced age?

when the victim is older than 65

When might a diabetic show signs similar to alcohol intoxication?

when their blood sugar is too high

When should an officer write a citation?

when there is a clear violation which is not justified by the situation, and when agency policy supports the writing of the citation

When can a parent not remain anonymous while surrendering a child?

when there is actual or suspected child abuse or neglect

When can an officer transport a juvenile in the same vehicle with an adult prisoner?

when they are codefendants

When might you choose to not use your high beams during a traffic stop?

when they interfere with oncoming traffic or restrict your vision by reflecting off the violator's rear bumper or another object

What is equality?

when two participants operate with the same level of power in a relationship, no control, or coercion by either party

When does an investigation begin?

when you arrive on scene of a reported crime

When does an investigation end?

when you file the initial report, turn it over to a detective, or testify in court

Define nolo contendere

where an individual does not accept or deny responsibility for the charges but agrees to accept punishment

What does the abbreviation "W" mean?


Which color UTC does the court receive?


When listening to the complainant, what information should you gather from them to determine the course of action to take?

who, what, when, where, why, how

This is the reason an incident occurred, and is often called to motive:


What are the types of animal calls you may have to respond to?

wild, domestic, and exotic

List some types of thefts that are felonies regardless of dollar amount

will, codicil, firearm, motor vehicle, stop sign, or fire extinguisher, commercially farmed animals, 2,000 pieces of citrus, anhydrous ammonia, and any item taken from a posted construction site

When parking your vehicle at a fire, what should you consider?

wind direction and speed, traffic conditions, and providing safe access for other responders

What is the only way a landlord can legally recover possession of a leased residence without the consent of the tenant?

with an eviction notice from the county court where the residence is located

How should law enforcement treat all people?

with dignity, courtesy, and respect, regardless of race, gender, appearance, or behavior

In what time frame must the first appearance hearing occur

within 24 hours of the arrest

If there are multiple officers on scene, where should they be in relation with each other?

within eye contact whenever possible

In what areas are ordinances applicable?

within the geographical area of the city or county that enacted it

What does the abbreviation "w" mean?


Define Testimonial evidence

witness statements tending to prove or disprove facts about the case

List some civil process orders an officer might serve

witness subpoena, protective injunction, or eviction notice

What is a homophone?

words that are easily confused in use and spelling; sound the same but have different meanings

How do you write an acronym in a report?

write out the entire acronym first, for example self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA)

If someone refuses to give a statement, what can the officer do?

write that the individual refuses in their notes

Define prose

writing in normal continuous form (like a book), detailing a chronological sequence of events

What is tagging (graffiti)?

writing or drawings that have been scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public area

Define the word "sworn statement"

written or oral facts that are stated under oath or penalty of perjury

Define Malicious

wrongfully, intentionally, without legal justification or excuse, and with the knowledge that injury or damage will or may be caused to another person or the property of another person

What does the abbreviation "yr" mean?


What does the abbreviation "yoa" mean?

years of age

What color is a Class E learner's license?


Which color UTC does the violator receive?


Can you arrest an individual for retail theft if it was committed outside of your presence?


When a crime scene perimeter is established, can there be more than one entry into the scene?


Can the vehicle or property of a person be frisked?

yes, if there is a reasonable belief that an occupant of the vehicle is armed and dangerous

What is is the first nonverbal message you give to others upon arriving at a scene?

your appearance

What type of search pattern is usually conducted on a vehicle?


What type of cases are handled by the Florida County Courts? (4)

• (misdemeanors), with a maximum sentence of one year or less in the county jail • county and municipal ordinance violations, including traffic infractions • civil cases involving amounts of $15,000 or less and small claims disputes (less than $5,000) • the issuance of search and arrest warrants within the county

What questions can an officer ask to respond ethically to gratuity? (3)

• Does this person want something from me? • Would I be offered this if I were not a law enforcement officer? • What is expected in return?

Where might an officer typically encounter an industrial chemical hazard?

accidents involving tanker or semi-trucks, railroad cars, gasoline stations, and manufacturing plants

List some examples of potentially hazardous gases

acetylene, hydrogen, and anhydrous ammonia

List some examples of corrosive substances

acids, solvents, or other materials that may cause irreversible damage to human tissues

What is reasonableness?

acting professionally within the law and agency policies and procedures

What are weaponized chemical hazards associated with?

acts of terrorism

Define Physical (real) evidence

actual objects which may be offered to prove facts about a case

What are the types of possession?

actual, constructive, and joint

Term that means sharpness of vision


Define civil right's violation

an unlawful interference with the fundamental rights of another person, such as the rights to due process and equal protection under the law

Define Excited Utterance

an unplanned, spontaneous statements that occur during or after a shocking event, or having suffered an injury, and may be relied upon for truthfulness

What is an exotic animal?

animals that are not native to Florida

If left unreported, what can stalking develop into?

another crime such as sexual battery, aggravated assault, or murder

What type of personality disorder might a person with lifelong pattern of behaviors that violates rules, social norms, and the rights of others have?

antisocial personality disorder

List some examples of disorderly conduct

brawling or fighting in public, urinating in public, shouting "fire" in a theater

What can be done to help calm you when presented with a stressful situation?

breathe smoothly, deeply, and evenly to maintain composure

List some evidence near an entry or exit point

broken glass or pry marks around doorways

What are indicators of a stolen vehicle?

broken side and vent windows, poorly attached license plate, damaged door locks, damaged ignition or steering column

List some examples of oxidizers and organic peroxides

bromine or calcium hypochlorite (bleach)

What evidence may be visible on a person?

bruises, lacerations, broken bones, gunshot wounds, and trace or transfer evidence

List some physical signs of elder abuse

bruises, welts, burns, fractures, lacerations, and abrasions

List some defensive wounds

bruising or cuts on outer forearms, back, backs of legs, palms, or inside fingers or fingertips

What types of alarms might you have to respond to?

burglary, robbery, panic, fire, and medical

What are the types of theft victims?

businesses and individuals

When using this technique, an officer and a partner enter the room by hooking around the corner at the point of entry.

button hook

How are methamphetamines made?

by converting ephedrine or pseudoephedrine

How can you establish boundaries and guard against entrance to a crime scene?

by cordoning off the area with crime scene tape

How are bomb threats made?

by phone, voice mail, a note, social media, a letter, fax, or email

How can you mark a room that has been searched?

by putting tape across the doorway and checking off rooms on a floor plan

By when should you write and turn in your reports?

by the end of your shift

How can gang members show disrespect in graffiti and hand signing?

by throwing the sign upside down or sideways

What should you avoid taking pictures of in crime scene photos?

bystanders, other officers, your equipment, or pets

This occurs when the fluid motion in the canals of the vestibular system is stimulated by temperature, as by putting warm water in one ear and cold in the other

caloric nystagmus

What are characteristics of non-traditional gangs?

can be without laws or codes but still have an organizational structure

What additional resources are available when conducting a building search?

canine an tactical team

What are some major life activities that a disabled person may not be able to perform?

caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working, sitting, standing, and lifting and mental and emotional processes such as thinking, concentrating, and interacting with others

What information should be included when submitting a photograph?

case number location your name date and time

What is the only form of child abuse that the DCF will retain jurisdiction over when the suspect is not in a caregiver role?

cases involving trafficked children

Sorting notes by category such as witness, victims, suspects, weapons used, and crime elements is an example of what?

categorical organization

What type of categorization is helpful for events involving many witnesses and helps to complete report forms?

categorical organization

What people should not be used to interpret sign language?

children, and family members or friends that are confrontational

What type of categorization helps when writing a narrative explaining who, what, when, and in what order?

chronological grouping

Sorting notes by date and time of events, from the first to the last even is an example of what?

chronological organization

How is the body of the narrative detailed in a report?


How can notes be organized?

chronologically and categorically

What should you do if you are using the abbreviation of "victim," "suspect," or "witness" on your notes?

circle them to avoid confusion

What type of evidence are most criminal cases based primarily on?

circumstantial evidence

Who might initiate a security check?

citizens, dispatch, or officers

Besides the sheriff's office, who else can serve a civil process order?

city police officer or a private server by authority of the chief judge

What is another name for noncriminal violation?

civil infraction

What type of laws to Statutory Laws include?

civil, criminal, administrative, and regulatory laws

What is the burden of proof required in an administrative case to prove guilt?

clear and convincing evidence

How can anger be communicated non-verbally?

clenched fists, pacing, clamped teeth, or a clear unwillingness to communicate

What words should be avoided when making a death notification?

clichés such as "I know how you feel" or "God never gives us more than we can handle"

What is disorderly conduct?

conduct that corrupts the public morals, outrages the sense of public decency, or affects the peace and quiet of people who may witness it

List some examples of fraud

confidence games, bank examiner swindle, three card Monte, and shell games, elderly home repair scams, insurance and telemarketer fraud, and phishing

Who's identity is not disclosed unless required by law?

confidential informant

What develops mutual respect and the ability to work together, and provides individuals with an understanding of what is most important to each of them?

conflict resolution

What increases the awareness and understanding of each party's concerns and how they can each reach their goals without undermining each other?

conflict resolution

What type of word connects words with other words, clauses, and ideas?


What is culpable negligence?

consciously doing an act that the person knew or should have known was likely to cause death or great bodily injury

What are some types of laws?

constitutional law, statutory law, ordinances, criminal law, case law, and civil law

This is any damage to a vehicle resulting from the direct pressure of any object in a collision or rollover

contact damage

This officer is responsible for directing the approach and handling all communication with the suspect, including commands and interviews

contact officer

What are the types of vehicle damage?

contact, induced, and pre-existing

What is needed to establish probable cause for contributing to a child becoming a delinquent or dependent child, or a child in need of services?

document that the suspect: -knowingly commits any acts that cause, tend to cause, encourage, or contribute to a child becoming a delinquent or dependent child or a child in need of services or -uses acts, threats, commands, or persuasion to get a child to commit or perform any act, follow any course of conduct, or live in a way that causes or might cause the child to become or remain a delinquent or dependent child or a child in need of services

What must you do if a UTC is destroyed or lost before given to the violator?

document the circumstances of the destruction or loss

How might an officer identify the chemical at a hazmat site?

documents/shipping papers or conduct interviews with the transport driver or facility staff

What are some common volatile conflicts that officers may be called in to resolve?

domestic disputes, child custody exchanges, landlord tenant disagreements, traffic crash investigations, or civil disputes related to services

What is the single most under-reported, under-identified, and severe form of trafficking?

domestic minor sex trafficking

What crimes are false imprisonment commonly associated with?

domestic violence, armed robbery, and sexual battery

By law, which crisis situations require a referral?

domestic violence, child abuse, disabled adult or elder abuse, and suicide risks

When might an officer be required to conduct a legal, noncustodial transport?

domestic violence, sexual battery, and child abuse victims

For what reasons can someone get an injunction against another person?

domestic violence, stalking, protection against repeat violence, protection against sexual violence,

How can you notify residents in the vicinity of an environmental hazard?

door-to-door contact, media alerts, other public safety system alerts

what is another name for birds-eye view?

downward observation perspective

What should you do with computer evidence at a crime scene?

do not touch it

What should you not do if you suspect a computer of having child pornography on it?

do not touch the computer

This is any substance that, when taken into the human body, can impair the ability of the person to operate a vehicle safely


What symptoms might someone in diabetic shock display?

drunk-like symptoms including staggering and a fruity alcohol breath

During what time of day should you wear a reflective vest while conducting vehicle traffic?

during all times, day or night

When is bond and special conditions of pretrial release discussed?

during the first appearance hearing

List some examples of explosives

dynamite, black powder, and small arms ammunition

When should you begin taking notes?

early in the interview and investigation

What does a victim collection point allow EMT's to do?

easily differentiate between those who need medical treatment and those who require decontamination

What considerations should be taken into account when conducting an interview on a child?

education, experience, intellect, background, and age

Define broadcasting

electronically transmitting a visual image with the intent that another person views it

In a HAZMAT spill, what can fire create the potential for?

explosion or a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE)

What additional hazards might containers that store contents under pressure, such as propane or oxygen tanks present?

explosions and vapor releases

What is a class 1 hazmat?


What types of HAZMAT may not use the word "DANGEROUS"?

explosives and toxic gases

What are some examples of hazards in the home?

exposed wires and roach infestation

Who appoints magistrates?

federal district judges

What do Federal law enforcement agencies enforce?

federal laws across state lines and within the states

What is another word for the verbal and non-verbal cues you receive from a person during communication?


What level of crime is a worthless check of $150 or more?


What level of crime is dealing in stolen property?


What are the two classifications of criminal offenses?

felony and misdemeanor

What does the abbreviation "F" mean?


What is a term that means dealing in stolen property?


What are some symptoms of ricin inhalation?

fever, chest tightness, cough, nausea, joint pain

This is a rough drawing, not to scale, of the scene as the officer perceives it

field sketch

What are some things sovereign citizens do to disassociate themselves with the government?

file legal documents to renounce their citizenship, return Social Security cards, and cancel birth certificates

What systems contribute to 99% of online child porn?

file sharing, peer-to-peer networks, and malware

What type of cases are handled by the Florida Supreme Court?

final orders imposing death sentences and appeals from lower state courts

This is the point when all activities from the crash come to a halt

final rest

List some examples of physical evidence

fingerprints, blood, and tire tracks

List some evidence tat can be present at a crime scene

fingerprints, shoe prints, blood, fibers, hair, tool marks, paint scratches, broken glass, body fluids, controlled substances, electronics equipment and computers, firearms, broken or damaged materials, tire tracks, documents, and bones

In what point of view are reports written?

first or third person

What is the only capital felony for which a state may impose the penalty of death?

first-degree murder

What is sadomasochistic abuse?

flagellation or torture by or upon a person, or the condition of being fettered, bound, or otherwise physically restrained, for the purpose of deriving sexual satisfaction from inflicting harm on another or receiving such harm oneself

What is a class 3 hazmat?

flammable liquid/combustable

What is a class 4 hazmat?

flammable solid

List some care, supervision, and services necessary to maintain the elderly person's or disabled adult's physical and mental health

food, nutrition, clothing, shelter, supervision, medicine, and medical services that a prudent person would consider essential for the well-being of the elderly person or disabled adult

When do you issue a DUI citation?

for a DUI with an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or higher or when the violator has refused any chemical test after being lawfully arrested

Why might a person object to making an oath?

for a religious or philosophical belief

Why are ordinances written?

for the protection and well-being of its citizens and property

Define justifiable force

force used legally to defend against the use of force by another

What are the aspects of forgery?

forgery and uttering a false instrument

What might a juvenile do to gain access to a home and stay for a period without the juvenile's parents having knowledge of the situation?

give false information

This is a cut into the surface of the roadway where the surface material has been removed by some part from the vehicle


How do gang members identify themselves?

graffiti, tagging, tattoos, hand signs, clothing, and colors

How is BAC expressed?

grams of alcohol in every 100 milliliters of blood

How is BrAC expressed?

grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath

What color is a class D or E license?


What type of search pattern is similar to a strip/line search, and overlaps a series of lanes in a cross pattern?


The Florida Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program has been approved according to what?

guidelines set by law and the CJSTC rules

List some military devices

hand grenades, landmines, rocket launchers

This type of search may lead to the same areas being searched several times, and areas not being searched at all


What is cyber-stalking?

harassment communicated through words or images by using email or other electronic forms of communication

What are the classifications of hearing loss?

hard of hearing and deafness

What type of crime is motivated by prejudice or discrimination?

hate crime

What are some ways you can check the spelling in a report?

have another person proof-read it, use a dictionary, and use a spell check feature

What might pose an immediate threat on a fire scene?

hazardous materials, downed power lines, and fire intensity

What are some symptoms of a moderate chemical exposure?

headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, coughing, and difficulty breathing

What unsafe areas might you not want to pull someone over in?

heavy traffic, construction, or a long bridge

What can help you spot trace fiber evidence?

holding a flashlight to create side light and using a magnifying glass

What categories might a hate crime target?

homeless status, ancestry, race, mental or physical disability, color, religion, advanced age, national origin, ethnicity, or sexual orientation (HARM CRANES)

List some examples of facilities

hospital, training center, state institution, nursing home, assisted living facility, adult family-care home, adult day care center, group home, mental health treatment center, or continuing care community

What does the abbreviation "hr" mean?


What is another name for Community Control?

house arrest

What is the protective action distance?

how far people should stay from a spill

Define modus operandi

how someone does something, usually repetitive in nature

What can enhance a stalking to an aggravated stalking?

if an injunction is in place, if the victim was under the age of 16 when the crime occurred, and/or if there are court-ordered restrictions

What fact about a crime scene sketch may you be asked to testify about?

if is a true and accurate representation of the scene as it appeared when you sketched it

When might you not interview the complainant first?

if the complainant is traumatized from the incident

How can a first-degree felony be reclassified to a life felony?

if the felony was committed with a weapon or firearm

Under what circumstances can an individual use deadly force?

if the individual has reason to believe that deadly force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to him- or herself or another, or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony

When would you note to conduct an interview later instead of on scene?

if the interviewee is suffering from physical or mental trauma

These are a series of skid marks with long gaps (more than 15 feet) between heavy skid marks

intermittent skid marks

What is the least effective form of visual communication?

lip reading

To avoid abuse charges, what must a parent ensure when punishing a child by using corporal punishment?

it must not cause harm and must be for disciplinary purposes

Why should you never accept a wallet from the driver

it prevents the driver from later making accusations of theft

What does the crime scene log do?

it provides proof of security and validates the evidence collected at a crime scene

What type of items are considered contraband?

items which are illegal to possess, items used in the commission of a felony, and items purchased with the profits of felonious activity

How can you evaluate feedback?

listen attentively, ask questions to determine if the person understands; observe facial expressions, gestures, and other non-verbal cues

Which method of suspect identification is rarely used?

live line-up

What are the four levels of law enforcement agencies within the United States?

local (or municipal), county, state, and federal

What does CART consist of?

local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies and private sector partners

What are the most common mood disorders that an officer may encounter?

major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD)

If a person has a religious or philosophical belief, what can they do instead of making an oath?

make an affirmation

If probably cause exists for a battery, but it was not committed in your presence, what can you do?

make an arrest

How can a law enforcement officer effect fines or punishment?

making a bond recommendation or request to the judge

What are some law enforcement activities protect by the Sixth Amendment?

making contact with a subject who is represented by counsel

What does the abbreviation "M" mean?


List some risks that runaways face

malnutrition, psychological disorders, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, drug and alcohol abuse, robbery, and sexual and physical crimes, depression, emotional and behavioral problems, and post-traumatic stress disorder

Define conflict resolution

managing and resolving a dispute rationally and effectively

What is the opposite of depression?


What quantity of illegal drugs change a Drug Possession charge from a Misdemeanor to a Felony?

marijuana greater than 20 grams or possession of 3 grams or more of a controlled substance

What is an active shooter's objective?

mass murder

This is the point at which the vehicles or other objects are crushed together to the greatest extent

maximum engagement

Who may may perform a physical and sexual battery examination of a sexual battery victim?

medical personnel only

List some examples of toxic materials and infectious substances

medical waste and biological hazards

What is the difference between a mental illness and a developmental disability?

mental illness can be cured, managed, or treated with counseling or medication, depending on the type of illness

How long must a child be unattended for when establishing probable cause for leaving a child unattended in a motor vehicle?

more than 15 minutes, or any amount of time with the vehicle running

What does the abbreviation "a.m." mean?


This defines a recreational vehicle-type unit designed as temporary living quarters, which has its own motive power or is mounted on or drawn by another vehicle.

motor vehicle

This is a self-propelled vehicle not operated upon rails or guideway, but not including any bicycle, motorized scooter, electric personal assistive mobility device, swamp buggy, or moped

motor vehicle

What is the most common type of property repossession?

motor vehicles

What type of traffic violations impose a fine and points?

moving violations

What are the types of surveillance?

moving, stationary, and electronic

What type (level) of law enforcement agency is a city police department?


What type (level) of law enforcement agency is a college or university police department?


This approach is described as the officer calling the driver of the suspect vehicle back to the patrol vehicle to acquire information

no approach tactic

By law, what type of identification or documentation must a service animal have?

no certification is required under the law, but they may have papers or an identifying harness or vest

What is theft of services?

ordering a meal or occupying a public lodging establishment, then refusing to pay

What do local (or municipal) law enforcement agencies enforce?

ordinances of the municipality as well as state laws within their jurisdiction

What does the White 704 diamond signify?

other (special hazards of the material)

What is the flow of crime scene photography?

overall, midrange, and then close-up photography

Which senses are considered "high risk" and should never be used to identify a hazardous material?

smell, touch, and taste

What is the difference between smuggling and trafficking?

smuggling is a crime against the U.S. borders, trafficking is a crime against a person

Where should the primary officer should park the patrol vehicle during a high risk traffic stop?

so that the driver's door of the suspect vehicle is visible

What are the components of the communication process?

source, message, receiver, and feedback

What are some indicators of a VBIED?

specific threat, vehicle parked to close to a building, vehicle in a restricted area without a decal, vehicle riding low on axle, vehicle leaking powder or liquid, bomb dog alert

What should you do if neither the officer and witness know the correct spelling of another subject's information?

spell it phonetically and find the correct spelling later

What does the ERG protective action distance recommendations depend on?

spill's size, weather conditions, and time of day

What type of search pattern is usually conducted outside by one person?


What are some methods of communication?

spoken or written language, gestures, facial expressions, and body movements

What special events may officers be assigned to conduct special security at?

sporting events, political rallies, concerts, and fairs

What equipment can be used by an officer during a security check?

spotlights, flashlights, and radios

Define traumatic brain injury (TBI)

structural damage sustained by the brain resulting in temporarily or permanently impaired brain function

What are some examples of speech impairments?

stuttering and slurring of words

What type of issues may a veteran with PTSD or TBI have?

substance abuse, mood changes, social judgment, and impulse control

What does a Marchman Act provide?

substance abusers access to emergency services and temporary detention on either a voluntarily or involuntarily basis

What are the two main components of due process?

substantive and procedural

List some unnatural causes of infant death

suffocation (asphyxia), drowning, electrocution, hyperthermia, hypothermia, carbon monoxide poisoning, and homicide

What is a leading cause of death among juveniles?


List some types of calls for service

suicide, person distraught over a divorce, or financial problems

What people are NOT included in the term "law enforcement officer?"

support personnel

This refers to the marks created by vehicle's tires at a crash scene

surface marks

What should you do when responding to a vehicle fire?

survey the scene for victims, hazards and other threats to public safety

What does the abbreviation "s" mean?


What type of information can you get from dispatch during an alarm call?

suspect description, false alarm notification, and "key holder" response

What things might establish proof of a hate crime?

suspect's statements while committing the crime, graffiti, or other physical evidence at the scene

What are some non-verbal indications of nervousness?

sweating, rapid breathing, fidgeting, or blinking

What kind of approach should an officer make to a bomb threat?


How can a vehicle be identified?

tag number, VIN, engine number, or hidden number or component part numbers

What should you do to collect your thoughts prior to answering a question?

take a brief pause

This is a designated area of disadvantage to the suspect vehicle driver or occupant, where searching and securing occur during a high risk traffic stop

take-down area

What is the primary method of documenting an interview?

taking accurate notes

What is shelter-in-place?

taking immediate shelter in a readily accessible location or remaining inside a structure to prevent exposure to a dangerous situation

What is retail theft?

taking possession of or carrying away merchandise, money, or negotiable instruments; or altering or removing a label or price tag; or transferring merchandise from one container to another of a lower price or removing a shopping cart with intent to deprive the merchant of possession, use, benefit, or full retail value

What is jargon?

technical vocabulary of a profession that has specific meaning to people working in that profession

What should you check for on the vehicle battery?

terminal connections, water level (if applicable), and signs of damage to the exterior

What are the types of evidence that can be collected at a crime scene?

testimonial and physical

In general, what does the Locard's Exchange Principle say?

that everyone who enters a crime scene will both bring something into and take something from it

What are 1%ers?

the 1% of motorcycle gangs who break the law

Define Parole

the release of an inmate from a correctional institution prior to the conclusion of the inmate's court-imposed sentence

What does the Sixth Amendment protect?

the right to be informed of the nature of the charges, receive counsel, undergo a speedy and public trial, confront witness, and face an impartial jury

What does the Second Amendment protect?

the right to bear arms

What is carjacking?

the robbing of a person of his or her vehicle by the use of force, violence, assault, or by putting them in fear during the course of the robbery

Define the exclusionary rule

the rule which states that evidence obtained by the government in violation of the Constitution cannot be used as evidence in court

Who typically serves a civil process order?

the sheriff's office

Define curtilage

the space of ground and outbuildings immediately surrounding a structure

How many classes of felonies are there?


