Test 3

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Private investors accumulated most of the capital needed to build the railroads


By labeling the Great Plains the "______ _____ ____," Stephen H Long helped perpetuate a misconception introduced by Zebulon Pike 15 years earlier

Great American Desert

The Erie Canal connected New York to the ____ ____, proving access to Chicago and the markets of the west

Great Lakes

The three leading figures in the Whig Party became known as the " ____ ___."

Great Triumvirate

Which statement about Indian removal is not correct?

Had the federal government employed scientific study and planning, white expansion into the West could not have been controlled

Although the majority of delegates to the ____ ___ on December 15,1814, did not support secession, their report reasserted the right of nullification.

Hartford Convention

The 1823 statement of US policy in the Western Hemisphere is called the ____ _____.

Monroe Doctrine

Which of the following accurately describe the reasons for and impact of the Monroe Doctrine?

Monroe Doctrine - during and after the war of 1812, the United States developed profitable trade' with Latin America - established the United States as a dominant power in the Western Hemisphere - reflected a growing spirit of nationalism as well as fears that Spain would try to retake its empire

What action did Jackson take in his second administration to destroy the national bank?

Moved federal government deposits from the national bank to state banks.

Which of the following statements regarding medicine, infection and disease in the early nineteenth century is not correct?

Municipal authorities eagerly adopted major improvements in sanitation as a way of preventing epidemics

Continuing tensions in Europe, particularly after the beginning of the ___ in 1803, helped bring about the War of 1812.

Napoleonic Wars

Which political faction sought to curb the power of the judiciary through repeal of the Judiciary Act of 1801?


Marbury v Madison involved the legal concept of judicial ____ and the question of the Supreme Court's authority to ____ acts of Congress


By what means did the federal government finance road construction in Ohio in 1803?

Sale of public land

A minority in the rest of the country but still the majority in New England, Federalists began renewed talk of ____ in the winter of 1814-1815


With the emergence of the Whigs, the era known to scholars as the "____ ___ system" had begun

Second party

Which of these describe sectional differences and the attempts to resolve them?

Sectional Differences - in 1819 there was a balance of eleven slaves states and eleven free states - the Missouri Compromise provided a happy resolution to the immediate problem but revealed deeper divisions - slavery would be prohibited in the northern portion of the Louisiana Purchase

Andrew Jackson used orders from Secretary of War John C Calhoun as an excuse to launch the ____ ____ by invading Florida in 1817.

Seminole War

Of the Five Civilized Tribes, only the ____ managed to avoid forced relocation.


Handsome Lake, the most well-known Native American revivalist, was a member of which tribe?


Which of the following statements about education in the Jeffersonian era is not correct?

Several states developed working systems of free public schools.

Elias Howe of Massachusetts constructed an _____ machine in 1846.


Advocates of ____ rights, especially in the South, continued to challenge Marshall Court rulings such as Cohens v Virginia (1821).


A new era in river transportation began in the summer of 1807 with the launch of a _____ called the Clermont on the Hudson River.


The Shawnee chief _____ set out to unite the Indians of the Mississippi Valley.


Burr's actions in the West and their outcome illustrated

The vulnerability of a vast nation with a weak central government and ambitious politicians

Which of the following statements about US immigration in 1830 is true?

There were fewer than 500,000 foreign-born people in the country at that time.

The first widely known American fiction author was ___ ____, creator of Ichabod Crane and Rip Van Winkle.

Washington Irving

Which of the following groups had the greatest access to higher education in 1800?

Wealthy white males

In 1830, Massachusetts Senator Daniel ____ Challenged Senator Robert Y. Hayne to a debate about states' rights versus national power.


Senator Robert Y. Hayne accused easterners of deliberately slowing ____ growth to maintain their power


Where was most of the coal mined in the mid-nineteenth century United States?

Western Pennsylvania

In the mid-1830s, a new opposition coalition emerged called the _____, after the party in England that traditionally worked to limit the power of the king.


During the "age of Jackson," voting rights were extended to most

White men

Veteran Indian fighter ____ ____ ____ became the principal US figure in the Indian conflicts of the Northwest during the early 1800s.

William Henry Harrison

Which of the following statements about the impact of the cotton gin are correct?

1. By speeding up the cleaning process, the gin made cotton profitable, and total cotton production increased eightfold within a decade. 2. The large supply of cotton, made possible in part by the gin, influenced the development of an American textile industry in the North.

In the increasingly popular ____ shows, white actors wearing blackface mimicked and ridiculed African American culture.


The route the Cherokees took on their removal from Georgia is now commonly known as the Trail ____ ____

of tears

Which of the following ideals unified the members of the Whig Party?

opposition to Andrew Jackson

What type of transportation technology gained rapidly in prominence after the War of 1812?

steam-powered shipping

In 1816, protectionists in Congress won passage of _____ law that benefited cotton cloth and other products


Most of the nation's first railroads were generally built in what region of the country?

the Northeast

Which region of the United States suffered most from the effects of the Embargo?

the Northeast

What branch of government's power vastly increased as a result of Marbury vs. Madison?

the Supreme Court

What attracted blacks to the Great Awakening's message?

the idea of egalitarian personal salvation regardless of station or ethnicity

Early in the nineteenth century, religious traditionalists were alarmed over

the rise of "rational" religious doctrines.

The Republican candidate in the 1824 presidential race, William H Crawford,

1. Came from the agricultural South 2. Was the favorite of his party's extreme states'-rights factions

Which of the following best represents the origins of the Second Great Awakening?

1. Church establishments were attempting to revitalize their organizations 2. Conservative theologians were trying to fight the spread of religious nationalism.

Which of the following are accurate regarding people's leisure time in this period?

