Statistics - Mod 1

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What are the two meanings of the term statistics?

A group of methods used to collect, analyze, present, and interpret data to make decisions Numerical facts from sample data, such as the age of a student or the income of a family


A numerical measure that represents a population


A numerical measure that represents a sample

Representative Sample

A sample that represents the characteristics of the population as closely as possible

Sampling without Replacement

A sampling method in which the item selected at each selection is not put back in the population before the next selection

Sampling with Replacement

A sampling method in which the item selected at each selection is put back in the population before the next item is drawn

Which of the following quantitative variables are continuous? Number of people in line for a roller coaster Amount of time a student spends studying for a test Family size Amount of snowfall each day A person's weight

Amount of time a student spends studying for a test Amount of snowfall each day A person's weight

The State Education Department requires local school districts to keep these records on all students: age, race or ethnicity, days absent, current grade level, standardized test scores in reading and mathematics, and any disabilities or special educational needs the student may have. Which of the following are categorical (or qualitative) variables in these records? Student Name Mathematics Test Score Reading Test Score Current Grade Level (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior) Days Absent Age Disabilities or Special Needs Race or Ethnicity

Current Grade Level Disabilities or Special Needs Race or Ethnicity

A data set consists of the ages of death of selection of 29 past United States presidents.

Do these data represent a sample or a population? sample Are the data qualitative or quantitative? quantitative

Which of the following are quantitative variables?

Number of students in a calculus class Amount of time it takes to assemble a puzzle

The data below give the amount of money spent on fast food by 14 individuals over a one week period. Calculate the percentile rank of 8 and 52. Round solutions to one decimal place, if necessary. 7, 7, 8, 8, 13, 17, 34, 44, 45, 45, 48, 51, 52, 55

Percentile Rank of 8 = 21.4% (2+0.5(2))/14 * 100 Percentile Rank of 52 = 89.3% (12+0.5(1))/14 * 100 (x + 5y)/n * 100

The data below give the ages of a random sample of 12 people. Calculate the first, second, and third quartiles of the data. Also determine the interquartile range. 23, 24, 34, 46, 52, 63, 67, 73, 75, 82, 85, 87

Q1 = 40 (34+46)/2 Q2 = 65 (63+67)/2 Q3 = 78.5 (75+82)/2 IQR = (78.5 - 40)

Which of the following are qualitative variables?

State in which a person lives Rating of a customer service representative (excellent, good, fair, poor)


The collection of all elements whose characteristics are being studied

Steam-and-leaf plot 1 - 0,1,1,2,8,8 2 - 1,2,4,5,6,6 3 - 0,1,2,6,6,9 4 - 0,1,1,1,6,6 5 - 1,2,2,4,4,7

The data is uniform

The following table gives the Test 1 scores for 6 randomly selected statistics students. (Student / Test 1 Score) Student 1 / 92 Student 2 / 91 Student 3 / 85 Student 4 / 97 Student 5 / 75 Student 6 / 94

This data set contains: 6 elements 6 observations What is the variable of this data set? Test 1 Score

"Frequency" is how many times a random variable occurs in the data set.


The following table gives the favorite color of each student in a large statistics class. (color / frequency) Blue / 69 Yellow / 94 Red / 69 Green / 91 Purple / 74 Pink / 86

What is the variable of this data set? color How many observations are in this data set? 483 The data in the table are Population and Qualitative


a subset of the population selected for study

A survey of families living in a certain city was conducted to collect information on the following variables: age of the oldest person living in the family, number of family members, number of males in the family, number of females in the family, whether or not the they own a house, income of the family, whether or not the family took vacations during the past year, whether or not they are happy with their financial situation, and the amount of their montly mortgage or rent. a) Which of the variables are qualitative? b) Which of the variables are quantitative? c) Which of the variables are discrete? d) Which of the variables are continuous?

a) house owned or not happy with financial situation or not Vacation in the past year or not b) Family income Number of females in the family Number of males in the family Age of oldest person in the family Amount of monthly mortgage or rent c) Number of females in the family Vacation in the past year or not House owned or not Happy with financial situation or not Number of males in the family Age of oldest person in the family d) Family income Amount of monthly mortgage or rent

Data were collected for 494 fish from Fort Pierce Inlet. The length of the fish (in mm) is summarized in the table below. (Lengths (mm) / Frequency) 200 - 203 / 43 204 - 207 / 78 208 - 211 / 42 212 - 215 / 44 216 - 219 / 39 220 - 223 / 89 224 - 227 / 29 a) What is the class boundary between the first and second classes? b) What is the lower limit of the sixth class? c) What is the midpoint of the fifth class? d) What is the upper limit of the sixth class?

a) 203.5 b) 212 c) 217.5 d) 207

The following table gives all Test 2 scores for a statistics class. Complete the stem-and-leaf plot below. Describe the shape of the distribution. 79 71 79 91 64 71 97 82 54 65 99 99 99 99 93 84 69 90 81 89 88 76 82 94 88

a) Data were collected for 1 quantitative variable b) Do these data constitute a population or sample? population c) Complete the stem-and-leaf plot below. 5 - 4 6 - 4, 5, 9 7 - 1, 1, 6, 9, 9 8 - 1, 2, 2, 4, 8, 8, 9 9 - 0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9 d) In regard to shape, the data are left-skewed

Twenty students were asked about their favorite college class. The results are listed below. Let A = Astronomy, B = Biology, C = Chemistry, M = Mathematics, and E = English. A B C M A E B A E C E B E E B A M B M B a) The data in the table above are b) Complete the frequency distribution for the data. c) Complete the relative frequency distribution for the data. Round solutions to three decimal places, if necessary.

a) qualitative b) (Class / Frequency) Astronomy / 4 Biology / 6 Chemistry / 2 Math / 3 English / 5