This is a physical or emotional reaction to an event or situation


When an officer draws their weapon, does that turn an investigative stop into an arrest?

No (State v. Hendrix)

Why should you avoid taking crime scene pictures with your cell phone?

it may be impounded

Term that describes the ability to see clearly in darkness

night vision

How many common classes of hazardous materials does the D.O.T. define?


Can an officer's peace be breached when on duty?


Can ordinances conflict with federal or state law?


Can you arrest a minor at an open house party?


List some gangs under the People nation umbrella

Bloods, Latin Kings, Norte 14 "Nortenos" (book says Norte 13 but is incorrect)

What colors do Crips and Sur-13 identify with?


Do officers normally attend a first appearance hearing?


What act places all regulated substances into one of five schedules?

Florida Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act

Who maintains DAVID?

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Which state agency investigates medicaid fraud?

Florida Office of the Attorney General

Can officers arrest a child who is a runaway or a truant from school?

No, but they may pick up truants and return them to school or put a runaway into protective custody (not an arrest)

Do most suicide attempts result in death?

No, they are often a cry for help

When stolen property is confirmed found in a pawnbroker, is the property returned to the owner after the investigation?

No. After the criminal investigation, the property is returned to the pawnbroker.

Does a suspect have the right to refuse photographing injuries such as scratches from the victim or blood evidence?


Does an individual have to raise their right hand when swearing or affirming to something?


Is a dirty bomb considered a nuclear weapon?


Regarding private property, is there a crime scene exemption to the search warrant rule?


Where are the crime scenes of a sexual battery?

the body of the victim and the location(s) of the sexual battery

This is the general speed and direction of vehicle or pedestrian movement

traffic flow

This is any person who drives or is in physical control of a vehicle on the highway or who is exercising control of a vehicle or steering a vehicle being towed


This is the integration of location based crime and traffic crash data

Driver driven approach to crime and traffic safety (DDACTS)

What can help you stay emotionally strong, under significant stressors?


What level of responder training is needed to conduct an offensive attack on a hazardous material fire?

Technician level

What level of responder training is needed to perform leak control?

Technician level

What are some examples of hybrid gangs?

704 (or local area codes), Zoe Mafia, and Guatemalans Taking Over (GTO)

Within what time frame must an individual be evaluated when brought in for an involuntary psychiatric evaluation?


What Chapter in the Florida Statute covers use of force?


Which F.S. covers assault and battery?


What F.S. deals with kidnapping, false imprisonment, luring or enticing a child, and custody offenses?


How accurate is Walk and turn by itself?

79 percent

Which F.S. covers sexual battery?


This technology has the capability to drive the vehicle without the active control or monitoring by a human operator

autonomous technology

This is any vehicle equipped with autonomous technology

autonomous vehicle

Define Arrest Warrant

a court order authorizing law enforcement to take the individual named on the warrant into custody to answer for charges specified in the warrant

A street or highway especially designed for through traffic

Limited access facility

What is an ex parte order?

a court order issued and signed by a judge that is initiated by one person in the absence of and without representation or notification of other parties

Define search warrant

a court order that authorizes law enforcement to conduct a search and seizure

What is a pick-up order?

a court order to take a juvenile into custody

What is an injunction?

a court order which requires a person to do or refrain from doing specific acts

What is an injunction?

a court order, which requires a person to do or avoid doing specific acts

This component of community oriented policing increases trust and understanding between law enforcement and community members

Community partnership

What are the core components of community oriented policing?

Community partnership and problem solving

Define Totality of Circumstances

a court review of all factors known to the officer at the time of the incident

What is an interrogation?

a custodial meeting where information is obtained from a person

What is a personality disorder?

a deeply ingrained, non-psychotic, inflexible pattern of relating, perceiving, and behaving

What is the Criminal Justice Professionalism Program (CJPP)?

A group created within the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to support and assist the Commission in the execution, administration, implementation, and evaluation of its powers, duties, and functions

If asked an improper question, how should you answer it?

"Please certify the question"

During an interview, how should an officer handle a cooperative interviewee?

- establish rapport - confirm the interviewee's observations and statements - ask direct questions - do not confuse or frustrate the interviewee

During an interview, how should an officer handle a reluctant interviewee?

- establish rapport - state the purpose of the interview - speak in a subdued tone of voice

List some things done during the warm-up stage of a planned interview

- establish rapport and build understanding - introduce yourself - ensure interviewee is comfortable - explain the purpose of the interview and how information will be used

During an interview, how should an officer handle a talkative interviewee?

- establish the purpose of the interview - be patient - ask close-ended questions to redirect the interviewee back to the subject of the interview

During an interview, how should an officer handle a victim?

- evaluate whether they are physically and mentally able to be interviewed - build rapport - be aware of verbal and non-verbal cues - prompt with primary and follow-up questions - maintain a relaxed and calm environment

What is done during the closing stage of a planned interview?

- express appreciation for the interviewee's time - verify contact information - summarize information collected for the report

List some common catalysts or triggers for active shooters

- loss of significant relationships - changes in financial status - loss of or termination from a job - changes in living arrangements - adverse changes to life circumstances - being the victim of bullying - feelings of humiliation or rejection

List some things an officer is not allowed to do during an interview?

- make threats - make promises of leniency - create physical evidence during an interview

What factors affect the absorption rate of alcohol?

- the person's weight and gender - whether and how much food he or she has eaten - the alcohol concentration of the substances consumed

List some sources of illicit drugs

- they can be smuggled, diverted, and intercepted from legitimate sources - obtained from an elderly person's medicine cabinet - manufactured in grow houses and laboratories

What are some disadvantages to an audio recorded interview?

- they may be subject to legal constraints - words may not be clear or subject to misinterpretation

What are some neurological injuries that veterans may have?

- traumatic brain injury (TBI) - loss of vision and/or hearing - chronic headaches - peripheral nerve injuries

List some factors may complicate ground searches

- uneven and varying terrain - ambient lighting - access to elevated hiding areas (trees, rooftops, etc.) - members of the public walking into the area - weather

If something holds two or more types of HAZMAT, what must be displayed?


How is an audio statement ended?

"This now concludes the statement of ___, regarding incident ___, case number __. The time is now ___.

How much damage must be done for criminal mischief to be a felony?

$1,000 or more, $200 or more of a religious place of worship, or any damage to a sexually violent predator detention or commitment facility

What is the dollar amount that separates Giving a Worthless Check from a misdemeanor and a felony?


At what dollar amount does petit theft become grand theft?

$300 or more

What is the maximum penalty for violating a local criminal ordinance?

$500 fine, 60 days in a county jail, or both

Why may a person who is lawfully arrested be searched without a warrant?

(1) the need to disarm the suspect in order to take him or her into custody (2) the need to preserve evidence for later use at trial (United States v. Robinson)

What information must be collected on each individual entering and exiting the crime scene?

(DARRN) date and time agency rank reason for access name

What are the responsibilities or goals, of a patrol officer responding to a CBRNE incident?

(RIP-NOT) - Recognition and identification - Isolation - Protection - Notification

What information should you get from the complainant, victim, suspect ,and witnesses at a crime scene?

(STRAND) sexes telephone numbers races addresses names dates of birth

What are the elements of a crime for Driving under the influence?

(a) The person is under the influence of alcoholic beverages or any chemical substance when affected to the extent that the person's normal faculties are impaired; (b) The person has a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 or more grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood; or (c) The person has a breath-alcohol level of 0.08 or more grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath.

What are the levels of training for response to hazardous materials?

- Awareness Role - Operational Role - Hazardous Materials Technician - Hazardous Materials Specialist - Hazardous Materials Incident Commander

What does the acronym CBRNE stand for?

- Chemical - Biological - Radiological - Nuclear - Explosives

What are the ERG subsections in the "Emergency Response" section?

- Fire - Spill or Leak - First Aid

Which tests are the most accurate and reliable battery of tests for distinguishing alcohol impairment?

- Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus - Walk-and-Turn - One-Leg Stand

What actions should initial responding officers take on arrival of a large scale incident?

- Identify the type of incident or threat - Determine the appropriate personal protective equipment - Establish the ICS - Set up a command post - Determine the resources needed, including the assistance of other agencies - Determine whether to shelter-in-place or evacuate

What are the sections of the ERG?

- Potential Hazards - Public Safety - Emergency Response

What are some factors to identify when determining the correct charge for a sexual crime?

- The victim's age - The offender's age - Consent - Injuries to the victim - Types of threats made to the victim - Whether the victim was drugged by the offender - Whether the victim was physically incapacitated - Whether the victim is mentally defective - Whether the victim is in custody or control of the offender who is a police officer, correctional officer, or probation officer

When can you request a blood draw for a suspected DUI?

- There is reasonable cause to believe the individual was under the influence of alcohol or a chemical or controlled substance while driving or in actual physical control of a vehicle - The breath test was impractical or impossible to give - The subject is at a medical facility for treatment

What questions should the narrative of a report answer?

- Why was the officer there? - What did the officer observe? - What did the officer do? - What were the outcomes?

List some common examples of biological weapons

- anthrax - ricin - smallpox - botulinum

What are some indicators that an individual is a sovereign citizen?

- anti-government bumper stickers on vehicles - may videotape interactions with law enforcement - homemade vehicle registration tags on vehicles - present fraudulent ID or claim to have no identification - spell personal names in all capital letters or first and last name separated by a colon (e.g., JOHN DOE, jane:doe) - signatures followed by the words "under duress," "Sovereign Living Soul" (SLS), or the copyright symbol (©)

What are some acts that can enhance the penalty of a burglary?

- battery - armed or becomes armed - causes excess of $1,000 of property damage

List some clues detectable during a DUI

- bloodshot eyes - soiled clothing - fumbling fingers - alcohol containers - drugs or drug paraphernalia - bruises, bumps, or scratches - unusual actions

What can you do to prepare for an interview?

- check interviewee's name through FCIC/NCIC - review initial information from scene - gather and review background information on interviewee

During an interview, how should an officer handle a suspect?

- consider the safety of all concerned - give Miranda warnings, when applicable - do not stereotype, pre-judge, ridicule or bully - be honest and straightforward

What are some indicators of a chemical suicide?

- unresponsive or sleeping person in vehicle - warning signs taped near entry - smell of rotten eggs, sulfur, or burnt almonds - suicide note - tarnished pennies - yellow-green or white residue on scene - household cleaners or pesticides - buckets for mixing chemicals - vehicle with door handles removed - tape or towels plugging air vents - a bag over the subject's head

What does the introduction of a report usually contain?

- date of incident - place of incident - assignment and arrival date - officer's name - identity of victim, suspect, or complainant - officer's initial actions

What are some effects of a chemical weapon?

- destruction of food crops - contamination of water sources - death of animals

What does the pre-interview process include?

- determining who to interview - when to interview them - the order of interviews - where to interview them - what information to obtain - how to record the interviews

What fluid levels should be checked under the hood of a vehicle?

- engine oil (measured in quarts) - transmission fluid (measured in pints) - brake fluid - power steering fluid - coolant reservoir - windshield washer fluid

During an interview, how should an officer handle an uncooperative interviewee?

- establish control of the interview - keep your composure

During an interview, how should an officer handle a hostile interviewee?

- establish control of the interview - maintain a neutral demeanor - do not argue with the interviewee - follow safety precautions, including checking for weapons - ask questions directly - try to reduce the interviewee's stress and anxiety

what are some factors that can influence the accuracy of an interview?

- isolation and privacy - physical and emotional comfort level

During an interview, how should an officer handle interviewees not directly related to the incident?

- listen carefully - be polite, patient, and understanding - encourage the interviewee to disclose information

What information should be collected during a bomb threat?

- nature of complaint - means of the threat and time received - alleged time of detonation - description and location of device - identity of threat recipient

List some examples of chemical WMD's

- nerve agents, such as sarin - choking agents, such as chlorine

If an officer suspects a vehicle of carrying explosives, what should they do?

- note the size and description - evacuate the area around the vehicle and set up a perimeter

List some indicators of a biological attack

- unusually high number of sick/dying people - respiratory problems in non-pulmonary sicknesses - unexplained crop damage - abnormal insect swarms - unscheduled/unusual fogging - casualties associated with wind direction

How might a terrorist conduct pre-operational surveillance?

- videotaping a potential target location - sketching floor plans - photographing structural features - taking notes on security measures

What are some methods an officer can use to detect the presence of HAZMAT?

- occupancy and location - container shape and size - placards and labels -

How are reports generally categorized?

- offense reports - probably cause affidavits - supplemental or follow-up reports

What are the steps to terminate involvement in a hazardous area?

- on-scene debriefing - incident critique - after action analysis

What are some common methods of making methamphetamines?

- one pot "shake and bake" - red phosphorus - Nazi "anhydrous ammonia"

List some examples of actions taken by an officer that you might want to write down:

- processed the scene for latent prints - located and arrested the suspect - provided Miranda warnings - provided victim with "victim's rights documentation

FCIC houses this specific type of information

-statewide information on people an property -Driver's license and registration information -Wanted and missing persons -Stolen guns, vehicles, and other property -person's status files and computerized criminal history

List some tips officers should follow to prevent accidents

- recognize driving situations that can be hazardous - assume other drivers will make errors - adjust speed, position, direction, and attention to be able to maneuver safely if a hazard develops - scan ahead to be able to react safely to approaching situations - scan to the side and rear for passing or approaching vehicles - scan before changing speed or direction

When drawing blood, what must be verified?

-the blood kit has not expired -the blood is collected in the appropriate vial -an authorized person collects the blood -the vial labels contain the subject's name, date, and the time the blood was collected as well as the initials of the person drawing the blood

What are some symbols associated with People nation?

-the number five -a five-pointed crown -a five-pointed star -a rabbit with straight ears -pitchforks pointed down -an inverted number six -left identifiers (such as forming hand signs with the left hand, wearing hats to the left, or rolling up the left pant leg)

What are some sexual battery enhancers?

- sexual battery upon a person 12 years of age or older, with great force - sexual battery upon a person 12 years of age or older, with specified circumstances - sexual battery, victim less than 12 years of age - unlawful sexual activity with certain minors - committing unnatural and lascivious act - exposure of sexual organs in a vulgar or indecent manner

What are the keys to successful DUI deterrence by law enforcement officers

- skill at detecting DUI - willingness to arrest every DUI violator who is detected - increase in DUI enforcement activity

Where might active shooters express their intent to harm others?

- social media posts - journal writings - statements made to others

List some common traits of active shooters

- socially isolated - feelings of hate and anger - a history of mental health problems

What constitutes harm?

- sprain, dislocation, or cartilage damage, bone or skull fracture, brain or spinal cord damage, intracranial hemorrhage, or injury to another internal organ - asphyxiation, suffocation, or drowning - injury resulting from the use of a deadly weapon - burns or scalding, cuts, lacerations, punctures, or bites - permanent or temporary disfigurement, permanent or temporary loss or impairment of a body part or function

List some physiological disorders that veterans may have?

- stress-induced conditions such as ulcers - lack of impulse control - hypervigilance - post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - suicidal thoughts or attempts to commit suicide - homicidal thoughts

When investigating loitering and prowling, what actions by the suspect may cause immediate concern?

- taking flight upon the appearance of a law enforcement officer - refusing to identify themself or - attempting to conceal themself or any object

Who must sign a probable cause affidavit?

- the arresting officer - another officer, notary public, deputy clerk, or clerk of court

In regards to dating violence, how is a relationship determined?

- the existence of a relationship in the past 6 months - the character of the relationship includes the expectation of affection or sexual involvement - the frequency and type of interaction must occur over time and on a continuous basis

How can an officer identify a material using the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)?

- the four digit number on the placard or orange panel on the container - the name of the material on the shipping papers or packaging - the number of the material on the shipping papers or packaging

List types of WMD

- weapons that could release biological contamination - toxic chemical agents - incendiary fires - conventional explosives

How is clothing used to represent gangs?

- wearing hats cocked or tilted to the left or right - rolling up one pant leg - untying one shoe - resting a hand in a specific pocket - wearing jewelry turned at an angle - color association (black/brown, blue/red, etc.) - color of shoelaces and suspenders

Regardless of theft, what types of stolen items automatically constitutes a felony?

- will or other testamentary instrument -firearm -motor vehicle -any commercially farmed animal -an aquaculture species raised at a permitted aquaculture facility -fire extinguisher -2,000 pieces of citrus fruit -property from a posted construction site -any stop sign -property, funds, or assets from a person 65 years of age or older -anhydrous ammonia

What are the category of people that are generally interviewed?

- witness - suspect - victim - complainant - confidential informant

List some common active shooter motivations

- workplace retaliation - domestic disputes - retaliation by a current or former student

When making an audio recording of an interview, what must you state?

- your name - the name of others - location - date and time - incident to be discussed - case number - type of crime - administer oath or affirmation

What type of jargon might a military veteran use?

-"I'm on my way back to home-base." -"I just got back from the sandbox." -"I'm enjoying my R&R status." -The use of military acronyms

What are some recommendations when making a death notification?

-Be absolutely certain of the identity of the deceased -Make a clear statement that death has occurred -Allow time for the venting of feelings -Obtain medical help, if needed -Assist in notifying significant others -Make referrals for follow-up support devices -Describe the procedure for identifying the deceased

What techniques can you use when communicating with a person who is mentally ill?

-Calming: defuse situation, be courteous, use a calm low voice -Assessing the situation: be aware of the role of medications and missed medications, ask about voices if they hear any -Take into account the environment, circumstances, injuries, and signs of substance abuse

When dealing with someone in crisis, what questions should you ask yourself?

-Can the people in crisis care for themselves? -Are they a threat to themselves or others?

What three elements are needed to comprise a search according to the Fourth Amendment?

-Government -Intrusion -Reasonable Expectation of Privacy

List some ways you can minimize tension during a traffic stop

-Greet the driver politely -Allow the driver to talk -Do not argue with the violator -Keep the detention time as short as possible -End the interaction with "thank you"

When an officer takes self-initiated action during patrol, what should they transmit?

-ID and location -Type of action -Other assistance needed -Description of involved parties -Description of vehicle

What are some resources available for a suicidal person?

-National Suicide Prevention Lifeline -friends -religious leaders -relatives

What are some symbols associated with Folk nation?

-the number six -a six-pointed star -pitchforks pointed up -a rabbit with bent ear -a winged heart -an inverted number five -a devil's tail -right identifiers (such as wearing articles of clothing to the right or rolling up the right pant leg)

What factors can be used to assess the mental status for a Baker Act?

-the subject's environment -behavior of and statements made by the subject -any self-inflicted injury of the subject -complainant or witness statements

What questions may a court ask to determine whether an encounter was consensual? (Florida v. Royer)

-Was the individual physically stopped or restrained by the officer? -Was the individual restricted from leaving at any time during the encounter? -Was the individual's freedom of movement restricted in any way? -Was the officer doing more than asking questions?

What is a good practice when interviewing multiple people?

-the witnesses should be interviewed separately -ask appropriate questions -empathize with the interviewee -make eye contact -establish rapport -ask one question at a time -ask open ended questions

During an unplanned event, what should you consider when routing pedestrians?

-traffic volume and speed -number of pedestrians present -how long the traffic congestion may last -whether there are any traffic control devices available -geographic area -nature of the event -most efficient and safest route -staging of traffic control equipment -need for additional resources -any environmental hazards

How are some ways law enforcement officers can identify veterans?

-a military-style haircut -tattoos with military subject matter -blended clothing such as a t-shirt with camouflage pants and a cap -carrying multiple weapons -body language, e.g., military stance -license plates and bumper stickers with military subject matter -providing a military ID along with a driver's license -Florida license with "V" for veteran code

List some indicators that a plate may not belong to the vehicle

-a plate attached with inappropriate bolts or wire -age of attachment relative to the plate -expired expiration sticker or sticker that looks like it was removed from another plate -paint or dark film on the license plate -the presence of dead insects on the tag, suggesting it was the front plate of another vehicle

Define sexual violence

-any one incident of sexual battery (lewd or lascivious act against or in the presence of someone younger than 16) -luring or enticing a child, sexual performance by a child, or any other forcible felony where a sexual act is attempted or committed

What individuals must provide their names when making a report to DCF?

-any physician, osteopathic physician, medical examiner, chiropractic physician, nurse, or hospital personnel engaged in the admission, examination, care, or treatment - health or mental health professional - practitioner who relies solely on spiritual means for healing - school teacher or other school official or personnel - social worker, day care center worker, or other professional child care, foster care, residential, or institutional worker - law enforcement officer - judge

What items should be measured at a crash scene?

-area of collision -tire marks -gouges and scratches -debris of any type -vehicle parts -liquids or runoff -any damaged item -final resting positions of vehicles and bodies

What are the objectives of a high risk traffic stop?

-being able to recognize a suspect vehicle from a BOLO -properly relaying what you observed -stopping the vehicle safely -keeping yourself and the public safe -apprehending the suspect

List some activities that may not be felt autistic people and cause injuries to themselves?

-biting or picking at themselves -excessive self-rubbing or scratching -head-banging -hand-biting -eye-poking

What self-stimulating behaviors might an individual with autism have?

-body rocking -pacing -spinning -hand flapping

Name some types of traumatic brain injuries (TBI)

-closed head injuries -a tumor, stroke, infection, or a lack of oxygen. -an open head injury, caused by vehicle accidents, sports injuries, construction accidents, violence, or an injury related to combat

What feelings might an abused or neglected disabled adult or elderly person have?

-embarrassment they allowed the victimization -fear that abuse may escalate -irrational anger -confusion -denial

Who can initiate a Marchman Act?

-family or household members -members of the public -officers

List some behaviors that may indicate child abuse

-fears remaining at home, or returning to the home -wary of adult contact -startles easily -appears overly affectionate (inappropriate) or withdrawn -acts violently or aggressively -cries uncontrollably -exhibits inappropriate sexual behavior

What punishment may occur from discrimination during duty?

-fined and/or imprisonment for no more than one year -10 years if bodily injury occurs -life imprisonment/death penalty if death occurs

What traffic violations are still treated as criminal acts?

-fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer -leaving the scene of a crash -driving under the influence -reckless driving -making false crash reports -willfully failing or refusing to comply with any lawful order or direction of a police officer or member of a fire department -obstructing an officer attempting to enforce vehicle weight limits -obstructing traffic for purposes of solicitation

List some examples of child abuse or neglect

-inflicting or allowing physical, mental, or emotional injury -committing or allowing sexual battery, or lewd or lascivious acts -allowing, encouraging, or forcing the sexual exploitation of a child -abandoning a child -exposing a child to an illegal controlled substance -using mechanical devices, unreasonable restraint, or extended periods of isolation to control a child -engaging in violent behavior that demonstrates a wanton disregard for the presence of a child and could reasonably result in serious injury to the child -negligently failing to protect a child from inflicted physical, mental, or sexual injury caused by acts of another -allowing a child's sibling to die because of abuse or neglect

List some examples of protected privileged communications

-lawyer-client -journalist-source -husband-wife -psychotherapist-patient -accountant-client -clergy-penitent -sexual assault counselor-victim -domestic violence advocate-victim

List some considerations used when selecting a safe area to conduct a traffic stop

-lighting -population -width of road and shoulder -traffic congestion -level of visibility -presence of hills and curves

What can you do to calm an autistic individual that is hypersensitive?

-turn off lights and sirens -lower volume on portable radio -turn off flashlight if possible -disperse loud crowds -remove barking dogs

What techniques can you use to verbally direct an individual with autism?

