Summer Bio Exam 1

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which of the following is a major problem for sessile animals

they are unable to escape unfavorable environmental conditions

adult tunicates develop which of the following


Which of the following is the structural and molecular data that indicate that land plants probably descended from a group of green algae?


which of the following is the structural and molecular data that indicate that land plants probably descended from a group of green algae


designate the hyphae of two different mating types of black bread molds as + and -. mating of these two types is correctly classified as which of the following


which of the following is NOT an adaptation that contributes to the biological success of incsects?

high intraspecific competition

Which of the following are exclusively marine?


what type of lead venation do eudicots possess


the hypha, a filament that makes up the vegetative body of most fungi, serves which of the following functions

nutrient absorption

In mushrooms, karyogamy occurs within the basidium


members of phylum Ctenophora are diploblastic but lack cnidocytes


Which of the following has vertebrae that are concave at both ends?


which of the following is NOT an example of an animal disease caused by an ascomycete


the most closely related animal to vertebrates are the


Ctenophores capture food:

using adhesive glue cells that trap prey

which of the following is NOT a function of (typical) amphibian skin

waste excretion

which genus is used to produce beer and wine


The name conifer comes from the reproductive parts of conifers as they have separate male and female reproductive parts in different locations on the same plant. What is the technical name for the structures bearing these reproductive parts?


Which is a characteristic of tapeworms

Tapeworms have bodies that consist of hundreds of reproductive segments.


The branching, threadlike tubes that make up the bodies of multicellular fungi

metamorphosis occurs in which of the following vertebrate classes?


the tetrapods include

amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals

the sac fungi are characterized by sexual reproductive structures called


refer to the accompanying figure. The structure labeled as 1 are used for


saccharomyces cerevisiae are useful for which of the following


an elogate uniramid with many legs as well as poison claws is known as a


In cnidarians, nematocysts are housed within why type of specialized cell?


Your abdominal cavity, which contains most of your major organs, is a:

coelom lined by mesoderm

The sori of most ferns are found on which part of the plant?


In a fungus, a complex multicellular reproductive structure is called a(n):

fruiting body

what is a fungal chemical that shows promise as an anticancer agent because of its ability to inhibit the formation of new blood vessels?


Which generation is significantly reduced in size and entirely dependent on the sporophyte generation?


The haploid portion of the life cycle is called the _____ because it gives rise to haploid gametes by mitosis

gametophyte generation

which fungal group is coenocytic and reproduce asexually via blastospores


a plant with parallel veins and floral parts in threes or multiples of three would be classified as a:


Heterospory is believed to have led to the evolution of


according to the fossil record, the oldest vascular plants are placed in which phylum?


the most diverse, successful, and familiar group of plants today are the


Which of the following groups use very long pedipalps as pinchers for capturing prey?


the epidermis of a nematode is derived from the


what is the mode of nutrition for clams and oysters

filter feeders

One ancestral characteristic remaining in representatives of the Chytridiomycota is:

flagellated cells

meiosis occurs forming spores within which of the following


chytrids produce which of the following cells at some point during their life cycle, which is an indicator of fungal evolution


is the evolutionary process in which the spaces between close branches become filled with chlorophyll-containing cells


Which of the following are interesting research plants for studies in genetics because they are polyploids and have multiple sets of chromosomes


Which of the following explains why fewer animals live in freshwater than in the ocean?

freshwater is generally hypotonic to tissue fluids

To include your eyes and ears in the same section, you would need to cut your body in which plant?


_______ has been an important medicinal plant for centuries and is still a common herbal remedy today


the oldest known megafossils of early vascular plants may be characterized as:

possessing dichotomously branched stems without leaves or roots

which is the most economically important bryophyte


which arthropod has chelicerate, pedipalps, and silk glands


what is the key characteristic that defines the Ecdysozoa clade?

the animal molts

which of the following is NOT characteristic of cnidarians?

they have one body shape, known as medusa

Refer to the accompanying figure. The structure labeled as 4 is a


The amphibians are believed to have arisen from ancestral:

sacropterygian fishes

the anterior end of a tapeworm is known as the


the third genophyte genus, ____________, contains a single species found in deserts of southwestern Africa


One true characteristic of all animals is that they:

are heterotrophs

the first function of feathers was most likely

as color displays in courtship rituals

Ascomycetes reproduce sexually by forming:


which of the following terms is associated with polychaetes


biramous appendages in arthropods are only present in which organisms


which of the following were important plants millions of years ago, when species that are now extinct often reached great size

club mosses

How do protostomes differ from deuterostomes?

Protostomes undergo spiral cleavage during development.