1. Cockfighting was among the popular sporting events enjoyed in America 2. Reading became a principal leisure activity for educated people

McCulloch v Maryland (1819) raised which constitutional issues?

1. Could Congress charter a bank? 2. Could individual states ban or tax a congressionally chartered bank?

Which of the following statements describe physicians and childbirth in the early nineteenth century?

1. Doctors used their newfound commitment to "science" to justify expanding their roles into various areas, including childbirth. 2. Female midwives had generally handled childbirth, but physicians increasing began to take over that job.

Which of the following accurately characterize relationships between most mountain men and the Indians

1. Encounters with tribes sometimes turned violent 2.Romantic relationships between mountain men and Indian and Mexican women were common.

Which of the following accurately describe American horse racing in its early period, from colonial times to the Civil War?

1. Exclusively for wealthy "gentlemen" 2. Often reflected North-South sectional rivalries 3. Many jockeys were black

Which of the following were typical for white settlers in the Old Northwest?

1. Families moved frequently 2. Settlers built communities with schools, churches and stores 3. Men, women and Children all worked together in the fields

What were the major sources of labor for the new textile mills in the 1820s?

1. Farm families, with parents and children 2. Young, single women

How did farmers in the Northeast respond to agricultural competition from the new, richer soil of the Northwest

1. Farmers changed their focus to supplying food to nearby cities. 2. Farmers moved to towns and became laborers 3. Farmers moved west and settled new land.

Which of the following statements about the Second Great Awakening are correct?

1. Fervent devotion to God and rejection of skeptical nationalism were among its teachings. 2. It taught that people needed to bring Christ and God back into their daily lives. 3. It encouraged a more active form of piety.

Henry Clay and Daniel Webster persuaded Nicholas Biddle to apply to Congress for renewal of the Bank of the United States' charter because it would ensure which of the following?

1. Force a congressional vote 2. Make the Bank a major issue in the national election

From which two countries did the overwhelming majority of immigrants come in the 1850's?

1. Germany 2. Ireland

Which of the following statements regarding Jefferson's military and defense policies are correct?

1. He reduced the army from 4,000 men to 2,500 and the navy from 25 ships to 7. 2. Large standing armies, he believed, were a threat to civil liberties and civilian government.

Which of the following statements about Handsome Lake are correct?

1. He was a Seneca prophet who called for a revival of traditional Indian ways 2. His miraculous "rebirth" from alcoholism helped give him special stature, and he encouraged Indians to give up whiskey and other vices

Which of the following are accurate statements about the reasons behind Napoleon's sudden decision to offer Louisiana a Territory to the United States?

1. He was no longer in a position to pursue his dream of a North American empire. 2. The renewal of hostilities in Europe meant that his resources would be focused there.

The Monroe Doctrine established the United States' right to protect and defend "the American continents"

1. Against European attempts at colonization 2. From outside interference

Which of the following statements regarding the early part of the War of 1812 are correct?

1. American ships scored early victories over British warships. 2. The British, preoccupied with Napoleon at the time the United States declared war, ignored the declaration at first. 3. Napoleon's catastrophic Russian campaign, launched in 1812, ultimately freed the British to turn their attention to America in late 1813.

Who among the following finished among the top three in the 1824 presidential election?

1. Andrew Jackson 2. John Quincy Adams 3. William H Crawford

Middle-Class homes in the mid-nineteenth century included which of these characteristics?

1. Heavy furniture 2. Dark colors 3. Lush Fabrics

By the 1816 presidential election, the Federalists had ceased to be a potent force in national politics, signaling a clear end to which of the following

1. Any significant opposition to the Republican monopoly on power 2. The first party system

What new agricultural techniques and technologies improved farm production in the Northwest?

1. Automatic reaper 2. Cultivation of hardier varieties of seed 3. Automatic thresher

In an effort to prevent international conflict on the high seas, a drastic measure known as the ____ prohibited American ships from leaving the United States for any foreign port.


What were factors contributing to a slower increase in the African American population than the increase seen in the white population in the early 1800s?

1. Higher death rate 2. Enforced poverty

Which of the following statements about William Marbury are correct?

1. His commission had not been delivered to him before Adams left office, and James Madison refused to give it to him. 2. He had been named a justice of the peace in the District of Columbia in the "Midnight appointments" of 1801.

Which of the following accurately describe the changed character of American horse racing in the late nineteenth century?

1. Hope of winning money drew most fans 2. Formalized betting introduced 3. An increasingly working class and lower middle class audience 4. Black jockeys became rare

When Missouri applied for admission to the Union in 1819, an amendment to the statehood bill was proposed that

1. Banned the further importation of slaves into the state 2. Gradually emancipated the slaves already residing in the state.

For what reasons was merchant capitalism in decline in the mid-1800s?

1. British competitors were stealing America's export trade 2. There were greater opportunities for profit in manufacturing than in trade

Which of the following eventually led to the War of 1812.

1. British support of Indian tribes that fought against the United States along the Canadian Border 2. The United States' desire to annex Florida

Which of the following conditions contributed to the decline of American industry after the end of the War of 1812?

1. Imports were no longer cut off 2. Cheap British goods suddenly flooded the market

Which of the following had a significant impact on US population growth between 1790 and 1840?

1. Improvements in public health 2. High birth rate 3. Declining number of epidemics

Which of the following best describe Americans who qualified to vote prior to the 1820s

1. Taxpayers 2. White property owners

Which of the following statements regarding peace negotiations with Britain in 1814 are correct?

1. The Americans agreed to give up their demand for cession of Canada to the United States 2. Both sides began the negotiations with extravagant demands. 3. The British agreed to give up their demand for the creation of an Indian buffer state between the Northwest and Canada.

Which of the following statements about the Louisiana Purchase is not correct?

After signing the treaty, the French gave the Americans extensive maps defining the exact boundaries of the territory.