-maintain a calm presence -speak clearly -use direct phrases, avoid slang terms -be patient and allow extra time for responses -verbalize your actions before initiating them -model the behavior you wish for them to follow -give praise an encouragement when appropriate -avoid quick movements -be alert for possible verbal or behavioral outbursts

What techniques can you use when taking an autistic individual into custody?

-maintain a reactionary gap -evaluate the autistic individuals for any injuries since indications of pain may not be apparent -remain alert to the possibility of an outburst or impulsive act -be cautious of positional asphyxia -alert jail authorities

To which locations might an officer need to provide special transport?

-mental health facility -hospital -substance abuse treatment facility -jail -shelter/safe house

List some reasons you might need other officers at the scene of a crash?

-oversized, hazardous, or commercial vehicle traffic -making an arrest -completing searches -completing paperwork -taking photographs -measuring tire marks -directing traffic -maintaining roadblocks

Who is legally required to report elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation?

-physician, osteopathic physician, medical examiner, chiropractic physician, nurse, paramedic, emergency medical technician, or hospital personnel engaged in admission, examination, care, or treatment -health professional or mental health professional -practitioner who relies solely on spiritual means for healing - nursing home staff, assisted living facility staff, adult day care center staff, adult family-care home staff, social worker, or other professional adult care, residential, or institutional staff -state, county, or municipal criminal justice employee or law enforcement officer -employee of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation conducting inspections of public lodging establishments -Florida advocacy council member or long-term care ombudsman or council member -bank, savings and loan, or credit union officer, trustee, or employee

What are some indicators of autism?

-poor eye contact -non-responsive to your questions or directions -provide you with vague, non-committal or confusing answers -sensitivity to light, sound or touch -behavior that does not appear to be logical -overwhelmed with emotion -may communicate through electronic devices -"scripting" from movies—repeating quotes from movies -"echoing"—repeating your words

What are some intervention options an officer can take on scene?

-relocating a person to a safe environment -taking a person into custody if they commit a crime -initiating an involuntary treatment referral via Baker or Marchman acts -making a referral for service -arranging for or providing transportation as necessary

What should an officer do prior to arriving on scene to a suicide call?

-request assistance such as officers, EMS, or CIT -coordinate responsibilities and tactics with others -request weapons on scene, intended method of suicide, and location and call history from dispatch

List some safety techniques that you should follow when approaching a scene

-secure the contents of your pockets and equipment -silence your cell phone -avoid backlighting officers -use cover/concealment -scan the environment -maintain contact with dispatch

What crimes are considered child abuse when the suspect is a person in a familial or custodial authority?

-sexual battery, victim less than 12 years of age -sexual battery, person 12 years of age or older -sexual battery, victim 12 years of age or older, great force -sexual battery, victim 12 years of age or older,-specified circumstances -unlawful sexual activity with certain minors -committing unnatural and lascivious act -exposure of sexual organs in a vulgar or indecent manner

What are some examples of self-stimulating behaviors?

-staring at lights -body rocking -hand flapping -finger flicking -humming -bouncing -pacing or spinning -picking at skin or clothing

A crime can be reclassified to the next higher degree for the following reasons:

-violent offenses committed against law enforcement officers, correctional officers, State Attorneys, Assistant State Attorneys, and Judges -wearing a mask, hood, etc. to conceal identity while committing a felony or misdemeanor -evidencing prejudice while committing a crime (hate crime) -possessing a weapon while committing a crime -unlawful taking, possessing, or using of a law enforcement officer's firearm during the commission of a crime -committing a misdemeanor or felony that facilitated or furthered an action of terrorism

What is the average alcohol elimination rate of humans?

.015 grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood per hour

What is the numerical value given to indicate no hazard when using the 704 system?


At this BAC, reaction is slowed


What is the BAC for a DUI of a commercial vehicle driver?

0.04 or higher

At this BAC, risk taking is increased


At this BAC, vision is impaired


At what BAC limit is an individual is presumed impaired and cannot legally operate a vehicle?


At this BAC, someone has poor coordination


What is the Statue of limitation for a misdemeanor of the second degree or a noncriminal offense

1 year

What is the maximum punishment for a first-degree misdemeanor?

1 year in a county jail, a $1,000 fine, or both

Which constitutional amendments concern issues of officer liability?


What requirements are needed to use the fresh pursuit exemption to a search warrant?

1- probable cause that the suspect committed a serious crime 2- immediate or continuous pursuit of the suspect 3- probable cause that the suspect is in the premises that is being entered without a warrant

What are the two elements needed to perform a lawful pat down or frisk?

1. A lawfully detained subject 2. The officer has a reasonable suspicion that the subject possesses a dangerous weapon

What are the elements of a crime for an Open House Party?

1. An adult was in control of the residence 2. The adult knowingly allows a social gathering 3. The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances by one or more minors occurs during the gathering

What are the elements for an accessory after the fact?

1. An offender commits a felony 2. After committing the felony, another person maintains or assists the offender 3. While giving assistance, the person knows that the offender committed the felony 4. The person assists with the intent of helping the offender avoid or escape detection, arrest, trial, or punishment

What are some acts that are prohibited for a Recovery Agent to perform during a self-help repossession?

1. Carry a firearm 2. Enter a home or business 3. Recover a vehicle from a driveway or a public street after someone voices an objection 4. Exert undue pressure, such as the threat of force 5. Wear, present, or display a badge while recovering property

What are some questions used to assist with Ethical Decision Making? (7)

1. Is my action legal? 2. Will the result of my action be good? 3. Will what I plan to do actually work? 4. Is there a less harmful alternative? 5. Does it undermine some equal or more important value? 6. Does a good end ever justify a bad means? 7. Will I be able to justify my action if my decision is made public?

What are the steps of traffic crash management?

1. Respond to the traffic crash 2. Assess the scene 3. Secure a safe work environment 4. Provide emergency medical assistance to injured people 5. Obtain pertinent information 6. Investigate the crash 7. Return the scene to normal as quickly as possible 8. Complete driver exchange of information 9. Take enforcement action 10. Document the crash

What are some steps taken to resolve volatile conflicts?

1. Separate the involved people, making sure they are in a safe location 2. Assess the needs of the people 3. Gather information from all sides 4. Explore possible options within the boundaries of the law 5. Implement a solution

Under what circumstances can an officer not issue a notice to appear?

1. The accused fails or refuses to sufficiently identify him- or herself or supply the required information 2. The accused refuses to sign the notice to appear 3. The officer has reason to believe that the continued liberty of the accused constitutes an unreasonable risk of bodily injury to the accused or others 4. The accused has no ties with the jurisdiction reasonably sufficient to assure his or her appearance, or there is substantial risk that the accused will refuse to respond to the notice 5. The officer has any suspicion that the accused may be wanted in any jurisdiction 6. The accused has previously failed to respond to a notice or a summons or has violated the conditions of any pretrial release program

What are the elements of a crime for Disorderly conduct/Breach of peace?

1. The act was of a nature to corrupt the public morals 2. The act outraged the sense of public decency 3. The act affected the peace and quiet of persons who witnessed it 4. The person charged engaged in brawling or fighting 5. The person charged engaged in any such conduct as to constitute a breach of peace or disorderly conduct

What conditions must exist to activate the AMBER Alert system?

1. The child must be less than 18 years of age 2. There must be a clear indication of abduction 3. The local law enforcement agency of jurisdiction must recommend the activation 4. There must be a detailed description of child, abductor, or the vehicle to broadcast to the public 5. The law enforcement agency's investigation must conclude the child's life is in danger

What are the elements of crime for False imprisonment?

1. The defendant forcibly, by threat, or secretly confined, abducted, imprisoned, or restrained the victim against his or her will 2. The defendant had no lawful authority

What are the elements of crime for Kidnapping?

1. The defendant forcibly, secretly, or by threat confined, abducted, or imprisoned the victim against his or her will 2. The defendant had no lawful authority 3. The defendant acted with intent to: a. hold for ransom or reward or as a shield or hostage, or b. commit or facilitate commission of (applicable felony), or c. inflict bodily harm upon or to terrorize the victim or another person, or d. interfere with the performance of any governmental or political function

What are the elements of crime for Voyeurism?

1. The defendant secretly observed the victim 2. The act alleged was done with a lewd, lascivious, or indecent intent 3. When the victim was observed he/she was in a dwelling, structure, or conveyance in which he/she had a reasonable expectation of privacy

What are the specific requirements needed to ensure evidence admissibility?

1. The evidence must be relevant to the case 2. The evidence must have been obtained legally 3. The evidence must be properly preserved 4. The chain of custody must be properly preserved

What is the criteria to activate a Silver Alert?

1. The missing person must be 60 years or older, 2. there must be a clear indication the individual has an irreversible deterioration of intellectual faculties (e.g., dementia), and 3. law enforcement must verify this information OR, 1. Under extraordinary circumstances, when a person age 18 to 59 has irreversible deterioration of intellectual faculties, 2. law enforcement has determined the missing person lacks the capacity to consent, and 3. the use of dynamic message signs may be the only possible way to rescue the missing person.

What are the elements of a crime for a Felony Battery?

1. The offender actually and intentionally touched or struck the victim against the victim's will 2. The offender caused the victim great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement

What are the elements of crime for a Burglary?

1. The offender entered and/or remained in a structure or conveyance owned by or in the possession of the victim 2. The offender did not have the permission or consent of the victim, or anyone authorized to act for the victim, to enter and/or remain in the structure or conveyance at the time 3. At the time of entering and/or remaining in the structure or conveyance, the offender had a fully formed, conscious intent to commit the crime that is listed in the charge

What are the elements of crime for a Home invasion robbery?

1. The offender entered the dwelling of the victim 2. At the time that the offender entered the dwelling, he or she intended to commit robbery 3. While inside the dwelling, the offender did commit robbery

What are the elements of a crime for Criminal mischief?

1. The offender injured or damaged property 2. The property belonged to someone else 3. The injury or damage was done willfully and maliciously

What are the elements of crime for an Assault?

1. The offender intentionally and unlawfully threatened, either by word or act, to do violence to the victim 2. At the time, the offender appeared to have the ability to carry out the threat 3. The act of the offender created in the mind of the victim a well-founded fear that the violence was about to take place

What are the elements of a crime for an Aggravated Assault?

1. The offender intentionally and unlawfully threatened, either by word or act, to do violence to the victim 2. At the time, the offender appeared to have the ability to carry out the threat 3. The act of the offender created in the mind of the victim a well-founded fear that the violence was about to take place 4. The assault was made with a deadly weapon without the intent to kill, or the assault was made with the intent to commit a felony

What are the elements of a crime for an Aggravated Battery?

1. The offender intentionally touched or struck the victim against his or her will or caused bodily harm to the victim 2. The offender, in committing the battery, a. intentionally or knowingly caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the victim, or b. used a deadly weapon, or c. knew or should have known that the victim was pregnant

What are the elements of a crime for Theft?

1. The offender knowingly and unlawfully obtained or used or endeavored to obtain or use the property of another 2. The offender did so with intent, either temporarily or permanently, to deprive victim of his or her right to the property or any benefit from it with the intent to deprive the victim of its use, or appropriate the property of the victim to his or her own use or to the use of any person not entitled to it

What are the elements of crime for Retail Theft?

1. The offender knowingly did one of the following: a. took possession of or carried away merchandise b. altered or removed a label or price tag from merchandise c. transferred merchandise from one container to another d. removed a shopping cart from a merchant's premises 2. The offender intended to deprive the merchant of the possession, use, benefit, or full retail value of the merchandise or shopping cart

What are the elements of a Solicitation?

1. The offender solicited a person to commit a certain offense 2. During solicitation, the offender commanded, encouraged, hired, or requested the other person to engage in specific conduct which would constitute the commission of the offense or attempt to commit the offense

What are the elements of crime for a Robbery?

1. The offender took the money or property from the victim or from custody of the victim 2. Force, violence, assault, or putting in fear of violence was used in the course of the taking 3. The property taken was of some value 4. The taking was with the intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the victim of his or her right to the property or any benefit from it

What are the elements of crime for Robbery by sudden snatching?

1. The offender took the money or property from the victim or from custody of the victim 2. The property taken was of some value 3. The victim was or became aware of the act in the course of the taking 4. The taking was with the intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the victim of his or her right to the property or any benefit from it

What are the elements of crime for an Aggravated stalking?

1. The offender willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly followed, harassed, or cyber-stalked the victim 2. The offender made a credible threat with the intent to place the victim in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury to him or herself

Under what circumstances can an officer make a warrantless arrest?

1. The person has committed a felony or misdemeanor or violated a county or municipal ordinance in the presence of the officer 2. The person committed a felony outside of the officer's presence, but the officer has probable cause to believe that the person committed it 3. A warrant for arrest has been issued and is being held by another law enforcement officer or agency.

For what reasons are evidence introduced into a court?

1. To prove or disprove a crime 2. To support or undermine other evidence 3. To help determine an appropriate sentence

What questions does the objective reasonableness test require officer to answer about the level of force used?

1. Was the action reasonable and necessary? 2. Was the amount of force applied reasonable and necessary?

What are the elements of a crime for Trespassing?

1. Whoever, without being authorized, licensed, or invited, willfully enters or remains in any structure or conveyance, or, having been authorized, licensed, or invited, is warned by the owner or lessee of the premises, or person authorized by the owner or lessee, to depart and refuses to do so 2. The structure or conveyance was in the lawful possession of the owner, lessee, or other person authorized by the owner or lessee

What are the elements of negligence?

1. a duty to act with care 2. breach of the duty to act 3. causation or proximate cause 4. damages

When does an arrested individual not have a first appearance hearing

1. a law enforcement officer, in lieu of a physical arrest, issues a notice to appear in a designated court at a specified date and time, 2. the magistrate releases the person from custody on his or her own recognizance, or 3. the individual bonds out from custody

What is legal custody?

1. a legal status created by a court, which appoints a person a custodian or guardian, whether an agency or an individual 2. the right to have physical custody of the child and the right and duty to protect, nurture, guide, and discipline the child 3. the right to provide the child with food, shelter, education, and ordinary medical, dental, psychiatric, and psychological care

Generally, what is the order of individuals to be interviewed?

1. complainant of victim 2. witnesses 3. suspects

What is needed to establish probable cause for child neglect?

1. the victim was less than 18 years of age and 2. the suspect was a caregiver for the victim and willfully, or by culpable negligence, failed or omitted to provide the victim with the care, supervision, and services necessary to maintain the victim's physical or mental health, or failed to make a reasonable effort to protect the victim from abuse, neglect, or exploitation by another person

What elements must be present for a Baker Act or Involuntary Psychiatric Evaluation?

1. has refused voluntary examination after receiving a thorough explanation and disclosure of the purpose of the examination; or 2. is unable to determine for him- or herself whether examination is necessary; and 3. without care or treatment, the person is likely to suffer from neglect or refuses to care for him- or herself; such neglect or refusal poses a real and present threat of substantial harm to his or her well-being; and it is not apparent that such harm may be avoided through the help of willing family members or friends or the provision of other services; or 4. there is a substantial likelihood that without care or treatment the person will cause serious bodily harm to him- or herself or others in the near future, as evidenced by recent behavior

What is needed to establish probable cause for video voyeurism?

1. intentionally used or installed an imaging device to secretly view, broadcast, or record the victim for his or her own amusement, entertainment, sexual arousal, gratification, profit, or for the purpose of degrading or abusing the victim 2. intentionally permitted the use or installation of an imaging device to secretly view, broadcast, or record the victim for the amusement, entertainment, sexual arousal, gratification, or profit of another or on behalf of another, or 3. viewed the body of or the undergarments worn by the victim by using an imaging device

What are the characteristics of organized crime?

1. it has a specific structure 2. it has profit continuity 3. it is monopolistic 4. it rarely shares areas of crimes with other groups

What are the requirements for the lettering displayed on a recovery vehicle?

1. license numbers displayed on both sides 2. lettering not less than 4 inches high 3. lettering in a contrasting color to the background

In which places does the Landlord Tenant Act not apply?

1. public lodging (such as hotels) 2. medical, geriatric, educational, counseling, religious, or similar residency facilities 3. recreational vehicle parks

What is culpable negligence?

1. recklessly acting without reasonable caution and putting another person at risk of injury or death 2. gross and flagrant, committed with an utter disregard for the safety of others 3. consciously doing an act or following a course of conduct the suspect must have known, or reasonably should have known, was likely to cause death or great bodily harm

What choices does an officer have after they have developed probable cause?

1. terminate the encounter 2. issue a notice to appear 3. physically take the suspect into custody

What is needed to establish probable cause for promoting a sexual performance by a child?

1. the performance included sexual conduct by a child less than 18 years of age, and 2. the suspect produced, directed, and/or promoted a performance and knew the character and content of the performance

When an officer is questioning a suspect in custody, what laws must they inform them of prior to questioning?

1. the right to remain silent 2. the right to have an attorney present when being questioned by law enforcement (Miranda v. Arizona)

What is needed to establish probable cause of a burglary?

1. the suspect entered a dwelling, structure, or conveyance and 2. had the intent to commit another crime other than burglary or trespassing

What is needed to establish probable cause for false imprisonment?

1. the suspect had no lawful authority and that the suspect forcibly, secretly, and 2. by threat confined, abducted, imprisoned, and/or restrained the victim against his or her will

What is needed to establish probable cause for kidnapping?

1. the suspect had no lawful authority and that the suspect forcibly, secretly, and 2. by threat confined, abducted, imprisoned, and/or restrained the victim against his or her will additionally, the suspect intended to do one of the following: - hold for ransom or reward or as a shield or hostage - commit or help with the commission of a felony - inflict bodily harm upon or to terrorize the victim or another person - interfere with the performance of any governmental or political function

What is needed to establish probable cause for possession of burglary tools?

1. the suspect intended to commit a trespass or burglary and, 2. the suspect had a tool, machine, or implement to use for the commission of the crime

What is needed to establish probable cause for possession of material including sexual conduct by a child less than 18 years of age?

1. the suspect knowingly possessed a photograph, motion picture, exhibition, show, representation, and/or presentation, and knew the photograph, motion picture, exhibition, show, representation, and/or 2. presentation included sexual conduct by a child less than 18 years of age

What is needed to establish probable cause for loitering and prowling?

1. the suspect loitered or prowled in a place, at a time, or in a manner not usual for law abiding citizens 2. under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity

What is needed to establish probable cause of a controlled substance?

1. the suspect possessed a certain controlled substance 2. the suspect must have knowledge of the substance

What is needed to establish probable cause for possession of material including sexual conduct by a child, with intent to promote?

1. the suspect possessed a photograph, motion picture, exhibition, show, or representation with intent to promote, and 2. the presentation and the photograph, motion picture, exhibition, show, representation, and/or presentation included, in whole or in part, sexual conduct by a child less than 18 years of age

What is needed to establish probable cause for voyeurism?

1. the suspect secretly observed the victim with lewd, lascivious, or indecent intent in a dwelling, structure, or conveyance and such location provides a reasonable expectation of privacy and 2. observes another person's intimate areas in which the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy

What is needed to establish probable cause for using a child in a sexual performance with the consent of a parent, legal guardian, or custodian?

1. the victim was less than 18 years of age, and 2. the suspect was the parent, legal guardian, or custodian of the victim, employed, authorized, and/or induced the victim to engage in a sexual performance, and knew the character and content of the performance

What special considerations must be taken when interviewing a juvenile?

1. they must only last a reasonable length of time 2. notes of time, delays, breaks, and rest periods should be taken 3. document layout and environmental conditions of the area where the interrogation took place

Under what conditions can an officer use deadly force?

1. when deadly force is necessary to prevent the suspect from escaping 2. when the officer reasonably believes that the fleeing felon poses a threat of death or serious physical harm to the officer or others 3. when the fleeing felon has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm to another person

When does sexual battery occur?

1. when the suspect commits an act upon and/or with the victim, in which the sexual organ of the suspect or victim penetrated or had union with the anus, vagina, and/or mouth of the victim and/or suspect; or 2. the suspect commits an act upon the victim in which an object penetrates the anus or vagina of the victim

Define maliciously

1. wrongful, intentional, and without legal justification or excuse 2. established by circumstances from which one could conclude that a reasonable parent would not have engaged in the damaging acts toward the child for any valid reason; and 3. when the primary purpose of the acts was to cause the victim unjustifiable pain or injury

What should be the initial perimeter distance of a bomb threat be?

1000 ft

Which Florida Administrative Code governs the training and certification of law enforcement officer?


Which chapter of F.S. provides protection to officers charged with criminal and civil lawsuits?

111 F.S.

Which F.S states that video or audiotape systems used to document all or part of the contact, arrest, or transport, become part of public record


What is the age range for lewd or lascivious battery?

12 or older but less that 16

When someone is exposed to botulinum, how long before symptoms occur?

12 to 80 hours

How old are juvenile sex offenders?

12 years of age or younger

During what hours can an illegal drug transaction take place within 1,000 ft of a school and it nob be classified as a Drug Abuse—Sale, Purchase, Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession within 1,000 feet of a School?


Which Amendment guarantees every person within the U.S. equal protection under the law?


How long are ABS scuff marks visible for?

15 to 20 minutes

What is the maximum punishment for a second-degree felony?

15 years in a state correctional facility, a fine of up to $10,000, or both

When someone ingests ricin, how long before symptoms occur?

18-24 hours

When someone inhales ricin, how long before symptoms occur?

18-24 hours

How many members on the CJSTC (Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission)

19 members

How long does a recovery agent have to notify county law enforcement after a vehicle has been repossessed?

2 hours

What is the Statue of limitation for a misdemeanor of the first degree?

2 years

How many Florida Circuit Courts are there?


What is the estimation of people that are trafficked worldwide annually?

20 million

How long must a commercial vehicle driver be placed out of service for if they consume alcohol?

24 hours

How long might it take for bruising to show on a victim?

24-48 hours

At what age do most psychologists believe that the brain is fully developed?


How many citations are in each UTC book?


What percentage of America's drivers is estimated to occasionally drive while under the influence?

25 percent

Leaving the scene of a fatal crash is what type of offense?

2nd degree felony

How many attempts do you have to pass the State Officer Certification Examination (SOCE)


How many copies does each citation have?


How many versions of the Florida driver's license are there?


By definition, how many people are needed to form a criminal street gang?

3 or more

What is the Statue of limitation for a felony other than one of the first degree?

3 years

How long must recorded radio transmissions kept for?

30 days

How long does a person or towing firm have to notify law enforcement after towing a vehicle from private property or a parking lot?

30 minutes

What is the maximum punishment for a first-degree felony?

30 years in a state correctional facility, a fine of up to $10,000, or both.

Which F.S. covers uniform traffic control: definitions and violations


Which F.S. covers dispositions of traffic infractions


Which F.S. covers motor vehicle licenses/registration?


Which F.S. covers driver's licenses?


How many District Courts of Appeals are there in Florida?


Parent 1 tries to conceal the child from Parent 2. Parent 2 has a court order. What level of crime has Parent 1 committed?

3rd Degree Felony

What is the numerical value given to the highest relative hazard when using the 704 system?


How long do you have to finish the law enforcement certification process

4 years

What is the Statue of limitation for a felony of the first degree?

4 years

What is the most common federal statutory basis used to sue law enforcement officers?

42 U.S.C. s. 1983 (Civil rights violations)

What is the maximum punishment for a third-degree felony?

5 years in a state correctional facility, a fine of up to $5,000, or both

What is the minimum amount of photos needed in a photographic array?


How long can a juvenile remain at an adult jail

6 hours max

What age defines an elderly person?


What is the maximum punishment for a second-degree misdemeanor?

60 days in a county jail, a $500 fine, or both

At what age can an enhancement of assault, aggravated assault, battery or aggravated battery occur?


How many counties are there in Florida?


How many Justices are on the Florida Supreme Court?


How old does a licensed physician believe a newborn infant is?

7 days or less

On average, how often do DUI offenders drive under the influence a year?

80 times

What percentage of people who are categorized as blind or visually impaired have some type of vision?


Which F.S. covers lewdness and indecent exposure?


