Test 2

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The fossils found at Dmanisi date to

1.77-1.7 m.y.a.

The first firm evidence for hominin stone tool manufacture is dated to

3.3 m.y.a.

What is the cranial capacity (brain size) of Australopithecus afarensis?

430 cm3

What was the cranial capacity of Au. afarensis?

430 cm3, close to the size of an average chimp

The first hearths date back to no more than

500,000 years.

The earliest reliable date for a human presence in Australia is ________ B.P.


How old is the possible human ancestor known as Sahelanthropus tchadensis?

7-6 million years old

The year 2015 was a particularly important one for announcements about which of the following discoveries?

A hard-to-reach cave in South Africa yielded a treasure trove of fossils. The earliest stone tools, dated to 3.3 m.y.a., were discovered in Kenya. The earliest member of the genus Homo, dated to 2.8 m.y.a., was found in Ethiopia.

The type of tool associated with Homo erectus is the

Acheulean hand ax.

The oldest Homo habilis and Homo erectus fossils can be found on which continent?


Which of the following statements about bonobos are true?

Among bonobos, the strongest social bonds are among females. Bonobos use sex to avoid conflict. Bonobos are about the same size as members of the smallest subspecies of chimpanzee.

Which statement best describes the "Mitochondrial Eve" hypothesis?

Analysis of modern mtDNA samples suggest that everyone today has mtDNA inherited from a woman who lived 200,000 years ago in sub-Saharan Africa.

Which of the following statements about apes and brachiation are true?

Apes and humans likely had a brachiating ancestor. Apes have longer arms than legs, which is adaptive for brachiation. Young apes brachiate.

Of Ardipithecus or Australopithecus, which genus was probably the ancestor?

Ardipithecus was probably ancestral to Australopithecus.

In addition to Europe, fossils of H. heidelbergensis have been found in which two other continents?

Asia Africa

Which statement best describes the brain size (cranial capacity) of Australopithecus afarensis?

Au. afarensis had a brain size of 430 cm3, only slightly bigger than the average chimp brain size.

Which statement most accurately describes the teeth of Australopithecus afarensis?

Au. afarensis had pointed premolars that are somewhat similar to an ape's.

What does it mean when scientists say that there was a high degree of sexual dimorphism in Australopithecus afarensis?

Au. afarensis males were taller and heavier than the females.

What is the species name of the oldest fossil child, known as "Lucy's Baby"?

Australopithecus afarensis

Which hominin species dates to between 3.8 and 3.0 m.y.a. and is associated with the sites of Laetoli, Tanzania, and Hadar, Ethiopia?

Australopithecus afarensis

In 1924, the skull of a child belonging to a new ancestral species was found in a quarry in Taung, South Africa. What was the name given to this new species?

Australopithecus africanus

What was the species name given to the famous "Taung child" discovery, and which anatomist named it?

Australopithecus africanus; Raymond Dart

A new species of hominin was discovered in 1999 in Ethiopia that may have used stone tools to butcher animals earlier than any human ancestral species had been thought to use them. What was the name given to this early tool user from 2.5-2.6 million years ago?

Australopithecus garhi

Which of the following traits are shared by apes as distinct from monkeys and other primates?

Body size tends to be larger. There is a tendency toward upright posture. There is a longer interval between births.

Which of the following are true about Homo luzonensis?

Body size was likely small. It has been dated to 67,000-50,000 B.P.

How is Homo erectus like modern humans?

Both share a similar height and body shape.

Which of the following sites is associated with Neandertal remains?


Which of the following are true of chimps?

Chimps are omnivorous. Chimps live in tropical Africa and range over a larger area than gorillas.

Which of the following statements about the behavior of chimps are true?

Chimps are very vocal. Females are more likely than males to migrate and mate outside their natal group.

A type of spear point called a(n) ______ originated and spread throughout North America between 13,250 and 12,800 years years ago.

Clovis point

Which of the following statements are true according to the "Mitochondrial Eve" hypothesis?

Eve was a resident of Africa whose descendants left for other parts of the world. Eve's descendants eventually colonized the world.

True or false: Our knowledge of Au. afarensis is based on fewer than 10 fossil specimens representing only 2 individuals discovered at Laetoli and Hadar.


True or false: Some apes have tails.


The largest primate that ever lived is


Which of the following statements about gorillas are true?

Gorillas spend little time in the trees. Most of the gorilla's day is spent feeding. Gorillas live in social groups.

South African australopiths can be divided into two major groups based on size and bone structure. To which group does Australopithecus africanus belong?


H. rudolfensis overlapped in time with which of the following hominins?

H. erectus H. habilis

Evidence that AMHs lived on the shore of an ancient lake, where they hunted and fished using blades and hand axes, was found with the

Herto skulls in Africa.

