Supply Chain

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List 2 KPIs for logistic

1 Billing to invoice, Accuracy of invoices, Invoice data backup Service: unload/load times and dispatch performance Reporting-rated the information they are able to proved(revenue /# of loads, Trucks per day, miles driven)

PO creation and supplier creation.

1) PO requests are submitted via 1-click to the Procurement team 2)In SWPS procure selects the item to be ordered out of the catolog to generate a regualar PO(if it doesnt exist a special PO can be created) 3)GR has to be created in SWPS within 3 days(buyers manual) SUPPLIER 1)if suppliers are on ASL (Approved Supplier List) the requisition of goods or services can be processed 2) If the supplier does not exist in ASL we must involve the sourcing department to ID a suitable suppler 3)In some cases local sourcing may be completed -Each area shall have their own approved criteria that will define under that criteria a procurement person can source

What is the BOL and its purpose

A legal document between the shipper of goods and the carrier detailing the type, quantity, and destination of goods. -Serves as a receipt of shipment when good are delivered. Signed by shipper, carrier, and receiver.

Buy Pay Matrix?

A tool used by procurement and sourcing to id the Preferred/optimal method of purchasing a item (SWPS/P-Card,expesne etc) The tool governs all 3rd party transactions globally. Any deviations should be approved on Quest.

Slow moving, Excess and obsolete inventory?

A) Slow moving has not been issued from a store or ware hose in at least 12 months, B) Excess-Inventory over maximum stocking level quantity C)Obsolete- 1)inventory no longer required in market 2)customized inventory that has not moved in 12 months, 3)inventory that is technically obsolete

What is the process of reporting cost savings? Where and how you can do it? How you can achieve cost savings?

As a G11 coordinate activity and efforts with supply change. you can report cost savings on the website. Gross savings should be calculated on a monthly basis or contract based.

Explain CC and PLC

CC are confidentaility codes used to identify restrictions on the information of products. CC1 is the most restricted and CC3 is commoditiy. It corespons with the purchasing level codes

What are 2 different types of savings that are reported. Why is it important to share.

Cost Savings are cost reduection that impact the P & L of Schlumberger. 100 dollars per hr negotiated to 90 per hour is cost savings Cost Avoidance: Are costs that are avoided following a negotiation. Supply wants to rasie price to 150 but we say no we will go to 130. Cost avoidanced of 20. Its important to record all cost saving and avoidances to share ideas throughout the geomarket and focus on objectives

what are the main categories of suppliers in terms of their value and criticality? What sourcing stategies should be applied to each type?

Critical. Strategic, One Stop, Leverage 1) Projected Spend: Coordinate with the respective segment or stake holder to project spend 2)Cost Savings: Highlight oppurtunity to have cost savings 3) Quality Assessment: review suppliers RIR for Pervious year. Based on these develope action plan and align their quality with ours. 4) Classification: Not any classification or risk profile changes based on different interactions with the suppllier for next year 5) Future Projects: Specify any know projects or initiatives with the suplly that will take place over the next year.


DMI =distributor managed inventory Univar/RLI---inventory manage at third party distributoer VMI vendor managed inventory Nalco -They come to location or warehouse to tresupoply or restock

Explain FP 24 Poilicy?

FP 24 supports SLB Code of conduct mean to prevent corruption -Topics Business gifts and cortusy -Proecedure for sponsoring travel for non SLB Personnel -Agents and business partner standards Guidelines for hiring relatives ALL Employees under supply chain have to aknowledge this.

Gross saving Net Savings Cost Savings

GS=cost savings +Cost avoidances+FMT(field material transfer of excess invetory to another location) NS= Gross savings -cost increases CS=cost reduction+rebates

Possible Consequences of No Contract

Increased chance of disputes High risk of Litigation in case of dispute Dusputes will be setrted at Law Courts will defend implied duties and rights Rapid deteriotion of relationship Time consumming debates

How is inventory days caculaated

Inventory on hand/6 month consumption * 1 year/2

W/S does full inventory Count how often?

Least 2 times a year.

Who has the authority to approve suppliers?

NAM Supply chain manager or controller. Along with sourcing personnel and stakeholders. After set up sourcing has to insure successful use by procurement. Obsolete suppliers must be removed.

Explain P2P process

Procure to Pay- is the series of steps detailing SLB purchasing process 1)Procurement planning, 2) buy to pay matrix reference-tool used by procurement and sourcing personnel to ID preferred/optimal methods 3)Order Creation 4)Order Management 5)Good Reciept and Service Management 6)Return to vendor Process 7)Invoice verification and payment

What is P card?

Procurement Card (visa supplied by bank of America). USed for purchases as shown on the Buy to Pay Matrix. Do not use on hotel, fuel, personal, SWPS vendros, client entertainment, cash withdrawls, tuition,

What is the goal of Materials management?

Reduce working capital ie current assets-current liabilities=wc and Accounts recevable +inventory -Accounts payable=WC -Deacrease Stock out

What is the scope of logistics in SLB

Scope-Manage movements from one point to another. Products, People, Equipment,.

Describe at least 3 domains that supply chain is concerned with. Give overview of each give examples of the services they proved and how management of each domain affects total cost

Sourcing-Setting up contracts with suppliers with consideration for price, lead times, quality, etc) Procurement-Executing requisitions and orders for delivery in response to a specific need assuring products are purchased at agreed price, can track days and have written record. Logistics-Manage movement from one point to another(manage sand, gas, chems, hotshots, people, equipment)

Explain warehous management and its role in the chemical delivery process to the Feild. What is JIT and FIFO

Warehouse managers are responsible for proper storage, handling, and replenishment of all materials. -Layout, controlled access and LEAN applications JIT=just in time. Saves warehouse space and cost FIFO =first in first out. Insures oldest product goes out to control obselescence.

List at least 5 commonly used incoterms and describe the definitions of each?

Xworks- Pay product cost but not frieght. FOB-Freight on board- all end delivered price to location DDP-Deliver Duty payed. Seller pays all shipping related costs

Explain the MM structure in NAM area?

encompasses both financial inventory and M & S -1) Global Materials Manager 2) area segment manager 3)Geomarket Materials Manager 4)Warehous manager 5 Warehouse supervisor 6) Storekeeper Material distributer

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