Consuming even a single mushroom of the genus ____ can be fatal.


are divided into three distinct phyla: mosses, liverworts, and hornworts


after embryonic development, members of the phylum Rotifera are incapable of

cell division

like fungi, chytrid cell walls contain which of the following


which of the following is a characteristic shared between green algae and plants

chlorophyll a and b in plastids

the common ancestor of all animals is/are the


Microphylls is a structure that can only be found in

club mosses

fungi that lack septa are called


Sponges are believed to have arisen from the choanoflagellates because they possess:

collar cells

puffballs and bracket fungi are most closely related to

common edible mushrooms

Recent studies of gene function as it relates to reproductive development suggest that angiosperms evolved most directly from:


recent studies of gene function as it relates to reproductive development suggests that angiosperms evolved most directly from


lichens are currently thought to be an example of which the following

controlled parasitism

which phylum's very few surviving species are tropical and subtropical plants with stout, trunk-like stems, and compound leaves that resemble those of palms or tree ferns


The first plants to produce seeds evolved during which time period?

denovian period

which of the following is NOT characteristic of (most) deuterostomes?

determinate cleavage

Cycads may be characterized as being:

dioecious and having motile sperm

Which of the following phyla is unusual because it is composed of a single species?


lichens are most typically formed by the symbiotic association of an alga or cyanobacterium and


which fungal group is coenocytic and reproductive asexually via blastospores


The body wall of cnidarians and ctenophores consist of:

inner and outer cell layers separated by a jelly-like mesoglea

which class of animals has the largest number of species?


Seed plants produce ovules, each of which is a megasporangium surrounded by


a marine invertebrate placed into freshwater would have difficulty surviving because

it would have difficulty with osmoregulation

Flowering plants appeared in the fossil record in the:

jurassic and lower cretaceous periods

Which process takes place within the young basidia on the gills of the mushroom?


Sharks detect motion in the water or waves by their:

lateral lines

the monotremes are an unusual group of mammals because they

lay eggs

bilateral symmetry and cephalization are adaptations for which of the following


occurs in the capsules and produces haploid spore


The structure labeled as 9 in the accompanying figure was produced by

meiosis in the resting sporangium

probably originated as outgrowths of stem tissue that developed a single vascular strand later


which of the following are NOT protostomes


Arthropods with mandibles, a single pair of antennae, and two legs on most body segments are:


Which process marks the start of the dikaryotic stage (n + n) in the fungal reproductive cycle?


when a moss spore lands in a suitable spot, it germinates and grows into a filament of cells called a


In which group did the amniotic egg first evolve?


You are told that the digestive tract of the animal you are studying developed an anus before a mouth. You realize that you may be looking at a

sea star

what do ferns lack


In most fungi, hyphae are divided by cross walls, termed which of the following?


If adult sponges are sessile, why can they still be classified as animals?

sponge larvae are motile

Which of the following is NOT an example of a cnidarian?


when two gametes fuse, the diploid portion of the life cycle is called

sporophyte generation

Lancelets are

filter feeders

the oldest definitive trace of flowering plants in the fossil record consists of

ovules enclosed in podlike fruits

Plants that have a distinct haploid stage and diploid stage exhibit:

alternation of generations

gametophytes also produce female gametangia known as


The first air-breathing land animals were:


the fungus that causes black stem rust of wheat belongs to which fungal group?


the nervous system of many species of flatworms

is a "ladder-type"

an animal found in the rocky intertidal zone has eight overlapping plates and is tightly adhereing to the rock with a muscular foot. This animal is most likely a member of the class


one characteristic of class bivalvia is that they

possess two shells with a hinge

Which of the following is a marine species that is segmented and has many setae, a well-developed head, separate sexes, and trochophore larva?

sandworms and tubeworms

Refer to the accompanying figure. what is missing in the filament labeled as A


in most fungi, hyphae are divided by cross walls termed


which of the following is heterosporous

spike moss

the endosperm of an angiosperm seed is typically

triploid (3n)

the coelacanth is found in the class


as bilateral symmetry evolved, natural selection led to which of the following?


what specialized structure do crustaceans use to sense gravity


which of the following is characteristic of flatworms

they are acoelomate (have no body cavity)

Which vascular tissue is responsible for conducting water and dissolved minerals in plants?


which unicellular fungus is probably in most kitchens


The head end of an animal is known as its:

anterior end

the haploid gametophytes produce male gametangia known as


which is an example of a member of phylum Zygomycota

black bread mold

sea stars are primarily


segmentation is important in annelids as an aid in


What are the two clades of the protostomes?

lophotrochozoa and ecdysozoa

which two plants of the carboniferous period contributed to the formation of today's coal deposits

horsetails and club mosses

Progymnosperms had two derived features, which are:

megaphylls and woody tissue

which of the following does NOT have a coelom


Gas exchange in terrestrial insects is accomplished through

the use of a tracheae

the genus Pinus, by far the largest genus in the conifers, consists of about how many species?


Which statement best describes a lophophore?

It is a ciliated ring of tentacles surrounding the mouth

Which animal phylum has an asymmetrical body plan?


where does digestion in a sponge take place?

individual cells

the gametophyte generation of ferns is the


Within the phylum Cnidaria, corals are most closely related to which organism?

sea anemones

_____ include oaks, roses, mustards, cacti, blueberries, and sunflowers; these are either herbaceous or woody


Which of the following is NOT true of lichens?

Lichens can all be seen with an unaided eye

How do mosses help prevent soil erosion?

