Test 5

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Absorption of O2 from blood and release of CO2 from tissue cells is known as A) external respiration. B) internal respiration. C) pulmonary ventilation. D) gas diffusion. E) alveolar ventilation.


Air entering the body is filtered, warmed, and humidified by the A) upper respiratory tract. B) lower respiratory tract. C) lungs. D) alveoli. E) bronchioles.


Air moves into the lungs during inspiration due to the force of __________ A) the diaphragm B) the abdominal muscles C) atmospheric pressure D) the external intercostal muscles


Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure inside the lungs is A) less than the pressure in the atmosphere. B) greater than the pressure in the atmosphere. C) equal to the pressure in the atmosphere. D) greater than intraalveolar pressure. E) less than intrapulmonic pressure.


Air passing from the pharynx to the trachea must pass through the ______ A) Nasal cavity B) Bronchi C) Larynx D) Diaphragm


Air passing through the glottis vibrates the vocal folds and produces A) burps. B) articulation. C) phonation. D) whistling. E) ululation.


Dalton's law states that A) gas volume and temperature are directly proportional. B) gas volume and pressure are inversely proportional. C) the volume of gas that will dissolve in a solvent is proportional to the solubility of the gas and the gas pressure. D) in a mixture of gases such as air, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of the gases in the mixture. E) gas pressure is inversely proportional to gas volume.


Damage to the type II pneumocytes of the alveoli would result in A) a loss of surfactant. B) a decreased rate of gas exchange. C) increased surface tension in the alveoli. D) increased tendency to alveolar collapse. E) All of the answers are correct.


Each 100 mL of blood leaving the alveolar capillaries carries away roughly ________ of oxygen. A) 10 mL B) 20 mL C) 30 mL D) 50 mL E) 75 mL


Each of the following factors affects the rate of external respiration except the A) PO2 of the alveoli. B) PCO2 of the blood. C) thickness of the respiratory membrane. D) diameter of a terminal bronchiole. E) solubility of oxygen in plasma.


Even the most forceful exhalation leaves air in the lungs; this is called the _____ and is needed to __________. A) Tidal volume; acquire adequate O2 B) Vital capacity; remove adequate CO2 C) Functional residual capacity; keep alveoli patent (inflated) D) Residual volume; keep alveoli patent (inflated)


External respiration involves the A) movement of air into and out of the lungs. B) diffusion of gases between the alveoli and the circulating blood. C) exchange of dissolved gases between the blood and the interstitial fluid. D) binding of oxygen by hemoglobin. E) utilization of oxygen by tissues to support metabolism.


Low pH alters hemoglobin structure so that oxygen binds less strongly to hemoglobin at low PO2. This increases the effectiveness of A) external respiration. B) internal respiration. C) carbon dioxide transport. D) hemoglobin synthesis. E) acid-base balance.


Most of the carbon dioxide in the blood is transported as A) solute dissolved in the plasma. B) carbaminohemoglobin. C) bicarbonate ions. D) solute dissolved in the cytoplasm of red blood cells. E) carbonic acid.


Most of the oxygen transported by the blood is A) dissolved in plasma. B) bound to hemoglobin. C) in ionic form as solute in the plasma. D) bound to the same protein as carbon dioxide. E) carried by white blood cells.


Occasionally food or liquids will "go down the wrong pipe," initiating a cough reflex. Which structural barrier has been breached if this happens? A) Laryngopharynx B) Uvula C) Epiglottis D) Glottis


The condition resulting from inadequate production of surfactant and the resultant collapse of alveoli is A) respiratory distress syndrome. B) COPD. C) anoxia. D) pulmonary embolism. E) pneumothorax


The elastic cartilage that covers the opening to the larynx during swallowing is the A) thyroid cartilage. B) cricoid cartilage. C) corniculate cartilage. D) cuneiform cartilage. E) epiglottis.


The pneumotaxic center of the pons A) sets the at-rest respiratory pattern. B) prolongs inspiration. C) modifies the rate and depth of breathing. D) suppresses the expiratory center in the medulla. E) both prolongs inspiration and modifies the rate and depth of breathing.


What is the function of the structures labeled "12"? A) cause air to swirl within the respiratory passageway B) improve warming of incoming air C) create narrow passages D) help olfaction E) All of the answers are correct.