Industry in the West mainly served


Which statement about New England Federalists in 1804 is not correct?

Alexander Hamilton chose party over principle and attempted to ride the Federalist secessionist wave back into power.

Which of the following did NOT occur after the War of 1812?

All banking was left to the states did not occur. (commerce revived and expanded, an economic boom was followed by a disasterus bust, west ward expansion accelerated, federal government starting financial internal improvements all occurred)

The new agricultural region of central Alabama and Mississippi became known as the ____ _____ for its dark,productive soil

Black Belt

One example of the diplomatic challenges John Quincy Adams's administration faced was the 1826 Panama conference, which southerners in Congress opposed because they did not want American representatives to associate with

Black delegates from Haiti

When Napoleon tried to close the European continent to British Trade, the British responded with an ____ on the European coast.


Public land sales during the mid-1830s left the government with

Budget surpluses

Under the terms of the secret Treaty of San Ildefonso in 1800 between France and Spain, France regained title to the vast Louisiana Territory as part of Napoleon's grand design to

Build a great French empire in America

Which best describes the significance of the Whigs' attacks on Jackson and Van Buren for their association with the Freemasons

By accusing Democrats of association with the undemocratic Freemasons, the Whigs beat them with their own issue.

Which country was most influential in terms of planting the seeds of industrialism in Jefferson's America


Which power did Native Americans in the Northwest look to for assistance in response to Jefferson's assimilation policy?


The Columbian Centinel characterized the atmosphere of the late 1810s under the Monroe administration as an "_____ of good_____."

Era; feelings

Marshall consistently maintained that in ratifying the Constitution, states had given up

A portion of their sovereignty

The wartime experience of the United States in 1812-1815 underlined the need for

Another national bank

Which of the following groups suffered under Jacksonian Democracy

1. African Americans and Indians 2. Northerners and easterners 3. Women

By the 1840s, the factory workday for immigrant textile workers often extended to ___ hours.


Under the system of state banking that prevailed after the charter of the first Bank of the United States had expired,

1. A large number of banknotes were issued, creating confusion over the value of various currencies 2. Counterfeiting of banknotes was easy.

What were the effects of most income earners leaving home each day to work in a shop, mill or factory?

1. A sharp distinction emerged between the workplace and the home. 2. Primarily domestic concerns were predominant in the home.

The difficulties faced by the second President Adams included which of the following?

1. Adams faced diplomatic frustrations when southerners in Congress voiced oppositions to sending American delegates to a conference in Panama 2. Adams faced animosity from southerners when he signed what became known as the "tariff of abominations".

Which of the following statements regarding educational opportunities for women in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries are correct?

1. In 1789, Massachusetts required that its public schools serve females as well as males, and some other states soon adopted similar laws. 2. Private academics for girls usually served the daughters of wealthy families. 3. A new value placed on the contributions of the "Republican mother" helped improve educational opportunities for women.

Which of the following statements about the conflict with the Barbary states of North Africa's Mediterranean coast are correct?

1. In the 1780s and 1790s the United States agreed to pay annual tribute to the Barbary States 2. The European powers whose ships sailed the Mediterranean had long been paying tribute to the Barbary states

Which of the following statements about private and public education in the Jeffersonian era are correct?

1. In the South and the mid-Atlantic states, religious groups ran most schools 2. For the most part, schooling was only for students whose parents could afford the cost of a private education 3. Private academics in New England were often more secular than those of the South.

Which of the following correctly identify aspects of American cultural life in the early nineteenth century?

1. Increased educational opportunities 2. New literacy and artistic influence 3. Development of American Literature

Which states joined the Union in rapid succession between 1816 and 1819?

1. Indiana 2. Mississippi 3. Alabama 4. Illinois

Which states were inspired by the Erie Canal to develop water connections between Lake Erie to the Ohio River?

1. Indiana 2. Ohio

Which of these groups were deprived of most of the benefits of America's phenomenal economic growth?

1. Indians 2. Landless Farmers 3. Slaves

Which of the following helped middle-class Americans enjoy a more diverse diet during this period

1. Invention of the cast-iron stove 2. Ability of distant farmers to ship goods by rail

The election of Andrew Jackson as president in 1828 was historically significant for which of the following reasons?

1. It legitimized the idea of political parties as popular, democratic institutions 2. It was the result of a popular movement, not simply the work of political elites

Monroe's choice of John Quincy Adams for secretary of state was significant for which of the following reasons?

1. It suggested that the "Virginia Dynasty" would soon come to an end. 2. That position had become a stepping-stone to the presidency. 3. Jefferson, Madison and Monroe had all served in that position before becoming president.

Which of the following accurately describe President Jackson's views on the Maysville Road Bill?

1. It was unconstitutional because the road was located entirely in Kentucky 2. It was unwise because it committed the federal government to large expenditures.

What factors contributed to limiting overt class conflicts?

1. Life was better for most factory workers than it had been on the farms or in Europe 2. The rootlessness of migrant urban laborers made organizations and protest difficult 3. Some workers were able to move from poverty to riches.

Spanish Florida included southern areas of which of these present-day states?

1. Louisiana 2. Mississippi

Which of these correctly describe the difficulties in recruiting factory workers in the early days of industrial development

1. Many city dwellers were skilled artisans who worked for their own shops. 2. Most Americans still lived and worked on farms.

Which of the following are accurate statements about the Embargo and its impact?

1. Merchants and shipowners of the Northeast were hit hardest by the Embargo-induced depression. 2. It caused a serious economic depression throughout most of the United States

Since the beginning of the republic, new states had come into the Union more or less in pairs, one _____state and one ____ state.

1. Northern; southern 2. Slave; free

Which of the following accurately characterize the image and tone of the Jefferson administration?

