Test 1 Study Guide

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Disregarding air resistance, objects fall with constant A) acceleration. B) speed. C) velocity. D) distances each successive second.


f your automobile runs out of fuel while you are driving the engine stops but you do not come toan abrupt stop. The concept that most explains why is A) acceleration. B) inertia. C) resistance. D) gravity.


T/F: Speed and velocity are the same.



The acceleration of the ball was -10 m/s at all times. A) True B) False

A baseball player bats a ball with a force of 1000 N. The reaction force that the ball exerts againstthe bat is A) 1000 N. B) more than 1000 N. C) less than 1000 N. D) impossible to determine.


A car accelerates at 2 meters per second per second. Assuming the car starts from rest, how muchtime does it need to accelerate to a speed of 30 m/s? A) 15 seconds B) 2 seconds C) 30 seconds D) 60 seconds


A car is traveling around a circular race track. Its speesdometer reads a speed of 190 mph at alltimes. Which of the following is not true. A) Its velocity is constant B) Its speed is constant


A car maintains a constant velocity of 100 km/hr for 10 seconds. During this interval it acceleration is A) zero. B) 1000 km/hr. C) 110 km/hr. D) 10 km/hr.


A skydiver jumps from a high-flying plane. As her velocity of fall increases, her acceleration A) decreases. B) increases. C) remains unchanged regardless of air resistance.


An object is propelled along a straight-line path by a force. If the net force were doubled, theobject's acceleration would be A) twice as much. B) half as much. C) the same. D) four times as much.


If an object's mass is decreasing while a constant force is applied to the object, the acceleration A) increases. B) decreases. C) remains the same.


If no external forces are acting on a moving object it will A) continue moving at the same velocity. B) continue moving at the same speed. C) move slower and slower until it finally stops.


The force of gravity on the Moon is 1/6 as great as on the Earth. A man has a mass of 60 kg on theEarth. His mass on the Moon would be. A) 60 kgB) 10 kg C) 6 kg D) 0 kg


Whenever the net force on an object is zero, its acceleration A) is zero. B) may be more than zero C) may be less than zero.


Which of the following questions defines Physics? A) How does the Universe work? B) Why does the Universe work as it does?


Whirl a rock at the end of a string and it follows a circular path. If the string breaks, the tendency ofthe rock is to A) follow a straight-line path. B) increase its speed C) continue to follow a circular path. D) revolve in a smaller circle


f one object has twice as much mass as another object, it also has twice as much A) inertia. B) volume. C) velocity. D) acceleration due to gravity.


A ball is thrown upwards and returns to the same position. Compared with its original speed after release, its speed when it returns is about A) twice as much. B) the same. C) four times as much. D) half as much.


A force is a vector quantity because it has both A) action and reaction counterparts. B) magnitude and direction. C) mass and acceleration.


A golf ball and a beach ball are dropped from rest at the same time onto a table from a height of 10meters (about 30 ft). Which one has the greater average acceleration during the fall? A) They have the same average acceleration. B) Ithe golf ball. C) the beach ball D) It cannot be determined.


A sheet of paper can be withdrawn from under a container of milk without toppling it if the paperis jerked quickly. This best demonstrates that A) gravity tends to hold the milk carton secure. B) the milk carton has inertia. C) there is an action-reaction pair of forces. D) the milk carton has no acceleration.


If a car increases its velocity from zero to 60 km/h in 10 seconds, its acceleration is A) 60 km/h/s. B) 6 km/h/s. C) 10 km/h/s. D) 600 km/h/s.


Two objects of the same size, but unequal weights are dropped from a tall tower. Taking air resistance into consideration, the object to hit the ground first will be the A) lighter object. B) heavier object. C) Both hit at the same time. D) not enough information


When a falling object has reached its terminal velocity, its acceleration is A) g. B) zero. C) constant.


While an object near the earth's surface is in free in fall, its A) acceleration increases. B) velocity increases. C) mass increases. D) mass decreases.


Ten seconds after starting from rest, an object falling freely will have a speed of A) 50 m/s. B) 10 m/s. C) 100 m/s. D) more than 100 m/s.


2 kilograms is approximately how many pounds? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4


2 meters is approximately how many feet? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 6


A 10-N falling object encounters 10 N of air resistance. The net force on the object is A) 6 N. B) 10 N. C) 4 N. D) 0 N.


A quarter and a dollar bill are dropped from rest at the same time onto a table from a height of 1meter. Which one hits the table first? A) the dollar B) the quarter C) They hit at the same time D) It dependend on the shape of the dollar .


An object is propelled along a straight-line path by a force. If the net force were doubled, theobject's acceleration would be A) four times as much. B) the same. C) half as much. D) twice as much.


The Earth is 93,000,000 mi from the Sun. The speed of the Earth around the Sun is approximately A) 24 mi/h B) 1000 mi/h C) 24,000 mi/h D) 67,000 mi/h


The force of gravity on the Moon is 1/6 as great as on the Earth. A man weighs 600 N on the Earth. His weight on the Moon would be. A) 0 N B) 60 N C) 600 N D) 100 N


The gain in speed each second for a freely-falling object is about A) 0. B) 20 m/s. C) 5 m/s. D) 10 m/s.


The vertical height attained by a basketball player who achieves a hang time of a full 1 s is A) about 1 m. B) about 0.8 m. C) about 2.5 m. D) about 1.2 m.


Which of the following is not a vector quantity? A) acceleration B) velocity C) displacement D) All are vector quantities.


T/F: A kilogram of gold weighs more in Denver than in Sarasota.