Mosses are packed in dense colonies, holding soil together

which vascular tissue in both gymnosperms and flowering plants is for conducting water and dissolved minerals


which group of plants were the most recent to evolve?


lungs first evolved in which group

bony fishes

a fish with a cartilaginous skeleton and paired fins would be in the group


Hyphae that contain two genetically distinct, sexually compatible nuclei within each cell are described as:


in most developing eudicot seeds, the primary source of nutritive material is in the


Lichens are most typically formed by the symbiotic association of an alga or cyanobacterium and a(n):


one characteristic of the class Holothuroidea is that they

have a reduced endoskeleton consisting of microscopic plates embedded in the body wall

Which are the animals with a crown of cilia that look like a spinning wheel?


which of the following protostomes has bristles, called setae, which provide traction during crawling


which is critical to polychaete and oligochaete locomotion?


tunicates are often mistaken for which of the following


which of the following are exclusively terrestrial?

chilopods and diplopods

Many seedless plants produce spores of one morphological type, which is referred to as:


which plant has a jointed hollow stem with reduced megaphylls


A flower that has sepals, petals, and stamens, but lacks carpels, is known as:

incomplete and imperfect

most mollusks are


a grasshopper belongs in the Ecdysozoa clade because of its ability to


Each spore divides by mitosis to produce a _________________ , and the cycle continues.

multicellular gametophyte

which of the following embryonic cells are unique to vertebrates

natural crest cells

marsupials include the


Which term can be applied to both monotremes and sharks?


which term describes an animal that lays eggs


which part of a flowering plant is the immature male gametophyte

pollen grain


spores formed by fungi that are formed without the protection of a sac

what type of root system is prevalent of eudicots


Echinoderms' radial symmetry enables which of the following

the ability to respond effectively in every direction of their surrounding environment

mammals descended from a group of reptiles known as


The first animals to show cephalization have several characteristics. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

these animals had a proboscis

Which is a characteristic of ribbon worms and flatworms?

they are acoelomates

a bilaterally symmetrical animal has how many axes


cycads were very important during the _______ which began about 251 million years ago

triassic period

the most unique feature of the echinoderms is their

water vascular system

yeast reproduces asexually by:



Produced by meiosis. Grow into haploid organisms by mitosis.

how can radial symmetry be an advantage to slow-moving or sessile marine organisms?

It allows them to move in different positions

what is the male sexual structure that produces sperm in plants?


A bryophyte having a single large chloroplast in each cell belongs to which phylum?


which chordate group has the most species

bony fishes

which statement about gymnosperms and angiosperms is FALSE

both groups have free-living gametophytes

______ are the only living nonvascular plants


how are the sperm of moss transported to the archegonia

by both insects and water

which pair of words is incorrectly matched

coelom-no body cavity

spiny echidnas are unlike other mammals in that they

do not have nipples

The earliest mammals resembled small:


which of the following is mismatched

dutch elm disease-glomeromycetes

which of the following phyla is a deuterostome


which of the following is NOT a member of the lepidosaur lineage

extant turtles

which of the following is NOT an adaptation needed for living on land

external respiratory surfaces

arthropods with mandibles, a single pair of antennae and two legs on most body segments are


As a contemporary scientist, which of the following would you use as evidence to propose changing the traditional animal phylogenies?

molecular data

which structure places a fish in the class actinopterygii

more flexible fins with less bone

sea stars eat:

mostly crustaceans and mollusks

the organic material compresses to form


which of the following is NOT an example of a flightless bird


which of the following appears to have evolved independently in different animal taxa, and therefore its presence is not considered a useful characteristic for determining phylogeny


segmentation in arthropods differs from that of annelids because arthropod segments are


the intermediate host for a blood fluke is a


allomyces has an unusual life cycle in that it spends part of its life as a multicellular haploid thallus and part as a multicellular diploid thallus. This life cycle is known as which of the following

alternation of generations

lichens reproduce mainly by asexual means, usually by which of the following?


which structure do numerous mollusks use to scrape algae off rocks


after fertilization in angiosperms, what does the ovule develop into?


larval tunicates superficially resemble which of the following



the fruiting body of a sac fungus

Extracts from the ginkgo tree are sold in over-the-counter (OTC) medicines purported to increase memory. Extracts from what other gymnosperm were once sold in OTC weight loss supplements?


which of the following genes were similar in the last common ancestor of bilateral animals

Hox genes

which vascular tissue is responsible for conducting water and dissolved minerals in plants?


salamanders are members of the order


the club fungi typically reproduce by producing:


from an evolutionary perspective, true nerve cells are first seen in the phylum


the lining of the digestive tube is formed from


the oldest known mega fossils of _________, discovered in New York are dated at 380 millions years old. These trees, which were about 8 m tall, had vascular tissues but no leaves and a minimal root system

fernlike trees

which of the following deuterostomes has a proboscis?

acorn worms

what makes up most of the mass of an individual mushroom

underground mycelium

hagfishes are differentiated from lampreys and all other fishes in that

hagfishes lack vertebrae

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