The following data set contains the Test 1 scores of all students in a statistics class. 53 56 57 58 59 59 64 64 70 71 72 76 77 77 78 78 79 80 81 82 82 83 83 84 86 88 88 89 90 99 a) The data in the table above are b) Complete the frequency distribution for the data. c) Complete the cumulative frequency distribution for the data. d) Complete the relative frequency distribution for the data. Round solutions to two decimal places, if necessary.

a) quantitative and discrete b) (score / frequency) 50-59 / 6 60-69 / 2 70-79 / 9 80-89 / 11 90-99 / 2 c) 50-59 / 6 60-69 / 8 70-79 / 17 80-89 / 28 90-99 / 30 d) 50-59 / 0.2 60-69 / 0.07 70-79 / 0.3 80-89 / 0.37 90-99 / 0.07

Determine whether the value is a parameter or statistic: a) 20% of vehicles sold are compact cars. b) In a weight loss research study the sample of 50 men lost an average of 2.5 pounds. c) Caldwell Community College determined that 89% of students who took MAT 152 successfully completed the course. d) In a recent sample of 250 people, it was found that 25% do not bathe everyday.

a. parameter b. statisitc c. parameter d. statisitc

In a study, the data you collect is Hair Color. These data are:


A data set of monthly expenditures (rounded to the nearest dollar) incurred at coffee shops by a sample of 800 households has a minimum value of $12 and a maximum value of $210. Suppose we want to group these data into six classes of equal widths. Assuming we take the lower limit of the first class as $1 and the upper limit of the sixth class as $210, determine the class limits, boundaries, and midpoints for a grouped quantitative data table. Hint: To determine the class width, divide upper limit of the sixth class (210) by the number of classes (6).

class width = 35 (210/6) (Class Limits / Lower Boundary / Upper Boundary / Class Midpoint) 1 - 35 / 0.5 / 35.5 / 18 36 - 70 / 35.5 / 70.5 / 53 71 - 105 / 70.5 / 105.5 / 88 106 - 140 / 105.5 / 140.5 / 123 141 - 175 / 140.5 / 175.5 / 158 176 - 210 / 175.5 / 210.5 / 193

Is the following value from a discrete or continuous data set? The number of children a person has

discrete (# of possible values is countable)

Categorical variables are the same as quantitative variables.

false categorical - data represents groups quantitative - data represents amounts

Calculate the 17th and 74th percentiles of the data set shown below. 1, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25

i = P / 100 (N + 1) i = 49/100 (10+1) i = 5.39 (5)

Determine what the key terms refer to in the following survey.To determine the average number of classes Oxnard College students were taking, a group of 32 Oxnard College students were given and answered the following survey.How many classes you are taking this semester?

parameter - The average number of classes of all students in Oxnard College is 2.7 statistic - The average number of classes of those 32 students in the sample is 3 sample - The 32 Oxnard College students who were surveyed population - All students in Oxnard College

In a study, the data you collect is Air pressure (psi).This data is:


In a study, the data you collect is Wage per hour.This data is:


In a study, the data you collect is Weight in pounds. This data is:


In a study, the data you collect is The GPAs of some students at IRSC. These data constitute a


In a study, the data you collect is The number of manatees in some of Florida's counties. These data constitute a


Suppose you want to know what high school incoming freshman at a particular college came from. To estimate the percentage of incoming freshman from each of the area's high schools you take a sample of 200 incoming college freshman. Match the following:

sample - 200 incoming college freshman parameter -percentage of all incoming freshman who graduated from each area high school individual - an incoming college freshman statisitc - percentage of the 200 incoming college freshmen who graduated from each area high school variable - high school graduated from population - all incoming college freshmen

In 2010, the Pew Research Center questioned 709 adults in the U.S. to estimate the proportion of the population favoring marijuana use for medical purposes. It was found that 77% are in favor of using marijuana for medical purposes. State the individual, variable, population, sample, parameter and statistic.

sample - The 709 adults in the U.S. surveyed individual - one adult in the U.S. variable - Favoring marijuana use for medical purposes population - All adults in the U.S. statistic - The 77 % in favor of using marijuana in the study. parameter - The 77 % in favor of using marijuana in the U.S.

Determine whether the value is a parameter or statistic. In a weight loss research study the sample of 50 women lost an average of 2.5 pounds


Determine whether the value is a parameter or statistic:In a random sample of 100 students who passed statistics, 60% used statistics in their future careers


m - 42, 22, 58, 13, 71 f - 10, 66, 28, 22, 38

∑mf = 6480 (42)(10) + (22)(66) + (58)(28) + (13)(22) + (71)(38) ∑m2f = 339052 (42)^2(10) + (22)^2(66) + (58)^2(28) + (13)^2(22) + (71)^2(38) (∑mf)^2 = 41990400 6480^2

Use the data below to complete the following calculations. 85, 79, 35, 82, 32, 79, 91, 50

∑x = 533 (85 + 79 + 35 + 82 + 32 + 79 + 91 + 50) ∑x^2 = 39,461 (7225 + 6241 + 1225 + 6724 1024 + 6241 + 8281 + 2500) (∑x)^2 = 284,089 (533 * 533)

Use the data below to complete the following calculations. x - 96, 21, 17, 10, 45, 78, 97, 94 y - 3, 70, 68, 29, 10, 94, 21, 48

∑xy = 17,535 (96*3)+(21*70)+(17*68)+(10*29)+(45*10)+(78*94)+(97*21)+(94+48) ∑x^2y = 1,294,933 (96^2*3)+(21^2*70)+(17^2*68)+(10^2*29)+(45^2*10)+(78^2*94)+(97^2*21)+(94^2+48) (∑xy)2 = 307,476,225 17,535^2

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