What F.S. covers abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elderly persons and disabled adults?


Which F.S. covers child abuse, neglect and abandonment?


What F.S. covers animal abuse?


How accurate is one leg stand by itself?

83 percent

You are driving and notice a disabled vehicle and want to push it out of the road. Which F.S. allows you to command assistance from the public to help?

843 and 901

What F.S. covers Disorderly intoxication?


What F.S. covers Affrays?


What F.S. covers Riots?


What F.S. covers unlawful assemblies?


What F.S. covers breach of peace and disorderly conduct?


How accurate is HGN by itself?

88 percent

How many exceptions to the search warrant requirements are there?


How far does a standard camera flash project light?

9-12 ft

What percentage of incoming data does vision supply to a driver?


Which chapter of F.S. gives law enforcement officers the authority to make arrests?


What F.S. covers the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act?


What percentage of active shooters are males?


Define Law

A form of social control or a method of encouraging people to behave a certain way

What is a precedent?

A rule created by an appellate court that officers are required to follow

What might a child be indicating if they appear to have a pale complexion and sunken eyes?

both dehydration and malnutrition

This is the process by which alcohol enters the bloodstream?


What should you do if you take gunfire while inside your vehicle?

Accelerate away from the area

This stress is short lived and similar to what people feel before testifying

Acute stress

If a suspect invokes their right to remain silent, when can an officer begin questioning the suspect again?

After a significant amount of time has elapsed

List some well-known incendiary devices

Molotov cocktails and napalm

List some international terrorist groups

Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Taliban, and Hezbollah

What is the most abused drug in the United States?


Crime is to prison as Tort is to:

Monetary penalty

Define hierarchy

An organizational structure where subordinates report to superiors

What are some legal defenses to Giving a worthless check?

Any one of the following: 1. The payee or holder knew that the offender's funds and credit at the bank at the time the check was given were insufficient to pay the check 2. The payee or holder had good reason to believe that the offender's funds and credit at the bank at the time the check was given were insufficient to pay the check 3. The check was post-dated

What are the elements of crime for Prostitution?

Any one of the following: The offender knowingly and unlawfully: a) owns, maintains, or operates any place or conveyance for the purpose of prostitution b) offers or agrees to offer another person for the purpose of prostitution c) receives or offers to receive any person into any place or conveyance for the purpose of prostitution d) directs or offers to direct, take, or transport any person to any place with the intent to facilitate the prostitution e) offers to commit an act of prostitution f) solicits another person to commit prostitution g) resides in or remains in any place or conveyance for the purpose of prostitution h) aids or participates in any act of prostitution i) purchases the services of any prostitute

What act protects archeological sites from being exploited?

Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) and Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)

This is is where the first harmful event occurs

Area of Collision (AOC)

A "signal 0" is normally what?

Armed person

Lists some domestic terrorist groups

Aryan Nation, Black Liberation Army, and the Ku Klux Klan

What does the abbreviation "A" mean?


What are some sports teams associated with People nation?

Atlanta Falcons, Chicago Bulls, Pittsburgh Pirates, and New Orleans Saints

What level of CBRNE response do patrol officers typically have training for?

Awareness level

Define deafness

a hearing loss of such severity that the individual must rely primarily on visual tools such as writing, gestures, sign language, and lip-reading to communicate

Who is, generally, a sworn law enforcement officer who is responsible for security in the courtroom.


List some Lewd and Lascivious Crimes

Battery Molestation Conduct Exhibition

What is often found near computers of an online sexual offender?


What is the form used for a Baker Act?

CF-MH 3052a

Which states have the majority of human trafficking cases?

California, Florida, Texas, and New York.

What is the highest class of felony?

Capitol Felony

What type of law is a court-imposed decision?

Case Law

What category of drug is alcohol?

Central Nervous System Depressant

What is the form used for transportation of a person?

Cf-MH 3100

What provides the links of authority and responsibility that join one level of an organization to another?

Chain of Command

What Florida Statute Covers the right to bear arms?

Chapter 790 F.S.

An object that provides camouflage, but does not stop gunfire


What are some additional resources available when encountering an incident of false imprisonment, kidnapping, interference with custody, or luring or enticing of a child incident?

Child Abduction Response Team (CART); canine, air, range, and water support; fire department; the FBI; and/or the FDLE

This stress continues over an extended period, such as during FTO or while working with a difficult coworker

Chronic stress

What is another word meaning noncriminal offense?

Civil infraction

Crime is to criminal liability as Tort is to:

Civil liability

Where is NCIC located?

Clarksburg, WV

This license is required for drivers with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 26,001 lbs. or more, provided the towed vehicle is more than 10,000 lbs

Class A

This license is required for drivers of straight trucks with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of 26,001 lbs. or more

Class B

This license is required for drivers of vehicles transporting placarded hazardous materials or vehicles that transport more than 15 people

Class C

How should the instructions be given when receiving help from the public?

Clear and concise

Who is responsible for maintaining files and official records and issuing subpoenas?

Clerk of the Court (elected in each county)

What allows officers to cover a large area and closely observe specific areas

Combination of foot patrol and vehicles

What is an abandoned vehicle?

a vehicle without a known driver or person responsible for the vehicle

What is sexual battery of a child considered if the suspect is a person who has familial or custodial authority?

child abuse

What do you do to confirm a hit on FCIC/NCIC?

Contact the agency who entered it into the database

What is the name of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration handbook that contains tips officers should follow to prevent accidents?


Which jails are used for booking and temporary detention of defendants awaiting trial or disposition on federal or state charges and of convicted offenders sentenced to short-term detention (a year or less)?

County Jails

Which facilities provide a place for detainees while booking procedures are completed or until they can be transported to a county jail?

County and Municipal Holding Facilities

Who is responsible for the day-to-day administration of a court system?

Court administrator

Who is responsible for making a record of the proceedings?

Court reporter

This protects officers from incoming gunfire


What are the two categories of liability?

Criminal and Civil

List some gangs under the Folk nation umbrella

Crips, Gangster Disciples, Sur 13 "Surenos"

This stress results from a variety of sources over time

Cumulative or routine stress

What type of license must a recovery agent obtain to recover collateral, such as a motor vehicle?

Recovery Agent Class E or Recovery Agent Intern Class EE license

Who can remove a child from a caretaker's custody and control without a custody order?

DCF investigators

To which organizations can you refer an individual with autism?

DCF, the local mental health facility, the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), or the Autism Society of Florida

This is the entire process of identifying and gathering evidence accumulated to determine whether or not a subject should be arrested for a DUI offense

DUI detection process

This stress lies dormant then resurfaces

Delayed stress

Which state agency investigates consumer fraud such as telemarketing and vehicle repair?

Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (AgLaw)

Which state agency investigates livestock and farm equipment theft?

Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (AgLaw)

What are some sources available to help a person with an intellectual disability?

Department of Children and Families, The ARC, or a local mental health facility

List some symptoms of PTSD

Depression, anxiety, recurring nightmares, and flashbacks

What types of evidence are there?

Direct and indirect (circumstantial)

What sports teams do Folk nation identify with?

Detroit Tigers, Kansas City Royals, Los Angeles Raiders, and Orlando Magic

If an officer writes a statement for someone, what should be included at the bottom?

Dictated by ____ and written by Officer ____

What types of radios do police use?

Dispatch console of base station Vehicle mounted Portable/hand held

This is the process by which alcohol is carried via the bloodstream to the body's tissues and organs?


This refers to a person who is driving, who has driven, or who is in actual physical control of a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or certain substances that adversely affect the auditory, visual, or mental processes

Driving under the influence

This person is specially trained and certified in investigations involving drug-impaired drivers and can testify in court as an expert

Drug recognition expert (DRE)

What do Outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMG's) use to identify themselves?

cuts, patches, a rocker panel,

Who maintains NCIC?


This database housed at FDLE IN Tallahassee, Fl provides information about people and property


What are some sources of information regarding stolen vehicles?

FCIC/NCIC, National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), and DAVID

What additional resources might you need when responding to an animal complaint?

EMS, emergency animal clinics, animal control, FWC, wildlife rehabilitators, and animal trappers

PDA's, thumb drives, and digital cameras fall in which category of evidence?

Electronic evidence

This is when the body expels alcohol through exhaled breath, sweat, tears, saliva, urine, etc.


List some examples of cover

Engine block, brick wall, dirt embankment , steel, concrete, thick wood

What is the American legal system primarily based on?

English common law

When might you conduct a civil standby?

executing a writ of replevin, child custody exchange, or pretrial release orders

Where are ethical principles derived from?

Ethical values

What indicates how a person should behave?


Where is the first stop when entering the prison system, which in addition to general processing procedures, perform various tests (e.g., medical, education aptitude)?

Evaluation and Treatment Centers

List some ways to reduce stress

Exercise, get 7-9 hours of sleep per night, participation in non-law enforcement activities

What Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) governs law enforcement certification

F.A.C. 11B

Which Federal Law Enforcement Agency protects the United States from foreign intelligence and terrorist activities?


Most violations of this F.S. are deemed infractions—noncriminal violations that may be punished by fines, court costs, driving school, and community service hours, but not by incarceration

F.S. 316

Which F.S. describes a service animal?

F.S. 413

Which F.S. requires officers to conduct an inventory search on an impounded vehicle?

F.S. 713

Which F.S. covers Perjury?

F.S. 837

Which F.S. covers Bribery?

F.S. 838

True or False: Simply completing the basic recruit training and passing the certification exam is all that is required to become certified.



Far sightedness

Which courts only hear cases that are violations of federal laws, including constitutional violations

Federal courts

If you dig into an archeological site to retrieve an item, what level offense have you committed?


Which Federal Agency supports law enforcement investigative efforts and fosters interagency and global cooperation in combating domestic and international financial crimes?

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)

Describe the Awareness Role

First responders that have been trained to initiate the emergency response sequence and notify authorities of the situation. They take no further action

What does the Red 704 diamond signify?

Flammability hazard

What umbrellas do traditional gangs normally fall under?

Folk nation, People nation, Outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMG's), and Prison gangs

What are the three branches of government?

executive, legislative, and judicial

What are the two broad categories of theft?

Grand and Petty theft

What is the form number of a UTC book?

HSMV 75901

List some non-traditional gangs

Haitian gangs, Jamaican Posse, and Asian Pride

What are some health related responses to stress?

Headaches, blood pressure changes, loss of sleep, and excessive eating

What does the Blue 704 diamond signify?

Health hazards

List some gangs under the Outlaw motorcycle gang umbrella

Hells Angels, The Outlaws, Bandidos

Who is the father of community oriented policing?

Herman Goldstein

Under what circumstances can a child be put into the same vehicle as an arrested adult?

If both adult and child are involved in the same offense

Who enforces federal immigration laws and regulations?

Homeland Security Investigations (HSI)

Name an important Ethical Value


This refers to an involuntary jerking occurring as the eyes move toward the side

Horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN)

This type of nystagmus is most accurate for determining alcohol impairment

Horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN)

What is a HIN?

Hull identification number (for a boat)

This is an enhanced state of awareness or being "on guard" that impedes the ability to relax


Give some examples of first person writing

I saw, I spoke, I arrived

When can an officer search a mobile conveyance (vehicle) without a warrant?

If the officer has probable cause such as a canine alert,

What are some effects of short term stress?

Increase in anxiety, tension, and irritability

These people may have difficulty performing the Walk and Turn

Individuals over 65 years of age or those with back, leg, or inner ear problems

How far away should you separate people you will interview at a crime scene?

far enough apart so that they cannot hear or see each other

This is the integration of community policing and law enforcement intelligence

Intelligence led policing

What are 3 subgroups of international terrorism?

Islamic Jihad Movement, formalized terrorist organizations, and state-sponsored terrorist groups

How is the Florida Constitution designed?

It generally parallels the U.S. Constitution

If a person with a service animal is arrested, what can the officer do with the service animal?

It is preferable for an officer to place the animal with a family member, a friend, or even a kennel rather than calling animal control

What is the due process clause?

It is the part of the Fourteenth Amendment that expands the application of the Bill of Rights to state and local governments

This is a narrow space that restricts movement

fatal funnel

Who is authorized to preside over the courtroom and to decide questions of law brought before the court?


Who are a group of citizens who determine questions of fact in a trial?


Where are Juvenile suspects taken for processing and possible pretrial detention?

Juvenile Assessment/Detention Center

List some resources that can help search for a wanted person

K-9, aerial support, SWAT, or fugitive taskforce

What is the foundation of an effective organization?

Knowing who has the authority to make decisions and who has the responsibility for the follow-through

What are some forms of social control?

Law, religion, and morality

What is the fundamental principle of forensic science that states "Every contact leaves a trace."

Locard's Exchange Principle

List some specialized types of patrol

Marine Mounted Air ATV Motorcycles Segways

What document is required to be displayed in facilities where a hazardous substance is stored, manufactured, or used in the workplace?

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

List some gangs under the Prison gang umbrella

Mexican Mafia, Aryan Brotherhood, Texas Syndicate

This is the biological process by which the body breaks alcohol down into compounds that are more readily eliminated


What type of devices are easily acquired and recognizable?

Military devices

Which case law is associated with the plain touch/feel doctrine?

Minnesota v. Dickerson

What common items can you use as a scale?

Miranda cards, dollar bills, coins, or rulers

If you walk onto an archeological site and remove an object, what level offense have you committed?


What endorsement should appear on a motorcycle driver's license?

Motorcycle Also or Motorcycle Only

Name some different types of Homicide

Murder Felony Murder Manslaughter Aggravated Manslaughter Vehicular Homicide DUI Manslaughter

Does seeing a partially concealed firearm constitute reasonable suspicion or justify a frisk?

No (Mackey v. State)

Which system contains the national sex offender registry?


What agency can contact the Office of Hazardous Material Safety to get hazardous information using a four digit numbered placard


Which system is an international justice and public information sharing network?


What organization developed the 704 (diamond) system?

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

What is the acronym NHTSA stand for?

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

What does NLETS stand for?

National law enforcement telecommunications system



Parent 1 has a court order from a state. Parent 2 has a conflicting court order from the local county. Which order should the officer follow?

Neither. The families should be referred to a local family law court.

Can school locker searches be requested at any time by law enforcement?

Not without probably cause

This is defined as an involuntary jerking of the eyes, which can be caused by the use of alcohol and certain other drugs


How is a sentence written using the "passive voice?"


This is the act of recognizing or noting a fact or occurrence using your senses


In Florida, who is the prosecuting office?

Office of the State Attorney

This type of patrol takes place after the fact, to deal with the crime

Reactive patrol

What are the elements of a crime for a Battery?

One of the following: 1. The offender actually and intentionally touched or struck the victim against the victim's will 2. The offender intentionally caused bodily harm to the victim

What are the elements of the crime for Disorderly intoxication?

One of the following: 1. The offender was intoxicated and endangered the safety of another person or property 2. The offender was intoxicated or drank any alcoholic beverage in a public place or in or upon a public conveyance and caused a public disturbance

Where are ordinances applicable?

Only applicable within the jurisdiction of the governmental entity that enacted them

What level of responder training is needed to operate a shut-off valve?

Operational level

How do you wear a reflective vest?

Over your uniform so that you do not restrict access to your gun belt

What should you wear when collecting or handling evidence?

PPE (booties, facemasks, goggles, aprons, etc.)

This is a psychological disorder that occurs after a person experiences a highly stressful event


What does the Yellow 704 diamond signify?


This is the main activity that officers perform daily


This is an individual's way of interpreting, organizing, and attaching meaning to observations


What are some examples of Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies? (2)

Police Departments and Public Safety Departments

An injury resulting in an individual's death within a 12-month period after the traffic crash

fatal injury

During a deposition or court proceeding, _______ is considered a felony.

Perjury is considered a Felony ______________.

Where is NLETS housed?

Phoenix, AZ

This uses the letters of the alphabet to idea sift letters during voice communication

Phonetic-alpha code

How should you package a loaded firearm at a crime scene for evidence?

Place the weapon in a firearm or evidence box; put the magazine and the ammunition in a separate container, then place them both in the firearm or evidence box

When should you inspect your duty belt equipment?

Prior to each shift

10-15 typically means:

Prisoner in custody

This type of patrol discourages criminal activity through an officer's visibility

Proactive patrolling

List three types of community-based correctional system

Probation Parole Community Control

Who is responsible for presenting the government's case?


List some reasons juveniles might join a gang

Psychological needs, security, social acceptance, self-esteem, fame

What are some effects of long term stress?

Psychosis, chronic depression, or suicidal thoughts

Who prepares a response to media request during a high profile arrest?

Public Information Officer (PIO)

Which section of the ERG contains information on notification, protective clothing, and evacuation?

Public Safety

What is another term for dispatcher?

Public Safety Telecommunicator

These words are used synonymously and mean gathering information for law enforcement purposes

Querying Entering Running Vehicle check Records check Wants and warrants check Criminal justice database check

What standard of justification is needed to support a legal Terry stop or investigative detention?

Reasonable suspicion

What are all human trafficking crimes in Florida also considered?

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) offenses

The customs and regulations for dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette when transmitting radio messages is know as:

Radio protocol

What information from NCIC can be given out for non-law enforcement reasons?

Registration and lien information may be given to towing companies

Describe the Operational Role

Responders take defensive action to protect nearby people, property, or the environment from the effects of the release. They do not stop the release but minimize its effects

This is a brief meeting officers attend before each shift

Roll call

What is the only scientifically validated and reliable method for discriminating between impaired and unimpaired drivers?

SFST three-test battery

What are the key elements of the SARA model?

Scanning Analysis Response Assessment

What schedule drug is a substance, compound, or mixture that has a high potential for abuse and has no currently accepted medical use?

Schedule 1 (I)

What schedule drug is a substance, compound, or mixture that has a low potential for abuse and has an acceptable medical use, though abuse may lead to dependence?

Schedule 5 (V)

If you suspect you found counterfeit money, who is the money forwarded to?

Secret Service

Where can the Law Enforcement Officer's Bill Of Rights be found?

Section 112.532, F.S

What factors can affect perception?

Sex, race, environmental conditions, past experience, education, maturity, mental/physical condition, and position/location

What is needed to run a firearm in NCIC?

Serial number and manufacturer

List some examples of concealment

Shrubs, fences, and display cases

These are a series of standardized validated psychophysical tests given by law enforcement to determine chemical impairment

Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs)

Which state agency investigates possible criminal activities related to fire?

State Fire Marshal (With in the Florida Department of Financial Services)

What case law states that a person biking while under the influence of alcohol could be charged with a DUI?

State v. Howard

What information does the NCIC contain?

Stolen, abandoned, and recovered property and wanted and missing person files for the 50 states, Canada, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico , and DC

How is a sentence written using the "active voice?"


What is the most common cause of death in infants aged one month to one year in the United States?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

List some common warning signs of stress

Sudden behavior changes, erratic work habits, excessive accidents, fatigue, eating disorders, alcohol/drug abuse, and complaints from peers/citizens

What is an officer required to give a victim of an assault or battery?

a victim's rights packet, which explains options for problem resolution or a possible course of action

This type of activity is abnormal for a specific time of day at a specific area

Suspicious activity

What is another word meaning "certified?"


I someone under the age of 21 is believed to be impaired, passes the SFTS's, then blows a 0.02 or higher, what is the punishment?

Take the drivers license and issue a notice of suspension

Where is FCIC housed?

Tallahassee, FL

This uses the number "10" to precede other numbers that represent specific activities

Ten or numeric code

What is another term for investigative stop?

Terry stop

What court case created the guidelines for Florida's Stop and Frisk Law (Terry Stop)

Terry v. Ohio

Which case ruled that a law enforcement officer may frisk the exterior clothing of someone lawfully detained if the officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that the person is armed?

Terry v. Ohio

What are the three types of evidence categories?

Testimonial, Documentary, and Physical (real)

Which governmental agency that enforces compliance with the Civil Rights Act (Title VII).

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Who appoints Federal judges?

The President

Who appoints State judges?

The State Governor

What is the chief authority in the Judicial branch?

The U.S. Supreme Court

Which federal court resolves issues of constitutional and federal law

The U.S. Supreme Court

What are the elements of a crime for Child abuse?

The defendant committed at least one of the following: a. intentionally inflicted physical or mental injury upon the victim b. committed an intentional act that could reasonably be expected to result in physical or mental injury to the victim c. actively encouraged another person to commit an act that results in or could reasonably have been expected to result in physical or mental injury to the victim 2. The victim is under the age of 18

Define insubordination

The failure to follow orders from superiors in the chain of command

Which Constitutional Amendment separates the U.S. from totalitarian dictatorships?

The fourth amendment (search and seizure)

What elements must be present for a Marchman Act?

The individual: 1. has lost the power of self-control because of substance abuse, and either 2a. has inflicted, attempted or threatened to inflict or, unless admitted, is likely to inflict physical harm on himself, herself, or another, or 2b. is in need of substance abuse services; his or her judgment has been so impaired that they are incapable of appreciating the need for services and of making a rational decision regarding the need for services

When does a traffic stop begin?

The moment an officer observes an event or reason that merits the stop

What determines whether to activate emergency lights and sirens while en route to a call?

The nature of the call

What are the elements of crime for Stalking?

The offender willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly followed, harassed, or cyber-stalked the victim

When interviewing someone and interpreter is present, who should you direct the questions to?

The person being interviewed

Define judicial review

The power of the U.S. Supreme Court which enables the court to invalidate both federal and state laws when they conflict with its interpretation of the Constitution

What are possible outcomes of problem solving?

The problem is eliminated The problem is reduced The harm created by the problem is reduced A better method of problem solving is found The problem is found to be outside the scope of law enforcement

What is the most common electronic device officers use?

The radio

In victimless crimes, who is the victim?

The state of Florida

What does the term "criminal justice " refer to?

The structure, functions, and decision-making processes of those agencies that deal with the management and control of crime and criminal offenders

What is the Statute of limitation for a capital offense, a life felony, or a felony that resulted in death?

There is no statute of limitations for these offenses

Are ordinances criminal or civil?

These can be both criminal and civil

Describe the Hazardous Materials Incident Commander

These individuals assume command of the incident above the level of the first responder; they are trained to implement the employer's emergency response plan

Describe the Hazardous Materials Specialist

These responders have the expert knowledge to support the hazardous materials technician, and they act as the site liaison with other government authorities in regard to site activities

Describe the Hazardous Materials Technician

These responders take offensive action to control a spill or leak

What type of questions are objectionable during trial?

Those that call on someone to make a conclusion, are irrelevant, or have nothing to do with the case

What law enforcement agencies are allowed to make entries into FCIC/NCIC?

Those that maintain 24/7 operations

Why are written laws necessary?

To maintain order in modern societies

Why does an officer need to read a written statement prior to the interviewee signing it?

To see if it is complete and legible

This is an unintentional collision involving one or more vehicles, that causes property damage, personal injury, or death

Traffic crash

These items should be considered when planning your route to a call

Traffic, time of day, school zones, and congested areas

What law updated traditional slavery laws and combats human trafficking?

Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA)

Which law protects treats trafficking victims as victims of a crime, even if they are living in the United States illegally?

Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA)

What is done to prevent sexual harassment?

Training and communication

Which center deals with alcohol/drug abusers or mentally ill offenders?

Treatment centers

Which case law is associated with the fellow officer rule?

U.S. v. Meade

What is a UTC and what is it used for?

Uniform Traffic Violation, used to enforce violations of Florida Statutes

Which Federal Law Enforcement Agency is responsible for providing protection for the federal judiciary, transporting federal prisoners, protecting endangered federal witnesses, managing assets seized from criminal enterprises, and pursuing and arresting federal fugitives?

United States Marshals Service

Which Federal Law Enforcement Agency is responsible for the detection and arrest of any person committing any offense against the laws of the United States relating to coins, currency, stamps, government bonds, checks, credit/debit card fraud, computer fraud, false identification crimes, and other obligations or securities?

United States Secret Service

Give an example of an intentional tort

Unlawful arrest

The most common types of patrol are

Vehicle, foot, and bicycle

What types of communication can be found within the chain of command?