_____ is the term used to refer to the taxonomic family that includes humans and the African apes and their immediate ancestors.


_____ is the term used to designate the human line after its split from ancestral chimps.


Some of the earliest likely members of H. heidelbergensis come from northern Spain's Atapuerca Mountains, where the site of Gran Dolina has yielded the remains of 780,000-year-old hominins. The Spanish researchers who excavated them call this group

Homo antecessor.

Hunting was an important cultural behavior marking a significant step for a human ancestor. Which ancestral species does the fossil record indicate was the earliest habitual hunter?

Homo erectus

The Acheulean hand ax, associated with the species ______, represents a type of tool that requires a mental template in the mind of the maker, a significant advance in human evolution.

Homo erectus

Which human ancestral species was the first to migrate out of Africa?

Homo erectus

Which of the following ancestral human species had an average cranial capacity of around 900 cm3?

Homo erectus

Which of the following statements best describes the earliest migration of human ancestors out of Africa?

Homo erectus was the first species to range out of Africa for hunting and gathering.

The species named ______, discovered in Indonesia, had a cranial capacity smaller than that of a chimpanzee.

Homo floresiensis

Which of the following species was a miniature hominin that lived on an Indonesian island until at least 60,000 B.P.?

Homo floresiensis

Announced in April 2019, fossilized teeth and bones from the feet, hands and thigh of at least three individual hominins, recovered from Callao Cave on the island of Luzon, Philippines, have been assigned to the species

Homo luzonensis

What is the name of the ancient hominin species dating to 2.03-1.78 m.y.a., and associated with the skull labeled KNM-ER 1470, which has an unusual combination of a large brain (775 cm3) and very large molars?

Homo rudolfensis

Which of the following statements regarding apes and humans are true?

Humans and apes belong to the same taxonomic superfamily. Humans and apes are more closely related to each other than either are to monkeys. Humans and apes share common ancestry.

What is the foramen magnum and why is it important?

It is the hole through which the spinal cord attaches to the brain; its placement on the skull indicates whether or not a creature was bipedal.

Which of the following is true of a meat-rich diet?

It led to territorial expansion among hominins.

Which of the following is true about Au. anamensis?

It was a bipedal hominin from northern Kenya.

Which of the following statements regarding Gigantopithecus are true?

It was confined to Asia. It is the largest primate that ever lived.

Which of the following statements about the diet of afarensis is true?

It was mainly vegetarian.

Significant Australopithecus afarensis discoveries have been made in

Laetoli, Tanzania, and Hadar, Ethiopia.

Which of the following statements about primates are true?

Learned behavior is an important part of primate adaptation. Primates tend to be social animals, which live with others of their species.

Which of the following statements about baboons are true?

Male baboons typically leave their home troop for another near the time of puberty. Female baboons form the stable core of the terrestrial monkey troop.

Which of the following are characteristics of orangutans?

Males typically climb, rather than swing through, trees. They live in jungles and feed in trees. Adult males weigh more than twice as much as females.

Which of the following statements about New World monkeys is true?

Many have prehensile tails.

Some _____ hominins evolved into a groups known collectively as australopiths.


The stone-tool technology associated with Neandertals is called


Where was the first evidence of Neandertals discovered in 1856?

Neander Valley, Germany

Mousterian tools include a wide variety of stone scrapers and notched tools designed to make clothing from animal hides and to be used for sawing and piercing. Which hominin group made these tools?


In 2010 scientists identified the Denisovan hominin group as cousin species of


The platyrrhines include

New World monkeys.

The early stone tools that date to about 1.8 million years ago that were found in Tanzania in the early 1930s by the Leakeys are called ___ tools.


What is the name for the simple stone tools dating to about 1.8 million years ago that were first discovered by L. S. B. and Mary Leakey?

Oldowan tools

A significant amount of fossil evidence has been found that relates to the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis. Which statement best describes the number of fossil specimens found?

One site yielded about two dozen specimens; another site yielded fossil specimens representing 35-65 individuals.

Why were the "underground astronauts" who excavated H. naledi remains from the Rising Star cave all young, slender women?

Only such a body type could navigate the narrow passages leading to the fossils.

What is an anthropological term for early American Indians in North America?


Which of the following hominins had an anatomical feature called a sagittal crest?

Paranthropus boisei Paranthropus robustus

The earliest human ancestors appeared during the geological time period called the ______, which began about two million years ago and endured until 11,700 years ago.


Which of the following are characteristics of primates?

Primates have five-digited feet and hands that are suited for grasping. Primates' most important means of obtaining information is sight rather than smell.

_____ is the study of fossils and living apes, monkeys, tarsiers, lemurs, and lorises, including their behavior and social life.


