Sutures, Skull, Bones, and Features
Maxilla Orbit
Floor or inferior wall of the orbit
Jugular Foramen
Foramen between the occipital and temporal bones near the styloid process.
Frontal Bone
Forms the forehead
Ethmoid Orbit
Medial wall of orbit, posterior to the lacrimal bone
Sagittal Suture
Midline articulation point of the two parietal bones
Mandibular Foramen
Paired opening on the medial surface of the mandibular ramus
Occipital Condyle
Paired rounded process lateral to the foramen magnum
Foramen Lacerum
Posterior & Lateral to the Foramen Ovale, Cartilage runs through it
Sphenoid Orbit
Posterior portion, part of the roof and lateral wall of the orbit
Styloid Process
Projection inferior to external acoustic meatus: attachment points for muscle and ligaments of the neck
Perpendicular Plate of the Ethmoid bone
Projects downward from the crista galli of the ethmoid bone; makes up the superior nasal septum
Temporal Process of the Zygomatic Bone
Projects posteriorly & articulates with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone forming the zygomatic arch
Superior Nuchal Line
Ridge that runs horizontally from the external occipital protuberance
Mastoid Process
Round projection (process) on the temporal bone behind the ear.
Vertical portion of the mandible.
bone that forms posterior/inferior part of the nasal septal wall between the nostrils
Mandibular Notch
notch / groove between the mandibular condyle and the coronoid process
Lower jaw bone
Lateral Margin of Orbit
1. Formed by extensions of the Frontal and Zygomatic Bones (Zygomaticofrontal Process) 2. Lies on Side of the Head 3. Anterior Edge Dips Concavely between Forehead & Cheek 4. Edge of Lateral Rim is Posterior to Medial Rim; Due to Bilateral Curvature of the Face
Mental Foramen
A small round radiolucent area located in the apical region of the mandibular
Coronoid Process
Anterior, non-articulating process of the ramus of the mandible which serves as the insertion for the temporalis muscle.
Coronal Suture
Between frontal and parietal bone
Frontal Orbit
Superior orbital wall
Palatine Bone
The bone which forms part of the hard palate of the mouth, part of the nasal cavity, and part of the orbital cavities.
Inferior Nasal Concha
Bone that protrudes into the inferior part of the nasal cavity; also known as the inferior turbinate bone
Zygomatic Arch
Bridge-shaped structure that connects the Temporal Bone to the Zygomatic Bone
External Occipital Protuberance
Bump on back of occipital bone
External Acoustic Meatus
Canal leading to eardrum and middle ear: tympanic region marking of the temporal bone
Mandibular Fossa
Deep concavity in the temporal bone at the root of the zygomatic arch that receives the condyle of the mandible
Zygomatic Process of Temporal Bone
Horizontal protrustion off of the anterior side of the temporal bone that connects with the zygomatic
Squamosal Suture
Joint separation between the Parietal Bone and Temporal Bone of the skull
Lambdoidal Suture
Joint separation between the Parietal and Occipital
Zygomatic Orbit
Lateral wall in orbit near zygomatic bone
Stylomastoid Foramen
Opening between the styloid process and mastoid process
Supraorbital Foramen
Opening superior to each eye socket
Lacrimal Orbit
Orbit of eye near nasal bone
Supraorbital Margin
The superior rim of the eye socket located on the frontal bone.
Ethmoid Bone
Thin, delicate bone that supports the nasal cavity and forms part of the orbits of the eye.
Infraorbital Foramen
This foramen is found in the maxillary bone, just inferior to the orbit.
Foramen Ovale
This foramen is found in the sphenoid bone on the middle fossa of the cranium.
Parietal Bone
Two bones between the frontal and occipital; on the side and top of the cranium
Maxilla Bone
Upper Jaw Bone
Hypoglossal foramen
hole between jugular foramen and foramen magnum
Temporal Bone
located below each parietal bone forming the lower sides and the base of the skull
Zygomatic Bone
the arch of bone beneath the eye that forms the prominence of the cheek
Sphenoid Bone
the bat-shaped bone that extends behind the eyes and forms part of the base of the skull
Occipital Bone
the bone found at the back and base of the skull
Mandibular Condyle / Condylar Process
the condyle of the ramus of the mandible that articulates with the skull