Vertical and lateral communication

This type of nystagmus is associated with high doses of alcohol for that individual and certain other drugs

Vertical gaze nystagmus (VGN)

How should you label an evidence container that contains sharp objects?


Define partial sight

a visual impairment in which, after correction, objects still look dim or out of focus

While driving to the scene, what questions can you ask to assess the situation?

What is the location? Are any weapons involved? Has the complainant indicated the suspect's location? How many individuals are involved? How many officers are necessary to safely contain or control the situation? Do you need additional services? Do you need special equipment? Are any special concerns or dangers associated with the call?

Which case law states that a person is not criminally responsible if, at the time of the alleged crime, the defendant, by reason of a mental disease or defect: 1. does not know of the nature or consequences of his or her act; or 2. is unable to distinguish right from wrong

Wheeler v. State

When might you need a perimeter?

When pursuing suspects, securing a crime scene, high-risk situations, special events, or any incident where an area's access needs to be restricted

When is failure to sign a UTC an arrestable offense?

When the UTC requires a mandatory court appearance

Define Breach of duty

When the defendant unreasonably failed in the duty he or she was obligated to perform

When does harassment occur?

When the harasser intends to unreasonably interfere with a person's performance or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment

What is an oath?

a vow or pledge to tell the truth regarding an incident

When can an officer make an arrest for a misdemeanor committed outside of the officers presence?

When the offense involved: 1. Carrying a Firearm in Violation of an Injunction 2. Battery 3. Act of Retail Theft 4. Traffic Offenses Related to Crash Investigation 5. Carrying a Concealed Weapon 6. Disorderly Conduct on Premises of Establishment 7. Theft from a Dining or Lodging Establishment 8. Trespass on School Grounds 9. Possession of Cannabis 10. Stalking 11. Transit Fare Evasion 12. Criminal Mischief 13. Trespass on Certain Properties 14. Act of Domestic Violence 15. Violation of Injunction for Protection

When is Petty theft a felony?

When the property is valued at $100 or more but less than $300, and is taken from a dwelling or the curtilage, or if that person has been convicted of petty theft two or more times prior

What is Grand theft?

When the property stolen is valued at $300 or more

What is Petty theft?

When the property stolen is valued at less than $300

When should you roadblock an accident scene?

When there is no safe way to protect it

Define dwelling

a building or conveyance of any kind, including any attached porch, whether such building or conveyance is temporary or permanent, mobile, or immobile, which has a roof over it and is designed to be occupied by people lodging therein at night

Define juvenile sex offender

a child 12 years of age or younger who is alleged to have committed a sexual battery, an act of prostitution, a lewd and lascivious act, an act of sexual performance by a child, or an act of obscenity

May a consent to search be withdrawn after it was already given?


What are the outcomes of a DUI investigation?

Yes—Do It Now, Wait—Look for Additional Evidence No—Don't Do It

Define tort

a civil wrong in which the action or inaction of a person or entity violates the rights of another person or entity

What is the best way to preserve the location of evidence found at the crash scene?

a combination of photographs, measurements, and markings

What is the National Stolen Art File?

a computerized index of stolen art, antiques, and cultural property as reported by the FBI and international agencies

What is neuropathy?

a condition in which a person cannot sense pain in their extremities

Define self-talk

a continual internal monologue that occurs as the officer evaluates the events taking place around him or her

Define corpus delicti

a Latin term meaning the "body of the offense" which describes the principle that the officer must determine whether the elements of a criminal act are present and have probable cause to believe that the person to be charged committed the crime

Define Quid pro quo

a Latin term that means "something for something in return

What may indicate infant neglect?

a bald spot on the back of their head

If you have to hand-write something on a report, what instrument should you use?

a black or dark blue ball point pen, for clear legibility and photocopying quality

What is schizophrenia?

a brain disorder caused by a chemical imbalance that distorts the way a person thinks, acts, expresses emotion, and perceives reality

Define Offense

a broad term that describes criminal or noncriminal acts that are punishable under Florida law

What visible indicators show that a vehicle might be stolen?

a broken window and ignition system

Define structure

a building of any kind, either temporary or permanent, which has a roof over it, together with the curtilage thereof

Define Principal in the First Degree

a defendant who helped another person or persons commit or attempt to commit a crime and must be treated as if he or she had done all the things the other person or persons did

Define emergency doctrine

a defense against liability that allows an officer to react instinctively to sudden peril without being held to the same legal standard of care as he or she would have been had there been time to reflect upon the circumstances

What is a Public Safety Department?

a department which combines police, fire, and emergency medical services

Define BOLO

a description of the suspect, the suspect's name, and any additional information that would help apprehend the suspect

If a treatment facility is unable to accept a substance abuser, where else can the officer take them?

a detention facility within their jurisdiction

What is smallpox?

a disease that can be spread by face-to-face contact, contact with body fluids, or contact with infected objects

What is a canvass?

a door-to-door inquiry of all possible sources of information in a given area

What must be completed at all crashes?

a drivers exchange of information form

Define Probable Cause

a fair probability or reasonable grounds to believe that someone committed a crime, based on the totality of circumstances

What is a delusion?

a false belief that is firmly held in spite of obvious proof or evidence to the contrary

Define Perjury

a false statement that a person makes under oath but does not believe to be true

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities and requires public buildings and spaces to have equal opportunity for access

Define Stereotyping

a fixed and unvarying idea or opinion of a person, group, or subject

What is an illegal alien?

a foreign national who entered the United States without inspection at a border crossing or airport, with fraudulent documents, or legally as a nonimmigrant, but then violated that status and remained without authority

What is an extremist (or terrorist) group?

a formal or informal association of individuals acting in concert or independently to advocate violence and the illegal disruption of the lawful activities of others

Define criminal street gang

a formal or informal ongoing organization, association, or group that has as one of its primary activities the commission of criminal or delinquent acts, and that consists of three or more persons who have a common name or common identifying signs, colors, or symbols, including, but not limited to, terrorist organizations and hate groups

Define physical or mobility impairment

a functional limitation that affects one or more of a person's limbs

Define blindness

a functional loss of vision

What is a beat-in?

a gang initiation where multiple gang members assault a prospect for a predetermined length of time

What is a sex-in?

a gang initiation where the prospect (typically female) has to have sex with one or more gang members

What is a test of heart?

a gang initiation where the prospect is required to commit a criminal act such as a drive-by shooting, assault, battery, burglary, or other similar act

Define Organization

a group of two or more people who cooperate to accomplish one or more objectives

What is a sentence fragment?

a group of words that lack a subject, verb, or object or fails to express a complete thought

A person that points to their ears or mouths and shakes their head "no" may have what?

a hearing impairment

What is ricin?

a highly toxic poison found in seeds of the castor bean plant

What is a common sign of a stolen vehicle?

a hole in the trunk where the lock should be

What is an improvised explosive?

a homemade bomb constructed and deployed in ways other than conventional military action and can be made from commercially available materials

Where can a parent legally surrender their newborn infant?

a hospital, EMS station, fire station, or an emergency room

Define Mere Suspicion

a hunch or gut feeling based on training and knowledge

What is a Baker Act?

a law that provides persons with mental illness access to emergency services and temporary detention for psychiatric evaluation and voluntary or involuntary short-term community inpatient treatment

Define Mistake or Ignorance of the fact

a legal defense that is used when the accused does not possess the mental state required to commit a criminal offense because of a reasonably mistaken belief about the facts relating to the circumstances

Define Mental Incompetence

a legal defense which recognizes that a criminal defendant will be judged on his or her present ability to assist counsel by participating in the criminal defense

Define fresh pursuit

a legal doctrine that permits a law enforcement officer to make an arrest of a fleeing suspect who crosses jurisdictional lines

What is a capias?

a legal order for an arrest issued by the clerk of courts at the request of the state attorney's office

Define Statute of Limitations

a legal principle that bars the state from prosecuting an individual after a certain period of time has elapsed since the criminal act occurred

Define direct liability

a liability which arises in cases in which the officer committed an intentional or negligent tort in violation of the employing agency's orders or policies

What is an intellectual disability?

a lifelong condition characterized by slow intellectual development

Define felony

a major criminal offence

What are some indicators of a nuclear attack

a massive explosion, mushroom cloud, intense bright flash of light, use of bombs or missles

Define misdemeanor

a minor criminal offence

What is a VBIED?

a motor vehicle used as a bomb

What is Child Abduction Response Team (CART)

a multi-agency child abduction team that permits law enforcement to provide an organized, rapid, and planned response to an abducted child or other missing and endangered child case

What is anthrax?

a naturally occurring bacteria, that can be inhaled or absorbed, which produces flu-like symptoms and possibly death

Define interview

a noncustodial meeting where information is obtained from a person

Define Assumption

a notion, statement, or belief about a person, group, or event without proof or demonstration that may or may not be factual

What condition is similar to a heart attack and may include rapid heartbeat, chest discomfort, sweating, tension, trembling, and choking?

a panic attack

What is a caregiver?

a parent, adult household member, or other person responsible for a child's welfare; a person entrusted with or who has assumed responsibility for the care or the property of a disabled adult or elderly person

What are some good locations to monitor crowds?

a patrol car, roof top, or video monitoring system

Define the word "statement"

a permanent, verbal, or written record of a person's account of an incident or occurrence that may or may not be made under oath or affirmation

What is a disabled adult?

a person 18 years of age or older who suffers from a condition of physical or mental incapacitation due to a developmental disability, organic brain damage or mental illness, or who has one or more physical or mental limitations that restrict the person's ability to perform the normal activities of daily living

What is a vulnerable adult?

a person 18 years of age or older whose ability to perform the normal activities of daily living or to provide for his or her own care or protection is impaired due to a mental, emotional, sensory, long-term physical, or developmental disability or dysfunction, brain damage, or the infirmities of aging

Define Elderly person

a person 60 years of age or older who is suffering from the infirmities of aging as manifested by advanced age or organic brain damage, or other physical, mental, or emotional dysfunctioning, to the extent that the ability of the person to provide adequately for the person's own care or protection is impaired

What is an elderly person?

a person 60 years of age or older who is suffering from the infirmities of aging as showed by advanced age or organic brain damage, or other physical, mental, sensory, or emotional dysfunction, to the extent the ability of the person to provide adequately for the person's own care or protection is impaired

What is needed to establish probable cause for luring or enticing a child?

a person intentionally lures or entices, or attempts to lure or entice, a child less than 12 years of age into a structure, dwelling, or conveyance for other than lawful purposes

What does it mean to be mentally incapable?

a person is temporarily incapable of appraising or controlling his or her conduct due to the influence of a narcotic, anesthetic, or intoxicating substance administered to that person without his or her consent

Define victim

a person or entity which suffers an injury as a result of a crime

What does it mean to be mentally defective?

a person suffering from a mental disease or defect that renders that person temporarily or permanently incapable of appraising the nature of his or her conduct

Define hard of hearing

a person that suffers from a hearing loss but not to the extent that he or she must rely primarily on visual communication

Define accessory

a person who aids or contributes in the commission or concealment of a crime

What is a sign-language interpreter?

a person who can both receive and express information and interpret it effectively, accurately, and impartially

Define disabled person

a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment

Define criminal street gang member

a person who meets two or more of the criteria as per s. 874.03 (3), F.S.

In communication, what is the receiver?

a person who receives a message from a sender then acknowledges the message and provides feedback

What is a missing child?

a person younger than 18 years of age whose temporary or permanent residence is in, or believed to be in, this state

Define Personally Identification Information

a person's Social Security number, official state-issued or United States-issued driver license or identification number, alien registration number, government passport number, employer or taxpayer identification number, Medicare or food assistance account number, bank account number, credit or debit card number, and medical records

Define Defense of Property

a person's authority to take reasonable steps, including the use of force (except deadly force) to the extent that a person reasonably believes is necessary to protect his or her possessions from trespass or theft or to stop these acts

Define speech impairment

a physiological condition that causes someone to have difficulty in producing sound or understanding language

Define public place

a place where the public has a right to be and go

What is a Silver Alert?

a plan to aid local law enforcement in the rescue or recovery of a missing adult who suffers from irreversible deterioration of intellectual faculties

What can you see when using a passenger side approach

a popped ignition, keys in the ignition, a weapon, an alcoholic beverage container, and drugs or paraphernalia

Define photographic array

a presentation of a series of photographs to a victim or witness in a non-suggestive manner for the purpose of identifying a suspect

What must be done prior to making an arrest for illicit drugs?

a presumptive field test of the substance

What allows for the presentation of credible evidence in court?

a protected and well managed crime scene

What can be taking in lieu of a written statement?

a recorded statement

What is a substantial limitation?

a restriction of the manner, condition, or duration in which one can perform major life activities compared to nonimpaired people

What do Left-wing extremist groups believe in?

a revolutionary socialist doctrine and view themselves as protectors of the people against capitalism and imperialism

What is a home invasion robbery?

a robbery that occurs within the victim's dwelling while the victim is present and aware that a robbery is taking place

What parental behaviors may indicate an abusive environment?

a very tense atmosphere in the home, unreasonable discipline, unrealistic expectations, and impulsive and inconsistent behaviors

What is the plain touch/feel doctrine?

a rule that allows officers to seize contraband discovered during a valid frisk, even if it does not feel like a weapon, as long as the officer can articulate that the item was immediately recognized as contraband

What is a hallucination?

a sensory experience in which a person can see, hear, smell, taste, or feel something that is not there

Define Probation

a sentence placing a person under the supervision of a probation officer for a specified length of time instead of confinement

What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

a severe anxiety disorder that develops after experiencing an extremely terrifying event

What is child abandonment?

a situation in which the parent or legal custodian of a child or, in the absence of a parent or legal custodian, the caregiver, while being able, has made no significant contribution to the child's care and maintenance or has failed to establish or maintain a substantial and positive relationship with the child, or both

Define crisis

a situation that is uncertain, difficult, or painful, especially when a person feels unprepared and pressured to take action or make a decision

What is an open house party?

a social gathering at a residence that is legal unless minors are consuming drugs or alcohol

What is an affirmation?

a solemn and formal declaration or assertion made in place of an oath

Define Ethics

a standard of conduct based on moral duties and virtues that are derived from the principles of right and wrong

What is the Incident Command System (ICS)?

a standardized, on-scene, all-hazards approach to incident management that integrates the operation of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications under a common organizational structure

Define addiction?

a state of physical and/or psychological dependence of a substance

Define Hearsay

a statement other than one made by the declarant while testifying at the trial or hearing, offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted

Define Bias or prejudice

a strong belief or feeling about a person, group, or subject, whether positive or negative, that is formed without reviewing all available facts or information

What is a sovereign citizen?

a subculture of society that holds anti-government beliefs

What are the elements to a sentence?

a subject (noun), verb (action), and an object (affected or receives action)

Define alibi

a suspect or defendant's claim that he or she was not present when the alleged act was committed

Define probable cause affidavit

a sworn, written statement by a law enforcement officer establishing certain facts and circumstances to justify an arrest

What is the Blue Alert?

a system to help provide law enforcement with the means to apprehend more quickly violent criminals who kill or seriously injure local, state, or federal law enforcement officers

Define Vertical communication

a term for information from the chief executive officer that flows down through the supervision levels to the lowest levels of the organization

What type of threat must a credible threat be?

a threat to cause bodily injury to or end the life of a person

If an officer writes a statement for an interviewee, what can take the place of an interviewee's signature?

a thumb mark

What is a dirty bomb?

a traditional bomb with radioactive material loaded into the casing

What are Autism Spectrum Disorders?

a type of pervasive developmental disorder that is diagnosed in early childhood and continues throughout adulthood that is characterized by language and social development delay and selfregulating behaviors

What must be done prior to processing evidence on private property?

a valid search warrant must be acquired, or a valid exemption must exist

What is an administrative search?

a warrantless searched done on students, public schools, people in government offices, government property (such as desks, lockers, and vehicles), people engaged in certain businesses or licensed activities, and people on probation or parole that generally do not require warrants because they are for regulatory purposes and usually are not conducted by a law enforcement officer

What is a deadly weapon?

a weapon that when used is likely to cause death or great bodily harm

Define Lascivious

a wicked, lustful, or unchaste, licentious, or sensual intent on the part of the person doing the act

What is needed for an officer to physically remove a tenant from a leased property?

a writ of possession

What is a report?

a written document which gives information about an event, situation, occurrence, or incident

Define Notice to appear

a written order that may be issued by a law enforcement officer in lieu of a physical arrest requiring a person accused of violating the law to appear in court at a specified date and time

What is an Emergency Response Plan (ERP)?

a written plan that describes the actions that an organization would take in response to various major events

What are the criteria for a criminal street gang associate?

a) Admits to criminal gang membership b) Is identified as a criminal gang member by a parent or guardian c) Is identified as a criminal gang member by a documented reliable informant d) Adopts the style of dress of a criminal gang e) Adopts the use of a hand sign identified as used by a criminal gang f) Has a tattoo identified as used by a criminal gang g) Associates with one or more known criminal gang members h) Is identified as a criminal gang member by an informant of previously untested reliability and such identification is corroborated by independent information i) Is identified as a criminal gang member by physical evidence j) Has been observed in the company of one or more known criminal gang members four or more times k) Has authored any communication indicating responsibility for the commission of any crime by the criminal gang

What are some symptoms of ricin ingestion?

abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrea

What is prostitution associated with?

adult entertainment venues, massage parlors, escort services, and callouts

List some ways biological agents can be dispersed

aerosols, liquid droplets, solid dispersion (powders), and by using creatures such as ticks, fleas, and other insects

When should evidence markers be placed?

after initially photographing the scene and developing your initial sketch

What does the abbreviation "p.m." mean?

afternoon or evening

What may limit the number of interviews an officer can conduct on a child?

agency and local court policy

What is the form used for a Marchman act?

agency specific

If a battery is committed on a victim that is known or should be known to be pregnant, what is the charge?

aggravated battery, or an additional or separate offence

List some primary locations for WMD attacks

airports, subways, schools, places of worship, government buildings, or large public gatherings such as fairs, festivals, or sporting events

What vice crimes are committed most frequently by persons under 21 years of age?

alcohol and tobacco violations

These factors may impair drivers

alcohol or drug intake, medical conditions, and mental or physical disabilities

Who must report any suspicion or knowledge of child abuse, neglect, or abandonment by a parent, legal custodian, caregiver, or other person responsible for the child's welfare to DCF?

all individuals

Which items at a crime scene are possible sources of DNA evidence?

all items

What types of wild animals may you encounter during an animal complaint?

alligators, snakes, bears, raccoons, and birds

In Florida, how many people live in shelters and the streets daily?

almost 60,000 (daily count indicated 56,000)

As the back-up officer on a traffic stop, how should you approach the scene?

along the passenger side of the primary officer's patrol vehicle, to prevent a crossfire situation

What does the abbreviation "aka" mean?

also known as

What is forgery?

altering, forging, or counterfeiting a public record, certificate, legal document, bill of exchange or promissory note, etc. with the intent to defraud someone

Define Crime

an act that the law makes punishable

List some examples of contributing to the delinquency or dependency of a child

an adult keeping a child home from school, committing a crime in the presence of a child, or serving alcoholic beverages to a child

What is a hate crime?

an aggravation of a crime by selecting a victim based on prejudice

Where should you park when responding to an alarm call?

an appropriate distance from the building or residence

What is a victim collection point?

an area designated to keep contaminated and uncontaminated persons separate to avoid the spread of contamination from a hazardous material

What is a probable cause affidavit also known as?

an arrest affidavit

What is another term for probable cause affidavit

an arrest affidavit

What is hypervigilance?

an enhanced state of awareness or "being on guard" that impedes one's ability to relax and disengage from a stressful situation

Define Specific Intent

an expectation of a particular result, requiring a heightened mental state of intent to commit the act; proof that the suspect intentionally committed the act with a particular purpose or desire in mind

What are some supplies you should include in a travel and safety kit?

an extra uniform and change of clothes, batteries, food, water, and medication if needed

What is botulinum?

an extremely toxic substance

Define sovereign immunity

an idea that state and government agencies, including law enforcement can do no wrong; protects employees from civil lawsuits unless an officer acts or fails to act with wanton (willful and malicious) disregard of someone's rights or property

Define mental illness

an impairment of the mental or emotional processes that exercise the conscious control of one's actions

What is a developmental disability?

an incurable intellectual or behavioral impairment that shows itself before the age of 22 and is likely to continue indefinitely

Who has to sign a search warrant?

an independent magistrate (judge)

What is a gonnabe?

an individual who aspires to become a gang member, but has not proven him- or herself and therefore not yet accepted into the gang

Define Personal values?

an individual's convictions about what is right and wrong

What is mental injury?

an injury to the intellectual or psychological capacity of a child as evidenced by a discernible and substantial impairment in the ability to function within the normal range of performance and behavior

For which crime is duress not a defense?

an intentional homicide or the killing of an innocent third party

Define General intent

an offender's intention to voluntarily make the bodily movement which becomes the act to commit a criminal offense

Define noncriminal violation

an offense for which the only penalty may be a fine, forfeiture, or other civil penalty

Define attempt

an offense when either the person did some act toward committing the crime that went beyond just thinking or talking about it; or the person would have committed the crime except that someone or something prevented him or her from doing so, or the person failed

Define hostile work environment

an office culture where lewd jokes or other offensive habits are acceptable

What must be posted at the entrance to a crime scene?

an officer

What is the key to safely conducting a high risk traffic stop?

an officer having knowledge of his or her work zone

Define command presence

an officer's demeanor and confidence exhibited by personal appearance, erect posture, alertness, and attention to surroundings

What is the most effective and readily available cover during a high risk traffic stop?

an officer's patrol vehicle

What is a deposition?

an official court proceeding in which all parties, except the defendant, provide sworn testimonies regarding the facts of the case to one of the attorneys prior to trial

Define writ of replevin

an order from the courts that provide a creditor permission to possess collateral after a borrower defaults

What is dementia?

an organic, progressive mental disorder characterized by a loss of memory, an impairment of judgment and abstract thinking, and changes in personality

What are the main types of personality disorders officers may encounter?

antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline

Define domestic violence

any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another

What is domestic violence?

any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another family or household member

What is harassment?

any behavior that targets a specific person and causes that person substantial emotional distress, and serves no legitimate purpose

What does a firebomb consist of?

any container, flammable or combustible liquid, and a wick or source of ignition

Define Felony

any crime committed for which the maximum penalty is death or incarceration in a state correctional facility for more than one year

Define misdemeanor

any criminal offense with a maximum incarceration penalty in a county jail of up to one year

Define hearing impairment

any degree of hearing loss

What is a hoax weapon of mass destruction?

any device or object that by its design, construction, content, or characteristics appears to be, or is falsely represented to be, an actual weapon of mass destruction

Define exculpatory evidence

any evidence that may point to the suspect's innocence

Define deadly force

any force that is likely to cause death or great bodily harm

Define a stop?

any halting, even momentarily, of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or to comply with the directions of a law enforcement officer or traffic control sign or signal

What is a structure?

any kind of building, either temporary or permanent, that has a roof over it, including the enclosed space of ground and outbuildings immediately surrounding it

What is a dwelling?

any kind of temporary or permanent building or conveyance that people use to sleep and includes the ground and outbuildings immediately surrounding it

What is a facility?

any location providing day or residential care or treatment for elderly persons or disabled adults

Define imaging device

any mechanical, digital, electronic viewing device; still camera, camcorder, or motion picture camera; or any other instrument, equipment, or format capable of recording, storing, or transmitting visual images of another person

Define Insanity

any mental disorder so severe that it prevents a person from having legal capacity and excuses the person from criminal or civil responsibility

Define impairment

any mental, physiological, or physical disorder that makes the completion of major life activities using traditional methods difficult

What is a conveyance?

any motor vehicle, ship, vessel, railroad car, trailer, aircraft, or sleeping car

Define conveyance

any motor vehicle, ship, vessel, railroad vehicle or car, trailer, aircraft, or sleeping car

What is sexual conduct?