Which of the following is true about the earliest human settlement of Australia?

Recent archaeological findings at Madjedbebe cave extends it back to at least 65,000 B.P. Based on genetic dating, it happened around 50,000 B.P.

What is the name of the possible human ancestor that was discovered in Chad (Central Africa) in July 2001?

Sahelanthropus tchadensis

How did the first settlers of the Americas enter North America?

Some crossed Beringia, following big game animals such as woolly mammoths; others came by boat along the the Pacific coast.

Which of the following are traits of terrestrial, as opposed to arboreal, Old World monkeys?

Terrestrial monkeys are larger than arboreal monkeys. Sexual dimorphism tends to be more marked in terrestrial than in arboreal monkeys.

The teeth of early hominins such as Australopithecus afarensis have been carefully analyzed to see if they are more like those of apes or humans. Which statement best describes the differences?

The canines of Au. afarensis were longer, sharper than in Homo and projected beyond the other teeth.

Which of the following is true about H. naledi?

The fossils have been dated somewhere between 335,000 B.P. and 236,000 B.P.

Which of the following occurred as a result of glacial retreat?

The gathering of plants grew in importance. The quantity and variety of edible marine life increased.

What do the teeth and jaws of Australopithecus afarensis suggest about its diet?

The large molars and thick lower jaw (mandible) accommodate the chewing apparatus required to process coarse, gritty savanna vegetation.

Which of the following statements best describes the time period during which Homo habilis and Homo erectus overlapped?

The species overlapped between 1.9 m.y.a. and 1.4 m.y.a., but after that only Homo erectus endured to perhaps 0.5 m.y.a. (or 500,000 years ago).

Which statement best describes the anatomy and characteristic movement of the possibly ancestral species known as Orrorin, which dates to about 6 million years ago?

The thigh bone suggests bipedal walking, and the upper arm bone suggests tree-climbing skills.

A fossil discovery known as "Lucy's Baby" was found in northern Ethiopia. Which statement best describes this specimen?

The toddler bones date to about 3.3 m.y.a. and, compared to Lucy, include more complete skull and skeletal material.

Which statement best describes the sexual dimorphism of Australopithecus afarensis?

The weight of adult males was likely twice that of the females.

Which statement best describes the fossils belonging to the genus Ardipithecus and how they relate to the genus Australopithecus?

There are more than 100 fossil specimens enabling scientists to suggest that Ardipithecus was a plausible ancestor of Australopithecus.

Which statement best describes the findings associated with the Herto skulls?

These three AMH skulls, dating to 154,000-160,000 years ago, showed signs of ritual use.

Which of the following statements about catarrhines are true?

They are sharp-nosed as opposed to flat-nosed. They include Old World monkeys, apes, and humans.

Which of the following statements about gibbons are true?

They are skilled brachiators. They live in primary groups. They are arboreal.

Which of the following statements about modern-day orangutans are true?

They live in Indonesia. They are endangered.

Which of the following statements best describes early anatomically modern humans (AMHs)?

They originated in Africa.

Which of the following is true of some tools considered part of the Upper Paleolithic tradition of toolmaking?

They were found in the upper layers of sedimentary deposits.

True or false: The Kanjera site provides the earliest, and very complete, evidence for persistent reliance on meat within the hominin diet.


True or false: The brain size or cranial capacity of Australopithecus afarensis was only slightly larger than the average chimpanzee brain size.


True or false: The findings at Israel's Manot Cave provides the first evidence that Neandertals and AMHs were living together in the area around 55,000 B.P. and suggest that inbreeding between the two species may have occurred in the Middle East.


What is a sagittal crest?

a ridge on the top of the skull where large chewing muscles attach, found in species such as Paranthropus boisei

What evidence of bipedalism was discovered at a famous site in Laetoli, Tanzania?

a trail of ancient footprints preserved in volcanic ash

What does the abbreviation AMH mean?

anatomically modern humans

Which of the following belong to the hominoid superfamily?

apes humans

What's the term for primates who live primarily in trees?


The most important early out-of-Africa site is Dmanisi, which is located

at the easternmost edge of Europe.

The genera Australopithecus and Paranthropus are both part of what hominin group?


Becoming fully human, associated with evidence of symbolic thought and artistic creativity, may have occurred as much as 200,000 years ago or only 45,000 years ago. What is the term used by anthropologists for these abilities?

behavioral modernity

Australopithecus africanus, discovered in 1924 by Raymond Dart, was notable as an early _____ human ancestor.


What is the term for locomotion that involves just two feet?


What new kinds of tools (not made in Middle- and Lower-Paleolithic times) did Upper Paleolithic toolmakers create by hammering materials from a core?

blade tools

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence. Sometimes called the pygmy chimpanzee, _ live in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Hand-over-hand movement through the trees is known as


Thanks to studies by scientists such as Jane Goodall, we know a lot about the full range of behavior and social organization of what kind of apes?