1. Plain and ordinary in appearance 2.Informal

Which of the following were reasons white Americans began expansion into the West in the early 1800s?

1. Population growth in the East drove out many white Americans 2. Land in the West was plentiful, while the East and South were largely occupied.

Which of the following statements regarding Native Americans and revivalism during the years of the Second Great Awakening are correct?

1. Presbyterian and Baptist missionaries helped convert a number of Indians. 2. Handsome Lake, a Seneca Indian, called for a revival of traditional Indian Ways.

Which of the following emerged as the core concerns of the Webster-Hayne debate?

1. Preservation of the Union 2. Nullification 3. States' rights

Which of the following are accurate characterizations of Jefferson's tone and behavior in the wake of his "revolution" that removed the Federalists from power

1. Restrained and conciliatory 2. Minimizing differences

Which of these technological advances spurred the growth of American journalism in the 1840s?

1. Rotary press 2. Telegraph

The Jefferson administration persuaded Congress in 1802 to abolish all internal taxes, leaving the government with which sources of revenue?

1. Sale of western lands 2. Custom duties

Which of the following groups were strong supporters of the Democrats in the 1830s?

1. Smaller merchants and workingmen in the Northeast 2. Westerners who favored an agrarian society 3. Southern planters suspicious of industrial growth

What factors contributed to limiting overt class conflict?

1. Some workers were able to move from poverty to riches 2. Life was better for most factory workers than it had been on the farms or in Europe. 3. The rootlessness of migrant urban laborers made organization and protest difficult.

Which of the following are accurate statements regarding the British navy and the controversy over impressment?

1. The British claimed the right to take men born on British soil who had become naturalized American citizens 2. Britain claimed the right to stop American merchant ships and reimpress deserters

Close ties between Indians and the British and Spanish forces in which areas helped bring about the War of 1812?

1. The Canadian border region 2. Florida

Though pleased with the terms of a bargain that had doubled the size of the United States, Jefferson was troubled over the Louisiana Purchase because

1. The Constitution said nothing about the acquisition of new territory. 2. He was uncertain about his authority in such matters.

Which of the following explain why Aaron Burr, vice president in Jefferson's Republican administration, became aligned with the Federalists in New York?

1. The Federalists proposed that Burr, himself a New York politician, became their candidate for the state's governor in 1804. 2. Burr was the greatest political rival of Alexander Hamilton, the leading Federalist in New York who refused to support the Federalists' scheme

Which of the following statements regarding the outcome of the 1824 presidential election are correct?

1. The House was now operating under the Twelfth Amendment, passed in the aftermath of the contested 1800 election. 2. Jackson received more popular and electoral votes than any other candidate, but he did not have a majority. 3. Health problems forced Crawford out of the running, leaving Clay (who had finished fourth) in a position to influence the choice of a winner.

Which of the following did the results of the 1836 presidential election illustrate?

1. The Whigs' problem of divided leadership 2. The Whigs' inability to find a single strong candidate 3. The continuing strength of Jackson within the Democratic Party

The Marshall Court tended to favor which of the following?

1. The federal government over state governments. 2. A strong,unified national government over a loosely organized one 3. Corporations and other private economic institutions over local governments.

Which of the following accurately describe the political philosophy known as Whiggery

1. The federal government should be powerful 2. The government should encourage industrial and commercial development.

Which of the following were beliefs held by a large portion of the Democratic Party in the 1830s?

1. The government should help remove obstacles to opportunity 2. The role of government should be limited 3. The Union should be defended

Which of the following did Martin Van Buren emphasize

1. The party's need for a permanent opposition 2. Party loyalty and preservation of the party

Which of the following statements about the ideas and impact of the Second Great Awakening are correct?

1. The revivalism of the Awakening contributed to occasional racial unrest in the South. 2. It combined active piety with a belief in grace through faith and good works. 3. By rejecting predestination, the emerging belief system gave a greater intensity to the individual's search for salvation.

Jefferson became alarmed about the possibility of a hostile force in Louisiana once he learned of which of the following?

1. The secret transfer of Louisiana from Spain to France under the Treaty of San Ildefonso in 1800. 2. Efforts to prevent American vessels on the Mississippi River from unloading their cargo in New Orleans 3. A violation of the 1795 Pinckney Treaty by the Spanish, who controlled New Orleans until the French took formal possession.

Which of the following statements regarding urbanization in America in 1800 are correct?

1. The urban environment created a way of life quite different from that experienced by most Americans, producing new levels of affluence. 2. New York and Philadelphia were the nation's two leading cities, with 60,000 and 70,000 residents, respectively.

Which of the following did Secretary of State Daniel Webster and Lord Ashburton accomplish in the spring of 1842

1. They agreed that the United States would receive slightly more than half of the disputed border territory 2. They reached some resolution on the Caroline and Creole incidents 3. They established a revised northern boundary as far west as the Rocky Mountains

Lewis and Clark had many things in common, including which of the following?

1. They had extensive experience in the outdoors. 2.They were veteran Indian fighters 3. They were skilled in the ways of survival.

Which of the following best describe the Locofocos?

1. They were in favor of vigorous, perhaps even violent, actions 2. They were a radical faction of the Democratic Party in the 1830s.

Which of the following best describe the soft-money opponents to the Bank of the United States

1. They were mostly state bankers and their allies 2. They thought the Bank restrained state banks from freely issuing notes.

For Americans and their elected leaders in the 1810's, the War of 1812 served as a dramatic demonstration of inadequacies in which of the following areas?

1. Transportation and shipping 2. Banking and finance

What were some of the products of the new machine tool industry?

1. Turret lathe 2. Precision grinder 3. Universal milling machine

Which of the following accurately describe Indian and white relations before the mid-19th century?

