Test 2-1 Aaron good

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John Brown was executed following his illfated attack on

Hapers Ferry

Who was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

In what free state was Dred Scott taken to live, prompting his famous legal action


In 1831, _______ led a slave rebellion that killed more than 50 white southerners

Nat turner

The most successful slave rebellion was what?

Nat turner

Who actually wrote the Monroe Doctrine?

John Quincy Adams

Where was there so much violence that some believe that Civil War started there in 1857


What was the 1854 law which divided the Louisiana Purchase into two large territories in which the slavery issue would be decided by popular sovereignty?

Kansas Nebraska Act

What was the name of the nativist political party that emerged in the 1850's?

Know nothing Party

What was the reality of Nat turners rebellion?

Made slavery worse

As Missouri petitioned to become a state in the union- the storm of controversy over the allowing of slavery resulted in Missouri being added to the union as well as what other state?


John O' Sullivan coined what catchy phrase for American's god given right to the land from one ocean to another?

Manifest Destiny

Who was the presidential candidate who ran on a third party ticket in 1848?

Martin van Burch

Dividing the free North and the slave South, the border between Pennsylvania and Maryland was also known as the

Mason Dixon Line

The father/husband who owned a plantation was called the _______


The terrifying sexual mixing of races


What feature of plantation life, according to the textbook, generated the most anguish among white southern women?


In the old testament, slaves identified with the character of ____, who delivered his people from slavery


To encourage settlement in the land not densely populated, the Mexican government granted a huge tract of land to whom

Moses Austin

What issue caused the Civil War?


What was banned on Mexico but the Texan settlers from the United States brought anyway?


The mountainous region of the South, termed ____, was less geographically hospitable than the flatland to slavery and large plantations


Landless, Poor white men in the south dreamed of becoming:


After the Indian Removal act was found to unconstitutional by the supreme court, Jackson still forced the Indians to march west. What was this March called?

Trail of tears

What novel, published in 1852, served to galvanize Northern opposition to slavery?

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Zachary Taylor was a member of the

Whig Party

WHat party grew up in response to Jackson's election?


The Yeomen farmers, who were the poorest of all, were in favor of slavery, why?

White supremacy

Three out of four slave less southern whites were____ , small farmers who owned their own land.


The winner of the 1848 Presidential election:

Zachary Taylor

How did Millard Fillmore become president?

Zachary Taylor died

The Mystery Document refers to the queens dominions as what place?


Male female relationships in South were characterized by very traditional and patriarchal norm and ideals which we describe with the term


Without what product, would the North have been unable to industrialize?


Because of the crop's central importance to the political economy of the region, the south was described as the:

cotton kingdom

Jackson was the symbol of what new political party?


What major port was the South's largest city?

new orleans

The tax which the south called the Tariff of Abominations Was so unpopular that South Carolina threatened to do what to any tariffs?

nullify it

Southern slaveholders had a theory of_____, which legitimized slavery by emphasizing a kind of fatherly reciprocity which supposedly characterized the relationship between slave and master


Large farms with 20 or more slaves was known as ______


Most of the cotton in the South was grown in the ______ which streched from Southern Carolina to East Texas

plantation belt

A southern landowner with more than 20 slaves was known as a ...


In the plantation belt, the small independent farmers typically dreamed of becoming:


What class dominated Southern politics?


A compromise position was that the slavery question would be resolved through_____ which would give a territory's residents the power to resolve the issue

popular sovereignty

The fight over the expansion of slavery led to the creation of what political party?


What did the state of South Carolina do on December 20, 1860?

seceded from the US

partly in response to the efforts antislavery activists, southern states enacted laws in the 1820s and 1830s which demanded the total submission of slaves. these laws were known as

slave codes

In 1846, a Pennsylvania Congressman put forward a proposal to ban slavery on the territory acquired from the Mexican American War. What was the name of this plan?

the Wilmot Proviso

The nullification of a reduced Tariff led Jackson to push through what act?

the force act

The sparse industry on the South proceed what fraction of manufactured goods?


What approximate number per year made the journey north in search of freedom?


Though a slave learning to read and write was prohibited, some did and even a few became preachers- these preachers were looked upon with suspicion by whites and this was logical since how many uprisings were lead by preachers?