What is the relationship between the pressures at label "3"? A) P outside = P inside B) P outside > P inside C) P outside < P inside D) P outside + P inside E) P outside - P inside


What is the relationship between the pressures at label "8"? A) P outside = P inside B) P outside > P inside C) P outside < P inside D) P outside + P inside E) P outside - P inside

CFTR gene

What mutated gene causes cystic fibrosis


What pressure will be present in the space labeled "5"? A) alveolar pressure B) intrapulmonary pressure C) subalveolar pressure D) subatmospheric pressure E) atmospheric pressure


A hemoglobin molecule contains ________ globular protein subunits, and each can carry an O2. A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 12 E) 15


At the level of the alveoli, where does gas exchange occur? A) within the red blood cells B) at the interconnections between adjacent alveoli C) in the alveolar ducts D) at the alveolar membrane E) between type II pneumocytes and red blood cells


At the transition point between breaths, the amount of air in your lungs is called the A) expiratory reserve volume. B) inspiratory capacity. C) functional residual capacity. D) tidal volume. E) residual volume.


Boyle's law states that gas volume is A) directly proportional to pressure. B) directly proportional to temperature. C) inversely proportional to pressure. D) inversely proportional to temperature. E) both directly proportional to pressure and directly proportional to temperature.


Breathing through the nose rather than the mouth is advantageous because A) air is warmed on inhalation. B) air is humidified on inhalation. C) heat loss is reduced on exhalation. D) water loss is reduced on exhalation. E) All of the answers are correct.


The condition of having low tissue oxygen levels is known as A) anoxia. B) hypercapnia. C) hypoventilation. D) hyperoxia. E) hypoxia.


Components of the upper respiratory system include all of the following except the A) lips. B) nose. C) nasal cavity. D) pharynx. E) paranasal sinuses.


Harry suffers from cystic fibrosis and has severe breathing difficulties. His problems result from A) inability of the respiratory defense mechanism to transport mucus. B) uncontrollable laryngospasms. C) production of thick secretions that are difficult to transport. D) inability of the respiratory defense mechanism to transport mucus and production of thick secretions that are difficult to transport E) All of the answers are correct.


Henry's law states that A) gas volume and temperature are directly proportional. B) gas volume and pressure are inversely proportional. C) the volume of gas that will dissolve in a solvent is proportional to the partial pressure of that gas. D) in a mixture of gases such as air, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of the gases in the mixture. E) gas pressure is inversely proportional to gas volume.


Identify the structure labeled "7." A) olfactory organ B) oropharynx C) nasopharynx D) internal nares E) nasal sinus


If pulmonary ventilation (PV) refers to movement of air into and out of the lungs, then the function of PV is to A) remove carbon dioxide from the blood. B) supply oxygen to the blood. C) maintain adequate alveolar ventilation. D) remove air from dead air space. E) prevent gas exchange in the bronchioles.


If transpulmonary pressure were to suddenly decrease, predict the response by the lungs. A) The lungs would not recoil and air would remain trapped in them. B) The lungs would adhere to the parietal pleura and would crumple like an accordion. C) The lungs would immediately collapse. D) The lungs would remain unchanged.


If you looked closely at an alveolar sac, you would see all of the following structures except A) cartilage plates. B) alveolar ducts. C) a lymphatic vessel. D) a branch of a pulmonary vein. E) some elastic fibers.


Inspiratory reserve volume is _______. A) Amount of air inhaled or exhaled with each resting breath B) Maximum amount of air inspired after normal tidal volume expiration C) Amount of air that can be forcefully inhaled after a normal tidal volume inspiration D) Volume of air remaining in lungs after normal tidal volume expiration


Starting at the ________, the epithelium changes to stratified squamous epithelium. A) nasopharynx B) trachea C) oropharynx D) larynx E) nasal cavity


The ________ extends between the soft palate and the base of the tongue at the level of the hyoid bone. A) pharynx B) laryngopharynx C) trachea D) epiglottis E) oropharynx


The airway that connects the larynx to the bronchi is the A) trachea. B) bronchiole. C) laryngopharynx. D) alveolar duct. E) bronchus.


The apneustic centers promote inhalation by stimulating the A) ventral respiratory group (VRG). B) pre-Bötzinger complex. C) pneumotaxic centers. D) dorsal respiratory group (DRG). E) None of the answers is correct. The apneustic centers cannot promote inhalation.


The auditory tubes open into the A) nasopharynx. B) oropharynx. C) laryngopharynx. D) larynx. E) nasal cavity.


The common passageway shared by the respiratory and digestive systems is the A) larynx. B) glottis. C) vestibule. D) pharynx. E) trachea.