any of the following: -actual or simulated sexual intercourse, deviate sexual intercourse, sexual bestiality, masturbation, or sadomasochistic abuse -actual lewd exhibition of the genitals -actual physical contact with a person's clothed or unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or, if such person is a female, breast, with the intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of either party -any act or conduct that constitutes sexual battery or simulates that sexual battery is being or will be committed

What is a missing an endangered person?

any of the following: - missing child, younger than 18 years old - missing adult, younger than 26 years old - missing adult, older than 26 years and believed to be in danger or the victim of criminal activity - missing adult, older than 18 years that meets the criteria for a Silver Alert

Define Sexual Battery

any oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any other object for a non-medical reason

What is sexual performance?

any performance or part of the performance, which includes sexual conduct by a child less than 18 years of age

Define field contact

any person an officer has contact with while on patrol such as a concerned citizen or an anonymous complainant with a sense of civic duty

How does Florida Statutes define a juvenile?

any person under the age of 18

Define witness

any person who has information about some element of the crime or about evidence or documents related to the crime

Define Law Enforcement Officer

any person who is elected, appointed, or employed full-time by any municipality of the state; vested with authority to bear arms and make arrests

What is an alien?

any person who is not a United States citizen

What is a performance?

any play, motion picture, photograph, or dance or any other visual representation exhibited before an audience or just one person

What is sexual bestiality?

any sexual act between a person and an animal involving the sex organ of the one and the mouth, anus, or vagina of the other

Define hazardous material (hazmat)

any substance or material that when released may cause harm, serious injury, or death to humans or animals, or harm the environment

Define child, juvenile, or youth

any unmarried person under the age of 18 who has not been emancipated by order of the court and who has been found or alleged to be dependent, in need of service, or from a family in need of services; or any married or unmarried person who is charged with a violation of law occurring prior to the time that a person reached the age of 18 years

What is child abuse?

any willful act or threatened act that results in any physical, mental, or sexual injury or harm that causes or is likely to cause the child's physical, mental, or emotional health to be significantly impaired

What is an abuse of a disabled adult or elderly person?

any willful or threatened act by a caregiver that significantly impairs or is likely to impair a vulnerable adult's physical, mental, or emotional health

Define gratuity

anything of value intended to benefit the giver more than the receiver; it is something given to a person because of that person's position or authority

Define Contraband

anything that is illegal to possess

Define evidence

anything that tends to prove or disprove an alleged fact

What is Evidence?

anything that tends to prove or disprove the existence of a fact and information that is allowed in court, while proof is the effect produced by that information

Define Documentary evidence

anything written or printed which is offered to prove or disprove facts pertaining to the case

Define "within the state"

anywhere in Florida, whether on roadways or public or private property

What type of cases are handled by the Florida District Courts of Appeal (DCA)?

appeals from circuit courts in most criminal and civil cases

How far does peripheral vision cover?

approximately 180 degrees

What are some law enforcement activities that be affected by the First Amendment?

arrests for disorderly conduct and seizure of press materials such as cameras, tapes, and writing material

What are the types of arrests in Florida?

arrests made with and without a warrant

What are other terms that mean reasonable suspicion?

articulable suspicion or founded suspicion

How large is a typical meth lab?

as small as a soda bottle or as large as a warehouse

What are some ways law enforcement combats organized crime?

asset forfeiture, concentration on vice offenses, gathering intel, interagency cooperation, and prosecution under RICO

What are some examples of general damages?

awards for pain and suffering, discomfort, humiliation, fright, and emotional distress

Where must all blood draws be conducted?

at an approved medical facility

Where should officers usually conduct an interview?

at the scene of the incident

At which phase does the first injury or damage may occur

at-collision phase

This phase begins with the time of initial impact or contact

at-collision phase

List some types of internet fraud

auction fraud, non-delivery of merchandise, nigerian scams, lottery scams, bankcard fraud, identity theft, email scams, business fraud (get rich quick), and investment fraud

What are some examples of impairments?

back or spinal injuries, psychiatric and/or mental disabilities, neurological impairments, extremity impairments, heart impairments, substance abuse, diabetes, hearing impairments, vision impairments, and blood disorders

What professions are conducive to embezzlement?

bail bondsmen, bookkeepers, cashiers, bank tellers, clerks, real estate brokers, investment advisors, treasurers, lawyers, and accountants

If a battery is committed on a victim that is pregnant and the suspect doesn't know the victim was pregnant, what is the charge?


What moves violence into the realm of physical contact?


What is a common rule of evacuation regarding bomb threats?

be out 30 min prior and do not enter until 30 min after time of threat

What are some ways an individual might be initiated into a gang?

beat-in, bless-in, sex-in, test of heart

Why might a homeless person not report crimes that were committed against them?

because homeless victims want to avoid contact with the police or lack the motivation to file a complaint

Why does discrimination occur?

because people choose to act on their prejudices

Why are Personal values not the best values for making ethical decisions as an officer?

because they are not universal

Why should an officer be aware of their attitude and values?

because they can shape their expectations of what will happen in any given situation

What may a victim of child neglect exhibit?

bedsores, skin disorders ,rashes, untreated injuries, medical problems, poor personal hygiene, soiled clothing, matted or lice-infested hair, odors, dirty nails or skin, or the presence of feces

When should you check under the back seat for possible weapons or contraband left in the car by suspects?

before and after every shift, and after every transport

When should an officer pick the location of a high risk traffic stop?

before the actual stop is initiated

What is Stockholm Syndrome?

behavior favorable toward or empathetic to their captors

Define Professionalism

behavior that demonstrates good character and is marked by pride in self and career

Define courtesy

behavior that involves showing consideration, respect, and cooperation when interacting with others

Define intoxication

being so affected from drinking of an alcoholic beverage as to have lost or been deprived of the normal control over the body, mental faculties, or both

Between what ages are Autism Spectrum Disorders typically diagnosed?

between birth and three years of age

Where should you stand when directing pedestrian traffic?

between pedestrians and vehicles

Where should you avoid standing while conducting vehicle traffic?

between two vehicles on the roadside, or directly in front of or behind a vehicle

List some types of vehicles

bicycles scooters ATVs go-carts golf carts mopeds

What is the most common method of sketching?

birds-eye view

What does the abbreviation "B" mean?


What colors do Latin Kings identify with?

black and gold

What types of vision impairment may an officer encounter?

blindness and partial sight

List some examples of perishable evidence?

blood, footwear and tire impressions, or trace evidence such as hair or fibers

What color is a Class A, B, or C CDL?


Which color coded section of the ERG help the officer identify the material?

blue and yellow

List some symptoms of nerve agent exposure

blurred vision, uncontrolled twitching, convulsions, seizures, or respiratory distress

List some gambling offenses

bolita, dog or cock fighting, high stakes card games, off track betting, or craps games on the street

How should you approach a CBRNE situation?

cautiously from an upwind, uphill, and upstream position

What can be used to communicate with someone who has a hearing impairment?

cellphone applications, a computer, a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), an assistive listening device (sound amplifier with headphones), or sign-language interpreter

Define exigent circumstances

certain emergencies such as the case of evidence destruction, an emergency scene, or a fresh pursuit that justifies a warrantless entry

What people are included in the term "law enforcement officer"

certified supervisory and command personnel whose duties include, in whole or in part, the supervision, training, guidance, and management responsibilities of full-time law enforcement officers, part-time law enforcement officers, or auxiliary law enforcement officers

When an officer goes from a crash investigation to a criminal investigation

changing of hats

What crimes are considered some of the most sensitive and disturbing crimes?

child abuse, child neglect, child abandonment, and the sexual battery of a child

What is one of the most common ways to locate an individual?

checking for a driver's license

This is something that leads to the solution of a problem, such as a fingerprint or DNA evidence


What are some items used to make meth?

coffee filters, two-liter bottles, blenders, lithium batteries, red-tipped matches, cold tablets, camp stove fuels, drain cleaner, brake fluid, and bleach

When using this interviewing technique, you ask questions designed to reveal memory through using the senses like taste, touch, smell, etc.

cognitive interviewing

Term that describes the ability to distinguish color

color vision

What is an officer's most valuable nonverbal tool?

command presence

What can you use to calm a loud and rowdy subject?

command presence, verbalization, and crisis intervention skills

What are some methods of transporting drugs?

commercial delivery companies (UPS, FEDEX, etc.), children's toys, and balloons hidden in body cavities (mules),

What is chemical suicide?

committing suicide by combine two different chemicals, usually an acid and a base

What is the only law sovereign citizens feel they are subject to?

common law

Define non-verbal communication

communication that is expressed through facial expressions, gestures, and body language

What information should be included on a crime scene sketch?

compass direction, physical evidence, measurements, a legend, case number, location, date and time, your name, and "not to scale"

What does the Fifth Amendment protect against?

compelled self-incrimination; double jeopardy and deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process

By definition, what is human trafficking about?

compelled service

What are the two types of damages?

compensatory and punitive

What categories of people might you find at a crime scene?

complainants, victims, suspects, and witnesses

If someone under the age of 16 is impregnated by someone 21 or older, what crime is that probably cause for?

contributing to child dependency by a person 21 years or older impregnating a child less than 16 years of age

This is a direct cause or contribution to the crash itself, such as a vehicle running a red light and striking another vehicle

contributing traffic violation

What might yellow shoe laces worn by a skinhead indicate?

cop killer

What are self-stimulating behaviors?

coping skills which may allow an overstimulated individual to calm down in a stressful environment or can provide an understimulated individual with sensory stimulation

What are Values?

core beliefs or desires that guide or motivate one's attitudes and actions.

Define Prisons

correctional institutions maintained by the federal and state governments for the confinement of convicted felons

What is a class 8 hazmat?


Define Bribery

corruptly to give, offer, or promise to any public servant, or, if a public servant, corruptly to request, solicit, accept, or agree to accept for himself or herself or another, any benefit not authorized by law with an intent or purpose to influence the performance of any act or omission which the person believes to be, or the public servant represents as being, within the official discretion of a public servant, in violation of a public duty, or in performance of a public duty

Give some examples of ordinances

curfews for minors, restrictions on alcohol, parking regulations

What type (level) of law enforcement agency is a sheriff's officer?


What do county law enforcement agencies enforce?

county ordinances and state laws within the county

This officer is primarily responsible for officer safety concerns at the scene

cover officer

Members of management use this type of search without knowledge or assistance of employees


This allows a driver to make a report or give full information regarding a crash to a law enforcement officer without fear of self-incrimination

crash priviledge

What is a threat made with the intent to cause the person, who is the target of the threat, to fear for his or her safety, the safety of family members, or that of the individuals closely associated with the victim?

credible threat

How can hotel room keys be used to commit fraud?

credit card information can be stolen from them

What is the broad category of death for a suicide?


What are the two levels of ordinances

criminal and noncriminal (or civil)

When using this technique, officers start on opposite sides of the doorway. They enter rapidly, one after the other, crossing to the opposite sides.


When clearing rooms, what methods are commonly used to enter a room?

crisscross and button hook

What should you avoid when approach the vehicle on the passenger's side at night?

crossing in front of the headlights

Any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface


If you cannot approach a HAZMAT area from upwind, what is the next best choice?


This is a reminder, prompt or a signal to do something


How often should you check the belts, hoses, and wires of a vehicle?


Define punitive damages

damages awarded in addition to actual damages when the defendant acted with recklessness, malice, or deceit

What are nominal damages

damages awarded when the jury believes the plaintiff's rights were violated, but there is insufficient proof of measurable financial harm

Define Compensatory Damages

damages that are designed to compensate for the actual property damage, harm, or injury that the plaintiff suffers, and may include general, special, or nominal damages

What are general damages?

damages that are presumed to result from the defendant's actions

What are special damages?

damages that were actually caused by the injury

This part of a report is a legal requirement regarding the statute of limitation and right to a speedy trial?

date and time of an incident (when)

What does the abbreviation "DOB" mean?

date of birth

What is the punishment for a capitol felony?

death or life imprisonment in a state correctional facility without the possibility or parole

What is physical injury?

death, permanent or temporary disfigurement, or impairment of any body part

This is loose material strewn about the road as the result of a traffic collision


What non-verbal communication is expressed when a person crosses their arms or legs?

deception or defensiveness

These are corners that cannot be visually cleared from the doorway

deep corners

What are some symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

depression, anxiety, flashbacks, and recurring nightmares, hypervigilance

Define arrest

depriving a person of his or her liberty by legal authority

Term that describes the ability to judge distance and perceive space to determine how far away an object is

depth perception

What is chemical suicide also known as?

detergent suicide

What items that contain the structure of a firebomb are excluded from being categorized as such?

devices manufactured for illumination, heating, or cooking

What is a secondary device?

devices placed at the scene of an ongoing emergency response intended to cause casualties among responders

What illnesses might mimic substance abuse?

diabetic shock, epilepsy, high blood pressure, stroke, a head injury, Cerebral palsy, Wernicke syndrome, Alzheimer's, and dementia

What are symptoms of botulinum exposure?

difficulty seeing, speaking, swallowing, double vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, dry mouth, muscle weakness

What might the officer feel if the front tire blows?

difficulty steering, vibration in the steering wheel, and the vehicle pulling in the direction of the affected tire

What types of animal abuse is there?

direct and indirect?

When on scene at a residence or bldg, what area should you avoid standing at when making contact with someone?

directly in front of a doorway

Sexual harassment is a form of ______


This is the unequal treatment of any person solely or primarily because of the person's race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status

discriminatory or bias-based policing

What is breach of peace synonymous with?

disorderly conduct

Who do you inform when transporting a prisoner of the opposite sex?


For safety purposes, what can be worn when searching a wheelchair?

disposable gloves

What do some of the most common calls for service involve?

disputes and fighting

What will the tires not be able to do if the wear bars are even with the tread surface?

dissipate fluids

The ability to concentrate on two or more tasks at the same time

divided attention

What does the Baker Act provide?

emergency service and temporary detention for evaluation and voluntary or involuntary short term community inpatient treatment for those experiencing mental health problems

This occurs when two objects begin to enter the same space at the same time


This is a special authorization printed on a Florida driver's license permitting a driver to drive certain types of vehicles or transport certain types of property or number of passengers


What is Corrections responsible for?

enforcing punishment as defined by the court system

What is lewd and lascivious battery?

engaging in sexual activity with a person 12 years of age or older but less than 16 years of age; or encouraging, forcing, or enticing any person less than 16 years of age to engage in sadomasochistic abuse, sexual bestiality, prostitution, or any other act involving sexual activity

What is an officer's goal during any crisis situation?

ensure the safety of all parties involved, provide assistance to the person or people in distress, act on any law violations, and document the incident if appropriate

What is protection (CBRNE or WMD)

ensuring the safety of the officer and the public through personal protective equipment and the evacuation of nearby structures

What should victims be discouraged to do at a CBRNE incident?

entering vehicles, leaving the scene, or transporting themselves to a hospital

What are some law enforcement activities affected by the Fourth Amendment?

entry into homes, vehicles, luggage, purses, or other places where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy

What factors can effect vision?

environmental and physical conditions, alertness, and aging

This is any action taken by the driver to alter the speed or direction of a vehicle or to avoid a pedestrian

evasive action

Define vehicle

every device, in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, excepting devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks

What is testimonial evidence?

evidence gathered from witnesses

What can help to document the relative positions of evidence items in the crime scene?

evidence markers

What is transitory evidence?

evidence that can blow or wash away

Define Indirect evidence

evidence that requires an inference or presumption to establish a fact

Define Direct evidence

evidence that which proves a fact without an inference or presumption and which, if true in itself, conclusively establishes that fact

What does the Eighth Amendment protect against?

excessive bails and fines and cruel and unusual punishment

Define consent

intelligent, knowing, and voluntary consent and does not include coerced submission

Are interior or exterior building searches more difficult?


In what order should you conduct a search?

exterior perimeter, followed by evacuation routes, evacuation collection points, staging areas, and command posts; interior search of obvious areas and publicly accessible areas from bottom to top beginning in the basement

What are some non-verbal communications that vary by culture?

eye contact and personal space,

When conducting traffic, how do you stop a vehicle on a high speed highway?

face the traffic to be stopped and extend both hands above your head

What are some benefits of having a chain of command

facilitates coordination, reduces confusion, and enhances the efficiency of the organization

What are some assignments police provide prior to the onset of a natural disaster?

facilitating evacuations and providing traffic control and direction

Whenever possible, which way should you face when working a traffic crash?

facing oncoming traffic, so that you will see hazardous situations as they develop

Define negligence

failure to use due or reasonable care in a situation that results in harm to another

Between kidnapping and false imprisonment, which crime is more prevalent?

false imprisonment

What are some indicators of child dehydration?

fragile skin, dry, sore mouth, apathy, lack of energy, and mental confusion

What does the First Amendment protect?

freedom of speech, freedom of the press, peaceful assembly, and religion

What exception to a warrant allows an officer to enter a residence or other private place, while chasing a suspect

fresh pursuit

Under what perspective do courts judge an officer's use of force?

from the perspective of a reasonable officer under the same circumstances without the benefit of hindsight (Graham v. Connor)

What are some examples of direct sexual contact?

frottage, fondling, digital penetration, rape, fellatio, sodomy, to various other sexually aggressive acts

What are some secondary hazards to an explosion?

fuel storage tanks, other stored chemicals, tanks of pressurized gas, steel rods, rolls of wire, or containers of nuts and bolts

This is a type of trench dug by locked tires moving across a soft surface such as gravel, sand, grass, or dirt

furrow mark

What is organized crime often associated with?

gambling, loan sharking, narcotics, prostitution, human trafficking, extortion, pornography, white-collar crime, fencing, unions, corruption, numbers games, auto theft, drive-by shootings, adult entertainment, and money laundring

What is a hybrid gang?

gangs composed of other gang members that form a group, or a group of individuals that are loosely organized

What are traditional gangs?

gangs with a documented history, a written set of laws or codes that can have an organizational structure; they often have a leadership structure (implicit or explicit), codes of conduct, colors, special dress, signs, and symbols

What is a class 2 hazmat?


Which gauges should move when the vehicle is turned on?

gas and battery

List some examples of flammable liquids

gasoline, diesel fuel, and acetone

What are the classifications of intent?

general, specific, transferred, and criminal negligence

What are some causes of developmental disabilities?

genetic disorders such as Down syndrome to prenatal illnesses and issues such as fetal alcohol syndrome, complications at birth, and childhood illnesses and injuries that may permanent or irreversible brain damage

What might prostitutes also be victims of?

human trafficking

What can chemical weapons target?

human, plant, and animal life

List some possible environmental hazards that you might respond to?

hurricane, gas leak, spill on the roadway, water lift station malfunction, sink hole, flash flood, and fire

What environmental disasters is Florida prone to?

hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and wildfires

What is the most common type of chemical suicide?

hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen cyanide

What are the components of an incendiary device?

ignition source, combustable filler material, housing/container

What items should you not use during a gas leak?

ignition sources such as road flares or an open flame

Regarding an active shooter, what do current law enforcement tactics focus on?

immediately locating the shooter and neutralizing the threat before assisting the injured

What might cause uneven tire wear?

improper balance or alignment, over inflation, or under inflation

What might a secondary hazard of an active shooter incident?

improvised explosive devices

Where might a chemical suicide take place?

in a confined area such as a vehicle, closet, or bathroom

Where should you place a parking summons?

in a safe, conspicuous place (usually under the windshield wiper)

How should communication be conducted during an ICS controlled event?

in plain language

When is a video recorded interview normally conducted?

in serious criminal cases

Where can you find the recommended tire PSI on a vehicle?

in the doorjamb

Visible or non-visible signs of injury, such as a bleeding wound or distorted member, usually requiring transportation to a medical facility and hospitalization

incapacitating injury

What must as officer do with the court order after the subject is arrested?

include a signature, date, and time on all copies of the court order

What is a general rule when preparing a travel and safety kit?

include basic supplies needed for a 48-hour period

Define Willfully

intentionally, knowingly, and purposely

What is a gang member?

individuals initiated into a gang who usually participate in the gang's social and criminal activities

What are transitional gangs?

individuals or a group of gang members that come to prison and realign themselves with traditional and non-traditional gangs

Which people are not protected by the Fourth Amendment?

individuals who break the law

This is any damage to a vehicle other than contact damage

induced damage

What is slang?

informal, nonstandard words often characterized by region or specific use

What is done during the primary stage of a planned interview?

information is obtained by asking mostly open-ended questions

What is information that is "off the record?"

information not recorded in an official document

Define Lateral communication

information that travels across a level of the organization to employees on the same level within the chain of command

This in printed on a license and signals an officer about a person's health condition or public safety status

informational alert

How can someone be exposed to ricin?

ingestion or inhalation

How can someone be exposed to botulinum toxin?

ingestion, inhalation, or absorbtion

The area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curblines


When taking notes, what items are important to include?

interviewee name, address, date of birth, and other basic facts

What are some law enforcement activities protect by the Fifth Amendment?

interviewing and arresting suspects and taking law enforcement action in violation of due process

What are some symptoms of a mild chemical exposure?

irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat

Define Community control

is a form of closely monitored community supervision and is more restrictive than probation or parole

Define independent administrator

is an officer who administers a photographic array that has no knowledge of the suspect information

What is a magistrate responsible for?

issuing federal warrants, making pretrial motions, and presiding over some civil cases, misdemeanor trials, petty cases, and preliminary hearings

What has to be done for an officer to enforce a court order issued by another state or jurisdiction?

it has to be domesticated

What is an inventory search?

it is a search of a vehicle done after it is impounded, in order to protect the arrested person's property and to protect the officer from accusations of theft by creating a list of valuable contents within the impounded vehicle

What is a cause of action?

it is similar to a criminal statue, but applies only to civil cases

What is an officer's role when responding to a call involving self-help repossession?

keeping the peace

What crime is both statutory and federal?


Define uttering

knowingly exhibiting or publishing a document to someone or attempting to cash a check by claiming its endorsement is real

What is theft?

knowingly obtaining, using, or endeavoring to obtain or use property of another with intent to temporarily or permanently deprive the owner of the use of their property

Define willfully

knowingly, intentionally, and purposefull

Name some civil disturbances you may respond to

landlord-tenant disputes and child custody issue

A highway, the roadway of which is divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for vehicular traffic

laned highway

List some situations in which you might use ICS

large vehicle crashes, hurricanes, wildfires, and large political gatherings

How large should crime scene perimeters be?

larger rather than smaller

WHAT prints are among the most valuable types of physical evidence and one of the most common types of evidence you will recover at a crime scene


List some agencies involved in combatting human trafficking

law enforcement agencies, prosecution offices, victim services organizations and charities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and legal services organizations

What do militias think about law enforcement?

law enforcement officers are representatives of the government, which is controlled by people who cannot be trusted to preserve law and order

What does the Civil process involve?

law enforcement's assistance to the court system, which can include serving subpoenas, enforcing eviction notices, and providing court bailiffs

What are the three main components of the criminal justice system?

law enforcement, the court system, and corrections

Define Case Law

law that is formed by the decisions of the court (judicial branch)

What is the age range for establishing probable cause for leaving a child unattended in a motor vehicle?

less than 6

What percentage of stalking victims report the crime?

less than half

List some injuries caused by nuclear weapons

light damage to the eyes, burns to the skin, blast (pressure) injuries, being hit by propelled objects, radiation, falling radioactive particles

What is a meth lab?

locations where methamphetamine is manufactured

When performing a well being check, you notice the home owners car in the driveway. You knock on the door and try calling, but there is no response. There are no signs of a break-in or foul play. What else can you do to verify if they are home?

look through a window, look for a spare key, interview neighbors, contact property owner (if applicable)

List some effects of alcohol on the body

loss of fine motor skills, hand/eye coordination, and judgment

What are some examples of special damages?

lost earnings, medical expenses, destruction of personal property, and attorney's fees

What is the difference between interference with custody and luring or enticing a child?

luring or enticing requires the suspect to have an unlawful intention for luring or enticing the child to commit other crimes

List some examples of flammable solids

magnesium, sulfur, and calcium carbide

What should an officer do if they encounter conflicting child custody orders from different jurisdictions?

maintain the status quo; contact a supervisor, and follow agency policies and procedures

What are some of the purposes of law?

maintaining order, protect ownership of property, regulate business, and create revenue

What is a civil standby?

maintaining the peace through officer presence while serving a judicial order or responding to a call for service

Why might someone lack the capacity to consent?

mental illness, developmental disability, organic brain disorder, physical illness or disability, chronic use of drugs, chronic intoxication, short-term memory loss, or other causes

What is another term for intellectual disability?

mental retardation

List some types of confidential informants?

mercenary, rival, plea-bargaining, anonymous, self-aggrandizing, false, and fearful

Name the standards of legal justification

mere suspicion, reasonable suspicion, probably cause, proof beyond a reasonable doubt

The majority of individuals with intellectual disabilities fall into which level of disability (mild, moderate, severe, or profound)?