1. Whites were at least somewhat aware of Indians' claims to the land. 2. The two groups lived in close proximity to one another 3. Interactions were sometimes, but not usually, unfriendly

Though Jackson won a decisive victory over Adams in 1828, Adams's support was strongest in particular areas, including

1.The Mid-Atlantic 2. New England

Between 1800 and 1820, the national population nearly doubled, to almost __ million


The population of the United States grew from 4 million in 1790 to _____ million by 1840


On April 30 in the year _____, the Representatives of the United States Livingston and Monroe signed an agreement for the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France.


Lewis and Clark set out on their famous expedition in the spring of


South Carolina's John C Calhoun, one of the "War hawks" elected in 1810, joined others in pressure Madison toward the declaration of war against Britain on June 18.


When did work on the Erie Canal begin?


In what year was the telegraph first used for intercity communication?


The proportion of the free-states population living in towns of 2,500 or more grew from 14% in in 1840 to ____ by 1860.


Congress had allotted about ____ million acres for railroad construction by 1860


The average American woman in 1860 bore ____ children


By 1860 there were approximately ____ miles of telegraph wire in the United States


The birth rate for white women in 1840 was roughly ____ children each


Within ____ of opening in 1825, the tolls on the Erie Canal had completely paid for its construction

7 years

What portion of the total labor force worked on farmers in the 1820s?


In 1834, the Factory Girls Association held a strike to protest

A 25% wage cut

One social trend that accompanied industrialization was

A decline in birth rate

Which sparked the nullification crisis of 1832?

A state convention vote on the "tariff of abominations"

The 1845s, the Female Labor Reform Association began demanding

A ten-hour workday

Though he served as vice president in Jefferson's first administration, ___ ____ became an outlaw and was accused of trying to create a western empire under his rule.

Aaron Burr

Which of the following accurately describe American responses to the Louisiana Purchase?

American responses to the Louisiana Purchase - Jefferson was pleased with the terms of the treaty - Jefferson believed that his actions would no adversely effect the country - Jefferson immediately sent a team to explore the region

Perhaps the most influential literacy works of the early republic were works that glorified

American's past and heroes.

Temporarily abandoning plans for an invasion in Florida, _____ ____, a wealthy Tennessee planter and general in the state militia, attacked the Creek Indians at Horseshoe Bend on March 27,1814

Andrew Jackson

After the War of 1812, the fur company of John Jacob ____ expanded westward to the Rocky Mountains.


What was the first operating railroad company in the United States

Baltimore and Ohio

In 1810, American settlers in West Florida seized the Spanish fort at ____ and petitioned the federal government to annex the territory

Baton Rouge

Henry Clay declined an offer to become secretary of war, so the newly-elected President Monroe named John C _____ to the position instead.


What new forms of transportation made it easier for farmers and merchants to ship their goods between the east and west in the 1820s and 1830s?

Canals and Steamboats

The end of "King Caucus" in 1820 meant that

Candidates who were not affiliated with any Political party had a chance at election.

The Second Bank of the United States was essentially the same as the institution Hamilton had founded in 1791, except that it had more ___ than its predecessor


Which statement regarding mountain men and their relationship to the larger economy is NOT correct?

Careful planning helped them stay out of debt and keep a large share of their profits

The ____ was the most important household invention of this period.

Cast iron stove

Many native-born Americans feared that ____ would unduly influence the US government.


Until 1820, when the Federalist party effectively ceased operations and James Monroe ran for reelection unopposed, presidential candidates were nominated by party ____ in Congress


New England hardware merchant _____ discovered how to vulcanize rubber in 1839

Charles Goodyear

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the ____ in Cherokee Nation v Georgia and Worcester v Georgia, yet President Jackson refused to enforce the rulings.

Cherokee Nation

Railroads transformed which city into the dominant city of the West?


What city was the principal railroad hub of the West?


One of the few triumphs of the Tyler administration was the opening of diplomatic relations with


The "Corrupt bargain" was a term used by Jackson's supporters in referring to the fact that

Clay, who supported the choice of Adams as president, became his secretary of state

The War of 1812 stimulated the growth of manufacturing by

Cutting off imports of competing products from other countries

Which of the following was replacing wood as a leading energy source in the mid-nineteenth century?


In Marbury v Madison, the Supreme Court declared the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional because

Congress had no right to expand the powers of the judiciary beyond what the Constitution specified.

The Marshall Court's ruling in favor of Dartmouth College placed important restrictions on the ability of state governments to control


The soil in the Old Southwest was ideal for growing ____, a crop that enjoyed increasing demand.


As the government sold more land, President Jackson became concerned that the government was receiving only

Currency worth no more than the credit of the bank that issued it.

American inventor ____ ____ revolutionized weapons manufacturing by devising a machine to make each part of a gun according to an exact pattern.

Eli Whitney

Marbury v Madison addressed the question of whether the Supreme Court had the authority to

Declare congressional acts unconstitutional

In 1828, which political party supported Jackson's presidential bid?

Democratic Republicans

Which statement about cotton cleaning and the invention of the cotton gin is not correct?

Despite its obvious value, the cotton gin was never widely used.

The availability of ____ helped fuel a land boom in the West, the end of which caused a financial crisis in 1819.

Easy Credit

The outcome of the 1836 presidential election was partly the result of a nationwide

Economic Boom

Which of the following accurately describe how the War of 1812 stimulated the national economy?

Economic Effects of the War of 1812 - manufacturing was stimulated by the cutting of imports during the war - economic growth was accompanied by issues with currency and the banking system - the ending of the nation's dispute with European powers stimulated exports and especially imports

Jackson was consistently opposed to concentration of power in the federal government over

Economics and banking

The Marshall Court's decision on matters relating to the Indians served to establish the tribes as sovereign entities over which the ____ had ultimate authority

Federal Government

By the time of the 1820 election, the _____ Party had for all practical purposes ceased to exist.