The laryngeal cartilage composed of elastic cartilage that prevents entry of solids or liquids into the larynx when swallowing is the A) arytenoid cartilage. B) corniculate cartilage. C) cricoid cartilage. D) epiglottis. E) thyroid cartilage.


The larynx contains ________ cartilages. A) three unpaired B) three paired C) a total of nine D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.


The measure of how easily the lungs expand and contract is termed A) resistance. B) elasticity. C) compliance. D) rebound response. E) inflation index.


The normal rate and depth of breathing is established by the ________ center. A) ventral respiratory group (VRG) B) pneumotaxic C) apneustic D) dorsal respiratory group (DRG) E) All of the answers are correct.


The normal respiratory rate of a resting adult ranges from ________ breaths each minute, or roughly one for every four heartbeats. A) 4 to 6 B) 10 to 12 C) 12 to 15 D) 16 to 20 E) 22 to 24


The opening or closing of the glottis involves rotational movement of the A) vocal folds. B) vestibular folds C) rima glottidis. D) arytenoid cartilages. E) cricoid cartilages.


The pressure in the alveoli is known as: A) Intrapulmonary B) Intrapleural C) Transpulmonary D) Atmosphere


The respiratory defense system is important because it A) helps filter the air. B) helps warm the air. C) keeps out debris. D) keeps out pathogens. E) All of the answers are correct.


The respiratory membrane of the gas exchange surfaces consists of A) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. B) moist cuboidal epithelium. C) simple squamous epithelium. D) ciliated squamous epithelium. E) surfactant cells.


The respiratory mucosa of the conducting airways consists of A) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. B) moist cuboidal epithelium. C) simple squamous epithelium. D) ciliated squamous epithelium. E) surfactant cells.


The right lung has ________; the left lung has ________. A) three lobes; two lobes B) two lobes; two lobes C) two lobes; three lobes D) three lobes; three lobes E) None of the answers is correct.


The sites of gas exchange within the lungs are the A) bronchioles. B) terminal bronchioles. C) pleural spaces. D) alveoli. E) falciform ligaments.


The trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli all make up the A) upper respiratory tract. B) lower respiratory tract. C) internal respiratory tract. D) alveoli of the respiratory tract. E) respiratory mucosa.


The vocal folds are located within the A) nasopharynx. B) oropharynx. C) larynx. D) trachea. E) bronchi.


What branches from the trachea? A) terminal bronchioles B) secondary bronchi C) tertiary bronchi D) primary bronchi E) alveolar ducts


What happens to a carbon dioxide molecule once it enters the bloodstream? A) It is converted to a molecule of carbonic acid, B) It binds to the protein portion of hemoglobin molecules within red blood cells C) It dissolves in plasma D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.


When the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract, A) the volume of the thorax increases. B) the volume of the thorax decreases. C) the volume of the lungs decreases. D) the lungs shrink. E) expiration occurs.


Which muscle(s) produce(s) the movement labeled "1"? A) rectus abdominis B) Vastus medialis C) external intercostals D) diaphragm E) both rectus abdominis and external intercostals


Which of the following can be calculated if the tidal volume and respiratory rate are known? A) pulmonary/respiratory minute volume B) inspiratory reserve volume C) expiratory reserve volume D) anatomic dead space E) minimal volume


Which of the following is false about the pharynx? A) It is shared by the integumentary (skin) and respiratory systems. B) The nasopharynx is superior. C) The oropharynx connects to oral cavity. D) The laryngopharynx ends at esophagus opening. E) Solids, liquids, and gases pass through.


Which of the following is greater? A) the partial pressure of oxygen in atmospheric air B) the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli


Which of the following is not a function of the nasal mucosa? A) humidify the incoming air B) dehumidify the outgoing air C) dehumidify the incoming air D) trap particulate matter E) cool outgoing air


Which of the following organs is not part of the lower respiratory system? A) oropharynx B) bronchioles C) larynx D) bronchi E) alveoli


Which of the following statements about the trachea is false? A) It ends in the mediastinum. B) It is reinforced with C-shaped cartilages. C) It is also called the windpipe. D) It alters its diameter in response to the autonomic nervous system. E) It is reinforced with D-shaped cartilages.


Which structure leads to the middle ear? A) 9 B) 4 C) 1 D) 12 E) 2


________ equals the respiratory rate × (tidal volume - anatomic dead space). A) Vital capacity B) Respiratory minute volume C) Bronchial ventilation rate D) Alveolar ventilation rate E) External respiration rate

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