steps of the scientific method
step eight (conclusion)
the eighth step of the scientific method, you need to summerize your experiment. It should include if your hypothesis was correct or not and why, is should also include a restated hypothesis and what the answer to the problem was.
step five (procedures)
the fifth step of the scientific method, it is step by step instructions on how to perform the experiment, it must be very detailed
step nine (possible reasons for error)
the final step of the scientific method, it is a numbered list of things that could have possibly caused errors in your experiment.
step 1 (state the problem)
the first step of the scientific method, it is the problem that needs to be answered, always written as a question
step four (materials)
the fourth step of the scientific method, it is getting all the supplies needed to begin the experiment.
step 2 (prior knowledge/research)
the second step of the scientific method, it is the things you already know about the experiment
step seven (organize/analyze data)
the seventh step of the scientific method, you must use graphs, charts, tables, etc. to organize all your recorded data
step six (observations/ record data)
the sixth step of the scientific method, you have to observe and right down the information you gather DURING the experiment
step 3 (hypothesis)
the third step of the scientific method, it is your educated guess that answers the problem