What are the levels of intellectual disabilities?

mild, moderate, severe, and profound

What does the abbreviation "mi" mean?


When using this interviewing technique, you indicate that you are listening by using brief statements like "Okay" "Go On" "Then What?"

minimal encouragers

What does the abbreviation "min" mean?


How long does it take symptoms of chemical WMD exposure to show?

minutes to hours

When using this interviewing technique, you rephrase responses as questions and statements to help clarify facts


What are the types of interview techniques?

mirroring, minimal encouragers, and cognitive interviewing

What is a class 9 hazmat?

miscellaneous dangerous goods

What level of crime is making a false alarm of fire?

misdemeanor for the first offense, and felony for any offense after

For what type of offenses can a notice to appear be used?

misdemeanor offenses, municipal or county ordinance violations, and criminal traffic violations

What is another term for "test of heart"?

misson or work

List some examples of substance abuse

misusing prescribed medication, binge drinking, sniffing or inhaling glue, using cocaine, or smoking marijuana

10% of individuals with intellectual disabilities fall into which level of disability (mild, moderate, severe, or profound)?


List some examples of miscellaneous hazards

molten sulfur, PCBs, and hazardous waste

How are noncriminal offenses punished?

monetary fines or something other than incarceration

What are the legal consequences of a DUI conviction?

monetary fines, imprisonment, and a temporary or permanent loss of driving privileges

What does the abbreviation "mo" mean?


What type of personality disorder might a person with an inflated sense of importance have?

narcissistic personality disorder

What are the broad categories of death?

natural, accidental, and criminal

Define common law

naturally developed laws created by social views

Define omission

neglecting to perform what the law or duty requires

This is an involuntary jerking of the eyes caused by a disruption of the central nervous system

neurological nystagmus

What are some examples that there is little activity or possible abandonment of a residence?

newspapers or mail piled up on the doorstep, or high grass or weeds in the yard

What does the abbreviation "nmi" mean?

no middle initial

When questioning a juvenile, must parental permission be obtained?

no, but comply with departmental policy

This has no direct bearing on the cause of the crash, but is discovered during the crash investigation

non-contributing traffic violation

Visible or non-visible signs of injury or complaint of injury, not requiring transport from the scene

non-incapacitating injury

Which type of traffic violations do not assess points against a violator's license if the violator complies within a specified period of time?

non-moving violations

This is generally a criminal offense discovered during the crash investigation

non-traffic violation

What is a gang associate?

not officially gang members but are accepted to some degree and may participate on a limited basis in the gang's social and criminal activities

What can help the officer remember facts, complete the final investigation, and prepare for trial?

notes and documentation

List some examples of radioactive substances

nuclear waste, radioactive medical materials, and X-ray equipment

Define paper terrorism

nuisance property liens, frivolous lawsuits, and false income reports filed by sovereign citizens often to retaliate against government officials

Which color coded section of the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) provides response guidelines related to Potential Hazards, Public Safety, and Emergency Response?


How is reasonableness judged?

objectively, by asking if a reasonable officer in the same situation would have acted the same way

What are some juvenile sex offender behaviors?

obscene phone calls, exhibitionism, voyeurism, the showing or taking of lewd photos, frontage, fondling, digital penetration, rape, fellatio, sodomy, and other sexually aggressive acts

What type of information can you use to identify the cause of an alarm?

observing the location and environment, interviewing people present, and information from dispatch

What is at risk if an unauthorized person enters a crime scene?

officer safety and evidence removal, contamination, or destruction

What is crucial to the protection of crash victims upon your arrival at the crash scene

officer safety techniques

This position describes aligning the center of the patrol vehicle's hood with the left taillight of the violator's vehicle

offset position

Where can a hazmat placard be located?

on all four sides of a vehicle, railcar, or other large container, and on the individual packages of the material

When conducting vehicle traffic, where should you park your vehicle?

on the shoulder or another location that does not obstruct traffic, with the emergency lights on

During a high risk traffic stop at night, where should the back-up vehicle position their lights?

on the suspect vehicle's passenger side

As a general rule, at what distance from the violator vehicle should you position your patrol car during a traffic stop?

one and a half to two car lengths behind the violator's vehicle

Generally speaking, what is the punishment level of an attempted crime?

one level below the degree of crime that the offender attempted to commit

Generally speaking, what is the punishment level of a solicitation?

one level below the degree of crime that the offender committed

Define active shooter

one or more individuals participating in a random or systematic killing spree demonstrating their intent to harm others with a firearm

What is the difference between field contacts and confidential informants?

only confidential informants receive compensation for information

May an officer may lawfully use force during an investigative stop?

only if he or she reasonably believes it protects his or her safety or the public's safety

When is it acceptable to use jargon and slang on a document?

only when writing notes, or when direct quoting someone being interviewed

While conducting law enforcement activities, when can you focus on a person's race?

only while acting on a BOLO

What are some suspicious indicators that you might notice during a security check?

open or unlocked doors, broken widows, damaged security equipment, barking dogs, damaged vegetation, damaged or rearranged outdoor furniture

What is sexual battery?

oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any other object

Purpose of CJSTC (Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission)

oversee the certification, employment, training, maintenance of officer records, and conduct of law enforcement, correctional, and probation officers

Members of management and employees conduct a search of their areas using this type of search


What is a class 5 hazmat?

oxidizers/organic peroxides

Define narrative

paragraphs containing specific details, pertinent information, and the elements of an incident

Which "voice" should you avoid writing in; active or passive voice?

passive voice

What type of prints are TRANSFERRED from the friction ridges on fingers by a foreign substance (not a body residue), like blood, paint, or dirt, and are readily visible?


This is any person afoot


List some common targets of robbery

people at home, retail stores, convenience stores, banks, and ATMs, including situational victims, senior citizens, drunken people, drug suspects/participants, homeless persons, and prostitutes

What does D.O.T. require most vehicles transporting hazardous materials to display?

placards that describe the class of hazardous materials on board

List items that should be capitalized

people, cities, states, specific organizations and buildings, days, months, holidays, geographic locations, brand names, and titles of professionals when names are used

What is essential to do before taking control of a vehicle and operating it on the road?

perform a vehicle inspection

This is the area surrounding an incident that officers may cordon off to prevent unauthorized people from leaving or entering


Term that describes the ability to see above, below, and to the sides

peripheral vision

What are some indicators of a suicidal person?

person may talk about committing suicide, attempt self-injury, write suicide notes, or sketch death related drawings

What can help you determine the extent and size of a crime scene?

personal observations and statements from victims and witnesses

What sources can be used to establish reasonable suspicion?

personal observations, BOLO's, information from fellow officers, and information from third parties such as informants,

What should never be included in a report?

personal opinions, hunches, judgments, or guesses

What are some barriers that may result in miscommunication?

personal prejudices, stereotyping, racial or ethnic slurs, age or generational differences, language differences, profane or derogatory language, disrespectful hand or body gestures, personal, environmental, and situational distractions

Where do emotional triggers come from?

personal sensitivities and the traditions they value

What does the abbreviation "ph" mean?


What is a group of photographs used in a photographic line-up

photographic array

What is the first event that should take place before any detailed crime scene work begins?

photographing the crime scene

What should officers avoid at a CBRNE incident?

physical contact with potentially contaminated people

What can help build probably cause for a battery?

physical evidence and/or sworn statements

What type of search pattern is usually conducted in an extremely large search area?


Which color UTC does the officer retain?


What color is a state ID card?


What can help determine if there are hazardous materials present on a crash scene?

placards and the Emergency Response Guide

What type of print is a MOLDED or IMBEDDED fingerprint created by touching an impressionable surface, such as wet paint or mud that you can easily see?


When an officer uses pretense or a bluff and command any hidden passengers to exit the vehicle

plus-one rule

This is the point in time when the crash is inevitable, regardless of the evasive action taken

point of no escape

This is when the driver becomes aware of a danger or hazard

point of perception

List some sources for officers to stay current with laws

police magazines, training bulletins, and official websites, such as the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Florida Attorney General, and Florida Supreme Court sites.

This is using drugs from two or more drug categories simultaneously

polydrug use

What are the main types of HAZMAT containers?

portable containers, fixed containers, and transportation containers

What is the first step in protecting the crash scene and is instrumental in preventing additional crashes?

positioning the patrol vehicle safely

This is the point when the vehicles separate, either naturally or artificially

post-collision phase

What are some examples of non-verbal communication?

posture, muscle tension, facial expression, and how long it takes a person to respond to a question

What are some symptoms of smallpox?

pox-like rash, raised bumps, fever, muscle rigidity, shivering, malaise, headaches, and vomiting

This phase of a crash is the earliest possible time the driver could have become aware of a potential danger or hazard

pre-collision phase

What are the three phases of a crash?

pre-collision, at-collision, and post-collision

This type of damage existed before the crash

pre-existing damage

What type of word links words and phrases and provides temporal, spatial, and logistical relationships?


What priority should be given to protecting the scene of a CBRNE incident?

preventing additional people from entering the area rather than preventing victims from exiting

This describes the main or primary cause of the crash

primary collision factor

Who determines the need for a perimeter

primary officer or supervisor

Define Ethical behavior

principled, value-based decision making, practiced daily

Define Values

principles, standards, or qualities considered worthwhile or desirable

What type of records are not open to the public?

private records

Any privately owned place used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having permission from the owner, but not by other persons

private road

Which standard of justification is required to make an arrest or conduct a search?

probable cause

Under what authorities can you search a vehicle?

probable cause, consent, or vehicle inventory

When conducting traffic and using audible signals, what does two short blasts mean?


What does promote mean?

procure, manufacture, issue, sell, give, provide, lend, mail, deliver, transfer, transmute, publish, distribute, circulate, disseminate, present, exhibit, or advertise or to offer or agree to do the same

List some categories of burglars

professional, juvenile drug addicts, impulse, and sexual gratification

At which level of intellectual disability may the officer be talking directly with the caregiver of the person with the disability (mild, moderate, severe, profound, or none of these)?


What type of word takes the place of a suitable noun?


Before a person may be found guilty of a crime and sentenced, what level of legal justification must be established by the courts?

proof beyond a reasonable doubt

What is a gang prospect?

prospective members who are generally accepted by the gang and may participate in a probationary period with hopes of becoming full-fledged members

What activities are included in vice crimes?

prostitution, gambling, alcohol and tobacco violations, and pornography

What is your secondary responsibility at a CBRNE incident?

protect other people and property

What are the goals of an agency Emergency Response Plan (ERP)?

protect the public and secure the scene while safeguarding responders

What is your first responsibility at a CBRNE incident?

protect yourself

Define qualified immunity

protects government officials from liability for civil damages insofar as their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known

If an individual has important information regarding an incident, what should you ask them to do?

provide a sworn written statement

What does the Law Enforcement Officer's Bill Of Rights provide?

provides certain protections "whenever a law enforcement officer... is under investigation and subject to interrogation by members of his or her agency for any reason that could lead to disciplinary action, suspension, demotion, or dismissal

Define Criminal Law

provisions within statutory law that define unacceptable behaviors and government prosecution of those who commit them

These are field sobriety tests that measure a person's ability to perform both mental and physical tasks simultaneously

psychophysical tests

What type of records can be accessed on demand?

public records

What are the main types of information?

public records and private records

Who can provide additional warning devices, like cones?

public works department

Define Intent

purposely doing what the law declares to be a crime, whether the person's purpose was to commit the crime or to meet its outcome

When can an officer take a child into custody?

pursuant to a court order or upon probably cause that the child committed a violation

List some exotic animals

pythons, parrots, and monitor lizards

How often the CJSTC (Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission) meets


What questions do law enforcement officers not have to answer during a trial?

questions about their spouses, children, residential address, phone number, or any information not related to the case, unless directed to by a judge

What do Right-wing extremist groups believe in?

racial supremacy and anti-government and anti-regulatory beliefs

What is another name for a dirty bomb?

radiation dispersal device

What is a class 7 hazmat?

radioactive substance

When conducting traffic, how do you stop a vehicle on a road (not high speed)

raise one hand with your palm toward the driver until they stop; you may point with the other hand to the exact location where the driver is to stop

This is the length of time between the point of possible perception and the start of the evasive action

reaction time

What must an officer do when changing hats?

read miranda warnings

What type of force can be used in order to prevent the escape of an arrested person?

reasonable and necessary force

Courts use the ________ legal standard to determine if behavior constitutes sexual harassment.

reasonable person

List some examples of self-talk

recalling skills and information learned during training, applying agency policies and procedures, and thinking through a professional response

What are the stages of a crisis?

recognition, attempted resolution, emotional blockage, accommodation, and resolution

What should officers be able to do at a WMD or CBRNE incident?

recognize what the incident is and identify the materials involved

What color do Bloods identify with?


Is it easer to reduce or enlarge a crime scene?


What is the goal of DUI deterrence?

reduce the number of impaired drivers through prevention, education, and deterrence

What is the purpose of the juvenile system?

rehabilitation, not punishment

What should you do if you are the first to arrive at a CBRNE incident?

relay information to responding units; set up an Incident Command post and direct EMS to the contaminated and non-contaminated victims; brief your supervisor

What options are available to an officer when dealing with someone that has a mental health crisis?

release, voluntary examination, involuntary examination under Baker or Marchman acts, and arrest

Define admissible evidence

relevant evidence tending to prove or disprove an important fact

What is often the basis of criminal law?

religious concepts, such as sin

Where can a minor use alcoholic beverages and it not be considered an open house party?

religious services or activities

Define the Fellow Officer rule

relying on the collective knowledge of other officers when taking law enforcement action

What can be done to remove distractions during a trial?

remove objects, such as keys and loose change, and turn off beepers, radios, and cellular phones

Define active listening

repeat to the speaker what you have heard by restating or paraphrasing the speaker's words

What areas should be avoided when redirecting traffic?

residential areas, schools, and playgrounds

List some symptoms of choking agent exposure

respiratory distress, burning of lungs and airways, choking, and coughing

Define Civil liability

responsibility for a wrongful act or an omission that injures a person or property and most often involves negligence

What are an officer's primary responsibility at the scene of a dirty bomb?

restrict access and establish a perimeter

What was the Bill of rights originally intended to do?

restrict the actions of the federal government only

This may limit a driver from operating certain types of motor vehicles or require that he or she meet certain conditions when driving any motor vehicle


What are some signs of a mail bomb?

rigid packages (giggity) or envelopes, excessive postage, unevenly packed package, or packed with excessive securing material, incorrect titles, misspelling of common words, "confidential" or "personal" written on the package, oily stains, protruding wires, discoloration, or strange odors

What type of behaviors might someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) display?

ritualistic behavior, such as an excessive need to count, excessively wash their hands, or an extreme need to avoid dirt

The portion of a highway ordinarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the berm or shoulder


What is the difference between theft and robbery?

robbery involves the use of force against a person

When conducting traffic, how do you start and maintain traffic flow?

rotate your hand up and over your chin, bending at the elbow

What might a meth lab smell like?

rotten eggs or cat urine

What is often the cause of secondary crashes?

rubber-necking or gawking

What does grammar involve?

rules and guidelines that govern a language's useage and enable its users to have the same understanding's of its sounds and symbols

This is a liquid pool, fluid trail, or line of flow from fluids escaping from a vehicle as a result of impact


What does an agency Emergency Response Plan (ERP) establish?

safe and uniform guidelines for response to incidents involving hazardous materials or weapons of mass destruction

What can present itself when you lack the ability to control your emotional triggers?

safety issues

When involving perimeters, what is the paramount concern?

safety of the public

What is the decontamination procedure for a meth lab?

same as any hazmat exposure

What should be included in a close up photo?

scale, ruler, or identifier

Who has more authority to search a student locker, school officials or Law Enforcement Officers?

school officials

If choosing to conduct vehicle traffic through an alternate route (detour), what should be considered?

school zones, time of day, local business hours, and any community events

This is a broad area of a hard surface covered with many scratches, striations, or streak marks made without great pressure by a sliding metal part


List some burglary tools

screwdrivers, plier, wrenches, pry bars, a rock or concrete block, or anything else used to gain entry

This occurs when a vehicle loses tire traction as a result of entering a curve too fast or over steering

scuff or yaw mark

What are some assignments law enforcement provide in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster?

search and rescue security of shelters and distribution centers protection of property

Prior to directing someone to sit at a location, what should be done first?

search that location for weapons

Give some examples of an implied consent to search without a warrant

searches of airline passengers, searches of patrons attending sporting events, and searches of visitors to courthouses or other government buildings

DUI offenders are less likely to wear this item while driving


If you are going to diagram a crime scene when should it be done?

second, before any detailed work begins

What should you look for when approaching the scene of a bomb threat?

secondary devices and signs of hazardous materials

You are conducting a security check and find the back door was left wide open. There are no other signs of criminal activity. You attempt to contact the owner to inform them, but are unsuccessful. What should you do?

secure the premises and leave a note of law enforcement actions taken; inform dispatch when complete

What options does an officer have with regards to a Marchman Act?

securing voluntary submission, petitioning for an ex parte order, or initiating an involuntary admission

What different assignments might you get when conducting a search warrant?

security perimeter, entry, search, crowd control, or transport

What are law enforcement stops, arrests, and use of force considered?

seizures under the fourth amendment

What are some physiological effects of stress and fatigue?

selective hearing, tunnel vision, and rapid breathing

An injury to a person which consists of a physical condition that creates a substantial risk of death, serious personal disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member or organ.

serious bodily injury

What type of expert can identify body fluids?


How many categories of drugs are there?


What are some symptoms of a severe chemical exposure?

severe respiratory irritation, severe eye irritation, convulsions, coma, and death

What is deviate sexual intercourse?

sexual conduct between people not married to each other consisting of contact between the penis and the anus, the mouth and the penis, or the mouth and the vulva

Who might be court ordered to not have a computer?

sexual offenders and predators on probation or parole

Which agency is responsible for law enforcement in the unincorporated areas of the county, the county jail, and civil processing?

sheriff's office (county)

What type of suspect identification is suggestive?


The portion of a street between the curb line, or the lateral line, of a roadway and the adjacent property lines, intended for use by pedestrians


Which "low risk" senses can you use to identify hazmat?

sight and sound

What is sign language?

signaling with the hand and arm, or body movements simultaneously combined with facial expressions in order to express thoughts

What type of alert assists law enforcement in recovering lost elderly people after family members report them as missing?

silver alert

When speaking to someone in a wheelchair, what can an officer do to improve communication?

sit down to be at eye level with the individual

When possible, where should an officer not place themselves during an interview?

sitting or standing with their back against a door

This is the black mark left by a tire sliding while not free to rotate

skid mark

What are some things to avoid when speaking to someone?

slang, jargon, and obscure phrases

When interviewing someone with a disability, who should an officer ensure is present during the interview?

someone who knows the individual, such as a relative, friend, attorney, or agency staff member

Define family member

spouses, former spouses, people related by blood or marriage, people who are presently residing together as a family or have resided together in the past as a family, and people who are parents of a child in common, regardless of whether they have been married; if they do not have a child they must have lived together

Define family or household member

spouses, former spouses, persons related by blood or marriage, persons who are presently residing together as if a family, or who have resided together in the past as if a family, and persons who are parents of a child in common regardless of whether they have been married

This is a strip of dry pavement remaining after a vehicle skids on a wet roadway


What type of victims might be forced to move, change jobs, purchase security systems, change locks, cancel credit cards, fix a stolen identity or bad credit scores, change identities, or drop out of school or college?


What are incendiary devices designed to do?

start fires, destroy property, and harm people

What do State law enforcement agencies enforce?

state laws within the state

Any highway designated as a state-maintained road by the Department of Transportation

state road

Define Ordinance

statutes enacted by a municipal (city) or county government

What type of property files are contained in NCIC?

stolen articles, boats, guns, license plates, parts, securities, and vehicles

When conducting traffic and using audible signals, what does one long blast mean?


What can signs of deception also be an indicator of?

stress, nervousness, cultural norms, or medical conditions like autism

What type of search pattern is usually conducted outside by several people divided into lanes?


What are the types of search patterns?

strip/line, grid, pie/wheel, spiral, zone/quadrant

What are the first 10 amendments of the Constitution called?

the Bill of Rights

What makes in unlawful for employers to discriminate in the workplace

the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII

Who issues Recovery Agent Class E or Recovery Agent Intern Class EE licenses?

the Department of Agriculture

What department is responsible for the safe placement of abused and neglected children?

the Department of Children and Families (DCF)

Who is responsible for the safe placement of abused and neglected elderly and disabled adults?

the Department of Children and Families (DCF)

What is the largest sovereign citizen group?

the Moorish Nation

What is isolation (CBRNE or WMD)

the ability to deny or restrict access to the involved area and remove uninjured and uncontaminated people from that area

Define normal faculties

the ability to see, hear, walk, talk, judge distances, drive an automobile, make judgments, act in emergencies, and normally perform the mental and physical acts of daily life

What is lip reading?

the ability to understand what someone is saying by watching the movement of the lips, the facial expressions, and the body language of the other speaker when he or she is talking

List some signs of child neglect in the home?

the absence of necessities such as food, water, and heat

If you are conducting a child abuse investigation prior to DCF notification, who can you contact to get additional resources?

the abuse hotline at 1-800-96-ABUSE or 1-866-LE-ABUSE (law enforcement only)

What is an overdose?

the accidental or intentional use of a dangerously large amount of a substance that leads to death

Define conflict of interest

the actions and situations that could conflict with official responsibilities

Define deliver or delivery

the actual, constructive, or attempted transfer from one person to another of a controlled substance

Who completes an arrest affidavit?

the arresting officer

What event prompted law enforcement to change their active shooter response?

the attacks at Columbine High School in 1999

Define Administrative Law

the body of law that allows for the creation of public regulatory agencies

Define Proof beyond a reasonable doubt

the standard used to determine if a criminal defendant is guilty and which holds that based on the fact of the case, there is no other reasonable explanation than that the defendant committed the crime

Define parking?

the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers

What is procedural due process

the steps that must be followed to protect an individual's rights during a criminal justice process

What is rigor mortis?

the stiffening of body muscles after death

Define constructive possession

the substance is in a place over which the suspect has control, or in which the suspect has concealed it

Define actual possession

the substance is in the hand of, or within ready reach and is under control

Define Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID)

the sudden and unexpected death of an infant due to natural or unnatural causes

What elements have to be present for an enhancement of an assault, aggravated assault, battery, or aggravated battery on a correctional facility employee?

the suspect 1. was in a correctional facility, in custody 2. intentionally touched, struck, or attempted to touch or strike the victim against his or her will by throwing, tossing, or expelling blood, saliva, chewed food, seminal fluid, urine, or feces at the victim 3. intended to harass, annoy, threaten, or alarm the victim 4. knew the victim or had reason to know the victim was a facility employee and 5. the victim was a correctional facility employee.