Jackson was troubled by a group of Cherokee and other Indians in the South, known collectively as the "____ ___ Tribes."

Five Civilized

Andrew Jackson secured his reputation during the War of 1812 by leading American military expeditions into which region?


John Quincy Adams's first challenge as secretary of state was the territory of ____, over which he began negotiations with Spanish minister Luis de Onis in 1817.


In 1835, President Jackson sent Winfield Scott to Georgia to

Force the Cherokee Nation to move west

During the War of 1812, which American fort fell to an Indian assault?

Fort Dearborn

What best describes the American Museum in New York, which opened in 1842?

Freak Show

The Monroe Doctrine was created partly in response to fears that the ____ would assist Spain in retaking its lost empire and that the ____ wanted to take over Cuba


During the 1840s and 1850s, trade unions were

Generally ineffective

Hastly Drawn up on Christmas Eve 1814, the Treaty of ______ ended the Wear of 1812 and helped usher in a period of improved Anglo-American relations


In Charles River Bridge v Warren Bridge(1837), RobertB Taney argued that the ____ took precedence over the ____

Government's responsibility to promote the general happiness;rights of contract and property

Which of the following statements regarding Roger B. Taney is NOT correct?

He embraced Marshall's nationalist tendencies

Which best describes Andrew Jackson's view of Indians?

He was deeply hostile toward them and wanted them to move west.

A compromise drafted by ___ ____ brought the nullification crisis to an end.

Henry Clay

Among the "War Hawks" who came to power in the 1810 congressional elections was ____ of Kentucky, who was elected speaker of the house in 1811.

Henry Clay

Marshall confirmed the ____ powers of Congress by upholding the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States in McCulloch v Maryland (1819).


What was a common feature of life in the Old Northwest?

Mobility of individuals and families

The nationalist inclinations of the Marshall Court were apparent in a series of decisions on the legal status of ____ within the United States

Indian Tribes

What was the most powerful single stimulus for increased agricultural production?


Which of the following accurately describes transportation problems that occurred during the wartime British blockade?

Instead of being able to travel along the Atlantic coast by ships, people and goods crowded onto coastal roads

In its Gibbons vs Ogden (1824) ruling, the Marshall Court strengthened the power of Congress to regulate

Interstate Commerce

Construction gangs after 1840 were increasingly composed of workers from


As a group, American workers in the 1840s and 1850s had

Little power because factory owners were easily able to replace them with immigrant laborers willing to work for lower wages

How did the Cherokee nation try to defend itself against Georgia's efforts to seize its land?

It filed an appeal with the United States Supreme Court

Which statement best identifies the ultimate impact of the Hartford Convention?

It made the Federalists seem irrelevant, perhaps even guilty of treason, and signaled the end of their party as an important force.

Why did women become so involved in the Second Great Awakening?

It offered women new opportunities to participate in social and community life.

Which statement about the 1840 presidential election is not correct?

It presented a stark contrast between aristocratic Van Buren and honest, man of the people Harrison.

Who was the chief architect of the Monroe Doctrine?

John Quincy Adams

Which of the following describe the significance of Andrew Jackson's 1828 presidential victory?

Jackson Victory - Jacksonians considered their victory as complete and as important as Jefferson's in 1800 - the election of 1828 witnessed a new two-party system, which emerged from Republican factions - the election of 1828 reflected sectional divisions

Which statement about the end of the Bank War is not correct?

Jackson protected the country from a flawed financial institution, and a stable and organized banking system soon emerged

Which statement regarding actions by the Jackson administration against the Bank of the United States in 1833 is not correct?

Jackson recognized that he had the legal means to abolish the Bank, but he needed the help of a reliable treasury secretary.

Elected president in 1816, _____ ____ took office under what appeared to be remarkably favorable circumstances.

James Monroe

Who was not one of the participants in the peace negotiations with the British in 1814?

James Monroe

Jackson compared his victory and its aftermath to the election of ____ in 1800


An internal improvements bill was presented by ___ after the War of 1812.

John C Calhoun

The official who failed to deliver Marbury's commission in the final hours of the Adams administration was ___ ___.

John Marshal

As chief justice of the United States from 1801 to 1835, ____ ____ dominated the Court more fully than anyone else during his tenure.

John Marshall

Though it is commonly attributed to James Monroe, the 1823 statement of US policy in the Western Hemisphere was primarily the work of

John Quincy Adams

Which business benefited most from the 1836 economic boom?

Land speculation

The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 signaled the intentions of the United States to involve itself more actively in which region?

Latin America

Under the new system of _____ ____, stockholders in a corporation risked only the value of their own shares and were not responsible for any losses beyond that.

Limited Liability

Drawing from the ideas of ____, John C Calhoun argued that the states were the final arbiters of the constitutionality of federal laws.

Madison and Jefferson

Complicating the Missouri question in 1819 and 1820 was the application of ____ for admission as a free state


Though more famous for his cotton gin, Eli Whitney also contributed to the development of modern warfare by.

Manufacturing muskets with interchangeable parts

Jefferson authorized the Lewis and Clark expedition to do all of the following except

Map prospective areas for settlement.

Republican attacks on the Judiciary and debate over the courts were the context of ______ v Madison(1803), one of the most important judicial decisions in American history.


Which of these accurately describe the role of the long-term significance of the Marbury v. Madison ruling?

Marbury v. Madison - The Supreme Court had the authority to nullify acts of Congress - the court seemed to deny its authority, but actually radically enlarged it - the court reasoned that Congress had exceeded its authority by passing the Judiciary Act

According to the 1820 agreement known as the _____ ______, two new states- one slaveholding the other free----- entered the Union.