There are dietary differences between chimps and gorillas. For example, _ prefer fruits and are omnivorous, but _ eat green bulk vegetation.

chimps, gorillas

Which ability of Homo erectus provided protection against predators?

control of fire

The position of the foramen magnum in australopiths is centered under the base of the skull, which indicates that Australopithecus

could move bipedally.

Some of the first settlers came into North America, following big game animals such as woolly mammoths, by

crossing Beringia, the Bering land bridge that connected North America and Siberia.

Which of the following are characteristics of H. naledi?

curved fingers on an otherwise humanlike hand apelike shoulders adapted to climbing a small brain

The traditional view has been that modern behavior originated fairly recently and only after Homo sapiens pushed into Europe. What is the basis of this view?

evidence for human creativity 45,000 years ago in the form of ceremonial burials, jewelry, and symbolic cave paintings

Among baboons, core groups tend to be comprised of


What is a type of primate that is a skilled brachiator and lives primarily in trees?


Which of the following are the smallest and most agile of the apes?


What is another term for ice ages?


Which of the following comprise the great apes of the hominoid superfamily?

gorillas orangutans chimpanzees

What are the names of the two major groups of South African australopiths?

gracile and robust

Heavily enameled teeth suggest that the Au. anamensis diet likely may have included

hard, abrasive foods.

The tools discovered at the site in Kenya

have been dated to 3.3 m.y.a., making them 700,000 years older than the previously recognized earliest stone tools.

Which of the following have longer legs than arms?


Which of the following tend toward orthograde posture?

humans apes

The discovery of an early form of hominin called Ardipithecus revealed that bipedalism may have first appeared in which type of habitat?

humid woodland

What ability set apart Homo erectus from Homo habilis and Au. boisei?

hunting ability

DNA analysis shows that Native Americans descend from two major ancestral groups. The genome of a baby girl who died 11,500 years ago in what is now central Alaska places her

in neither of those branches, but rather with the ancient Beringians.

Which of the following are likely social changes associated with a diet reliant on meat?

increased male investment in children a gender-based division of labor pair bonding

What are long warm periods between ice ages?


Scientists in the 1920s dismissed Raymond Dart's claim that Australopithecus africanus was a hominin because

it had a small brain. it was discovered in Africa. it looked too much like an ape.

As the sea level rose during glacial retreat, southwestern European economies became

less specialized.

Where do New World monkeys live?

mainly in the forests of Central and South America

Which of the following is the largest and rarest subspecies of gorilla?

mountain gorilla

Each gorilla troop has a silverback, which is usually the ______ in the troop.

only breeding male

Thumbs that can touch the other fingers are known by what term?


Which of the following are the most solitary of the great apes?


Genetic relatedness based on common ancestry is known as


Which dating technique was used to establish that the age of the volcanic ash at the Laetoli site was 3.6 million years old?

potassium-argon (K/A) dating

What is the term for a body type that is more stocky and rugged?


Bipedalism traditionally has been viewed as an adaptation to

savanna country. open grassland.

Recent analyses of fossil DNA suggest that the common ancestor of Neandertals, Denisovans, and AMHs

separated into two lineages around 460,000 B.P., one jointly ancestral to Neandertals and Denisovans, the other ancestral to AMHs. lived around 660,000 B.P.

What is the term for differences between male and female anatomy and temperament?

sexual dimorphism

Migrations of AMHs out of Africa took place

sometime before 270,000 B.P. starting around 80,000 years ago between 194,000 and 177,000 B.P.

The current prevailing view among scientists is that H. erectus

split into separate groups, one ancestral to the Neandertals and the other ancestral to anatomically modern humans (AMHs).

The oldest known evidence for AMHs in Europe stem from what skeletal remains found in England and Italy?


Baboons and many macaques are ______ monkeys.


Sexual dimorphism is more marked in _____ species of Old World monkeys.


What's the term for primates who live primarily on the ground?


The three subdivisions of the Pleistocene reflect

the age of the fossils.

Of particular relevance to humans is the study of which primates?

the great apes terrestrial monkeys

Scientists related the Denisovans to other groups by studying

their DNA.

Great variation in mtDNA among Africans means that

they have been evolving for the longest amount of time.

Currently, there is/are ____ surviving, but critically endangered, species of orangutan.


Upright bipedalism would have allowed early hominins to do which of the following related to tool use?

use tools against predators use weapons against competitors

Which of the following is the smallest subspecies of gorilla and the animal you normally see in zoos?

western lowland gorilla

Fossilized remains indicate that Orrorin lived in what kind of environment?


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