T/F: Any force acting on a mass produces an acceleration.


T/F: Displacement and distance moved are the same.


T/F: The Law of Inertia is another name for Newton's Third Law of Motion.


T/F: When a ball thrown into the air reaches its maximum height its acceleration is zero.


T/F: A car's speedometer reads instantaneous speed.


T/F: A ¼ lb package of meat weighs approximately 1Newton.


T/F: An object's mass is a measure of its inertia


T/F: Due to the Earth's rotation, a person standing at the equator is moving approximately 1,000 mph


T/F: One coffee filter reaches terminal velocity and falls 1/m/s. Four filters stacked together will fall faster.


T/F: The air resistance acting on a moving object depends on the speed of the object.


T/F: The law that explains the motion of a rocket is Newton's Third Law of Motion.


T/F: When a ball thrown into the air reaches its maximum height its velocity is zero.


T/F: When an object reaches terminal velocity, its acceleration is zero.



The graph above represents the motion of a baseball thrown straight up into the air by a girl. Use the graph in answering questions 44-47. The ball was traveling up during the entire trip? A) True B) False


The table below shows the time, distance , and speed of a ball moving in a straight line. The ball was moving at A) constant speed B) constant acceleration C) neither


The table below shows the time, distance , and speed of a ball moving in a straight line. The ballwas moving at A) constant speed B) constant acceleration C) neither

A heavy block at rest is suspended by a vertical rope. When the block is accelerated upward by therope, the rope tension A) decreases. B) increases. C) remains the same.


If less horizontal force is applied to a sliding object than is needed to maintain a constant velocity, A) the friction force increases. B) the object eventually slides to a stop. C) the object accelerates in the direction of the applied force. D) none of the above


If more horizontal force is applied to a sliding object than is needed to maintain a constant velocity, A) the object accelerates opposite the direction of the applied force. B) the object accelerates in the direction of the applied force. C) the friction force increases. D) two of the above


The reason for this is that A) The golf ball has more air resistance B) The beach ball has more air resistance C) They have the same amount of air resistance


Two factors that greatly affect air resistance on falling objects are the A) size and mass of the object. B) size and speed of the object. C) size and weight of the object.


A 10-kilogram block is pushed across a horizontal surface with a horizontal force of 20 N against afriction force of 10 N. The acceleration of the block in meters per second per second is A) 5. B) 10. C) 1. D) 2.


A girl drops a rock into an abandoned well. How deep is the well if the rock hits the bottom in4.0 s? Disregard the time it takes the sound to travel up the well. A) 10 m B) 40 m C) 80 m D) 160 m


A man leans over the edge of a cliff and throws a rock upward at 5.0 m/s. Neglecting air resistance,two seconds later the rock's speed is A) zero. B) 5.0 m/s. C) 15 m/s. D) 10 m/s.


A package falls off a truck that is moving at 30 m/s. Neglecting air resistance, the horizontal speedof the package just before it hits the ground is A) more than 30 m/s. B) zero. C) about 30 m/s. D) less than 30 m/s but larger than zero.


A player hits a ball with a bat. The action force is the impact of the bat against the ball. The reactionto this force is the A) weight of the bat. B) air resistance on the ball. C) force that the ball exerts on the bat. D) weight of the ball.


Arnold Strongman and Suzie Small each pull very hard on opposite ends of a massless rope in atug-of-war. The greater force on the rope is exerted by A) Suzie, surprisingly. B) Arnold, of course. C) both the same, interestingly enough.


If you drop an object, it will accelerate downward at a rate of 10 meters per second per second. Ifyou instead throw it downwards, its acceleration (in the absence of air resistance) will be A) greater than 10meters per second per second B) less than 10 meters per second per second. C) 10 meters per second per second.


Suppose a particle is being accelerated through space by a 10-N force. Suddenly the particleencounters a second force of 10 N in the opposite direction from the first force. The particle withboth forces acting on it A) decelerates gradually to a halt. B) is brought to a rapid halt. C) continues at the speed it had when it encountered the second force. D) theoretically tends to accelerate toward the speed of light.


The two measurements necessary for calculating average speed are A) velocity and distance. B) velocity and distance. C) distance and time. D) acceleration and time.


A 1000-kg automobile enters a freeway on-ramp at 20 m/s and accelerates uniformly up to 40 m/sin a time of 10 seconds. How far does the automobile travel during that time? A) 200 m B) 400 m C) 100 m D) 300 m


A car accelerates at 2 meters per second per second. Assuming the car starts from rest, how muchtime does it need to accelerate to a speed of 30 m/s? A) 2 seconds B) 30 seconds C) 60 seconds D) 15 seconds


A piece of rope is pulled by two people in a tug-of-war. Each pulls with 400 N of force. What is thetension in the rope? A) 600 NB) zero C) 800 N D) 400 N


Compared to a 1-kg block of solid iron, a 2-kg block of solid iron has twice as much A) inertia. B) volume. C) mass. D) all of these


Ten seconds after starting from rest, a car is moving at 50 m/s. What is the car's acceleration inmeters per second per second? A) 40 B) 10 C) 2.5 D) 5.0


The brakes of a speeding truck are slammed on and it skids to a stop. If the truck were heavilyloaded so that it had twice the total mass, the skidding distance would be A) 1/2 as far. B) 4 times as far. C) 2 times as far. D) the same.



The ball was traveling at 0 speed at what time? A) 0s B) .4s C) .8s D) none of these


The ball was traveling at 0 velocity at what time? A) 0.4s B) 0s C) 0.8s D) none of these

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