Missouri Compromise

After John ____ died in 1835, President Jackson appointed Roger B Taney to take his place.


Though he had won election as New York governor in 1828, ____ ____ ___ resigned when Andrew Jackson appointed him secretary of state

Martin Van Buren

The Anti-_____ movement emerged in the 1820s in response to widespread resentment of the Society of Freemasons


The University of Penn created the first American ____ school in 1765.


When the ships of the American ___ ___ were caught between Napoleon;s decrees and Britain's blockage, American control of trade between Europe and the West Indies was challenged

Merchant Marine

When ____ won its independence from Spain in 1821, it soon opened its northern territories to trade with the United States.


How did the use of water as a power source limit the development of industry

Mills had to be located next to running water

By the late 1810's, the _____, a highway of crushed stone, ran from the shores of the Potomac to the Ohio River.

National Road

In 1832, the Democrats became the first major American party to hold a

National convention

The tremendous growth in immigration prompted the appearance among the native-born population of the fear of foreigners, a sentiment known as ____


The Supreme Order of the Star-Spangled Banner was an example of a _____ society.


In which region did the factory system first develop?

New England

Jackson's victory in the Battle of ____ ____ on January 8,1815, became legendary, but the war had actually ended several weeks before the battle took place.

New Orleans

Rather than risk a war with France or loss of support from westerners who demanded the reopening of the Mississippi River, Jefferson instructed Ambassador Robert Livingston to negotiate with France for the Purchase of

New Orleans

What state was the first to engage in canal building?

New York

Manhattan's great Central Park was built, beginning in the 1850s, partly at the request of

New York's wealthy, as a place to ride their elegant carriages.

Many white Americans of the 18th century viewed the Indians as

Noble Savages

Which region of the country had, by far, the most trackage in 1860?


In developing his theory of ____, John C Calhoun believed he was offering a moderate alternative to secession.


In 1837, ____ in Ohio became the first college to admit both men and women


The United States became the first country to _____ the new Latin American nations

Officially recognize

In 1803, which newly inaugurated state's land sales were used to fund transportation infrastructure projects?


In 1838, forcible removal of the Cherokees from Georgia to the present-day state of _____ began


During the period between the duel with Hamilton in 1804 and Burr's eventual capture, Burr did all of the following except

Organize an aramy and plot the secession of the Southeast to form a breakaway nation under his rule.

Under the terms of the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819, Spain ceded all of Florida to the United States and gave up its claims to territory

Pacific Northwest

The financial crisis known as the ____ of ____ helped bring the "era of good feelings" to an end.

Panic of 1819

Jackson's executive order, the specie circular, greatly contributed to the ____ of ____, the worst depression in American history to that point

Panic of 1837

Republicans objected to efforts by Federalists to build influence through


Destitute people that were almost entirely without resources, often homeless and dependent on charity or crime were referred to as "____" by contemporaries


Andrew Jackson's decision to make Martin Van Buren his successor in 1831 was most influenced by

Peggy Eaton affair

Which state was not an important cattle-raising area by the 1850's?


The first issue of the New York Sun on September 3,1833, marked the introduction of the " _____ ____," which inaugurated a new age in American journalism

Penny Press

The spoils system and political conventions served to limit the power of

Permanent officeholders

Many easterners came to the think of the West as a giant desert because of Lieutenant Zebulon Montgomery ______, who explored parts of what is now Colorado in 1806.


Jefferson easily won reelection in 1804 against Federalist candidate Charles C ____


Steamboats traveled up the Mississippi and Ohio rivers as far as ____ by 1816.


Under the subtreasury system, the government would

Place its funds in an independent treasury in Washington and subtreasuries in various cities

Before the 1820's, most Americans regarded ____ as evils to be avoided

Political Parties

By 1828, presidential electors were elected by ____ in every state except South Carolina.

Popular vote

Before the development of the telegraph, the main form of long distance communication was the ____


In response to the Supreme Court's decisions regarding the Cherokee Nation, President Jackson

Refused to enforce the decisions

One of the most important Supreme Court decisions regarding Indian tribes and their territory was Worcester v. Georgia (1832), in which the Court invalidated state laws _____ lands controlled by Cherokee Indians.

Regulating access by US citizens to

Alexis de Tocqueville was sent to America by the French government to make a study of American


Like his contemporary to the east, Handsome Lake, Tenskawatawa known as the _______ J demonstrated the power of religious leaders to mobilize Indians behind political and military objectives


By the end of the 1820's most voters were no longer forced to

Prove they paid taxes

How did railroads weaken the connection between the Northwest and the South?

Railroads reduced the Northwest's reliance on the Mississippi River.

In 1834, Cyrus H McCormick invented the automatic _____


Jackson wanted to ____ the functions of the federal government in order to increase opportunities for Americans, as he was promoting an economic program to ___ the power of the national government

Reduce reduce

Which issue dominated and inflamed sectional debates throughout the early nineteenth century, even after the Missouri Compromise?


In 1832, Congress passed a tariff bill that denied ____ relief from the "tariff of abominations."

South Carolina

Steamboats in the 1810s stimulated the agricultural economies of the ____ by providing much readier access to markets at reduced cost.

South and West

In Worcester v Georgia(1832), the Marshall Court defined the Indian tribes as ____ in much the same way that Georgia was.

Sovereign Entities

By embracing the philosophy of the ____ system, the Jackson administration established elected officials' right to appoint their followers to public office.


In 1836, a "distribution" act required the federal government to pay its surplus funds to the


Under the terms of the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819, the United States renounced its claim on the Spanish territory of ____.


In the aftermath of the War of 1812 and the scarcity that accompanied it, industry, particularly _____, had already begun to experience dramatic growth.