By 1860, how many slaves were in the U.S

4 million

What percentage of the popular vote did Lincoln get?


By the time Lincoln took office, how many states had seceded from the union?


How much of the world's cotton came from the American South?


What " historian term" does Green use to describe the Democratic party

A hot mess

What did the Whigs believe that Jackson was turning himself into?

A king

Who was the former Whig Congressman from Illinois who in 1858 campained as a Republican for an Illonois seat in the US senate?

Abraham Lincoln

The Age of Jackson is in reference to which Jackson?

Andrew Jackson

The two famous events in the mid 1850's which ratcheted up tensions between the North and South were

Bleeding Kansas and Bleeding Sumner

Because of the Fugitive Slave law, many freed women and men moved to


Several laws passed by congress allowed California to enter the Union as a free state while New Mexico and Utah would be decided by the state's populations. Collectively, these laws were called the

Compromise of 1850

In February of 1861, representatives from SC, GA, FL, AL, MS,LA, and TX created_____

Confederate States of America

What did Andrew Jackson call the election of John Quincy Adams?

Corrupt Bargain

Who was the freeborn black Bostonian who in 1829 published Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the world?

David Walker

What is Martin Van Buren credited for creating

Democratic Party

What political party won the Presidency in the elections of 1852 and 1856?


Who did the State of Carolina find guilty of plotting a massive slave insurrection in 1822?

Denmark vesey

In 1857, the US supreme court issued the notorious ____ decision, declaring that black americans were "so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect

Dred Scot

Slaves that worked in the cotton fields worked in gangs under an overseer or a what?


The time period after the War of 1812, which saw only one political party was called what?

Era of Good feelings

What do the nicknames" the Little Magician" and "old Hickory" tell us about the elections of the time?

For appealing to the people

What small group of people in the South were required to carry " freedom papers" and were according to aSouth Carolina judge- " a degraded caste of society,' and "ought, by law, to be compelled to demean themselves as inferiors?

Free blacks

What was the new third party that ran in the 1848 election?

Free soil Party

What was the most controversial part of the compromise of 1850?

Fugative Slave Law

A part of the Compromise of 1850, the _______ Act stipulated that all Us citizen, including Northerners, were expected to assist in apprehending runaway slaves

Fugitive slave act

In the New testament, slaves identified with the character of _______ who offered salvation to all


Who famously lead the group that killed five pro slavery settlers along the Pottawatomie Creek

John Brown

Who was the abolitionist who famously executed slave catchers in Kansas?

John Brown

What two men were fans of the American System?

John C. Calhoun/ Henry Clay

A depression emerged which was led off by what event?

Panic of 1837

With no national bank, local banks were given monies of the gov. , but it seemed that it was allocated to those that supported Jackson, leading many of Jackson's critics to refer to these local banks as:

Pet banks

What was the name of the anti slavery political party that emerged in the 1850's?

Republican party

Avowed Racist and all around ass-hat John C. Calhoun defended slavery as a good - what jobs did he have (which makes his views that much more upsetting)?

Secretary of State, Secretary of war, Vice president

Fort Sumner was fired upon by what forces?


What tiny man was a huge railroad backer?

Stephen Douglas

Who was Abraham Lincoln's opponent on a famous series of debates during the 1858 Illinois Senate race?

Stephen Douglas

What was Martin Van Buren's nickname?

The Little Magician

The mother/ wife of the man in charge was known as the ____.


In his final goodbye, John does not say "Dont forget to be awesome" but says,

dont forget to be abolitionists

The video game " Oregon Trail" was accurate in that a lot of people died of Cholera and what other diseases?


What long term solution did Abraham Lincoln favor for vlack Americans?


What was the name for the radical Southerners who urged secession from the Union?

fire eaters

What was one way that slaves could rebel against dehumanization which could be upset by the sale of one or more of the slaves?

forming families

Rather than allow slavery to expand Westward, Northerners wanted the land preserved for

free labor

Kansas joined the union of 1861 as what kind of state?

free state

What were 2 things that the South did not have which was a disadvantage to them in the Civil War?

industry railroads

To facilitate the transcontinental railroad, Stephen Douglas pushed for what two territories to become more state like?

kansas and nebraska

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