What is needed to establish probable cause of trespassing?

the suspect did one or both of the following: - willfully entered or remained in a structure or conveyance without authorization from the owner - was invited, but remained after being asked to leave by the owner

What is needed to establish probable cause for a battery?

the suspect intentionally touched or struck the victim against his or her will, or the suspect intentionally caused bodily harm to the victim

What is needed to establish probable cause for soliciting a child or a person believed to be a child for unlawful sexual conduct using a computer service or device?

the suspect knowingly used a computer connected to the internet or local bulletin board service capable of electronic data storage or transmission to: 1. contact a child or someone the suspect believed was a child, and 2. such contact consists of the suspect seducing, soliciting, luring, enticing, or attempting to seduce, solicit, lure, or entice the victim to engage in any illegal act as charged in the indictment or information under: -Chapter 794, Sexual Battery -Chapter 800, Lewdness, Indecent Exposure -Chapter 827, Abuse of Children, or 3. other unlawful sexual conduct with a child or with a person believed to be a child

What is needed to establish probable cause for an assault?

the suspect must have: 1. intentionally and unlawfully threatened, by either word or act, to do violence to a victim 2. appeared to have the ability to carry out the threat at the time, and 3. created in the mind of the victim a well-founded fear that violence was about to take place

What is needed to establish probable cause for an aggravated assault?

the suspect must have: 1. intentionally and unlawfully threatened, by either word or act, to do violence to a victim 2. must appear to have the ability to carry out the threat at the time 3. created in the mind of the victim a well-founded fear that violence was about to take place, and 4. made a fully formed, conscious intent to commit violence to a victim using a deadly weapon

What is needed to establish probable cause of dealing in stolen property?

the suspect trafficked in or endeavored to traffick in stolen property in which the suspect knew or should have known it was stolen

What is needed to establish probable cause for disorderly conduct?

the suspect was endangering the safety of another person or property, in a public place or conveyance, and causing a public disturbance

What is needed to establish probable cause for disorderly intoxication?

the suspect was intoxicated, endangering the safety of another person or property, in a public place or conveyance, and causing a public disturbance

What is needed to establish probable cause of criminal mischief?

the suspect willfully and maliciously injures or damages by any means any real or personal property belonging to another, including graffiti and other acts of vandalism

What is needed to establish probable cause for stalking?

the suspect willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly followed, harassed, or cyber-stalked the victim

What is needed to establish probable cause for a felony battery?

the suspect: 1. actually and intentionally touched or struck the victim against his or her will and 2. caused the victim great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement

What is needed to establish probable cause for an aggravated stalking?

the suspect: 1. willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly, followed, harassed, or cyber-stalked the victim, and 2. made a credible threat with the intent to place the victim in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury

What is needed to establish probable cause for an aggravated battery?

the suspect: 1. intentionally touched or struck the victim against his or her will, or the suspect intentionally caused bodily harm to the victim and 2. while committing the battery, the suspect intentionally or knowingly caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, permanent disfigurement, or used a deadly weapon

What is identity theft?

the unlawful use of a person's identifying information such as a SSN, official state-issued license or ID number, alien registration number, government passport number, employer or tax-id number, bank account number, or other similar items established to take over accounts and commit crimes in the victim's name

Who is required to stay at a crash scene and exchange information

the vehicle drivers

What should you document about a vehicle when conducting a vehicle search?

the vehicle's overall condition, mileage if available, damage, contents and equipment

Who reports stalking?

the victim

Define homeless status

the victim lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence or has a primary residence that is a supervised private shelter, or is a public place not designed for or normally used as a sleeping accommodation for people

What is needed to establish probable cause for aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled adult?

the victim was an elderly person or a disabled adult and the suspect did at least one of the following: -committed aggravated battery upon the victim -willfully tortured the victim -maliciously punished the victim -willfully and unlawfully caged the victim -knowingly or willfully abused the victim and in so doing caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement

What is needed to establish probable cause for abuse of a disabled adult or elderly person?

the victim was an elderly person or a disabled adult and the suspect knowingly or willfully: 1. inflicted physical or psychological injury upon the victim, 2. committed an intentional act that could reasonably be expected to result in physical or psychological injury to the victim, or 3. actively encouraged another person to commit an act that resulted in or could reasonably have been expected to result in physical or psychological injury to the victim.

What is needed to establish probable cause for neglect of an elderly person or a disabled adult?

the victim was an elderly person or a disabled adult and the suspect: 1. was a caregiver for the victim 2. willfully or by culpable negligence failed or omitted to provide the victim with the care, supervision, and services necessary to maintain the victim's physical or mental health, or failed to make a reasonable effort to protect the victim from abuse, neglect, or exploitation by another person

What is needed to establish probable cause for exploitation of a disabled adult or elderly person? (looks strange, but they are numbered correctly)

the victim was an elderly person or a disabled adult, and the suspect: 1. knowingly used deception or intimidation to obtain, use, or endeavor to obtain or use the victim's funds, assets, or property 2. did so with the intent to deprive the victim temporarily or permanently of the use, benefit, or possession of his or her funds, assets, or property to benefit someone other than the victim, and 3. stood in a position of trust and confidence and had a business relationship with the victim at the time, OR 3. knew or reasonably should have known the victim did not have the capacity to consent at the time, OR 1. was the victim's guardian or agent under a power of attorney and breached a fiduciary duty to the victim, and 2. there was an unauthorized appropriation, sale, or transfer of the victim's property

What is needed to establish probable cause for aggravated child abuse?

the victim was less than 18 years of age and the suspect did any of the following acts: • committed aggravated battery upon the victim • willfully tortured the victim • maliciously punished the victim • willfully and unlawfully caged the victim • knowingly or willfully committed child abuse upon the victim and in so doing caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement, or used a deadly weapon

What is needed to establish probable cause for child abuse?

the victim was less than 18 years of age and the suspect knowingly or willfully: 1. inflicted physical or mental injury upon the child victim 2. committed an intentional act that could reasonably be expected to result in physical or mental injury to the child victim or, 3. actively encouraged another person to commit an act that resulted in or could reasonably have been expected to result in physical or mental injury upon the child victim

What is needed to establish probable cause for arresting a person for the use of a child in a sexual performance?

the victim was less than 18 years of age at the time that the suspect employed, authorized, or induced the victim to engage in a sexual performance, and knew the character and content of the performance

What elements have to be present for an enhancement of an assault, aggravated assault, battery, or aggravated battery on an officer, firefighter, or EMS provider?

the victim: 1. was at the time of the assault a law enforcement officer, firefighter, EMS provider, traffic accident investigation officer, traffic infraction enforcement officer, parking enforcement specialist, security officer employed by the board of trustees of a community college, or federal law enforcement officer 2. was engaged in the lawful performance of his or her duties at the time of the assault and 3. the suspect knew the victim was one of the workers listed above at the time of the assault

What is the primary reason drug activity is unreported?

the victims of the crime are also party to illegal activity

What does the Marchman Act provide?

the voluntary or involuntary assessment and stabilization of a person allegedly abusing substances such as drugs or alcohol

Define Statutory Law

the written laws enacted by Congress, state legislatures, or local governing authorities in response to a perceived need

If someone fails to return leased property within 72 hours of the end of a lease agreement without a reasonable explanation, what crime have they committed?


Define fraud

theft by deception

List some common criminal gang activity

theft, burglary, fraud, narcotics manufacturing and distribution, assault and battery, racketeering, witness intimidation, extortion, arson, weapons and explosives, counterfeiting, and homicide

What is the statutory requirement regarding officers retaining their field notes?

there is none; follow agency policy

List the felonies that are arrestable offenses

they all are

Why should spoken commands not be given while conducting vehicle traffic?

they confuse drivers and are ineffective

What is the purpose of the Articles of the Constitution?

they form a contract between the people of the United States and the United States government that spells out the responsibilities and authority of the three branches of government

How might people from other countries feel when interacting with law enforcement?

they may feel fear, distrust, or discomfort

What relationships might a stalker have with their victim?

they may have an existing relationship, or be a complete stranger

What are the benefits of using open ended questions?

they promote the continued exchange of information without limiting the other person's responses to short or one-word answers

What is a probable cause affidavit used for?

this document is used by the judge to determine if there was sufficient probable cause to detain the individual

What is the most common type of deadly force incident?

those that involve the use of a firearm

How can an officer receive an assignment to make a death notification?

through an agency death investigation or a request is received form another agent through teletype

What is it called when gang members use multiple hand signing to communicate?

throwing or stacking

What does the abbreviation "tod" mean?

time of day

List some examples of roadway obstructions

tires, animals, tree limbs, flooding, and downed power lines

What is the purpose of the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)?

to aid in the identification of materials, outline basic actions for first responders, recommend areas of protective action, and give responders an initial safety plan

What is needed for a person to be in actual physical control of a vehicle?

to be physically in, on, or around the vehicle and have the capability to operate the vehicle

What is the purpose of an interview?

to collect facts and established what occurred during an incident

What is the purpose of having an organizational structure?

to create a work environment that encourages communication between each employee.

What is the Supreme Court's most important responsibility?

to decide cases that raise questions of constitutional interpretation

Why are background checks done?

to determine a recruit's moral character prior to employment with an agency

Define Harass

to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes substantial emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose

Define Cyber-stalk

to engage in a course of conduct to communicate, or cause to be communicated, words, images, or language by or through the use of electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at a specific person, causing substantial emotional distress to that person and serving no legitimate purpose

Define possession

to have a personal charge of or exercise the right of ownership, management, or control over the thing possessed

What is the primary purpose of a dirty bomb?

to inflict psychological panic; contaminate rather than destroy

What is the goal of an interview?

to obtain a truthful statement, admission, or confession

Why should you turn off radios prior to entering a possible bomb threat location?

to prevent accidentally triggering a bomb set off by radio waves

Why is an inventory search conducted on vehicles?

to protect the agency and officer from false claims of lost, stolen, or damaged property

What do Florida drivers give implied consent to do if arrested?

to provide breath, blood, or urine as requested by a law enforcement officer

What is the intent of punitive damages?

to punish the defendant for his or her act and to warn others from doing the same act

What is one of the few times you may want to ask a close ended question during an interview?

to redirect a talkative interviewee back to the subject of the interview

Why should officers be familiar with agency Emergency Response Plan's (ERP)?

to respond properly to hazardous material situations

What is the goal of an after action analysis?

to review any weakness and implement additional or corrective training

Define sell

to transfer or deliver something to another person in exchange for money, or something of value, or a promise of money or something of value

What is a class 6 hazmat?

toxic materials/infectious substance

What are the three categories of gangs?

traditional, non-traditional, and hybrid

Taking control of a traffic crash situation and conducting the investigation by quickly and efficiently

traffic crash management

How should you approach a robbery in progress?

using a tactical deployment to keep from alerting the suspect of the presence of law enforcement

What should you do before exiting a patrol vehicle?

using your mirrors, check for traffic

This is defined as "every device, in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, excepting devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks."


Which evacuation distance should be greater, the evacuation distance of a building or the evacuation of a vehicle?


What are the phases of a DUI investigation?

vehicle in motion personal contact pre-arrest screening

From what sources can you obtain owner information on an abandoned vehicle?

vehicle license tag, VIN, complainant, people in the area, or by accessing available computer databases

List the high liability courses

vehicle operations, first aid, firearms, and defensive tactics

Where can secondary devices be hidden?

vehicles, flashlights, backpacks, flowerpots, or garbage cans

What is an assault?

verbal threats without physical contact

What should you do to prior to a noncustodial transport?

verify the individual's identity, conduct a pat down for weapons, ensure their seat belt is secured, write down the starting mileage, and give dispatch the starting time and location

This is an involuntary jerking of the eyes caused by movement or action to the vestibular system

vestibular nystagmus

What does the abbreviation "v" mean?


What is needed to establish probable cause for child neglect with bodily harm?

victim was less than 18 years of age and that the suspect was a caregiver for and caused great bodily harm, permanent disability, and/or permanent disfigurement to the victim because the suspect either: 1. willfully or by culpable negligence failed or omitted to provide the victim with the care, supervision, and services necessary to maintain the victim's physical or mental health or 2. failed to make a reasonable effort to protect the victim from abuse, neglect, or exploitation by another person

What is needed to establish probable cause for leaving a child unattended or unsupervised in a motor vehicle?

victim was less than six years of age and that the suspect was: 1. a parent of, legal guardian for, or person responsible for the victim, 2. left the victim unattended or unsupervised in a motor vehicle for more than 15 minutes or while the motor was running and the health of the victim was in danger, and 3. caused great bodily harm, a permanent disability, and/or permanent disfigurement to the victim.

What are vice crimes sometimes called?

victimless crimes

What types of victims may not give consent?

victims who, because of age, mental illness, or intoxication, are not legally capable of reasonable judgment

What is dating violence?

violence between individuals who have or have had a continuing and significant relationship of a romantic or intimate nature

What is the highest priority for an officer when conducting traffic?


This is a pedestrian, a person operating a bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, or moped lawfully on the roadway; a person riding an animal

vulnerable road user

This is a person operating on a public right-of-way, crosswalk, or shoulder of the roadway: a farm tractor; a skateboard, roller skates, or in-line skates; a horse-drawn carriage; an electric personal assistive mobility device; or a wheelchair

vulnerable road user

Which stage is the initial stage of planned interview?


What are the stages of a planned interview?

warm-up, primary, and closing

What is a nuclear weapon?

weapon that derives its power from an uncontrolled nuclear reaction

What do terrorists use as a primary means of achieving their goals?

weapons of mass destruction on civilians

What are militia members often arrested for?

weapons violations

What should you always do when working around highways, roadways, or construction areas?

wear high-visibility safety apparel, such as a brightly colored vest

What types of conditions can cause a false alarm activation?

weather conditions, power outages, unintentional activation, open door, or unknown cases

These things may affect traffic flow

weather conditions, school zones, construction zones, and neighborhood activities

What might damage evidence in an outdoor environment?

weather elements such as rain, hail, lightning, or wind

The information regarding the nature of an incident is known as the:


The person at a crash scene that can establish who was behind the wheel

wheel witness

What is child neglect?

when a caregiver deprives a child of, or allows the deprivation of, necessary food, clothing, shelter, or medical treatment, or allows the child to live in an environment when such deprivation or environment causes the child's physical, mental, or emotional health to be significantly impaired or to be in danger of being significantly impaired

Define self-help repossession

when a creditor takes possession of collateral after default without a court order, if the repossession can be done without breach of the peace

What is a bless-in?

when a gang prospect is blessed into the gang due to their family being a high ranking or well respected member of the gang

Define show-up

when a law enforcement officer locates a suspect a short time after the commission of an offense and attempts to get a one-on-one identification of the suspect in the field by a victim or witness

Define Entrapment

when a law enforcement officer uses undue persuasion or fraudulent means to induce a person to commit a crime he or she would not have otherwise committed

What is psychological dependence?

when a person feels that he or she needs drugs to cope with problems, function better in life, or feel happier

What is lewd or lascivious exhibition?

when a person intentionally masturbates, exposes the genitals in a lewd or lascivious manner, or commits any other sexual act that does not involve actual physical or sexual contact with the victim

What is lewd or lascivious conduct ?

when a person intentionally touches a person less than 16 years of age in a lewd or lascivious manner, or solicits a person less than 16 years of age to commit a lewd or lascivious act.

What is lewd or lascivious molestation?

when a person intentionally touches in a lewd or lascivious manner the breasts, genitals, genital area, or buttocks, or the clothing covering them, of a person less than 16 years of age, or forces or entices a person less than 16 years of age to touch the offender so

What is a physical drug dependence?

when a person is chemically and physically dependent upon the substance to maintain normal functioning, not just of the central nervous system, but of all systems

When can a subject be placed under protective custody under the Marchman Act?

when a person is significantly impaired by drugs or alcohol to the extent that he or she may cause harm to him- or herself or others and refuse assistance

Define drug tolerance

when a person needs to increase the dosage of the drug to produce the same effect as the initial dosage

Explain the charge "Refusal to Submit to Testing"`

when a second DUI or refusal exists, it is an additional charge that is a 1st degree misdemeanor

Define Criminal negligence

when a suspect did not intend for a behavior to cause the resulting harm

What is a spontaneous statement?

when a suspect in custody voluntarily gives information even though they were not solicited through questioning

Define custody

when a suspect is deprived of freedom in a significant way

What is a robbery?

when a suspect takes property from a person by using force, violence, or assault

When can an officer make a death notification over the phone?

when all other options have been exhasusd

When may portable breath tests be used?

when an 0.02 violation or commercial vehicle violation when there is insufficient evidence of a DUI

When does someone lack the capacity to consent?

when an elderly person or disabled adult lacks sufficient understanding or capacity to make or communicate reasonable decisions concerning his or her person or property

What is sequential presentation?

when an independent administrator presents individual photographs to the victim or witness one at a time

Define suicide by cop

when an individual attempts to end their life by intentionally provoking officers to use deadly force

Define Transferred intent

when an intentional act harms an unintended second victim

Define Color of the law

when an officer acts or purports to act in the performance of official duties under any law, ordinance, or regulation

Define consensual encounter

when an officer comes into voluntary contact with a citizen under circumstances in which a reasonable person would feel free to disregard the police and go about his or her own way

How can a civil process order be invalidated?

when an officer fails to state the facts or to include the signature

When might an officer encounter a liability issue?

when an officer improperly performs a job task or does not perform a job task that he or she reasonably should have performed

Define Criminal liability

when an officer is found guilty of committing a crime and is sentenced to incarceration or other penalties

What is a noncustodial transport?

when an officer provides transportation to an individual that is not under arrest

What is a well-being check?

when an officer routinely visits a location to check on the health of an individual, or checks a residence that shows signs of abandonment

Define pretext stop

when an officer stops the vehicle due to an equipment violation but really wants to investigate other, more serious criminal activity

What is an unlawful arrest?

when an officer takes someone into custody without probable cause

When must the medical examiner (me) be notified of a death?

when any person dies by criminal violence, accident, suicide, suddenly (when the person has a history of good health), or through any suspicious or unusual circumstance

When is a person at high risk for suicide?

when he or she talks about committing suicide, attempts self-injury, or has formulated or indicated a suicide plan

When is a vehicle considered impounded?

when it is towed at the direction of law enforcement

What does the supremacy clause within the Constitution state?

when law conflicts arise, federal law generally overrules state or local laws

Define vicarious liability

when one person or entity is held liable for the negligent actions of another person even though the first person or entity was not directly responsible for the injury

When does an exploitation of a disabled adult or elderly person occur?

when someone knowingly, by deception or intimidation, obtains or uses a disabled adult's or elderly person's funds, assets or property

Define embezzlement

when someone wrongfully takes money or other property entrusted to them for safekeeping and uses it for their own personal gain

List some Federal Law enforcement agencies under the Department of Justice (4)

• Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) • Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) • The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) • United States Marshals Service

Name the four levels of courts within the State of Florida

• Florida County Courts • Florida Circuit Courts • Florida District Courts of Appeal (DCA) • Florida Supreme Court

List some state law enforcement agencies (8)

• Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) • Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) • Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) • Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) • Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (ABT) • Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services • Florida Department of Financial Services • Florida Office of the Attorney General

List some Federal Law enforcement agencies under the Department of the Treasury (3)

• Internal Revenue Service (IRS) • Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) • U. S. Postal Inspection Service

What does F.S. 839 cover? (2)

• Refusal to execute Criminal process • Misuse of Confidential Information

List some Unprofessional Behaviors (5)

• Stereotyping • Bias/Prejudice • Discrimination • Perception • Assumptions

List some protections to the Law Enforcement Officer's Bill Of Rights provide (10)

• The officer under investigation must be informed of the nature of the complaint, the identity of the complainant, and must have the opportunity to review all evidence prior to the interrogation • The interrogation shall be conducted at a reasonable hour, preferably while the officer is on duty • The interrogation shall take place at the office of the command • The officer under investigation shall be informed of the rank, name, and command of the officer in charge of the investigation, the interrogating officer, and all people present during the interrogation • All questions directed to the officer under interrogation shall be asked by or through one interrogator during any one investigative interrogation, unless specifically waived by the officer under investigation • Interrogation sessions shall be limited to reasonable periods of time • The officer under interrogation may not be subjected to threats or coercion • The interrogation must be recorded • The officer under investigation has the right to counsel • Whenever an officer is subject to disciplinary action, he or she has the right to address interrogation findings before discipline is imposed

List the three types of courts in the Federal court system

• United States District Courts • Courts of Appeal • Supreme Court of the United States

List some Federal Law enforcement agencies under the Department of Homeland Security (4)

• United States Secret Service • U.S. Customs and Border Protection • U.S. Coast Guard • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE),

What are some examples of assumptions? (2)

• Young people are disrespectful to elders and authority • Older people pose no threat to officers

List some examples of personal values (13)

• attitudes about work • courage • honesty • fairness • friendship • trustworthiness • respect • responsibility • compassion • service • self-discipline • caring • citizenship

What are some examples of inappropriate information sharing ? (3)

• divulging information obtained from a criminal justice database • sharing crime scene photos • sharing identification of victims, witnesses, or suspects

What type of cases are handled by the Florida Circuit Courts? (7)

• domestic cases, such as dissolution of marriage (divorce), guardianship, and juvenile delinquency • (felonies), which can result in imprisonment in a state correctional institution • wills and settling of the estates of deceased persons • civil cases greater than $15,000 • Baker Act and Marchman cases • search and arrest warrants within the circuit • appeals from county court judgments, except when a state statute or provision of the state constitution is held invalid

List some influences that many affect an officer regarding Ethical Problem Solving (6)

• family values • values learned during childhood • coworkers • home life • stress • community's feelings towards an officer

What are some examples of verbal sexual harassment? (3)

• giving sexual compliments, • pressuring someone for dates, or • ridiculing with a sexual message

What type of courts does the court system in the United States include?

• local • county • state • federal

What are some examples of nonverbal sexual harassment? (3)

• making facial gestures, • displaying nude pictures • using suggestive body language

What are some consequences of sexual harassment? (7)

• mandatory retraining • leave without pay • loss of rank • termination • revocation the officer's certification • monetary damages • imprisonment

What can stereotypes, perceptions, and assumptions do to an officer? (3)

• may cause an officer to act on emotions • may cause an officer to exclude vital information in an investigation • may minimize officer safety

What must a person complete to become a certified law enforcement officer? (4)

• meet all the minimum requirements and standards • complete the approved basic recruit training • pass the State Officer Certification Examination • become actively employed with a law enforcement agency in an auxiliary, part-time, or full-time sworn officer position

What punishments can officers accessing any criminal justice databases, such as the Florida Driver and Vehicle Information Database (DAVID), the Florida Crime Information Center/National Crime Information Center (FCIC/NCIC), and the Florida Criminal Justice Network (CJNET) for "curiosity" purposes receive? (2)

• prosecution under s. 815.06, F.S. • civil liability

In what two forms may sexual harassment manifest itself?

• quid pro quo • hostile work environment

List some fundamental duties of a Law Enforcement Officer (in Law Enforcement Code of Ethics) (6)

• serve the community • safeguard lives and property • protect the innocent against deception • protect the weak against oppression or intimidation • protect the peaceful against violence or disorder • respect the constitutional rights of all

List some characteristics of professionalism (11)

• service • integrity • respect • quality • fairness • honesty • courage • compassion • moral/ethical leadership • trustworthiness • common sense

List some of the rank structure found in law enforcement

• sheriff or chief of police • undersheriff or chief deputy, deputy chief of police • colonels • majors • captains • lieutenants • sergeants • corporals • deputies or officers

What are some examples of physical sexual harassment? (3)

• touching and brushing against someone • hugging and patting • horseplay

List some Ethical Behaviors in Law Enforcement (7)

• treating all people with courtesy and fairness • refusing to accept or offer gratuities • preserving evidence • giving true and impartial testimony • obeying all laws and regulations • protecting the civil rights of everyone • respecting confidential and privileged communication

What are some examples (types) of sexual harassment? (3)

• verbal, • nonverbal • physical actions

Minimum requirements and standards to become a certified officer (10)

•19 years of age •U.S. citizen •H.S. graduate •physical exam •finger prints •background investigation •complete basic recruiting course •pass state exam •no felonies or misdemeanors involving perjury •no dishonorable discharge

In general (there is a long list), when can the Commission take action against an officer's certification? (6)

•felony offenses •perjury/lying •officer fails to maintain good moral character •DUI/Controlled Substances •Sexual harassment/sex on duty/unprofessional relationships •subvertion of training examinations or examination process

What are some penalties that may be imposed on an officer? (4)

•written reprimand •revocation of certification •probation of up to two years •suspension of up to two years (last 2 may be with or without mandatory retraining or counseling)

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