Which statement regarding involvement by women and African Americans in the Second Great Awakening is not correct?

The Awakening's encouragement of whites to improve their treatment of blacks and of blacks to submit to authority promoted racial harmony

Which of the following statements regarding the Bank of the United States in the 1830s is not correct?

The Bank was key to Jackson's vision for America because it would fund westward expansion

In the 1820's the Republican Party split and two new parties emerged. Which of these two parties later became the Whig Party?

The National Republican Party

Which of the following statements regarding events in Latin America during the decade after the beginning of the War of 1812 is not correct?

The United States presented a statement to Luis de Onis declaring official support for the rebels and an end to diplomatic relations with Spain

It was Tocqueville's observation that in America

The aristocracy was replaced by a changeable group of elites

Which best describes the Caroline?

The burning of it caused increased resentment in the United States against the British

Which of the following statements regarding educational opportunities for people of different classes and races in the early nineteenth century is not correct?

The era saw an increased interest in the power of education to "improve" African Americans.

US diplomatic representatives Robert Livingston and James Monroe were at first hesitant to consider making a treaty for the purchase of the Louisiana Territory because?

The government had not authorized them to go.

Although Jefferson was unable to entirely eliminate_____,he did cut it almost in half during his presidency.

The national debt

According th "nationalists" in the government, "internal improvements" should be financed by

The national government (One such nationalist was John C. Calhoun)

How did the British initially respond to the War of 1812?

They ignored it, focusing on developments in Europe.

Why did President Tyler and a small band of conservative southern Whigs begin to drift toward the Democratic Party?

They thought that government had an obligation to protect even expand the institution of slavery

Which statement best characterizes Jefferson's leadership style?

Though he cultivated the image of a man of the people, he was a shrewd politician who quietly exerted considerable influence.

While Tecumseh was away attempting to form an alliance with Indians to the south against the United States, Harrison defeated Indian forces in the Battle of


In response to the development of mass-production methods that threatened their livelihoods, skilled workers of the 1820s and 1830s began to organize ______ _____ as institutions to promote their interests in the workplace.

Trade Unions

Which of the following statements about religious life in America during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries is not correct?

Traditional, evangelistic religion in the new nation was swiftly dying away, and a new scientific nationalism prevailed

By the time of the 1828 presidential election, a new ____ had begun to emerge out of the divisions within the Republican Party.

Two-party system

The factories of the Northeast produced ____ of the country's manufactured goods by 1860.


The supreme court of Massachusetts, in Commonwealth v Hunt, declared in 1842 that

Unions were lawful organizations

The philosophies of ____ and _____ began as religious skepticism but grew into a strong movement that rejected Calvinist predetermination and the Trinity.

Unitarianism and Universalism

New Englanders had begun to express impatience with the so-called "_____ _____" and its years of control over the executive branch.

Virginia Dynasty

Up until around ____, manufacturing was done mostly in homes or small workshops

War of 1812

Which of the following describe the consequences of the War of 1812?

War of 1812 - the Federalist dream of seccesion was rekindled while the war was in progress - Native Americans suffered a disautrous blow to their capacity to resist while expansion - The British were now gone from the northwest

Which of the following accurately describe the impact of the Second Great Awakening on women, African Americans, and Native Americans?

Women - found important new roles and activities within churches Native Americans - converted in response to Presbyterian and Baptist missionaries - changed from some of their traditional ways due to religious revival African Americans - embrace the message with fervor, many became preachers - inspired plans for a rebellion

Jefferson and the Republicans worked to reverse the trend whereby ____ had nearly tripled between 1793 and 1800.

Yearly federal expenditures

Southerners bitterly opposed what they called the "tariff of ____," a tax on imported goods that Adams signed into law in 1828.


In the Republican vision of America, education was essential because

an ignorant electorate could not be trusted to preserve democracy.

Early explorers' accounts encouraged what type of popular perception of much of the Louisiana Territory?

as an inhospitable, uncultivated desert

Events in which women got together to make quilts or other domestic products were known as " _____."


During his administration, Thomas Jefferson

cut the national debt almost in half.

After peace was restored, new industries that prospered during the war

demanded that the government protect them from foreign competition.

The American Revolution weakened traditional forms of religious practice by

encouraging individual liberty and reason

The goal of the Jacksonians was to

ensure that people could rise to prominence on the basis of their own talents and energies.

Which of the following describe the foreign affairs Jefferson faced and resulting changes in his political philosophy?

foreign affairs and Jefferson's Political Philosophy - Jefferson approved the end of his failed "peaceable coercion" experiment - Jefferson tried to mantain peace in the midst of widespread "impressment" of American sailors - Jefferson's solution to the "Indian problem" was to insist that Indians assimilate or move

The Missouri crisis, which was settled by the Missouri Compromise of 1820, was significant because it

fostered the rising American nationalism of the 1820s.

What did Jackson's supporters accuse John Quincy Adams of during the presidential campaign?

gross waste and extravagance

Life in the British navy was so horrible that few sailors volunteered, so they were ______ or forced into service


The administration of President James Monroe was called the "era of good feelings" because

it was a time of few factional disputes and partisan divisions.

Which judicial oversight power was codified and reinforced through Marbury vs. Madison?

judicial review

Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America was a classic study of American


The Missouri Compromise rendered slavery illegal within the Louisiana Territory north of which border of Missouri?

southern border

Why did Jefferson encourage Congress to pass the 1807 Embargo?

to retaliate against British impressments of American sailors.

The second Bank of the United States could deal with the nation's currency problem by

using its size and power to compel state banks to issue sound notes or go out of business.

John C Calhoun maintained that states could nullify federal laws because the federal government

was a creation of the states

The second Bank of the United States

was essentially the same institution supported by Alexander Hamilton a generation before.

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